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MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION SUBMrtTED -to be used as front page

Transport Malbl
Civil Aviation Directorate,a. DA.Ell. Mali. 18E¥3S6BSS S6&S Fu:¥3562ID92Jl gytj.,m6onigmmnori S9YIDI www ICIDmori sPY mi

File Reference No: _ _

(For OjJlce Use)
To· Chief Medical Officer

Name of applicant: rv,.CJJC.0 s~v-~

Medical Certificate No: l 0 .- F-LL-- ;2. ~L\-C, 14

Date of Examination: l'6 Lo~/7-~l,l

Medical Certificate Class: diassl OClass2 3 OLAPL

Please indicate by ticking in box Column A which medical forms are attached, and in Box B when action
by the AMS is required: A B

a) Application Form for a Medical Certificate(TM/CAD/0134/013B/019SJ

b) Medical Report Form (TM/CAD/013S/0137/0136J
c) Ophthalmic Form (TM/CAD/0133J
d) Otorhinolaryngology Form (TM/CAD/0132)
e) Copy of Certificate Classl/2/LAPL (liASAForm147J
fJ Copy of Certificate Class3

Other Enclosures:
Copy of ID Card/Passport (Compulsory with {c), {d),Audiogram &ECG)
Lipid Profiles {Cholesrerolatage40J
Covering letter
Psychiatric Report
Psychological Report
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Other Medical reports {pleasespeclfybelowJ

SignatureofAME: -'w\_'Y)I\A.c',,' ~ ~

AME Number: (V\_~/f,..f'V\.f; ( ~O

Fonn TM/CAD/0199 Issue 3 July 2019 Transport Malta is the Authority for Transport in Malta set up by ACT XV of2009 Page I of!

Civil Aviation Directorate

Tr11nspo,tM111ta-avtl Aviltian Diredcrala, PllntarRoact, L.ijll, LJA2021, Mall . Tet+3582555see5Far.+35621239278 civil aviatioo@tumsoort gay.a, WNNtranspgrt ggy 01

Comnlete thb ••- ,....., ud la a, nrr£ ~• - - •

(I) Stale of licence iuue:
• Refer to im1ructiom for --letion
(2) Medical certificate applied for:

Clauli!J Claaa3
(3)Sumame: (4) Previous sunwne(s): (12) Applicllion:
(5) Forcname(1): (6) Date ofbirth(dd/mm/yyyy): I (7) Sex:
(13) Reference number:

At/oti/ '~"t
Male 8
Female D IE \t:£. U4 iit~
(8) Place and country of birth: (9) Nationality:
IOlL/,-.P, lr[.\.L )' 1-rr..Llf.:lr,J
(10) Permanent address:
1./1 tl,~ELL C.01v<; (11) Postal adc!Rss (if different):
c/4 11.. 5PC. [/)lt-..JP..u (l.Q.I Country:
Count,y: of( Telephone No.:
Telephone No.:
MobileNo.P, +lA -~t.~R.J.?-~
E-mail: Dl • <':l... f'.,, i,.i,-r-" BO .,,,,2i.f.C4111
(14) Licence(s) held (type): ( (15) Any limitations on licence(s,'medical certificate held
Licence number: A) No El Details:
IE, !=tL 2.-l6G~1 Yes
( 16) Have you ever had a medical certificate denied, suspended or revoked? (17) Any aviation accident or reported incident since last medical examination?
No -1!1 No '11 o/a D
Yes Date: Country: Yes Dale: Place:
Details: Details:

(18) Do you drink alcohol? (19) Do you currently use any medication?
No Q Yes If yes, amount No SI
Yes Stale medication, dose, dale started and why
(20) Do you smoke tobacco? No, Never ll\
No, Stopped State dale:
Yes State"""' and amount:
Genenl and 111Mkal bbtory: (Pleoe Cid!.). lfyes, pve detJtlll bl remarks oectlon (21).
lnvlnr ud doc . .ml:
y .. No ~ertoapodoWll-<ldie below: Yes No <I die bel<M SJIOllloma: y .. No I'~.,.--.....,,, Yes No

Curmit wod: md life otnuon . / Psydi<ticcli,c,dc:r 7 ,,._ of alcohol er olher pychooctive .

