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Food Bioprocess Technol

DOI 10.1007/s11947-013-1197-2


Effect of Hyperbaric Pressure Treatment on the Growth

and Physiology of Bacteria that Cause Decay
in Fruit and Vegetables
Pansa Liplap & Vicky Toussaint & Peter Toivonen &
Clément Vigneault & Jérôme Boutin & G. S. Vijaya Raghavan

Received: 11 July 2013 / Accepted: 22 September 2013

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract The response of bacteria to hyperbaric pressure directly reduce bacterial growth in fruit and vegetables after
treatment was investigated. Three selected bacteria which harvest.
cause fruit and vegetable decay (i.e., Pseudomonas cichorii,
Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Pseudomonas marginalis) Keywords Low temperature . BIOLOG . Carbon source
were inoculated onto BIOLOG microplates and subjected to utilization . Bacterial growth
different pressure and temperature conditions including 100,
200, 400, 625, and 850 kPa at 20 °C and 100 kPa at 4 °C.
Changes in microplate color, which corresponds to carbon Introduction
source utilization of bacteria or their growth, were monitored
every 24 h for 7 days. Results showed that the bacterial growth Several studies have shown the close relationship between a
was affected by both hyperbaric pressure and temperature. As high consumption of fruit and vegetables and lower incidence
hyperbaric pressure increased, the bacterial growth signifi- of some chronic diseases (Lir et al. 2000; Van't Veer et al.
cantly decreased and the extent was dependent on bacterial 2000). Thus, demand for fresh fruit and vegetables has in-
species. The 850-kPa pressure treatment reduced maximum creased over recent decades. In contrast, their availability in
growth by 71, 56, and 43 % for Pseudomonas cichorii, the form of processed fruit and vegetable products is falling
Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Pseudomonas marginalis, behind the gross consumption (Barth et al. 2009). However,
respectively. Among these bacteria, Pseudomonas cichorii increased fruit and vegetable production is not the solution to
was the most pressure-sensitive, while the most temperature- this problem of availability because approximately 15–40 %
sensitive was Pectobacterium carotovorum . In general, an of the production volume is lost between harvest and con-
increase in hyperbaric pressure caused bacteria to utilize car- sumption (James and James 2010) with spoilage being one of
bon sources similar to those when they were exposed to low the major causes for these losses (Kantor et al. 1997). Since
temperature. Overall, hyperbaric treatment has the potential to fruit and vegetable tissues provide environments conductive
for survival and growth of microorganisms, they will inevita-
P. Liplap (*) : C. Vigneault : G. S. V. Raghavan
bly succumb to microbiological attack and spoilage. Although
Department of Bioresource Engineering, Macdonald Campus, decay-causing microorganisms may be present on fruit and
McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Montreal, QC, vegetables at harvest, rots generally develop during transport
Canada H9X 3V9 and storage (Barth et al. 2009). Loss due to decay by rot-
causing pathogens during postharvest handling of fruit and
P. Liplap : V. Toussaint : C. Vigneault : J. Boutin vegetables is estimated to 20–25 % in developed countries,
Horticulture Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and and the situation is much worse for developing countries
Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada (EI-Ghaouth et al. 2004; Korsten 2006; Sharma et al. 2009).
Given this situation, improving management of freshly
P. Toivonen
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food harvested fruit and vegetables to control rots is crucial to
Canada, Summerland, BC, Canada provide commodities with high quality standards.
Food Bioprocess Technol

Several different strategies have been used to control decay total rots (including Alternaria sp., Rhizopus sp., and
pathogens in fresh fruit and vegetables. Among them, biolog- Cladosporium sp. rots) of sweet cherries. They also found that
ical control of postharvest disease using microbial antagonists wounded table grapes, subjected to 150 kPa pressure for 24 h
like yeasts and bacteria has been reported to inhibit decay of and then inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, had significantly
fruit effectively (Sharma et al. 2009; Korsten 2006; Droby fewer berries infected and lesions were less severe. Similar
et al. 2003). However, the application of antagonistic micro- results were observed from our previous study (Liplap et al.
organisms is limited due to difficulty in management of the 2013a), where the lettuce was treated with varying pressures
storage environment and other postharvest treatments required ranging from 100 to 850 kPa at 20 °C for 5 days. The devel-
to achieve sufficient protection from the biocontrol agent opment of decay was dramatically delayed when lettuce was
(Janisiewicz and Korsten 2002). Synthetic chemicals, includ- stored under hyperbaric pressure, especially at 850 kPa, in
ing pesticides and preservatives, have been widely applied to comparison with ambient pressure. Nevertheless, the mode of
fresh produce. Nevertheless, use of chemicals is not the most action of hyperbaric treatment on the growth of microorgan-
desirable means of disease control because they are generally isms has not been clearly elucidated. It is probably due to the
expensive, can cause environmental pollution, and may in- direct impact of elevated pressure itself on the microorganisms
duce pathogen resistance. But most importantly, the presence (Segovia-Bravo et al. 2012), or the elevated O2, causing O2
of chemical residues leads to harmful effects on the human toxicity to microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, and molds (Kader
health by interfering with the reproductive systems and fetal and Ben-Yehoshua 2000; Bean 1945), or the enhancement of
development as well as in their capacity to cause cancer and the host pathogen defense compound synthesis, induced by
asthma (Gilden et al. 2010). Therefore, use of chemical treat- mild stress as demonstrated for UV-C and heat treatments
ments as postharvest treatments has been so far restricted. (Charles and Arul 2007; Lu et al. 2010). To date, very limited
Recently, physical treatments, either alone or in combination, information is available concerning hyperbaric pressure ef-
such as heat (such as water and vapor), irradiation, UV-B/C, fects on decay-causing microorganisms of fruit and vegeta-
modified/controlled atmosphere, pressure, etc., have drawn bles. Studies are required to understand the mechanisms of
great attention in the postharvest field because they not only hyperbaric treatment on microorganism inactivation.
control insect and storage diseases but can also maintain or In this study, the physiology of three selected bacteria
even improve eating qualities of stored fruit and vegetables causing fruit and vegetable decay (i.e., Pseudomonas cichorii,
(Charles and Arul 2007; Vigneault et al. 2012) Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Pseudomonas marginalis)
Of the physical means, hyperbaric treatment has shown to under different hyperbaric pressures (from 100 to 850 kPa)
improve quality preservation on some horticultural produce, was investigated. BIOLOG microplates (GEN III) containing
i.e., tomato (Goyette et al. 2012; Liplap et al. 2013b, c), lettuce 71 carbon sources were used to follow bacteria development
(Liplap et al. 2013a), mume fruit (Baba et al. 1999), cherry, and under the different hyperbaric pressure treatments, thus elim-
grape (Romanazzi et al. 2008). The basic operation consists of inating the potential interference of a plant self-defense mech-
subjecting produce to a pressurized air environment ranging anism. The hyperbaric treatments were applied at 20 °C and
from 0.1 to 1.0 MPa (1–10 atm), in which the proportion of air their carbon source utilization behaviors were compared to
composition is maintained (Goyette et al. 2007). It is different that of storage at 4 °C at ambient atmospheric pressure.
from conventional high pressure treatment, where the pressure
is set between 400 and 1,200 MPa (Ahmed and Ramaswamy
2006). An application of such high pressures is generally not Materials and Methods
suitable for fruit and vegetables because they can cause irre-
versible damage to cell structure (Ahmed and Ramaswamy Species, Bacterial Inoculum, and Microplates
2006; Baba and Ikeda 2003). The main advantage of hyperbaric
pressure treatment over the other physical treatments is the Pseudomonas marginalis , Pseudomonas cichorii , and
homogeneity of response, as it acts instantaneously and uni- Pectobacterium carotovorum used in this study were isolated
formly throughout a mass of product independently of the size from rotting lettuce tissues (Liplap et al. 2013a). For isolation
and the shape (Goyette et al. 2007). of bacteria, pieces of lettuce from different samples with
The inhibitory effects of high pressure on the growth of rotting symptoms were sequentially washed under running
several microorganisms have been widely reported (San distilled water, cut into small pieces, and macerated in
Martín et al. 2002). In general, very high pressure is required 10 mM of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 30 min. Macerate
to kill or inactivate the growth of microorganisms. Nevertheless, was then diluted 1:10 and streaked onto King's B agar medium
recent studies have shown that microorganisms were affected by (KB) (King et al. 1954) for Pseudomonas spp. recovery and
hyperbaric treatment as well. Romanazzi et al. (2008) showed Nutrient Agar (NA) (Becton Dickinson and Company,
that hyperbaric treatment (150 kPa) applied for 4 h significantly Sparks, MD, USA) for other species, both media were sup-
reduced the incidence of brown rot, gray and blue molds, and plemented with 50 mg L−1 of cycloheximide (Sigma Aldrich
Food Bioprocess Technol

Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) to avoid fungal growth. Bacteria air flow meter, and CO2 gas analyzer are all connected to a data
were grown on media at 28 °C for 48 h. After the incubation acquisition and control card (Personnel DAQ 3000, Cleveland,
period, predominant colonies on plates were purified by streak- Ohio, USA) and a personal computer.
ing on KB (for fluorescent colonies) or NA. Fluorescent
Pseudomonas isolates were identified based on LOPAT profile Experimental Procedure
and identification confirmed using the GEN III Microbial
Identification System (BIOLOG, Hayward, CA, USA). Prior to the experiment, the hyperbaric system was sanitized to
Pectobacterium was identified using GEN III and the pectolytic avoid contamination of other microorganisms from the air. The
activity was verified using surface sterilized potato slices (De pressurized air was filtered through a series of filters: a 20-μm, a
Boer and Kelman 2001). 0.03-μm, and a 0.01-μm filter. The air supply line was
The bacterial inocula were prepared for each species. A disinfected with a 10 % v/v sodium hypochlorite solution.
bacterial suspension was adjusted to A 600 =0.09 in 10 mM The storage vessels were cleaned with 70 % v/v ethanol solu-
phosphate buffer pH 7.0 which corresponds to about 108 CFU tion prior to use. Each of the inoculated BIOLOG GEN III
mL-1. The final concentrations of these inocula were verified microplates were submitted to one of the following pressure
by dilution plating onto KB medium. These bacterial suspen- and temperature conditions: 100, 200, 400, 625, or 850 kPa at
sions were used immediately to inoculate BIOLOG GEN III 20 °C or 100 kPa at 4 °C. The 100 kPa at 20 °C treatment was
microplates. the control and 100 kPa at 4 °C was the cold treatment. The
For microplate preparation, the inoculating protocol of the vessels were then sealed and pressurized for 7 days. The
manufacturer for the GEN III was followed as described in the microplates were taken out and read every 24 h up to 168 h
user guide, with the exception that the inoculation fluid was (day 7) using a microplate reader (Model ELx808BLG, BioTek
inoculated using 10 μL of the bacterial suspension prepared as instruments, Winooski, VT). Absorbance was read at 590 nm
described above. The inoculated microplates were then transferred since respiration of the carbon source in each well induces the
into each hyperbaric vessel with three plates per species and three tetrazolium dye color development (purple) with a peak of
species per treatment. The experiment was conducted twice. absorbance at this wavelength. After the 7th day, the plates
were kept at 100 kPa, 20 °C (ambient conditions) and the
Hyperbaric Treatment System changes in color were monitored until 240 h (day 10).

Hyperbaric pressure system used during the tests is illustrated BIOLOG Data Treatment
in Fig. 1. The system is similar to the one previously used for
horticultural produce storage, where pressure, air flow rate, BIOLOG is a 96-well microplate technique originally devel-
and relative humidity are controlled (Liplap et al. 2013a, b). oped for a rapid identification of bacteria (Garland and Mills
Briefly, it consists of a compressed air tank, three low pressure 1991). In addition to that role, it is found useful in investigat-
vessels, three high pressure vessels, and an infrared gas ana- ing the response of bacteria to different nutrients and environ-
lyzer. The low pressure vessels are made from painted steel mental conditions. The BIOLOG microplate GEN III model
apparatus (PRO-TEK, Mirabel, Quebec, Canada), 220 mm in analyzes microorganisms in 94 phenotypic tests: 71 carbon
height and 265 mm inside diameter, whereas the high pressure source utilization assays and 23 chemical sensitivity assays,
vessels are made from stainless steel (GracoTM, Minneapolis, with one negative control (no carbon source) and one positive
MN, USA), 225 mm high and 235 mm inside diameter. The control used as a reference for chemical sensitivity assays. The
net volume of each vessel is 10.75 L. A 12.7-mm flat rubber microbial activity in the cells is determined based on the
ring is used to ensure air tightness between the cover and the exchange of electrons generated during respiration, leading
chamber. Each vessel is equipped with a pressure regulator subsequently to tetrazolium-based color changes. Therefore,
and a flow control needle valve to individually regulate the an increase in color development indicates the nutrient utili-
pressure and air flow rate, respectively. A safety relief valve is zation, which corresponds to bacterial growth.
used to prevent pressure overload. Two compression fittings Each microplate provides a set of 95 data per reading; con-
are fastened to the vessel to quick connect the airflow inlet and sequently, to allow easier interpretation, the analysis was carried
outlet using plastic tubes of 3.2 mm inner diameter. The air out through groups of substrates: (1) all wells (n =95), all carbon
inlet of the vessel is connected to a compressed air tank sources (n =71), sugars (n =26), sugar alcohols (n =5), amino
equipped with a regulating manometer. A channel selector acids (n =11), hexose acids (n =9), and the others (carboxylic
(a manifold equipped with controlled valves) is installed to acids, esters, and fatty acids; n =18). Overall changes in color
connect the air outlet of the selected vessel to a CO2 infrared gas development were expressed as average well color development
analyzer (Guardian® Plus, Kirkton Capus, Livingston, UK) and (AWCD) based on the classified substrate groups. AWCD at a
the electronic air flow meter (Bronkhorst TM , Ruurlo, given time was derived from the mean difference among absor-
Netherlands). The manifold equipped with controlled valves, bance values of the selected carbon sources (C ) and the
Food Bioprocess Technol

