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Stop and check (U1 – U3) – English 11

I. Which of the underlined part has different pronunciation from the others.
1). A). watched B). needed C). wanted D). divided
2). A). here B). where C). pair D). wear
3). A). afternoon B). school C). look D). tooth
4). A). easy B). please C). measure D). teach
5). A). understand B). study C). church D). umbrella
II. Choose the best answer :
6. When I came back home, my children ____ TV .
A). were watching B). was watching C). watched D). had watched
7. The mother tiptoed into the room ___she wouldn’t wake her sleeping baby up.
A). so as to B). so that C). for D). in order to
8. The doctor advised Tom to stop ____ .
A). for smoking B). smoke C). smoking D). to smoke
9. Friendship offers us great ___in life.
A). please B). pleasure C). pleasant D). pleased
10. Listen! Someone ___at the door.
A). is knocking B). will be knocking C). has knocked D). will knock
11. Traffic police never let you ____ without a ticket.
A). to go B). going C). go D). went
12. Daisy is so____. She only cares about herself, not about other people.
A). talkative B). helpful C). happy D). selfish
13. Mary is ___ a pair of shoes like mine.
A). bringing B). putting on C). carrying D). wearing
14. He didn’t come back home last night, ____ made his parents very worried.
A). who B). whom C). which D). that
15. You need to be more ___if you want to become a novelist.
A). imagination B). imagine C). imaginatively D). imaginative
16. This pair of shoes is too large for me. I need ____.
A). a smaller one B). a one smaller C). the smaller ones D). the one smaller
17. Although we are classmates, I do not have a(n) ___relationship with him.
A). unselfish B). special C). aimless D). acquaintance
18. Yesterday afternoon, when I got to his house he wasn’t at home. He ____ to work.
A). has gone B). went C). had gone D). was going
19. Ms Dubois is the head of our department of research _____ .
A. developed B. developing C. development D. develops
20. Both the TV ads ____ the newspaper ads will be withdrawn .
A. and B. also C. but also D. nor
21. If a ruby is heated it ___ temporarily lose its colors.
A. would B. will C. does D. has
22. ___ she was hungry, she couldn’t continue her work.
A. Despise B. Although C. Because D. Because of
23. I work hard ____ help my family.
A. so as to B. in order to C. in order that D. A& B
24. He went to work ___ the rain.
A. Despite B. Although C. Because D. Because of
25. The director ____ for his vacation and will not return until next week.
A. leaving B. had left C. has left D. will left
26. Unless the factory can increase ____, headquarters will consider closing it.
A. produce B. production C. product D. productive
27. My elder brother often helps me ___my work.
A). finished B). finishes C). finishing D). finish
28. _____him?- Two days ago.
A). When do you meet B). When will you meet
C). When have you meet D). When did you meet
29. My mother ____ getting up early in the morning.
A). didn't used to B). used to C). are used to D). is used to
30. When my grandfather was alive, he ____ morning exercises.
A). used to do B). used to doing C). didn't used to doing D). wasn't used to do

