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Course: Consumer Behavior

Students: Arnaud Beranger 77310
Lejla Hamzić 76753
Faris Ibrahimpašić 76764
Melika Mundžić 76616
Vedran Amar Marjanović 76355
Vedran Omanović 76744

Mentors: Professor Melika Husić-Mehmedović, PhD

Assistant Mediha Arnaut Smajlović, MA

Sarajevo, May 2023

Table of Contents
1. ABOUT US ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Mission................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Vision ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Values .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4. SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................... 2
2. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1. PESTLE ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Porter’s Five Forces ............................................................................................................. 6
3. ANALYSIS OF COMPETITON ............................................................................................... 7
4. OVERVIEW OF SERVICES AND BENEFITS........................................................................ 8
4.2. Psychological Benefits ......................................................................................................... 8
4.3. High and Low Involvement ................................................................................................. 9
5. CONSUMER PROFILE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 10
5.1. Psychographic Profiles of Target Groups .......................................................................... 10
5.1.1. The Analysis of Consumer’s Personality ....................................................................... 10 Primary Target Group .............................................................................................. 10 Secondary Target Group .......................................................................................... 10
5.1.2. Consumer Motives.......................................................................................................... 11
5.1.3. Consumer Perception...................................................................................................... 11
5.1.4. Analysis of Consumer’s Learning .................................................................................. 12
5.1.5. Analysis of the Attitudes and Special Interests .............................................................. 12
5.2.1. Analysis of the Families’ Influence on Decision-Making ...................................... 13
5.2.2. Analysis of the Influence of Culture and Subculture ................................................. 13
5.2.3. Analysis of the Influence of Social Class on Decision-making ................................. 14
5.2.4. The Process of Buying................................................................................................ 15
6. CUSTOMER SEGMENT PROFILING ................................................................................... 16
6.1. Demographics of Ema and Emir ........................................................................................ 16
6.2. Psychographics of Ema and Emir ...................................................................................... 17
6.2.1. Ema’s Interview .......................................................................................................... 17
6.2.2. Emir’s Interview ......................................................................................................... 18
6.3. Actionable Insight .............................................................................................................. 18
7. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 20
8. APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 21

Table of figures
Figure 1: Mock-up of FitFizz cans with different flavors ............................................................... 1
Figure 2: Overview of SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................... 2
Figure 3: Overview of Porter's Five Forces .................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Instagram post promoting FitFizz ................................................................................. 19
In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are finding more and more time to prioritize their health
and are constantly searching for alternatives to better their diet. Traditional fizzy sweet beverages
are the guilty pleasure of many. Studies have found that consumers feel bad for drinking something
which they know is not benefiting their wellbeing, yet still continue to purchase e.g. Coca-Cola
(Steinmetz, 2015). It has become common knowledge that sodas are becoming increasingly
addicting and consumers are struggling to maintain healthy diets while still consuming drinks
which taste good (Seitz & Shoemaker, 2020).
Enjoy a tasty drink, guilt-free, with FitFizz.
FitFizz is the revolutionary carbonated beverage that provides a healthier alternative to traditional
sodas. Made with all-natural organic ingredients, FitFizz delivers a refreshing taste while also
providing benefits to the body. FitFizz aims to cater to the needs of athletes and active individuals
who prioritize their health and seek a post-workout hydration and energy boost. By blending the
familiar and enticing flavors with the goodness of organic ingredients, FitFizz offers a beverage
that bridges the gap between enjoyable taste and nutritional benefits. With our range of 5 different
flavors, including cola, orange citrus, watermelon, blueberry, and tropical fruit, FitFizz aims to
capture the attention and loyalty of health-conscious individuals.

Figure 1: Mock-up of FitFizz cans with different flavors

1.1. Mission

The mission of FitFizz is to provide a healthy alternative to traditional soda that is both flavorful
and beneficial to the body.

1.2. Vision

The vision of FitFizz is to become the go-to choice for athletes and active individuals who prioritize
their health and want to stay hydrated and energized after a workout.
1.3. Values

Our values are of utmost importance in the whole process of producing and distributing our drink.
They include:
• Health and Wellness: FitFizz is committed to improving & encouraging health and fitness.
We think that what we eat is extremely important to our overall health. Therefore, we are
committed to offering a beverage that encourages an active lifestyle, aids in maintaining
hydration, and has nutritional advantages.
• Transparency: We embrace transparency in our business dealings and work hard to give
our customers accurate information about our goods. We support complete openness
regarding the ingredients we utilize, their sourcing, and the manufacturing procedure.
Customers can rely on FitFizz to be created ethically and carefully.
• Sustainability: FitFizz is sincerely committed to safeguarding the environment for coming
generations. We are dedicated to using sustainable methods throughout the entire
production process, which includes obtaining products from reliable and moral vendors,
reducing waste production, and looking into environmentally friendly packaging solutions.
We consider ourselves to be mindful stewards of the environment.
• Customer Service: We cherish our consumers and their pleasure highly. We are committed
to continually providing a high-quality product and first-rate customer service in order to
meet and surpass their expectations. To make sure client needs are addressed, we actively
listen to consumer input and constantly enhance our solutions.

