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"Ladies and gentlemen, a warm and exhilarating afternoon to each one of you!

Today, we gather to
celebrate not only the passing of the torch to the new ISTE Council but also to acknowledge the
astounding achievements of the previous year's council. As the fervent host of this momentous
occasion, I, HOST, am absolutely thrilled to welcome you all.

Allow me to express my profound gratitude to our esteemed chief guest, Mr./Mrs. CHIEF GUEST,
whose presence graces this event, and our unwavering faculty members, Prof. Abhishek Bhaduria
and Prof. Sushma Kadge. A special nod to the Student Advisors, who have been our guiding stars.
Today, we applaud the legacy left by the past and herald the bright future of our ISTE Council."

"With the festive spirit of unity and celebration, what better time than now to join hands and embark
on this exciting journey? As we inaugurate this ceremony amidst the blessings of Lord Ganesha, we
also embrace the cultural richness of our traditional attire, symbolizing our readiness for the voyage

"The Indian Society for Technical Education, ISTE KJSCE, is our platform of knowledge and innovation.
Through the year, we've woven a Rich mosaic of events that inspire learning, foster growth, and
kindle the fire of curiosity. The vibrant blend of webinars, seminars, and workshops—both in the
technical and non-technical domains—serves as a testament to our commitment to nurturing
versatile engineers."

"Let us spotlight the myriad jewels in our event crown that illuminated the year 2021-2022,
showcasing the immense growth that ensued."

"Our journey began with a webinar on 'Cloud Computing,' which unveiled the mysteries of cloud
services and their industrial applications. The captivating discourse on 'Blockchain Technology and
Cryptocurrency' delved into the fundamental underpinnings of this cutting-edge field. Then came the
'Spotify Recommendation System using Machine Learning' webinar, unraveling the significance of
recommendation systems in real-world applications."

"Undeterred by the pandemic, we persevered through KJSCE's annual technical fest, Abhiyantriki, in
2021. ISTE was the force behind two standout events: 'Technocrats Assemble' and 'The Rising Star.'
Meanwhile, our workshop on 'Microcontroller Development Board – Arduino UNO' demystified the
complex world of Arduino UNO boards."

"But the horizon of our vision extended further, even beyond the pandemic's grip. A webinar on the
'Metaverse' glimpsed into the future, introducing technologies like AR, VR, and NFTs. VISION, our
flagship event, was a carnival of innovation, featuring captivating sub-events—workshops, seminars,
and competitions."
"VISION '22 was a symphony of discovery, featuring workshops like 'VR Headsets and Logitech G29
Race Box,' inviting participants to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality. 'DIY Quest' took
innovation to new heights, while 'Dive into the AI Industry' plunged us into the realm of artificial
intelligence. And 'Future of Automobile' ignited conversations about the automobiles of tomorrow."

"As we reflect on these milestones, we must remember that our achievements were possible due to
the dedicated efforts of our previous council. It is with immense gratitude that we extend our
applause to Mr. Rishab Shah, the Chairperson; Mr. Sharan Nair, the Vice Chairperson; Ms. Neha Rane,
the Money Manager, the treasurer; and Mr. Avyay Tandon, the Mastermind, the event head along
with their entire team."

"These leaders have shaped our path, inspired us, and led us to this juncture. It is our privilege to
honor them with tokens of appreciation. The torch is passed, but the flames of their dedication will
continue to light our way."

"As we stand at the threshold of the future, we proudly introduce the ISTE Council for the year 2023-
2024. A new wave of leaders, guided by our mentors and inspired by the past, will propel us

"Today, we are privileged to have mentors who inspire us to dream and achieve. I invite our
respected faculty member, Sushma Ma’am, to share a few words about the significance of the ISTE

"We are equally honored to welcome Prof. Abhishek Bhaduria, whose presence serves as a beacon of
inspiration. Please, sir, enlighten us with your thoughts."

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. The chief guest, (name of chief guest), a pillar of
wisdom and experience, please grace us with your words of wisdom."

"Before we conclude this monumental occasion, let us bow to the leaders who have carved the path.
I invite Mr. Rishabh Shah, the Chairperson of ISTE 22-23, to reflect on his journey and share his

"In closing, let us thank our chief guests, faculty members, the exemplary ISTE council of 21-22, and
the promising ISTE council of 22-23. This ceremony bridges the past and the future, and we are all
part of this incredible narrative."
"Thank you all for being part of this auspicious occasion. Let us embark on this new academic year
with determination, inspiration, and unity. To a year of innovation and growth!"

"Your hosts, PRESHA, RANAK & MRUDULA, now bid you farewell with excitement for the year

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