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At the end of this lesson, the

students expected to:

1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
At the end of this lesson, the
students expected to:
1. Discuss the Isometric
Drawing and its views
2. Identify the different types of
3. Explain the two methods of
II Subject Matter
Topic lesson: Different kinds of
technical drawing+
Materials: PowerPoint,
modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing
paper and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8
Lesson Plan in
Technology and Livelihood Education

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (DRAFTING)

Course & Year: Grade 8 Perseverance

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss Isometric Drawing and its views.
2. Identify the different types of dimensions.
3. Explain the two methods of dimensioning.

II. Subject Matter

Topic Lesson: Different kinds of technical drawing.

Materials: PowerPoint, modules, Laptop, ruler, drawing paper, and pencil
References: Modules in TLE 8

III. Procedures

A. Preparation

Checking of Attendance


Counting numbers
The teacher will show presentation indicating the rambled words of different types of
The students will count until it stopped to the given number where this student will
answer the question.
B. Presentation
(Present lesson for the day)
The teacher presents the lesson for the day and posts the day objectives that
are going to attained.

1. Discuss the isometric drawing and its views.

2. Identify the different types of dimensions.
3. Explain the two methods of dimensioning.

C. Activity

a. Activity

Let the students define what is drawing.

b. Analysis

1. Why do we need to draw?

2. How the drawing helps you to become creative?
c. Abstraction

The teacher will give a brief description about Isometric Drawing.

The teacher will explain the three visible views of Isometric
The teacher will explain the different types of dimensions.

d. Application

The students will create an isometric cube.

Rubrics scoring sheet.


Accuracy The isometric The isometric The isometric
pictorial view was pictorial view was pictorial view was
drawn according to somehow drawn NOT drawn
standard. according to according to
standard. standard.
Neatness Finished output Pleasing but Finished output
was neatly done, erasures and has so many
pleasing and no smudges are erasures and
erasures/smudges. observable on the smudges and quite
finished output. unpleasant.
Time Management Finished the task. Finished the task. Unable to finish.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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