1.4. SWOT Analysis

Figure 2: Overview of SWOT Analysis

When analyzing our strengths, we have focused and highlighted the many ways our product differs
from the competition. FitFizz has a unique and innovative product offering, meaning no other
product on the market offers the same quality and traits that FitFizz. By combining all-natural yet
amazing flavors with high quality ingredients which benefit the body, we are attracting the
attention of an ever-growing market. Especially when talking about our country, it is evident that
people have an issue with maintaining a healthy diet (Jašar-Opardija, 2019). Many people struggle
with staying active (Rizvić, 2019). It can be hard to switch to a healthy when you are so used to
the flavors of unhealthy products. We believe that FitFizz’s biggest strength is that it provides a
healthy alternative, while still having a great flavor.
The opportunities that FitFizz faces are numerous. The first and most obvious one would be to
expand our product line. We have started out with 5 flavors, but we could expand to more if we
find it necessary. It is crucial to maintain contact with our consumers and constantly be on the
lookout for new ideas and their suggestions for improvement. Since FitFizz is a new brand, we
have the opportunity to increase our brand awareness and build our image whichever way we want.
Focusing on marketing and partnerships to increase our visibility would be a wise decision. Being
a healthy drink, FitFizz has the opportunity to become associated with fitness influencers and
gyms, and gain a loyal consumer base through them.
Weaknesses are something that comes from within our company, which we need to be aware about
in order to succeed. The first obstacle to tackle would be the high costs associated with the
production of carbonated beverages (Telford, 2022). It is difficult for soft-drink manufacturers to
stay profitable, so we would have to introduce flexible price/packaging mixes. Another issue would
be our flavors. Since we are focused on producing only healthy high-quality drinks, it can be a
problem to find the right ingredients and expand our flavor offering. The same flavors can get
boring to consumers over time and we would have to find a way to solve that problem. Relating to
our ingredients, the price of product would have to be higher than the price of our competitor’s
products. That is the only way we can maintain the level of quality and be profitable. The most
easily solved out of these weaknesses is our limited brand awareness. This is natural for all new
brands and we would simply have to get through a period where our awareness is low.
Considering our threats, competitors are the first thing that comes to mind. Being an innovative
company with a new product, we do not currently have any direct competitors on the market in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. This however does not mean that competition does not exist. Our indirect
competitors are our biggest threat, since they are the ones whose flavors we are trying to emulate.
We must not forget about arising competition which is possible to appear as our company becomes
more successful. Consumer’s preferences are another key point to consider. Even though being
mindful of the food and drinks we consume has become a trend in the past couple of years
(Grimmelt, et al., 2022), this does not mean that consumers will never change their minds. Even if
they do still want a healthy diet, their spending habits might change. FitFizz is not on the cheaper
side and this could potentially be an issue.

The health and fitness sector is a sizable one and is expanding quickly. Demand for fitness goods
and services has increased as people's knowledge of the value of health and wellbeing has grown.
The health and fitness market's overall revenue is anticipated to reach $3.56 billion in US dollars
in 2022, according to Statista. Young adults and older people who want to increase their levels of
fitness and health make up the broad target demographic for the health and fitness business.
Together, these elements provide a solid foundation for our industry analysis.

Understanding each factor's advantages and drawbacks is crucial when discussing the PESTLE
analysis of our product. One of the most important factors in determining whether a firm will
succeed or fail is the results of a pestle analysis. Each of the variables plays a crucial role in creating
and carrying out a strategy that will define the company's short- and long-term goals and profits.
You are giving yourself a far better chance at succeeding and making a profit, which is ultimately
what everyone who wants to start a business wants to do, by conducting a thorough and insightful
It's critical to comprehend Bosnia and Herzegovina's place in the political spectrum because our
beverage will initially be offered there. As we all are aware, B&H is not a part of the European
Union, which makes it more difficult to distribute and participate in the global market. Non-EU
nations are subject to a number of tariffs from the EU in order to have their goods sold in shops
and vending machines throughout the continent. B&H has a lower Human Development Index and
a less established industrial base than the other nations, thus we can conclude that it is still in the
developing stage. However, as a result of B&H's vigorous efforts to join the EU, we were granted
candidate status on December 15th, and this was celebrated in all the cities. (European Union,
2022) By gaining candidate status, Bosnia and Herzegovina took a significant step toward joining
the European Union, a goal that, according to some sources, would likely be realized within the
next ten years. This has a significant positive impact on our business since we want to initially
launch our product to adjacent nations like Croatia before distributing it throughout Central and
Western European nations like Germany, Austria, and France…
Economic factors have a huge impact on every business, including ours. Inflation is on a massive
rise and has been rising ever since the Russian-Ukrainian war started. The prices of basic needs
have risen through the roof and many people can't afford enough stuff to get them through the day.
When talking about our business, the main prices that involved us are the prices of fruits and
bottles. Fruit prices have risen over 3% in comparison to February 2022, while vegetable prices
increased over 7% in comparison to the same time frame (Produce Blue Book, 2023) (Slobodna
Dalmacija, 2018). This means, that the drink that we offer would be a little bit more expensive
than the usual drinks, to justify the prices of fruits and in the end to make a profit through our
We think the social factors will be the key to our product. To remind you, our FitFizz drink is a
fresh, healthy, no-sugar carbonated drink that you can drink without a feeling of guilt. It will come
in bottles of 0,3l and 0,5l with multiple flavors such as blueberry and Coca-Cola taste. Our target
group will mainly be individuals who want to live a healthy lifestyle but are addicted to unhealthy
fizzy drinks, and people who go to gyms and are engaging in everyday physical activity. Our drink
will be distributed by vending machines outside gyms and universities. After COVID-19 finished,
the number of people who exercise at the gym at least twice a week increased massively and is
currently at around 50% in the USA, which gives us a fantastic chance to sell our product. (Team
UP, 2022) Lots of gyms are opening and staying active which means that the number is expected
to rise, and ultimately more people would be interested and attracted to our product. We provide a
healthy alternative to all other drinks on the market and we have set a price that people would be
willing to pay when comparing the benefits of the drink in relation to the price.
Generally, technological factors aren't very keen on new products or innovations, however, our
product isn't exactly "new", but rather an adjustment. We created a drink not so different to others
when comparing the price and flavors but the main thing is that we make it healthy, without sugar
with natural sweeteners. People would be willing to try our drink, and they will be reminded of
their favorite flavors but without feeling guilty that they drank an unhealthy version. One of the
most important technological factors is marketing. Our idea is to attract customers through ads on
the Internet and banners that will be placed throughout the city. We also explored the option of
having a stand in front of ARIA shopping center where we will be offering our drinks for free
during the weekend as a part of our marketing campaign and research that will be very valuable
down the line.
The one thing that could be a problem are the legal factors. Unfortunately in B&H, some legal
factors aren't brought out efficiently and that could lead to some consequences for our business.
The main thing that could be involved in some legal troubles are the ingredients put in the drink.
As we use natural sweeteners that are not efficiently regulated in B&H, the government could
declare that as a non-legal substance and we could be facing the court. The government started
paying attention to things like this back in 2018, when unfortunately one kid died after drinking
one of the drinks in the gym, without previously knowing that he is allergic to some substance that
was inside. (Slobodna Dalmacija, 2018) Although we are only using natural ingredients, there is a
possibility that someone could be allergic to an ingredient which would put the person and our
company in trouble. However, you will be able to read all the ingredients that go into our drink
and to which percentage they are present, as they will be listed on our website and on the label that
will be printed on the bottle.
We are a company that deeply cares about the environment and nature, hence the reason why we
are using recycled material and natural ingredients. Our ingredients can be bought from local
farmers which directly contributes to B&H economy which is another big plus for our company.
All the fruits that will later be converted into flavor liquids are grown on farms in the country so
we won't have the obligation to order and transport the fruits from others. When transporting from
others, you put yourself in a position where sometimes due to some environmental disaster and
factors such as floods, heavy snow, or a car crash, your order may not arrive on time, therefore you
are losing on the quantity and consistency which directly influences profit. However, as all the
ingredients can be found in B&H, environmental issues are not of huge concern.
2.2. Porter’s Five Forces

