Midterm Test Key

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I. Fill in the blank with the given adjectives

I. Maria has hair.
black, beautiful, thick => beautiful thick black
II. I saw the table this morning.
wooden, ugly, round => ugly round wooden
III. She looks so elegant in her coat.
wool, Italian, long => long Italian wool
IV. They bought a lot of furniture on the trip.
Indian, old, interesting => interesting old Indian

II. Choose the correct word

1 I am (disappointing/ disappointed) with the film. I think it is better.
2 Are you (interesting / interested) in football?
3 The new project sounds (exciting / excited). I want to work on it.
4 lt's (embarrassing / embarrassed) when you ask people for money.
5 Do you easily get (embarrassing /embarrassed)?
6 I never think I can get the job. I am really (amazing/ amazed) when I am offered it.

III. Choose a,b,c,d that best completes the sentence (5 points)

1. Who helped ____ with the work? – They did it ____.
a. their/ they b. they/ them c. they/ theirs d. them/ themselves
2. Mary is independent. She likes doing things on ____ own.
a. she b. her c. herself d. hers
3. ___ ideas are different from ____, but I am sure _____ are still good friends.
a. You/ my/ our b. Yours/ I/ us c. Your/ mine/ we d. Yourself/ my/ we
4. You can’t have any fruit. It’s all ___.
a. mine b. my c. our d. their
5. She is not as clever as ____ expect.
a. we b. our c. ours d. us
IV. Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to .... (10 points)

1. They denied _______________ the money. (steal) stealing

2. I don't enjoy ______________very much. (drive) driving
3. I can't afford _______________out tonight. I don't have enough money. (go) to go
4. Has it stopped __________ yet? (rain) raining
5. We were unlucky to lose the game. We deserved ___________. (win) to win

V. For each sentence, fill in the blank with either the adverb or the adjective. (5 points)
1. James did not want to wake his girlfriend, so he left ________.
a) quiet b) quietly
2. I can't understand him. He doesn't speak very ________.
a) clearly b) clear
3. We had a ________ time in Mexico City.
a) greatly b) great
4. I understood the question, but I couldn't answer very ________.
a) quickly b) quick
5. I don't have a ________ time making friends.
a) hardly b) hard

VI. Choose the correct answers

1. Everybody (was-were) asked to be quiet.
2. Sixty days (is-are) not enough time to complete the project.
3. All of the workers (is-are) receiving their bonus.
4. On our street (is-are) many tall trees.
5. The value of cars and motorcycles (has-have) increased.
6. Either the pitcher or the base runners (was-were) caught napping.
7. The class (is-are) turning in their registration forms today.
8. A number of young girls (is-are) singing out there.
9. Neither of us (is-are) going to work.
10. The number of private schools (has-have) increased lately.
VII. Complete these sentences with the correct verb tense
1. Left
2. Was sleeping
3. Has he called
4. Are watching
5. Had already told
6. have ever met
7. noticed
8. had locked
9. do not think
10. was doing

VIII. Reading

IX. Listening
2. 21
3. 43A
4. 571324
5. some

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