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Leybold-Heraeiis OmbH a C® Eno,° ATiovaldo de Siqueira


Dr.-lng. M. Beyer
Privatdozent. Tedinisdle Hodisdiulo Braunsdiweig

Drying and impreghalihg

Reprint from WIRE Issue 90, August 1967

PROST & MEINER-VERLAG, 8630 Coburg, Germany

Reprint By 567/E +Sp

Eng]° Ariovaldo de S'iqueiTa

Drying tlnd impregnating

By Dr.-lng, M. 8 e y e r, Privatdozent, Technische Hochschule Braunschweig

1. Summary lt can be seen that the nitrogen quanlilies absorbed for

all four siibstances are proportional to pressure. The
The contribution contains the physical bases tor the drying nitrogen curve thus tollows Henry's Law. The water vapour
isotherms on the other hand, all have a deviation from
a 45 ° gradient, and they do not lollow Henry's Law, The
ques with reference lo the relationship of the characteristics ;aa,t,::,spo,:us?L';:ys,i,:,,::,I,i:nciT::,.:I.i::'Lewn:;::Lvaawp?,u,:
ol insulating oil and paper with the residual moisture

::at::'p*':nbaet:::Pta;i,Tebde.:::::r:,iSed:::cnr#e':.Sofdrying £S,ea+r::rdaytuTeendt:°pneendd'atnh,::isj°:Itv:;::r::speasc*¥th°f+::#dr:
ature, Shell Oil K8 shown in curve 3, can, at a temper-
2. The Fundamenlal Pilnciples ol Diylng and Degasslng
of Llqulds :tnu::eo:,i:;hc:n€:,ssaot,:e,eamp5:::;Tr:,:,,y75ooE.i;md.:syoqteer:

will be achieved. The good degassing of a liquid is neces-
sary so lhal during impregnalion of dried materials ex-
4cO4 040 3632 82420'cO120840

/ J
cessive etlervescence will not take place, and thereby a /
good penetration of impregnating liquid into small voids
of influence on lhe quality ol the liquid to be treated.
Moisture, or respectively, water can be dissolved, emulsi-
tied, or roughly dispersed in a liquid, while gas in a

/ 1/
degassing or vapour pressure al a constant temperature
giving one the absorption isotherm.

pressure, or respeclively, nitrogen partial pressure.

I '
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
fl [.c] -


\0\¢ ?, y Flo. 2 i:'pU,reeg"h®.n,esd°':#[,E®ty t;,` :,a'4eo'o i.7. .,ei:Pt|°e #|`,ld[?ynd a me"

` #lfr::iTfs'se:Yv:8o,:.,p.vma.,iF.i:sur:,s7c:I;ysinhso.yatTnugch.#:i
300, and on cooling the oil it must relecise about
zl fat50C
cho :;:rye,i;:o##:w,a!:#:I;sTn;h::,ai:::u:*inb:e::u;::;:;:nr:ed::.isi:n:
o{ this type therefore, always forms when a larger water

/ °') Enf-bcaw.B;gQoungsdrucK° T°rr TOO

room temperature. This is then always a water in oil
Flo. 1 TahRed :::a#:T:P:?apboetr:®nnd #,a,a;:;e;a:,i#uprre:fhu:e n"'®geh `®I`lenl
The decision lo what residual moisture content a liquid
(after oeljon-Oioss) will need to be dried, depends upon to what extent the
::ts.°rbb::*:BOO:Sat::gs°dn„=ckA=bs8rabsedpr:sus:::jty°'Ca§ various residual moisture contents influence the qualify
Eng.0 An'ovald.a de Siqueira

o{ the liquid, this is determined by the luture use o{ the strength. After passing the solubility boundary the
liquid. This fact will be explained using the example of dielectric strength remains approximately constant up to
two different viscosily insulation oils. a residual moisture content of 20, On the other
hcind, al smaller residual moisture contents the dielectric
2.1 Moisture Content and Elect rical strength again climbs by abt. 50 0/o. From these curves it is
Properties o{ Insulation Oils proved that the dielecli.ic strength is independent ol how
much water is emulsified in the oil. The dielectric strength
As is well known, for a good insulation oil the dielectric
will be determined by the dissolved water. It is interesting
power {actor, the insulation resistance and the dielectric to note that for a lfansformer oil (Figure 3) according to
the VDE speci{ication, a dielectric slrenglh of at least
at:epnegnt5 vaer.ey 3ia.uptTos.'n iThEortaan,::. .::%:, ?2ro-P8e,:ti:: 200 kv/cm will be required. In order to reach with certainly
figures 3 and 4 these characteristics for a low viscosity
lhis value, a transformer oil of this sort will have to be
and a high viscosity insulation oil cire plotted against the
dried lo a residual moisture content of cipproximale]y
water content or respectively, the water vapour pcirlicil
10 p, In comparison, if one dries this oil to a residual
pressure, from the work of Sanmann (3). The low viscosity
oil K8 is an insulation oil which is usually used for the
impregnation of lransformers, instrument transformers and
the dieleclric strength by 500/o to approximately 350 kv/cm.
high vollage oil cables. The high viscosity oil lDM 915
Also the insulation resistance considerably improves when
(Mineral6lwerke Fuchs) is an insulation oil tor mass the water solubility limit has been passed. In the zone of
impregnated ccible.
very small residual moisture content the gradient is sleeper
The graphs in Figures 3 and 4 show that the dieleclric lhan linear.
power factor is af{ected very considerably by emulsified The curves plotted here, in pcirticular for the low viscosity
water, As the moisture content becomes lower the power
insulation oil in Figure 3, are ol particular significance for
factor falls, until at 20 it reaches its minimum and
high voltage equipment, because in this case after im-
pregnating the oil of this type ol apparatus never comes
into contact with atmospheric air c]gain. The extreme
wciter dissolved in the oil brings lherefore by itself no
drying to a residual moisture content of 0.5 to 5,
fundamental improvement ol the dielectric power factor.
gives excellent electrical values which are maintained
The dielectric strength behaves altogether differently. It during the complele lile of the apparatus becciuse of the
air tight seals.
bs,:,x,'er:ohr::':::i':I::x::Lhme:,m2Udaiop?pr.emg.:oan:dw:imchoLsn:sn,I: As in this example, the quality ol insulation as with all
cibout 50 kv/cm lor both considered oils. In the region liquids will be appreciably dependent upon the moisture
ol the solubility boundary the oil begins to increase in or gas content. When one considers the necessity for

drying cind degassing of a liquid, it can in every case be
0, '0,7 Ow '0-, shown lhal the qualities which matter are dependent on
H//an wciler content. First, when one knows this relationship,
S00 'O,G j40 / one can decide to what residual moisture content drying
„ '0', «„
` Elnul3il
/ is required. This then gives the equilibrium vapour pres-

fd sure to which the liquid must be dried and degassed, so
a,"' . that finally the type and performance of the degassifying
§„p € planl to be used can be determined.
?„ '0,, „,
2,2 Drying and Degassing Equipment
'4, „,, '00 fa I or Liquids

.-.- .

