Opic Chapter1 Analysis2

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MerratueSpecking Chronological Order S42 Bihot= SAAUCL S| ASHE} BriAl yee FOE BRAM AckeOz Uists}o} 71BSkS wal BHI7t 0] FBO) attSI ct. I, #10 Helo] est » You indicated in the survey that you work. What is your normal workday like? Please describe your typical day at work. » |want to know how your drawing style has changed over the years, Start by explaining how you first started drawing and describe the changes up to the present. AME APS2} aS ALAS} + When | arrive at my office in the morning, first check my email Ofatol Abalol Sata, Ai oa olnigIe Seley + When | first played the violin, | was four years old, NB MOlsee REG, Ae Yl woigols Alto] GAS LEME BA BS * After school, | went to an English academy to work part time. 82} $01, Me OLAMOLES 3i7] Hal Boisiwoe BAALC + Lastly, | ended my business trip by having dinner with my contractors. OSIoe He ARES) Bl ANE 8 GBB OVELICY CERES +834} after, before, next +84} when. while, until, meanwhile “BAP first, second, then, previously, at the same time. finally, lastly. in the end 34. cCreduoPtc Imagine that you are on a business trip. Give me a detailed description of your day. U0] #8 Solan at SACL, SO} ome al sexisk 2, / ' f ACHES ABA Ate \ . _ \ tal USO CHB (BESSA), dase eerion ee | \ +2} SS Alzt SMC La! y eaaeeceeies: 7 © This is how my day went. fill} In the morning, | got up early and dressed up for a meeting with an executive. It was a breakfast meeting, so we had breakfast together inside the hotel restaurant. After that, | went back to my room to work on a presentation on my computer. Next, | took an hour break from working. Around 1 p.m.,| had lunch while looking at my notes. At 3 p.m. | gave a presentation and then we negotiated on the terms of the contract. We spent more than three hours doing this. After signing the contract, we had dinner in a fancy restaurant. We enjoyed talking and eating. {ill After dinner, | went to a shopping mall near my hotel and bought some souvenirs for my family and co-workers. [i It was quite a long day. Nol] A SB QS cigs VASLUI, Of QI SION OIA el ISIE Hel WE Net ISLC, SAHsle| Se ALAwaTHIA OHI Bet SIS MEL) I9) oft wlol Gols} ARELE wm Eels ssh ROIS HALIC. TAM LH B ARE BE HA SUH MGLICh, Ao] GE B91 ABESZION HRA BHA ook Al ARE OLAS BSRSLCH, AAO fa 7181 BH Lr LICE AM A au 0471 7H A SRO S 7IGBS FOIELICL OF work on ~2ieis sich + Im working on a big project now. N12 2 S245 Aas sa SLic} take a break 24! Act + You look tired. You should take a break. gale mae wold), aa a 210] #012, sign the contract 201 A/2isic} + After weeks of meetings, they finally signed the contract. WAZ sels HH, ASS oat Aletol Ma wsUlch. unit a2 35: Narrative Speaking Ox O| FAS FOL SS/AMOM Ht AHO OAS Woke SAS WIS SHAUCL Haz NBIC Mee, Bye! BRYE NSS, 1MOIESE MSS SE S= UZO| 0] FHal HVeLch, * Which is better, paying with cash or credit card? Explain the reasons why you think so. * Which do you prefer : working on projects alone or in a group? Give several reasons and examples to support your opinion, WIRE/SISS SS BSS MSES AA + Ilike reading pay US expat} Ho} + books more than e-books. = | prefer reading paper books to e-books. 