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The beginning of the trend of active cases of Covid-19 brought a glimmer of hope for the world
of education, such as suspended animation with disabilities policies to adapt to the Covid-19
situation. This situation will certainly bring back the euphoria of face-to-face learning to schools.
However, while waiting for the end of the school ban during this PPKM period, we need to
prepare everything so that the euphoria of returning to school is not excessive.
However, the school's cheerful magnet has more or less disappeared during the pandemic. When
will we be able to see the smiles of school children again? We imagine how happy it will be
when the joy returns. The joy of seeing children in school uniforms joking around with their
We are optimistic, happy expressions can be seen again on the children's faces. A joy that can
feel different from playing together. Maybe those who like to wear school uniforms often play
However, this excitement can quickly evaporate. At the same time, a high desire to go to school
is incompatible with obedience and discipline in implementing healthy living behaviors. At least
you can see that there are still a lot of children in the crowd, not even a mask.
Don't let the euphoria of face-to-face learning compromise the health and safety of all school
children. The existence of a pandemic at least teaches us all to be silent and not worsen the
condition of our education. There are many innovative developments that we can try to
implement so that we are not caught off guard again in similar situations. First, don't just rely on
face-to-face learning.
Face-to-face teaching is indeed a valuable asset for our education. Learning faces provide a
psychological guarantee that the child is already in school and the teacher is teaching. Simply
put, compulsory teaching is no longer necessary with face-to-face teaching. Of course not; face-
to-face learning is needed and provides a deeper understanding of information compared to
online learning.
Second, don't blame online learning. In the Student Practical Field Experience (PPL) Overview, I
found that the exercises conducted through the online system were designed to be interactive and
Teachers can explain with interesting animations, students are also enthusiastic in learning,
answer questions, react actively. With the help of notes, the teacher practices good packing.
Making attractive powerpoints, continuously interacting with students, communicating in two
directions, and writing on a digital whiteboard looks really cool.
Third, learning is no longer solely based on cognitive values alone. The concept of independent
learning emphasized by the Minister of Education and Culture is suitable for breaking the vicious
circle of learning only to seek value, not understanding and meaning of learning in relation to
real contexts. Eliminate those souls who want to be purely cognitively oriented and intellectually
attainable. Remove class champions, leaderboards, and the like.
What does it mean to compete and compete for academic achievement is not good? Of course it's
great. The problem is the subjects that are examined, the subjects that are examined, are still
focused on memorizing the material, not yet on the material that guides students alias students to
analyze, evaluate and create.

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