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Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)

Project Sunflowers

Research Center for Transition Justice

Centre for International Humanitarian Law and Transitional Justice



Anton Korynevych

Dr. Anton Korynevych is a Ukrainian lawyer

specializing in public international law,
international humanitarian and international
criminal law.

Dr. Korynevych has been working on legal

consequences of Russian aggression against
Ukraine since February 2014. Dr. Korynevych
worked a lot with Ukrainian prosecutorial
authorities providing trainings and advice to
them. He also provided trainings on
international humanitarian and criminal law to
Ukrainian human rights non-governmental
organizations, worked a lot with international
partners on these issues, participated in
drafting of relevant national legislation.
From 25 June 2019 till 25 April 2022 Dr.
Korynevych served as the Permanent
Representative of the President of Ukraine in
the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Since 26
February 2022 he is the Agent of Ukraine
before the International Court of Justice in the
Allegations of Genocide case.

Dr. Korynevych is the head of the working

group on reintegration of temporarily occupied
territories within the Commission on Legal
Reform of Ukraine. Recently he was also
appointed as member of the working group on
the development and implementation of
international legal instruments of
reimbursement of damage caused to Ukraine
by armed aggression of the Russian
Federation within Office of the President of

He is Ambassador-at-large in the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (since 25 May 2022)

Dr. Korynevych is coordinating the issue of the

establishment of the Special Tribunal for the
Crime of Aggression against Ukraine on the
Ukrainian side.

Topic of speech: “The Road to

Establishment of the Special Tribunal for
the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine"

Mykola Gnatovskyy
Kateryna Busol
Topic of speech: “Reparations for survivors
of conflict-related sexual violence in
Amal Nassar
Topic of speech: “Reparations for survivors
of conflict-related sexual violence in
Paolina Massidda

Paolina Massidda of Italy, is the

Principal Counsel of the independent Office
of Public Counsel for Victims (OPCV) at the
ICC since its creation in 2005 and she has
been appointed Counsel to represent victims
in virtually all situations and cases before the
One of Ms Massidda’s priorities as
Principal Counsel has been to shape the
OPCV in order to ensure a meaningful
representation of the interests of thousands
of victims of crimes against humanity and war
crimes in the ICC proceedings. She sought to
bring the OPCV, and with it the ICC, closer to
the victims who reside in the affected
communities of the situation Countries. At her
initiative, the capacity of the ICC to reach out
to victims without discrimination of any kind
was significantly strengthened. It has been a
priority for her that victims of gender crimes
do not go unheard. She has developed the
expertise of the OPCV to present the views
and concerns of victims in the form of legal
submissions in Court proceedings. The cases
in which she has been appointed include
Yekatom and Ngaïssona at trial and Ongwen
on appeal/reparations; two completed trials
(Lubanga and Katanga) where she remains
active for purposes of reparation
proceedings, as well as the Afghanistan,
Palestine, Comoros situations, the Gaddafi,
Kony and Gbagbo and Blé Goudé and
Simone Gbagbo cases. In addition, she has
provided advice to external lawyers and
participated in training and academic
Before joining the ICC, Ms Massidda
practised before national and international
tribunals, representing accused and victims.
She worked as Legal Adviser for the
International Federation of the Red Cross
and the International Committee of the Red
Cross and participated as expert in several
European Union training programmes. She is
specialised in human rights and international
humanitarian law, she holds a master in
international criminal law and is a member of
the Genoa Bar (Italy) since 1992.
Topic of speech: “Securing the rights of
victims before the ICC”

Oksana Senatorova

Cindy Wittke

Head of Political Science Junior Research Group,

Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European
Studies (IOS), Regensburg, Germany, since

 From 2015 – 2019 Junior Research Group

“Frozen and Unfrozen Conflicts” 
 Principal Investigator of “Between Conflict
and Cooperation: The Politics of
International Law in the post-Soviet Space”,
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF, 01UC1901 (PolVR),
2019 – 2022)

Previous Positions 

 Postdoc, Faculty of Politics, Law and

Economics, Department of Politics and Public
Administration, University of Konstanz,
Germany, 08/2014—05/2017 
 Jerome Hall Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for
Law, Society & Culture, Maurer School of Law,
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 08/2013
 Research Associate, Leipzig Centre for the
History and Culture of East Central Europe
(GWZO, now Leibniz Institute for the History
and Culture of Eastern Europe), Leipzig,
Germany, 04/2011—08/2013 
 Research
Associate, Käte Hamburger Center for
Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as
Culture”, University of Bonn, Germany, 01/2011
 Research Associate, SFB 700 “Governance in
Areas of Limited Statehood”,
research center funded by the German
Research Foundation (DFG), Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany, 09/2008—06/2010 
 Lecturer with the Lectureship Program for
Eastern Europe and China (later continued as
Lectureship Program in Asia), Robert Bosch
Foundation (Stuttgart, Germany), collaboration
with European Union TACIS-funded project
“Establishment of a Chair for European and
International Law,” working with the Faculty of
Law, Yerevan State University, Republic of
Armenia, 08/2007—05/2008

Ewa Hoffmanska

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