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Checklist 2: Identify, handle and store painting and decorating materials and components

Steps Painting Painting

and and
decoration decoration
activity 1 activity 2

Step 1: Check materials and components for conformity to the ✔ ✔


• Material schedule

• Material plans and specifications

• Environmental characteristics

Further, record the following using Template 2:

• Materials and components received

• Material specifications

• Material environmental characteristics

Step 2: Identify handling characteristics of materials and ✔ ✔

components from safety data sheets (SDS) and regulatory
requirements and use safe and effective handling techniques.

Further, record the following using Template 2:

• Handling characteristics of two (2) materials and


• Safe and effective handling techniques used

Step 3: Check that storage locations meet fire safety, ventilation ✔ ✔

and product-dispersal requirements.

• Evaluate the storage locations meet the following


o Fire safety requirements

o Ventilation requirements

o Product-dispersal requirements

• Further, record the following using Template 2:

o Storage location details

o Fire safety requirements

o Ventilation requirements

o Product-dispersal requirements

Step 4: Sort materials to suit material type, size and safety ✔ ✔

requirements, including SDS. Further, document the following
using Template 2:

• Material type

• Size

• Safety requirements, including SDS

Step 5: Stack materials for ease of identification and retrieval. ✔ ✔

Further, document the safety requirements followed when

stacking materials using Template 2:

Step 6: Protect materials against physical and water damage. ✔ ✔


• Cover the materials with plastic sheets.

• Ensure that the material is properly covered so that no

external material gets in touch

• Use SDS instructions to store hazardous material.

• Place tools and equipment’s in specified location

Further, document the instructions followed to protect materials

against physical and water damage using Template 2.

Sign off:

Date: 6/5/23
Template 2: Identify, handle and store painting and decorating materials and components

Identify, handle and store painting and decorating materials and components

Client Name: Satwinder Job Details:

Address: ABC Identify, handle and store painting and decorating materials
and components
Phone Number: 0044 5982828
Worker signature:

Worker name: Satwinder

Painting and decoration Painting and decoration

activity 1 activity 2

• Materials and List of materials and components received is

attached to this form.
components received
Refer to manufacturers' specifications for
• Material specifications each material and component.
Review Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for each
material and component.
• Material environmental
Check for any environmental requirements for
the materials and components as per
environmental plans and obligations.

• Handling The handling characteristics of the two (2)

characteristics of two materials and components are as follows:
Material/component 1: It is an acrylic paint
(2) materials and that has a medium viscosity. It is flammable
components and needs to be handled carefully.
Material/component 2: It is a laminate that is
rigid and has sharp edges. It needs to be
• Safe and effective handled with gloves to avoid cuts.
handling techniques
used The following safe and effective handling
techniques were used:
Material/component 1: It was handled with
care, and a non-sparking tool was used to stir
Material/component 2: It was handled with
• Storage location details gloves
The storage location
to avoid cuts. details are as follows: Fire safety requirements:
Material/component 1: It was stored in a cool, The following fire safety
dry place away from any sources of ignition. requirements were followed:
• Fire safety Material/component 2: It was stored in a No smoking was allowed in the
requirements secure area away from any sharp objects storage area.
Any sources of ignition were
• Ventilation removed from the storage area.
Ventilation requirements:
requirements The following ventilation
requirements were followed:
The storage area was
well-ventilated to prevent the
build-up of fumes.
Product-dispersal requirements:
The following product-dispersal
requirements were followed:
The materials and components
were dispensed as per
manufacturers' specifications.
• Product-dispersal

• Material type The material type and size were checked

against the order and the attached list of
materials and components.
• Size
SDS for each material and component were
• Safety requirements, reviewed and followed.
including SDS

Safety requirements followed The following safety requirements were

when stacking materials followed when stacking materials:
Materials and components were stacked
safely and securely to prevent accidents.
Heavy materials were placed on the bottom
of the stack, and lighter materials were
placed on top.

Instructions followed to protect The following instructions were followed to

materials against physical and protect materials against physical and water
water damage Materials and components were stored in a
secure and dry area.
Materials and components were protected
from any water sources.

Sign off: Satwinder


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