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58-557 AS Buy /ORMMM2 Hie SOV YEARS 2-348 sist Oj all Qe 273 SC fecmegee ovat Authors: ‘Michael A.Putlack [Michael A. Putlack graduated from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, USA, where he got his History and English and his M.A. in History. He has weitten a number of books for chien, teenagers, and adults. e-Creative Contents ‘Acreative group that develops English contents and products for ESL and EFL students American School Textbook Reading Key - Easy 1 Publisher: Keyjoong Kim ‘Author: Michael A. Pulack| e Creative Contents Fstedton; Api 2010 Eighth edition: August 2011 Sy key Publications 4228, Dogok dona, Gangnam-au, Seoul Korea Tek:82-2-735-4021 Fax. 733-1595 hp/mengishbuscokr emai ey0s05eqmailcom Copyright © 2011 @ key Pubctions Photo Ces © photoscom Ora a All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe copyright owner 'SBN: 978-89-7457-829.9 14740 ‘Components: Student book / Workbook /MP3.CD rode) Ere tras The Best Preparation for Building Piet Academic Reading Skills and Vocabulary The Reading Key series is designed to help students to understand American school textbooks and to develop background knowledge in a wide variety of academic topics. This series also provides learners with the opportunity to enhance their reading comprehension skills and vocabulary, which will assist them when they take various English exams. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for low-intermediate to intermediate learners. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for intermediate to advanced learners. Features + Awide variety of topics that cover American school subjects helps learners expand their knowledge of academic topics through interdisciplinary studies + Intensive practice for reading skill development helps learners prepare for various English exams * Building vocabulary by school subjects and themed texts helps learners expand their vocabulary and reading skills in each subject + Graphic organizers for each passage show the structure of the passage and help to build summary skills + Captivating pictures and illustrations related to the topics help learners gain a broader understanding of the topics and key concepts Table of Contents Theme: School Life (NEB Our Day at Schools (ONE School Rules 10 Theme: Our Community (LEY Welcome to My Community 12 (ZI Being a Good Citizen 14 Vocabulary Review 1 16 Theme: Different Cultures and Holidays (NI Celebrating Holidays 1s (79 Holiday Traditions 20 Theme: Explore the United States America’s Symbols 22 National Flags 24 Vocabulary Review 2 26 Theme: America’s Capital America’s Capital 28 Washington, D.C. 30 Theme: Land and Water Our Land and Water 32 Where in the World Do We Live? 34 Vocabulary Review 3 36 Wrap-Up Test 1 38 Theme: Learning about Plants (IEE) Parts of Plants 40 What Do Plants Need? 42 Theme: Animals and Their Homes Where Do Animals Live? 44 Water Habitats 46 Vocabulary Review 4 48 Theme: Weather and Seasons Weather 50 (NEED The Four Seasons 52 ‘Theme: The Sky Above (USE) What Can You See in the Sky? 54 What Causes Day and Night? se Vocabulary Review 5 58 Theme: How Can Matter Change? (WIEN Solids, Liquids, and Gases 60 The Water Cycle 62 Theme: Human Body (NEE Your Body 4 (ONEZI The Systems of Your Body 66 Vocabulary Review 6 68 Wrap-Up Test 2 70 Theme: Shapes and Figures (IED) Shapes and Figures 72 (IED What Am I? 74 Theme: Numbers and Counting (2 Counting Numbers 76 (IED Comparing Numbers 78 Vocabulary Review 7 80 i ¥ Theme: Language Arts (83E5) Being a Good Writer 82 Writing Friendly Letters 84 Theme: Reading Stories Aesop's Fables 36 The Ant and the Grasshopper 88 Vocabulary Review 8 90 Theme: A World of Paintings (IEE) Kinds of Paintings 92 Painting and Drawing Materials 94 Theme: A World of Music Musical Instruments 96 The Orchestra 98 Vocabulary Review 9 100 Wrap-Up Test 3 102 ~~ + Answers and Translations 104 «Word List 116 ria Social Studies * History and Geography Rat eter) School Life School Life Citizenship Citizenship Culture Culture National Symbols National Symbols Government Government Geography Geography ‘AWorld of Plants ‘AWorld of Plants Animals and Their Homes Animals and Their Homes Weather and Seasons Weather and Seasons The Solar System The Solar System Changes in Matter Changes in Matter The Human Body The Human Body Geometry Geometry Numbers and Counting Numbers and Counting Language Arts, Language Arts Reading Stories Reading Stories ‘A World of Paintings A World of Paintings A World of Music ‘AWorld of Music Our Day at School School Rules Welcome to My Community Being a Good Citizen Celebrating Holidays Holiday Traditions ‘America’s Symbols National Flags America’s Capital Washington, D.C. Our Land and Water Where in the World Do We Live? Parts of Plants What Do Plants Need? Where Do Animals