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Deep Freeze

t a rN:em prufrssional b""kMbali game, an eighlh grade girl was

A preparing to e'lIt'rie"ce the thrill "f a hfdi"'e. She had bct'n sdt>(;!L'd
to sing ""I"1>e Star Spangl",1 Han"er" lIt'fure a i/l'lle and enthusiastic
audie,><:p. Inslead of the Ihtill ofsu(!, .he fotsutthe words
1<, Ihe "ong and froze. The humiliation "lUI emharrassme nlthal ""'epl OVer
her added I" Ihe whirlwind of fear thaI consumed her. AI Ihat moment, the
coach for the Punland Trail Blazers, Maurice Cheeks, appeared al her side
and starn'(] to sing ""hile t' ncouraging ht' r 10 fullow This kind and coura·
gt'Ous "'a" "'ell",1 he r frt>(;7.t, u"d she r,niSht'd the song I riu"'pha"Uy.
JUSt as Ihis young lady froze al the ""ry "',,"'e,,1 sl'e "eeded tu l>e
fJ"rforming at her hffit, traders frequently find thenL~el,'CS fr.,.,zing at the
",oment when they should 1><, trading al Iheir hCSL Instead of putllng
the trigger to take thaI trade or exiling at the pre-<Ieterrnined SlOp, they
fr(,{,le The resull is Ihm they stand by and watch hclplrssly as a Iremen·
duus uppununlly p"""'-'!l Ihem by or their 1 = continue to pile up into
a financial catastrophe . Afterward, filled with rernu!'St", gu ilt, and self·
I"t"erinlinaliu", they St'arch fur ' ea'l<-",S a"d ju81ifieatiu"s ru, \I'eir failure.

E"en the best IradeTS eau {'xl'"rience the l>eep P"'.,-I.e. In facl, tht' beUer
a trader l~ and Ihp longer he has bee" suceessful, the "'0"" likely It is that
he will face a [).epp Prepzc Pxpeti""c.e 0" ()<!<!a~ion. T()l' prores.~ionaL. In
all fields of endeamr experience this l'!wllum~nun . An exampl~ wuuld


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