Figure 3: Overview of Porter's Five Forces

As we have established in this paper so far, FitFizz is an innovation in the soft drinks market. This
fact is the reason why FitFizz has a specific and interesting place in the market, which we will now
analyze through Porter’s Five Forces.
The threat of new entrants in the beverage industry, specifically in the healthy and functional
beverage segment, is high (Bryce & Dyer, 2007). While the barriers to entry may not be extremely
high, FitFizz has established a unique position with its all-natural, organic, and healthy ingredients.
However, potential new entrants may leverage similar positioning and attempt to compete with
innovative offerings. FitFizz should continue to invest in building brand loyalty, expanding its
product range, and differentiating itself through quality and taste to deter new entrants.
The bargaining power of suppliers for FitFizz is high. FitFizz relies on sourcing organic and
natural ingredients, which may limit the number of suppliers available. However, FitFizz can
mitigate this by establishing long-term relationships with trusted suppliers, negotiating contracts,
and exploring alternative sourcing options. Additionally, as FitFizz grows in market presence, it
may gain more bargaining power and leverage favorable terms with suppliers.
The bargaining power of buyers for FitFizz is moderate to low. Customers have several
alternative choices in the healthy beverage market, including other brands offering similar
products, however none offering the combination of both flavor and quality. This gives buyers the
ability to compare prices, quality, and features. FitFizz should continuously focus on maintaining
high product quality, competitive pricing, and effective marketing strategies to build customer
loyalty and reduce the power of buyers.
The threat of substitutes for FitFizz is low. There are various substitutes available in the market,
including other healthy beverages, natural juices, sports drinks, and even water. However, none of
those are an appropriate substitute since they do not offer all that FitFizz does. FitFizz needs to
emphasize its unique value proposition, such as the cola-like taste combined with organic and
natural ingredients, to differentiate itself from substitutes. Continuous innovation, product
diversification, and effective marketing campaigns can help reduce the threat of substitutes.
The competitive rivalry in the healthy and functional beverage market is high. FitFizz competes
with both established brands and new entrants offering similar products. Key competitors may
include other organic soft drink brands, sports drinks, and healthier cola alternatives. FitFizz does
not have direct competitors, but our indirect competition is very high.

Being an innovation in the soft drinks market, FitFizz does not have direct competitors, but we do
have a great number of indirect competitors. There is no other drink which offers both the health
benefits and the great flavors. However, other carbonated beverages already have a loyal customer
base, and that is something that FitFizz does not have.
FitFizz faces competition from established soft drink brands that have a strong market presence
and brand recognition. These brands may offer their own versions of healthier alternatives or
functional beverages to cater to health-conscious consumers. Examples include Coca-Cola's Coca
Cola Life or PepsiCo's Pepsi True.
FitFizz also competes with sports and energy drink brands that target active individuals and
athletes. Brands like Gatorade, Powerade, or Red Bull offer beverages that aim to provide
hydration and energy.
Functional beverages, such as those infused with vitamins, minerals, or other beneficial
ingredients, also pose competition to FitFizz. Brands like Vitamin water, Bai, or Kombucha brands
offer products with added functional benefits. FitFizz can highlight its specific benefits for athletes
and physically active individuals, emphasizing the post-workout hydration, and nutritional value
it provides.
To stay competitive in the market, FitFizz should continuously invest in research and development
to innovate and improve its product offerings. It should also focus on effective marketing and
advertising strategies to build brand awareness and differentiate itself from the competition.
Engaging with fitness influencers, partnering with gyms and fitness centers, and leveraging social
media platforms can help reach the target audience and create a strong brand presence in the

