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Main Idea and Details •

beginning, and end.

Spots, Dumps, and Blisters
Ginger woke up fooling itchy. She usod hor fingornails to scratch her tummy,
her arms, and then hor face. Tho itch still tingled. Ginger saw red bumps on her
b ody, Had mosquitoes attacked her during the night? "Mom!" Ginger yelled.
Mom looked at her daughter's spotted body. "Looks like you've got chickenpox.
till the bathtub with cool water and oatmeal. That should help stop the itching.
And I'll get your mittens for you to wear afterward. You can't scratch those
"Take an oatmeal bath? Wear mittens in the summer? Can't scratch an itch?
Chickenpox sure is weird," thought Ginger,
More spots appeared. There were too many to count. Before long, the bumps
turned into blisters, and the blisters crusted with scabs. Ginger had to stay home.
Her friends could not visit because they might get the chickenpox. Her best friend
Mandy sent over a get-well gift. It was a big book of connect-the-dots.
SKILL pRACTICE Read the question. Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.
l. Which one best explains what
the passage is about?
@ a girl with spots on her face
@ a girl with chickenpox
O a girl bit by mosquitoes
O a with itchy bumps
2. According to the passage, which one
is true about chickenpox?
@ The spots appear only on arms.
@ Chickenpox first appears
as blisters.
@ Mosquitoes cause chickenpox.
@ People get chickenpox from
each other.
3. What is the second paragraph mostly about?
@ how it feels to have chickenpox
@ how Ginger got the chickenpox
O how to take care of chickenpox
@ how to count the spots
4. Which one best explains why Mandy gives
Ginger a connect-the-dots book?
@ The spots on Ginger's body are like
the dots on the pages in the book.
@ Ginger's body is white like the
book's pages.
@ Ginger can turn the pages in the book
while wearing mittens.
O Ginger can use the book in the bathtub.
STRATEGY PRACTICE Give a summary of the passage in your own words.
Use three or four of the most important facts.

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