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IPTC 11754

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DME a Clean Fuel for the Future
Jean-Alain Taupy, Total S.A.

Copyright 2007, International Petroleum Technology Conference

Moreover, DME is as easy to handle as LPG and its calorific
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology value per kg is close to coal, better than methanol, much better
Conference held in Dubai, U.A.E., 4–6 December 2007.
than hydrogen and less than LPG, Diesel or methane. Per liter,
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
it is close to methanol, methane or propane and largely greater
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference than hydrogen.
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not
necessarily reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its We will first insist on some of the environmental and health
officers, or members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor
Society Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this
issues the world has to deal with.
paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Then, we will show the advantages of DME compared to other
Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an
abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must fuel in that respect.
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write
Librarian, IPTC, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Last, we will show that DME, as it may be produced from
various sources, may be a good candidate as clean energy
Extended Abstract carrier in a sustainable development perspective before the
possible advent of hydrogen, probably in the long term.
General introduction
Global Environmental and Health issues:
Safeguard of global environment and human health in this
environment is more and more highlighted as huge stakes for In terms of environment, the world is facing two main issues:
mankind in energy-related issues. It is a key point for a • On one hand, global warming and its impacts on the
sustainable development of our world. world economy.
The global warming issue is not the only one to be tackled in • On the other hand, the rapid decline of outdoor air
the coming years; internal and external air pollutions linked quality in large cities with increasing traffic and the
with fuel combustion are also on the spot either in developed everlasting bad quality of indoor air in poor countries
countries or in developing ones. linked to the usage of coal or biomass for heating and
To combat pollutions we may either act on the devices using cooking.
fuels to absorb and treat pollutants or to remove potential
pollutants from the fuel itself or to find a non-polluting fuel. Human activity is now accepted as the main reason of this
Both ways were and are explored on existing fuels which are global warming through greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
generally multiple molecule fuels except natural gas. mainly CO2. But some scientists have begun to recognize (see
For multiple molecule fuels, these two ways are complex, ) that “black carbon – a component of
expensive and perhaps drive to a dead-end especially if we PM, as having the potential to cause changes in climate. Soot
have to deal with some very small particles. is comprised of microscopic particles released”, “when
In the beginning of the nineties, some US companies and burning fossil or biomass fuels. In most developed countries,
research centers looked for a safe molecule, easy to produce diesel fuels are the main source of black carbon”, mainly from
and with a clean combustion i.e. without emission of the main trucks; “elsewhere, the main sources are from the burning of
well-known pollutants. wood, animal dung, vegetable oil, and other biomass fuels.
Such a molecule would enable engine makers to simplify their Soot absorbs sunlight and, therefore, heats the surrounding air,
combustion systems and then make savings. also reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground,
The result of this “Envirolene” project was DME, for Di- resulting in a cooler surface. The heated air can create an
Methyl Ether, the simplest ether. unstable atmosphere resulting in rising air, forming clouds and
By virtue of its chemical composition (CH3-O-CH3), DME bringing rainfall to areas heavily concentrated with soot. The
has no direct carbon bonds giving it a property of no rising air is often balanced by an increase in sinking air in
particulate matter (PM) (commonly referred to as “soot”) neighbouring regions, which tends to prevent cloud formation
emission from combustion. and rainfall. An example of this rising and sinking air can be
Compared to other unique molecule fuel such as methanol, found in southern and northern China. Southern China has
DME is non toxic and then used as aerosol propellant for experienced rising air forcing increased rainfall and flooding
personal usages such as spray for hair dressing or wart due to soot and other pollutants, while in northern China
removers. sinking air has increased the occurrence of dust storms and has
DME became spray propellant thanks also to its harmlessness resulted in droughts.
to the ozone layer as it decomposes in the atmosphere.
2 IPTC 11754

Soot has also been found to cause climate changes in areas of causing agent. For example, the California Air Resources
higher latitude where ice and snow are more common. Board has concluded that diesel soot is responsible for 70
Typically, ice and snow reflect sunlight rather than absorb it percent of the state's risk of cancer from airborne toxics”.
due to having a white background, also known as an albedo “Diesel pollution can be deadly, causing premature mortality
effect. When snow and ice are covered in soot, the soot through cancer or heart and respiratory illnesses. In the