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 1

Stop and check (U1 – U3) – English 11
31. After the terrible traffic accident, ____ injured were taken to ____hospital immediately.
A). a/ the B). the/ no article C). an/ the D). the/the
32. Mr Nam, ___ son is my classmate, is a very kind neighbor .
A). which B). whom C). who D). whose
33. Sunday is the day ___ we don’t go to school.
A). when B). whose C). which D). who
34. Thanks to the development of information...................., we can communicate with each other quickly
through the Internet.
A). technical B). technique C). technology D). technician
35. This is the first time I have met him.
A). I have never met him before. B). They have met him recently
C). I have met him many times D). I want to meet him.
36. He ran hurriedly ___ be late for the lecture.
A). so as to B). in order not to C). so that D). in order that
37. John gave up his job and said nothing ___the reason why he left.
A). in B). at C). about D). for
38. My friend often shows her ___whenever I have troubles.
A). acquainted B). acquaintance C). acquaints D). acquaint
39. Last night, while I ___ a letter the phone rang.
A). wrote B). had written C). was written D). was writing
40. I look forward ___ you again.
A). to meet B). to meeting C). for meeting D). meeting
III. Error Identification.
41. Many trees has been cut(A) on(B) the road near(C) my house(D).
42. He came to congratulate(A) me on my success(B) in my work, this(C) made me very surprised(D).
43. Finish(A) his work(B), he went(C) to bed straight away(D).
44. Are you used to(A) work(B) eight hours(C) a day(D)?
45. The little boy(A) forgot doing(B) the exercise and now is(C) very worried(D).
46. We have(A) a lots(B) of work to do(C) tonight(D).
47. I am not(A) the first(B) person doing(C) this work(D).
48. Our teacher always(A) encourages(B) the students to work(C) independent(D).
49. His(A) opinions are quite(B) different with(C) mine(D).
50. As(A) other(B) teachers, I enjoy(C) my teaching career(D).
IV. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. The policeman ……..him open the briefcase.
A. made B. forced C. told D. ordered.
2. I saw the cat …….through the window.
A. jumped B. jump C. to jump D. was jumping
3. Tom has a lot of homework ……..this weekend.
A. will do B. do C. doing D. to do
4. Do you think his parents will let him ……………?
A. go for a picnic B. to go for a picnic C. going for a picnic D. can go for a picnic
5. He was allowed …………….
A. write a letter to his family. B. for write a letter for his family
C. to write a letter to his family D. writing a letter for his family
6. They don’t let us cycle in the park.
A. We not let cycle in the park. B. We are not let to cycle in the park.
C. We are not allowed to cycle in the park D. We are not allowed cycle in the park.
7. He left in the morning and I saw it.
A. I saw him leave in the morning. B. I saw him leaving in the morning
C. I saw him left in the morning D. I saw him was leaving in the morning.
8. He finds it easy to make friend.
A. It is very difficult for him to make friend B. He doesn’t have any difficulty in making friends.
C. People never find it easy to make friend with him D. Making friends seem to be difficult for him.
9. Alice heard Alley ………….a song when he came into the room.
A. to sing B. sings C. sang D. singing
10. Parents rarely let their children ………..out after 9 a.m.
A. going B. went C. goes D. go

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 2

Stop and check (U1 – U3) – English 11
11. It is the Big Ben that …….London a favorite place for everyone.
A. made B. makes C. make D. making
12. Gagarin was the first human ………into space.
A. flew B. flying C. to fly D. flown
13. It’s better not …… since there are many women and old people around.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
14. He forgot ……..the door when he went out. Someone broke in and stole everything.
A. to lock B. locking C. locks D. lock
15. We will spend two days ……………Ha Long Bay, then return to Hanoi.
A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. will visit
16. The police made him ………..his luggage.
A. opening B. to open C. opens D. open
18. When I first …….him six years ago, he ……….as a director for three years already.
A. meet/worked B. met/had been working C. met/worked D. meet/has worked
19. She ……..him until he introduced his name.
A. didn’t realize B. hasn’t realized C. doesn’t realized D. hadn’t realized
20.She is busy ………for her wedding.
A. shop B. shopping C. to shop D. shopped
21. A thief broke into Harry’s flat and …….his T.V.
A. stealed B. stolen C. stole D. steal
22. They ……next to each other at the lecture this morning.
A. sit B. sat C. set D. sitted
23. Last Sunday, when they ……an exciting football match on TV, the electricity ……..out.
A. were watching/was going B. watched/went
C. watched/was going D. were watching/went
24. When I was at secondary school, the boy next to me ……… class.
A. was always talking B. talked always C. was talking always D. always talked
25. My grandmother …….this picture for a week and she ………it.
A. has painted/doesn’t finish B. has painted/hasn’t finished
C. painted/didn’t finish D. painted/hasn’t finished
26. When I …………..her on the street yesterday, she ……….a rosy skirt.
A. was seeing/wore B. saw/wore C. saw/was wearing D. saw/wearing
27. Mr Ralph…….maths before he ………… literature.
A. had taught/had changed B. was teaching/changed
C. taught/was changing D. had taught/changed
29. Have you finished ………..the dishes? I need you help me with my homework.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleaned D. cleaning
30. I am looking forward to ……….from you soon.
A. hearing B. hear C. heard D. be heard
31. You had better ……..the bus. Going by taxi is too expensive.
A. to take B. take C. taking D. took
32. Bob spends a lot of time ……….the essay.
A. to write B. writing C. wrote D. written
33. You don’t remember …….your umbrella, do you?
A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. brought
34. He did not expect ………to the party.
A. being invited B. be invited C. invited D. to be invited
35. The little girl can’t stand ………..made fun of by her classmates.
A. to be B. being C. be D. to being
36. We……T.V when it started to rain.
A. were watching B. watched C. are watching D. watch
37. The sun… the East.
A. rises B. raises C. is rising C. is raising
38. Since they moved to their new house, they ……their son every year.
A. visit B. visited C. are visiting D. have visited
39. Timmy …….the living room while his mother …… the kitchen.
A. is tidying/cooks B.tidies/cooks C. is tidying/is cooking D. tidies/is cooking
40. “You look tired”, - “I ……….all day”.