~- '.,..,_-
Coping strategics \Ed« periods of !Jnranicmeotaldilonlcr V
"""bide ../
poycbological ,trou or....,..... in tho
put. includq ,eclciog advice from I/ P,Ycbcactive medicatim
. . scbizolypol er dcJu,iooaJ

I.I' I/
Any diflicultie, with op<ntio,al cm, ~cti,c,dc:r ...._- poblems ,..::::.; ,
raouroo managemcot (CRM) Neurotic, -...lal,d er ,anatofcrm " ~oodand, if p-...... any tuicidal ;.,, Jl&'Cel>ticn
fboudu- andcomnt I,
my difliculti.. with employer aud'er
other ,v,11_.... and - e n

Imrponoml md relatiomhip mue,,

'I ,(cncnalily er behiviowal duonlor, " I\Pger, agitation or high mood .I ~tion
inch.ding difficulti .. with relativ"",
fric:nls, and work colleague,
Dilorden due to alcd>ol er olher
pyd,oective ,ub,taoce(1) ... or mis...
,I amily histcry of pychiatric disorden,
[,,l;,;;,;',1,,,ty ,uicide Imig!>'. /
l)clibendo ,elf-Imm ul ,uicide"""""' , · atim or lou of oaotrol / udg,mcnt I/

(21) Comments:

(22) Refemd to Spedallst
(Tick as •nm-nnnate l
y .. I
., }1111eohpeciali,t
No I
(23) Declaration: I hereby decbrc that I have carefully comida-c:d the 1tatancula made above and to lhe belt of my bdid" they m: complete and correct and that I have not
withheld any relevant infonnation or made any DU11eading ltalcmeala. I undcntaad that, if I have made any &lie or misleading 1tatancula in conna::lion wilh this application, or
fail to ,:clease the supporting medical infcnnation, lhc li=ioing authority may n:tiuc to g,ml me a medical ccrtificatc or may withdraw any medical certificate granted, without
pn;judice to any other action applicable under national law.
CONSENT TO RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION: I hc:rcby authorue the relcalc of all information contained in this rq,o,t and any or all atw:hmcnll to lhe AME
and, where necaury, to lhe medical aalClll<lr of the licauing authority, rocogaiaing that thme docummll o, elcolroaically slated data .-c to be med for completion of a medical
aucasmcnt and will become and remain the property of the licasing authority, providing that I o, my physician may have accc:sa to tloem acconling to national law. Medical
confidmtialily will be respected at all times.

S ~ of•nnlicant SillnatUre of
A.MFJ;Jica1 8SSCSllOf)
Fonn TMICAD/0370 Issue 1 Augusl 2019 Transport Malta is the Authorly for Transport in Mala sat up by ACT -YY ol 2009 Page 1 o/2

Civil Aviation Directorate

Transport Malta -Ovil Aviation~. Pantar Roed. Uja, WA 2021, Malta. Tel:+356 2555 5865 Fa:+356 2123 9278 pivil.avjatjqn@tt,nspott_goy.nj: YOWJ.ttansoort.goy ITC

All areas reciu re comoletion

(201) Examination category (202) Height
(203) Weight
(204) Colour
(205) Colour
(206) Blood

12071 Pulse - restlll!l
Rate Rhythm:
Revalidation ~enewal ln...... l--"'(1mm=H""-al~---i (bpm)
Systolic Diastolic 9-oregular a
Clinical exam: Check each item Normal Abnormal
\ \ \+- '4 '
Normal Abnormal
208 Head face neck scalD ./ 1218) Abdomen hernia liver, Sl)leen
209 Mouth throat teeth ./ - 1219) Anus rectum
210 Nose sinuses . /_ (220) Genlto-urinarv svstem
211 Ears drums eardrum motililv .., / 1221 l Endocrine """'em
212 Eves-orbit & adnexa· visual fields v_ (222) u~r & lowerlimbs. loints
213 Eves - DUDils and ODtic fundi - - (223) Spine, other musculoskelelal
214 Eves - ocular motililv: nvstaamus ., _ (224) Neuroloaic - reflexes etc.
215 Lungs chest breasts / - (225) Psychiatric
216 Heart ,, / 1226) Skin ldent;,,,;- marks and lvm"""tics
217l Vascular svstem ./ (2271 General svstemic
(228) Notes: Describe every abnormal finding. Enter applicable Item number before each comment.


