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Policy Analysis National Curriculum Frameworks (NCF 2000 And 2005)


Policy Analysis National Curriculum Frameworks (NCF 2000 And 2005)

1. Introduction -

Since independence, India has made great strides in universal literacy, infrastructure,
access to and inclusion of universal education in education. ) To implement. The Right to
Education Act of 2008 and the 2005 National Curriculum Framework (NCF). In that case
the ratio of teachers to students in a school of 200 students will be 1:30.

The quality of the student depends on the teacher's sense of efficiency and
motivation. The quality of a teacher depends on a number of factors, such as the status of
the teacher, the conditions of work and remuneration, and the educational and
professional education of the teacher. Professional competence in the field of education is

imparted to the teachers through teacher-learning. Immediate teacher-training, acting as
an important part of teacher formation, imparts appropriate deputation knowledge, skills
and attitude to the DU teachers.

2. Conditions of National Curriculum Framework -

The main points of the curriculum organization at the primary and secondary education
level are -

1. Practice personal, social, national, spiritual values such as cleanliness, discipline, good
behavior, tolerance and social justice, sense of national identity and respect for law and
order, conceptual development etc.

2. Elimination of poor ignorance, ill health, caste system, untouchability and violence and
equality. Ensuring health, peace and prosperity.

3. The inherent thinking, experience and innovation of Indian tradition and wrestling need
to be linked to the global thinking trend.

4. Emphasis is placed on such a structure of 10 + 2 + 3 in school education across India.

5. There is talk of broad-based general education for all up to the secondary level.
Throughout life, students will learn and acquire the basic skills of life, high IQ, Prohmevik
Constant and Spiritual Constant.

. Learning how to learn is a common scheme at the primary and secondary education
level - the learning content will be flexible and relevant for all students emphasizing this
skill acquisition.

. The basic duties of all levels of school education and the subjects of the central
curriculum should be given space in the curriculum.

. Matters related to human rights and children's rights, especially the rights of girls, should
be included in the curriculum.

9. Knowledge of all levels of school education in keeping with the abilities and social
training of the students. The minimum level of perception and skill acquisition should be

10. Emphasis should be placed on process-based and learning-friendly learning to

transform information-based and teacher-centered learning.

3. National Curriculum Framework 2000 -

In 2000, the National Curriculum Framework for School Education changed the
curriculum of national education at the secondary education level in India. -It has not
happened in 60 years. The demand for education and society has increased in many
ways. In fact, there has been a strange change in education and learning.

A report by the International Commission of Education (1996), courtesy of UNESCO,

focuses on 21st century education. Its educational title is Learning: The Treasure Within.
Education ideally must prepare to face the challenges of life and should be included in the
curriculum - "life skills the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enables
individuals to effectively deal with the demands and the challenges of every day life by
developing in them genuine skills related to a wide variety of areas such as health and
social needs.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the curriculum according to the needs of the

society. Because the standard curriculum will try to solve various problems while keeping
pace with the change of society. Such curriculum will teach the student to stand against
all injustices Similarly, various deprivations and poverty can create tension in the society.

The National Curriculum Framework was reviewed in 2000 to reduce the burden of
curriculum on students. A committee commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource
Development analyzed the curriculum burden in the early 1990s, and found that it has
deep roots in the tendency to treat information as knowledge - to treat in formation as
knowledge. -

Children are passive learners and textbooks are an experimental basis for acquiring
knowledge - school learning will not be enjoyable and fruitful for the learner without
changing this stereotype.
Children are able to form knowledge from their own creative abilities and
experiences - this lack of faith is what children try to find in their brains.
Textbooks have been growing year after year for many years. New content is being
introduced in the syllabus, while the aspect of coordination between different
elements of knowledge remains unclear to the students.
The main reason for the continued failure of the child-centered education system is
the large number of textbooks like encyclopedia, the curriculum seems to be a
treasure trove of knowledge inculcated in students from infancy.
The report, Learning Without Burder, suggests major changes to school curriculum
plans and textbooks.

The report calls for a change in social norms, as aggressive attitudes among
children make them suffer. As a result, children lose their childhood and adolescents
lose their adolescence. Students who lose their adolescence and childhood fall prey
to immature and premature nature.
The child's creativity needs to be given due importance. Therefore, fundamental
changes have been recommended in the organization of the school curriculum,
such as a change in the dependent examination system. Because in this method
the students are forced to memorize the information and write it down in the
examination book.
Mechanical test-based learning does not favor education, but in many cases there
is a fear of testing and learning among them. Moreover, if the knowledge acquired in
school is not combined with everyday experience, then education is bound to fail.

