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Personal Finance Dashboard

Rent Transport Grocery Utilities Leisure


Starting Cash Balance

$3,000 3500
Expense by Category
0.9 2500
0.7 2000
0.5 1500

0.2 500
0 0
Groceries Leisure Other Rent Transport Utilities

Actual Expense Actual income

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2
Actual Expense Actual income

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2









Starting cash bal

ctual income

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

ctual income

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Sum of Amount Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Rent 850 850 850 850 850 4250
Grand Total 850 850 850 850 850 4250

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Transport 55 55 55 55 55 275
Grand Total 55 55 55 55 55 275

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Groceries 449 305 208 449 474 1885
Grand Total 449 305 208 449 474 1885

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Utilities 140 105 110 140 155 650
Grand Total 140 105 110 140 155 650

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Leisure 562 194 405 462 646 2269
Grand Total 562 194 405 462 646 2269

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Other 249 18 199 249 249 964
Grand Total 249 18 199 249 249 964

total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Rent 850 850 850 850 850 850 5100
Grand Total 850 850 850 850 850 850 5100

total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Transport 75 75 75 75 75 75 450
Grand Total 75 75 75 75 75 75 450

total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Groceries 550 550 550 550 550 550 3300
Grand Total 550 550 550 550 550 550 3300

total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Utilities 200 200 200 200 200 200 1200
Grand Total 200 200 200 200 200 200 1200

total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Leisure 400 400 400 400 400 400 2400
Grand Total 400 400 400 400 400 400 2400
total #REF!
Sum of Budget Column Labels
Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Other 300 300 300 300 300 300 1800
Grand Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 1800

Income / Expens Expense

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Groceries 449 305 208 449 474 1885
Leisure 562 194 405 462 646 2269
Other 249 18 199 249 249 964
Rent 850 850 850 850 850 4250
Transport 55 55 55 55 55 275
Utilities 140 105 110 140 155 650
Grand Total 2305 1527 1827 2205 2429 10293

Groceries #REF!
Leisure #REF!
Other #REF!
Rent #REF!
Transport #REF!
Utilities #REF!

Sum of Amount Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May Grand Total
Expense 2305 1527 1827 2205 2429 10293
Income 3642 3533 3657 3927 5074 19833
Grand Total 5947 5060 5484 6132 7503 30126

Expense #REF!
Income #REF!

Starting cash bal $3,000

Change in cash ba #REF!
Ending cash bal #REF!

Actual Expense #REF!

Actual income #REF!

Sum of Budget Column Labels

Row Labels January February March April May August Grand Total
Expense 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 14250
Income 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 16800
Grand Total 5175 5175 5175 5175 5175 5175 31050

Planned Expense #REF!