a '0', The drying and degassing of a liquid can take place in

0 zO vO 6i] 80...loo ]ap. iw] 160 ppm 200
Wossergehall w a simple manner, the heated liquid being put into a vessel
and the space over it evacuated. In Figure 5 a procedure
fig. 3 keloli®nshlp ®1 dlelecllic powoi laclo. lan 8, !pecilic iii!IIIallon
is sketched which is however, only suitable for rough
reslslance a and dlel®clli. ]llenglh Ed ®1 a low vl!co!ily lmi]lall®n
drying cind degassing, even when in this way one eva-
oil |lianslo.mer ®11| vilh w.lel coi`l®nl al ]]° C
cuates to a low pressure the space over the liquid. On a
1 = 10-6 parls ol woler in I parl of oil
The ordinale scale lor a is logclrilhmic
small particle ol wafer or vapour al a distance 'd' from
L6sung = Solution; Emulsion = Emulsion;
the lop surlace of the liquid the pressure of this head of
Wassorgeholl = Wc]ler Conlent liquid with the height ol 'd' rests conslanlly on it, for
instance, a head of oil of 11 in. corresponds lo a pressure
of 760 Torr. On a small water or vcipour particle 1 cm
A"/ow under the oil surface there is then a pressure of about
„ 17ZZI •1" I+£ 0.7 Torr, and 10 cm under the surlace there is a pressure
I.6Su ` ulsion
/ ol around 7 Torr. In yet larger distances {rom the surface
the pressure is even higher. It is clear that with this method
00 „,, one can never dry to a small water vapour pressure, as
g the hydrostatic pressure of. the liquid itself prevents a

a I

-. lower water vapour parlial pressure in lhe liquid.

If one wishes to dry and degas a low viscosity liquid by
this means, then one sprays il into a vacuum chamber, and

i] 20 vO

cO .]ap 120.
-. .]vO
160 160 ppmz2O
as a result one obtains a lower residual moisture conlenl.
At the spray degassing in Figure 5b liquid globules {orm
due lo the effect of the surface tension, As is well known,
WossergchQ/I Tu
the surface tension is greater as the diameter of the
Fig. 4 Relallomhlp ol dleleclilc power lacloi lan ti, speclllc lnsulolion globule decreases. In these globules confined water
leli!Iance 9 and di®leclr]c !lrenglh Ed ol a hlgh v]!co!ify imulalion vapour cannot escape because ol the high surface tension
Oil |rnafs ifnp]egli..®d cable|, vllli w.lor cohlenl al 23° C of the globule. The outer pressure can therefore still be
L6Sung = Solution; Emulsion ± Emulsion; low. But even when the globules are large, and this effect
Wassergehcilt = Water Conlenl is insignificant, e.g. with globules with diameters ol several
Eno.e Ariovald.a de Sioueira

millimetres, lhe diffusion rate o{ water is still too small vapour pressures, then the afore mentioned must
for the water vapour to reach the surlace of the drop in be made use of so that the primary ablaling components
the short tolling time. Admiltedly, by a multiple repetition can condense and return again to the liquid.
of this process a more intensive degassing is achieved,
but however, a greater elf iciency is elfected when larger
3. The Piinciples Of Drying and Degasslng
liquid surfaces are exposed to the vacuum.
of Solid Malerials
Figure 5 c shows a procedure in which the liquid is lirst
spread over a distributing plate, then it runs together 11 is intended to treal initially drying. The application of
the vacuum necessary for this consequently removes the
:%ft;:leo?e:d'8:iehrs`tx:ihd,:Psn;Co:;opf'aj:s.,r:Bbyutjcn°gnspe,Cat:V: gas simultaneously.

i::g:i:i:u:]sdrsoi:`,Oecd:jtsoaadiT:evveed.aFbeoqsTt:vn:'ycht::gd:S:rib,:t: The drying pi.ocess ccin be classified in three sections:

liquid surface by a lasler spread of the oils. Vapourisation of the water in the material to be dried,
A far greater liquid surface ol thin liquid films can be M:g::':3nto°{hteh:u#er (::,Pu°sY:n:)? the material to be
obtained by using a Degassing Column (Figure 5d). By
the distribution of the liquid over the packed column one
obtains an extremely large surface of many square melres Removal of the water vapour.
which moreover is constantly renewed. Also, the duration
of the liquid in this sort ol degassing chamber is adequa- 3.1 Vapourisation of the Water
tely long to enable an equilibrium between the moisture
vclpour partial pressure in the liquid and the surrounding Because of the high heal o{ vapouriscition of water (about
pressure in the degassing chamber to be established.
To start with, the liquid will be forced over a heat ex-
chonger into the {irst degassing stage, in this way by con-
f#k:c:i¥g:,t:3::':a:a;;!s:,;:ni::n:d:hs:::air::a:,:;:;:mi:chT?;;'e:o:E!u!:a:- EH
Teaci!:ni#'toarrv:firub::UaTniaTn'#rpor:Sshu::e:{h::t%:e: The heat conducted through the area of contact ol the
syphon seal, the liquid reaches a second tower where it is bodies lo be dried with their heated surfaces can be
disregarded in these cases, as the heal contacls are small
and correspondingly the heal flow by this means is slight.
:i:i:rtd:;t:ngd:eo::a;Sn:d:#raT:C§:rL?:::e°;n::;:u:g#:?:r::,r:e:S§::i The pressure independent heat transler by radiation is in
process of one, two or three stages one is able to dry the accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Accordingly,
liquid to a residual moisture content ol between 0.5 and the transferable amount o{ heal is:
5 This represents the best choice of the various
drying and degassing processes for liquids. Q=c'.F.[(*)4_(=)4]wherec'=
The storage tank for the dried and degassed liquid must

Phea,in:Ltfin.exts,I:5fns,ehteo!aE'uE:;aasts:::ssTamgee,pie;;#ewT,i a = lhe amount of heat lronsforable by rodialion (kcol/h)

also overcome the small but unavoidable leakage o{ the C = radiation conslqnl for dark bodies I 4.96 kcal/m8h grd4
vessels on lrans{erence ol the liquid. For this, a set of 8i = emission ratio ol radiating §urface (0.7 for iron with scc]Ie)

pumps o{ low air capacity usually sullices. e2 = emission latio ol absorbing sur`aco (a.8 Ior paper; 0.1 Ioi
With the above method of drying liquids it is necessary aluminium. oxidised)
F = absorption surface of lho subslance lo be dried (m2)
that either in the intake pipe of the degassing tower itself
Ti = temperature ol the radiating sui.lace (°K)
or in the intake manifold of the vacuum pump, oil con-
T2 = temperature of the absorbing surlclce (°K)
densers or separators ore included. With this, one can
ensure thcll light volatile com-
ponents, e.g. additives, will not
be sucked off by the vacuum
pumps but will stc]y in the degas- FIfllrdrpeiienfgqsljng
sing liquid or alternatively, flow
back lo it. On the other hand, il
may be necessary to put resin
JL- l.J'ufe
seporalors tor the vacuum pump
to avoid ablaling resin compo- -VoklllJm -
nents from reaching the vc]cuum
The le`mperalure ol which the
-. Vokl'um -
liquid will be dried and degassed
becomes solely dependent on the
viscosily of the liquid. The tem-
perature must be chosen so that 8ehdlterenlgosiing Spr`Uhenfgosung
the liquid will easily pass through
the degassing column in a thin
film. Thereby, in general one will
concentrate on carrying out the