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 3

Stop and check (U1 – U3) – English 11
A. work B. have worked C. worked D. am working
41. ……………….Grappa?
A. Have you ever drunk B. Did you ever drink C. Do you ever drank D. Are you ever drinking
42. The man refused ……… the hospital.
A. taken B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken
43. I suddenly caught him ……… the bathroom.
A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke
44. He was accused ………fake money.
A. to make B. of making C. by making D. making
45. I object ……….to the sea in this cold weather.
A. about going B. going C. to going D. of going
46. By ……… and night, he succeeded …………..the job in time.
A. working/to finish B. to work/ in finishing C. working/finishing D. working/in finishing
48. Every day I spend two hours ………..English.
A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. learned
47. Would you mind …………..your name on this list.
A. write B. of writing C. to write D. writing
48. I don’t know how ……my thanks to your kindness.
A. express B. to express C. expressing D. expressing on
49. I am looking forward ……….your sister.
A. to see B. of seeing C. to seeing D. seeing
50. I remember ………….a dozen of eggs yesterday but I can’t find them now.
A. to buy B. bought C. buying D. buy
51. She enjoys ……..with her friends more than with her mother.
A. to go shopping B. going shopping C. going to shop D. to go to shop
52 He always tries ……the best conditions ……….his children.
A. to provide/with B. providing/for C. providing/with D. to provide/for
V. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blank
Lotto is my favourite hobby. I (1)___ Lotto more than a hundred times, but I (2)___ much so far. Last
Sunday, I (3)___ two numbers right but that just (4)___ enough. Cathy, a friend of mine (5)___ 5000
marks two years ago and since then I (6)___ to get the “Big Win”. Yesterday I (7)___ Cathy and she
(8)___ me that I should stop playing Lotto, too. She (9)___ it up two weeks ago. I (10)__up my mind yet.
Question 1. A. had played B. have played C. played D. play
Question 2. A. don’t win B. haven’t been winning C. didn’t win D. haven’t won
Question 3. A. had B. have C. had had D. have had
Question 4. A. weren’t B. wasn’t C. isn’t D. aren’t
Question 5. A. won B. win C. had won D. wins
Question 6. A. hoped B. have always hoped C. had hoped D. always hope
Question 7. A. was met B. met C. had met D. meet
Question 8. A. had been told B. told C. tells D. had told
Question 9. A. had given B. has given C. gave D. gives
Question 10. A. hadn’t made B. don’t make C. haven’t made D. didn’t make
VI. Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct form: the infinitive with “to” or without “to”
1. He made us (do)…………………it all over again.
2. He will be able (swim)……………….very soon.
3. I want (see)……………….the house where Shakespeare was born.
4. He made her (repeat)………………….the message.
5. Would you like (go)…………….now or shall we (wait)………………till the end?
6. They won’t let us (leave)…………….the Customs shed until our luggage has been examined.
7. Will you help me (move)………….the bookcase?
8. He wouldn’t let his boy (play)……………….with matches.
9. He is expected (arrive)……………… a few hours.
10. Please let me (know)………….your decision as soon as possible.
11. He made us (wait)………………for hours.
12. You seem (know)…………….this area very well. – Yes, I used (live) …………….here

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 4

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