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Criminal Justice Fixed Penalty Unit

PO BOX 213

Dear Sir,

I (put the landlord full name bearing ID Number) have been receiving letters regarding a speeding
ticket for one of my friend who used to stay here on a temporary basis this is because he did not
have any other place available to move in immediately. So out of humanitarian basis I offered him a
place to stay here.

But, now all his letters are coming over to my place and I rarely see him these days. The letters
regarding the penalty for speeding has also come to my address and the accused party in that case is
unaware of the letters because you have been sending those letters to the wrong address and not to
the right address.

The fact that the accused party is unaware of the speeding ticket against him means that he is not at
fault in delaying to pay for his fixed penalty. I do believe it is a ground not to increase his fine for
delaying to settle his fine because the letters are unknown to him as he does not live here anymore,
he was only a friend whom I accommodated at my place and lastly he is not at fault at all as I rarely
see him or else I would have make sure to deliver those important letters to him this is because he
has taken up a job and is working a 9am to 5pm job from Monday to Friday.

I did arrange a meeting with him with the view of delivering all his letters and he took acknowledged
those letters and that was the time that he replied to one of your letter asking for a photo to be sent
In order for him to identify who was the driver driving his vehicle at that time. So the letter that was
sent on the 8th of August was the first time that he became aware of the speeding ticket against him.

Yours Sincerely,

Tell your landlord to sign it!

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