zum logerbeh6lfer

degassification at the absolutely Flg. 5 Diagiamalic pl!nclplas ol va.Ious d®ga!!ing eqtiipmenl

usual degassing it is not possible to apply ci pressure

i:s|il#i;hvw:I?I:r:ercs:P:r::essF#:;a`Tt;hne:#:U;;hh:,:n#C§!°:hta::awst':: lt thel.e is situated between the radiating surlace and the

molerial an absorption sheet, the heat Q mentioned in
;nodi::ndt:ao'„Ch°em,?q°un:3ntt:b°:£heeg::s3:id.h:`v:nedjyr:ed::i'ych:;I the above equation will be reduced by a half.
Eng,. An'ovald-a de Stoiiei,r3

vapour with pump sets. For drying processes with extre-

rhhuesh[:°dtet;::Sd`:rodnuteh:a::Tevceuc,I::nd!:n::is.S:rheerde:::en,d[:n! mely large quantities of wc]ter vapour one can employ a
vacuum it is compcirolively slight. A proper drying process
should commence al atmospheric pressure to permit air vchai:::rcpornegseunrsee:f¥it:u?:e.T8-?r#so:di4e5v:dFTao:::;r
circulation lo thus obtain good heal transfer through out this especially economic method ol removing water
convection, Commonly one can in c] re-circulating system vapour (condensation) a special pump set has been
obtain about four times as much heal lransfer as in a
closed system. ::#nE:f`(fi'g,rh:f]).an essen,ial component is a multiple
Since the supply of the requisite heat very substantially lt follows that in the course of the drying process the
entire water vapour will condense in the condenser. The
::::rsT#i:h:o#rroitji:::`ryt}negdprry:::sspra°ccceos:a:!#t:I::: Sauncdce8t:snbgai,taasiep::::::rti::::too:ec::i}St:::e°5uR,;,°'tso-
optimum condilions of the heat input. One also tl.ies to
find new sources of hecit. It is possible in this connection to exlract air and uncondensable gasses: it can accordingly
use direct current healing or dielectric healing, these can have a small rating. The mulliple condenser works in three
be successfully used for all the drying ol cables.
3.2 Water Vapour Dif{usion itself can condense. In the pressure region from 20 to

The rate of drying depends upon the water vapour dif{u- :r:ou:,qn:::rprac,:',:swa?I:r,ewJ!bebr:,::rrecuo`fa:ebdoi#jtt;hz°ougci
sion from inside the materials to be dried. The diffusion When the pressure drops below 5 Torr the water circula-
tion will be disconnected, the refrigerating machine cools
:£#aart:°:,Stk:Wdsjfftuhs::nd#j.a:hjiT;ordtewpi::d,Sheu5;fnus::: with freezing mixture an additional internal spiral tube
pcilh the time will be quadrupled. This is very easily
explained: lhe diffusion time must at one time be propor-
``+ tional to the diflusion path, but al others, with an increase
ol the diflusion path a drop in concentration occurs, which will freeze out on the spiral tube. With this arrangement,
again reduces the diffusion rate. Therefore, for cable of an enormously high ccipocily for water vapour will be
double thickness lo obtain an equal residual moisture achieved with relatively small pump sets. The pump set
content on the inside, the drying takes about four times
as long.

3.3 Wciter Vapour Removal

for use when large quantities of water vapour at a pres-
Basically one can chemically absorb or adsorb, condense sure region between 10 and 5 .10-2 need to be evacuated.
clnd pump out water vclpour. The chemical absorbing is Because of this extraordinarily high water vapour capacity
not generally used except with dehumidifiers (i.e. silicagel). the drying time will be reduced to about half that with
On the other hand, the condensation of water vapour in conventional pump sets.
water cooled condensers will be applied to every drying What has been explained for the drying and degassing
process, as it represents the ef(ective means for the re- of liquids also applies for the drying and degassing ol
moval ol water vapour. But it must be taken into account solid malericils, that the delerminalion ol the necessal.y
that with this sort o{ condensation, the attainable water drying rate depends on what degree of residual moisture
vapour partial pressure depends on the temperature of conlenl of the material is required for the particular appli-
the condenser. With the usual cooling water temperature cation. Additionally, for every material to be dried the
of 12 to 14 ° C, a water vapour partial pressure of around
particular temperature condition corresponding to lhe
t5 to 20 Torr is achieved. The quantity ol water vapour characteristics o{ these materials has to be determined.
whidi is condensed in a condenser can be very large. As In the case of paper insulated cable, details concerning
is well known, a water cooled condenser is an effective this will have to be discussed.
3.4 Drying and Degcissing of Paper

Generally paper contains 6 to 7 °/o moisture. A part of this

water is condensed in or on the paper, another part is
absorbed, and a lillle portion is closely chemically bound.
The condensed water becomes separated al a pressure of
several Torr and al the usual drying temperatures. Then
as the pressure becomes less the closely absorbed water
will be removed. The diemically bound water must slay in
the paper lo preserve the paper slructul.e. The measure-
ment of the water vapour partial pressure in relation to

ing with a moving balance. With this arrangement they
have been able to indicate ci moisture contenl as low as
0.01 0/o, Figure 7 shows the result of this investigation. They
incline in the upper regions to agree with the previous
Fundamentally, one is able to derive from these meosure-
ments that to maintain a residual moisture conlent of less

Blld 6 llump lel 20 wllli |el Condense. and cooling unil. 11 is particularly pointed out here that Figure 7 is concern-
Capocily 20,000 m8/h water vapour cit 10-I Torr ed with equilibrium vapour pressures. These pressures are
Eng.a Ariovaldo de Siauei'ra

in no case comparable with the vacua which one mea- As already mentioned with the drying and degassing of
sures at some point or other in the tank during a normal liquids, here also occurs the question of how the elec-
drying process, because a pressure gradient always exists li.ical chcirocterislics of paper insulation depend upon the
from the inside of the mc]terial lo be dried to the mea- moisture content and lhei.efore upon the equilibrium
suring point. When the tanks are closed {rom the vacuum
pumps, pressure equalisalion takes place, the total pres- ::,teEyvawl::rseprr:]S;u:en.thecsy:jindvr:cs:i,g:I:leo,:sc,¥cer:,c::mr:e,:
sure in the tank climbs and finally attains after a certain core cable. The results are shown in Figure 8. Accordingly
lime - assuming a liltle leakage of the tank - cin equili-
brium value. This measured total pressure as is well :h;od.i;_`]eit:i:::SET.ryfdarcot::::iw,eheenn:,a?rse=Sounr:ta°n`t`or:emr
known, is composed ol the water vapour partial pressure
and the partial pressure of the air. This water vapour fncy:i:e?I:;s::earapn,::;.I:e.ip,e.:i'if.i,:s:Laji::brsees:sj::'i;
partial pressure corresponds to the observed equilibrium retains this value up to very low pressures. Thus one
water vapour partial pressure. can allain the optimal electrical characteristics ol this
sort of paper dieleclric when one dries to an equilibrium
vapour pressure o{ about 0.1 Torr, i.e. to a residual mois-
. lure ol less than 0.1 0/o. Accordingly lor the voltage which
a particular dielectric is designed for and will be operat-
ed at later, i.e. requirements which specify the material

With these small pressures considerable volumes of wafer
vapour result. 11 one wishes to remove 0.5 0/o water, e.g.

one must vapourise and extract 1.5 of water. At a pres-
sure of 5 .10-2 Torr lhis is 28,000 m3 of water vapour,
`'-. |o-2 |0-I loo |0' 10Z tort
The Vaportherm pump shown in Figure 6 is suitable even
= Wossorda mprpar I.ialdr u¢k for such large water vapour quantities. If it is necessary
lo dry al an even lower pressure a diffusion pump must
Fig. ' ::Jda'|:,g,]P,£a::,e::uT,a::::'n° ;:onf'feun,le ®f hlgh Y®Ilego <ab]o peper be connected in series.

