Lung Water Cascade HF

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DOI: 10.1111/echo.



The lung water cascade in heart failure

Eugenio Picano MD, PhD1  | Maria C. Scali MD, PhD2

CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa,
Italy In heart failure patients, we hypothesize the occurrence of the “lung water cascade,”
Nottola Hospital, Siena, and Cardiothoracic with the various markers hierarchically ranked in a well-­defined time sequence: (1)
Department, Pisa University Hospital, Pisa, early, proximal hemodynamic event with increase in pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
sure; (2) intermediate, direct imaging sign of pulmonary edema (easily detectable at
Correspondence bedside by lung ultrasound as B-­lines); (3) late, distal clinical symptoms and signs such
Eugenio Picano, Italian National Research
Council, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, as dyspnea and pulmonary crackles. Completion of the cascade (from hemodynamic to
Italy. pulmonary to clinical congestion) can require minutes (as with exercise), hours or even
weeks (as with impending acute heart failure). Backward rewind of the downhill cas-
cade can be achieved with timely pulmonary decongestion therapy, such as diuretics
or dialysis, restoring a relatively dry lung. Any therapeutic intervention is more likely to
succeed in the early steps of the cascade, at the imaging stage of asymptomatic pul-
monary congestion, rather than downstream near to the end of the cascade, when
clinical instability occurred.

B-lines, edema, lung, ultrasound

1 |  CASCADES IN CARDIOLOGY and cardiac functional imaging providing better diagnostic accuracy
through regional perfusion3 and wall-­motion4 changes.5,6
In biology, a cascade is a series of events in which one event triggers The sequence of events leading to pulmonary edema during heart
the next, in a linear fashion. The example most familiar to cardiologists failure can also be conceptualized as a cascade, whose sequence was
is the “ischemic cascade.” The initial event is a transient regional im- unveiled with the advent of lung ultrasound (LUS) for bedside imaging
balance between oxygen supply and demand, which usually results in of extra-­vascular lung water (EVLW).7–9 This allowed clinical cardiolo-
myocardial ischemia. The ischemic cascade has long been recognized gists to see what experimental physiologists had always known10,11:
in the experimental laboratory, but it was only in the stress imaging Clinical pulmonary congestion is a late pathophysiological event,
era that it could be fully understood and exploited by cardiologists. 2 which follows by days or weeks the increase in left ventricular end-­
Regional perfusion heterogeneity is the forerunner of ischemia, fol- diastolic pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (hemody-
lowed by regional wall-­motion abnormalities, and only at a later stage namic congestion).12,13 The initiating event (the source) of the cascade
by classic markers of electrocardiographic changes and chest pain. is the imbalance of Starling’s equilibrium in the alveolar-­capillary bar-
The pathophysiological framework of the ischemic cascade was help- rier (Figure 1), resulting in an increased accumulation of EVLW, from
ful for the clinical cardiologist to understand the observed gradient the normal values of <500 mL (or <10 mL/kg of body weight) to mild
in diagnostic sensitivity for the identification of coronary artery dis- (500–1000), moderate (1000–2000) or severely abnormal (>2000 mL)
ease during stress testing, with chest pain being the least specific increase in EVLW.10–12 In between hemodynamic and clinical pulmo-
nary congestion, the intermediate event is the imaging sign, detectable
by LUS as B-­lines, which act as a proximal biomarker and an intermedi-
ate endpoint of pulmonary edema, linked biophysically to an increase
Abbreviations: ACB, alveolar-capillary barrier; EVLW, extra-vascular lung water; LUS, lung
ultrasound. in water-­to-­air ratio per unit of lung volume tissue.14–16 The late clinical

Echocardiography. 2017;34:1503–1507. © 2017, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. |  1503  
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1504       PICANO and SCALI


F I G U R E   1   The lung water cascade.
Starling equation unbalance In cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the
triggering event of increased pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (hemodynamic
congestion) leads to the imbalance
of Starling forces with transition to
accumulation of interstitial lung water
Crackles/Dyspnea/Weight gain SYMPTOMS/SIGNS (pulmonary congestion), followed (after
minutes or hours or days, depending on
the acute or chronic condition) only at a
more advanced stage by symptoms and
signs of clinical congestion (with dyspnea,
Time pulmonary crackles, and weight gain)