Fig. 1 Hyperbaric system for evaluation of the effect of different pressure levels on bacterial growth

absorbance value of the control well (R: no carbon source) as The predictive modeling was performed to describe the
shown in Eq. 1. The negative absorbance values obtained from behavior of bacterial growth under different hyperbaric treat-
C-R term were set to zero prior to calculating a mean. ment conditions. Also, the model allows prediction of micro-
X bial safety or product shelf life (Zwietering et al. 1990; Cayre
ðC−RÞ et al. 2005). In general, bacterial growth shows a phase in
AWCDsub:group ¼ ð1Þ which the specific growth rate (μ M) starts a value of zero and
then accelerates to a maximum value (A) in a certain period of
where: time, resulting in a lag time (λ) (Fig. 2). Due to the sigmoidal average well color development (AWCD) shape of the color development, logistic curve is used as the
of each substrate group basis for curve fitting models. A number of microbial growth
C absorbance value of each well models are found in literature, such as Richards, Stannard,
R absorbance value of the control well Schute, logistic model and others (Zwietering et al. 1990). In
N number of wells in the substrate group this study, the AWCD of all carbon sources was fitted to the
modified Gompertz equation (Eq. 3), a widely used asymmet-
Mean AWCD values were plotted over time for each sub- ric logistic model in which the exponential increase is
strate group. As the area under the curve (AUC) corresponds to corrected by an exponential term (Zwietering et al. 1990;
the growth of bacteria (asymptote, growth rate, lag time, etc.) Vandepitte et al. 1995). The obtained kinetic model parame-
and explains combined effect of color development (Preston- ters (A , μ M, and λ) are useful in investigating the behavior of
Mafham et al. 2002), it was used to quantify the effect of bacteria.
different treatment conditions. In this study, AUC was estimated n hμ e io
using trapezoid approach (Eq. 2). The AUC method is particu- yðt Þ ¼ Aexp −exp M ðλ−t Þ þ 1 ð3Þ
larly useful when the data do not fit the logarithmic form. A

Trapezoidal area ¼ ½ðV i þ V i−1 Þ  ðt i −t i−1 Þ ð2Þ
i¼1 y (t) average well color development of all carbon sources
(absorbance value)
A maximum absorbance value (absorbance unit)
v absorbance value (absorbance unit) μM specific growth rate (absorbance unit per hour)
t incubation time (hour) λ lag time (hour)
n number of reading e = exp (1)
Food Bioprocess Technol

wells) utilization is shown in Fig. 3. It is clearly shown that

temperature was the most significant factor affecting the growth
of bacteria. The bacteria treated at 4 °C grew slowly throughout
the 7 days of treatment and did not fully develop to the sigmoi-
dal curve. This is not surprising because of reduced microbial
activity at low temperature. Interestingly, an increase in sur-
rounding pressure at 20 °C clearly showed a positive impact on
the growth behavior of the bacteria. The higher the pressure
applied, the lower the microbial growth. In general, at 20 °C,
the curves followed a sigmoidal curve with different extents of
maximum growth and their corresponding times. The exponen-
Fig. 2 An example of bacterial growth curve expressed by average well
color development (AWCD). The fitting Gompertz equation parameters tial growth phase at 20 °C ranged from 24 to 72 h and was also
A, μ M, and λ indicate maximum rate color development, specific growth dependent on the types of bacteria.
rate, and lag time, respectively

Principal component analysis (PCA) was also performed 1.0

Pseudomonas cichorii
on AUC data of all substrates to distinguish growth pattern of
treatment conditions. PCA reduces a multivariate data set and
projects original data onto a small number of principal com- 0.6

ponents (PCs). Each PC extracts a portion of the variance from
the original data, with the greatest amount of variance 0.4
extracted by the first axis. Relationships among treatment
conditions were obtained by plotting scores of the first two
PCs in two dimensions, allowing comparison on the basis of 0.0
different patterns of carbon source utilization. 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Pectobacterium carotovorum
Statistical Analysis 0.8

The experiments were conducted in a two-way factorial design 0.6


(bacterium and treatment) with three replications and conducted

twice. An analysis of variance was performed on the results (i.e.,
AUC and fitting Gompertz equation parameters: A, μ M, λ) 0.2
using the General Linear Model with SAS software (SAS
Institute, Cary, NC, USA), and significant differences between 0.0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
treatment means were determined using Duncan's multiple 1.0
range test with a 95 % confidence interval (P <0.05). Pseudomonas marginalis
PCA was conducted on the AUC using XLSTAT software 0.8
(Version 2011.2.4, Addinsoft, France). PCA was then used to

evaluate separation of treatment conditions based on the 95-

substrate utilization. Scores for variable loading were evaluated 0.4
to determine which substrate contributed the largest discrimi-
nation power. 0.2

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Results Time (h)
Fig. 3 A typical of average well color development (AWCD) of all
Pattern of Carbon Source Utilization chemical and carbon sources (95 wells) for Pseudomonas cichorii,
Pectobacterium carotovorum, and Pseudomonas marginalis under dif-
The response of bacteria was found to vary differently depend- ferent hyperbaric pressure and temperature conditions: gray square =
100 kPa, 20 °C, gray circle = 200 kPa, 20 °C, gray triangle = 400 kPa,
ing on nutrient group, but the same trend was observed under 20 °C, white square = 625 kPa, 20 °C, white circle = 850 kPa, 20 °C, and
the treatment conditions. A typical bacterial growth curve of white triangle = 100 kPa, 4 °C. Values represent an average and standard
each bacterium based on all chemical and carbon source (95 deviation (S.D.) of six replicates
Food Bioprocess Technol

Quantification of Bacterial Growth Using Area Pseudomonas marginalis, respectively). For Pectobacterium
Under the Curve carotovorum, it utilized both sugars and sugar alcohols well
with a maximum AUC of 97 and 127, respectively.
The results on bacterial growth are quantified using AUC of the Pseudomonas cichorii and Pectobacterium carotovorum were
classified groups and presented in Table 1. This interpretation is found to respond differently to amino acids and hexose acids
useful because it explains the combined effect of color devel- (Table 1). Pseudomonas cichorii preferentially used amino
opment throughout the entire period of experiment (Preston- acids but not hexose acids. In contrast, Pectobacterium
Mafham et al. 2002). In general, the bacterial growth was found carotovorum preferred hexose acids rather than amino acids.
to be strongly affected by bacterial type (P< 0.0001), treatment However, Pseudomonas marginalis consumed both amino and
condition (P< 0.0001), and their interaction (P< 0.0001), ex- hexose acids equally well. Finally, the remaining group contain-
cept for sugar alcohol and hexose acid interactions (P< 0.05). ing carboxylic acids, esters, and fatty acids was consumed well
To compare the effect of nutrient groups on microbial by Pseudomonas marginalis and less so by Pseudomonas
growth, the ambient condition at 100 kPa, 20 °C was taken into cichorii and Pectobacterium carotovorum.
account. There were differences in consumption of sugar and Considering the effect of treatment conditions, in all cases
sugar alcohol groups among bacteria. Pseudomonas cichorii (bacterial species and nutrient group), the control (100 kPa,
and Pseudomonas marginalis utilized very little amount of 20 °C) treatment showed the highest AUC, indicating the
sugar with a maximum AUC of ~18 and ~48, respectively. highest growth compared with all the other treatment condi-
Although they utilized only little sugars, they were instead found tions. The 100-kPa, 4 °C treatment resulted in the lowest AUC,
to consume a lot of sugar alcohols, as indicated by a high AUC representing the most effective response to inhibiting microbial
(maximum AUC ~128 and 158 for Pseudomonas cichorii and growth. When hyperbaric pressures were applied at 20 °C, the

