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HALF YEARLY EXAM (2022-2023)

ENGLISH - 301 HY11EN2022-23



General Instructions:-
General Instructions:-
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR AND WRITING and
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part. Write the correct question
Number in your answer sheet to indicate the option/s being attempted.


1. A. Limiting education to academic boundaries.

2. D. to focus on overall development.
3. C. Only III
4. B. Their real-life experiences.
5. D.The foundation.
6. From the earlier times, the focus has not been laid on being creative and unique.
7. The students must step out into the outside world for aesthetic and all-round
8. Co-curricular activities that take place outside the classroom but reinforce or supplement
classroom curriculum.
9. Visiting industries will give a better insight into industries.
10. Soft skills are developed only through practical exposure and opportunities to implement
what they have learnt.


1. D all of the above

2. A1
3. A. Data Privacy Issues
4. D4
5. The wish to establish a socially safe image, find their digital life threatening their real
life, realise that their lives are all over the social media.
6. An outcome of friction between technology and social life.
7. One is forced to share details of personal life for likes, it has become untenable.

8. One-third

Allotment of marks Value point suggestion

a) NOTE MAKING TITLE: Title: The Art of Conversation

Distribution of Marks Notes:
Title: ½ mark
Abbreviations / Symbols (with 1. Conversation—Most easily Touchable
/without key) – any four: ½ mark Art
Content (minimum 4 headings and
(a) Reqd. interest’g subject – hobbies
sub-headings, with proper indentation
(b) Talk about other fellow’s int./hobby
and notes): 2 marks
(c) Win’g reptn. as good conversationalist
Summary- 2 marks
(i) good f’ship
If a student has attempted only summary (ii) charm’g wit
or only notes, due credit should be given. (iii) brl. Mind
1/2 mark allotted for the title be given if a
student has written the title. 2. Fit subs, for conversationalist
(a) What subs, to avoid/select?
Content must be divided into heading and (b) Avoid unpl’nt subs.
sub headings. (i) sickness
(ii) death
Any title, main points and sub points may (c) Avoid talk’g about self
be accepted if they are indicative of the
candidate’s understanding of the given 3. Qualities of a good conversationalist
passage, and the notes include the main (a) What to say & how to say it
points, with suitable and recognizable (b) ment’y quick & witty
abbreviations. (c) pleasant & unhurt’g
(d) avoid mannerisms.
Complete sentences not to be accepted as
notes. (In such cases ½ –1 mark may be Key to Abbreviations:
deducted from marks awarded to content) talk’g – talking
Numbering of points may be indicated in reptn. – reputation
different ways, as long as a consistent frnds’p – friendship
pattern is followed. unpl’nt – unpleasant

(Please note that the answer to the notes and
summary may vary.)


IV. i) A. He asked his servant why he was so lazy that day.

ii) C. The sunset is very gorgeous.
iii) A. SPRQ
iv) was
v) wanted
vi) was
vii) appeared
viii) was cancelled


AVAILABLE for sale a three-storey showroom situated
in Nehru Nagar, Kanpur. Ground floor on lease with a
well-known sportswear company. Freehold, spacious,
well ventilated, attached bathroom with fine wood-work.
Price negotiable, brokers excuse, genuine buyers only.
Banks/multinational corporation or restaurant chain
preferred. Contact Swara, 15-B, Nehru Nagar, Kanpur or
Ring 09312052011.

MISSING 65 years old man, tall, lean, 6ft 2”, pale, blue
eyes, scar on his forehead, baldheaded. Was wearing
black dusty clothes and steel rimmed spectacles on his
grey dusty face. Missing since yesterday. Speaks French
and English. Informer will be suitably rewarded.
Inform: Hills Road Police Station, Manda Road, Phone
no: 2458552255

ii) Poster
[3 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 1 / (a) Layout
Expression: 1]
(A) poster • Enclosed in a box
(B) poster • Each sentence starts with a capital
• Visually attractive/eye catching
• Title-suggestive/catchy
• Use of slogan/jingle/short verse
• Use of a simple visual such as a logo
• Use of different fonts
• Aesthetically appealing
• Proportionate spacing


• The theme/subject of the poster

• Description/details associated with the theme
• Essential details like time, date, venue (for an
• Name(s) of issuing authority/organization
• Word limit -50

(a) Layout

• Enclosed in a box
• Each sentence starts with a capital
• Visually attractive/eye catching
• Title-suggestive/catchy
• Use of slogan/jingle/short verse
• Use of a simple visual such as a logo
• Use of different fonts
• Aesthetically appealing
• Proportionate spacing


