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CNUM: UCE2022018
Name:Vaishnavi Gaikwad

Aim: To implement MongoDB Aggregation

Problem Statement:
Solve the given queries using the aggregate() and mapReduce() functions
in MongoDB

Q1 Consider the student collection and solve the following queries using the aggregate() function.


use library2018;

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Shilpi",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2932, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 72, sport: "Chess", Phno: 9850436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Shriya",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2022, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "pune"}, percentage: 92, sport: "Hockey", Phno: 9150436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Samiksha",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2017,

dept:"COMPUTER", semester:3,
address: {City: "Kothrud"}, percentage: 90, sport: "Football", Phno: 8950436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Vaishnavi",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2018,

dept:"COMPUTER", semester:3,
address: {City: "Karvenagar"}, percentage: 91, sport: "Cricket", Phno: 9850676611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Sakshi",class:"TY", div: "A", rollno: 2032, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 85, sport: "Hockey", Phno: 9870436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"diksha",class:"TE Comp", div: "A", rollno: 2010, dept:"Computer",

address: {City: "Satara"}, percentage: 55, sport: "Chess", Phno: 9850436345});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Diya",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2832, dept:"ENTC",

address: {City: "Mumbai"}, percentage: 58, sport: "Chess", Phno: 9850436611});
db.student1.insertOne({name:"kavya",class:"SY", div: "TY", rollno: 1232, dept:"Intru", semester:3,

address: {City: "Karad"}, percentage: 65, sport: "cricket", Phno: 9850438976});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Harsha",class:"SY", div: "C", rollno: 2032, dept:"MECH", semester:3,

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 72, sport: "Chess", Phno: 82350436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Siya",class:"TE Comp", div: "A", rollno: 2930, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 82, sport: "Hockey", Phno: 8850436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Riya",class:"SY", div: "A", rollno: 1932, dept:"ENTC", semester:3,

address: {City: "Satara"}, percentage: 62, sport: "Football", Phno: 9850433498});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"vidya",class:"TE Comp", div: "A", rollno: 1930, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "pune"}, percentage: 72, sport: "Cricket", Phno: 9850436610});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Shrija",class:"TY Comp", div: "A", rollno: 1032, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 57, sport: "Chess", Phno: 8750436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Shilpa",class:"SY", rollno: 2932, dept:"MECH", semester:3,

address: {City: "Lonavla"}, percentage: 62, sport: "Carrom", Phno: 9876436611});

db.student1.insertOne({name:"Sanika",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2932, dept:"COMPUTER",

address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage:82, sport: "Chess", Phno:
9850436611}); db.student1.find();

{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffb7"), "name" : "Shilpi", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" : "C",
"rollno" : 2932, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Kolhapur" },
"percentage" : 72, "sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 9850436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffb8"), "name" : "Shriya", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" : "C",
"rollno" : 2022, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "pune" }, "percentage" :
92, "sport" : "Hockey", "Phno" : 9150436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffb9"), "name" : "Samiksha", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" :
"C", "rollno" : 2017, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Kothrud" },
"percentage" : 90, "sport" : "Football", "Phno" : 8950436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffba"), "name" : "Vaishnavi", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" :
"C", "rollno" : 2018, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Karvenagar" },
"percentage" : 91, "sport" : "Cricket", "Phno" : 9850676611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffbb"), "name" : "diksha", "class" : "TE Comp", "div" : "A",
"rollno" : 2010, "dept" : "Computer", "semester" : 5, "address" : { "City" : "Satara" }, "percentage" : 55,
"sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 9850436345 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffbc"), "name" : "Diya", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" : "C",
"rollno" : 2832, "dept" : "ENTC", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Mumbai" }, "percentage" : 58,
"sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 9850436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffbd"), "name" : "kavya", "class" : "SY", "div" : "TY",
"rollno" : 1232, "dept" : "Intru", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Karad" }, "percentage" : 65,
"sport" : "cricket", "Phno" : 9850438976 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffbe"), "name" : "Harsha", "class" : "SY", "div" : "C",
"rollno" : 2032, "dept" : "MECH", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Kolhapur" }, "percentage" : 72,
"sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 82350436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffbf"), "name" : "Siya", "class" : "TE Comp", "div" : "A",
"rollno" : 2930, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 5, "address" : { "City" : "Kolhapur" },
"percentage" : 82, "sport" : "Hockey", "Phno" : 8850436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffc0"), "name" : "Riya", "class" : "SY", "div" : "A", "rollno"
: 1932, "dept" : "ENTC", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Satara" }, "percentage" : 62, "sport" :
"Football", "Phno" : 9850433498 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffc1"), "name" : "vidya", "class" : "TE Comp", "div" : "A",
"rollno" : 1930, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 1, "address" : { "City" : "pune" }, "percentage" :
72, "sport" : "Cricket", "Phno" : 9850436610 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffc2"), "name" : "Shrija", "class" : "TY Comp", "div" : "A",
"rollno" : 1032, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 1, "address" : { "City" : "Kolhapur" },
"percentage" : 57, "sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 8750436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffc3"), "name" : "Shilpa", "class" : "SY", "rollno" : 2932,
"dept" : "MECH", "semester" : 3, "address" : { "City" : "Lonavla" }, "percentage" : 62, "sport" :
"Carrom", "Phno" : 9876436611 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("644e6311f7949f405393ffc4"), "name" : "Sanika", "class" : "SY Comp", "div" : "C",
"rollno" : 2932, "dept" : "COMPUTER", "semester" : 1, "address" : { "City" : "Kolhapur" },
"percentage" : 82, "sport" : "Chess", "Phno" : 9850436611 }

