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English Page 1 of 2 9º ano

EREM Prof. Humberto Soares Grade

Professor: Mariana Lima
Subject: English
Course: 9º ano
Student ID: Class: (A) (B) Date: 08/16/2023

Preencha o gabarito com caneta preta ou azul. Marque apenas uma alternativa por questão.

Make heavy black marks that fill the oval completely.

a b c d e
a b c d e

Exam: 1082815.0

Q.1 (1.00) - Na frase: “I really love jewelry. TENSE:

However, I can‘t afford many pieces with my The student _____ already ________
salary” (“Eu amo mesmo joias. Contudo, eu his homework (do).
não posso comprar muitas com o meu salário”)...
a) ( ) has/ gove
b) ( ) has/ gaven
c) ( ) has/ got
d) ( ) has/ done
e) ( ) have/done
O termo em destaque (HOWEVER) trans-
mite uma ideia de: Q.3 (1.00) - Complete as frases abaixo us-
ando os verbos em parêntese no Present Per-
fect. Depois, marque a alternativa que tenha
a sequencia correta dos verbos. I – The baby
______________ (to cry). II – Alan
____________ (to finish) the exercise.
Q.2 (1.00) - Complete a oração utilizando apli- III – Bob and Ted _____ (to spend) much
cando as regras do PRESENT PERFECT money.

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English Page 2 of 2 9º ano

a) ( ) has cried – has finished – have spent. c) ( ) however

b) ( ) have cried – has finished – has spent d) ( ) yet
c) ( ) have cried – have finished – has spent
Q.8 (1.00) - Com relação ao Present Perfect,
d) ( ) has cried – have finished – have spent
assinale a alternativa correta:
e) ( ) has cry - has finish - has spent
a) ( ) No Present Perfect expressamos ações
Q.4 (1.00) - No trecho “However, there’s also
que estão acontecendo no momento da
a lot of misleading information, and information
that’s simply untrue”, o termo grifado é uma
b) ( ) No Present Perfect usamos o verbo “TO
linking word que significa:
BE” como verbo auxiliar;
a) ( ) Mesmo assim c) ( ) O Present Perfect expressa ações influen-
b) ( ) Então ciadas pelo presente, ou seja, essas ações
c) ( ) Contudo ainda estão acontecendo;
d) ( ) Desde que d) ( ) No Present Perfect falamos de ações ha-
e) ( ) Por isso bituais;

Q.5 (1.00) - We were tired; _____, we Q.9 (1.00) - Qual o auxiliar do present perfect?
decided to take a break. Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) ( ) because a) ( ) Had
b) ( ) since b) ( ) Have e has
c) ( ) so c) ( ) Did
d) ( ) while d) ( ) Do e Does
e) ( ) Will
Q.6 (1.00) - He likes to play soccer,
_____ he also enjoys swimming. Q.10 (1.00) - Qual frase abaixo está no present
perfect? Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) ( ) and
b) ( ) yet a) ( ) I had already cleaned the house when my
c) ( ) or mother arrived.
d) ( ) but b) ( ) She had just left by the time he arrived.
c) ( ) They did not come with us because they
Q.7 (1.00) - The weather was cold;
had visited this museum before.
_____, we decided to go for a walk.
d) ( ) He asked me if I had ever been to Ger-
a) ( ) moreover many.
b) ( ) therefore e) ( ) My Family has lived in Miami since 2010.

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