Visual acuity
(229) Distant vision
(236) Pulmonarv function ' 12371 Haemoalobin
Specta Contact
cles lenses FEV1/FVC % \'(,~') ___Junlt)
Riaht eve
Left eve { _,,.
{J R. Corr. to
Corr. to ,.
Both eves I A

12351 Urinalvsis Normal~bnormal
(230) Intermediate vision Uncorrected Corrected Glucose Blood Other

Left eve
Yes _,..tlo
Yes No
Not Derforrn!id' Normal AbnorrnaUComment
Both eves ./ 12381ECG ./ ./
1239) Audioaram _./
(231 ) Near vision Uncorrected Corrected (240) Oohthalmoloav
Yes,, Na Yes No (241) ORL (ENl)
Right eye 12421 Blood liDlds
Lel!eve ,,.
1243) Pulmonarv function
Both eves
(232) Spectacles ,._,
Contact lense,
lL1'11 .,,. 1244) other lwhat?l

Yes D No lo!' No 13'"

:z'.\p-~et\c.._ ,
Tvoe: Tvno: (247) AME reconvnendation:
I-- Name of applicant Date of birth:
Refraction Sph Reference number:
lC04(l,'-l\\ (~~L
Riaht eve
Left eve ,., / e...,--t<C\.c\
(233) Colour Vision - Normal Abnormal
for class:
certificate l86Ued by undersigned (copy attached) for class: - -
Colour vision testing method/s: Unfit for class:

Deferred for further evaluation. If yes, why and to whom?
(234) Hearing
(when 239/241 not performed)
Left ear
(248) Comments, Imitations '
Conversational voice test (2m)
with back turned to examiner
I Yes f!f f Yesi,,j"" '
I No No
+~\ ,
I 500
I 1000
I ,.,,. I
I 3000
Left I I/ I I
249 AME declaration:
I hereby certify that I/my AME group have personally examined the applicant named on this aero-medical examination report and that this
re rt with an attachment embodies m fin ·n com etel and correct! .
(250) Place and dale: ed., AME name and address: AMEce .
Dr Maged Girgis
AME signature:
E-fflail: Scotland Aeromedical 30
Mob +4477

Transpo,t Mala is 1be Autharly for Tnnport In Malla se1 up by ACT~ d 2009
Page 1 d1
Civil Aviation Directorate
Transport Mab - Ov1I Avallon DkedDrata, Pantar Road, Uja, WA 2021, Mala.. Tet+356 2555 5665 Fax:+356 2123 9278 civil aviation@traoM?9rt goy ,rt WNN traosoort aov at

Complete this na .... fully and In RI ncK CAPIT41 s - Refer to instructions for cormletion
(1) Stale of licence Issue: O (2) Medical certificate applied for:
IR-E:L(':i.t-J Class1J;r Class20 LAPLO
(3) Surname: (4) Previous sumame(s): (12) Application Initial D
(5) Forename(s):