Functional Benefits
FitFizz is best suited for those who lead active lifestyles and regularly partake in physically
demanding activities (such as working out at the gym, playing sports, etc.). The provision of our
consumers with all the supplements required to sustain their high-performance lifestyle is therefore
the most crucial responsibility for us.
FitFizz has a ton of vitamins, including A, C, and D, as well as other beneficial ingredients like
potassium and iron. Each of these components in our beverage completes a crucial purpose.
Exercise causes you to sweat, which causes you to lose electrolytes along with water. FitFizz's
high electrolyte content and refreshing qualities aid in restoring both of those. This is
very important, not just for exercise but also for times of illness (like a stomach virus), when
replenishing lost vitamins and electrolytes is essential. FitFizz is more effective at hydrating than
water alone because of these extra components. While maintaining a healthy balance in the body's
water level, the electrolytes in FitFizz work in tandem with the carbs to assist improve energy
(which is vital when exercising). In addition to replenishing lost energy, a larger energy content
also greatly improves the body's overall capacity for performance. Therefore, using our services
will help you maximize the benefits of your training sessions.
FitFizz also makes you less prone to injuries, since its high potassium content helps with reducing
muscle cramping (which is caused by low sodium and potassium levels in the body). This is a very
important benefit since injuries on the field (or in the gym) are very common and because of that
are one of the main concerns of every athlete.
A recognizable, sweet and uncompromised taste of our drinks is achieved by using stevia, which
is a natural sugar substitute. This way you get all the sweetness without the negative health effects
that are associated with refined sugar and artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame). Combined with
all-natural fruit and herbal aromas, stevia helps retain blood sugar levels when exercising without
having to sacrifice the taste. FitFizz comes in two types of packaging: 0.5l bottle & 0.33l can in 5
different flavors: Orange Citrus, Blueberry, Watermelon, Tropical Fruit and Cola.

4.2. Psychological Benefits

The first word that comes to mind when making a decision to start leading a healthier lifestyle is
sacrifice. First, we must sacrifice eating junk food and replace it with healthier but less satisfying
alternatives in terms of flavor. We also need to give up on sweets and sugary drinks and start
drinking water and eating fruit instead. While these are all very reasonable and extremely
beneficial sacrifices, they leave us with one problematic emotion: temptation. And it is two
completely different things to start living a healthy lifestyle and to maintain it.
From early on in life we are taught that carbonated drinks are bad for our health and that was, in
fact correct. Until now. With FitFizz, we are introducing a fizzy drink that comes with not one but
many health benefits, and none of the negative effects that soda is usually tied with.

For people who make significant sacrifices related to food on a daily basis in order to lead a
healthier lifestyle, it means a lot to have a tasty, sweet and carbonated beverage that they can enjoy
without any guilt. Keep in mind that FitFizz is not just simply “not unhealthy”, it is extremely rich
in vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and many other healthy components that contribute to the
physical wellbeing. This means that consuming FitFizz is not just a guilt-free, but a
psychologically satisfying experience in every way imaginable.
While discipline and self-control are quite possibly some of the best virtues a human can possess,
there is no reason to not make life easier for people who want to lead a healthier lifestyle and
remove the temptation of unhealthy, sugary drinks by offering them a healthy alternative.
Our packaging and product presentation is very clean-looking and recognizable which makes the
purchase process all the more satisfying and rewarding. The packaging is made from recycled
material, following all the new ecologically-conscious trends and regulations. This creates a well-
rounded and positive experience that comes with consuming our product. In conclusion, the main
psychological goal that FitFizz aims to achieve is removing the emotions of guilt and temptation
associated with food, in our case specifically carbonated drinks.

4.3. High and Low Involvement

Consumers who are highly health-conscious and prioritize their well-being are likely to exhibit
high involvement when choosing beverages. They may carefully evaluate the ingredients,
nutritional value, and health benefits of FitFizz. They might conduct research, read labels, and
compare it to other healthy drink options. FitFizz can appeal to these consumers by providing
detailed information about its organic ingredients, nutritional content, and benefits through
transparent labeling and informative marketing materials.
Consumers who prioritize convenience over extensive decision-making tend to exhibit low
involvement when choosing beverages. They might make quick purchase decisions based on
factors like accessibility, price, or familiarity. FitFizz can attract these consumers by ensuring its
availability in a wide range of locations, and leveraging brand recognition through effective
marketing campaigns.
To effectively target both high and low involvement consumers, FitFizz should employ different
marketing strategies. For high involvement consumers, providing detailed product information,
testimonials, and educational content can help in the decision-making process. Engaging with
fitness communities, partnering with fitness influencers, and utilizing social media platforms can
also provide an avenue for interaction and information sharing. For low involvement consumers,
FitFizz should focus on creating brand awareness through impactful branding, strong shelf
presence, and accessible distribution channels. Promotions, discounts, and point-of-sale materials
can help capture the attention of impulse buyers.

5.1. Psychographic Profiles of Target Groups

For the analysis of our target group, we have found that FitFizz is best suited for individuals who
prioritize their health, value high quality ingredients, and enjoy flavors of traditional sodas. Our
primary target group would include people who live an active lifestyle, are health-conscious and
are willing to spend money on products that they deem are valuable to them. The symbolic
representative of this group will be Ema.
For our secondary target group, we have analyzed individuals who are just recently getting on the
trend of healthy diets and lifestyles. They do not have as much disposable income to spend, nor
are they as educated and informed about nutrition, however they are eager to change their lifestyle.
The symbolic representative of this group will be Emir.

