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Percakapan Bahsa Inggris Bisnis Printer

Vilya : Hello, this is Vilya from Excleco Company. Calling. May

speak to Mrs. Yuan?
Y u a n : H e l l o , M r s V i l y a t h i s i s Y u a n A i n d h i k
Vilya : I’d like to place and order for a number of your printer. But I
want the lates series printer.
Yuan : Wow you’re very lucky. Currently Panasonic is lauching the
latest series printer, the Panasonic Laser Multifunction Printer (KX-
Vilya : what specifications are offered by the printer?
Yuan : Would you mind holding the line a moment? (ada katalog atau
Vilya : Oh.. yes of course.
(scene wait a minute …)
Yuan : Mrs. Vilya?
Vilya : Yes in here
Yuan : The spesification are The Features is Mobile Print Application,
memory storage 768 MB, Printing Type is Black, White and
Co l or , P ri n t in g t ec h no l og y La s e r , S c an ne r T yp e F l a t B
conection with Network LAN, USB, Wifi.
Vilya : for printer color variations, what are available and what is the
price of union?
Yuan : we provide white and black for color varations and the price is
Vilya : how is the performance of the printer?
Y u a n :T h i s p r i n t e r a l s o o f f e r s h i g h p r i n t i n g s p e e d s . E v e n m a c h i n e s
that belong to the low class of this laser group still have high speeds
compared to the Ink Jet or Dot Matrix printers. Minimum of two times
faster than inkjet printers.
Vilya : Then what if there is damage? Is it guaranteed?
Yuan : 1 year local Official Distributor Warranty
Vilya : okay, our company is interested to ordering 20 printer units. is
there a discount?
Yuan : we will give a discount of 20%, if you have a member card.
Vilya : how if I want to become a member?
Yuan : to become our member, you must fill in the registrastion form
and pay $3.
Vilya : thank you for the information, I will register as a mem
Yuan : okay, that will be $5200.
Vilya : What is the payment method?
Yuan :

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