Health & Safety Leadership - Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) - For H&S Interviews

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Health & Safety Leadership - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – For H&S Interviews
S. No. Question Answer
1. What makes a great Safety Leader? The best Safety Leaders motivate workers to be their personal best. People
admire them, which makes them want to both personally adhere to safety
initiatives and do everything they can to ensure the team meets its safety goals.

Being a safety leader employees admire, who truly inspires them, takes work.
2. What it means to be a good Safety Leader? A Safety Leader is somebody who not only exhibits personal safety behaviours,
but inspires others to do the same.

These are people who not only follow safety protocols to the letter, but speak
up in a constructive way when they see that others could be doing something in
a safer manner.
3. What is visible safety leadership? Leaders must recognise that the journey to safety excellence either starts at the
top or doesn't start at all.

Two key characteristics of this style of leadership are a belief that all injuries are
preventable and demonstration of genuine care for all staff.
4. What is leadership in health and safety? Leaders, at all levels, need to understand the range of health and safety risks in
their part of the organisation and to give proportionate attention to each of

This applies to the level of detail and effort put into assessing the risks,
implementing controls, supervising and monitoring.
5. Is there a difference between Safety While safety management is more about the processes that ensure a safer
Management and safety leadership? workplace, safety leadership is about the vision and core values.
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6. How can managers demonstrate leadership You can demonstrate health and safety leadership in many different ways, such
and commitment to health and safety? as:

Driving annual health and safety plans forward with your management team.
Visibly focusing on health and safety on the shop floor.

Making health and safety a topic of everyday conversation.

7. Why is ethics and leadership important in A positive leadership style means that ethical leadership results in positive
safety? workplace outcomes, including effective task performance and positive
employee behaviours.

Leaders are likely to promote workplace safety through their idealized influence
and caring for workers
8. What is safety leadership training? Safety Leadership Training is about ensuring that employees' safe acts are
reinforced and unsafe acts are identified in a positive and professional way.

Participants will be able to work with employees to improve work practices and
reinforce a positive safety culture.
9. What are safety ethics? The Safety Ethic: I value safety, work safely, prevent at-risk behaviour, promote
safety, and accept responsibility for safety.

This simple statement embodies the essence of an ideal safety ethic, providing
the necessary tone and intent of a true ethic for safety.
10. What is a strong safety culture? To have a strong safety culture, it's important to have an overall workplace
culture that fosters positive relationships and outcomes (e.g., respect, integrity,
ethics, a shared sense of duty, etc.).
To be truly effective, your safety program needs to be layered on these existing
cultural principles.
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11. How do you demonstrate safety Demonstrating the following characteristics as a safety leader will help you
leadership? stand out and keep your team members safe.
 Lead by example.
 Keep employees accountable.
 Create leaders at every level.
 Continuous learning.
 Be positive.
 Respond to feedback quickly.
 Strong communication.
 Take responsibility.
12. What does safety leadership include? A safety leader is somebody who not only exhibits personal safety behaviours,
but inspires others to do the same.

These are people who not only follow safety protocols to the letter, but speak
up in a constructive way when they see that others could be doing something in
a safer manner.
13. Why is safety leadership important? “Safety leaders set standards and values. They connect, motivate, and inspire
others to work safely. They're visible on the front line, leading by example and
working proactively to reduce risk and they only do something if they can do it
14. How does leadership affect safety? An effective leader gives workers a fair appraisal of their safety efforts and
results, clearly communicates individual roles in the safety effort, and fosters
the sense that every person is responsible for safety throughout the
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15. What should leaders avoid when Three Common Safety Leadership errors to Avoid -
establishing safe practices?
 Acting Without Top Team Alignment. A strong safety leadership culture
requires planning to define expectations and implement its various
 Missing the “Quick Wins” to Change Culture.
 Failing to Use Simple Metrics to Show Progress.
16. What are the roles and responsibilities of Assuring and advising the senior management on all issues related to health
HSE lead? and safety.