• The theme/subject of the poster

• Description/details associated with the theme
• Essential details like time, date, venue (for an
• Name(s) of issuing authority/organization
• Word limit -50

iii) Speech Writing Value Points:
• Man used to be self-dependent for all activities
5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / of his daily living.
Expression: 2 [ 1coherence and • A pair of arms and legs used to be his closest
cohesion + 1 accuracy]) friends and assistants to perform his errands.
• Man used his wit and power and invented
Introduction various easygoing gadgets
Salutation • Made life easy but gradually tables turned and
Topic machines ruled his heart, brain, as well as body,
Three points/ideas to be developed and then his whole world.
Solutions • Infinite access to Wifii, smart phones, social
Concluding line media have turned man subservient to the world
Thank you of gadgets.
• Captive behind the bars of machines all around
• Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, increased stress
level, isolation, depression
• Need of hour- Not only do parents have to help
children and youth navigate in-person social
situations, they also need to prepare them for
healthy relationships online. This 16-page
booklet has information for parents on how to
guide their children through this virtual world.
• Awareness programmes, constant monitoring
by parents and teachers.


• The rise of digital technologies has affected many

other spheres of our lives.
• With the rise of smartphones and high-capacity
mobile storage devices, our reading habits have
• There is a myriad of different ways to read books,
articles and any other kind of written material.
• While the internet continues to grow
exponentially, the amount of people reading
print publications is steadily declining.
• Quality reading time is getting reduced due to
time spent on other activities on social media.

• Addiction to digital technologies is replacing
time; time that would otherwise be spent on
• Reading books focuses on attention and isolates
any distractions, which is the opposite when
reading online as technology intends “to scatter
our attention.”

iv Debate writing Debate

5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: Word Limit: 120-150 words
2 [ 1coherence and cohesion + 1 accuracy]) Suggested value points:


Format of a debate
• Addressing the audience and • Advertising agencies often pick celebrities
introduction to the topic. because their fan following ensures more
• Taking a stance. eyeballs.
• Expressing opinion with • The celebrities are the present-day gods.
strong conviction. They are adored, venerated, and
• Content (split into paragraphs) worshipped by many.
• Interactive tone • Given the fan base and the celebrity
• Befitting conclusion power of influence, many questions come
• Thank you up. Are they accountable for what the
endorser does? Do they at least have the
moral responsibility to understand the
product better?
• It becomes a misleading advertisement if
it is found that the product does not have
the attributes that the manufacturer
• The brand ambassadors are certainly
liable for their action.
• Celebrities vouch for the performance of
a product; they should first use it before
endorsing it.
• Public figures have an ethical obligation
towards those who follow them and this
necessitates a framework that guides them
to take responsibility for their public

image, which includes the products they
• Moving in and out of paid contracts might
be a solution for the celebrity endorser but
it doesn’t erase the impact of their
previously branded image.
Thank you.

‘AGAINST’ the Motion:

(Appropriate conclusion is desirable. Due credit
to be given for creative responses.)
• Advertising agencies often pick celebrities
because their fan following ensures more
• No doubt the advertisement will attract
you, but it’s unlikely that you will buy the
product unless you have seen it and tested
• Buying financial products and real estate
is more nuanced and, hence,
advertisements alone shouldn’t be your
guiding light.
• Consumers need to be more discerning in
such cases.
• Many celebrities endorse multiple brands
and it is not possible for them to use all.
Celebs endorse brands for money. Don’t
make them responsible for the efficacy of
the product.
There are government agencies to ensure quality
for the products sold in their countries and it is
justified to make only those people accountable
whose job is to certify products.

• Poor diets threaten society by seriously
harming people and the planet
• Eating more plant-based, reducing red
meat consumption, eating less highly
processed foods and beverages, eating
more local, seasonal produce, and reducing

food waste can cut GHGEs (greenhouse
gas emissions) by more than one-third.
• Being vegetarian helps reduce pollution of
our streams, rivers, and oceans. Pollution
from livestock production largely comes
from animal waste, which can runoff into
our waterways and harm aquatic
ecosystems, destroy topsoil, and
contaminate the air – which all have
harmful effects on wild animals AND
• More agricultural land is used to raise
cattle than all other domesticated animals
and crops combined.

• Animal products have a positive effect on

human health.
• Nutrient density of diet affects health
outcomes. Vegetarians may need to eat
more calories, and plant foods may be
harder to digest.
• Mass produced crops already exhibits
detrimental effects to the environment by
using up all of the top layers of soil, but if
the amount of vegetarians rise, more soil
will be used up and more disasters will
• The population of animals will grow. It can
result in ecological imbalance.
• Protein rich diet will result in more
consumption of fish.
• Rice and wheat ranked in the same tier of
environmental impacts as animal-based
products including cow milk and chicken
meat largely because growing the grains
requires so much water.

[Competencies- inference and critical thinking]
VI 1. A. 1

i) B the arrival of a goldfinch.

ii) A The tires screeched as he slammed on the brakes.
iii) and a tremor of wings, and trillings

i) C. The way they were dressed for the beach.
ii) The passing away of the poet’s mother had left a void in her life and rendered
her speechless of her grief.
iii) C. ‘Laboured Ease’ Oxymoron

2. A.
i) A. Life is tedious like a twice-told tale.
ii) it symbolized hope, safety and survival for the crew.
iii) A. the captain was happy that his calculations turned out to be correct.