= 0/o by weight H20; Wasserdamplparlialdruck
= Waler vapour partial pressure 4. Delermihalion of tlte End ol lhe Drying
For economy in the drying process the establishment of
The construction o{ the materials lo be dried plays an the end ol the process, which is the determination o{ the
essenlial part in the drying process. With a high voltage moment at which the treated material is regarded as
"dry", is particularly important. If one stops the process
cable layers o{ paper lie around the metallic conductor.
To allain, in not loo long a time, ci vapour pressure ot too early the material contains more moisture than is
less than 1 Torr (residual moisture 0.10/o) in the interior acceptable for its desired characteristics and one gels
of the insulation, one must in the region of the cable con- poor products. 1{ one continues the drying process for
ductor achieve a pressure at least a tenth smaller, accord- an unnecessarily long time, i.e. dries out beyond the
ing to the thickness of the insulation. Additionally, as the desired final condition, it is true one achieves a higher
cable is siluafed in several layers in the tray or on the degree of safety, but the drying time becomes unecono-
drum, il follows that a larger pressure drop exists between mically long. The exact determination of lhe right moment
lhe cable lying underneath in the tray and the surlace. is never simple, since one cannot directly measure the
Similar relationships exist with condensers, instrument
transformers and transformers. One can say in good
approximation for all these materials, that the pressure i:eu,li,e:,I:a?rs,,:u:: oTuo:nrFerc:t,;sr,:rt:oc:dl;:r:a:::y:y':e::vce,::haeie:Pee:n:d::n:i u
in the interior of the insulation is about 50 to 100 times the drying process. One therefore frequently determines
higher than the pressure measured in the tank spclce. the duration of a drying process from empirical values.
From these considerations the required vacua al the
suction side o{ lhe pumps for a particular residual mois- #ye:n:ntyeppe°ns5:b:L'y,h:fmdee:::re::i::,:r?f:yprt:sesu::dris::
ture content in the interior ol the cables is determined. This procedure assumes however, that the leakiness of
the drying vessels is negligibly small. One closes the
valve between the drying vessel and the vacuum pumps,
then the total pressure in the tank increases until the
\ equilibrium pressure establishes itself. This equilibrium
\9 pressure consists of both the water vapour pressure and
\ the gas partial pressure. When the established water
vapour partial pressure corresponds to the water vapour
partial pressure which is required tor good drying, the
`o^ a
depends substantially on the construction of the materials
to be dried, ln general these pressure rise measurements
can be discontinued afler some time on the exponential
'o8! 'oSo°9 'Q°i± 12wass.',°*hou.'f i ` 'd-`'°" ~P CU,Ve.

Fig.eTph®ev'eer'a,'::,nos,h]:,bzeotwkev®nc:Et:"::,lens::.;'£ncre:]hsia:`qeujijnbd,[udLe[:`a',r:: ::is,.:?,retdo:n3rfssssuhr:wris:.hceomn:r,?!af|;ninb:iga.::ogm,Tat,i.Cft``i!
yapour pressure certain that drying will be completed when the pressure
(Alter Wanser) does not I'eadl the given pressure P2 after the main valve
Wassorgeholl = Moisluro content 0/o in the vacuum line has been closed tor a time interval 12.
Eng,a Arfoyald-o ae Siquejra

Thus the control occurs in the following manner: Alter wafer with a separated tube system. With impregnated
once reaching the pressure p] (A) the pressure in the tank cable this has proved impracticable. With the solidifi-
increcises lo and readies in a time interval t2 the given cation of the impregnating compound on the outside,
pressure level p2. When lhe pressure p2 (8) is attained cavities are formed at the inside of the paper because
before the expiration of the time interval t2 then the dry- ol the volume contraction of the oils, which appreciably
ing is not yet finished, and the main valve will auloma- impairs the electrical quality of the products.
licolly open and the drying conlinue. After a specified
An appreciable shortening o{ the cooling process is easily
time interval ti the main valve will again close and the
3:::::::C::in(bDS,aogga:Ti,`fdi'yi:I:ai::c:nLh:.:n',:rkveas`tp2,:t: good impregnalion through the insulation becciuse ol
over a time period ti when the pressure rise control oper-
the positive pressure o{ the circulation pumping. Figure 10
shows schematically an instollalion for the drying cind
:nt:i.e?ism:°t:ih:Sdi;Fngsi::!i!Fs#'Tuheep£J;Gen:'f,r::#:: impregnating of super tension cable operating on this
intervals li and t2 depends on lhe type of materials to
be dried. principle. Here in the vessel (1) are drums of cable which
are dried initially through lhe vacuum pump (2). Finally,
impregnating takes place with insulation oil which has
been dried and degassed in the degassing column (5),
\ and which floods the vessel from the storage tank (4).
\ The closed circuit cooling now begins by passing the
insulation oil through the cooled coiled pipe system (3).
8 f During this closed circuit cooling process insulcition oil

+ - will constantly be returned to the tank (I) from the storage

lank (4) through a pressure retaining pump, to keep a
... I

• II
small constant positive pressure.
£2 I I
This equipment exhibils a further leature; alter {inishing

£' 1`,,
Trockenzeit i I = bmeprr:#:I:a#,Ch°ev:::,`ethwe;,jmb:r:::a,:i::'t::ko#f':,re°dt
impregnating lank through a vacuum tight valve, also
F19. . ?.IinecIple ®1 C®nlr®l 1®1 lh® dele.mlnall®n ol lh® end ol lhe d.ylng tilled with insulation oil, direct lo the lead press (6) for
the application of the cable sheath. By this technique
i::ackp=oisruersesu?:;aT'':3::inazneii'-dr#n:iTieme, the absorption by the impregnated cable ol moisture from
the air is again avoided. By this means the extremely
5. Impregnal[on good electrical characteristics ol the insulating oils when
dried to a residual moisture content of below 1,
One must convey the impregnating compound into the as shown in Figure 3, are maintained. Figure 11 shows
drying vessel under vacuum to prevent al impregnating the drying and impregnating tank ot this equipment
a renewed absorplion of gas and moisture in both the during manufacture. Al the mouthpiece (on the right of
impregnc)ting compound and the impregnating material. the photograph) the cable valve will be connected,
The impregnating compound will then through capillary
Pressure impregncifion is always effeclive when the im-
action be drawn into the gas clnd moisture lree capillary
tubes; so that the material being impregnated will be pregnating compound exhibits a highly temperature
dependent coefficient of expansion, and is very viscous
completely impregnated, The impregnating compound
` and the material lo be impregnated has therefore to be or solid at ambient temperature. During cooling after
dried at round lhe same temperature and lo the same
water vapour partial pressure.
-. The cooling must take place in the vessel itsell in order
.\j !o avoid the absorption of moisture {rom the air by the