Ensuring implementation of health and safety strategy formulated by him in

accordance with the type of business. Creating awareness among workforce
and management on health and safety policy, legislation and standards.
17. What skills are essential for effective safety  Commitment to safety.
leadership?  Questioning.
 Listening.
 Integrity.
 Emotional Intelligence (Humanity)
 Situational Leadership.
 Chronic Unease.
 Accountability.
 Visibility.
 Standard Setting.
18. What is a positive HSE culture? Organisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by
communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the
importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures.”
ESGS Academy
19. What are the 4 components of a safety Safety culture is presented here as a pyramid with four components: safety
culture? values, safety leadership strategies, safety attitudes, and safety performance.
20. What are the 5 elements of safety culture?  Shared Values.
 Leadership Involvement.
 Continuous Learning.
 Accountability.
 Constant Support.
21. What is an example of culture of safety? A Positive culture of safety in the workplace rewards employees for ceasing
work that may be unsafe, even if it means losing materials or missing a deadline.

Safety culture encourages on-site employees to be aware of, identify and

address hazards as soon as they can to avoid potential risks.
22. What is importance of safety culture? A good safety culture helps an organisation maintain safe operations. By having
everyone, from operators to managers, take safety seriously, remaining
watchful and avoiding compromises, means that operations are conducted in as
safe a manner as reasonable, given the risk of the licence holders operation.
23. What is an ideal safety culture? An ideal safety culture not only means eliminating or mitigating hazards and at-
risk behaviour but also ensuring the methods used to bring about that change
leaves people feeling better about themselves, their co-workers, their situation,
and the organization.
24. What is the safety culture ladder? The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) is an assessment method for measuring safety
awareness and conscious safe acting (culture & behaviour) in companies. The
emphasis is on the safety culture.

The SCL is intended as a measure to encourage companies and their suppliers to

consciously work safely.
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25. What is HSE strategy? A HSE strategy is a high-level plan that is designed to help workers meet one or
more workplace safety goals.

They may be developed by individual workplaces, whole companies, or


An HSE strategy is thus the systematic approach your organization takes to

ensuring employee safety.

It frames your safety goals and guides your safety team to ensure a universal
safety approach.
26. What is HSE planning? An HSE plan is a living document, developed before the project work begins
using the scope of work as a starting point.

As the project evolves, the plan is revised as the scope changes. Project

 Get a detailed scope of work from the client.

 Get appropriate HSE information from the client contact.

27. What is strategic planning in health and Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the
safety? goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.

A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means
28. What are the 7 elements of strategic Here are the 7 basic elements of a strategic plan:
Vision, mission, SWOT analysis, core values, goals, objectives, and action plans.
ESGS Academy
29. What is accountability in safety? Accountability with safety involves establishing and maintaining an
environment in which people take responsibility not only for their own safety,
but the safety of the team.

It is not uncommon for organizations to develop accountabilities within job

descriptions that don't include safety as an important element.
30. Why is accountability important in The best safety accountability programs assign responsibility and measure
managing safety? performance at every level of the organization.

Every manager and employee has measurable responsibilities and therefore

plays an important role in the company's accident prevention efforts.
31. What is a Safety Steering Committee? A safety steering committee is an organization group that operates within a
workplace and is composed of members from its various departments, including
management, frontline workers, and office staff.

The main purpose of a safety committee is to mitigate the risk of workplace

injuries and illnesses.
32. What are functions of Safety Committee? The Functions and Duties of a Safety Committee -
 Developing written safety programs.
 Promoting safe work practices.
 Facilitating safety training.
 Performing workplace inspections.
 Carrying out accident investigations.
 Acting as a point of contact between employees and management.
 Reviewing injury and illness records.
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33. Why is safety an important value? A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness,
it can also lower injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase
productivity and quality, and raise employee morale.

In other words, safety is good for business.