Table 1 Effect of hyperbaric pressure and temperature conditions on the growth of bacteria (represent by area under the curve: AUC) under different
substrate groups. Values represent an average and standard deviation (S.D.) of six replicates

Bacteria Treatment AUC

Sugars Sugar alcohols Amino acids Hexose acids Carboxylic acid,

esters, fatty acids

Pseudomonas cichorii 100 kPa, 4 °C 5.3±3.5 c 16.3±16.2 d 12.7±10.5 f 15.6±11.4 e 9.1±6.5 f

100 kPa, 20 °C 18.2±6.2 a 127.5±14.6 a 84.5±9.6 a 62.0±3.6 a 59.0±5.1 a
200 kPa, 20 °C 15.8±7.3 a 99.7±26.1 b 68.0±3.7 b 47.4±4.1 b 49.8±1.0 b
400 kPa, 20 °C 12.7±5.0 ab 81.8±13.2 b 55.8±2.3 c 39.5±1.8 c 38.0±1.7 c
625 kPa, 20 °C 8.9±3.3 bc 54.8±25.9 c 38.0±1.9 d 34.8±3.5 c 28.9±1.5 d
850 kPa, 20 °C 3.1±2.5 c 23.5±19.8 d 23.6±1.7 e 27.9±3.0 d 20.5±3.3 e
Pectobacterium carotovorum 100 kPa, 4 °C 4.8±4.3 e 5.8±8.5 d 8.0±8.4 d 3.5±4.9 f 1.4±1.7 f
100 kPa, 20 °C 96.8±11.7 a 126.5±24.0 a 42.6±4.2 a 86.2±6.6 a 26.3±2.5 a
200 kPa, 20 °C 88.2±10.4 b 115.3±17.1 a 40.5±2.2 a 75.6±6.3 b 21.9±1.8 b
400 kPa, 20 °C 70.3±3.4 c 87.8±6.8 b 26.4±5.7 b 59.4±5.7 c 16.6±1.5 c
625 kPa, 20 °C 62.7±3.8 c 70.7±4.4 c 14.6±1.6 c 46.2±4.0 d 10.1±1.6 d
850 kPa, 20 °C 50.4±4.7 d 60.6±6.9 c 12.0±1.6 cd 30.6±11.2 e 7.3±1.4 e
Pseudomonas marginalis 100 kPa, 4 °C 12.7±4.6 c 36.2±13.7 d 29.7±10.0 d 27.5±8.5 d 14.8±2.2 d
100 kPa, 20 °C 47.9±3.0 a 158.2±25.4 a 128.7±12.4 a 114.1±7.8 a 76.2±6.9 a
200 kPa, 20 °C 46.7±4.7 a 131.6±20.7 b 112.0±10.1 b 98.8±22.6 ab 57.6±8.7 b
400 kPa, 20 °C 44.3±4.8 a 131.0±29.8 b 101.0±13.7 b 86.9±23.4 b 46.5±4.2 c
625 kPa, 20 °C 38.8±2.2 b 111.5±17.2 bc 81.5±9.0 c 78.3±17.9 bc 36.7±5.1 d
850 kPa, 20 °C 35.5±4.0 b 99.5±17.7 c 71.3±1.0 c 62.8±17.0 c 30.7±2.4 d
Treatment (T) ** ** ** ** **
Bacteria (B) ** ** ** ** **
T ×B ** * ** * **

Data with the same letter for each bacterium within a column are not significantly different at P <0.05 (Duncan's multiple range test)
*P< 0.001; **P< 0.0001 (significant difference)
Food Bioprocess Technol

AUC was found to significantly decrease (P< 0.05) for all separation of bacterial community (Preston-Mafham et al.
bacteria. This indicates that an increase in pressure effectively 2002). In this study, all carbon sources are presumed to be
reduced the ability of bacteria to metabolize nutrients (sugars, nutrients contained in a food product. The kinetics of microbial
sugar alcohols, amino acids, hexose acids, and the other growth is studied using the modified Gompertz equation and
groups). There were significant differences between the control the fitting results are presented in Table 2. It was found that the
(100 kPa, 20 ° C) and at pressure treatments ≥625 kPa. growth behavior of the three selected bacteria fitted well with
Interestingly, there were no significant differences in AUC Gompertz equation with high coefficient of determination in all
between the 100-kPa, 4 °C treatment and 850-kPa, 20 °C cases (R 2 =0.930–0.999). In general, the growth behavior of
treatment for sugars and sugar alcohols for Pseudomonas bacteria (A , μ M, and λ ) is affected by bacterial species
cichorii, amino acids for Pectobacterium carotovorum, and (P <0.0001), pressure (P <0.0001), and their interaction
the others group (carboxylic acids, esters, and fatty acids) for (P <0.0001), except for the interaction of the A parameter
Pseudomonas marginalis. These indicate that hyperbaric treat- (P> 0.05). For the different bacteria, on average, Pseudomonas
ment has the potential of being used to reduce bacterial growth. marginalis had the highest A values and λ , followed by
However, the combined effect of hyperbaric treatment and Pectobacterium carotovorum and Pseudomonas cichorii, while
lowered temperature would be of interest for further study. Pectobacterium carotovorum grew faster than Pseudomonas
marginalis and Pseudomonas cichorii with the highest μ M. In
Quantification of Bacterial Growth Using Kinetic Model all cases of bacteria, the maximum growth was observed for the
control (100 kPa) and decreased significantly when increasing
Even though the AUC gives a complete picture of differences the hyperbaric pressure. The 850-kPa pressure treatment reduced
in carbon source utilization, the use of kinetic model can the maximum growth by 71, 56, and 43 % for Pseudomonas
provide additional information since it describes three different cichorii, Pectobacterium carotovorum , and Pseudomonas
aspects of the color response (A, μ M, and λ) and allows finer marginalis , respectively, indicating that the physiology of

Table 2 Comparison of the estimated Gompertz fitting parameters from development, μ M = the specific color development rate, and λ = the lag
average well color development (AWCD) of carbon sources for different time. Values represent an average and standard deviation (S.D.) of six
hyperbaric pressure and temperature conditions: A = the maximum color replicates

Bacteria Treatment Gompertz fitting parameter

A μM λ R2
(Absorbance) (Absorbance h−1) (h)

Pseudomonas cichorii 100 kPa, 20 °C 0.389±0.040 a 0.008±0.001 a 18.4±1.6 bc 0.994-0.999

