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My responsibility as a level 7 student was to gain a thorough awareness of the global

business environment and the elements that influence it. To develop a thorough grasp

of global business dynamics, this entailed critically analysing a variety of theoretical

concepts, case studies, and empirical research. I had to show that I could use this

information in actual situations and create workable answers to challenging business

issues. I had to undertake in-depth research, examine the sources critically, and make a

persuasive case in order to complete this assessment. I had to make sure that my work

was of a good calibre academically, that it satisfied the module's learning objectives,

and that it was submitted on time. Although completing this assessment was difficult, I

did it with enthusiasm, tenacity, and a strong work ethic. I used a methodical strategy to

create my research, which included completing an extensive examination of the

literature, evaluating sources, and employing empirical data to back up my claims. I

made sure that my writing was well-organized, clear, and persuasive, emphasizing

important points and offering solid solutions to challenging business situations.

The Global Business in Context module's successful completion of the module's

requirements depended on efficient task management. According to Cottrell (2019), one

way to effectively manage workload in academic contexts is to create a detailed plan

that includes establishing deadlines and routinely tracking progress. In order to

complete this assessment, managing my workload was essential. I made a thorough

plan explaining the research procedure, established due dates for each assignment,

and kept a close eye on my development. I managed my time well and made sure that

each assignment was finished to a high standard because I prioritized tasks based on
their relevance. Overall, I found it difficult but satisfying to complete this assessment. It

has made it possible for me to comprehend the global business environment, its

difficulties, and its potential solutions on a deeper level. Additionally, it has helped me

hone my research and analytical abilities, which I am confident will be crucial in my

future academic and professional endeavours.

If I were to change anything about the way I write for international business, I would put

more emphasis on the social and cultural facets of the corporate setting. Cultural and

social elements can have a big impact on whether a company initiative succeeds or

fails, even while economic and political factors are crucial concerns for international

corporate operations. In corporate settings, cultural differences can affect how people

communicate, make decisions, and handle conflicts (Hofstede, 2001). For instance,

communication methods, attitudes towards hierarchy, and time perceptions can all be

problematic for organisations functioning in international settings.

Understanding the cultural norms, values, and social dynamics of the areas in which

one is conducting business is crucial to overcoming these difficulties. Learning about

cultural customs, linguistic quirks, and social norms can help with this. Then, you can

modify your communication and marketing methods accordingly.


Cottrell, Stella (2019). The Study Skill Handbook. 5th ed. [online] Bloomsbury publishing PLC.
Available at:
Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and
Organizations Across Nations. [online] DigitalCommons@USU. Available at:

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