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Jackie Tubia Beatingo BSA-1B

2. Answer the following questions:

A. What is the title of the video?

Answer:How crayons are made/How it's made

B. How many crayons are made in a day?

-(30,000 every hour × 8 working hours=240,000)
Crayon are made in a day are 240,000
C. How many crayons can the machine label per hour?
Answer: 8500 crayon per hour

3. In relation to process costing, answer the following questions:

A. What were the direct materials used in the process?

• paraffin wax
• secret powder
• synthetic chemical /fatty acid /Stearic acid
• color pigment.

B. What procedures required direct labor (human workforce)?

•machine operators/operating rotary
•Sorting according to colors and and appropriate color into machine
•inspection and quality control
C. What indirect materials were you able to identify in the video?
•disposable gloves
•personal protective equipment
•packiging materials
•scoping/mixing tools

D. Enumerate the manufacturing overhead items shown in the video.

•Factory utilities-water, electricity and Gas
•factory machinery maintenance
•Factory supervisors and maintenance staff- inspectors check on a regular basis to ensure that their product is complete.

E. What were the different departments rendering services that are involved in the process?
•Melting and Mixing of the wax
•Rotary machine application
•Iebeling department
•packaging department
•Wrapping and boxing department
•checking Department
F. What were the advantages and disadvantages of heavily using machineries in the production?
•First, they can boost production by doing jobs more swiftly and efficiently than human workers. Second, by performing
duties more precisely and consistently than human workers, they can increase product quality.
•Buying, maintaining, and repairing machines is costly. Machines, with or without continuous operation, will break and
wear out. Maintenance and repairs are expensive, and they are difficult to set up and run without prior training. Machine
pollution grows, causing waste and increasing power or oil consumption.
• Machines are losing value.

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