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Here we go a waffling…

Directions – Use your knowledge of Biology and the nutrition label to the
right to answer the questions below.

1. What term on this label is used to measure the amount of

energy in each waffle serving?

2. How much energy is stored in 1 waffle serving?


3. What biomolecules (macromolecules) are present in a waffle?


4. When you eat a waffle, those biomolecules will get digested into
monomers. Rank which monomers will enter your blood stream from
greatest amount to least amount.




5. Explain what will happen with the carbohydrates you consume in this waffle from start to finish.
You must use the following words in your explanation (glucose, blood stream, enzymes, cellular
respiration, digestion, mitochondria, ATP, stomach, carbohydrate, polymer, energy, monomer, cell).






6. Take a look at the cell below. Several materials must enter the cell for the cell to stay alive. Indicate
on the drawing: (1) the names of the materials that must enter the cell (2) where those materials
will go once in the cell and (3) what materials will leave the cell because they are waste products.
Use arrows to show what is moving into the cell and arrows to show what is leaving the cell.

Thought Question – Where exactly do these molecules get in and out from? In other words, how to
they get in and out when I don’t see any doors or openings on the border (cell membrane) of this cell?



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