Live? Water Habitats Weather The Four Seasons What Can You See in the Sky? What Causes Day and Night? Solids, Liquids, and Gases The Water Cycle Your Body The Systems of Your Body Shapes and Figures What Am I? Counting Numbers ‘Comparing Numbers Being a Good Writer Writing Friendly Letters Aesop's Fables The Ant and the Grasshopper Kinds of Paintings Painting and Drawing Materials Musical Instruments. The Orchestra Chapter 1 Social Studies History and Geography = + activity + show respect + flag face + Pledge of Allegiance + subject = classmate * get along @ Our Day at School We say + 8 he Pledge of Allegiance: We go to school each day. At school, we do many different activities. Every morning, we show respect to the flag. We stand up and face the flag. We put our right hand over our heart. And we say the Pledge of Allegiance. We learn many subjects at school. We learn how to read and write. We learn how to solve math problems. We read maps and learn about the world we live in. In art and music classes, we do many fun activities. We study together and play together with our classmates. We eat lunch in the cafeteria. We go to the library to get books. We play ball on the playground. We get along with each other. We read maps: We get-along with each othen, im : cafeteria library _playing baseball CaCI 1 What is the passage mainly about? a. Daily activities at school b. The Pledge of Allegiance c. The subjects that students learn Where do the students eat lunch? a. On the playground b.In the library c. In the cafeteria What does show respect mean? a. protect b. honor c. face Answer the questions. a. What do we say in the morning? b. What do we do in art and music classes? c. Where do we get books? Complete the outline. Our Day at School (Gay the Pledge of Allegiance) (_ Take classes) (Do other activities ) I I I + Show respect to the flag + Learn to read, write, and | {+ Get books from the + Stand up, face the @ i math problems | | 4 and put our right hand over | | + Learn to read ° + Eatin the cafeteria our heart + Do fun activities in art and | | + Play on the playground music classes Cet ea aces Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. ND > a thing youdoat school 2 » to look at or to look in for an educational some direction experience - »astudentwhoisinthe 4 ee» to have a friendly Dhara same class relationship rule follow + classroom hallway = playground + obey @ Rules We Follow We have rules to follow at school. Rules tell us what to do and what not to do. Some rules help us get along with one another. Some rules help us stay safe. You should follow the rules in your classroom. Be quiet in the classroom. Raise your hand before speaking. You should not yell or run in the classroom. You should not hit or fight each other. Do not run in the hallways. Play ball outside on the playground. Listen to your teachers and obey them. Show respect to your teachers. Teachers teach us and help us follow the rules. Following the rules makes the school a better place. Be quiet in clase. You should not fight Donot run each other. in the hallways. oO CCC rey 1 Whatis the mail a. There are many rules at school. b, Students should always follow the rules. c. Teachers make rules for the students. idea of the passage? 2 Where should students play ball? a. In the hallways b. In the classroom c.On the playground 3 What does follow mean here? a. obey b. remember c.make 4 According to the passage, which statement is true? a. Students should not run on the playground. b. Students should not listen to their teachers. cc. Rules make the school a better place. 5 Complete the outline. School Rules ~ Don'ts + Follow the rules + Play ball on the c + Be? in the heer classroom + Listen to and obey ob yourhand __ teachers to talk + Respect teachers Pete acd Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. * Ittells us what to do and what not to do. Paneer enti oe rae J» to shout loudly; to cry [4 out + Yell or run in the classroom + Hit or fight each other + Runin the 4 » aroom ina school where classes are taught BE )> to follow u = = community = neighbor * neighborhood «have fun museum «service like the neighborhood where | live. My name is June. live in a community called Chicago. A community is a place where people live, work, and have fun together. Chicago is a big city community. Many people live and work in my community. My family lives with many neighbors. Neighbors live close together in a neighborhood. My home and school are part of my neighborhood. And my neighborhood is part of my community. There are many places to have fun in my community. I can swim in the pool. I can visit the museum and see many interesting things. In Central Park, | can have a picnic and play baseball. The police station and fire station provide services for the community. My community has many stores for