Usually the process occupies a long period of time. To
accelerate cooling one can cool the vessel itself with


I:'9. `' ?u'g]}8 5°o:dk¢TP'®gn®'.ng Vessel 10. IupeJ lel.!lon oil filled cable
i; !:;c:u:u:in:i:':::;:a:e;:er'um :: i:ooagEg:,:';sncko,':LLnsula'ion o„
En¢.. Ariovaldo rip ,9io`i`i.fira

impregnalion the impregnoling compound con be, under (6):K¥;;:;qapu:,i;b,i:i.i.;?h:,?oanns%';mEe.rJ;,i.n€r#ncs:a;#:i.'€f,S::gT:'7S;

certain circumstances, so viscous that it cannot be taken
up into the capillaries of lhe material being impregnat- (7)::nd`[s°:fi'erE.I:nE,}nE'+UzS.SA:a(ig?55S3:h7a6'!e.S.?;'68?asdielektrisdlevelhaHen
ed. Thus cavities result which are disadvantageous for a
dieleclric. (8) Marx, E.: Hochspannungsproktikum. 2. Aull. Sptinger-Verlag, Berlin
6. Reforehcef
(10) Oeljen, 0. W.: Conlerence in Cl`icago, Sopt.1960.
(„ -B.ri*.aunnng, vK;n a,::":,e6y,:'i '#; : H3Lesr,,n,:o,unpi(11) Measurement by Sd`ulles,1955.
744 . . . 749.
(1 2) ¥Eaon.S::'rj&.,:,Die (T;;6in:.n986V.a.n. ¥,a.chspannungskabeln im Hochvakuum,
(3) :8raTi:: nto%ipet°e'n:,°|s:|']ne';:te?eTsheY::,SS:LS a,uu'n:|% I:5;I,i.Sd`en I i gen-
t5, £La::., ,:.a,t.i,o¥:.,eErn::,;;::,ngjF, i,.g35;:,::g4e4,tie,ec,,:C ,{qu{ds, Trans.


Eng,a Arjova`do de SIQHel'ra

S®me Aspects and Devel®pmehts Of Vacuum Drying and lmpregnatl®h

Leybold-Hochodeuun-Andagen GmbH , Cologne , Germany

During the last two years the drying, degassing and impregnation Of Saper-insulated electric
parts has been iateusively develaped in two direedorls :
1. When apSlying all aviliary mcaus constantly rising charges (Saper-evedght) can
be dried in rehahaely short and tJus ecoromieally reasondle it:rnes.
2. More exact haledge o:n fundaneatal procedures e'rrables more quantitedg)e
progr'roses as to the processes to be chose`n and al:lows a rrore ettact coatrol Of the
_i resuds than hitherto.
' `.\,
Several eo¢anples ulll shall the possibihiy Of s'u:gp.lying the req:Irired quantities Of energy in
H1- vacu:urn procedures, in ecomondcalky reasorndle tj;mes, by a swlable choice of the heating
methods. ASart from procedures dready lmouneve nil:I consider an arrangement whwh simul-
taneously swMlhes heat and renoq]es evater vapors by means Of circulated sxperheated evater-
steam and, in the ttghi of the latest tests the reaction Of extremely dried imSregnating agents
evtll be treated.

THE manufacture of electrical components and the develop- engineering such as cables, transformers, capacitors and the
ment of vacuum techniques have become linked with each like, or even to link them as being particularly favorable.
other in so many ways since the invention of oil-sealed A coordination of this form is a matter for the electrical
" rotary pumps and mercury diffusion pumps that a long engineering branch, and depends upon the required stand-
•period spent in the development of these techniques would ards set for the different products.
have been unlikely if it had not been for the rapidly in- I shall endeavour to give a survey of the possibilities and
creasing demands of the manufacturing industry. When problems associated with vacuum drying and impregnating
:. .a study is made, as we shall do, of the application of vacuum techniques for paper-insulated components, as based on
'!.+i:::Faftqe:e:ie;cntritchalep€=:nfos#]imp:::g::etr;ngwft°hfo::P::; know-how available in Europe, insofar as I am familiar
with this.
; .. su.Pstances, it will be seen that the extensive experience In order to establish a connection between one of the
gained especially in the U.S.A. on high vacuum distillation values of vacuum engineering, namely pressure, and at
`tQchniques, has had considerable influence upon the de- least two characteristic data of electrical engineering,
tTe.Iopments. It is not the task of vacuum engineering, nor four curves are shown, each of which of course was plotted
`~m?n; for that matter, to identify certain metriods and-data under special conditions, but which attach a certain
. o£` vacuum techniques with different products of electrical general importance because they reproduce characteristic
'000 Fl
In Fig. 1, you find the insulating resistance for paper
/ plotted in relation to the water vapor equilibrium pressure.
The measurements have. been taken on a 130 kv single
cable at 80°C. When, independent from this, the water
content of the paper is measured in relation to the equili-
. / brium vapor pressure, as reported three years ago, then
instead of the pressure scale the water content of the paper
/ can also be recorded with sufficient accuracy, and naturally
at the temperature given here. The relative shape of the
curves i§ largely dependent upon the thickness of the paper,
/ but the characteristic shape of the curves is at all times
perceptible, and thus provides an initial indication of the
equilibrium pressures or water contents needed to obtain
/ specified electric properties. .
1d'64 210-'64 210-264 2 Io-364 2
Figure 2 gives a similar curve for the loss factor plotted
a, rrmHg
in relation to the water vapor equilibrium pressure,
FIG. 1. Insulation resistance of the paper from the 130 kv single
cable as a function of water vapor pressure (equilibrium) measured measured this time on a 20 kv cable at 50 c/s.and a tern-
at 80OC. perature of 90°C. Here too, a certain water content of the
Eng.° Ariovaldo de S=iqueira