event is represented by dyspnea, pulmonary crackles and weight gain, 2 | B-­L INES FOR STAGING HEART FAILURE
overall unspecific and late signs of pulmonary congestion.8,17,18
The conceptualization of the hypothesized “lung water cascade” The emerging biomarker for the noninvasive, real time evaluation of
has some potential merits: (1) It incorporates in the very same definition pulmonary edema is B-­lines detected by LUS, which can be meas-
the concept of cascade, that is, a series of events in which one event ured anytime, anywhere, by anybody, even with pocket-­size or port-
triggers the next; (2) It intuitively illustrates the concept that the clinical able instruments. B-­lines are easily identified on anterolateral chest
signs of congestion, although routinely used for decision making, are a as comet-­like signals arising from hyperechoic pleural line with a to-­
distal sign of lung water accumulation, which is the key pathophysiolog- and-­fro movement synchronized with respiration. The recommended
ical event triggering acute heart failure and an elusive diagnostic target protocol for evaluating B-­lines is performed by scanning 28-­region
in the pre-­LUS era;19 (3) It makes clear that any therapeutic interven- protocol on the anterior chest. The number of B-­lines in each space
tion is more likely to succeed in the early steps of the cascade, rather may range from 0 (normal pattern, black lung) to 10 (white lung, alveo-
than downstream close to the end of the cascade. In addition, from a lar edema) with all values in between indicating increasing severity of
purely semantic viewpoint, the term “cascade” fits nicely with the de- interstitial edema with a black-­and-­white pattern, ranging from mild
scription of water falling, along a gradient of pressure, from the intra- (1–3 B-­lines), moderate (4–6 B-­lines), or severe edema (7–10 B-­lines).
vascular (from 5 to 50 mm Hg, from normal to very abnormal values) to The number of B-­lines in each space is usually summed up to generate
the extra-­vascular pulmonary space (with a slightly negative pressure in a quantitative B-­lines score.9
the interstitium). The similarities and differences between the cardiac However, the original, comprehensive 28-­site scan requires about
ischemic cascade and lung water cascade are summarized in Table 1. 3 minutes and can be too complicated and time-­consuming for a rou-
tine use in real world echocardiography and—even more—in stress
T A B L E   1   The lung water and ischemic cascades in cardiology
echo laboratories. A similar information can be obtained with much
Cardiac ischemia Lung water less time with a 4-­region scan, dismissing relatively dry regions and
cascade cascade including only the wet spots which have the highest density of B-­lines
Underlying disease CAD Heart failure at rest and during stress. The wet spots are horizontally aligned on the

Target organ Myocardium Lung third intercostal space, and vertically with anterior-­axillary and mid-­
axillary line, symmetrically on the right and left anterior-­lateral chest.
Vital function LV contractility Gas exchange
These spaces are for lung water what V5 or V6 leads are for electrocar-
Pathophysiology Supply-­demand Starling equation
mismatch unbalance diographic detection of myocardial ischemia: the preferential site of

Early hemodynamic Regional flow Increased capillary significant, acute modifications.20