22 le ABO MSBuC, + | think the train js the safest mode of transportation for a long trip. Ait 718171 2 Ofdbole 7H elalet BS-etoleb yzteILICh SIO CHEE EFS AL MAL + In my opinion, camping is better than swimming because | can learn cooperation. For example, we need to work together when we set up tents or cook meals. AWE, SENS HES F USS Yao] FYect | US A ASU. os Se, He mE BUCH, 5 AAU S215 2 YES ao a1 7K EE elelo| BS 272 Be + Personally | prefer to buy things with cash instead of a credit card because itis safe. I was in big trouble when my credit card number was stolen, AMS Ae AS7SSCh ASO] OAs] Keo! HFS 2 Ab1B SOHC. HE IS WSS SU Gal TES AB ajo] SLeUCh, ET CELE LEE > — personally 218122 in my opinion * It seems to me that ~ equich Igislagree withthe opinion that ~ 36 creduoPic When you retire, do you want to live in the countryside or the city? Explain your answer and give examples to support your opinions. GUS Sele}ol AOL at L427 O|LIP AOL Aim AUS? Ialo| OE SAE ets! OE Ol BAH Ba \ MS Cheol Het — + OF AIA ngigoe of] “Eset 2A AIA (BA SE 72! Be) \ ©) When I retire, | want to move back to the countryside. {i I've lived in the city ever since | moved here when | was seven. | enjoy city life, but at the same time, | miss my clean and peaceful hometown. GB I also want to have a garden where | can grow my own organic vegetables. (i) My grandparents still live in the countryside. They always send me fresh fruits and vegetables from their garden. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a farm or garden. However, | think it’s worth it because we can share love through sharing food. (§%) Surely | hope to have a garden like theirs when | retire. Gardening in the countryside is the perfect way to retire. 2818 orig ie atzon cH 714 a oie #786 Salo ate Uh Hi SHON $2 Hi BPSUS 08 ARSE Ap fe 1S SUL! ceo SQBUC. sila, BAS IM AS Le + wee | ue soa HIE 7141 arian Salo RSID BE Tae AU je Bree oem ever since ~# 0182 + My back has been sore ever since the accident. 4271 01.2 #127) ofUEL take effort eo) stt + Leaming a new language takes a lot of effort. Mee gloig wee 22 82 gol SUC be worth ~# 2:4)71 ict * Cooking healthy food is a lot of work, but | think itis worth it. USO FE SAS Velst= AL £0] Ho] 7haieh, Awe 771 Icha AetEHLICh, unio2 37 Role-play Gzzz 0| SHE FOR! FM EE YBOl Ae Jes 3 7X] E}240 0} SBUCt. + PRHEva)Ol| SES7I : Eva7} SOSK= SABA Bat ALS] S + $2 ABOU SI] : SAfRol Mata Bh + BS} OAIIOL BE e717] : SHOWA » You indicated in the survey that you like to play tennis. | like to play tennis too. Ask me three or four questions about tennis. » I'm going to give youa situation for you to act out. You saw an ad looking for a part-time worker at a restaurant. Call the phone number in the ad and ask three or four questions about the job. = I'm going to give youa situation. You want to hang out with your friend. You call your friend, but he/she doesn’t answer the phone. Leave him/her a message and ask three or four questions to set up a date. QEEZZR ABS BAL Sore SUS eel) + I'm calling because | saw your ad for a part-time worker. | have some questions about the job. OBMOEMS HEC DDE LT Mal EMS, dol Bet IO] F soja, + Excuse me. Ate you the librarian? | have a few questions about borrowing books. MAQUCH AM OLI7}L? aH CHO BtaHAt SE 717) BO! eels AHS sisRO| ILARIAI cHataH7] + Uheard that you also like to go hiking, 4= 8 AS SH7lol OAS SY SS, SSS 7icelch= WS BHI + Thank you for your time. | look forward to speaking with you. SEAM UAbBIUIC Safe 7iclelaesuct * Call me back. My number is 123-4567. Have a great day. U8] $M, UaVSE 123-45670UC1. BE a1 BHAI 38 credu oPIc Let me give you a situation to act out, A new library recently opened near your house. You are a mother with a small child and you want to take him there. Call the library and ask three or four questions to get more information. ABS CRU A 7s HAMS. EEAlo] SI Sol A} EMBO] TMS BALICL SAIS OFel AAS E O1CHLL On, O01 Art Cle}7}1 SIStLIC. 