130 G. W. OET|EN

paper can again be recorded, as in the second scale, on the These two curves, 3 and 4, have been taken from the
basis of the measurements already quoted, in place of the S®.efflcor 7owr»a/ (p. 320, 1956).
water vapor pressure in a state of equilibrium. As Figs. I to 4 reveal, a relationship can, therefore, be
The water and gas content of impregnating agents has established under defined conditions between the electrical
been reported on in the journal Cfeeon£.a-Jngecec.a"r rcch„G.fa, data of the materials used and the equilibrium pressures
(No. 1, 9-13, 1954). In this paper, a list is given of the applied; it is of course only in the state of equilibrium that
measuring methodology, the states of equilibrium, the reproducible results may be expected.
relation to temperature and the solubility temperatures for The operating pressures resulting from the measured
water vapor and certain gases in several interesting impreg- equilibrium pressures under certain operating conditions
nating liquids. Water and gas contents are given down to during the drying or degassing process have as yet no
values of less than 1 ppm. When these curves are again direct connection with these equilibrium pressure and the
correlated to the respective equilibrium vapor pressure, operating pressure may be related for a particular product.
as we have done above for paper, curves can be obtained It will, however, be understood that in order to obtain the
showing the dielectric resistance and the loss factor of a required equilibrium pressures as speedily as possible, the
certain oil plotted in relation to the water content or the operating pressures must be considerably lower than the
equi)ibrium vapor pressure, as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. equilibrium pressures.
When all the problems encountered in vacuum drying
and impregnating are reduced to a few of the most import- _
0.'5 0.02 ant, we are faced with the following:
a3 006
(a)L Supply of that amount of energy required for
heating the product and evaporating the water.
(b) Removal of the liberated water and the gases
contained in the products.
(c) Cooling of the impregnated product following the
impregnating process, that is before the product
may be exposed again to standard air, in order to
avoid any possible signs of oxidation.
'oz 1o' 1 d) 1o-' 1 a-2 |0-3 |0-. |0-5 |0- The rapid and uniform supply of heat has a great bearing
upon the total duration of the charge for very many of the
FIG. 2. Loss factor (arbitrary dimensions) of water content (or processes under discussion here. So that an overall impres-
water vapor equilibrium pressure)` of the paper used in the sion can be gained of the total duration, I shall take the
20 kv cable measured at 90°C. liberty of recalling to mind the available possibilities,
even though their principles may be known, so that they
can be compared, by giving a few figures and illustrations.
They are:

(a) Previous heating by air circulation.

(b) Heating by direct flow of current. `t~
(c) Heating by means of dielectric losses, using high
(d) Radiation heating.
I a . ., ... (e) Circulation of suitable vehicle media under vacuum.
When we take as an exanple a medium-sized cable
Flo. 3. Insulation resistance of the cable oil as a function of its
tank filled with 4 tons of paper and 15 tons of copper,
water content.
approximately 280 kg of water are contained in this
charge, and it can easily be worked out, even if the entire
charge were to be heated under air to 120°C and shut off
from a further supply of heat, that a drop in the tempera-
/ ture of the charge by about 50°C, in other words a

/ difference in temperature not tolerable in normal cases,

1 •
cO cO
/ 40 50cO
would be necessary in order to deprive the charge of the
evaporation energy of the water.
For many electrical components, an obvious Solution is
also to supply energy to the parts by means of direct flow
of current. This method is widely used especially in the
drying of telephone cables, and also for power cables,
FIG, 4. I.oss factor of an oil as a function of its water content. particularly for low voltages.
Eng.0 Ariovaldo de Slqueira

Some Aspects and Developments of Vacuum Drying and Impregnation 131

Figure 5 shows a system of this description in which the residual moisture given at different points of the cable, this
drying times are very largely dependent upon the pump being particularly characteristic of this method. Figure 7
capacity since it has been possible to keep all other time- illustrates general plan of such a system, in the foreground
limiting factors sufficiently small. Further reference will the high-frequency generator with the air-cooled spark gap,
be made to this example later in a brief section on vacuum and behind the cable tank with the connections.

FIG. 5. Schematic drawing of an installation to dry telephone cable,

heated with direct current and evacuated with mechanical boosters
and backing pump.

With respect to the method it may also be said that it FIG. 7. Drying and impregnation tank for high voltage cable with
can be applied to good effect particularly in cases where the high frequency generator in the front and current inlets in the
middle of the tank.
copper cross-sections are the same in the whole charge and
the insulation thiclmesses are not too large because after
When use is not made of additional electric heating
all the heat from the copper has to be conducted to the
systems as described above, and the greater part of the heat
paper which needs drying, by conductivity. input is obtained by radiation from the heated walls,
allowance will generally have to be made for the time
constitutes an almost ideal method of supplementing
taken up by this, which of course will be far more con-
direct current heating when we have large insulation
siderable for large cable dimensions and big electrical
thicknesses, dissimilar copper cross-sections and varying
components than when 1:he charge can be split up into small
paper thicknesses in one charge. Efefatrofech„ische Ze£.£- units with each being exposed separately to the radiation
schrG/f (Vol. 77, December, 1956) gives an outline of the
and remaining convection heat.
principles of this method and experience gained with it to When we take as an example the cable tank mentioned
date. As far as I am aware, this method is used almost solely
earlier containing 4 tons of paper and 15 tons of copper, it
for high-tension cables above 6 kv. Figure 6 shows a. cross-
can be estimated that the amount of heat required to
section through a dried and impregnated cable, with the
evaporate the 280 kg of water must be radiated from
the surface area of this tank, which is approximately
60 m8. This means es 4.6 kg per m2 of surface area.
OF PAPE:a (It is of course quite clear that by means of heat conduction

3Cj F and certain thermal convection, a further portion of

energy can be supplied.) But when, for example, Square
chambers with an edge length of 1 in (Fig. 8) are used
for small capacitors or coils, and a heater plate is also
placed between each layer of the capacitors, a radiating
Gee oof surface area amounting to 2.4 m2 for each layer is obtained
at a layer clearance of 10 cm and even assuming that 50°/o
WEF`E TAKEN of this chamber space is filled with paper, there will be
water content of 3.5 I and consequently a comparative
figure of z$ 1.4 kg of water which has to be evaporated
per m2 of radiating surface area, in other words a value
which is more than three times more favorable than that
A a.06 a.14
a 0.'4 0.'5 given earlier for the large tank. Considering that by means
C 0.10 of radiation, even under the most favorable conditions,
D Oro5 0.'2
E 0.'' 0.'0 approximately 2cO-300 W.E./hr/m2 can be transmitted,
F 0.04 OJ)6 the shortest heating times result from this, when the
G a.07 a.06
heat conduction inside the bodies is disregarded. (This
FIG. 6. Cross-section of a cable giving moisture distribution of course can only be disregarded when the dimensions
in the three phase cable after dielectric drying. of the components are small enough, but which does not
132 G. W. OET]EN

A typical example of this is provided by large paper rolls

or even power transformers.
Therefore, when an attempt is made to combine for
these special cases, heat input with simultaneous rerlioval
of accumulating water vapor, a procedure must be
adopted which we have temed in German as ``D47„2/-
sfroffl£7och""„g", and which might be translated as "stream-
ing-vapor drying".
Figure 9 illustrates the two possible arrangements of
the method in one diagram.