(6) Date of birth
w :I~L
I (7)Sex
(13) Reference number:
le.. flL- 1-1-461"\
(8) Place and country of birth: (9) Nationality: (14) Type of licence applied for:
T!)JllNO, l'T"tiLy' JT~ll:~w
(10) Permanent address: {../ f. {l.v;sEL,L. Ati>LC.P\)
c.o,-.s (11) Postal address (if different):
(I-I 1. 't SPG. tDl .... ~Ofl,6,-1
(15J 0ccu~lion (principal):
1,nn,.E. ,.,, :-,,-
Country: C.,./c. Telephone No.:
Telephone No: (16) Employer: fl.--/~f.>.'/1. OAC-
Mobile No.: ~u4 -¼'il~~~ (17) Last.;;};.ical examination:
e-mail: fie. s'iM~mZI--C,()(§' ewi'21e-laJl'l Date: 14 Zdl
Place: G'"-.n 0.-.D Oa!.PHiC>~
(18) Aviation llcence(s) held (type): ~""tpt.. C.A) (19) Any limitations on licence(s)/medlcal certificate held
Licence number: 1& 2.~ ~-H No~ Yes D Details:
Stale of Issue:
(20) Have you ever had an aviation medical certificate denied, suspended (21) Flight time hours total: (22) Flight time hours since last
or revoked by any licensing authority? medical:
NoJ;,J Yes D
Date: Country: 31>9 590
23) Aircraft class/lype(s) presently flown:
P.,:l{"l- -'SOO
(24) Any aviation accident or reported incident since last medical (25) Type of flying intended:
No Bl Date: Place:
(.:.0 Kif~1\.C.IP.\..
Details: (26) Present flying activity:
Single pilot D Multi pilot l!J"

(27) Do you drink alcohol? (28) Do you currently use any medication?
E.INo amount No lit Yes D State drug, dose, date started and why:

(29) Do you smoke tobacco? ~ . never date st.opped:

st.ate hm<, and amount
General and medical history: Do you have, or have you ever had, any of the followmg? (Please tick). If yes, give details III remarks section (30).
Yes No Yes No Yes No Famllv hittnrv al: Yes No
101 Eye trouble/eye operation :,I 12 Noee. tlvoal or speech disorder >< 23 Malaria or other tropical disease A
h70 Heart disease I~

102 Spectacles and/or cortact )( h 13 Head injury or concussion ,( 24A positive HNtest )I h71 High blood pressure
lenses ever worn >( h14 Frequeri or severe headaches x 25 Sexually transmitted disease .x h72 High crolesterol 1eYe1 .)(
103 Spectacle/conlacl lens ">( h15 Dizziness or fainting spells .J 26 Sleep disorder/apnoea syndrome >( ~73 Epilepsy I-'<'
presaiptions change since

.,/ h16 Unconsciousness for any reason ,l h27 Musculoskeletal '( h74 Mena! illness or suicide
last medical exam. inness/lmp;s irmeri
104 Hay fever, other allergy x h17 Neurological disordels; stroie, X 28 Arrt other illness or injury h75 Diabetes
105 Asthma, lung disease .>( epilepsy, seizure, paralysis, etc. >( h29 Admission to hospital " hh7677 Alleigy/astlmaleczema
1-.1 T\Jlereulosis
106 Heart or vascular lrotJlle
107 High or low blood pressu-e

h18 Ps)'ChologicalJpsyclialric trouble
of any sort - I >I
h30Visit to medical practitioner since
last medical examination
" ~78 Inherited disorders ,t
108 Kldney stone or blood in lline >( 119 Alcohol/drugtsubslaooe abuse >I ~31 Refusal of IWe lns1.rance ,,!79 Glaucoma 1-"-
109 Oiabele6. homlone disorder ,.>( 120Al1emptedsuiclde, or self-harm !>I ~32 Refusal of flying licence '>(
110 Stomach. liver or lrieslinaJ 21 Motion sickness requiring "'- 133 Medical rejection from or for
trouble '< medication militarv service x ""'--an1v:
150 Gyracological, menstrual
111 Deafness, ear disorder 22 Anaemia/sickle cell lraitlottler x ~34 Award of pension or ).._ nmhlems
blood dis>rders compensation for iryi.y or illness
151 Are you pregreri?
(30) Remarks: If previously reported and no change since, so state.