200 kPa, 20 °C 0.315±0.052 b 0.007±0.001 b 15.0±4.3 c 0.992-0.998
400 kPa, 20 °C 0.244±0.026 c 0.006±0.001 b 18.1±1.2 bc 0.994-0.998
625 kPa, 20 °C 0.176±0.025 d 0.006±0.001 b 21.3±1.0 b 0.945-0.998
850 kPa, 20 °C 0.112±0.025 e 0.003±0.001 c 25.7±5.4 b 0.988-0.997
Pectobacterium carotovorum 100 kPa, 20 °C 0.564±0.043 a 0.024±0.003 a 23.1±0.9 a 0.990-0.997
200 kPa, 20 °C 0.489±0.041 b 0.026±0.004 a 22.6±0.2 a 0.988-0.997
400 kPa, 20 °C 0.381±0.011 c 0.027±0.005 a 22.5±0.5 a 0.978-0.994
625 kPa, 20 °C 0.323±0.019 d 0.019±0.003 b 22.7±0.3 a 0.953-0.999
850 kPa, 20 °C 0.250±0.011 e 0.015±0.002 b 22.9±0.2 a 0.930-0.999
Pseudomonas marginalis 100 kPa, 20 °C 0.688±0.010 a 0.015±0.001 ab 30.8±1.6 a 0.998-0.999
200 kPa, 20 °C 0.648±0.009 b 0.016±0.002 a 29.2±1.8 a 0.996-0.999
400 kPa, 20 °C 0.561±0.005 c 0.014±0.001 b 24.0±0.9 b 0.991-0.998
625 kPa, 20 °C 0.461±0.015 d 0.014±0.001 b 24.3±0.4 b 0.993-0.999
850 kPa, 20 °C 0.391±0.009 e 0.014±0.001 b 25.6±1.6 b 0.971-0.993
Treatment (T) ** ** **
Bacteria (B) ** ** **
T ×B NS ** **

Data with the same letter for each bacterium within a column are not significantly different at P <0.05 (Duncan's multiple range test)
*P< 0.001; **P< 0.0001 (significant difference)
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 3 Effect of hyperbaric pressure and temperature conditions on the growth of bacteria (represented by area under the curve: AUC) under different
chemical sensitivity assays. Values represent an average and standard deviation (S.D.) of six replicates

Bacteria Chemical sensitivity assays 4 °C 20 °C

100 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 400 kPa 625 kPa 850 kPa

Pseudomenas pH 6 25.3±23.8 d 275.8±12.0 a 265.1±29.0 a 267.3±16.8 a 243.0±6.5 b 213.9±9.4 c

cichorii pH 5 3.2±3.5 c 248.6±34.9 a 264.8±18.3 a 257.7±29.5 a 257.8±10.3 a 201.4±31.9 b
1 % NaCl 20.5±18.0 e 242.9±17.3 a 248.8±13.2 a 212.7±6.4 b 184.9±8.0 c 148.3±5.3 d
4 % NaCl 4.7±5.6 d 131.2±30.4 a 84.2±28.6 b 81.0±24.0 b 33.3±33.6 c 0.3±0.3 d
a a a a a a
8 % NaCl
1 % sodium lactate 32.5±34.5 b 229.8±39.0 a 241.5±40.3 a 223.6±67.5 a 171.2±137.5 a 141.1±154.8 ab
a a a a a a
Fusidic acid
a a a a a a
D -Serine
a a a a a a
Rifamycin SV 37.5±34.7 c 244.9±38.6 a 265.1±21.6 a 245.8±10.9 a 209.2±4.2 b 198.8±7.3 b
a a a a a a
Lincomycin 39.9±29.9 d 214.8±19.1 bc 250.5±8.7 a 223.5±6.9 b 203.4±7.1 c 199.3±4.7 c
Guanidine HCl 6.4±5.7 c 107.6±29.6 a 84.9±19.6 a 98.7±11.3 a 99.0±16.1 a 40.8±41.8 b
Niaproof 4 6.8±4.6 c 211.2±34.8 a 207.1±27.3 a 218.1±22.9 a 204.8±18.7 a 169.4±27.1 b
Vancomycin 41.8±33.4 d 232.7±25.9 b 265.8±9.3 a 235.2±4.7 b 205.8±5.5 c 199.2±6.0 c
Tetrazolium violet 66.0±43.0 b 337.5±103.5 a 340.8±91.7 a 278.8±54.4 a 285.0±58.6 a 295.0±76.7 a
Tetrazolium blue 39.5±24.9 c 391.2±61.9 a 391.6±64.0 a 337.6±65.5 a 270.5±46.8 b 238.5±27.2 b
a a a a a a
Nalidixic acid
a a a a a a
Lithium chloride
Potassium tellurite 3.3±3.7 c 223.4±50.3 a 248.5±29.2 a 243.5±18.9 a 182.6±15.8 b 150.5±30.7 b
a a a a a a
a a a a a a
Sodium butyrate
Sodium bromate 2.1±1.7 d 162.9±6.8 a 138.5±7.8 b 126.4±11.0 c 9.4±13.2 d 0.1±0.1 d
Pectobacterium pH 6 4.0±2.5 c 212.8±30.9 a 206.0±16.7 a 164.7±22.9 b 154.7±8.8 b 155.3±6.1 b
carotovorum pH 5 0.3±0.4 c 159.4±14.0 a 168.6±15.7 a 155.7±18.0 a 131.0±4.3 b 134.2±13.9 b
1 % NaCl 5.7±6.6 c 216.6±12.8 a 220.6±15.3 a 180.7±25.1 b 178.6±12.1 b 190.2±15.4 b
4 % NaCl 2.7±3.7 c 199.2±9.6 a 198.3±8.3 a 182.0±12.4 a 176.1±2.3 a 79.5±60.3 b
8 % NaCl 0.3±0.2 c 27.7±7.8 a 24.0±4.9 a 17.7±7.4 b 2.5±1.4 c 0.0±0.0 c
1 % Sodium lactate 12.4±9.2 c 234.8±21.3 a 255.8±9.7 a 239.2±8.3 a 217.4±6.2 a 161.4±93.4 b
Fusidic acid 4.0±3.6 d 106.0±14.2 a 110.4±5.7 a 90.1±7.6 b 84.0±5.4 b 55.8±9.4 c
a a a a a a
D -Serine
Troleandomycin 8.5±12.5 c 159.3±17.1 b 180.9±3.1 a 178.7±13.1 a 159.2±19.1 b 150.7±18.3 b
Rifamycin SV 5.2±5.9 d 197.3±14.3 b 221.7±11.2 a 195.8±7.7 b 177.3±12.5 c 175.9±15.4 c
a a a a a a
Lincomycin 8.5±7.6 d 193.9±16.7 b 220.8±11.9 a 202.0±5.0 b 188.5±5.6 bc 174.5±18.9 c
Guanidine HCl 5.6±5.1 c 152.1±21.0 a 141.6±4.3 ab 149.7±4.3 a 151.2±5.0 a 136.2±10.9 b
Niaproof 4 5.5±2.3 b 162.8±25.9 a 157.0±14.6 a 157.1±10.9 a 173.3±8.1 a 165.1±20.0 a
Vancomycin 10.2±11.5 e 190.9±24.8 bc 220.8±15.6 a 196.3±19.3 b 172.8±9.3 cd 168.4±17.6 d
Tetrazolium violet 28.6±12.4 e 447.7±15.3 a 402.9±58.3 b 307.0±43.6 c 248.4±28.3 d 211.3±25.8 d
Tetrazolium blue 23.7±7.8 e 344.2±28.5 a 280.3±29.5 b 223.4±22.0 c 184.1±12.4 d 181.2±19.6 d
a a a a a a
Nalidixic acid
a a a a a a
Lithium chloride
a a a a a a
Potassium tellurite
a a a a a a
Sodium butyrate 2.4±2.5 e 183.5±9.9 a 177.5±8.5 a 137.9±6.0 b 91.0±15.2 c 18.8±3.2 d
a a a a a a
Sodium bromate
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 3 (continued)