FIG. 9A and 8. Schematic drawings of the "Dzzaej!/sfroowfrock%w"g" _
ovacuun vapor dying).
(8) In Figs. 9A and 98, the vacuum tank is in any case evacu-
FIG. 8A and 8. Drying and impregnation installation for small
capacitors and a single drying chamber before the installation and the water vapor pressure P prevailing in the tanks during
insulation. Impregnation fluid tank in the back. the drying process. Furthermore, the tanks are extemally
heated and insulated to minimize the heat loss. After the
apply, for example, when we have a full charge of cables.) evacuation process, the vacuum pump can theoretically be
Radiation heating alone, therefore, offers special advan- shut off from the system because the only purpose it then
tages when, as a result of the technical conditions, the serves is to remove any permanent gases that may form.
radiating surface area can be made large in proportion to Experience, however, has shown that the pump can actu-
the evaporated quantity of water, or-and this, too, is ally be shut down for lengthy periods when systems are
sometimes a decisive aspect-when the complete drying sufficiently tight. In case Fig. 9A, the pressure P in the dry-
process takes up so much time that a reduction of the ing tank should be higher than pressure P8 which charac-
heating time effected by means of additional measures is terizes the equilibrium vapor pressure in the condenser.
unimportant. The water vapor liberated in the tank, therefore, streams
The processes mentioned so far clearly illustrate that into the condenser where it is condensed to the greatest
particular difficulties in the supply of heat continue to possible extent at the pressure P8. The blower located
exist when large compact components have to be heated in behind the condenser draws in water vapor from pressure
big tanks, or when the paper weightsurface area unit is P8 - 20 Tor is given as an exampleThnwards, and com-
unfavorable, or when the electrical constniction of the presses it for example to 100 Tor. Above the impedance
component does not permit heat input by electrical energy. valve connected at the outlet side, the water vapor is

Eng,0 ATiovald-a de Sioueir3

Some Aspects and Developments of Vacuum Drying and Impregnation 133

expanded to a required pressure, for example 80 Tor, I I 20.C

superheated to a required temperature Te, for example 40t
120°C, in the superheater connected at the outlet side, and I 'c-I
then flows into the drying tank where it continues to
deliver its superheat to the product to be heated and dried
until the latter has also assumed a temperature FG. The
liberated water vapor, together with the cooled water vapor, I
streams back to the condenser where the excess water vapor
is condensed out, and the circulation starts all over again.
In the circuit as shown in Fig. 98, the only difference is o-2 ,o-I , ,o
that pressure P is smaller than pressure P„ and therefore WATER VAPOuR RAaTIAL PRESSUFtE:, mmHg
the blower is located between the tank and the condenser, FIG;:£:::¥eaceps::s¥i:foeft:°xbt]a;:.eq¥£b£;gunanEr:;8o:te,Wo£6?
so that the blower must compress the water vapor to a
pressure greater that P8.
The reductions in drying time attainable by means of 1

this method can of course only be calculated and tested

from case to case. In one case that was closely studied, the
L, t`ollowing advantages were discovered:
For a paper charge of 300 kg, in which the paper was in
tightly wound rolls of approximately 2cO mm diameter, on Oua
aluminum tubes of 70 mm diameter, drying times of
about loo hours were attained with radiation heating only,
and a residual water content of 1.5°/o. In the same tanks 024
under the same conditions, water vapor circulation gave TIME FIOF` ADJUSTMENT, lir
times of maximum 24 hours (18 hours vapor circulation, 6 Flo. loo. Water content of capacitor paper a§ a function of water
hours final drying.) vapor equilibrium pressure at different temperatures.
The question of attainable drying times leads directly to
a second all important problem, nanely the removal of
water vapor or permanent gases. It has already been
mentioned in the introduction that curves can be plotted
for the different paper types, showing the equilibrium in
relation to the temperature. These give the water vapor
pressure as a function of the water content (Fig. lob). The
times taken to obtain the equilibrium were determined,
= = = =
and an example of this is given in Fig. 10A.
If it is intended to derive practical drying times from these
physical data, they can only be calculated for each given n

example, as illustrated in Fig.11. Assuming that the pres-

\~`§ure Po is around 10PL in order to obtain the shortest
times, and that P8 is approximately equal to P„ in other 1(

words the main impedance to flow is in the capillaries of the

condenser itself, drying times are obtained which are given
in Fig.11. Here, the preasurepo and the maximum water a 1 0 • •

content in the interior Of the reel are plotted in relation to T'ME', hr

the time, making allowance for the fact that the temperature
FIG. I 1. Schematic draw i _ig for basic calculation of drying time and
rise may vary with heating system and capacitor design. Some results of the water content in the middle of the noma|
When it is also considered that pressure P2 and the pressure capacitor. The curves I and 11 are drawn for 2 different
P3 vary by at least a factor 2 although practically by a temperature curves correspondingly called I and 11.
factor 4 -10, it may be said that the pressure Po, i.e. the
required minimum equilibrium vapor pressure inside the the above-mentioned figures, in other works that the
reel, will b`e 40 - 100 times higher than the pressure bottleneck of the process is actually the flow impedance in
measured at the vacuum pump. In view of this, the intake the capillaries of the condenser, or is produced by the
pressure at the vacuum pumps can be derived from the opening in the condenser housing.
equilibrium curves such as were plotted above. It may, It is clear that for low paper weights, relatively small
therefore, be asserted that for equilibrium pressures po of, vacuum pumps are always to be found, especially when
say, 10-1 Tor, several microns must be maintained at the condenser with long capillaries are used. But I intend to
vacuum pumps in order to obtain favorable times. showbymeansoftwootherexamplesinwhichmuchgreater
In all points considered, it is always assumed that the demands are made upon the vacuum pumps, to what
vacuum pumps are made big enough to correspond with consequences the above considerations lead.

Eng,a Ariovald-o de S`ioueira

E{i!j,fy ,r`::i,`dF.'|,\L,I i;,\? S\Queira

134 G. W. OET|EN

For example, when a drying plant for telephone cable is required in order to obtain certain drying effects in paper,
charged with a ton of paper, about 70 kilos of water will we must give the same consideration to the impregnating
have to be removed. When the direct current heating agent for two particular reasons:
system which was described earlier, is used, it is quite (a) the impregnating agent should not carry any water
possible to supply the necessary heat for heating up or and gas back into the product requiring impregnation,
evaporating in one hour or less. By using a water-cooled and
condenser, this cable can then be dried down to about 2 %, (b) the impregnating agent, on entering the drying tank,
as is evident from the equilibrium curves, when it i§ assumed should not fom any bubbles or foam whatsoever,
that the equilibrium vapor pressure at 2% is approxi- otherwise there wiu be a great risk of the pores
mately 300 Tor, and the exhaust pressure need not drop becoming blocked.
below 30 Tor. The required condenser must, therefore, Figure 12 again gives the equilibrium water .content
enable condensation of about 50 kg of water in I hour, chrves as plotted in the papers published in CifeavG.e-
so that the vacuum pump must remove a further 10 kg of J72gc#G.c„7 Tcch#G.fa, referred to earlier. When an attempt
water in, say, another hour if the total drying time is to be
in the region of 2 hours. A pump set consisting of a Roots
iiiii I

blower with a normal capacity of 1800 mB/hour and a series- I

connected gas ballast pump with a capacity of 180 m8/hour,
is perfectly capable of doing this work in the required time,
and the use of a larger blower with a capacity of, say, 2500
/ I vHA2%J

2 r-
::ig|:E:/.h:ubr,.ewuse:sre:i::r:e::gdc¥:ieos:i:g.rTtf.e,:::r:: `,
fore, enables short drying times to be obtained, at a most
reasonable technical outlay. I I II
For the telephone cables, it was merely a matter of I

drying them down, to give a water content in the region of `i

3 Z
1 %. For high-tension cables, quite a different problem 4 4

arises, as will be shown in the next example.