The organization plans to expand insights into stress-free learning in the current
curriculum Framework 2005 to address this deeper problem. The report will also enable
teacher administrators and other organizations involved in curriculum development,
textbook planning and examination reform to make intellectual decisions The document
will help in formulating and implementing new programs at the local level.

4. National Curriculum Framework 2005 -

Under the direction of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and with the
administrative support of NCERT, the National Steering Committee 2005 National
Curriculum Framework 2005 presented a government level document. (Learning Without
burden 1993) report and (ii) a combination of learning experiences.

The curriculum developers outlined in the National Curriculum Framework 2005


Combining knowledge with life outside of school.

Ensuring learning by eliminating meaningless memorization methods.
Enrich the curriculum by focusing on the overall development of the child instead of
textbook centrality.
To make the examination system more flexible and to make it more relevant to
classroom life.
To build and take care of the democratic system of the country.
Enriching a multidimensional utility national education system.
Compose curricula based on constitutional values such as social justice, equal
rights and secularism.
Ensuring quality education for all.
Able to participate in economic and political processes, sensitive to gender equality
and the problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Formation of a
citizen who respects democratic customs and values.

The curriculum will reflect the new thinking that has been created in the current
situation. The most important thing is to include some programs that can keep all the
children in school and all the children gain self-esteem and confidence in education.

Recommendations on Learning and Knowledge -

Changes in attitudes towards education and students.

Provide an overall perspective on student learning and development.
Creating a peaceful atmosphere for all students in the classroom.
Direct participation of students in knowledge creation and creativity.
Active learning in experimental methods.
Formulate opportunities to stimulate children's curiosity and questions in the
Giving equal importance to observation, exploration, discovery, isolation and
thinking without the chapter (content) of insightful knowledge practice.
Addition of activities that evoke the ability to analyse real social and cultural
Textbook Synthesis of Regional Knowledge and Experienced Concepts.

5. Aims of National Curriculum Framework -

The NCF reflects the needs and aspirations of today's society for the purpose of
education. As well as sustainable values, community issues and human ideals must be
far-sighted in the context of education. Learning how to see, re-learning, and wanting to
learn in no time is also important. A particularly important aspect of NCF (2005) is its
emphasis on the process of knowledge building.

Performance will be developed through education. Education will encourage

participation in the economic process and participation in the social process. Through
education, the child gets the opportunity to express his creativity and sense of beauty.

Curriculum development goals should be aimed at maximizing learning goals.

The NCF (2005) states that a child should be considered a normal student. And
knowledge is the result of the child's own action - knowledge is the out come of the child's
own activity. Learning is the heart of the curriculum. National Curriculum Outline Special
emphasis has been placed on child-centered education. Child-centered education means
that children's experiences place special emphasis on their opinions and their active

So the curriculum should be designed in such a way that it will help the students to
nurture their curiosity carefully and help the students to express themselves. They will
work, ask questions and engage in research. Teachers and developers need to look at
holistic perspectives in the curriculum. Students need to focus on how they can
participate spontaneously.

6. Objectives of National Curriculum Framework -

The overall goal of the National Talent Commission was to take some steps that would
give India a knowledge edge in the coming decades, that is, to make our country the
highest in the world in terms of use and distribution of creations.

To create new knowledge and for that reason to strengthen the education system, to
accelerate indigenous research, to increase innovation at the grassroots level as
Facilitate the path of foreign investment and technology and open the fields of
foreign knowledge through free trade.
Appropriate application of knowledge in health, agriculture, industry and
government sectors. In addition to conventional knowledge in agriculture, balanced
use of new existing and unveiled knowledge and introduction of direct governance.
The main goal of knowledge sharing can be to ensure universal elementary
Emphasize education for women and backward communities, build a culture of
lifelong learning, increase literacy rates, improve the quality of education through
the use of information and communication technology to improve the quality of
education and make the necessary knowledge of the people accessible.

7. School Level and Evaluation of National Curriculum Framework -

The key points of this chapter's recommendations are -

Language -

Language skills such as listening skills, speaking skills and reading skills and writing
skills and above all comprehension ability are spread beyond the school
Efforts need to be made in a new way to introduce trilingual formulas. Mother
tongue should be given importance as a medium of education in all fields starting
from tribal language.
Along with other Indian languages, English should also be given due status in its
The multi-lingual social characteristics of India need to be considered as an asset in
school life.

Mathematics -

More emphasis should be placed on mathematical thinking than on the knowledge
of mathematics (signals, methods, mechanical processes), that is, on the
acquisition of the ability to form abstract ideas.
Every child has the right to a high quality mathematics education. This type of
mathematics learning should be seen so that the child can become accustomed to
reasoning, relativity and the ability to think abstractly.