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absorbs the sunlight warming the ice and snow and causing a population as a whole, studies have shown a 26% increase in
faster than normal melt. As more melting occurs, the warming mortality in people living in soot-polluted cities”.
effect increases as the soot becomes more concentrated on the Indoor air pollution is another major cause of death. The
snow surface and the land surface is exposed. A study by the phasing out of indoor biomass and coal burning would provide
Goddard Institute and Columbia University's Earth Institute the additional benefit of reducing the 2.7 million people who
found that the effect that soot has on snow albedo may be die annually from air pollution, as estimated by the World
contributing to the trend of early spring in the Northern Health Organization.
Hemisphere. Earlier springs may be a further cause of the Unfortunately, in the World Energy outlook 2006, published
thinning of Arctic sea ice, and the melting of glaciers and last November by the International Energy Agency, it is
permafrost. forecast that the number of people using dirty traditional
Studies continue to indicate that soot is a likely factor in biomass, such as fuel wood, charcoal, agricultural waste and
climate change. In 2003, a computer simulation done by animal dung for cooking will continue to grow from 2.5
NASA suggested that black soot may be responsible for up to billion now to 2.7 billion in 2030, knowing that smoke from
25 percent of the observed global warming over the past biomass is already the third cause of annual death according to
century. Another NASA experiment found that the amount of World Health Organization.
sunlight absorbed by soot was two-to-four times larger than According to World Bank (August 2006), “Over one billion
previously assumed. However, the extent that black soot has Chinese suffer from harmful emissions due to the burning of
an effect on climate change will continue to be debated since it solid fuels in their homes. More than one million die every
has only recently become a factor included in studies of global year from air pollution and more than 60 percent of these
warming”. deaths are the result of indoor smog”, which confirms the
An indeed , in August 2006, IFC, the private branch of World importance of the stake in some developing countries.
Bank, has stated that black carbon contributes two to three The consciousness of political authorities and public opinion
thousand times more in greenhouse gas emissions than CO2. is growing in more and more countries; the struggle around
Mark Z. Jacobson, Associate Professor of Civil and more stringent emission regulation is becoming harder as we
Environmental Engineering at Stanford University is one of have seen notably this year in the EU commission for the new
the mentioned scientists. For him, “control of fossil-fuel black compulsory level of CO2 emitted by cars in 2012. Likewise,
carbon and organic matter may be the most effective method the air quality and especially the content in PM is more and
of slowing global warming, in terms of the speed and more controlled and debated as we have seen for instance in
magnitude of its effect on climate. Not only does soot warm the French tube in Paris mid 2007.
the air to a much greater extent than does carbon dioxide per
unit mass, but the lifetime of soot in the air (weeks to months) Advantages of DME in this respect:
is much less than is that of carbon dioxide (50 to 200 years).
As such, removing soot emissions may have a faster effect on DME is a volatile organic compound (VOC) but it is non-
slowing global warming than removing carbon dioxide carcinogenic, non-teratogenic, non-mutagenic, and as already
emissions”. Unfortunately, BC was not listed in 1997 Kyoto mentioned non toxic as it was shown in the 80s by propellant
Protocol, probably because it is not a greenhouse gas. grade DME producers like Dupont for instance.
The lifetime and global warming potential have been modeled
Concerning air pollution, (see “soot particles in 1998 by D.A. Good and alia from Purdue University,
come directly in the exhaust gas from fuel combustion and Indiana. They concluded that “DME appears to be
contribute to unhealthy levels of particulate matter (PM). In atmospherically benign with respect to its ability to affect
addition, the gaseous emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and global climate. A short atmospheric lifetime” (5.1 days) “and a
sulphur oxides (SOx) from diesel engines for instance form lack of significant absorption features in the window region
additional particulates when they react with other atmospheric combine to yield a small Global Warming Potential (GWP)”
agents. PM comes in many sizes, though all just a fraction of (0,3 on a 100-year time horizon compared with 1 for CO2 and
the width of a human hair, from coarse PM (less than 10 21 for methane).
microns in diameter) to fine PM (less than 2.5 microns) to The big advantage of DME as a fuel is the cleanliness of its
ultra fine PM (less than 0.1 microns). Most diesel soot is in the combustion: no Sox are produced; Nox emissions are much
fine and ultra fine categories, with ultra fine particles making lower than with Diesel Oil and almost no soot is emitted.
up 80-95% of soot. Ultra fine particles are the most That is the reason why DME has been quoted for the first time
dangerous, however, as they are small enough to penetrate the by the International Energy Agency in its latest and already
cells of the lungs”. quoted World Energy Outlook in its chapter 15 dealing with
Soot may then “harm your body, causing chronic bronchitis energy for cooking in developing countries. Among the
and asthma” or acting “as carriers of carcinogenic proposed solutions, we find alternative fuel at reasonable costs
compounds”. “Diesel soot itself is classified by many like LPG and DME.
government agencies as either a probable or known cancer-
IPTC 11754 3

In fact, DME as a fuel is being developed very quickly in For 2010 hybrid vehicles,
China as a LPG substitute or complement mainly from coal
but also from natural gas. The objective of NDRC, the official
planning Chinese organization is to have a production capacity
of 20 Mt/y in 2020 mainly from coal.