7) Se SABI Mataa} AL4 713] BES oA ape ( Seg Bele IZS7/ f \ fete 2 gel aes \ ff \ / aeeeue | +288) eae HSS CRC] mms TILAIS CHAI SIS OLE te (CHLONAL ham ene | azg 221 | age 2s) | \ } + thal B Filel 12 671 \ : 28 Bots BE ae BF eel da 718 S (WB Hello, is this the library? (| have a few questions about your services. | want to take my eight- year-old son to your library. §13) How big is the children’s section? Is it possible for him to get a kid’s library card? How many books can he check out at one time? Also, do you offer story time for kids? Finally, do you show kids movies on the weekends? filJ| think you have a really nice facility and good programs for kids. {J} I'm going to bring my son to the library every day during summer vacation. (1 Thank you for the information. 12. 0 ‘A014 5 epin aves Lf OPH OF SILI? Hh fh S81 91 ARIE SIUa? OIasIoe FEI OIE daa OU Ch wane. FE Be aah, OfeHIa, SAIOI? =A OfBoH Zetela 7H] go. joe Ofgo| SAR TES WE + sR? 2 Hol CHR > 28 sete PALO? SH Gouin check out (=z! S014) cach + At my library, | can check out up to ten books ata time. HDL THe SABIOINE ehelol| 103i mta| claws > eSUCh Is it possible for someone to do something? ~7\~# #1 + a127127 + Isit possible for me to take dance lessons from you? + #18 WS + s187127 Unitas 39 Role-play Gzzz 0] S8S FO Yao) SxS Awol 2, 18S Hed) Exp wel BSS Adal SH 01 * I'm going to give you a situation for you to act out. You and your friend are going to the movies tomorrow. However, you just remembered that tomorrow is your mother's birthday. Call your friend to explain your situation and ask him/her three or four questions. to reschedule the date, * I'm going to give you a situation for you to act out. Your computer is not working properly. Call customer service, describe the problem that your computer has, and ask for help. BAY AAS} + Ihate to tell you this, but I have a problem. | can’t make it to our movie night tomorrow. Gs] AY ABSel, al w ataisel = 2 > zap. + Ihave a problem with the USE drive that | bought yesterday. ‘O17 At USBO! BA} MAES, BGS sz Qt AIALSI7I + Would you please change this to a new one? + al PALO? + Is it possible for me to come back later? cio! sts 2? CHEHS OFS th, AbBH/ZAtS| BEAISHL + Again, sorry about this. It won't happen again, ol¥! 2 22 oletal, chal olei el ete7io + Thank you for the help. s#= $i aweluch 40. credu apie Here's a situation for you to act out. You went shopping at the mall yesterday. After eating in the food court, you left your phone on the table. Call the lost and found department and explain the situation to get your phone back. 4 OUI & aio] QISLICh. OM AwHBOH CHLABLSLIch. AMLTLIONAL AIAIB OIA, okRol Ast7ig SS ‘Such Bob ES LUE Mejol TS zo} AHS wala WALD, | . / 4g sesh! \ / HEISE CAI f BA} Gott 4S Ae [ | Seeks Acree] + SxS ALL a aaa \ lee sel \ eg \ iF } \ \ + S10) cHeto} ca B21 / é J (29 Hello, is this the lost and found department? &J | went to the mall yesterday afternoon. | had dinner in Burger Queen at around 6 p.m. [ij | think | left my cell phone there. But I'm not sure exactly where | left it. It might be on the table in the comer, or on the counter. It’s a pink smart phone with a furry cat keychain. There's also a sticker picture of my family on the back. Its a brand new phone. | just © When can | pick it up? I'll be at work during that time. What time do you close? ffi) Is it possible for me to go and get it before 10 p.m.? Okay, then I'l be there around nine tonight. (@img Thank you so much! got it two weeks ago. Oh, you have Of, AI MEIOI7IG? APH OPH O-O| 21 AEIEO CIARRECI AEE OHA AOE wiriobA| AIS Zoi M BOBS Sa 2 2 Zoe, aah erie H SEMI of oy ge efO|NCIL} AEH lol FT | 2 ole BAM Anis ol zo] Baie} Gal Boia. RAE FO A 1 ACIDE? OI RTE 7HR S147 AIO nfl LOI} SH, Ao wena? x eau Srorrmm picture of ~ ~ Ai! + She has a picture of her boyfriend in her wallet. uit 71ol W721 Ol BELCt brand new 21s) 229) 214 291 + He has a brand new car, “Ie 2} 2869) 117} eich pick up ~ ~2 #c, ~¢7ini2c} + He forgot to pick it up from school. 