5.1.1. The Analysis of Consumer’s Personality Primary Target Group

Ema is a 28-year-old Yoga instructor with a Bachelor’s degree in health sciences. She places a
high priority on her health and is aware of her wellbeing. Since receiving her diabetes diagnosis a
year ago, she has lately begun working out at the gym. She likes other physical hobbies like cycling
and jogging in addition to her regular yoga practice. Ema is constantly seeking for healthier
alternatives since she is aware of the harmful consequences that sugar-sweetened beverages have
on her body. She is eager to try out novel things that share her ideals of health and wellbeing and
is prepared to spend more for high-quality goods that satisfy her requirements. Ema is presently
concentrating on her job and lives alone close to the city center. Her salary is considered medium
to high in comparison to the norm, indicating that she has a respectable amount of disposable
income to spend on items she finds important. She is also aware that buying nutritious food costs
a little more, but she is willing to do so if it means getting better cuisine. Ema is active on social
media and regularly gives advice about leading a healthy lifestyle to her followers. Secondary Target Group

Emir is a 21-year-old full-time engineering student who still lives with his parents. He has been
struggling to lose weight for a long time, but he has recently made the decision to start working
towards his weight loss goal. He is concerned about his health and tries to maintain a balanced diet
and exercise regularly. However, due to his busy schedule, he often relies on convenience foods
and drinks. Since he lives with his parents, Emir finds it challenging to adjust to new habits and
make changes towards a healthier lifestyle, as they are not very supportive. His family’s income is
average, however he has a very limited monthly budget. Struggling with starting a healthy diet as
he enjoys fizzy drinks like Coca Cola and Fanta has also been a challenge for Emir. However, now
that he has finally made the decision to start working out and adopt a healthy diet, he is a perfect
fit for our secondary target group.
5.1.2. Consumer Motives

In order to comprehend the fundamental causes of consumer behavior, marketers and academics
frequently divide consumer motives into rational and emotional categories. A consumer's decision-
making process is driven by rational motives, which include factors like product attributes, cost,
convenience, and perceived quality. On the other side, emotional reasons are the thoughts,
emotions, and psychological requirements that affect a consumer's choice-making process.
Examples of these motives include pleasure, status, social acceptability, and self-esteem (Husić-
Mehmedović, et al., 2012). Customers may be motivated to buy FitFizz for both logical and
emotional reasons. The perceived health advantages of the product, the practicality of having a
ready-made beverage on hand, or the taste and flavor of the beverage are examples of rational
motivations. The need to feel refilled or rejuvenated, the gratification of drinking something that
is perceived as "healthy" or "natural," or the allure of the brand's image or advertising are examples
of emotional reasons. When it comes to rational motives we can say that the main rational motive
that may drive consumers to purchase FitFizz is its practicality and health benefits. As a pre-made
beverage, FitFizz offers convenience and time-saving benefits. Additionally, the brand's focus on
health and wellness may appeal to consumers who are seeking a healthier alternative to traditional
soft drinks or energy drinks. FitFizz is often marketed as a low-calorie and sugar-free option that
contains natural ingredients, making it a more nutritious choice for those who prioritize health and
wellness. By choosing FitFizz, consumers may feel that they are making a practical and responsible
choice that supports their overall health goals.
Also one emotional motive that may drive consumers to purchase FitFizz is the feeling of guilt-
free indulgence. Many people are increasingly concerned about their health and wellness, and may
feel guilty about indulging in sugary or calorie-laden drinks. FitFizz, with its low-calorie and low
sugar content, offers a healthier alternative that still satisfies the desire for a flavorful beverage.
By choosing FitFizz, consumers may feel a sense of relief or satisfaction in knowing that they are
making a healthier choice without sacrificing taste or enjoyment. This emotional motivation may
be reinforced by the brand's marketing messages, which highlight the guilt-free and healthy aspects
of the product.

5.1.3. Consumer Perception

Ema is likely to have a positive perception of our product, FitFizz. As a health-conscious individual
who prioritizes her well-being, she is interested in trying new products that align with her values
of health and wellness. FitFizz's use of all natural ingredients and no sugar would likely be
appealing to Ema, as she is aware of the negative effects of sugar-sweetened beverages on her
health. Additionally, Ema's social media presence and sharing of healthy lifestyle tips suggests that
she may be interested in promoting and endorsing products that align with her values, which could
be beneficial for FitFizz's marketing efforts.

Emir, on the other hand, may have a more mixed perception of FitFizz. As a full-time student who
has struggled with weight loss and relies on convenience foods and drinks, Emir may initially be
drawn to FitFizz's taste and convenience, as it provides a healthier alternative to sugar-sweetened
beverages like Coca Cola and Fanta. However, his lack of support from his parents and difficulty
adjusting to new habits may pose a challenge for him in adopting a healthier lifestyle and
consistently choosing healthier options like FitFizz. It may take some effort on FitFizz's part to
market the product in a way that resonates with Emir and encourages him to make healthier

5.1.4. Analysis of Consumer’s Learning

Ema, as a health-conscious individual, is likely to engage in learning through instrumental

conditioning. She recognizes the importance of making healthier choices for her well-being, and
by using your product, she learns that FitFizz is a suitable alternative to sugary beverages. The
positive reinforcement she experiences from the health benefits and taste of FitFizz reinforces her
choice to continue using the product. She is highly educated and has a background in health
sciences. She is actively seeking healthier options due to her diabetes diagnosis and fitness goals.
Ema is likely to research products thoroughly before making a purchase and may rely on trusted
sources such as health professionals, fitness experts, and social media influencers.
Additionally, Ema's active presence on social media suggests that she may also engage in learning
through social modeling. By sharing her healthy lifestyle tips with her followers, she can influence
others to try FitFizz and learn about its benefits through her personal example.
Emir, who has recently decided to make an effort to eat healthier and go to the gym, may engage
in learning through role-playing. As he adopts a healthier lifestyle, he may seek to imitate
individuals who have already achieved their fitness goals and maintain a balanced diet. Seeing
others who have successfully made the transition to healthier choices can provide Emir with
motivation and guidance in his own journey.
Furthermore, Emir's interest in technology and innovation suggests that he may be open to learning
through product testing and imitation. As a student of electrical engineering, he may appreciate the
opportunity to try new products, provide feedback, and learn from the experiences of others who
have tested FitFizz.