Q1 Consider the student collection and solve the following queries using the aggregate()
function. {name:"Shilpi",class:"SY Comp", div: "C", rollno: 2932, dept:"COMPUTER",
semester:1, address: {City: "Kolhapur"}, percentage: 72, sport: "Chess", Phno: 9850436611} 1.
Display list of all students of TYComp A
library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match :{class:"TY Comp", div :"A"}}]);

_id: ObjectId("644ea5a9267865518d1705fc"),
name: 'Shrija',
class: 'TY Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 1032,
dept: 'COMPUTER',
semester: 1,
address: { City: 'Kolhapur' },
percentage: 57,
sport: 'Chess',
Phno: 8750436611
library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match :{class:"TE Comp", div :"A"}}]);

_id: ObjectId("644ea53e267865518d1705f5"),
name: 'diksha',
class: 'TE Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 2010,
dept: 'Computer',
semester: 5,
address: { City: 'Satara' },
percentage: 55,
sport: 'Chess',
Phno: 9850436345
_id: ObjectId("644ea577267865518d1705f9"),
name: 'Siya',
class: 'TE Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 2930,
dept: 'COMPUTER',
semester: 5,
address: { City: 'Kolhapur' },
percentage: 82,
sport: 'Hockey',
Phno: 8850436611
_id: ObjectId("644ea58d267865518d1705fb"),
name: 'vidya',
class: 'TE Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 1930,
dept: 'COMPUTER',
semester: 1,
address: { City: 'pune' },
percentage: 72,
sport: 'Cricket',
Phno: 9850436610
2. Display RollCall of TYComp A (Show only RollNo and Names)
library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match:{class:"TE Comp" ,div:"A"}},

{ name: 'diksha', rollno: 2010 },
{ name: 'Siya', rollno: 2930 },
{ name: 'vidya', rollno: 1930 }

3. Display list of all stud of TYComp A having marks >60

library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match:{class:"TE

_id: ObjectId("644ea577267865518d1705f9"),
name: 'Siya',
class: 'TE Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 2930,
dept: 'COMPUTER',
semester: 5,
address: { City: 'Kolhapur' },
percentage: 82,
sport: 'Hockey',
Phno: 8850436611
_id: ObjectId("644ea58d267865518d1705fb"),
name: 'vidya',
class: 'TE Comp',
div: 'A',
rollno: 1930,
dept: 'COMPUTER',
semester: 1,
address: { City: 'pune' },
percentage: 72,
sport: 'Cricket',
Phno: 9850436610
]4. Display name class and marks of all stud
{ "name" : "Shilpi", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "Shriya", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 92 }
{ "name" : "Samiksha", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 90 }
{ "name" : "Vaishnavi", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 91 }
{ "name" : "diksha", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 55 }
{ "name" : "Diya", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 58 }
{ "name" : "kavya", "class" : "SY", "percentage" : 65 }
{ "name" : "Harsha", "class" : "SY", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "Siya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 82 }
{ "name" : "Riya", "class" : "SY", "percentage" : 62 }
{ "name" : "vidya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "Shrija", "class" : "TY Comp", "percentage" : 57 }
{ "name" : "Shilpa", "class" : "SY", "percentage" : 62 }
{ "name" : "Sanika", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 82 }
{ "name" : "Shilpi", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "Shriya", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 92 }
{ "name" : "Samiksha", "class" : "TY Comp", "percentage" : 90 }
{ "name" : "Vaishnavi", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 91 }
{ "name" : "diksha", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 55 }
{ "name" : "Diya", "class" : "SY Comp", "percentage" : 58 }