2 #Rol 228 7iniSe 2B Yojueuct. Unt oa 41 Role-play Persuading/Suggesting Qn 01 FBS FOE! SBall CHE AHO] BAS ISS/7ALt SCHON ABE MS she Soi7] SAS Boke RAUL. AFR ASOi7|, AAAIONAl cE efor mlotsl7|, De! Aletst|, AcHs}7| So] 0] Sol SEH, * Please act out the following situation. You just found out that your favorite band will have a concert next week. Call your friend and persuade him/her to go with you. + I'm going to give you a situation for you to act out. Your boss just asked you to work overtime this weekend. However, on Saturday, your son is going to have his first musical performance and you don't want to miss it. Call your boss to explain your situation and suggest two or three ways to resolve the situation. SHO! AS SSA ALIS} OS HeSH7] + know that you're not interested in this band. But once you hear them live, 'm sure that you'll love them! 0] ial 474 9171 etc 21, TES] 2olsy Scot ea A1zsI2] gl OH! AQBHS FES ASH * Why don't we meet at 3 pm. tomorrow? A ojn? + What about me working overtime next week instead of this weekend? FY 27 UTE Fol ofSeial ofsta? + I suggest that you deliver a new screen, and then Ill send the broken one back. A AazIg SUBAIO DIU AS BucgAia, + I'm wondering if you could move me to another table. The people next to my table are smoking too much, and I can't stand it. A Hels CE ROR Yorsal > GIEX SABLICL & COL Ae 5 4 BOL BIR RE 47} BHD. Flo] MZIOIL MS SUSIE FANE! ORE eH] + lread a review about a movie that's supposed to be very funny. \Ve'll augh a lot 1 YS SHS AREY) Ds] MOMS Ae, Mol Le + Us Ar. + Inorderto get the job that | want, a master's degree is required. A} aisle Hale 7/7201 HAlNISI7} Bost. 42 Credu OPlc Please act out the following situation. You were just elected president of the guitar club. It’s the beginning of a new term and you need new members. Talk to a student and persuade him/her to join the club. Cig Aso ES ois CIE sue Bale le} Solelel alatow BISQILICL, 6! eptoial 71M Sorell 7HQ4ek=s Aol SN IOLICt. MH SI71B Sot AeLsIROL asap! + ats oie SS 8B fsa rpesal + 2a} BB Aes — inal + HRESO1 IS /Met MAL ] } \ Aigo zo cet al et (WD Hey, buddy! [9 Are you a new student here? El} | know that you're looking for a club to joi seem musically inclined. Am | right? (3) | suggest jc You ing the guitar club! [13 We'll give you free guitar lessons, | know that you're worried because you've never played the guitar before. However, if you practice 20 minutes a day for three months, then youll be playing beautiful music in no time. (2) Why don't you come to our guitar club this afternoon? It’s on the fifth floor of the club building. After that, I'm sure you'll want to join. You don’t need to buy a new guitar. We have several extra guitars that you can borrow. f&% You can play in our year-end concert this year. It's one of the most popular concerts on cour campus. (I=) Will you come? fo} 2 aleeeb} 7hey eet Sore see soe 218 5 joist Boia MLB Be sol 208 eel, a1 72 7Iet SOIL # DIE. 0 DIB LSS 101 QaCEIos inno time @ * Don't worry. tll be home in no time. | won't be late, leo}. @ aot 24. 5) E 7104 why don't you ~? ~si& # oft? + Why don't you join my project? us! zest omni? Uunivoa 43. Role-play C= 0] FBS FO! SAO lola] Of! woH0| Ser], BIBS! HHS Aeon I Saw sas 7 SAS BIE BAS SUUCL AOA WOLKE AtZO4 CH TOS! HOH CHEE BH, OS} SRO HSE BEL, Mes ALOLOH CHAE 50] 0] SB)ol S8tUch, * You booked a restaurant for a family gathering, However, when you arrive there, you find out that they put you on the wrong day. Call the manager and complain about this situation. * I'm going to give you situation for you to act out. You ordered a pair of shoes online. However, the seller sent you the wrong design. Call customer service and complain about this situation. Also suggest two or three