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The Price of
Holding on to
Your Stories

W~ all ha>'e ShHies that ct' runicie our lin'S and why things haw tumt"IJ
out the way tJ,"Y hav", AI lloo! glan,:", t.hes" stnries seem han"I""" "nough
hut the c.ost of holding ,m It) t.hem be very higl" Instead or explaining
why thmgs I",,'e turned out the way they are, th""" han))l""" storiPS have
Ihe potential to dNemlll1e how things will De--a))d how succ"""ful we wiU
bccom~ in th~ fotllT('

Some storics arc more infiu ~mial than oU,~"" The mof(' w~ r<' HN!t on
a particular swry, t.hc Illorc powerful that st.ory and its n'e'<'lage"'t'S,
The I",'pl of dNail gi,'cn tu our Ihoughts det"nnl",,,, the depth or the 11.<;.<;<,.
c.iated f""lin&-", When our r""li ngs hav" more depth, tlwy ha,'" n",re IIOwer
'" influence our behavior.
If ourthoughts aoout our lrading are pleasing, our "eurology will sup-
port us in folluwing th~ ruips of our tr-<>ding nWlhodolugy, flowe"cr, if the
thoughts are d l~h,rb i"g and are attach,",1 to actions that go against OU'
rules, a ncgat ive pattern of behavior is anChort-d . When t.h,-se neg,~tive
Ihuughts are repeated, hreaki"g the pauen\." "r behavior that are created
11e<!"'''es ",,)re diflkult bec ause they a", ancho red to aUlomaU~ hel~wi"r,

Recently, T ",urked with a trader named Jack, whu luved to relate storiPS
In great detail about l,,~ ability to prcdscly forecast market IUps and bot·
toms. Of COil""". h'" ror~'CaslS made moncy for ev~ryun~ bUI him or "'"


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