(31) Declaration: I hereby declare that I have carefully considered the statements made above and to the best of my belief they are co~lete and correct and that
I have not \Mlhheld any relevant Information or made any misleading statements. I understand that, if I have made any false or misleading statements in
connection v.ith this application, or faU to release the supporting medical information, the licensing authority may refuse to grant me a medical certificate or may
withdraw any medical certllcate granted, v.ithout prejudice to any other action applicable under national law.
CONSENT TO RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION: I hereby authorise the release of all Information contained in this n,port and any or all attachments to the
AME and, v.tiere necessary, to the medical assessor of my licensing authority, to the medical assessor of the competent authority of my AME and to the relevant
medical professionals for the purpose of co~lelion of an aero-medical assessment or a secondary review, recognising that these doa.iments or electronically
stored data are to be used for co1'1'111etion of a medical assessment and voill become and remain the property of the licensing authority, providing that I or my
physician may have aoc:ess to them according to national law. Medical confidentiality wil be respec:ted at au lrMs.
NOTIFICATION OF DICLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA: I hentby declare that I have been lnformad and I understand that the data contained in my medical
certf"icate according to ARAMED.130 may be electronically sorted and made available to my AME in order to provide historical date required in
MEOA035(b){2)(u).l(ii) and to the medical assessors of the competent authorities of the Member States In order to facillate the enforcement of


.6s{il:./l,al.l ~.-di\ . . 0
--Q:) ____ <;)
Date Sianature of aoolicant Signature of AME/lmedlf:alassessor)

Fonn TM/CAD/0332 Issue 5 Janua,y 2020 Transport Mana is the Aulhoriy for Transport in Mala sel up r/ ol 2009 Page 1 of2
Licensing Authority: IX Date of Issue: XIII Limitations:
- .. ·-· . . .. ·•· ... . . .. \1 Description
1.:__ ~'?~~i~~;_~t Cod.8.
···- - ··· ..... ..... ··-- !I VII Signature of Holder:
Ill Certificate number: \")~ \
(UN State· CAA Ref n"J
United Kingdom Civil ~_$--
Aviation Authority GBR - l. ....2,T¥ ~':i. ._..i
IV a ~ a m e of h.older: Signature of Issuing
EUROPEAN UNION (Surname, Forename} AME/Medical Assessor:
Class o-Nt:._ ,,
r.~.~~~~~~f~··· -1
Date of birth:
pertaining to a Part-FCL Licence (cl,V11111r/Jn'Y)
Issued In accordance with· Part-MED !...._
c~·~;/(i~~, XI
VI Nationality:
This medical certificate complies with ICAO r·· :· · · ·- · ·-· · - ········ -·· -·1 UK ~AME
standards, except the LAPL certificate. 1 10328 . ·
j_ - .\:T.a\.._\_f\j\;,J_ . ;I CML AVIATION AUTH0flllY ·,'

IX Expiry date of this certificate:

MED.A.020 Decrease in medical fitness
(a) Licence holders shall not exercise the privileges of their licence and related ratings or .Class·1 single pilot commercial
certificates et any time when they: . . operations carrying passengers
(1) are aware of any decrease In their medical fitness 'that might render them unable to safely (cl,V11111v,1:1oj)') L.1.-C?/Q ~ .(1P~ \ .
exercise those.privileges; - · · i- . •
(2) ,take or use prescribed or non-prescribed medicatl~n that Is likely to interfere with the safe Class 1 other commercial pilots
exercise of the privileges of the applicable licence; or (clcV11u11ln'JJ'}
(3) receive_any medical, surgical or other treatment that is likely to interfere with flight safety
i .~ /0):: _,lc.9 2.,
- •• •• • •• •• • • • •••· -•-• • •-P- -• - - •
Class 2
(b) In addition, licence holders shall, without undue.delay, seek aeromedlcal advice when they: (clcV11111r/J,'1J'}
(1) have undergone a surgical operation or Invasive procedure; .2-P. / ~3- _/._?,.o 1-r
(2) haye commenced tne regular use of any medication; . LAPL
(3) have' suffered any significant personal Injury Involving incapacity to functlon as a member of the (clcV11111,J_vyyy)
!light crew; . . ..
;'Z..0/~T /(.p,)2-5
(4) have been suffering from ·any significant Illness Involving Incapacity to function as a member of
the ftlght crew · Last electrocardiogram (ECG)
(5) are pregnant; (clcV11111il),,y) , Qo/o~ /u:..>J-o
. . . . . .. .
. .
(6) ha~e ~en. a~mltted to hospital or medical clinic; or
(7) first require correcting lenses, Last audiogram
(,lcV11111v,1nJ') <c_o /0+ /1...oc~
Examination date
()~ /'LDLC
EASA Form 147 Issue 1 05/2014 V1.1
.mJ!N!IIEIG1fT /T.llll.E (12)
' - OCC111 COlDUR OF ms,COJ!l.ElBi lll5 YB.IX ~3l