ways to solve the problem. B20 US SHAY STS OSslo| SUEBOS Ssh) + Q: You bought a computer yesterday and it doesn’t work properly. Bde Of BES ated AES six] BaLIC * A:ti,'m calling about the computer thet | bought yesterday. It doesn’t work properly. SISOS, OM ARES MEM, ASO] Sle Rory Bat SHo1e. BUae S88 PHROR dash] + However, it turned out that you didn't put us under the reservation for tonight. aria} 25H of9)0l slolaa| te loz YeteLict + Hound out that the printer has a problem with its rollers. EaH9| B21 Fol BADE Ge 2B szuolo. EMME Olst Ts} SHS Sl 7189171 + The camera that | ordered hasn't arrived yet. I need it for my presentation tonight. A} FB8 Fhe} O14] SAIs43| getoje, Os HY MAIMEIO|MOl BO’ 44 Credu oP I'm going to give you a situation for you to act out. You and your wife are going to a musical for your wedding anniversary. However, when you arrive in the theater, there is another couple sitting in your seats. Go to the manager and complain about this situation. Also suggest two or three ways to solve the problem. AUS COIL ofa! C7 Ie ata eral OME 2S 7Ieelole! exis wel 7iIz MaLIch lel lol APRIL] CHE PTE O}a| GlOl AHHH BLOF SHSLICH, oHLINOA 7k O| AIBN Cle RICH szBla AIS. 212 2M af216}7| Sel $A 714] ARIS ASEM, BxIBIoH HAHA €2916H71 \ ‘ ai \ + BME A) S / ues | i f (serge aie Ieelt AcHet9| + BMES PAIOR Leis] jg zoe Ve see ] + RH cig BNE CH MLA/AN/AtAO | i mae ) \ \ chet se) j / ‘ A saad Wel $8 2718] BE MA (9 Excuse me. Are you the manager here? (@If) | have a problem with my tickets. [Hf] | booked two tickets for the show tonight, but a couple is sitting in our seats. We found out that the tickets were double-booked. What should we do? The show is starting in 10 minutes. Are there any other seats available for us? (1 Today is our wedding anniversary. We expected a romantic night out. Frankly speaking, my wife and | are upset about this situation. ij If the other seats aren't better, we don't want to watch the show at this time. Would you give us upgraded seats for the next showing? Otherwise, we want a refund. [5 Is there anything you can do to solve this problem? eae & Foust sha Che AHBEOI Me Xe hoe ofSIEROLR. OFA SER? BOIS 10= Hol AEH BR XEPH MUR? SO) Na] ALIDOI & SOIC WE rABOLEC, Ble] 2g al Oe Ae #13 & QHAYS. c| FS RAF OM I O's BAIS stem snl sola, Cio] Se Ale STAI Al + SALI? eh ‘SPARS, NIB 0] EMS afzil ole CHE elo ea? Semon double-book 3% oistsict + Because my ticket was double-booked, | couldn't watch the show yesterday. ELAOl SROHPISIOLM, O11 SAS Hol frankly speaking 2% &sii2 + Frankly speaking, | can’t stand this situation anymore. eAol Qt Selnes, of abe cf og ate 47 ele Unitas 45 Combo @Qnxzzn 0] FBS SY Fao] SN} SOS SHSl= SHIch 3749] ASEMES sBweD UC ChEat 2S Al 74] E}Q40| 0} eBoy HL Ic} 1, 7S Ue! aMSee * SEHEM| 37H: BeYSAYArtBH| > xMStA/HS FE BA] LYS] > Bal Bey] * QBHEH| + Role-play — SANS MB/s + Evadlzl West] ABSl7| > BH Bot] + Evaoilal AWLSh7] * Q1. Let's talk about the bank you go to frequently. Describe the place in detail. (Description : Place) * Q2, Tell me how to open a new bank account in your country. (Narrative : Process) © Q3, Have you had an unforgettable experience at a bank? What was it? Why was it unforgettable? (Narrative : Experience) Oza Background surveydl USA) gt 42] U8! SALAS 3 combos UB + UC. SLA A121 99%71 3 combo® UEC) See Bold Foie Jas Nola Rows alae BOI Wares sich. A Gass SUA FM CHB2 ZCh 28, US, US, US, AM, MES, MB/S, Be, HA SUL 71, OF, BR, HIE AB, OIeFRL/OlwA 717], olga] I'm going to give youa situation and have you act it out. You're planning to go watch a movie with a friend. Call him/her and ask three or four questions to set up the date. 88s Sad Se OI Mig. SAS SSS Mey F7/S ASD USLCL YAS Bh7| all SPO USS 20] AY 7111 