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Discussion Response Post

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Discussion Response Post

Response Post 1# Stephanie Dambro

I have read the answer that Stephanie Dambro gave regarding whether she has ever recognized

personal or unconscious bias in her private life. In answering the discussion question, she had

stated that she had never faced any form of while she was ever-growing until she was dating

when she developed a bias against multiracial couples. She has further identified prejudice as

one of the most common forms of bias in a multiracial racial society. I, however, tend to believe

that the author failed to mention all forms of bias that she encountered during her child hold.

This is because, given that she was living in a multiracial community, she ought to have

experienced racial bias. Besides, I also strongly believe that the other form of bias that she is

most likely to encounter is gender bias because most people in society tend to develop a

prejudice against girls. I would like to ask her at what time she began to develop interracial bias?

And what are some of the steps she took to eradicate the bias and prejudice that she had


Response 2 # Nicholas DiGregorio

 I agree with the position that has been adopted by Nicholas, who has stated we can't eliminate

all forms of biases as human beings. I also agree and fully support the sentiment echoed by

Nicholas that it is important that were recognize the biases and work on them. In addition, the

author has done extremely well when he mentions some of the various forms of biases that the

member of his family have faced. Given that the author has raised a valid point that we should

work on the biases. I would like to ask him to mention some of how he believes can be adopted

in solving the biases,



Personal Bias. . (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2021, from

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