• Science -
The content methodology and language of science education should be consistent
with the age and perception of the child learner.
Students need to be taught science in a way that enriches their scientific research
and creativity.
Students need to be educated in science in terms of real environment so that they
can enter future careers efficiently.
Problems related to environmental protection need to be understood and raised
through school curriculum.

Sociology -

The reason for studying the subject of sociology is not only to memorize in order to
get good marks in exams, but also to focus on the tantric subjects of sociology with
real understanding, so that students can move their independent thinking and
perception towards analysis and solution of social problems.
Sensitivity and national interest to gender, equality, justice, human rights and
marginalized and minority issues need to be addressed so that students can form a
social sense.
Sociology needs to be rearranged as political science. The role of history in the
formation of society should be given enough importance to the students.

Art Education -
Various arts such as folk art, classical art, music and dance, puppet dance, pottery,
drama art etc. and various traditional handicrafts must be incorporated in the
School authorities, education authorities and parents need to be made aware of the
social, cultural, economic, personal and aesthetic significance of the above types of
arts and crafts.
Emphasis should be placed on including art as a subject in all levels of school

• Action & Education -

In the school curriculum, the work experience from primary to higher secondary
level should be restructured in such a way that the learners are able to acquire
knowledge, organize values and acquire a variety of action skills through reading

িশ া Education for Peace -

Attempts will be made to develop each student as a peace loving person in the
Social justice is an important aspect of pacifist education, similarly human rights are
one of the most important aspects of pacifist education. Appropriate measures need
to be taken to inculcate these in the students, i.e. to make them aware of social
justice and respect for human rights.
The goal of peace-loving education can be achieved by organizing a variety of
events and functions.

• Health and Physical Education -

Health and physical well-being is a very important aspect in the life of a

student. Health and physical education should be given importance in the school
curriculum for the overall improvement of the students.
Measures should be taken including various types of sports, health conscious and
physical education yoga.

Settlement and learning -

The settlement is important for the development and survival of the child. The
environment around the child is his settlement in that sense. It is very important for
the child to learn about this environment. Settlement or environment and learning
are in fact the basis of environmental education.
Adequate time needs to be set aside for activities in environmental education as
well as interest in curiosity, curiosity and finding appropriate solutions in the context
of teaching specific subjects at all levels.

8. Past Reforms to the National Curriculum Framework -

1. There is a need to build a planning framework in the field of education, where it will be
possible to identify the scope of work at the school level and finalize it at the block, region
and district level through a series of upward reviews.

2. A comprehensive education plan needs to be outlined through the active participation

of the school headmaster and other teachers.

3. The method of monitoring the results of the activities of the schools should be
considered as an appropriate way to keep in touch with the schools.

4. Teacher training programs need to be restructured and reformed in such a way that a
teacher / teacher becomes a personality where he / she will help students to develop in a
humane way, discovering their own talents, realising their own physical and intellectual

abilities, sensitivity and ethics. Be able to assist in the development of values.

5. Teachers will be aware and enterprising to reform the conventional curriculum based
on the changing social needs and personal needs of the students.

6. In order for the students to assimilate their interest in knowledge building through
active participation, the character of teacher training can become a teacher-educator in
such a way as to encourage knowledge building, proficient in multidisciplinary knowledge,
interested in interdisciplinary knowledge.

7. We need to realise the importance of language skills as a central theme in teacher-

training and in strengthening professional engagement.

8. How many measures need to be taken to reduce the examination pressure of the
conventional education system and increase the success rate of examinations. They are -

Subject-based tests need to be converted into problem-solving tests. There will be

skill and perception of the ability and importance of the solution. The type of
question paper needs to be changed.
Short term i.e. small tests have to be introduced.
The time allotted for the test needs to be adequate. A central body needs to be set
up to plan and organize all kinds of entrance exams.

9. Work-oriented education should be institutionalized in the school curriculum from pre-

primary level to higher secondary (10 + 2) level. As a result, it will be possible to build a
new foundation for scholarship education by tackling the challenges of a globalized

10. There must be dedication to make all these scholarship education and training on a
new basis effective and for this it is necessary to build different individual organizations
from different village organizations and block level to sub-divisional and district
level. Already nationwide nationwide facilities can be availed.

11. Multiple textbooks need to be approved and made available so that teachers can
enjoy the freedom to choose the textbook that suits their diverse needs and interests.

12. The teacher's career and life experiences and classroom management methods can
provide an opportunity for exchange. As a result, new meditative ideas and methods are
likely to be introduced.

13. Decentralisation of planning methods for curriculum development, textbook

preparation and learning materials preparation will increase the participation of teachers,
university specialists, teachers' organisations and NGOs.

