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Scenario A:
1. half of the class are having difficulty in classifying vertebrates and invertebrates even
if she has repeated the lesson for two weeks and has no progress
2. a. utilize different teaching strategies and activities
b. assess and observe the cause of difficulties
3. I think both my suggestions can be solutions to her problem.
Through assessing and observing the needs of the students, the teacher will be able to
identify the teaching strategies and activities she can utilize that is appropriate to satisfy
their needs.
4. yes, they are matched.
Scenario B:
1. a. unfocused students due to lack of necessary needs
b. high number of absentees which results to poor performance
2. I suggest to tap organizations to help in giving the children`s needs and give them
home activities that they can work on if they can`t come to school.

It could help me become a better teacher for goals wouldn’t be met if there are
underlying problems that needs to be solved. Providing solutions to these problem will
attain quality student`s learning.

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1. Half of the students are having difficulty in their science lesson which is classifying
vertebrates and invertebrates.
2. At least 90% of the class will be able to understand the lesson and make progress.
3. I will assess the cause of the difficulties through identifying the needs or learning
styles of the students and utilize teaching strategies appropriate to it. I would also try
using peer teaching to help the students help one another.
4. the title would be Impact of Peer Teaching to Academic Performance of Grade 4.
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1. I will help my mentor in designing and organizing the bulletin board.
2. I will assist in letting the students form their groups and roam around to guide them
and keep them settled.
3. I will call all the students` names and let them answer if they are present or I`ll be the
one to take note who`s absent from that day.
Learning environment 1
1. I have noticed that it is colorful and attractive. The message is to instill Augustinian
values to the students.
2. the colors used and the pictures of the students pasted with it.
3. yes through teaching them lifelong skills that they can apply in the future

Learning environment 2
1. it is in their homes through the internet learning sites like google classrooms.
2. it is a website where the teachers and students can do the teaching-learning process.
Their homes are where they live with the basic necessities provided by the family.
3. I can help by advising them tips on how to make their environment conducive for

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