5.1.5. Analysis of the Attitudes and Special Interests

Ema has a degree in health sciences and is a yoga instructor, so she has a very positive and proactive
approach toward health and fitness. She is eager to try out novel things that share her ideals of
health and wellbeing and is prepared to spend more for high-quality goods that satisfy her
requirements. Ema is active on social media as well and regularly offers her followers advice on
leading healthy lives. Given that FitFizz is touted as a healthy carbonated beverage with all-natural
components and no sugar, she is thus likely to have a favorable opinion of it.
Ema's special interests include health, wellness, and yoga. As a yoga instructor, she likely places
a high value on balance, naturalness, and mindfulness. She may also be interested in sustainable
and environmentally friendly products. Therefore, FitFizz's all-natural ingredients and healthy
positioning may appeal to her special interests, as well as its potential to align with her values of
balance and sustainability.
Emir has a good outlook on health and wellness since he cares about his wellbeing and has decided
to start working toward his weight loss objective. However, because of his hectic schedule and the
lack of encouragement from his family, he finds it difficult to adopt new habits and make
adjustments toward a healthy lifestyle. Indicating that he could have a taste for sweet drinks, Emir
also prefers fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola and Fanta. As a result, his initial reaction to FitFizz can
be indifferent or doubtful since he might not be familiar with it or willing to give it a try. However,
if FitFizz is successfully advertised as a delightful and healthy substitute for sugary drinks, over
time, his opinion of the product could improve.
Emir has a keen interest in wellness and losing weight. He could be interested in nutrition and
fitness, and he might be seeking for goods that would allow him to pursue his objectives while still
indulging in his favorite meals and drinks. His interests in nutrition and fitness may be piqued by
FitFizz's excellent flavor and healthy positioning. It also has the potential to be a delightful and
guilt-free substitute for sugary drinks.
5.2. The Social Profile of Target Groups
5.2.1. Analysis of the Families’ Influence on Decision-Making
Our primary target, Ema, is employed so her relying on her parents is not an issue considering she
is financially stable and does not live with them, although knowing her parents eat healthy, they
will encourage her to purchase our product, so she can stay healthy and to not increase her blood
Our secondary target, Emir, is a student and he lives with his parents. Considering the price of our
product, he will heavily rely on his parents finances and since they are not used to eating healthy
foods, they may discourage him from purchasing our product and purchasing what he is used too,
for example Coca Cola or Fanta.
So in short, we can say that Ema is not heavily influenced by family decisions, while Emir is
heavily dependent on them.
5.2.2. Analysis of the Influence of Culture and Subculture
Ema's cultural influences are likely to be a mix of global and domestic Bosnian culture. As a yoga
instructor with a Bachelor's degree in health sciences, Ema is likely to be exposed to and influenced
by global health and wellness trends. She may follow international fitness influencers, access
health-related information from various sources, and incorporate practices from different cultures
into her lifestyle.
However, Ema's domestic Bosnian culture is also likely to have a significant influence on her
preferences and choices. Bosnian culture emphasizes the importance of family, community, and
traditional values. While Ema may adopt global health and wellness practices, she may also value
and respect local customs and traditions.
Ema belongs to the health-conscious subculture in terms of subculture. These people focus their
physical and emotional health, partake in healthy lifestyle practices like yoga and fitness, and look
for goods and services that reflect their ideals. Ema's participation in this subculture is probably
going to have an impact on her views, tastes, and purchasing choices, leading her to choose FitFizz
and other items that suit her health-conscious lifestyle.
Emir's cultural influences are likely to be a mix of Western culture, foreign influences, and
domestic Bosnian culture. As a student of electrical engineering, Emir is likely to be exposed to
Western educational systems and influenced by Western concepts and ideas. He may have adopted
Western dietary habits, including the consumption of fizzy drinks like Coca Cola and Fanta.
However, Emir's domestic Bosnian culture is also likely to have a significant impact on him.
Bosnian culture places importance on family, community, and traditional values. Emir's
upbringing and the influence of his parents, who may not be supportive of his healthier lifestyle
choices, may present a challenge for him in making changes towards a healthier lifestyle.
In terms of subculture, Emir is transitioning into the health-conscious and fitness subculture. This
subculture consists of individuals who prioritize their health, engage in fitness activities, and seek
out healthier alternatives. Emir's recent decision to start going to the gym and adopt a healthy diet
aligns him with this subculture. While he may have been influenced by Western culture and
unhealthy dietary choices in the past, his transition into the health-conscious subculture indicates
a shift towards healthier behaviors and preferences.
Overall, both Ema and Emir are influenced by a combination of global, Western, and domestic
Bosnian cultures. While they may incorporate elements from different cultural influences into their
lifestyles, their primary motivations and preferences are shaped by their health-conscious
subculture and their desire to make healthier choices.
5.2.3. Analysis of the Influence of Social Class on Decision-making
There are a few elements in the decision making when it comes to social class. These elements are
the reference group and the aspiration group.
The reference group refers to a group where an individual belongs to, usually the closest people to
them. In this group have a high trust between them and speak the truth with each other, offering
the best advice to the target, helping them with their problems and being a true friend. They have
common characteristics such as: hobbies, school, interests, similar tastes etc. (Husić-Mehmedović,
et al., 2012)
For Ema, her reference group would be people from the gym, her family, her closest friends and
work colleagues who are active individuals. For Emir, his reference group would be his friends
and his faculty colleagues, since he cannot rely on his parents because they do not eat healthy.

