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T~ ~ltlg H" S I""l ~ ihnUl'

Failing to lake respoMibihty IS directly related to the three mOli,'ation-

""DPing attimd"", l'"wcrlessn<."SS. j){'ssimism. and passh'ly. All thre<' of
these fo",,,,, arc prNhcatcd "I' the assumption thm the indl,;dual is ultI-
mately nol responSible for his ""''' welll>eing. lie is 111 110" ",,,rcy of lif,,'s
(Ol\;es anti is nol ,he shaper of his ".m ratc. This IlUSi!.ion off"", a co,",'e-
nient way uul fur the individual.
The pro"lem wilh being I'xlemally ",,,livaled l. that yuu mllSl n"d
someon" to blame or sinn responsibility onto. When you .. mer a coach-
in~ rd",iollship, the =ponsibihty is ultimately with the one who IS I><-mg
coach ... l lie IStI,,,
one who mU'lt follow through and do the wor k.
~'or thiS reason . g .... at aU'lews arc always ;nlen,uliy rnol;,·al~'{1. No '}II"
has to (ell then\ to Ilraetice "igl!! hours a day. They bla"'~ IOU un~ fur the
pain, for the hard work, for the ",""rific,,", or for the ultimate fffluIL~. When
they are coache<!, they take full re5punsibility fo r foUowing through on
tlwir coach's instructioM, They are doing what they love to do, they be-
lieve that th~y art' winnc"" and that thcy dC8<'rw tu win, Thc"" ar~ th~
imcmal mutinto'" that propcl thcm u"cr th~ finish linc to success,

( :0 \:( :I.I 'S I 0 \:

Trader.;; who fail to follow through tu do ,,-hat it takes to be succ<'SSful are

oft~n ~xU'malll' mOli>'ated. Rath~r than beifl.ll motivate<! by inncr goals and
a 8<''''''' or S<'lf,worth, cxtcmally mOli>'mcd tradc,"" may be ""vcn to make
n\u"~y in Ih~ n'arke~., lu pl~asc otl,~rs ur tu sol>'e short-ten" needs_ Ultfur-
lonatcly, when t h~ n"""'" are "'el or the de"'3n,1s tu ", ..... t t h~rn oc'('u"'~ to>u
high to Justify the cost, the trader will easily lose the wind itt his sails.

One.; yo,,,, el!!}!>!e is SI)(1!'~'ed with poss/(m_ it !" oosie" to

keep it headed il! tile right direction.

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