shopping, too. Police officers and firefighters Dea is 1 What is the main idea of the passage? a. The people living in communities are neighbors. b. Communities have many different buildings in them. c. Our community is where people live, work, and play together. What is a neighborhood? a.a home anda school b, many places in a community c.a place where people live close together Which place provides services for a community? a. Amuseum b.A fire station c.Apark Complete the sentences. a. A city is a large . b. live close to each other in a neighborhood. c.The and fire station provide services. Complete the outline. — My Community > (Abigcity ) (C Neighborhood) (Places to have fun_) r r ) + Aplace where + Neighbors live close + Can swim in the pool People live, work, together + Can visit the park and museum appaeeees| (ee | |eqenc* ‘fomthe,| together is part of a community fire and police stations + Cand at stores Vertes ace ed Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » a place where people live, work, and have fun together » a person who lives close to another » a place where 4 » a job that a person important things are does to help others kept and displayed 13 citizen * member + respect treat = follow help = care for | Being a Good Citizen Everyone lives in a community. People in communities need to be good citizens. A citizen is a member of a community, state, or country. There are many ways to be a good citizen. A good citizen respects others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. A good citizen follows rules. We have rules that we must all follow. Rules keep a community clean and safe. Another way to be a good citizen is to help others. Try to be a good neighbor. Good neighbors help each other and care for one another. © There are many ways to be a good citizen. ae ~ Dune | What is the main idea of the passage? a. Everyone is a good citizen. b. Good citizens always help others. c. People should be good citizens. 2 What does a good citizen do? a. Breaks the rules b. Respects others c. Has neighbors 3 What does treat mean? a.act toward b. show toward c. talk toward 4 According to the passage, which statement is true? a. Good citizens are good neighbors. b. Good citizens cannot help others. c. Good citizens do not need to follow the rules. 5 Complete the outline. Good Citizens h > (Respect others) (Follow rules) (Help others 1 I Be a good ¢ and care for other people Follow rules to keep your others how clean and safe ( you want to be treated Weed Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. 1 > amember of 2 » to treat othersin a special a community, way; to honor state, or country 3 » to act or behave » to help someone; toward someone to look after someone in a certain manner 15 ©) complete the sentences with the words below. eo hallways each other library face <» stay safe show respect quiet right 1 Every morning, we to the flag. 2 We stand up and the flag. 3 Weputour hand over our heart. 4 Wegetalong with 5 Wegotothe to get books. 6 Some rules help us 7 Be in the classroom. 8 Donotrunin the ©) complete the sentences with the words below. ao ways neighborhood respects follows cn city police station care for shopping 1 Chicagoisa big community. 2 Neighbors live close together in a 3 The 4 My community has many stores for 5 There are many 6 Agood citizen others. 7 Agood citizen rules. 8 Good neighbors provides services for the community. to be a good citizen. one another. (© Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. 1) » a student who is in eee > It tells us what to do the same class or ae and what not to do. Pee at cea hi ~)> a place where people | live, work, and have fun together > a person who lives close to another 5 » amember of a community, state, or country > to help someone; to look after someone (©) Match each word with the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean. CLO EL OG OO OOO: 6:6 or to look in some direction 1 activity 2 fae 2, to look at Sreulond b. to have a friendly relationship = q room in a school where classes are taught * cscom 4. athing you do at school for ‘an educational experience 5 yell ” =. to treat others in a special way 6 obey + to follow «5. a job that a person does to help others uo bh. a place where important things are kept 8 service and displayed to act or behave toward someone 9 respect _ jn a certain manner |. to shout loudly; to cry out 10 treat Oo000000000 7 = + celebrate + holiday * honor + independence + parade + fireworks We celebrate holidays every year. A holiday is a special day. Every country has some special days. In the U.S., people celebrate holidays to honor important people or events. On national holidays, the whole country celebrates together. We also fly the flag on these days. