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Muslim American Society

Syracuse Chapter (MAS-SYR)

Ramadan Contest Questionnaire Form– Children Ages 8 to 12
Ages (8, 9) collect 85 points
Ages (10- 12) collect 115 points

Please Complete the Registration Form

please complete the following:

Last Name First Name Middle Initial

________________________________________________ M F
E-mail Address Gender (circle one)

______________ (_____)_______________ (_____)_______________

Age (children/youth only) Home Phone Work/Cell Phone

# Questions Answers
1 On the day of judgment, Allah (swt) will A. Food and drink 1
ask us about na’eem. What is this? B. All the pleasures of this world
C. Surplus of wealth
2 What is the shortest sura in the Holy A. Al-Ikhlas 1
Qur’an? B. Al-Kawthar
C. An-Nas
3 What is the reward for reciting one A. One blessing 1
letter from the Holy Qur’an? B. Ten blessings
C. Thirty blessings
4 How many doors are there to Paradise Heaven: 2
and how many doors are there to hell? Hell:
5 Who was the first to make Adhan in A. Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum 1
Islam? B. Bilal ibn Rabah
C. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud
6 Who made tasbih to Allah with Prophet A. The angels and people 1
Dawud? B. The insects and fish
C. The mountains and birds
7 Which insect was mentioned in Surat A. Fly 1
Al-Hajj B. Mosquito

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C. Ant
8 What is the Surah that is called one of 2
the pillars of Islam?
9 Which surah begins with one of the 2
names of Allah (swt)?
10 Which Surah ends on the name of one 2
of the prayer times?
11 Which Surah is named after one of the 2
days of the week?
12 Which Surah begins with the names of 2
two fruits?
13 Which Surah ends with the names of 2
two prophets?
14 The salah is not accepted if this surah is 2
not recited. What is the surah name?
15 True or false: The month of Ramadan 1
is the month of the Qur’an
16 True or false: Surat Al-Ikhlas is 1
equivalent to 1/3 of the Qur’an
17 True or false: Ayat Al-Kursee is the 1
greatest verse in the Qur’an
18 When was salat obligated on Muslims? 1
• During Ramadan
• During Isra’ and Mi’raj
• During Sha’ban
19 What is the first thing we will be A. Zakat 1
accountable for on the day of B. Salah
judgment? C. Hajj

20 Who is the prophet who is always A. Ibrahim 1

mentioned for his patience? B. Musa
C. Ayyub
21 True or False: Sajdat at-tilawa is 1
22 At what age did Prophet Muhammad A. 53 1
(peace be upon him) died? B. 63
C. 43
D. 73
23 True or False: Surat al-tawba is called 1
the Surah of fighting (jihad)
24 True or False: The longest verse in the 1
Qur’an is the verse about loans
25 True or False: Surat Al-Hajj has one 1
sajdat tilawa
26 True or False: The number of verses in 1
the Holy Quran is 6400.
27 True or False: Ishaq is the brother of 1

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Musa in their family lineage
28 True or False: The number of surahs in 1
Juz ‘Amma is 37
29 True or False: The prophet who was 1
mentioned the most in the Qur’an is
Prophet Ibrahim.
30 True or False: Surat Al-Baqarah was 1
the first surah to be revealed in Madina
31 How many years did it take for the 2
Qur'an to be revealed?

32 When was fasting prescribed as a duty 2

to Muslims?

33 How much is the Umra worth if it is 2

performed during the Holy
month of Ramadan?

34 Which Surah has “Allah” mentioned in A. Alnamil 1

each of its verses? B. Almujadela
C. Alhasher
D. Alhadeed
35 6. It is said that the odor of a fasting A. Rose B. Amber 1
Muslim is more fragrant to Allah C. Oude D. Musk
wa Ta’ala than what?

36 According to the Prophet Muhammad A. Hungry B. Thirsty 1

(pbuh) "A powerful human being is one C. Angry D. Upset
who controls himself when he is .....…

37 How many times is Allahu Akbar A. 4 B. 6 1

mentioned in one Adhan? C. 5 D. 7

38 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also A. The strong B. The brave 1

known as Al-Amin. What does it mean? C. The trustworthy D. The truthful

39 During Ramadan the gates of _________ are open, while the gates of 4
_____________ are closed and the __________ are chained. In it, there is a
__________ that is better than a thousand months.

40 In the Day of Judgment those who fast Ramadan will enter through the gate of 2
Paradise called ___________

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For more points, let your parents fill the Ramadan fasting chart for you. Each day if you fast (the
whole day), you get 2 more points. Only parents are allowed to sign.

Ramadan Parent Signature Points Ramadan Parent Signature Points

1 2 16 2
2 2 17 2
3 2 18 2
4 2 19 2
5 2 20 2
6 2 21 2
7 2 22 2
8 2 23 2
9 2 24 2
10 2 25 2
11 2 26 2
12 2 27 2
13 2 28 2
14 2 29 2
15 2 30 2
Total 30 Days 60 points

For more information, contact Br. Ashraf @ 374-3952

or Sr. Nura @ 708-945-8696

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