Aspiration group is a group in which an individual does not belong, but wants to belong to, and
requires attention and recognition from the members of that particular group. Since people tend to
buy products or use services consumed by the members of their aspiration group, a strong case can
be made that this group yields the most influence on the decision making process. (Husić-
Mehmedović, et al., 2012)
For Ema, her aspiration group would be thin, and healthy women. Women who have been active
for years in the gym. Also other women who have managed to keep their diabetes under control
for long periods of time, but also women who find time to balance out their personal alone time
and their family time. For Emir, his aspiration group would also be active men, bodybuilders and
gym trainers. Men who have taken into eating healthier alternatives and men who have adapted to
western culture and lifestyle.
5.2.4. The Process of Buying
Recognition of need
The first step of the selling process is the recognition of a need for our product by the consumer.
In our case we are talking about FitFizz.
If we take as an example Ema who symbolizes our primary target, this need is expressed by the
fact that she wants to eat and drink healthy beverages coupled with the fact that she likes soft drinks
such as Coca-Cola or Fanta. As a reminder, Ema comes from a family that eats healthily and she
wants to continue this diet. To do this, she needs to find alternatives to traditional soft drinks,
which everyone knows are very unhealthy. These two needs together fit perfectly with our product.
Indeed, FitFizz is a healthy carbonated drink, and it has a stimulating effect which is also suitable
for Ema because of her sport practice.
In the case of Emir, our secondary target, his needs are quite different from those of Ema. Indeed,
Emir wants to lose weight and for that he has to rethink his diet, as Emir's family does not eat in a
healthy way and Emir drinks a lot of Coca-Cola. That's why FitFizz is a good solution for him.
Moreover, as Emir is a student and the courses require a lot of concentration, the energetic aspect
of FitFizz suits him perfectly.
Searching for information
Once Ema and Emir have realized their needs, they will naturally look for a way to meet them.
Ema and Emir are 28 and 21 years old respectively, therefore it is more than likely that they have
an Instagram account and are active on that Instagram account, and it is by seeing ads for FitFizz
on that platform that they will start to get interested in this product.
Moreover, when Ema and Emir go to the supermarket to do their shopping, they will see
promotions for FitFizz which will motivate them even more to be interested in this product and to
research it to see if FitFizz meets their needs.
Further evaluation
After researching information about FitFizz, Ema and Emir will surely find out about other
products that can meet their needs and they will surely find other products that can interest them

such as Red Bull or Iso Sport drink, during their search for soft drinks they will also come across
popular sodas such as Coca Cola or Fanta. But Ema and Emir will quickly realize that these
products do not properly meet their needs. Indeed, sodas and energy drinks are known for their
high sugar content and Ema and Emir wanted to find a drink that did not contain so much sugar.
Decision to buy
After their research, Ema and Emir realize that there are no drinks that meet their needs except
Ema will realize that for her sport practice as well as for her desire to drink healthy sodas, there is
no better alternative than FitFizz. In the case of Emir who wants to lose weight without stopping
his soda consumption, FitFizz is the ideal solution, moreover the energetic aspect suits him
perfectly as he needs it to follow his university courses properly. The fact that FitFizz offers
different flavors is a real plus for Ema and Emir as they will not have time to get tired of one flavor.
In both cases Ema and Emir will give the FitFizz drink a chance.
Behavior after the purchase
After the purchase Ema and Emir will first have to find out if they like the different flavors, if so
they will buy more. However, they will probably take stock later on after a certain period of
consumption to see if the product fits them properly, to check if the healthy side of the drink is
respected. If so, they will continue to buy it and will probably talk about it to people who are
looking for alternatives to traditional soft drinks.


6.1. Demographics of Ema and Emir

Demographic analysis is of crucial importance when researching the target audience and the
behavior of potential consumers. This data includes but is not limited to: age, gender, nationality,
place of residence, socioeconomic status, occupation, income etc.
So far, in conducting our research, we have come up with two consumer profiles. One representing
our primary target group, and other representing our secondary target group.
Ema, the representative of our primary customer target group is 28. She belongs to the 25 – 40 age
range. Her gender is female. She works as a yoga instructor, but has a bachelor’s degree in
nutrition. This makes her very aware of her food choices and very likely to give out
recommendations for a food or drink that she deems quality & healthy to her friends & clients.
She leads a very busy and active lifestyle while trying to eat as healthy as possible, so she needs a
healthy & practical answer to her highly demanding lifestyle. Ema lives alone, close to the city
center, and she is currently focused on her career. Her income is considered average to high
compared to the standard, meaning she has a fair amount of disposable income to spend on things
that she considers important. She is also aware that healthy food is a bit more expensive and she
isn’t afraid to spend a bit more on food if she is aware of its quality.

Ema also has diabetes, meaning she has to be extra careful with what she eats and that sugar-free
alternatives are a big segment of her lifestyle. She also frequently exercises in the gym and
occasionally goes hiking and plays sports.
Emir, our secondary target group representative, is a 21 year old male. This means he belongs to
the 18 – 25 age range (Gen Z). He is an engineering student and is currently pursuing a degree in
the field. His university life is very demanding, meaning that he often needs to replenish his energy
during the day. This makes him a great client for our product. He also recently started going to the
gym frequently.
Emir is currently living in the suburbs with his parents & younger brother. His family’s income is
average, meaning that he has a limited monthly spending budget. However, like it was said before,
he has recently started frequenting the gym and is currently not afraid to invest in this type of
lifestyle (memberships, supplements etc.).

6.2. Psychographics of Ema and Emir

To find the psychographic elements of both of our target groups, we conducted two separate
interviews, one with Ema and one with Emir.

6.2.1. Ema’s Interview

Ema said her hobbies and interests include going to the gym, practicing yoga, hiking, and trying
out new healthy recipes. I also enjoy reading about nutrition and fitness, and watching
documentaries about health and wellness. She loves watching health and fitness documentaries on
Netflix, like "The Game Changers" and "What the Health". I also enjoy reading books on nutrition
and wellness, such as "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger.
Ema said that FitFizz helps her solve the problem of finding healthy and convenient food options
that fit her busy lifestyle. As someone who prioritizes her health and fitness, she needs to fuel her
body with nutritious food that help her perform at her best.
Her main concern with FitFizz would be the cost, as she wants to make sure that the product is
affordable and within her budget. She is also concerned about the quality of the ingredients and
making sure that they are fresh and high-quality. Small things that would turn her off from
returning to FitFizz include not enjoying the flavors or not finding it of high-enough quality. She
is willing to spend a moderate amount on healthy and nutritious food, as it's a priority for her.
Some important psychographic details about her include that she is environmentally conscious and
wants to support businesses that prioritize sustainability. Ema also value community and social
responsibility, and wants to support businesses that give back to their community. In terms of her
future plans, she is focused on her career and personal growth, but also wants to prioritize her
health and wellness in the long term.