5. Display name class and marks of all stud of TE Comp A

library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match:{class:"TE

{ name: 'diksha', class: 'TE Comp', percentage: 55 },
{ name: 'Siya', class: 'TE Comp', percentage: 82 },
{ name: 'vidya', class: 'TE Comp', percentage: 72 }
6. Display name class and marks of all stud of TEComp A in descending order of marks
{ "name" : "Siya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 82 }
{ "name" : "vidya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "diksha", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 55 }

7. Display name class and marks of first 3 toppers of TEComp A

db.student1.aggregate([{$match:{class:"TE Comp",div:"A"}},{$sort:{percentage:-
{ "name" : "Siya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 82 }
{ "name" : "vidya", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 72 }
{ "name" : "diksha", "class" : "TE Comp", "percentage" : 55 }

8. Display the count of students in each division

library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$class",count:{$sum:1}}}]);

{ _id: 'TE Comp', count: 3 },
{ _id: 'SY Comp', count: 6 },
{ _id: 'TY', count: 1 },
{ _id: 'SY', count: 4 },
{ _id: 'TY Comp', count: 1 }
9. Show the count of number of students in each division along with average marks
{ _id: 'C', AverageMarks: 79.57142857142857, count: 7 },
{ _id: 'A', AverageMarks: 68.83333333333333, count: 6 },
{ _id: 'TY', AverageMarks: 65, count: 1 },
{ _id: null, AverageMarks: 62, count: 1 }
10. Display name and marks of topper of each div

{ _id: null, name: 'Shilpa', Topper: 62 },
{ _id: 'A', name: 'Sakshi', Topper: 85 },
{ _id: 'TY', name: 'kavya', Topper: 65 },
{ _id: 'C', name: 'Shilpi', Topper: 92 }
11. Display name and marks of topper of each div and show in sorted order


{ _id: 'C', name: 'Shilpi', Topper: 92 },
{ _id: 'A', name: 'Sakshi', Topper: 85 },
{ _id: 'TY', name: 'kavya', Topper: 65 },
{ _id: null, name: 'Shilpa', Topper: 62 }
12. Display the first 5 toppers of TY
library2018> db.student1.aggregate([{$match:{class:"TE
{ name: 'diksha', class: 'TE Comp', div: 'A', percentage: 55 },
{ name: 'vidya', class: 'TE Comp', div: 'A', percentage: 72 },
{ name: 'Siya', class: 'TE Comp', div: 'A', percentage: 82 }
Q2 Create index on the name field and use the explain() function to understand the
query execution plan and note the performance enhancement

Before creating index

library2018> db.student1.find({rollno : 1930},{}).explain();
explainVersion: '1',
queryPlanner: {
namespace: 'library2018.student1',
indexFilterSet: false,
parsedQuery: { rollno: { '$eq': 1930 } },
queryHash: '64BD6352',
planCacheKey: '64BD6352',
maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false,
maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false,
maxScansToExplodeReached: false,
winningPlan: {
stage: 'COLLSCAN',
filter: { rollno: { '$eq': 1930 } },
direction: 'forward'
rejectedPlans: []
command: {
find: 'student1',
filter: { rollno: 1930 },
projection: {},
'$db': 'library2018'
serverInfo: {
host: 'DESKTOP-4CV3UIP',
port: 27017,
version: '6.0.5',
gitVersion: 'c9a99c120371d4d4c52cbb15dac34a36ce8d3b1d'
serverParameters: {
internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: 0,
internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600,
internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600
ok: 1
After query execution

library2018> db.student1.createIndex({rollno : 1});

library2018> db.student1.find({rollno : 1930},{}).explain();
explainVersion: '1',
queryPlanner: {
namespace: 'library2018.student1',
indexFilterSet: false,
parsedQuery: { rollno: { '$eq': 1930 } },
queryHash: '64BD6352',
planCacheKey: '3EE1E79D',
maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false,
maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false,
maxScansToExplodeReached: false,
winningPlan: {
stage: 'FETCH',
inputStage: {
stage: 'IXSCAN',
keyPattern: { rollno: 1 },
indexName: 'rollno_1',
isMultiKey: false,
multiKeyPaths: { rollno: [] },
isUnique: false,
isSparse: false,
isPartial: false,
indexVersion: 2,
direction: 'forward',
indexBounds: { rollno: [ '[1930, 1930]' ] }
rejectedPlans: []
command: {
find: 'student1',
filter: { rollno: 1930 },
projection: {},
'$db': 'library2018'
serverInfo: {
host: 'DESKTOP-4CV3UIP',
port: 27017,
version: '6.0.5',
gitVersion: 'c9a99c120371d4d4c52cbb15dac34a36ce8d3b1d'
serverParameters: {
internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600,
internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600,
internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: 0,
internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600,
internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600
ok: 1