34. How can managers demonstrate leadership You can demonstrate health and safety leadership in many different ways, such
and commitment to health and safety? as:

Driving annual health and safety plans forward with your management team.
Visibly focusing on health and safety on the shop floor.

Making health and safety a topic of everyday conversation.

35. Why is management commitment to safety Showing that you're committed to safety will help build a positive workplace
important? culture.

If your workers see that work health and safety is important to you, they are
more likely to follow safety procedures and raise safety issues
36. What is safety incentive scheme? Safety incentives are rewards given to the employees for their achievements in
reporting injuries, newly detected potential safety hazards and
recommendations or suggestions for safety improvements in the workplace and
workplace procedures.
37. What are the objectives of safety? The primary objective of workplace safety programs should be to help prevent
workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities, according to the Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion.
38. What is a safety improvement plan? The creation and application of a safety improvement plan helps to formalize
its planned safety improvement efforts to address and monitor progress on key
focused areas as part of an on-going improvement cycle to achieve higher levels
of safety performance.
ESGS Academy
39. What does a good safety meeting look like? The most effective meetings involve interaction between you and employees,
and among employees. The best meetings also involve hands-on practice,
whenever that's appropriate.

It's also a good idea to use visuals as well as words-charts, pictures, diagrams, a
list of key points, or maybe even a short video.
40. What are safety motivators? Employees who consistently behave with safety in mind should be given
incentives as a form of motivation.

These incentives include, but are not limited to: Time off, monetary or non-
monetary rewards, or rewards given in front of colleagues.

The feeling of appreciation can go a long way.

41. Why is motivation important in safety and The basic foundation of safety and health must first be in place before going
health? into programmes on motivation.

The safety and health personnel must first be motivated in order to motivate
the rest of the people in the organisation.

Motivation is high when workers can relate to the outcome and benefits of
their efforts.
42. What makes a good safety program? An effective safety management program should:

Reduce the risk of workplace incidents, injuries, and fatalities through data-
driven measurements and improvements.

Involve people from different parts of the organization to make safety a shared
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43. What is mitigation plan in safety? The mitigation plan outlines the planning process for identifying and
implementing actions to reduce or eliminate business losses, loss of life,
property, functions, etc. due to any type of hazards.
44. How do you mitigate safety risks? Some practical steps you could take include:
 Trying a less risky option.
 Preventing access to the hazards.
 Organising your work to reduce exposure to the hazard.
 Issuing protective equipment.
 Providing welfare facilities such as first-aid and washing facilities.
 Involving and consulting with workers.
45. How would you promote health and safety Improving Health Safety in the Workplace-
in your workplace?  Fostering a Culture of Safety.
 Conducting Risk Assessment(s)
 Seeking Professional Assistance and Advice.
 Providing Information Access to All Employees.
 Placing Clear Messages in Key Areas.
 Promoting Employees' Wellbeing.
 Implementing a Reward and Punishment System.
46. What are the disadvantages of not The absence of an effective health and safety management programme can
implementing an occupational health and affect the health and safety culture within the business, which in turn could
safety management system? have a disastrous impact on life, production, business continuation, time and
47. What is the impact of poor health and Increased Risk of Ill Health, Injury, and Death
safety management?
A work-related illness or injury can not only put an employee out of work for a
while and impact their quality of life; it may also damage your business's
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productivity, finances, and reputation – all of which can be difficult to recover

48. What are the negative impact factors on  Lack of leadership from management.
the health and safety culture?  Presence of a blame culture.
 Lack of management commitment to safety, e.g. saying one thing in the
conference room and doing another.
49. What happens if a business does not follow Breaching health and safety regulations is a criminal offence. Companies have a
health and safety? common law duty to ensure the working environment is safe for employees.

By not doing so, you can face consequences, including fines or prison
50. Why safety management is required? It is a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing safety risks
and achieving effective HSE compliances.

As with all management systems, a safety management system provides for

goal setting, planning, and measuring performance. A safety management
system is woven into the fabric of an organization.

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