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Contraception 67 (2003) 267–269

Original research article

Ectopic pregnancies following emergency levonorgestrel contraception

Galit Sheffer-Mimouni*, David Pauzner, Sharon Maslovitch, Joseph B. Lessing,
Ronni Gamzu
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Lis Maternity Hospital, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, 6 Weizman Street,
Tel Aviv 6427, Israel

Received 18 September 2002; received in revised form 15 December 2002; accepted 15 December 2002

There are little or no data on the risk of ectopic pregnancy following levonorgestrel treatment as an emergency contraception. We
encountered three cases of ectopic pregnancy following the use of levonorgestrel administered peri- or postovulation. Here we report these
cases and discuss the clinical and epidemiologic implications of this association. Health providers should be alert to the possibility of an
ectopic pregnancy in women who become pregnant or complain of lower abdominal pain after taking levonorgestrel. © 2003 Elsevier
Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Emergency contraception; Extrauterine pregnancy; Levonorgestrel

1. Introduction hind-the-counter drugs [3]. They may be overused as a

regular contraception method. Therefore, their side effects
Unintended pregnancy is a major public health problem or possible hazards should be addressed appropriately.
worldwide. According to recent data from the US, in 1994, A MEDLINE search from 1982 to 2002 using the terms
approximately 50% of 15– 44-year-old women had at least “ectopic pregnancy,” “extrauterine pregnancy,” “emergency
one unplanned pregnancy at some time in their lives [1]. In contraception,” “progestin-only contraception,” “postcoital
the last 3 decades, emergency contraception has been sug- contraception,” and “levonorgestrel” as well as referenced
gested and advocated in developing countries as a means to articles, failed to reveal any reported case of ectopic preg-
prevent such unwanted pregnancies, in order to protect nancy after usage of levonorgestrel as an emergency con-
thousands of women against unsafe abortions. traception. We hereby present three cases of ectopic preg-
In the past 4 years, contraceptive experts, sociologists nancy following the use of levonorgestrel (Postinor-2;
and pharmaceutical companies have campaigned to allow Gedeon Richter Ltd, Budapest, Hungary), that occurred in
for a more liberal use of emergency contraception. This our institution over a 20-month period, in women without
campaign was launched because of health, social and eco- apparent risk factors for ectopic pregnancy.
nomic motives [2]. Consequently, behind-the-counter use of
levonorgestrel (Norlevo™, Levonelle™, Postinor-2™) had
been approved initially in Norway (October 2000) and 2. Case presentations
thereafter in Sweden (November 2001) and in Israel. In
Belgium, South Africa, UK, France, New Zealand and in
2.1. Case 1
California and Washington State of the US, levonorgestrel-
only emergency contraception pills (ECP) are available P-
A 19-year-old, gravida 1, para 0, Caucasian Ashkenazi
status (available from a pharmacist). The use of these drugs
Jewish female presented to our emergency room within 24 h
has increased dramatically both as prescription and as be-
after unprotected intercourse. Her past obstetric history re-
vealed an induced abortion at age 17. Her last normal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: !011-972-3-6447030; fax: !011-972- menstrual period occurred 2 weeks before the unprotected
3-6447060. intercourse, and she had stopped using oral contraceptive
E-mail address: (G. Sheffer-Mimouni). pills 2 months before. She was not using any medications at

0010-7824/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
268 G. Sheffer-Mimouni et al. / Contraception 67 (2003) 267–269

