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CE 706: Irrigation and Flood Control Sessional

Design of a Branch Canal in an Irrigation Project (Kennedy's approach)

Alluvial Soil:
The soil which is formed by the continuous deposition of silt is known as alluvial soil. The
river carries heavy charge of silt in rainy season. When the river overflows its banks during
the flood, the silt particles get deposited on the adjoining areas. This deposition of silt
continues year after year. This type of soil is found in deltaic region of a river.
Regime Channel:
A channel is said to be in a state of ‘Regime’ if the flow is such that silting and scouring
need no special attention. Such a state is not easily possible in rivers, but in artificial
channels, such a state can be obtained by properly designing the channel.
The basis for designing such an ideal, non-silting, non-scouring channel is that, whatever silt
has entered the channel at its head is kept in suspension, so that it does not settle down and
deposit at any point of the channel. Moreover, the velocity of the water should be such that it
does not produce local silt by erosion of channel bed and slopes.
Two approaches of regime channel design are:
1. Kennedy's approach
2. Lacey’s approach
Unlined Canal Design in Alluvial Soil by Kennedy’s Theory:
R.G. Kennedy, an Executive Engineer of Punjab P.W.D, carried out extensive investigations
on some of the canal reaches in the upper Bari Doab Canal System.
After long investigations, R.G. Kennedy arrived at a theory which states that, the silt carried
by flowing water in a channel is kept in suspension by the vertical component of eddy current
which is formed over the entire bed width of the channel and the suspended silt rises up
gently towards the surface.
From the observations, he concluded that the silt supporting power in a channel cross-section
was mainly dependent upon the generation of the eddies, rising to the surface. These eddies
are generated due to the friction of the flowing water with the channel surface. The
vertical component of these eddies tries to move the sediment up, while the weight of the
sediment tries to bring it down, thus keeping the sediment in suspension. So, if the velocity is
sufficient to generate these eddies, so as to keep the sediment just in suspension, silting will
be avoided.
Based upon this concept, he defined the critical velocity (V0) in a channel as the mean
velocity (across the section) which will just keep the channel free from silting or scouring,
and related it to the depth of flow by the equation,

𝑉0 = 0.55𝑦 0.64
Since this formula was worked out especially for the upper Bari Doab canal system, it could
not have been applicable in other canals or canal systems due to variation in the type of soil
(or silt) at various canal sites.

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CE 706: Irrigation and Flood Control Sessional

Realizing this, Kennedy later introduced a factor (m) in this equation, to account for the
type of soil through which the canal was to pass. This factor, which was dependent upon the
silt grade, was named as critical velocity ratio (C.V.R.) and denoted by m.
For sands coarser than the standard, the values of m were given from 1.0 to 1.2; and for sands
finer than the standard, m was valued between 1.0 to 0.7.
The equation for critical velocity was, thus, modified as
𝑉0 = 0.55𝑚𝑦 0.64
Design procedure:

1. Determine the critical velocity V0 by the above equation by assuming a trial depth.
2. Determine Area by dividing discharge by velocity.
3. Determine channel dimensions.
4. Finally, compute the actual mean velocity (V) that will prevail in the channel of this
cross-section, by using Kutter’s formula, Manning’s formula, etc.
5. If the two velocities V0 and V work out to be the same, then the assumed depth is all
right, otherwise change it and repeat the procedure, till V and V0 become equal.

1 0.00155
+(23+ 𝑆 )
Kutter’s formula, 𝑉=[ 0.00155 𝑛 ] × √𝑅𝑆
1+(23+ 𝑆 )

Where, n = Kutter’s rugosity coefficient, depends upon channel condition and also upon

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CE 706: Irrigation and Flood Control Sessional

Problem Statement:
Design an irrigation channel to carry 50 cumecs of discharge. The channel is to be
laid at a slope of 1 in 4000. The critical velocity ratio for the soil is 1.1. Use Kutter’s
rugosity coefficient 0.023.
Critical velocity, 𝑉0 = 0.55𝑚𝑦 0.64
Assume, a full supply depth, y = 2m
𝑉0 = 0.55 × 1.1 × 20.64
= 0.942 m/s
= 50/0.942
= 53.1 m2
Assume, Side slope as 1/2:1 (1/2H:1V)
Area, A = by+my2
Or, 53.1 = b×2 + 0.5×22
Or, b = 25.55 m
Wetted Perimeter, 𝑃 = 𝑏 + 2√(𝑚2 𝑦 2 + 𝑦 2 )
Or, 𝑃 = 25.55 + 2 × √0.52 × 22 + 22
Or, P = 30.03 m
Hydraulic Radius, R = A/P
Or, R = 53.1/30.03 = 1.77 m
1 0.00155
+(23+ )
From Kutter’s formula, 𝑉 = [ 𝑛 𝑆
0.00155 𝑛 ] × √𝑅𝑆
1+(23+ )
𝑆 √𝑅
Or, V= 1.016 m/s > 0.942
Or, V > V0
In order to increase the critical velocity (V0), we have to increase the depth. So,
increase the depth

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CE 706: Irrigation and Flood Control Sessional

Assume, a full supply depth, y = 3m
𝑉0 = 0.55 × 1.1 × 30.64
= 1.22 m/s
= 50/1.22
= 40.91 m2
Assume, Side slope as 1/2:1 (1/2H:1V)
Area, A = by+my2
Or, 40.91 = b×3 + 0.5×32
Or, b = 12.13 m
Wetted Perimeter, 𝑃 = 𝑏 + 2√(𝑚2 𝑦 2 + 𝑦 2 )
Or, 𝑃 = 12.13 + 2 × √0.52 × 32 + 32
Or, P = 18.83 m
Hydraulic Radius, R = A/P
Or, R = 40.91/18.83 = 2.17 m
1 0.00155
+(23+ )
From Kutter’s formula, 𝑉 = [ 𝑛 𝑆
0.00155 𝑛 ] × √𝑅𝑆
1+(23+ )
𝑆 √𝑅
Or, V= 1.16 m/s < 1.22
Or, V < V0
So, reduce the depth.

Assume, a full supply depth, y = 2.5m
𝑉0 = 0.55 × 1.1 × 2.50.64
= 1.087 m/s
= 50/1.087
= 46 m2
Assume, Side slope as 1/2:1 (1/2H:1V)
Area, A = by+my2
Or, 46 = b×2.5 + 0.5×2.52
Or, b = 17.15 m

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CE 706: Irrigation and Flood Control Sessional

Wetted Perimeter, 𝑃 = 𝑏 + 2√(𝑚2 𝑦 2 + 𝑦 2 )

Or, 𝑃 = 17.15 + 2 × √0.52 × 2.52 + 2.52
Or, P = 22.73 m
Hydraulic Radius, R = A/P
Or, R = 46/22.73 = 2.02 m
1 0.00155
+(23+ )
From Kutter’s formula, 𝑉 = [ 𝑛 𝑆
0.00155 𝑛 ] × √𝑅𝑆
1+(23+ )
𝑆 √𝑅
Or, V= 1.1 m/s > 1.087
Or, V > V0
So, Increase the depth.

Assume, a full supply depth, y = 2.7m
Complete the rest!!

Design an irrigation channel to carry (60+Last two digits of Class Roll) cumecs of
discharge. The channel is to be laid at a slope of 1 in 4200. The critical velocity ratio
for the soil is 1.2. Use Kutter’s rugosity coefficient 0.023.

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