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broughl Ihem the moS! salisfaelion, pleasure, or joy. nwy fall to e!\ioy Ihe
process of what they do. Inslead, Ih" y soh'e shorH"rnl probkms and seek
to gain Ihe rt'gard of OIhe". sinc .. their own ,,<"if·regard is 101".

u.,w self·l'Ste~m L. Ih" single moSI slglllft~allI piece of Ihe puZ2Je . WII"oUl
a sense of wonhiness, Ihe eXlernally mOlivaled trader does;

• what he d",-"II for oth~ffl o' to satisfy ~ " l"nlal de"'amh

• not do Ihe Ihlngs for hlmSl'lf Ihal he should do
• nol kllow whal. he really Wallts or """ds 'If f",,1s

lInfortullat<"iy, satisfying Ihe expectations of OIhe", or m""ting shon·

tenn n~,<-'ds is nOI a pow~rrul enough pu.,,,,r;e to motiva,e a tra~crto do all
of .he .hings , Ita( he II.,..Wl'O do '0 b·. , SUCCl">Sful

" :Iilitlg In "uliul\' Thmug h

When Don l.. ft our w<'Ck"ml coaching M'ssion, It.. was psychologically
PUn'llCd an" full of ~lIthusi(LSm . -I can't ten you how much Ihis has mcant
to mc; he said as he len . -I ca ll" wai, 10 gel ""aned.· lie Was referring '0
the proc.".""" a",1 aSSignments Ihal "'e had de"el"l",d to bring him I" Ihe
nexl le\'el ()f suc.cI'ss In hl. trading.
Generally, after a coaching session, a client will take off like a rocket.
In the past, I have seell lrade". double alld triple Iheir profits wid"n w""ks.
Many of them ha>'e exceeded the milllon·doUar mark many lim"" owr, But,
occasionally. a di.,n, will fail '0 f"lIow through . This rt"SIII! is (llIi,e unllSllal
becaur;e I ser.,..n cli,,"ts for tI,";r I,,>'cl of motivation. It is "'" worth Illy
till\~ or their u"m"y In g" Ihrough IhL~ pro<;"",. if they are nnl g()Ing I()
do Ih~ work . So, il was a greal sU'l'ri"" to nw when Don faile<! In f"lInw
through .
W!w would caOM' a Imder 10 s!><'nd a consid~,"bl,-" amount of money
and tin\(' to bring about a n~ w level of succ<""" and then drop tI,e ball?
Why ",,,,,Id h., be unwilling 1-0 do ,he ,lIings til", are necessary '0 react' his
goals? n'~re a .... SOllle "ery guod aIISW",'!;;

• They really are n,,1 his goals, regardl""" ofwhal he may say
• Ik d""" not kn",," wha, h .. rt'ally wants.
• He is tryin,o; to pleas<' som('On~ elM' and not lIim""lf.
• He has faik'd to take rC"p"'ISibili,y fo. I,is own wellb.,ing.
• M",,,,y and a high le\'el or su<;cf'&~ are no, Impurt.'lnL

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