BES ot, Hey, Seong-su! How are you? How about going to a movie this weekend? Is there anything that you want to watch? There are two movies that just came out that we can see. The first one is a Korean horror movie. | just checked the trailer, and it sent chills down my spine. It got pretty 46 credu oPIc good reviews too. The other one is the Hong Kong action movie that everybody is talking about. People say that the CGI effects look so realistic. What do you feel like watching? Yeah, I like to watch that one too. Which day is good for you, Saturday or Sunday? Both are fine with me. What time should we meet then? Should we meet at the subway exit? That sounds good, So we'll meet at exit two, Saturday at 7 pm, See you then! 2D, YoU BX one wee oh aod Us 3 gap} 2 21 POM SI, send chills down one’s spine 22 1/2188 Met + When | saw the huge dog in front of me, it sent chills down my spine. 2S A DOM MSU Ba PASC, CGleffects 4H aH" Sa + Itis said that the CGI effects in Korean movies have greatly improved. HAesio| TNs Bale WMO AAISUC, feel like ~ing ~stn ct + What kind of food do you feel like eating tonight? 25 x40l 8 912 201? Fo, 'm sorry, but there's a problem you need to resolve. You can’t go to the movies with your friend because your cousin is coming from America. Please call him/her to explain the situation and reschedule the movie time. euARaS ABO] OFROIM Scko aly B79} SSIS et SELICE Aion ais fot GI CA] Ba MAL 4 Gal 5I Hello, is this Seong-su? I'm sorry to tell you this, but we have to reschedule our movie date. My cousin from America is coming to visit us on Saturday. He was supposed to come next week, but somehow he decided to come earlier without telling us. | have to pick him up at the airport. So can we see the movie another day? When is a good time for you to reschedule? Sunday night? ‘That works for me too. What time can you meet? Why don't we meet in front of the movie theater at 6 pm. on Sunday? I'm going to re-book the tickets now. Again, sorry about this. See you then! Unit 04 67 Oli, ASL1? oll mcd o's S}s71z 9) 2] CHO ech 921 Zo}, SeRIe|A}SO) OFRONY ‘BA 9718 Bed BOL CH U7} IIE. eh CHE ol OI oft? Ue ein} sek? 3 BO SU, oIOK= LPF CHa SA, a ote, et oes Sxcenon be supposed to ~si712 ai + | was supposed to give the presentation, it 22/aH0148 él71z si} eleteuich works for someone ~0i7) AIC, 7hs8ict + Does Friday night at seven work for you? 22! x4 74) 224127 alae CS Fo] o71e Hater Pelsed WE Olek N47 US AOE, 3 AJO| BILE? “I 2A! A EAI Tell me about one of your professors from school. Describe his/her personality and appearance in as much detail as possible. Shel aS S Ceo Chey Soi BMA. I BAY BAD} OS Peet Alo] AAS AD ‘A few months ago, my friends and | planned to hang out downtown. When the day came, it was raining and | felt like staying home. | called one of my friends and lied that | was very sick. | didn’t think it was a big deal because | see them all the time. However, she was very concerned about me and told me to get well soon. After hanging up the phone, | was happily watching TV at home. About an hour later, my doorbell rang. There were all of my friends looking very worried! They canceled their plans and visited me instead. Of course, they forgave me when I bought them a nice dinner. After that, | decided to never lie to my friends. Now, | always agree to meet up with them, a2 aH geuc, AMOI S71B MRHBUIEL Zeb te 2 Siu ws 22 a) 210 i I MPHGUIC). AL P| OBE RUE Slo 7} 82 Phy B70 He Won leben = HOIRISLICE A1AB0| BS NAR gb HE Sul F8loie. 7 2 Ae cial hang out #782} sc} + Let's hang out this weekend. ole! #2 91 be concerned about ~ ~0l ci 2c} + Im concerned about you, 147! 23] 5 4B credvoPic

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