Bacteria Chemical sensitivity assays 4 °C 20 °C

100 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 400 kPa 625 kPa 850 kPa

Pseudomonas pH 6 115.7±13.2 c 218.8±19.7 b 240.2±37.0 b 268.4±28.5 a 288.7±19.0 a 288.1±14.1 a

marginalis pH 5 64.1±11.9 d 209.8±44.3 c 248.6±22.2 b 279.5±15.7 a 297.3±16.5 a 297.6±16.8 a
1 % NaCl 98.0±19.0 d 264.8±20.3 c 292.3±13.2 ab 306.8±15.0 a 275.8±21.7 bc 275.6±12.1 bc
4 % NaCl 5.7±3.0 d 188.5±24.9 a 178.0±5.9 ab 161.5±49.0 abc 108.5±76.5 c 126.1±63.4 bc
8 % NaCl 0.1±0.1 b 7.7±5.9 ab 17.4±14.4 a 13.1±15.1 a 0.0±0.0 b 0.0±0.0 b
1 % Sodium lactate 131.9±15.8 d 242.2±29.8 c 276.4±13.1 b 289.8±5.1 b 323.6±17.3 a 333.2±13.6 a
Fusidic acid 18.3±10.0 c 219.3±27.6 b 269.0±37.1 a 288.1±23.4 a 287.3±18.2 a 257.9±21.8 a
D -Serine 0.1±0.1 b 0.8±2.0 b 6.2±9.7 b 31.1±18.9 a 6.9±9.6 b 0.4±0.9 b
Troleandomycin 86.4±15.9 b 218.3±38.2 a 242.2±51.9 a 235.6±23.7 a 241.0±13.0 a 219.4±10.8 a
Rifamycin SV 111.6±8.7 d 234.0±26.8 c 262.3±54.6 bc 278.0±25.3 ab 305.5±22.1 a 281.3±22.6 ab
Minocycline 0.0±0.0 c 173.1±20.8 a 165.4±37.7 a 168.5±44.3 a 153.6±39.5 a 93.6±45.6 b
Lincomycin 128.7±10.3 c 228.5±27.4 b 254.0±56.0 ab 266.3±33.3 ab 272.3±15.1 a 270.0±26.1 a
Guanidine HCl 11.9±3.3 c 225.1±6.8 a 230.8±11.7 a 228.2±9.0 a 224.9±7.0 a 212.1±5.8 b
Niaproof 4 32.4±6.0 c 206.8±11.6 b 208.9±14.7 b 212.2±10.0 ab 223.0±4.3 a 202.0±11.6 b
Vancomycin 120.5±10.2 b 250.0±31.1 a 250.0±37.0 a 271.7±28.4 a 283.3±27.8 a 268.0±17.2 a
Tetrazolium violet 196.4±21.7 b 450.8±2.5 a 451.6±2.5 a 455.1±2.1 a 453.2±2.5 a 450.9±4.9 a
Tetrazolium blue 143.7±39.7 b 432.9±13.1 a 429.1±29.7 a 445.9±2.2 a 443.5±4.8 a 439.5±8.5 a
a a a a a a
Nalidixic acid
Lithium chloride 0.0±0.0 c 2.2±5.3 c 0.0±0.0 c 30.2±73.9 c 105.6±16.1 b 150.1±41.7 a
Potassium tellurite 0.0±0.0 c 214.8±43.9 b 252.1±10.7 a 251.6±24.1 a 263.4±14.1 a 262.8±10.9 a
Aztreonam 17.5±3.6 e 185.3±12.6 d 225.3±7.6 ab 239.5±9.0 a 235.7±12.1 ab 211.6±17.1 c
Sodium butyrate 0.1±0.1 b 19.5±5.7 a 2.4±1.4 b 0.4±0.7 b 0.0±0.0 b 0.1±0.1 b
Sodium bromate 0.1±0.1 b 4.8±4.0 ab 45.7±58.2 a 34.4±57.1 ab 2.9±3.2 b 0.0±0.0 b

Data with the same letter within each row are not significantly different at P <0.05 (Duncan's multiple range test)
No color development

Pseudomonas cichorii is highly influenced by hyperbaric pres- nine (i.e., 8 % NaCl, fusidic acid, D -serine, troleandomycin,
sure, followed by Pectobacterium carotovorum and minocycline, nalidixic acid, lithium chloride, aztreonam, and
Pseudomonas marginalis . For Pseudomonas cichorii and sodium butyrate) and seven (i.e., D -serine, minocycline,
Pectobacterium carotovorum, hyperbaric pressure, especially nalidixic acid, lithium chloride, potassium tellurite, aztreonam,
850 kPa, caused a significant reduction in specific growth rate and sodium bromate) chemical sensitivity assays, respectively.
compared with the control (100 kPa) but it was not the case for Pseudomonas marginalis did not grow on nalidixic acid.
Pseudomonas marginalis. For λ, it depended on the species Generally, hyperbaric pressure and lowered temperature treat-
of bacteria, which could be either increase or decrease or ments caused a reduction in bacterial growth on the various
be stable over the applied pressure levels. The hyperbaric treat- chemicals, except for some on which Pseudomonas marginalis
ment tended to increase λ for Pseudomonas cichorii, decrease seemed to have enhanced growth with increasing pressure.
for Pseudomonas marginalis , and remain constant for
Pectobacterium carotovorum. Multivariate Analysis

Effect of Hyperbaric Pressure and Temperature Condition The PCA on carbon source utilization profile allowed assessing
on the Response of Bacteria to Chemical Sensitivity Assays differences in the patterns of bacterial behavior among treat-
ment conditions (Fig. 4). It is found that the treatments were
The response of bacteria to chemical sensitivity was found to clearly divided into distinct groups with first (PC1) and second
vary greatly for both bacterial species and treatment condi- (PC2) principal components, accounting for 60.6, 74.3, and
tions (Table 3). The letter ( a ) in the table indicates that bacteria 59.9 % of the total variance in the data set for Pseudomonas
did not grow in the presence of those chemicals. Pseudomonas cichorii, Pectobacterium carotovorum , and Pseudomonas
cichorii and Pectobacterium carotovorum did not respond to marginalis , respectively. The separation of the treatment
Food Bioprocess Technol

4 Pseudomonas gradually turned to negative values with increasing pressure,

3 cichorii
and approaching values similar to 100 kPa, 4 °C treatment,
2 especially in Pseudomonas cichorii. In other words, the PC1
PC2 (21.02 %)