~ .,...,• • ,._~REPUBBLIC4
...11\11,Tl'l!'-,,l:l!!!ill ITALJAN~, .~Jt-&.!:
. ltilll.tlQ.Slilic..11~ , '-~-..·~
., • . --~
, •--

- ~
,. '-'. ·

.. & , 'IJ 11s~•
Y.A4~ J7~, 1


-•--at .
M .t '
04 GEN / JA

I 03 GEN/JAN 2023

" :J; . .. . -
P< ! ~AS A N1T'f 'L, !-Mi•.J
1 YA4i987963ITA~2041
Ctn• t llinglepilot
XIII Umttatione IXExplry commercial ope,allans
Authority that Issued or Is to Issue the pilot licence ,,•:·' Z0/'11/21122
data carrying po_ngo.. (-.,,YYYY)
. . oflhll
. '-.,i:.-·, ,
Ireland N • , ' . JI,,. . Ciao t (ddlmm/yyyy) Z0/'11/11m
Cius 2 (ddlmm/yyyy) Z0/'11/VJH
Transport Malta
-·· LAPL (ddlmm/yyyy) Z0/07/2026
Ill Cenltlcate ,.._, Code
Civil Aviation Directorate
Direttorat ta' 1-Avjazzjoni Civili IE MED 274699 Examination dale: 11/fll/2021
Desa'iption AdYloory lnformallon Moltrocont Nut

EUROPEAN UNION IV l.altondtlnlnameol- · ECG -,-.•,- --· .

Santella X Date of Issue: (dd/mm/yyyy) .
A.-/Comp. ENT - ·--
Clas~/1 APL Marco 18/07/2021
Ophthalmology IV"
pertaining to a Part-FCL licence
!Va Date of birth 16/04/1992
CERTIFIKAT MEDIKU (a) Llc:enmholderlthlllnol--lha..,,.._d ..,_,... .,,.,_..,,... o,

Jappartjenl mal-llcenzja Part-FCL

(1) ---o1--,.._..M._.INllcal_llllllllgtt _ _ ,_._... • .....,
VI Nallonanty ltallan (1) llleor--,~orrmn.....--,~1N1•11aatr 1o.,..... ,... ._
-:-9..aNollN ____ d . . apdcablalmN!a,
This medical certlllcalo complH with !CAO atandardl,
except for the LAPL ..-11 Cllflllcall
(3) ,.....,.,....._...,. • ..,_.....,. . . . . ...., . . . . . . . . ---.....,
(b) llladdlllarl, tlclrallaldlr•.,_., .-....llldl9NlaJ,Nollaro-Ncllcal.,__..nt-.y
(1) . _ ~ - -. . . ~ g i lllatw pr....... ,
Mallruga skonl II-Part-MED (1} , _ ~ . . ....-iaaat.,,,/Mllcll.lDn,
VII Signature of holder: (3) ,_.,...,_,.,,,,..,._.._,.,_..,~lflltlM'O.... IOudltl• • - - - a l
Dan l:ertHlkal medlw )aqbel mal-lltandardl IIHCAO, . . . . . a-;
ftllel lll'lal 1:ertilllll , _ gl'lall-l.APL . . XI ' c;r,JL AVIATION DIRECTORATE (<f) ...... bllan . . . . . . . . . ..,......,. . . .
aa .. ....,a-:
(5) . . . , , . . ..
EASA Form 147 IIISUI 1 18) t..wbNn~lelllaplllornwlm6dllllc, or
17)bl .................

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