Q3 Show existing indexes on the collection.

library2018> db.student1.getIndexes();
Output :

{ v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' },
{ v: 2, key: { rollno: 1 }, name: 'rollno_1' }

Q4 Create customers collection in MongoDB containing documents in the following

format. Add atleast 10 documents and solve the given queries.
db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Suresh",
email: "",
profession: "CA",
gender: "male",
FavColour: "Blue",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Samiksha",

email: "",
profession: "Computer
Engineer", gender: "female",
FavColour: "Black",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Sakshi",

email: "",
profession: "Computer
Engineer", gender: "female",
FavColour: "Pink",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Samir",

email: "",
profession: "Computer
Engineer", gender: "male",
FavColour: "Blue",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Sudir",

email: "",
profession: "CA",
gender: "male",
FavColour: "Black",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Sanika",

email: "",
profession: "CA",
gender: "female",
FavColour: "White",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Pratham",

email: "",
profession: "Lawyer",
gender: "male",
FavColour: "Blue",
BillAmount: 1250})
db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Vaibhavi",
email: "",
profession: "Doctor",
gender: "female",
FavColour: "Blue",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Swara",

email: "",
profession: "Doctor",
gender: "female",
FavColour: "Red",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Om",

email: "",
profession: "CA",
gender: "male",
FavColour: "Black",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Kunal",

email: "",
profession: "Electronic Engineer",
gender: "male",
FavColour: "Black",

db.customers.insertOne({ name: "Harshada",

email: "",
profession: "CA",
gender: "female",
FavColour: "Purple",
1) Write a mapreduce query for finding the count of male and females in the customer collection
var mapper = function ()
... {
... emit(this.gender, 1);
... };

library2018> var reducer = function(key, emits)

... {
... return Array.sum(emits);
... };
library2018> db.customers.mapReduce(mapper,reducer, {out:"count_males_females" } ); {
result: 'count_males_females', ok: 1 }
library2018> db.count_males_females.find()
[ { _id: 'male', value: 6 }, { _id: 'female', value: 6 } ]

2) Write a mapreduce query for finding the count of each profession in the customer collection

library2018> var mapper = function () { var profession = this.profession.split(','); for (i in

profession) { emit(profession[i], 1); } };

library2018> var reducer = function (key, emits) {

... var count = 0;
... for (i in emits) {
... count += emits[i];
... }
... return count;
... };

library2018> db.customers.mapReduce(mapper,reducer,{ out:"results" });

{ result: 'results', ok: 1 }
library2018> db.results.find()
{ _id: 'CA', value: 5 },
{ _id: 'Lawyer', value: 1 },
{ _id: 'Computer Engineer', value: 3 },
{ _id: 'Doctor', value: 2 },
{ _id: 'Electronic Engineer', value: 1 }

3.Write a mapreduce query for finding the count of fields in each document in the customer

library2018> function map() { emit(, Object.keys(this).length);

} [Function: map]
library2018> function reduce(key,values){return Array.sum(values)};

library2018> db.customers.mapReduce(map,reduce,{out:"Output"})
{ result: 'Output', ok: 1 }
library2018> db.Output.find()
{ _id: 'Samir', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Om', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'sheetal', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Sanika', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Suresh', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Sakshi', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Sudir', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Pratham', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Vaibhavi', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Swara', value: 7 },
{ _id: 'Harshada', value: 7 },

4) Write a mapreduce query for finding the total amount spent by each customer till now.

library2018> var mapper=function(){emit(,this.BillAmount)}

library2018> var reducer=function(name,ArrayofEmits){return


library2018> db.customers.mapReduce(mapper,reducer,{out:"Output"})
DeprecationWarning: Collection.mapReduce() is deprecated. Use an aggregation instead.
See for details. { result: 'Output',
ok: 1 }
library2018> db.Output.find()
{ _id: 'Samir', value: 2550 },
{ _id: 'Samiksha', value: 2552 },
{ _id: 'Om', value: 2220 },
{ _id: 'sheetal', value: 1450 },
{ _id: 'Harshada', value: 1250 },
{ _id: 'Pratham', value: 1250 },
{ _id: 'Sudir', value: 1550 },
{ _id: 'Sakshi', value: 1250 },
{ _id: 'Suresh', value: 2550 },
{ _id: 'Vaibhavi', value: 550 },
{ _id: 'Sanika', value: 2250 },
{ _id: 'Swara', value: 1550 }

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