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According to Princeton researchers (Larson & Yang, 2004),
almost 25% of BC emissions globally originate in China and
83% of Chinese BC emissions come from residential energy
use. Moreover, compared to direct burning of coal, using
DME will save 33% of coal taking into account difference of
energy efficiency and coal conversion into DME:
On one hand, 1MJ of energy for cooking needs 5MJ of Coal or
1,67 MJ of DME; on the other hand, to get 1,67 MJ of DME,
3,33 MJ of Coal are required.
In a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), “use of DME in cooking
emits up to 40 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2) than the
direct burning of coal.”
Energy energy efficiency and reduction of pollution are
clearly one of the reasons of the Chinese policy towards DME
and of the support IFC gave last year to one of the new
Chinese DME players: XinAo Group.
As no DPF are required with DME to meet new emission
As an automotive fuel, thanks to this sootless combustion regulations in the US, in Japan or in the EU, we have to
there is then no need to capture PM through any device such compare DME without DPF with Diesel oil with DPF, and
as Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) for instance, to meet the then DME remains in terms of energy efficiency and CO2eq
most stringent existing regulations in the US, in Japan or in emissions.
the EU. It has been shown in a demonstration conference If we refer anew to Mark Z. Jacobson, he wrote in 2002 in the
organized by the Japan International Transport Institute in Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, that “despite
March 2006 in Washington D.C. lower CO2 emissions, diesel cars may promote more global
warming than gasoline cars because they can emit 25 to 400
DME is clearly the best in class in in Tank to Wheels (TtW) times more mass of particulate black carbon and associated
analyses combining energy efficiency and CO2eq emissions organic matter ("soot") per kilometre [mile]. The warming due
Thanks to its high Cetane number (55-60), DME is indeed a to soot may more than offset the cooling due to reduced
good fuel for Compressed Ignition (CI) engines which have carbon dioxide emissions over several decades”.
much better energy efficiency than Spark Ignited (SI) engines. "Whereas carbon dioxide clearly causes most global warming,
Analyses regularly published by Concawe and Eucar whose control of shorter-lived warming constituents, such as black
last issue is dated March 2007 shows: carbon, should have a faster effect on slowing warming.”
For 2002 ICE vehicles “The small amount of black carbon and organic matter emitted
by diesel may warm the atmosphere more over 100 years than
the additional carbon dioxide emitted by gasoline”.
Of course, in Europe in the US and in Japan, particulate
emissions from vehicles are expected to decline over the next
decade mainly thanks to the new regulations.
We find of course the same evolution for heavy duty trucks,
which represents roughly 50% of PM emissions, on the right
hand side of the following figure from Japanese Ministry of
Land and Transportation (MLIT).

“The “best in class” was obtained from DME with an adapted

Diesel engine, with 126.8 g CO2eq/km.” can we read in the
Tank to Wheels part.
4 IPTC 11754

And they say in conclusion:

“Hydrogen fuel cells show unprecedented efficiencies, but

with the current technical challenges of hydrogen storage,
hydrogen production efficiencies, fuel cell durability, high

Downloaded from by China University of Petroleum (East China), Allah Bakhsh on 20 January 2021
infrastructure costs, and high fuel cell costs, there is little
likelihood that automotive fuel cell systems will significantly
penetrate the commercial market in the near future.
As an alternative fuel, DME can address energy security,
energy conservation, environmental concerns, and the
pragmatic realization of depleting petroleum reserves. Most
importantly, these concerns can be addressed immediately in a
cost-effective manner with current commercialized technology
(i.e., CIDI and hybrid), and do not rely on future technologies
(fuel processors or fuel cells) where the timeframe of market
It is then clear that DME is a good way to reduce emissions of penetration is uncertain. As fuel processors and fuel cells are
carbon dioxide but also of black carbon to combat global introduced to the public, DME can be further exploited as a
warming and to enable the phasing out of indoor biomass and non-toxic, non-corrosive, environmentally benign hydrogen
coal burning. carrier produced from domestic resources.”
DME a sustainable clean energy carrier: Then DME may be one of the missing links between the
petroleum era and the hydrogen era tackling in the same time
According to Troy A. Semelsberger & Rodney L. Borup from the environnemental and health issue the world is facing. It
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, in Journal of explains why a growing number of countries and companies
Power Sources (2006): like my company, Total are studying the way to develop DME
“Current transportation fuels are based on petroleum, a usage as a fuel.
resource that is being depleted, and whose importation has
political and societal ramifications. Hydrogen is viewed by
many as the ultimate ‘end-game’ fuel. A transition from
petroleum to DME to hydrogen may be more cost effective
than a step change to hydrogen. DME can be introduced and
exploited with existing technologies, and enable the eventual
implementation of advanced technologies, such as fuel cells”.
Because DME is produced from natural gas or coal, and will
be produced from biomass in the near future, DME can
increase the energy security of many countries by displacing
petroleum derived fuels”.
They also remind some other advantages for DME such as:
“• Using existing engine technology, DME ether produces the
least amount of well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions
compared to FT diesel, FT naptha, biodiesel, bionaptha,
methanol, methane, and ethanol”.
• Dimethyl ether as a turbine fuel demonstrates an increase in
efficiency, and decreased NOx and CO compared to methane
and liquid naptha.
• On-board automotive fuel processors using methanol and
DME exhibit the lowest start-up energies and the lowest fuel
processor volumes—correlating to higher overall efficiencies
as compared to ethanol, methane, and gasoline fueled fuel
processor fuel cell vehicles.
• DME can produce hydrogen-rich fuel-cell feeds with
hydrogen yields equivalent to those of methanol at comparable
operating temperatures.
• The infrastructure of DME is less cost intensive than that for
hydrogen because DME can use the existing LPG and natural
gas infrastructures for transport and storage.”

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