Planned Income #REF!
Actual Income & Expenses 2022
Date Month Category Description Income / Expense Amount
1-Jan January Rent Apartment split with friend Expense $850.00
1-Jan January Utilities Higher month than usual Expense $140.00
1-Jan January Transport Metro card Expense $55.00
8-Jan January Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $449.00
11-Jan January Leisure Hotel in NYC Expense $245.00
12-Jan January Leisure Dinner with friends (invited my partner) Expense $168.00
12-Jan January Leisure Drake concert Expense $149.00
14-Jan January Other Bought new clothes Expense $249.00
31-Jan January Bonus Commissions from each sale Income $458.00
31-Jan January Base Salary 9-5 job Income $3,000.00
31-Jan January Side Hustle Startup idea $ Income $184.00
1-Feb February Rent Apartment split with friend Expense $850.00
1-Feb February Utilities Average month Expense $105.00
1-Feb February Transport Metro card Expense $55.00
8-Feb February Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $305.00
11-Feb February Leisure Drinks out Expense $28.00
12-Feb February Leisure Date night Expense $99.00
12-Feb February Leisure Tennis x2 Expense $67.00
14-Feb February Other Snacks Expense $18.00
28-Feb February Bonus Commissions from each sale Income $305.00
28-Feb February Base Salary 9-5 job Income $3,000.00
28-Feb February Side Hustle Startup idea $ Income $228.00
1-Mar March Rent Apartment split with friend Expense $850.00
1-Mar March Utilities Average month Expense $110.00
1-Mar March Transport Metro card Expense $55.00
8-Mar March Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $208.00
11-Mar March Leisure Lunch out x4 Expense $188.00
12-Mar March Leisure Dinner with friends x2 Expense $168.00
12-Mar March Leisure Exercise Expense $49.00
14-Mar March Other Bought new clothes Expense $199.00
28-Mar March Bonus Commissions from each sale Income $598.00
28-Mar March Base Salary 9-5 job Income $3,000.00
28-Mar March Side Hustle Startup idea $ Income $59.00
1-Apr April Rent Apartment split with friend Expense $850.00
1-Apr April Utilities Higher month than usual Expense $140.00
1-Apr April Transport Metro card Expense $55.00
8-Apr April Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $449.00
11-Apr April Leisure Travel back home Expense $245.00
12-Apr April Leisure Dinner with friends (invited my partner) Expense $168.00
12-Apr April Leisure Disco & drinks Expense $49.00
14-Apr April Other Bought new clothes Expense $249.00
28-Apr April Bonus Commissions from each sale Income $669.00
28-Apr April Base Salary 9-5 job Income $3,000.00
28-Apr April Side Hustle Startup idea $ Income $258.00
1-May May Rent Apartment split with friend Expense $850.00
1-May May Utilities Higher month than usual Expense $155.00
1-May May Transport Metro card Expense $55.00
8-May May Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $449.00
11-May May Leisure Hotel in NYC Expense $245.00
12-May May Leisure Dinner with friends (invited my partner) Expense $168.00
12-May May Leisure NBA game Expense $233.00
14-May May Other Bought new clothes Expense $249.00
28-May May Bonus Commissions from each sale Income $708.00
28-May May Base Salary 9-5 job Income $3,000.00
28-May May Side Hustle Startup idea $ Income $366.00
29-May May Side Hustle Lemonade Income $1,000.00
30-May May Groceries Walmart shopping Expense $25.00
Category Income/Expense
Rent Expense
Utilities Expense
Transport Expense
Groceries Expense
Leisure Expense
Other Expense
Bonus Income
Base Salary Income
Side Hustle Income
Budget Income & Expenses 2022
Month Category Budget Income/Expense
January Rent $850.00 Expense
January Utilities $200.00 Expense
January Transport $75.00 Expense
January Groceries $550.00 Expense
January Leisure $400.00 Expense
January Other $300.00 Expense
January Bonus $2,200.00 Income
January Base Salary $500.00 Income
January Side Hustle $100.00 Income
February Rent $850.00 Expense
February Utilities $200.00 Expense
February Transport $75.00 Expense
February Groceries $550.00 Expense
February Leisure $400.00 Expense
February Other $300.00 Expense
February Bonus $2,200.00 Income
February Base Salary $500.00 Income
February Side Hustle $100.00 Income
March Rent $850.00 Expense
March Utilities $200.00 Expense
March Transport $75.00 Expense
March Groceries $550.00 Expense
March Leisure $400.00 Expense
March Other $300.00 Expense
March Bonus $2,200.00 Income
March Base Salary $500.00 Income
March Side Hustle $100.00 Income
April Rent $850.00 Expense
April Utilities $200.00 Expense
April Transport $75.00 Expense
April Groceries $550.00 Expense
April Leisure $400.00 Expense
April Other $300.00 Expense
April Bonus $2,200.00 Income
April Base Salary $500.00 Income
April Side Hustle $100.00 Income
May Rent $850.00 Expense
May Utilities $200.00 Expense
May Transport $75.00 Expense
May Groceries $550.00 Expense
May Leisure $400.00 Expense
May Other $300.00 Expense
May Bonus $2,200.00 Income
May Base Salary $500.00 Income
May Side Hustle $100.00 Income
June Rent $850.00 Expense
June Utilities $200.00 Expense
June Transport $75.00 Expense
June Groceries $550.00 Expense
June Leisure $400.00 Expense
June Other $300.00 Expense
June Bonus $2,200.00 Income
June Base Salary $500.00 Income
June Side Hustle $100.00 Income
July Rent $850.00 Expense
July Utilities $200.00 Expense
July Transport $75.00 Expense
July Groceries $550.00 Expense
July Leisure $400.00 Expense
July Other $300.00 Expense
July Bonus $2,200.00 Income
July Base Salary $500.00 Income
July Side Hustle $100.00 Income
August Rent $850.00 Expense
August Utilities $200.00 Expense
August Transport $75.00 Expense
August Groceries $550.00 Expense
August Leisure $400.00 Expense
August Other $300.00 Expense
August Bonus $2,200.00 Income
August Base Salary $500.00 Income
August Side Hustle $100.00 Income
September Rent $850.00 Expense
September Utilities $200.00 Expense
September Transport $75.00 Expense
September Groceries $550.00 Expense
September Leisure $400.00 Expense
September Other $300.00 Expense
September Bonus $2,200.00 Income
September Base Salary $500.00 Income
September Side Hustle $100.00 Income
October Rent $850.00 Expense
October Utilities $200.00 Expense
October Transport $75.00 Expense
October Groceries $550.00 Expense
October Leisure $400.00 Expense
October Other $300.00 Expense
October Bonus $2,200.00 Income
October Base Salary $500.00 Income
October Side Hustle $100.00 Income
November Rent $850.00 Expense
November Utilities $200.00 Expense
November Transport $75.00 Expense
November Groceries $550.00 Expense
November Leisure $400.00 Expense
November Other $300.00 Expense
November Bonus $2,200.00 Income
November Base Salary $500.00 Income
November Side Hustle $100.00 Income
December Rent $850.00 Expense
December Utilities $200.00 Expense
December Transport $75.00 Expense
December Groceries $550.00 Expense
December Leisure $400.00 Expense
December Other $300.00 Expense
December Bonus $2,200.00 Income
December Base Salary $500.00 Income
December Side Hustle $100.00 Income

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