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated in January. Dr. King worked hard for African-Americans. Memorial Day and Veterans Day honor the people who fought for the country. Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July. It is the country’s birthday. People celebrate that day with parades and fireworks. On Labor Day, people show respect for working people. \ ee ) \ oa * Independence Day Memorial Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration Veterans Day celebration eatery | What is the main idea of the passage? a. People have parades on some holidays. b. Most holidays honor people. c. There are many kinds of holidays. 2 There are often fireworks on . a. Independence Day b. Memorial Day c. Veterans Day 5 What does honor mean here? a. fight b. remember c. follow 4 According to the passage, which statement is true? a. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is on July 4. b.We fly the flag on national holidays. c. Memorial Day honors African-Americans. 5 Complete the outline. (( Martin Luther >\ (~ Memorial Dav, * InaepertaencéVa “LapoPva King, Jr. Day and Veterans Day Deu aeN sae Piel eC to do something a special day that special for a special the whole country occasion celebrates together a black American whose getting free from the family originally came control of another from Africa country Holiday Traditions x Many holidays have special traditions. eRedition A tradition is a special way that something has been done for along time. Traditions are repeated year after year. + present(=gift) + dress up ; . | Seeune On Mother's Day, people give presents to their mothers. + trick-or-treat On Father's Day, people give presents to their fathers. + get together Couples give each other gifts on Valentine's Day. + decorate Children dress up in scary costumes on Halloween. Then they go trick-or-treating for candy. On Chinese New Year, people usually watch parades. The dragon parade is a tradition on this holiday. Families often get together on Thanksgiving. It's an old tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving. On Christmas, people decorate a Christmas tree. Some families go to church. Some families have a big holiday dinner. @ The Special Things We Do on Holidays trick-or-treatin, on Halloween de para Few tear = decoratir ‘phe 4rage" ing a Christm, on chinese Ne on Christmas? POPOL e Uemels Uy 1 What is the passage mainly about? a. Different holiday traditions b, The gifts people give on holidays c. When each holiday is 2 When do children go trick-or-treating? a.On Christmas b. On Thanksgiving c. On Halloween = What does traditions mean? a. presents b. customs c. costumes 4 Answer the questions. a. Who gives gifts on Valentine’s Day? b, What do people do on Chinese New Year? c.When do families eat turkey together? 5 Complete the outline. Holiday Tradi Dressing up in GE) ¢ cy cos Watching parades ) ( Getting together a Father’ Day, Ree Ea ard Chinese New Year Valentine’ Day ns: and Christmas (emer | Pert eaat Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. 1 » something that you give to someone ona ,) special occasion » to make something look prettier 3] » to wear special clothes » frightening 21 Every country has its own symbols. Asymbol is an object that stands for something else. + symbol + stand for (=symbolize) There are many American symbols. + freedom The Liberty Bell stands for freedom. : pee The Liberty Bell was rung on July 8, 1776. + statue Shere It announced America’s freedom from England. 22 The bald eagle is the national bird. It also symbolizes freedom. The Statue of Liberty stands for hope and freedom. “Lady Liberty” stands in the middle of New York Harbor. She welcomes all people to the country. The American flag stands for the United States. Uncle Sam is a symbol of the United States, too. “Uncle Sam” and “United States” both start with the letters “U.S.” He also wears red, white, and blue clothes like the American flag. @ American Symbols The American fiag The Liberty Bell The Statue of Liberty Uncle Sam The bald eagle aia | What is the passage mainly about? a. The American flag b. The Liberty Bell c. American symbols 2 What does the Liberty Bell stand for? a. Hope b. Freedom c. The United States 5 What does freedom mean? a. hope b. liberty c. welcome 4 Complete the sentences. a.The rang to announce America’s freedom from England. b, The Statue of Liberty is also called : « wears red, white, and blue clothing. 