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medical certificate application for conversion of a current EU medical

certificate (SRG1217)
Tracking Code: 4SRSVS3


What is this form for?

This form is used by EU medical certificate holders to apply for a UK medical certificate where:

Option 1 - The applicant has previously held a UK-issued EU licence and/or medical certificate

Option 2 - The applicant holds a valid EU licence and/or medical certificate and has never held a UK medical

How much will it cost me?

The issue of a UK medical certificate has a non-refundable fee.

You can find further information on our website Option 1 - guidance page (
industry/Pilot-licences/Medical/Applying-for-a-UK-medical-certificate-if-you-have-SOLI-transferred-from-the-UK/) or
Option 2 - guidance page (

If the evidence required for the application is not provided and/or we are unable to properly assess your eligibility
and fitness, your application is likely to be rejected and you may be required to re-apply and pay the appropriate fee.

What documents must I submit?

You will need to upload the following documents with your application:

Proof of your ID (This can be a certified copy of your valid passport/full UK photographic driving licence, or a close up
photo of you holding your ID in which your face and ID are clearly visible)
A copy of your current medical certificate
For applicants that have previously held a UK-issued EU licence and/or medical certificate (Option 1): All medical
examination and assessment records since transferring out from the UK (please contact your competent authority to
obtain them) as applicable to the scenarios outlined in the guidance material on our website. Please visit our Option 1
- guidance page (
certificate-if-you-have-SOLI-transferred-from-the-UK/) to check which other medical documents you will need before
starting this form.
For applicants that hold a valid EU licence and/or medical certificate and have never held a UK medical certificate
(Option 2): You will need to make a request to your existing EU National Authority to forward copies of your medical
records to the UK CAA. Please visit our Option 2 - guidance page (
medical/) for further information.

Additional information before you start

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If you do not already hold a CAA Portal account you must apply for one before completing this form. The Portal gives
you access to our medical system. Please visit our Customer portal (
us/Doing-business-with-the-CAA/Customer-portal/) page for further details on how to apply.

If you already have a Portal account, please note that we will be sending any correspondence to the address
registered on your account. Please ensure this is up to date.

You will be able to save this application part completed for a maximum of 30 days after which you will need to re-start
the process.

How can I get help?

You can find further information on our Option 1 - guidance page (
licences/Medical/Applying-for-a-UK-medical-certificate-if-you-have-SOLI-transferred-from-the-UK/) or Option 2 -
guidance page (

If you have any questions please contact the Medical Department:

Email (

Terms of Usage

Please accept our terms of usage (


Your details

Please complete your personal details.

You must enter your details as shown on your licence.

CAA Reference/Licence Number *


Name (as it's shown on your licence)

Title *


First Name * Middle Names

Marco q

Surname *


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Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) *


Town of Birth *


Country of Birth *


Nationality *


Contact Details

Primary Phone Number * Seconday Phone Number


Email * Confirm Email *


Permanent Address

This should be your permanent address and will be displayed on your licence.

Please ensure your address is also up to date in your CAA Portal Account

Please enter your permanent address

Country/Region *

United Kingdom

Type a part of address or postcode to begin

Manual Entry


1/1 Russell Gardens

EH12 5PG

Correspondence Address

This address will be used if we have to send you anything by post.

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Please ensure your address is also up to date in your CAA Portal Account

Please enter your correspondence address (if different to your permanent address)

Update Address

Country/Region *

United Kingdom

Type a part of address or postcode to begin

Manual Entry


1/1 Russell Gardens

EH12 5PG



Further information is available on our Option 1 - guidance page (

licences/Medical/Applying-for-a-UK-medical-certificate-if-you-have-SOLI-transferred-from-the-UK/) or Option 2 -
guidance page (

Are you a current EU licence holder or medical certificate holder who has never held a UK-issued medical? *


CAA Portal

You must have a CAA Customer Portal (

portal/) account with access to the UK CAA Medical Records System, which is called Cellma.

Do you have a CAA Portal Account with access to the Medical Records System (Cellma)? *


Your Next Steps

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You will need to obtain a copy of the medical records held by your current EU National Authority. The UK CAA will
accept the data/information directly from them to in either of the two formats:

Provision of your data using an EU to UK NAA medical conversion form (

a-uk-licence-medical/) signed by the current EU NAA Medical Assessor enclosing the records as if transferring records
between EU states (see PART.ARA.MED 150 (c) and (d)), or:
Full formal data subject access request format for all the medical reports supporting tests and medical reports that
constitute these records

If medical reports/data is not provided in English, you will be notified to obtain a certified translation into English.
The CAA will not be responsible for any charges incurred.


Supporting Documents

Details on certification of documents can be found at the following CAA website page: How to get copies of your documents
certified (

Upload proof of your ID (This can be a certified copy of your valid passport (preferred)/full UK photographic driving licence, or
a close up photo of you holding your ID in which your face and ID are clearly visible) (Maximum 5mb) *

Certified Passport.pdf

Upload a copy of your current EASA medical certificate (Maximum 5mb) *


Upload a copy of the Authorisation Certificate of the aeromedical examiner (AME) who performed your current medical
(Maximum 5mb) *

AME cert malta dr girgis.pdf

Failing to supply these documents will cause a delay in the CAA completing your application. For more information on what
documentation to provide, please refer to our guidance page (

Additional Upload 1 (Maximum 10mb)

Upload File

Additional Upload 2 (Maximum 10mb)

Upload File

Additional Upload 3 (Maximum 10mb)

Upload File

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Additional Upload 4 (Maximum 10mb)

Upload File

Additional Upload 5 (Maximum 10mb)

Upload File

+ Add Additional Upload


If there is anything you would like to let the Medical team know about your application, please enter it into the text
box below.

All medical certificate are gonna be sent to as per phone call



Further information on our scheme of charges is available on the licence fees and costs (
industry/Pilot-licences/Applications/Process/Licence-fees-and-costs/) page

I understand the fee shown below is now payable, as per the CAA Scheme of Charges. *

The total charge for this application is: * £108.00

Please note, this application will not be processed until the fee has been received.


Payment Type


False Representation Statement

It is an offence under the UK Air Navigation Order to make, with intent to deceive, any false representation for the purpose of
procuring the grant, issue, renewal or variation of any certificate, licence, approval, permission or other document. This
offence is punishable on summary conviction by a fine, and on conviction on indictment with an unlimited fine or imprisonment
or both.

Charges on Application

I agree to pay the charges payable on application in accordance with the Scheme of Charges. Please note that the CAA will
not process this application until payment is received.


I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge the particulars entered on this application are accurate.

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I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge the particulars entered on this application are accurate. *


If a fee is payable, please ensure you have your credit/debit card details available before proceeding to the next
stage. Once you click Submit you will not be able to make further changes to your application form. You do have the
option to save your form now using the Save button above and finish the submission process at a later stage.

When you have completed this form, click Submit to submit the form for processing. Do not click this button more
than once. You will then be provided with further instructions should you have to make payment.

2022 © Civil Aviation Authority

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