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K ogSTACUS 10 " (CQId'N{; A to<' TRADE R

Solulion 1: l' irs ll){' \I' lnp l' GlI udlll'l a linn s hip
" Uh Yllu rs .-ll', ;lnd Tlwu Ih';lfh oulln OIlll'rs
rrUlIl Sl r ,' uglh ;111d f;~lrill g

A trader who h .... trouhled relat;,,'l.qhips wllh "them "lte" has a trtJubll'd
relationship ",lib ltimself, which. in {un" usually resulL~ from a troubled
relalionsl,,!> with his pas!. Healing wounds from the pas! is a major under-
taking. Rdationsltip issues, d,,,n, ar(' JUst th" symptom of d('{'~r problems.
There may also be addIction lSSm'S, andlor d",muer;,-.,. anilud<'S and pat-
l~n\8 of behavior to corrt"C1 before a l.rJd,,' Ca" "'0"" forward with good
rt"ialionst,j ps. \\1,,," deep, ""],."" issues are Ihe barriers (0 good rela-
tionships, mud , of th .. work neede·1l to c.urrect thes<' prnhlems should II<'
done with the assistance or guidaJ\ce uf {rained professionals. Olh ......·;,;."
the bandages used to patch up the wounds will easily come unglu"".

Solution 2 , (;1' 1 1111011'1' 11 lltJll (;1'1 Oul

uf Ihl' IlIIU SI'
Ir tile proble'" is not a d,'~p un" but simply a ,esult uf 100 '''0(;11 time spc"t
trading and not ~nough living, then the lim~ ha.. ~mne to find a way \.0 get
i',,"ol\'oo . F_~"II "om munlty ha.. a wealtll or civic mId "..cial organizati,,"8,
churches, clubs, adult ""ucalion programs, charities, and activilles of ev-
ery kind. Something in all that mIx will provide an isolat"" lrad~r with an
oPl'mng into tlw world of social interaction and friendslnl>". The only re-
quiremc,,! IS that he must get out uf t""
own "mall world and lenlJ>Or3rily
close lhe door t>o"h;nd him.

(:0 \'( :1.t:S If) \'

lis difficult as il is lu tal< e a hard 1001< in the mirror, Ihe anSwer>! to many
uryuur trading probl"m" are right th~'e r", Y"u \." St-'C. f:acl' day We ",ake
cll,,;c,," almut h"w ,,'p will ta kp care uf oo_lves, uur enviro",n"n1-, and
our r<,lali",~.hifJ.• . If we ~ol\sisU<l\tly d"......., wl<;ely, the !"<'SUIL. will shine
f"rth in th" mirror, ann wili he '1'01'<;\"'[ in our trading. We ,,'ill S('e the
same confidence, energy. and success in our trading that we see in our
fae .... If we fall to make good and healthy choices. eventually we w;U" ....
the same ane,"ie and negati"" forc"" in our rae"" that we sec in our trading.
The cl'"iee is ""rs and lhe ",irror d.....,;; not lie .

Pe,jed iu" i~", (",.e,,[e~ ~l,·e~.~, /"'/ WOI·/.:i "9 ton'" ,.,J [he b~~.1
jlossible outcome ('lIow~ !IOU· /0 Iw t'e a,e be~t
outcome (JQssible.

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