5 Complete the outline. (The Liberty Bell The Bald Eagle Symbols The Statue of Liberty ______ hope and freedom The American Flag FERRER TTS) reer eeiea Stand for the ee Tat Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » an object that stands [2 » to symbolize for something else —_ 4 USA 3 » to tell people about » alarge sculpture of a something publicly person or an animal SS 23 = + flag + Stars and Stripes + represent current + maple leaf + eagle National Flags Every country has a national flag. A national flag is a symbol that stands for a country. The American flag is called the Stars and Stripes. The flag has 13 stripes and 50 stars. The 13 stripes represent the first 13 states of the U.S. The 50 stars represent the current 50 states of the U.S. The flag's colors are red, white, and blue. Canada is America’s northern neighbor. The Canadian flag is red and white and has a big maple leaf in the middle. The maple is Canada’s national tree. Mexico is America’s southern neighbor. The Mexican flag is green, white, and red. In the center, there is an eagle eating a snake on a cactus. The eagle is an important Mexican symbol. OO 1 What is the main idea of the passage? a. All flags have symbols on them. b. The U.S., Canada, and Mexico have national flags. c. The American flag has 13 stripes and 50 stars. Which symbol is on Mexico's flag? a. A maple leaf b. A star c. An eagle What does represent mean? a. show b. stand for c. point According to the passage, which statement is true? a. The United States’ flag is red, white, and blue. b. Canada’s flag is red and blue. cc. Mexico's flag is green, blue, and red. Complete the outline. Every Country Has a National Flag Nation Colors and Shapes Symbols (Te ried Red, white, and blue with 13° y | States R and Sf.stars. yt SOustars= cLuren ) (canada) Red and white with a® {Maple = Canada’s national tree } Green, white, and red with an © Eagle = Mexican symbol eating a snake on a cactus Vocabulary B ler Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » relating to the US; someone from the U.S. "> relating to Canada; someone from Canada » relating to Mexico; 4 » belonging to the someone from Mexico present 25 © complete the sentences with the words below. <® national holidays Thanksgiving _celebrate costumes <» Mother's Day Independence traditions _fly 1 We holidays every year. 2 On , the whole country celebrates together. 3 We the flag on national holidays. 4 Day is celebrated on the 4th of July. 5 Many holidays have special 6 On , people give presents to their mothers. 7 Children dress up in scary on Halloween. 8 It’'sanold tradition to eat turkey on ©) complete the sentences with the words below. <» maple leaf Liberty Bell freedom symbol <» bald eagle national flag Mexican represent 1A is an object that stands for something else. 2 The stands for freedom. 3 The is the national bird. 4 The Statue of Liberty stands for hope and 5 A is a symbol that stands for a country. 6 The 50stars the current 50 states of the US. 7 The Canadian flag has a big in the middle. 8 The eagle is an important symbol. 26 (© write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » a black American 2 >agift whose family originally came from Africa » to make something look prettier » an object that stands for something else » to symbolize 6 » a large sculpture of a person or an animal => USA (©) Match each word with the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean. CLO COC OCHO 1 celebrate 2 national holiday ». frightening , relating to Mexico; someone from Mexico 3 independence belonging to the present 4 tradition 0 «. to wear special clothes : = to tell people about something publicly Sa ecaD (1) gatating to Canada; someone from Canada 6 dress up O «a special day that the whole country celebrates together ameocely) O 1 getting free from the control of another country : 8 announce 0 | todo something special for a special 9 Canadi ‘occasion ecan 0 4 away that something has been done 10 current O for a long time = America’s Capital Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. A capital is the city where many important leaders of a country work. = capital «president . . . , + Pencrnicet The president lives and works in the country’s capital. + governor The president leads the country. » state capital He works with other government leaders. In the U.S., each state has a capital, too. For example, Phoenix is the capital city of Arizona. Honolulu is the capital city of Hawaii. The governor lives and works in the state capital. The governor is the leader of the state. Every state has a governor. The governor works with other state leaders. @ Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. @ inthev.S., each state 28 Maryland _ Phoenix, ‘the capital city of Arizona Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii ea hoist 1 What is the main idea of the passage? a. Every American state has a capital. b. Washington, D.C. is the U.S. capital. c. Countries and states have capitals. What is the capital of Arizona? a. Washington, D. b. Honolulu c. Phoenix What does leads mean? a. owns b. runs c. works Answer the questions. a. What is a capital? b. Who leads the United States? c.What is a governor? Complete the outline. National Capital State Capital Washington, D.C. One in each state Honolulu, Hawaii