2. B.
i) Te tone is reflective
ii) C. ( A&C)
iii) Childhood is a time when one easily accepts other’s op inion and repeats them.

i) C. 1, 4
ii) A. She saw familiar things but in unfamiliar surroundings.
iii) C. Disturbed
iv) B. The harness is often heavy and unmanageable than the load.


i) B. It has been about a dozen years since she died
ii) It refers to Death. It silences all questions and explanations.
iii) A. Death as the ultimate reality
iv) The central idea of the above lines is that Death is the ultimate reality which
defies all explanations, as it is silent.

VII. i) When the people are pious and good even nature mourns their death as the narrator's
grandmother who was a very pious and a good lady, on her death even the birds who she
used to feed everyday had come and gathered around her shroud covered corpse in
thousands. They sat around the dead body and did not chirrup at all. The grandmother had a
unique relationship with the sparrows. They took no notice of the bread and instead paid
homage to their companion and flew away in grief.
ii) The author's experience at Hor contrasted with travel accounts such as those of Kawaguchi
and Hedin, who were overcome by the beauty and serenity of the lake and cried. The author
observed a neglected Hor with sparse vegetation, a rocky and dusty landscape, and discarded
waste in the surrounding area.
iii) Value points:

• Able to differentiate between reality and imagination

• The concept of hell and heaven stops existing
• Develops rationality and realize the hypocritical behaviour of the adults
• Gains maturity and becomes independent
• Lost childhood and its innocence
iv) The poet remembers her mother's laughter and joy, something she really misses now, as
her mother is dead. Thus, the poet's feelings on seeing the photograph are nostalgic, with a
tinge of deep sorrow. The death of her mother has rendered her speechless.

VIII. i) The photograph represents art which is more permanent than life. By preserving her
mother’s happy moment, the photograph enables her to connect with her mother’s past and
the memory of her mother in later years reminiscing nostalgically about the day when she
spent a holiday by the sea with her cousins Betty and Dolly.
ii) Mrs. S is a simple Jewish woman who became a victim of war. Mrs. S was a good
homemaker who took pride in her collection of household things such as crockery, cutlery,
and upholstery. She took care of them and kept them clean at all times. The author's mother,
Mrs. S was a kind-hearted and liberal lady. She is naïve as she is more worried about the
physical risk of her belongings to Mrs. Dorling than losing them to her. She was easily
deceived and exploited by the clever tricks of Mrs. Dorling.
IX. Value Points:
• “We are not Afraid..” is the story of rare courage and perseverance that was exhibited
by the characters.
• The story illustrates the positive attitude and endurance shown by the courageous
family of the author in the face of the storm that had endangered their survival.
• All the dangers and disasters were confronted with patience, courage and
• Not only the elder members of the family, the six year old son, and the seven year old
daughter demonstrated exemplary courage and grit in the face of the storm.
• The six year old son Jon reassured his dad that he was not afraid to die if he could be
together with his family. So these fearless words motivated the author to do his best
to save the damaged boat.

ii) The answers may vary.

X i) The narrator visits the town after the war. Many things have changed with the passage of
years, although the streets and houses look familiar. She vividly recalls in a flashback Mrs.
Dorling’s visit to their house when her mother was alive, a woman with a broad back lugging
suitcases out of the door. Again when on her second visit to the address, Mrs. Dorling being out,
her daughter ironically describes the cutlery and furniture, which once belonged to her, the
reader is presented with what goes through her stream of consciousness., of how she had admired
the pewter plates and the apples and how she had actually eaten from then. The author uses
flashback and stream of consciousness to depict the mental processes that help to resolve her
inner conflict. The burn mark on the table cloth reassures her that she has come to the right
address. At the same time she understand that when familiar things appear in unfamiliar settings
they lose their value. She also remembers her present circumstances and that those possessions
would look out of place in her dingy apartment.

ii) Value points:
Values like trust and honesty add meaning to our live. The young boys, Aram and Mourad were
tempted to keep the beautiful horse for rides but the constant realization of their tribe’s pride made
them return the horse to its real owner. John Byro knew that Mourad and Aram had stolen his
missing white horse, a fact which was confirmed when he came across the two boys with the horse
after their morning ride.
In other words, there is something important about believing in the goodness of the human spirit
and seeing the best in others. Byro seems to implicitly understand that the boys must have a good
reason for taking his horse away as he trusted the honesty and integrity of the tribe. This gentle
approach to catch the boys "in the act" results in his horse being returned the very next morning.
Trust and honesty make one sail through the rough times with a sense of dignity. Also, showing
trust in others will bring out the best in them


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