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Faculty Friday- International Women’s Day (Month)

● Introduction-name, and course

GA, mainly teaching diplomacy, international theory government courses, political

● Background

● Do you think you have a certain role in society as a woman? Have they changed
since you were younger?
-as a mother, professor, member of intellectual organization, role is not given you
have to find it and offer,

● Did you have to fight for any equal rights/ raise awareness of women’s rights issues?
- In a familial situation-husband, overwrite schedule, supplementary role of a
wife of a public figure which was uncomfortable
- Appropriate roles given to both gender ( not inferior)

● How is is being a female professor at George Mason (or Mason Korea)

- GMUK understanding and accommodating, local uni you have to appear
1.Family oriented community, career and family- very accommodating
colleagues, feel at home to be flexible to manage both, empathy
2.American university- equality in opportunity in professional development,
such as the center with a family life, no stereotype against a female director
Contributions valued
3.supporting group i meet on a weekly basis, older and wiser professor, staff
unlike a

● How did/do you celebrate Women's Day ?

Organization overseas….speeches and other countries. I should celebrate home-not
do anything in my household.

● Any words…. to the female students on campus?

Gender equality know , understand both and recognize difference to be equal and
happiness- it is about wellbeing,. One of the sdg-know the correct definition.
Female students- do not be shy, you will achieve
Invest in yourself

50s/...leadership and active

-Male dominated field in the traditional sense, great women leaders/ Min o fUno, EU
parliament, World taekwondo-unusual case as a policy advisor to the top leaders
When i was studying

-Ewha university-empowered, learn & lead

Capable women in society, opportunity to excel as much as they deserve, especially in this

-You have to work harder than male colleagues/ “cannot have excuse - family”, results within
a short time period

-family&children, kids (not professional ethic demand from society) rewarding with children
Experience will enrich you to be for the field of politics-patient, dimplomay, empathy,
approach people, listener

-CEO of Pepsi, good mother and leader but never at the same time

-Women supplement and complement the male, different perspectives, better in the field of

-No long queue to bathroom; at a conference on security studies, during this event
Scandinavian embassy political officers- women, Security congress, happy to see a Korean
women in this field of security,

Professor Soyoung Kwon - a professor in the Global Affairs department, mainly teaching
Government related courses at Mason Korea and trained as a political scientist.
She can truly relate to what the renowned female CEO of PepsiCo has said- you can be a
great leader and a good mom, but never at the same time. Maintaining a professional career
life and being the mother of two young boys is certainly not easy.

Luckily, Mason Korea is a family-oriented community. “It is understanding and

accommodating in terms of both career and family so that you feel flexible enough to manage
both and my colleagues also play a great supportive role.” Her experience at Mason Korea
also offers equal opportunities in professional development as she is the director of the CSPS

-Regarding the issue of women’s role in society?

I believe that appropriate roles can be given to both genders but neither of them should be
regarded as inferior. As I have been in a professional male dominated field in the traditional
sense, there were times such as at a conference on security studies, there was no queue to the
ladies’ restroom, which is unusual in public spaces and at larger events. However, having
studied at a women’s university, I was always taught to be empowered, to excel and to lead.
Women and their experiences can truly enrich the field of politics in supplementary and
complementary skills and intellect.

-Any words to the students on campus?

Know about the concept of gender equality. Recognize the differences so that we treat each
other as equals and can be happy. Also, do not be shy, and invest in yourself to reach your

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