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Grading Period: Second Week 1: October 10-14, 2022

Theme: Personal and Social Development

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Relate lessons from experiences in school and
community that may help others to academic success;
2. Share insights on lessons learned from the
experiences in school and community; and
3. Appreciate the impact of the experiences in school
and community on academic success.
Title: Shared Experiences are Shared Developments
DepEd Homeroom Guidance Module


Congratulations Louisian STAR, you’ve made it this far! Challenge yourself to do better
each time and to improve yourself with each step. If you give it your all, your goals will be

The wise saying "experience is the best teacher" may be one you've heard before. You
have a lot of experiences to think back on as each year of your life begins. You might not like
everything that occurs to you at school or in your community, particularly things that cause you
pain, trouble, or harm, but you must deal with these things in a good way.

You must keep in mind that you cannot control the course of events, particularly those
that can try your young learner's patience, determination, and drive. It's important to keep in
mind that experiences, whether at school or in your community, will provide you with the
chance to learn lessons that you may apply to better yourself and others. Your personal
experiences—both good and bad—along with your coping mechanisms might be your stepping
stones to academic success.

You will come to understand that those things are only a part of life as you become older and
learn how to become a successful and harmonious member of society.

Always keep in mind …

You own wealth of distinctive experiences from your time spent learning and
participating in your community. Positive or negative, each encounter you have had a significant
impact on your life. People occasionally overvalue happy experiences while undervaluing
unfavorable ones. You won't be able to turn life's difficult challenges into learning opportunities


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
without these negative encounters. These educational opportunities are crucial to your
academic progress.

A wise learner may see and accept that both happy and negative experiences are
inevitable in life. He or she is a person who can use these experiences to build on the past, get
better, and move on.

Here are the characteristics of a wise learner:

Seeks knowledge and skill outside the box. Knowing that learning from others can enhance
development, a smart learner is eager to explore new experiences, cultures, and perspectives.
Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, he or she is adaptive and continues to learn.

Utilizes what he or she learns. Application without learning is like a plant without growth. A wise
student slowly processes the information given to him or her because he or she understands
that learning only becomes meaningful when it is applied successfully in situations encountered
in daily life.

Contemplates global events and concerns, and ponders how he or she can be part of the
solution. A wise student understands that significant issues like inequality, unrest, and climate
change require everyone's involvement.

Communicates with the world outside his or her window. A wise learner recognizes that
interactions with others can teach them a lot. He or she goes beyond their comfort zone
because they understand that distance should not be a barrier to learning.

Engages with others with the use of appropriate responses. The mark of a successful learner,
according to a wise student, is demonstrating empathy, extending compassion, and modeling
maturity. Because learning includes language and complexity that extends beyond the confines
of a book or a classroom, in addition to numbers, facts, and historical dates.

Sees technology and modern advances and uses them as an advantage to further his or her
learning. A smart learner uses technology to collaborate with others, share ideas, and learn
things they previously weren't aware of.

Shapes his or her mind to be open-minded and receptive to a different perspective, beliefs, and
ideas. A wise learner is devoid of bias and discrimination. He or she puts learning first and
foremost. He or she is aware that to succeed academically, one must be creative and imaginative
without compromising one's moral principles.

With all these helpful tips provided, you won't be prevented from achieving academic
achievement by difficult situations in school and the community. You are progressing toward
being a wise student on your own.


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Activity Worksheet

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade and Section: __________________________

Learning from Experience

Instruction: List down at least five life lessons you learned from home or community which you
can use to improve your academic performance.

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Grading Period: Second Week 2: October 17-21, 2022

Theme: Personal and Social Development

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:
4. Relate an experience that helped you in achieving
academic success;
5. Apply different ways to improve your strengths and
overcome your weaknesses; and
6. Appreciate the importance of discovering your
strengths and overcoming weaknesses in achieving
academic success.
Title: Unique Experiences Make Me Strong
DepEd Homeroom Guidance Module

Way to go Louisian STAR! I hope you are doing good academically, physically, and
emotionally. It's normal to experience occasional feelings of stress and fatigue. However, if you
experience stress and fatigue almost daily, you need to reexamine your life to determine what
you should be doing differently. Always keep in mind that help is available.

It's crucial to assess your strengths and weaknesses as you move from this pandemic to a
new normal in your life. You can make the adjustments you'll need for the next phase of your life
by analyzing your strengths and weaknesses. With the aid of this module, you might be able to
comprehend what's going on around you and continue to be productive in the face of a variety
of difficulties.

Work diligently on your tasks and ask for assistance if you feel you need it. Keep in mind
that some things in life are beyond your control. Negative things will happen that will test your
optimistic outlook. Don't let that discourage you, though; you have the means to deal with it.
You are capable of that! Set out on your adventure to become a better version of yourself by
overcoming your weaknesses and maximizing your strengths.
For the Learner:

Knowing what you have and what you don't have as a student will help you succeed
academically. This will enable you to plan and secure each step of your academic endeavors. The
following are some strategies for maximizing your abilities:
1. Maintain your training/involvement in pursuits that will enhance your knowledge of who
you are, the abilities you have, and the things you excel at.


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
2. Ask your parents, siblings, and other family members for assistance if you want the
chance to develop your strength.
3. Through communication and observation, learn from others.
4. Be adaptable to changes and challenges you may encounter.
5. Pay attention to the factors that will aid you in realizing your potential.
6. Recognize your areas of weakness and accept them as a part of who you are and your
dedication to growing personally.
7. Seek guidance from someone you trust.
8. Plan out or prepare strategies for how to overcome your weaknesses.
9. Put your heart, mind, and efforts into developing yourself personally.
10. Stick to your plans and never give up, no matter how difficult things get.


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Activity Worksheet

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade and Section: __________________________

Let’s Explore This

Throwback: My Life as A Student- In a Flash

Instruction: Answer the questions based on your experience as a student.

Throwback: My Life as A Student- In a Flash

A. Attendance How regularly do you attend classes?

B. Class Recitations How do you prepare for recitations?

C. Quizzes What are your ways to achieve a good score

in your quizzes?

D. Group Activities What have you learned from being a group


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
member in achieving your academic goals?

E. Individual Projects What did you discover about yourself while

doing your project?


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

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