Intercultural Project

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Poland Lovely Company - Spain Primor Company

The purpose of this project is to expand ‘Lovely’ cosmetic brand to Spain by working with
Maria Dolores Bellido the boss of ‘Primor’ company that sells products from different
cosmetic brands

Zoom meeting with María Dolores:

A: Hello, We are so glad to finally see you in person than just through e-mails. This is your
co-worker Ola Żak.

O: Good afternoon! I will take care of you and we will work together on this project. I will
also show you around Warsaw and I hope that we will hit it off from the very beginning.

S: During this meeting we will discuss the plans for following days, after your arrival.

L: Hello everyone. I am so glad to meet you all and i can’t wait for our collaboration.
Also thank you very much for covering the cost of my flight.

A: No problem! That is not the only gift from our company, you’ll also get benefits like: an
apartment, a car, a phone and a laptop, gym membership and of course free products of our
company “lovely”.

O: Unfortunately the car will arrive in 2 weeks, so for this period of time i will be your
‘personal driver’ (haha). I will also pick you up from the airport tomorrow.

L: Okay, perfect. Thank you very much!

O: Your first day is gonna be a “chill” day, because we know that you will be tired after a
few hours flight. So, as you know already, I will pick you up from the airport and drop you
off to your apartment, so you can rest and prepare yourself for the next days. In the apartment
you’ll find a bucket of food like bread, different kinds of cheese, ham and a lot of fresh fruits
and vegetables.

L: Okay, sounds good!

O: On the second day, I will pick you up at 9.00 and we will have a breakfast

L: Do they have a good coffee? Since, it’s very important for me to start my day with a
good coffee. (haha)

O: Of course! I will take you for the best coffee in town! (haha)

O: After breakfast, I will show you some of the best places in Warsaw, you can see the exact
locations on the schedule. Later (...) (Now Lola will say “WHAT ABOUT THE SIESTA!?!”

L: What about the siesta?!

O: Oh right! At what time do you usually have siesta?

L: around 2.00 p.m

O: Okay, I will remember that, so during showing you Warsaw, we will have a lunch break.
After that, you will have some free time for rest or taking a shower, then I will pick you up
from your apartment, and we will go to a Spanish restaurant and you’ll meet Aleksandra and

S: On the third day we will show you around the office and introduce you to our make-up
brand during the meeting that will begin at 11.00. During that time we will tell you
everything about our brand, introduce you to our products and later a professional make-up
artist will do your makeup with ‘lovely’ products so you can test them yourself. After the
lunch brake you will give the presentation and introduce your company to us.
A: On the forth day we will visit our factory, as you have informed us in the previous e-mails
that it is important for you to see the working conditions in there. Later at 2.30 PM we will go
for a lunch to a Restaurant that serves traditional Polish food. At 4 PM we will ha a finance
meeting and after making a deal we will go out and celebrate.

L: Sounds good. I can’t wait. Can we discuss the working conditions now? I would
prefer to know everything before arriving there.

S: Of course. So since you are going to be here for half a year it is better to discuss it now.
We expect you to work from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. Each day you will have a 20min
lunch brake…

L: 20 MIN LUNCH BRAKE?! I can not agree to this. In Spain we have 1 hour paid
Siesta each day and i expect this to stay this way.

A: Okay we can change that especially for you. So each day 1h paid lunch brake. Also we are
very strict with the deadlines, so please send everything on time so that this project can go
smoothly without any complications.

S: You will work together with Ola so that we can have both: Spanish and Polish point of

L: Can’t wait for this collaboration! See you in 2 days.

ASO: Byeeeee.

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