1 explained the variation caused by the hyperbaric pressure treat-

0 ment. In general, the response of bacteria at 100 kPa, 4 °C
-1 (cold) linked to both PC1 and PC2. These results confirm that
-2 treatment conditions greatly influence the carbon source utili-
-3 zation, and increasing the hyperbaric pressure causes bacteria to
alter their metabolism in a manner similar to that found when
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 placed into cold temperatures.
PC1 (39.56 %)
5 Pectobacterium
4 carotovorum Discussion
PC2 (23.22 %)

2 Little information of the effect of hyperbaric pressure on

microbial growth on produce is available. According previous
studies, hyperbaric treatment has been shown to reduce mi-
-2 crobial growth on some horticultural produce, such as sweet
-3 cherries and table grapes (Romanazzi et al. 2008) and Boston
-4 lettuce (Liplap et al. 2013a). There are three hypothesized
-5 modes of action involved in the reduction of bacterial growth,
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
i.e., direct impact of pressure (Segovia-Bravo et al. 2012), a
PC1 (51.06 %)
toxicity caused by high O2 level (Kader and Ben-Yehoshua
Pseudomonas 2000; Bean 1945), or mild stress-induced self-defense mech-
2 anism within the plant tissue (Romanazzi et al. 2008). The use
PC2 (27.96 %)

of BIOLOG plate as nutrient simulation of a commodity can
reveal the growth behavior of bacteria under hyperbaric treat-
0 ment, eliminating the possibility of a plant self-defense mech-
-1 anism. Results (growth profile, AUC, kinetic parameters)
indicate that hyperbaric treatment itself significantly affected
-2 the growth behavior of decay-causing bacteria. However, as
-3 the hyperbaric treatment involves two phenomena taking
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 place simultaneously (increasing pressure and increasing O2
PC1 (31.93 %) level), the understanding of which factor is most critical for
Fig. 4 Multivariate classification of different pressure and temperature bacterial growth still remains unresolved. Arroyo et al. (1997)
conditions on Pseudomonas cichorii, Pectobacterium carotovorum, and found that to reduce the growth of Gram-negative bacteria by
Pseudomonas marginalis bacteria using area under the curve of both all
carbon sources and chemical sensitivity: gray square = 100 kPa, 20 °C, 1 log at 20 °C requires a pressure as high as 300 MPa for
gray circle = 200 kPa, 20 °C, gray triangle = 400 kPa, 20 °C, white 10 min. This implies that the reduction of bacterial growth
square = 625 kPa, 20 °C, white circle = 850 kPa, 20 °C, and white found in this study is due unlikely to pressure effects and
triangle = 100 kPa, 4 °C hence the increase of O2 level must be the critical factor for
response. Bert (1878) found that many microorganisms such
as bacteria, yeasts, and molds were affected by high O2, but
conditions in PC space can be related to differences in carbon their sensitivity depends greatly on species of microorganism,
utilization by examining the factor loading of the original which is in line with our study. The hypothesis is supported by
variables to the PCs. The most important carbon sources in Harrison (1976), who found that the growth behavior (growth
treatment differentiation were defined as those which had at rate, growth efficiency, and respiration rates) of living organ-
least half of their variance explained by PC1 and PC2 (Table 4). isms is dependent on O2 tension. Nevertheless, contradictory
Separation in treatment conditions based carbon source utiliza- results have been reported, showing that O2 alone did not
tion was found to be dependent on the species of bacteria prevent microbial growth and may enhance decay in fruits
(indicated by different types of carbon source utilization). In (Kader and Ben-Yehoshua 2000). A combination of high O2
all cases, the separation among hyperbaric pressure treatments (50 kPa O2) and high CO2 (30 kPa CO2) was required to
was separated by PC1. The bacterial growth at ambient condi- inhibit growth of microorganisms (Amanatidou et al. 1999).
tions (100 kPa, 20 °C) positively correlated with PC1 but Perhaps, the reduction of bacterial growth found in this study
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 4 Substrate loading from PCA using area under the curve of all BIOLOG data. “Loading” is the correlation between a new PC variable and the
original variable. Higher correlation indicates that substrate was important in distinguishing between treatment conditions

Chemical group Substrate Pseudomonas Pectobacterium Pseudomonas

cichorii carotovorum marginalis


Sugars Dextrin – 0.68 – – – –

D -Maltose – 0.73 – – – –
D -Trehalose – 0.60 0.94 – 0.74 –
D -Cellobiose 0.52 – 0.95 – – –
Gentiobiose – – 0.95 – – –
Sucrose – – 0.92 – – 0.76
D -Turanose – – – – –
Stachyose – – 0.98 – – 0.62
D -Raffinose – – 0.97 – – 0.71
a-D -Lactose – 0.62 0.97 – – –
D -Melibiose – 0.68 0.96 – – –
β-Methyl-D -glucoside – 0.61 0.97 – – –
D -Salicin – 0.55 0.96 – – –
N-Acetyl-D -glucosamine – 0.78 0.76 – – 0.93
N-Acetyl-b-D -mannosamine – 0.50 – 0.80 – –
N-Acetyl-D -galactosamine – 0.83 – 0.75 – –
N-Acetyl neuraminic acid – 0.84 – 0.93 – –
α-D -Glucose 0.93 – 0.94 – 0.85 –
D -Mannose 0.93 – 0.94 – 0.87 –
D -Fructose 0.80 – 0.97 – 0.74 –
D -Galactose 0.84 – 0.95 – 0.84 –
3-Methyl glucose – 0.72 – 0.93 – –
D -Fucose – 0.72 – 0.93 – –
L -Fucose – 0.87 – 0.86 – –
L -Rhamnose – 0.84 0.83 – 0.82 –
Inosine 0.69 – 0.73 – – 0.94
Sugar alcohols D -Sorbitol – – – – 0.66 –
D -Mannitol 0.86 – 0.97 – 0.77 –
D -Arabitol 0.91 – – 0.79 0.66 –
myo-Inositol 0.93 – 0.94 – 0.76 –
Glycerol 0.95 – 0.97 – 0.86 –
Hexose-PO4's D -Glucose-6-PO4 – 0.75 0.94 – – –
D -Fructose-6-PO4 – 0.81 0.95 – – –
Amino acids Gelatin – – – – 0.50 –
Glycyl-L -Proline – 0.75 – 0.98 0.51 –
L -Alanine 0.75 – – 0.95 – −0.72
L -Arginine 0.91 – – 0.90 – –
L -Aspartic acid 0.93 – 0.94 – 0.95 –
L -Glutamic acid 0.91 – 0.83 – 0.95 –
L -Histidine 0.77 – – 0.75 0.91 –
L -Pyroglutamic acid 0.85 – – 0.80 – 0.76
L -Serine 0.83 – 0.84 – 0.84 –
D -Aspartic acid 0.93 – 0.92 – – –
D -Serine – 0.76 – 0.83 – –
Hexose acids Pectin – – 0.90 – – 0.94
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 4 (continued)