Phoenix, Arizona lives and works there + Works with other state leaders + Works with other government leaders : : lives and works there Peres asierd Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. SEES > the city where a 2 » the group of people country’s or state's who run a country or leaders work state » the leader of acountry [4 » the leader of a state 29 = + White House = Capitol + dome style + Supreme Court = judge = monument One of the most important cities in the U.S. is Washington, D.C. Why is it so important? Because it is the center of the national government. The White House is in Washington, D.C. The president of the United States lives and works in the White House. The White House is a symbol of the nation’s leader. The Capitol is there, too. A capitol is a building where people meet to make laws. The dome style is also a symbol of the capitol buildings in each state. The Supreme Court is also there. Judges work in a court. Judges decide if laws have been broken. The Washington Monument honors George Washington. He was the first president of the United States. @ Washington, D.C. —— eee, OE eae ey | Whatis the passage mainly about? a. The job that the Supreme Court does b. Where the president works c. Why Washington, D.C. is important 2 Which building has a dome? a.TheWhite House _b. The Capitol c. The Washington Monument. 3 What does laws mean? a. symbols b. rules c. centers “Complete the sentences. a.Thecenterofthe === government is Washington, D.C. b. People make laws in the © work in the Supreme Court. 5 Complete the outline. Washington, D.C. Washington cS = & Cae cout ) é Monumety > . decide if laws have been broken _lives and works there People make ___ there Honors aE d Popeater Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » the place where the president of the US. lives and works » the highest court ina country » the building where people make the laws of the country > a building or statue that is built to remember a person or an event 31 Our Land and Water The Earth has many different shapes of land. These different shapes are called landforms. A mountain is the highest form of land. Ahillis not as high as a mountain. We call the area between two mountains a valley. A forest is an area covered with many kinds of trees. Apilain is a large, flat land. A landform that is surrounded by water is called an island. An ocean is the largest body of water. Oceans cover most of the Earth’s surface. A lake is smaller than an ocean. Ariver is a long body of water. The water in a river usually flows into the ocean or a lake. @ The Earth has different landforms and water. ocean ll PO ETO RCCL Teel 2 ity 1 What is the main idea of the passage? a. Water covers most of the Earth. b. There are many forms of land and water on the Earth. c. Mountains and hills cover a lot of the Earth. What is the land between two mountains called? a.A plain b.A forest c.Avalley What does flows mean? a.runs b. surrounds c. covers According to the passage, which statement is true? a. Oceans are smaller than lakes. b. Mountains are higher than hills. cc. Oceans flow into rivers or lakes. Complete the outline. + Mountain and hill = high + Valley = between mountains smaller than ocean __ = long body of water largest body of water | | | + Forest = many trees __= large, flat land = surrounded by water Pore Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » many different shapes 2)" 9) \ alarge, flat land of land ‘ » the outside of 4 _\» a landform that is something surrounded by water 33 The world has seven continents. A continent is a very large piece of land. + continent ocean Can you name the seven continents? 7 Old World They are Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Antarctica, hehe and North and South America. + be located in + next to Asia is the largest continent on Earth. Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. Asia, Africa, and Europe are often called “the Old World.” North and South America are often called “the New World.” The world has five oceans, too. They are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Arctic oceans. The Pacific is the biggest. The United States is located in North America. Canada is next to the U.S. to the north. Mexico is next to the U.S. to the south. The Atlantic Ocean is to the east of the U.S. The Pacific Ocean is to the west of the U.S. Can you find where your country is on a map? The world has 7 continents and 5 oceans. ag Africa — Poe ea ae) ——— =6MhS3h—e—OOo Oe ea isd 1 What is the passage mainly about? a. The continents and oceans b. The United States c. North America What is north of the United States? a. Mexico b. The Pacific Ocean c. Canada What does piece mean? a. shape b.area c.island Answer the questions. a. How many continents are there? b. What is the coldest continent? c. What are the five oceans? Complete