9. National Curriculum Framework Practical Policy Analysis -

Practical application of policy analysis of the structure of the National Curriculum

Framework -

Content of the analysis - National Curriculum Structure Discussed aspects of success


Introduction -

In the post-independence period, various committees and commissions were set up for
the purpose of introducing the traditional education system in India, and in each case
there was some success but in some cases there was no success. Again it has been
seen to fail in some cases. The 2005 National Curriculum Framework was no
exception. Here we will try to discuss the success aspects of the National Curriculum
Framework 2005. -

1. Learning and Knowledge -

The National Curriculum Framework had a recommendation on situations related to

learning and knowledge. It will have to create opportunities for active learning in an
experimental way. Example - The textbook that has been prepared on the basis of the
new syllabus written by Sim Banga for the Board of Secondary Education of Bengal, here
are various aspects of experimental learning for students based on active learning.

2. Other aspects of learning than the practice of knowledge -

In addition to epistemological chapters to make activism oriented, efforts are being made
to focus on observation, exploration, discovery, analysis and rational thinking.

3. Introduction of trilingual formulas -

One of the recommendations of the National Curriculum Framework was that new efforts
were needed to introduce trilingual formulas. Mother tongue should be given importance
as a medium of education in all fields starting from tribal language. The success of this
recommendation is evident to us today. The mother tongue is now recognised as a
medium of instruction from primary to university level and the proxima has been
substantially extended.

4. Approach to Science Education -

Based on the recommendations in the National Curriculum Framework, today's school is

currently trying to teach science to students in a way that enhances their scientific
outlook. Consistent with the environment, science is gaining importance with due dignity
in the aspect of education. Under the auspices of the State and Central Governments,
various programs such as seminars, symposium debates, etc. have been organized to
increase the knowledge consciousness and scientific curiosity among the students of
various institutions. The government education department has tried to contact the
schools in this regard.

5. Environmental Protection Context -

National Curriculum An important aspect of Prem Mubarak is in the context of

environmental protection. There is good reason to be optimistic that the work of teaching
textbooks is being carried out in a timely manner as the importance of social sciences has
increased not only in the school curriculum but also in raising awareness on
environmental protection and related issues.

6. Sensitivity -

Efforts have been made to harmonize the curriculum and textbooks to create awareness
and interest in gender, equality, justice, human rights and issues related to marginalized
and minority communities and to build a holistic understanding of students.

7. Industrial Education -

A natural interest in recognising industrial education as a distinct subject with adequate

dignity has been established among government education departments and
departments and educational institutions. This answer can be termed as a result of the
recommendations of the National Curriculum Framework 2005.

8. Health & Physical Education -

Health and physical education is an important aspect in the life of students. Not only the
school curriculum but also the educational institutions are being given enough importance
for the overall improvement of the students. The diligent efforts of the physiology teachers
in this regard are commendable. The spontaneous interest of the students in the school
premises is a great example of this approach.

9. Applied Skills in Teaching -

The Central and State Governments have been proactive in ensuring that schools have
adequate classrooms, classroom infrastructure and materials to enhance the quality of
teaching and learning skills of students.

10. Education for all -

The National Curriculum Framework 2005 calls for ensuring that all types of children
participate in the field of education in order to make education effective for all. The
Government of India has recently taken a policy decision to give dignity to the
recommendations of the National Curriculum. For this, the central government has
announced to launch various projects. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Madhyamik Shiksha
Abhiyan projects can be named in this context.

11. Evaluation System -

An important recommendation of the 2005 National Curriculum Framework was to make

the assessment system fearless, transparent and flexible. With this in mind, the West
Bengal Board of Secondary Education has introduced continuous and continuous
assessment and grade system based on ability from the 2007 and 2008 academic years
at the school level. Let's go back and participate in reading with pleasure. The state
government is enough to change the negative attitude towards the mechanical process
and turn it into a joyous program. The state government has tried to take various steps
since 2007 to make education a joyous creative process and to interest this path and
perception of mindfulness.

12. Question Paper Type -

The type of test question paper has undergone several changes, such as - Multiple
Choice Questions and Short Answer Type Questions. The time limit for answering the
question papers of secondary and higher education has been extended. The introduction
of new perspectives, projects at the secondary and higher education levels, is a shining
example of how to put the book-centric ear into real situations.

10. Conclusion -

Observations of the National Curriculum Framework 2000 and 2005 Education Policy
show that a new type of education system has been introduced by removing the
traditional practices. In the education system, importance has been given to equality,
justice, etc. irrespective of race, religion, caste and gender. Education is basically for
everyone so the education system has to be built joyfully. Education should be introduced
to all through innovation by changing the traditional education system. Education is the
key to the development of a country. So the education system must be scientific and
practical. The National Curriculum Framework has given a new direction to the education


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