6.2.2. Emir’s Interview
Emir's hobbies/interests include gaming, reading, fitness, and watching movies. His favorite TV
shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Office. He also enjoys reading science fiction
novels and listening to rock music.
FitFizz is solving his problem of finding a convenient and effective way to stay in shape. As
someone who is used to drinking unhealthy sodas, it could be hard for him to transition to a
healthier diet but FitFizz's flavors come in handy with that issue. Emir's concerns about FitFizz
include the cost, since he has a very limited monthly budget. He wants to make sure that he is
getting value for his money
He would recommend FitFizz to a friend if he had a positive experience. He is willing to spend a
reasonable amount of money on fitness products and services, but he needs to feel like he is getting
value for his money. Lower-priced options may encourage him to purchase more frequently.
Some important psychographic details about him include his interest in technology and desire to
stay up-to-date on the latest trends and advancements in the fitness industry. He is also interested
in travel and adventure, and hopes to pursue these interests more in the future.

6.3. Actionable Insight

Let’s first define what this term means. Insight means gaining an accurate answer or interpretation
of a situation. Actionable insights are those insights that can be transformed into an action
immediately, in order to increase the profit, sales, etc…
When analyzing an actionable insights for our product, the crucial thing is to understand all the
demographic and psychographic traits. Data is picked up by people in charge of that, and it is
picked up in raw form. Later, that data is arranged into small groups which helps the company’s
board to understand their research completely.
When talking about our two target group representatives, both have different primary reasons why
they would consume our product but very similar secondary reasons. Both of our representatives
are from age 20-30, and that puts them into young adult category.
Our team has to find a strategy how to provide the best marketing and product placement in order
to get to our consumers. Our first idea is to promote our product via Social Media. Our main Social
Media apps would be Instagram and TikTok. Instagram will be a leading one, since the majority
of young active people are active on Instagram, therefore more chance that our product will catch
their eye. There are lots of opportunities to engage in Instagram market, mainly through eye-
catching posts and stories. It is very common for companies to pay few dollars to Instagram for
them to promote their product via “sponsored” section on feed. Also, a collaboration with a fitness
coach or some sports person is very possible, since lots of them are promoting the healthy stuff
and are very active on Instagram.

TikTok is a little bit less popular among the
companies, but in the recent times, it is more and
more evolving in the marketing sector. Our goal
here is to create short videos that will be very
eye-catching to our potential consumer. The
reason why our videos will be around 10 seconds
is that attention span has been reduced drastically
in the last three years, and if the users of TikTok
aren’t attracted to a video in the first two-three
second, there is a huge chance that they will just
scroll. With that, we started the process of
engaging with potential customers and we will of
course put a link to our website in the same
video. Same as Instagram, there is a big
possibility to collaborate with TikTok stars.
We are also offering very interesting offers that
a lot of people can’t say no to. Of course, it is
about discount when buying a big pack of four
drinks. We are offering a discount when buying
Figure 4: Instagram post promoting FitFizz
a “family” pack that consists of four FitFizz drinks. Our four drinks in that package, each of
them will be a different flavor so our consumers can determine which taste they like the most, and
which type of our product will they continue to buy in the future.
Also, we are staying away of traditional marketing strategies, e.g. Gmail, phone promotion,
Facebook promotion and flyers. Our company is very innovative and modern and we are trying
and succeeding in implementing new market strategies, e.g. Collaborating through TikTok.
But, is there a better marketing strategy, than having a rational motives to buy our drink. Our drink
has many qualities that will attract all types of customers, even those who are very opposed to fizzy
drinks. FitFizz offers a variety of new tastes, rarely seen on the market, e.g. Watermelon and
Blueberry. Combining with taste, there is of course fizziness, which attracts people who are fizzy
drinks addicts but want to stop. We are giving them a healthier alternative, with much better taste
and much less sugar and calories.
Actionable insights will be very valuable for our company’s future, as through them we can see
how we can reach to our customers, and their satisfaction. Satisfaction with something usually
means loyalty to the same thing, which we are aiming to do. Having a very loyal customer base is
essential to our company and via actionable insights we are certain that we can achieve that.

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Husić-Mehmedović, M., Kukić, S. & Čičić, M., 2012. Consumer Behavior. Sarajevo: School of
Economics and Business in Sarajevo.
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Slobodna Dalmacija, 2018. Tragedija u Sarajevu: šesnaestogodišnjak umro nakon što je u

teretani popio aminokiselinu. s.l.:Slobodna Dalmacija.
Statista, n.d. Statista. [Online]
Available at:
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Steinmetz, K., 2015. Yahoo Finance. [Online]
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Team UP, 2022. 70+ gym membership statistics you need to know. s.l.:TeamUp.
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Available at:
respondingto-the-challenges-of-inflation [Accessed 2023].

Interview Questions used for representatives of the two target groups:
1. What is the typical age range of this customer?
2. What is their gender?
3. What is their level of education?
4. What is their occupation?
5. Where do they live?
6. What is their household composition?
8. What is their race or ethnic origin?
9. What are their hobbies/interests?
10. What are their favorite TV shows?
11. What problem are they solving by using your product/service?
12. What are the concerns or anxieties the customer may have about your business?
13. What are some of the potential turn-offs that would make the customer not return to your
14. What would make this customer recommend your business to a friend?
15. How much are they willing to spend on your type of product?
16. List any more important psychographic details


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