the outline. The Continents + Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Antarctica, and North and*____ America __, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and + Located in © next to The United States Canada and Mexico + Beside Atlantic and Pacific oceans Reese ase Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » to be situated in; to lie » the biggest ocean in 4 » North and South the world ‘America » avery large piece of land 35 ©) complete the sentences with the words below. Washington, D.C governor capitol honors White House state capital leads Court is the capital of the United States. The president the country. The governor lives and works in the The is the leader of the state. The president of the United States lives and works in the A is a building where people meet to make laws. The Supreme is also in Washington, D.C. The Washington Monument George Washington. ©) Complete the sentences with the words below. Antarctica flows into surrounded by oceans continents next to located in valley We call the area between two mountains a A landform that is water is called an island. cover most of the Earth’s surface. The water ina river usually the ocean or a lake. The world has seven is the coldest continent on Earth. The United States is North America. Canada is the U.S. to the north. ©) Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. » the city where a country’s or state’s leaders work » the leader of a = country » the building where people make the laws of the country » the outside of something 6 » a very large piece of land (©) Match each word with the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean. 1 government 0 eecooconcgcecter 2 governor ‘Js. the leader of a state SP White House », a large, flat land co) «. tobe situated in; to lie in ‘J 4. Asia, Africa, and Europe ©. the highest court in a country — «many different shapes of land 4 Supreme Court 5 monument 6 Rendon (J) the biggest ocean in the world Hai ». a building or statue that is built to on _ remember a person or an event 8 be located in O |. the group of people who run a = country or state > PacficOcean (>. the place where the president of CF the US. lives and works 10 Old World 37 — © write the correct word for each sentence. © citizen traditions get along symbol covered ce continents stands for national flag celebrate oceans 1 We with each other at school. 2. There are many ways to be a good 3 We holidays every year. 4 Many holidays have special s A is an object that stands for something else. 6 The Liberty Bell freedom. 7 A is a symbol that stands for a country. 8 The world has seven and five oceans. 9 cover most of the Earth’s surface. 10 Aforest is an area with many kinds of trees. © write the meanings of the words in Korean. 1 citizen 16 symbol 2 state 17 stand for 3 care for 18 statue 4 community 19. monument 5 neighbor 20 celebrate 6 tule 21 national holiday 7 respect 22 independence 8 hallway 23. special 9 playground 24 dress up yo flag 25 current 11 map 26 landform 12. classmate 27 plain 13, follow 28 be located in 14 get along 29 be covered with 1s decorate 30 be surrounded by 38 Chapter 2 Science = + plant + root + absorb + nutrient hold + stem + support leaf + flower = seed Parts of Plants Plants have many parts. Each part of a plant helps the plant get what it needs. Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. The roots also hold the plant in the ground. Stems support the plant's leaves and flowers. The stems also carry water and nutrients to other plant parts. Leaves make food for the plant. Leaves use sunlight and air to make the food. Most plants also have flowers. Flowers help plants make new plants. The flowers make seeds, and then the seeds grow into new plants. @ Plants have many parts. plants parts can look diffene nt, iput they do the same joh. flower stem root leaves flowers ee Om DE ahs) | Whatis the main idea of the passage? a. Plants have roots, stems, and leaves. b, Plants’ parts do many different things. cc, Without sunlight, plants cannot live. 2 What do stems do? a. Hold the plant up b. Make food for the plant c. Keep the plant in the ground = What does absorb mean? a. take over b. take in cc, take out 4 Complete the sentences. a. Roots absorb nutrients from the b. make the plant's food. c can become new plants. _ Parts of Plants Qo ——) - \ C Roots) (stems) (Leaves) (_ Flowers I T I I (Absorb ends) (Bcanwanend Make ¢ | nutrients from the soil 2 est) for the plant other plant parts Perret Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean. 5 Complete the outline. Make that grow into new plants 1 » food that helps plants [2 » the small, hard part of live and grow a plant that can grow into anew plant » the top part of the earth in which plants » to keep; to support grow a

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