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My lovely moza

Starting from my father who wanted to keep a cat, my brother happened to have a
cat that had just given birth and one of the cats was brought home by my father. At
that time I really liked cats because when I was little, my feet got scratched which
made me afraid to hold or feed cats. Then not long after that my father brought the
orange cat home in a small blue cage. I didn't dare to touch or hold her even though
she was small at that time.

The cat Moza is given a name, very cliche but a cute signature for the orange cat.
He is very active and eats a lot, I used to be really afraid of him because he likes to
chase and make me stay in the room a lot. Moza was cared for by my father and my
brother until he took a bath and cut his toenails and was given a rotating schedule to
care for him. But as time went by, I also became not afraid of cats, maybe it started
with Moza being adorable and always sleeping a lot. So that the bigger Moza I take
care of him from bathing, cleaning his cage or cutting his cute little nails.

One day I was shocked to see moza bleeding, it might seem like an exaggeration but
it made my heart ache. After I saw he was bleeding, I treated him and gave him
bandages. It turned out that he was fighting with a wild cat. I panicked and cried, but
my brother laughed at me because he thought I was exaggerating. They don't know
what it's like to see something they protect so deeply hurt. When I cried, Moza even
showed his monkey-like face which innocently made me cry. After a few months I got
used to seeing him come home bleeding because of his own doing, the last severe
wound in the eye had a scratch mark, and that made it difficult for the wound to

He is a pet cat that I am very adorable and I love. Those were very pleasant days.
When I came home from school, he always accompanied me to take a nap or do
other household activities. When I play with him my mood changes to be more
cheerful and very good.

But one day Moza didn't come home for a week and it made me panic and scared,
all my friends and family looked for him until they found him and spread Moza's
photos everywhere. Moza is a cat who likes to play outside the house. One day I
saw my cat on my father's friend's story wa with the words for sale, even then I went
to that person's house but he wasn't home and that really annoyed me.

For several months I was depressed trying to find moza, but all in vain. At that time I
thought maybe he died and left quietly because I didn't want to be sad or worried, but
there were also times when I thought he was sold by someone. I think if he is sold
hopefully he is in good hands and becomes a comfortable home for him.

Maybe for those of you who feel I'm exaggerating or exaggerating, but you don't
know what it's like to lose something that you think is a source of happiness
suddenly gone. Moza is a special happiness for me and my beloved cat. Moza Lala
misses the old Moza, let's go home?

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