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1. T 26. B 46. D 71. B

2. F 27. D 47. B 72. D
3. F 28. C 48. C 73. E
4. T 29. A 49. B 74. C
5. F 30. A 50. C 75. A
6. F 31. B 51. A 76. H
7. B 32. B 52. B 77. C
8. C 33. B 53. C 78. A
9. A 34. C 54. D 79. E
10. C 35. B 55. D 80. D
11. C 36. pleasurable 56. for 81. B
12. B 37. lamentably 57. less 82. G
13. K 38. empowered 58. do 83. vi
14. B 39. feedback 59. of 84. ix
15. K 40. acquisition 60. play 85. iii
16. K 41. Line 3: rises 61. as 86. vii
17. B →arises 62. Other 87. ii
18. F 42. Line 4: it 63. because 88. viii
19. (space) base →itself 64. of 89. v
20. in operation 43. Line 6: muscle 65. with 90. C/D/E (in any order)
21. closed down →muscles 66. C 91. YES
22. space hotel 44. Line 10: distinctively 67. D 92. NOT GIVEN
23. launch →distinctly 68. E 93. YES
24. in orbit 45. Line 13: intensive 69. D 94. YES
25. Space →intense 70. D 95. NO

WRITING: 6,0 points

Part 1: Summary writing (1,0 point)
Suggested ideas average good excellent
Progress is a movement towards something better than what is. It
0,1 0,15 0,2
has its benefits as well as harm..
For us progress has to be paid for with a terrible price The price is
the loss of the hills and forest, the natural habitat of the flora and 0,1 0,15 0,2
A benefit for human beings results in harm to the natural
environment. For instance, super highways are of great benefit to 0,1 0,15 0,2
human beings.
However, these highways divide up the land. A dumb animal can
0,1 0,15 0,2
get killed trying to cross from one side to the other.
If we exhaust our natural resources, then the Earth would no longer 0,1 0,15 0,2
be able to sustain us. Our progress would have eventually destroyed
* Chú ý: Thí sinh có thể dùng từ ngữ khác, cấu trúc khác nhưng phải đảm bảo ý chính của từng câu

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Part 2: Chart description (2,0 points)

Suggested ideas average good excellent

Topic sentence 0,1 0,15 0,2
Overall idea sentence 0,1 0,15 0,2
Main idea 0,1 0,15 0,2
Detail description 1
Figure+ Comparison 0,1 0,15 0,2
Main idea 0,1 0,15 0,2
Detail description 2
Figure+ Comparison 0,1 0,15 0,2
Main trend 0,1 0,15 0,2
Detail description 3
Figure+ Comparison 0,1 0,15 0,2
Conclusion sentence (Overall)
Connectors, Grammar 0,1 0,15 0,2
Word use, Spelling 0,1 0,15 0,2

Part 3: Essay writing (3,0 points)

Sample Form :
I. Introduction
Hook + Background information 0,25
Thesis statement 0,25
* Ghi chú: Hook (0,125) + Background information (0,125) = 0,25
II. Body
Paragraph 1
Topic sentence 0,1
Supporting 1 + (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2
Supporting 2+ (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2
Paragraph 2
Topic sentence 0,1
Supporting 1 + (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2
Supporting 2 + (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2
Paragraph 3
Topic sentence 0,1
Supporting 1 + (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2
Supporting 2 + (example, explanation, quotation, statistic) 0,2

III. Conclusion
Summary 0,25
Giving students’ opinion/suggestion/… 0,25
* Từ ngữ và cấu trúc
- Sử dụng các từ nối câu, nối ý một cách phong phú 0,25
- Trình bày mạch lạc, ngôn ngữ, cấu trúc đa dạng, dễ hiểu 0,25
1. Trừ điểm sai ngữ pháp, chính tả, … - 0,1 /lỗi nhưng không quá 0,4
2. Thí sinh phải nêu ít nhất 2 ý chính. Nếu nêu nhiều hơn 2 ý chính chọn ý hay nhất để tính điểm,
nhưng lỗi sai được tính cho tất cả)

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Part 1. Summary
Progress is a movement towards something better than what is. It has its benefits as well as harm. For us
progress has to be paid for with a terrible price. The price is the loss of the hills and forest, the natural
habitat of the flora and fauna. A benefit for human beings results in harm to the natural environment. For
instance, super highways are of great benefit to human beings. However, these highways divide up the
land. A dumb animal can get killed trying to cross from one side to the other. If we exhaust our natural
resources, then the Earth would no longer be able to sustain us. Our progress would have eventually
destroyed us.

Part 2: Chart description

The table describes changes in percentage of the use of various mobile phone features from 2006 to 2010.
In general, over the period shown, making calls was the only feature that recorded a downward trend,
although its decline was not significant: by only 1% from 100% in 2006 to 99% in 2010.

Taking photos and text messages were the two most used features among mobile phone users from 2006
to 2010. Whereas the proportion of text messages increased by 6% from 73% to 79%, that of taking
photos rose by a greater amount of 10% from 66% to 76%.

In 2006, 12% and 17% of mobile phone users saw their devices as a tool to play music and play games,
respectively. The popularity of these two features jumped by more than twice to 26% and 41%,
respectively in 2010.

No data of the features of searching the Internet and recording video were available in 2006. Although
the former feature had higher figures, the later feature witnessed a faster growth by nearly 4 times from
9% in 2008 to 35% in 2010.

Part 3: Essay writing

A vast majority of our adult life is spent working; hence it is important that we have an appropriate job
that fulfils our aspirations. While financial remuneration is an important factor that attracts individuals
towards a specific work, I disagree that it is the most significant factor that makes a job ideal.

Firstly, the importance of financial security cannot be undermined in the modern materialistic world.
Since a vast majority of people earn their livelihood from their workplace, it will be difficult for
individuals with single source of income, to make their ends meet, from underpaying jobs. Thus
underpaid employees, because of their financial burdens, may not be able to offer dedication and
commitment at workplace, which in turn results in under-performance. Secondly, the educated refrain
from being employed in underpaying jobs, as these are less attractive. Hence the remuneration associated,
is an important factor that determines the value of a particular job.

On the other hand, to glorify higher earning as the sole determiner of an ideal job is incorrect. This is
because various other factors like work and life balance; working place culture and adequate recognition
contribute towards satisfaction and contentment in work. Thus an astronomically higher paying job with a
demanding employer, with poor social life in a tedious work place environment will lead to higher job
dissatisfaction, which in turn will also promote higher attrition.

Henceforth, it can be stated that apart from financial remuneration, which is a major determiner of a good
occupation, job satisfaction is also an equally important associated factor that determines the value of a
specific job.

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