event reduction pressure Although some soft computing algorithms have already been de-
Intermediate imaging Perfusion, B-­lines veloped and validated to make this diagnosis completely operator-­
event wall-­motion defect independent,21 the current conventional eyeballing analysis is easy
Late clinical event ECG changes, Chest Pulmonary and highly reproducible when reading criteria are agreed in advance,
pain crackles, dyspnea with short training of a few hours, acquisition time of a few minutes,
Catastrophic distal Myocardial Overt pulmonary analysis time of few seconds, and low variability even between in-
event infarction edema experienced observers.22 B-­line changes are present in the absence
CAD = coronary artery disease. of symptoms, giving this sign an advantage by hours or days over
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dyspnea in heart failure23 or high-­altitude pulmonary edema.24,25 Only physical examination are also insensitive and poorly specific, as are
20%–30% of patients with heart failure and B-­lines have crackles weight gain, jugular distention, and pedal edema.32 We now have the
on pulmonary auscultation. The same sequence of events can be opportunity to better detect pulmonary congestion shifting from au-
observed in a fast-­forward fashion during exercise, when B-­lines can dible sound (history taking for dyspnea and auscultation of crackles)
occur in the absence of dyspnea or minutes before it.26,27 to ultrasound. B-­lines are an early, sensitive and highly reproducible
With this new, user-­
friendly biomarker of EVLW at hand, the biomarker, readily available at bedside with a low cost, radiation-­free,
pathophysiological concept of lung water cascade can be translated portable technology. The postulated sequence of events is also cor-
into a clinical tool to identify different stages of pulmonary edema, roborated by evidences obtained in a longitudinal fashion in a heart
which can trigger different thresholds of intervention on the basis of failure population, in whom the asymptomatic pulmonary congestion
B-­lines at rest and during stress: dry lung, stress-­wet lung, and rest detected by B-­lines is associated (after weeks or months) with devel-
wet lung (Table 2). In all these conditions that can be associated with opment of clinically overt acute decompensated heart failure or other
a wet lung, there is an initial stable phase with little or no lung fluid events including death. This has been observed stable heart failure
accumulation, lung fluid accumulation without clinical signs (with low in-­patients23 and outpatients,33,34 in patients with heart failure and
levels of lung fluid accumulation amplified by exercise), and dramatic renal hemodialysis,35 or inpatients at the predischarge evaluation after
deterioration in patient condition and urgent hospitalization concom- clinical stabilization.36,37 Platz et al34 reported that 85% of heart fail-
itant with steep increase in fluid accumulation at rest. The rationale ure outpatients with asymptomatic pulmonary congestion detected
of detecting B-­lines at rest is to shift the detection of lung water up- by B-­lines had no crackles at pulmonary auscultation. In a population
stream, at an earlier stage than those of pulmonary crackles or weight of stable in-­and outpatients with chronic heart failure, Scali et al27
gain. Compared to rest, stress B-­lines shift the detection of lung water reported that 41% had asymptomatic B-­lines at rest, and 71% dur-
further upstream, as it can be induced by pulmonary bed volume and ing exercise stress echocardiography. In all these conditions, the
pressure challenge occurring during a stress such as exercise.29 A presence of asymptomatic B-­lines (at rest and, even more strikingly,
systematic application of LUS to heart failure patient opens a new— after stress) is associated with substantially greater chance of clinical
earlier and more accurate—diagnostic window for the highly sensitive instabilization in the short-­to medium-­term follow-­up of weeks or
and specific diagnosis of lung water accumulation. The clinically silent months.23,27,33–37 In acute decompensated heart failure, a sequence
interstitial pulmonary edema is an early, more easily reversible, form of events can also be outlined after treatment. Ohman et al meas-
of disease and should be treated in the same way as silent ischemia ured B-­lines, natriuretic peptides, and dyspnea serially after pulmo-
in coronary artery disease. The next step is the dynamic application nary decongestion therapy with diuretics. Patients showing an early
of LUS during stress in these patients, as this allows sampling the reduction of E/eʹ also showed a more marked reduction in B-­lines,
lung water cascade a step upstream in the cascade, identifying more which was the strongest prognostic predictor, again suggesting that
functionally severe and more prognostically advanced stages of heart LUS may provide a suitable marker to study the pulmonary congestion
failure.27 and also the therapy-­induced pulmonary decongestion phase.38 The
proposed model of lung water cascade needs now further evidence
support through prospective studies looking more systematically to
3 | FROM SOUND TO ULTRASOUND IN the sequence of events both in pulmonary congestion and pulmonary
The stage is set for outcome studies comparing standard vs
Asymptomatic ischemia can be frequently detected with electrocar- ­B-­line-­driven therapy in heart failure in various populations, including
diographic and imaging markers at rest and during stress, has the heart failure with reduced or preserved ejection fraction; patients with
same unfavorable diagnostic and prognostic meaning as symptomatic rest or only exercise-­induced B-­lines; with or without chronic renal
ischemia, and should prompt treatment. Thus, chest pain is an im- failure, and so on. These studies will move along in the conceptual
portant clinical symptom, but it is also a simple diagnostic optional and methodological footsteps of the LUST trial ( NCT
feature. To a similar extent, dyspnea is a pivotal symptom and the 02310061), which stands for Lung water UltraSound guided Treatment
reason why the patient contacts the doctor, but it is also a late, non- to prevent death and cardiovascular complications in high-­risk end-­
specific marker of lung congestion and decongestion.31 Crackles on stage renal disease patients with cardiomyopathy. This prospective,
international, multicenter, randomized trial on 500 patients will shed
T A B L E   2   The three lung water stages in heart failure light on whether the treatment of asymptomatic pulmonary conges-
tion improves outcome.18 In the mean time, the prospective Stress
Lung at rest Dry Dry Wet
Echo 2020 international multicenter trial will collect effectiveness
Lung on exercise Dry Wet Very wet
data on the prognostic value of rest and stress B-­lines in over 4000
Resting B-­lines Absent Absent Present
heart failure patients.39 Today, only the clinical tip of the iceberg of
Stress B-­lines Absent Present Present
dyspnea and pulmonary crackles falls within the visual field of the car-
Risk ADHF Low Intermediate High diologist. The hypothesized concept of “asymptomatic pulmonary con-
ADHF = acute decompensated heart failure. gestion” is ready to become an integral part of mainstream cardiology
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How to cite this article: Picano E, Scali MC. The lung water
failure: cardiac filling pressures, pulmonary congestion and mortality.
cascade in heart failure. Echocardiography. 2017;34:1503–
Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2017; May 1 [Epub ahead of print]
39. Picano E, Ciampi Q, Citro R, et al. Stress echo 2020: the international 1507.
Stress Echo study in ischemic and non-­ischemic heart disease. Cardiov
Ultras. 2017;15:3.

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