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The Fields of History

Using a multidisciplinary approach, cultural history focuses on the study of belief

systems, customs, social forms, political systems, material treats, and economic
activities of a group or community usually for the purpose of cross comparison
with others.
Social history is concerned with the study of particular kinds of phenomena such
as family, marriage, adolescence and mass media, human rights inequality,
industrialization development, work and leisure through the use of sociological
theories and approaches.

Intellectual history looks into the history of ideas and theories, Historiography is
one of its primary subfields were in the development of schools and approaches
are documented.

Key Concept in History

Significance -Finding the significance is a process of determining which part of
historical event has more value to be included in a narrative. This process, of
course, entails the critical thinking and selectivity of historian.

Continuity and Change -Historians has the goal of examining the shifts and
transition of institutions, actors and landscapes overtime.
Cause and Effect -A common theme in historical analysis is that of course and
effect. Through this paradigm, historian require on the factors that lead to the
events in history.

Perspective -As history is primarily based on written records or oral traditions

made by different people in different eras and cultures, there is reconstruction of
the events require historians to adapt analytical lenses or perspectives .
The Disciplines of Linguistics

It is the scientific study of language. for me disciplines of linguistics are study of

language, and because of linguistics it helps us to understand the other language
and its easier to communicate and interact to others.
Language, which involves one’s mouth and ears is communicated trough speech
and functions, through the use of the linguistics signs or words that have no direct
link to the natural world.
This decline includes all the branches of linguistics that are needed to give a
complete description of normal and disordered language.
Also disciplines of linguistics focuses on theories language of structures,
variations, and use the description and documentation of contemporary
language, and the implications of theories of language for an understanding of
mind and brain, human culture, social behavior, and language learning and

The Development of linguistics

The Development of Linguistics emerged in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries
With shift of focus from historical concerns of changes in language can be viewed
as a self-contained and structured system situated at particular point In time .
Research Methods in Linguistics
Corpus linguistics- is a methodology that involves computer-based empirical
analyses (both quantitative and qualitative) of language use by employing large,
electronically available collections of naturally occurring spoken and written texts,
so-called corpora. The text-corpus method uses the body of texts written in any
natural language to derive the set of abstract rules which govern that language.
Those results can be used to explore the relationships between that subject
language and other languages which have undergone a similar analysis. The first
such corpora were manually derived from source texts, but now that work is

Content analysis -is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain
words, themes, or concepts within some given qualitative data. Using content
analysis, researchers can quantify and analyze the presence, meanings, and
relationships of such certain words, themes, or concepts. Researchers use content
analysis to find out about the purposes, messages, and effects of communication
content. They can also make inferences about the producers and audience of the
texts they analyze. Content analysis can be used to quantify the occurrence of
certain words, phrases, subjects or concepts in a set of historical or contemporary

Current Application of Linguistics

Computational linguistics- is the application of computer science to the
analysis and comprehension of written and spoken language. As an
interdisciplinary field, CL combines linguistics with computer science and artificial
intelligence (AI) and is concerned with understanding language from a
computational perspective. Computers that are linguistically competent help
facilitate human interaction with machines and software. Computational
linguistics -is used in tools like instant machine translation, speech
recognition systems, text-to-speech synthesizers, interactive voice
response systems, search engines, text editors and language instruction

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