When we keep to the above-mentioned example of 4 tons 1
•, 1

of paper, i.e. 280 kg of water in one charge, an attempt

will be made to obtain the first 6%, i.e. down to 1 % in the r
0. 01 a.I I 10 100
manner described above, although of course the much
thicker paper insulations must be allowed for with respect
to the time factor. When we give consideration in this FIG. 12. Gas content for different Substances as a function of
example only to the removal of water below 1 %, we find the equilibrium gas or vapor pressure. I = Glycerin 80°C. 2 ± Di-
butylphthalate 20°C. 3 = Shell-oil K 8 23°C. 4 = Clophen 55°C.
paper still contains 40 kg of water at the begiming of this
period, and of this amount 36 kg must be pumped off as
is made to obtain these equilibrium values in a very finely
quickly as possible if we are to obtain a desired water "atomized" impregnating agent, e.g. oil, it will be found-
content of 0.1 yo. For the removal of water from 1 to 0.3 %
average, exhaust pressures of about 1 Tor may be reckoned that there are two major obstacles to this. On the one handj_
with, as based on the equilibrium curves and allowing for the surface tension of the droplet increases as the diameter
corresponding impedances. Making the same allowances, decreases, that it will become difficult to carry out degassing
an exhaust pressure averaging 0.3 Tor (not final pressure) at the small pressures necessary. But even when the droplets
should be reckoned with for the removal of the residual are so large that this effect is of no significance, because for
water from 0.3 to 0.1 %. When we revert to the use of a example a diameter of several millimetres is used, the
blower with a normal capacity of approximately 50cO m9/ diffusion rate for water in oil is too small to replace the
hour also in this case, then this blower in combination with a evaporated water in the surface. An obvious solution,
suitable gas ballast fore-pump will have a capacity of about therefore, would be to carry out the degassing process by
4 kg of water vapor per hour at 1 Tor and a capacity of recycling, i.e. repeatedly, and also to confront the gas phase
approximately 1.5 kilos per hour at somewhat less than with large liquid surfaces. Figure 13 shows a design of the
300 microns. For the first half of the period, we shall then degassing column, which overcomes these difficulties and
ha+e a time of about 7 hours, and for the second half a time has rendered excellent service for many years past.
of 6 hours, so that calculated from the pumping speed, a (a) The Raschig ring column that is used enables very
total drying period of around 13 hours can be attained in large surfaces to be accommodated in a small space, and
order to reduce the water content from 1 to 0.1 %. furthermore forces a renewing of the surface within itself
Naturally, these drying periods attainable from the so that a repeated charge with corresponding dimensioning
pumping aspect must be checked for other bottlenecks in i§ not necessary, and work can be carried out on a con-
the process, as shown above in the example given for the tinuous basis.
condensers. (b) The continuous method of operation, together with
Now that we have a conceptioh of the pressures and times the single charge necessary, always guarantees that the
Some Aspects and Developments of Vacuum Drying and Impregnation

FIG.14. Schematic drawing of a cable impregnation plant including

oil storage, degassing, drying and impregnation tank and high
pressure circulation system for quick cooling of the oil after
FIG. 13. Degassing and drying column schematic drawing and
photo for a continuous throughput of about 5 tanks per day.
through several connections by means of a circulating pump,
cooled by a heat exchanger and fed back to the bottom of
Ldegassed impregnating agent in the storage tank has a
the tank. Here, the oil is distributed under the perforated
definite water content, that is when the operating pressure bottom, flows through valves into the lower pan, and then
in the column and the operating pressure of the storage passes through similar valves into the next pan. Finally,
tank are ^properly supervised. By means of this method, it is drawn off again at the top. A small pressure-holding
water contents can be obtained such as are desirable to pumpdeliverstherequiredoilsofarbackintotheimpregnat-
attain good electric values, i.e. water contents between 0.5 ing tank that a certain excess pressure is always maintained
and5ppmaccordingtotheoperatingpressureinthecolumn. in the tank in order to prevent vacuoles from forming due
A special application, i.e. technical application of such a to the relatively rapid cooling. For this forced circulating,
well dried impregnating agent that might be mentioned is the cable pans must be liquid-tight, so that it is necessary
that under certain conditions as found, for example, with to provide special gliders in the pans, which are open during
oil cable, very small water residues which are difficult to the evacuation process, and which are automatically closed
remove by evacuation can be taken up with this very during the impregnating process as a result of the oil
hygroscopic agent. Under certain circumstances it is easier pressure that develops.
to replenish the circulated impregnating agent until it does When instead of pans, cable drums are used which are
not take up any more water out of the paper, than to draw inserted in a horizontal tank, a similar system could be used.
off the water beforehand. The cooling times attainable with these forced circulating
A further factor which has a bearing upon the total systems naturally depend very largely upon the viscosity of
charge time of a drying and impregnating process may in the impregnating agent, especially at the low temperatures.
many cases be the cooling of the products because we wish Practical experience has shown that when under normal
to avoid exposing 120°C impregnated cable, to give an conditions cooling down to 40°C, for example, takes 100-
h-xample, to nomal air. When allowance is made for the 120 hours at a given viscosity of the oil, this time can be
various needs, these times, too, can definitely be reduced reduced to 2530 hours by means of forced circulating.
and in fact this can be done so that it will be to economical However, when it is intended to go up to high viscosities of
advantage as the following example given for cables will 20,000 to 100,000 centistokes at the end of the circulating
show. process, it will be necessary to use circulating pumps with
It is assumed that the cable tank is constructed as relatively high energy ratings, e.g. 30 to 40 kw, and the
favorably as possible from the outset, i.e. that the tank has pressures in the heat exchanger (of course, not in the
as little dead volume as possible, and that the heat capacities impregnating tank) will have to be raised under certain
to be cooled are kept as small as possible. The tank itself can circumstances, up to 30 or even 40 atm.
then be adjusted to the required temperatures relatively It was of course not possible in this brief report to give
quickly in an independent cooling system or by cooling the a complete survey of the extensive field of drying and
system normally used for heating. To obtain a very rapid impregnating of electrical components, it being merely my
cooling of the impregnated materials, it is advisable to intention to show by means of several examples that it is
circulate the impregnating agent, to cool it, and to pump it possible, after determining several characteristic properties
through the product to be cooled at the same time maintain- of the substances to be dried and degassed, to estimate the
ing favorable flow conditions. Figure 14 illustrates a vacuum processes which are necessary technically and
possible design of a cable tank of this type. Two cable pans feasible economically, to dimension the apparatus accord-
are placed above each other, oil-tight, on a perforated base ingly, to adjust desired electric properties such as insulation
in a ring tank which has a flat base and, merely for other resistance and the commencement of ionization to previously
reasons, a very slightly curved cover. On completion of the determined values, and to select the applicable electric
impregnating process, the oil is pumped off centrally field strength in accordance with the process.

Eng.a Ariovaldo de Siqueira

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