Chemical group Substrate Pseudomonas Pectobacterium Pseudomonas

cichorii carotovorum marginalis


D -Galacturonic acid 0.68 – 0.96 – 0.68 –

L -Galactonicacid lactone – 0.74 0.82 – – –
D -Gluconic acid 0.91 – 0.83 – 0.92 –
D -Glucuronic acid – 0.61 – 0.78 0.69 –
Glucuronamide 0.71 – – 0.86 0.76 –
Mucic acid 0.76 – 0.92 – 0.95 –
Quinic acid 0.89 – – 0.82 0.89 –
D -Saccharic acid 0.82 – 0.96 – 0.92 –
Carboxylic acids p-Hydroxy-phenylacetic acid – – – – 0.84 –
esters, and Methyl pyruvate 0.61 – 0.75 – 0.47 –
fatty acids D -Lactic acid methyl ester – 0.81 – 0.92 – –
L -Lactic acid 0.85 – – 0.82 0.92 –
Citric acid 0.61 – 0.94 – 0.94 –
α-Keto-glutaric acid 0.74 – – 0.88 0.78 –
D -Malic acid 0.90 – – 0.80 – –
L -Malic acid 0.91 – 0.90 – 0.90 –
Bromo-Succinic acid 0.88 – 0.92 – 0.54 –
Tween 40 0.71 – 0.78 – 0.50 –
g-Amino-butryric acid 0.80 – – – – 0.89
α-Hydroxy-butyric acid – – – – 0.87 –
β-Hydroxy-D,Lbutyric acid 0.89 – – 0.60 0.79 –
α-Keto-butyric acid – – – – 0.95 –
Acetoacetic acid 0.55 – 0.60 – – –
Propionic acid 0.86 – – 0.73 0.90 –
Acetic acid 0.81 – 0.85 – 0.76 –
Formic acid 0.76 – 0.79 – – –
Chemical sensitivity pH 6 0.71 – 0.92 – – 0.95
pH 5 – – 0.86 – – 0.95
1 % NaCl 0.82 – 0.85 – – 0.90
4 % NaCl 0.92 – 0.87 – – –
8 % NaCl 0.54 – 0.84 – – –
1 % Sodium lactate 0.73 – 0.82 – – 0.95
Fusidic acid – 0.81 0.93 – – 0.95
D -Serine – 0.64 −0.74 – – 0.28
Troleandomycin – – 0.81 – – 0.88
Rifamycin SV 0.76 – 0.84 – – 0.94
Minocycline – 0.53 0.27 – 0.69 –
Lincomycin 0.68 – 0.83 – – 0.91
Guanidine HCl 0.80 – 0.79 – – 0.88
Niaproof 4 – −0.66 0.69 – – 0.85
Vancomycin 0.73 – 0.85 – – 0.92
Tetrazolium violet 0.75 – 0.98 – – 0.90
Tetrazolium blue 0.87 – 0.97 – – 0.90
Nalidixic acid – 0.45 – 0.90 – –
Lithium chloride – 0.79 – 0.87 – –
Potassium tellurite 0.67 −0.61 −0.55 – – 0.92
Food Bioprocess Technol

Table 4 (continued)

Chemical group Substrate Pseudomonas Pectobacterium Pseudomonas

cichorii carotovorum marginalis


Aztreonam – – – 0.74 – 0.93

Sodium butyrate −0.56 – 0.93 – 0.71 –
Sodium bromate 0.89 – – – – –

was a result of synergistic effects between elevated pressure their growth similar to those kept at ambient conditions. The
and O2 level as well. Bert (1878) found that an increase in air growth resumption of some bacterial was also observed after
pressure at 1.5–4.4 MPa (15–44 atm) preserved meat and raw 1.0-MPa O2 treatments for 8 h (Caldwell 1965). However, in
eggs for several days at room temperature. In our study, a our study, neither Pectobacterium carotovorum nor
smaller increase in total air pressure (200–850 kPa) causes Pseudomonas marginalis resumed their growth after hyper-
significant impact on growth behavior of bacteria compared baric treatment. This implies that the hyperbaric treatment not
with atmospheric pressure (100 kPa), especially the A and μ M only provides direct inhibition bacterial growth but the treat-
features of the growth curve. This is in accordance with our ment may also have residual effects on bacterial growth and
previous study on hyperbaric treatment of lettuce, in which the the magnitude of this residual effect is dependent on the
incidence of rots reduced with an increase in hyperbaric species of bacteria. The residual effect may be attributed to
pressure (200–850 kPa). the damage of vital cellular macromolecules of bacteria
The response of bacterial growth is dependent on nutrients caused by surplus active oxygen radical species at high O2,
available. Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas marginalis thus permanently inhibiting bacterial growth (Bean 1945;
grew greatly in an environment rich with sugar alcohols, follow- Zobell and Hittle 1967).
ed by amino acids and hexoses acids but not in sugars group,
while the growth of Pectobacterium carotovorum grew well in
sugars, sugar alcohols, hexose acids but not in amino acids. Conclusions
Thus, the severity of rot incidence taking place in a commodity
may be predictable from nutrient availability and species of Three bacteria causing fruit and vegetables decay (i.e.,
bacteria. Also, the resistance of bacterial growth to pressure Pseudomonas cichorii , Pectobacterium carotovorum , and
and temperature treatments varies among bacteria. The pressure Pseudomonas marginalis ) were tested with different hyper-
treatment seems to be the most effective method in inhibiting the baric pressure and temperature conditions using BIOLOG
growth of Pseudomonas cichorii, followed by Pectobacterium microplates. Hyperbaric pressure treatment at 20 °C was
carotovorum as observed from a small discrepancy of the found to significantly inhibit the growth of all selected
growth curve compared to the treatment at 4 °C (Fig. 3). bacteria as indicated by AUC and growth kinetic model
Pseudomonas marginalis showed a greater resistance to hyper- parameters (A , μ M , and λ ). The response of bacteria to
baric treatment than the other two species. This may be due hyperbaric pressure was dependent on bacterial species,
partly to their relation to O2 tension (Krejzar et al. 2008). among which the Pseudomonas cichorii was the most
Although the 100-kPa, 4 °C treatment is very effective in pressure-sensitive bacterium, followed by Pectobacterium
delaying the λ and slowing down the μ M during the 7 days of carotovorum and Pseudomonas marginalis . Multivariate
experiment, Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas analysis showed that an increase in hyperbaric pressure caused
marginalis had a tendency to grow as much under this treatment bacteria to utilize carbon sources similar to those subjected to
as in the 850-kPa hyperbaric treatment at 20 °C after 7 days. This low temperature (4 °C). Overall, hyperbaric pressure having
implies that although low temperature delays the growth of some characteristics of high pressure and O2 has the potential of
bacteria, their population will eventually increase to those held at being used to reduce bacterial growth in fruit and vegetables
20 °C in long-term storage. Pectobacterium carotovorum seems after harvest. Further research on enhancement of fruit and
to be the most temperature-sensitive bacteria among the three, vegetable self-defense compound synthesis by hyperbaric
since its growth was very low over the entire 7 days of treatment. pressure is recommended.
After the 7-day treatment, the growth of bacteria was
monitored at 100 kPa, 20 °C for another 3 days (data not Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Agriculture and Agri-
shown). It was found that Pseudomonas cichorii treated at Food Canada for the financial support. The Royal Thai Government is
elevated pressure and lowered temperature generally restored gratefully acknowledged for Mr. Pansa Liplap's PhD Scholarship.
Food Bioprocess Technol

References Kader, A. A., & Ben-Yehoshua, S. (2000). Effects of superatmos-

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