the time of presentation. A pregnancy test was negative, and ingesting the medication. Five weeks later she experienced
she was given two tablets of 750 mcg levonorgestrel (Posti- an acute lower abdominal pain with nausea. At admission,
nor 2) to take at a 12-h interval. She started oral contracep- her physical examination revealed a small uterus with right
tives immediately after vaginal bleeding, which occurred 2 adnexal tenderness. A transvaginal ultrasound documented
weeks later, and that was interpreted by her as a period. an empty uterine cavity, normal-appearing ovaries and a
After using two cycles of oral contraception, she presented round hyperechogenic mass of 1.4 cm diameter, as well as
at the emergency room for vaginal bleeding and abdominal the presence of pelvic fluid and clots suspected to be blood.
pain. Her physical examination revealed a small uterus with Serial CBC tests did not document any change in the he-
left adnexal tenderness. A transvaginal ultrasound docu- moglobin count. The patient was admitted to the gyneco-
mented an empty uterine cavity, a left normal-appearing logical department. At that time, her serum !hCG was 625
ovary, a complex tubal mass of 2.5 cm diameter and the IU/L. During the following days, her pain regressed and
presence of pelvic fluid suspected to be blood. A pregnancy serial !hCG tests from day 2–5 of her stay revealed a very
test was positive. The patient underwent laparoscopy, which mild elevation–plateau: 682, 889, 980, 1029. She was given
confirmed the presence of a ruptured tubal pregnancy, with IM MTX 85 mg according to her calculated surface area.
bleeding estimated to amount to 400 cc. The right adnexa During the following weeks, there was a regression of her
and the left ovary appeared normal. A laparoscopic left !hCG blood concentrations.
salpingectomy was performed. Histologic examination of
the specimen confirmed the left tubal pregnancy.
3. Discussion
2.2. Case 2
There are little or no data on the risk of ectopic preg-
A 20-year-old, gravida 0, para 0, female presented with nancy following levonorgestrel treatment as an emergency
mild abdominal pain to the emergency room. A pregnancy contraception. Previous reports have documented five cases
test was positive. She had regular menstruations every 4 of ectopic gestation following the use of the Yuzpe regimen
weeks, and her regular last menstruation period had oc- [4 – 6]. and three cases after diethylstilbestrol or stilbestrol
curred 5 1/2 weeks before. She had had unprotected inter- use [7–9]. Nielsen et al. [4] reported one case and reviewed
course exactly 2 weeks after the menstruation and received the other four published cases of ectopic pregnancy follow-
two tablets of 750 mcg levonorgestrel (Postinor 2) at a 12-h ing the Yuzpe regimen. They concluded that, “in order to
interval. She reported no vomiting after ingestion the med- prevent a delay in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, pro-
ication. One week later, she experienced a mild vaginal viders and the package insert should advise women that
bleeding that was interpreted by her as a period and con- ectopic gestation can occur with emergency contraceptive
tinued 2 weeks. At that time, her physical examination pill failure.” Yet, none of the previous reports has demon-
revealed a small uterus with right adnexal tenderness. A strated that emergency contraception (Yuzpe or levonorg-
transvaginal ultrasound documented an empty uterine cav- estrel) may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy upon
ity, a left normal-appearing ovary and a round tubal mass of contraception failure.
1.5 cm diameter, as well as the presence of pelvic fluid The large multicenter emergency contraceptive pill
suspected to be blood. study[10] comparing the Yuzpe regimen with the levonor-
The patient was admitted to the gynecological depart- gestrel method, reported the occurrence of 42 pregnancies.
ment. At that time, her serum hCG was 1,400 IU/L. Twenty- Eleven occurred in the levonorgestrel group versus 31 in the
four hours later, she complained of severe abdominal pain. Yuzpe group. None of these pregnancies were ectopic.
She underwent laparoscopy, during which a right ruptured However, the number of pregnant patients in this study may
tubal pregnancy was diagnosed, with the presence of a small have been insufficient to display an increase of ectopic
amount of pelvic hemorrhage. A right laparoscopic tubec- pregnancy rate from the expected baseline rate of approxi-
tomy was performed. mately 2% of pregnancies in the general population.
The main mechanism whereby levonorgestrel-based
2.3. Case 3 emergency contraception acts is by interference with lutein-
izing hormone preovulatory surge produced through disrup-
A 34-year-old, gravida 1, para 0, female presented with tion of the normal development and/or the hormonal activity
lower abdominal pain to the emergency room. A pregnancy of the growing follicle [11]. These events occur only when
test was positive. Her menstruations were regular, occurring levonorgestrel is given preovulatory.
every 30 days. Two months earlier, she had undergone a The effects of peri- and postovulatory effects of
first-trimester termination of pregnancy by curettage. She levonorgestrel are still a matter of debate [11]. The peri- and
had had unprotected intercourse exactly 2–3 weeks after the postovulatory administration of levonorgestrel does not
procedure and received two tablets of 750 mcg levonor- seem to impair corpus luteum function or endometrial mor-
gestrel (Postinor 2) at a 12-h interval. A pregnancy test at phology [11]. It is possible that progestin affects the tubal
that time was negative. She reported no vomiting after function. Indeed, high levels of progesterone may cause
G. Sheffer-Mimouni et al. / Contraception 67 (2003) 267–269 269

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