September 2023 Online Version

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The Villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,
Enquiries for Weddings and Baptisms should be sent to:
CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at
Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Church Warden Vacancy Church Warden Vacancy
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 September 2023

Sunday 3rd September Trinity 13
I f you come to us at All Saints Newton on
Ouse on the fourth Sunday of the month you
will find us worshipping together in Linton on
Skelton 9:30am Holy Communion Ouse Village Hall. The underlying theme is Café
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship Church where we sit together as a community
talking about almost anything with a sense of
Newton 11:00am Family Communion
prayer accompanied by Coffee and cake or
Easingwold 4:00pm Evensong biscuits. For a while it was combined with messy
church for the children. However, in recent
Sunday 10th September Trinity 14 months it has been combined with Celtic Church
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion that combines sharing thoughts and prayers
within a simple order of service. The Celtic
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion
Church has a focus of bringing us closer to God
Newton 11:00am Family Communion through a better understanding and care for the
beauty of his creation.
Sunday 17th September Trinity 15 In the 21st century it often feels that the
beauty in our world is a difficult thing to find.
Skelton 9:30am Morning Prayer
We recently spent five days in Yosemite
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion National Park which is a place of beauty in itself.
Newton 11:00am Family Communion Last winter the snowfall was much greater than
normal so by the time of our visit the rivers and
waterfalls were at their peak with visions of
Sunday 24th September Trinity 16
white water and power in the waterfalls you
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship for could hear a mile away and that came with their
Harvest own inbuilt power showers and rainbows when
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion you got close enough.
Linton 11:00am Celtic Café Church But you don’t have to be in the USA to be
able to visit places of beauty. Our own benefice
Sunday 1st October Trinity 17 is blessed with beauty in whatever direction we
Skelton 9:30am Holy Communion go. To the west are the river formed valleys of
the Dales. To the north is the White Horse and
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship for
the heather-clad Moors. To the East, the rolling
hills of the Wolds and the grandeur of the coast,
Newton 11:00am Family Communion
to the south the architecture and history of our
for Harvest
mother church, the Minster and the city that
surrounds it. You don’t have to look or go far
From the Register: to find God’s beauty. He put it there to be
Shipton: Funeral of Kathleen Preston, 14th August enjoyed and cared for in equal measure. May
Newton: Funeral of Ernie Huck, 18th August we remember to offer prayer and praise to God
NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER for all that beauty that surrounds us, and the
should be received by the 15th of September for the October issue. beauty of the communities in which we live.
All notices emailed to:
God bless, Revd Taff

GENERAL NOTICES Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655, email or go to
Discussion Group: 7:00pm on Wednesday 13th Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, now online.
September. Venue will be Tanglewood Cottage, Cherry Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 or
Tree Avenue, Newton-on-Ouse, YO30 2BN. Please Aum Yoga York Yoga for fitness, strength and wellbeing at
Skelton Village Hall. New Summer Classes begin Monday 15 May
register your interest, with Rev Catherine Toase, 07777 2023, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Dynamic Intermediate Yoga. Six classes for
672400, £66. Booking essential. Contact Sharon on 07961 585806 or
Enquiries for Weddings & Baptisms should be sent Christian Aid Week Skelton people gave a wonderful £503.45.
to:, as per top of This will help those in Malawi who have had their crops flattened by
cyclones and washed away by floods. £50 provides flood resistant
front page. seeds and tools for a family, £70 provides a bicycle, £250 can pay
for a cooperative oven supporting more than 800 people. Thank
Deepening Discipleship: For new training you to all who gave and those who acted as collecting points
opportunities in lay leadership and ministry (starting in St Giles’ window repairs All the windows have now been repaired
September 2023), please speak to a representative and refurbished and they do look wonderful. Please visit the church
(open every day from 10:00 to 16:00) to look at them. Thank you to
from your local church. The Benefact Trust, The Friends of St Giles, and to all who gave so
generously so that we could get these necessary repairs
SKELTON NEWS Supporting St Giles’ Church If you would like to donate to St
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York Giles’ Church York you can do so via the Parish Giving Scheme
website ( or by scanning the QR code
Volunteers needed to help distribute the Parish Newsletter in
here. Thank you for your generosity in
Skelton. We need some more people to deliver the paper copies of
helping to preserve our wonderful 13th
the newsletter to homes in Skelton. If you can give about an hour of
century church
your time around the start of each month to deliver to a street near
you then please contact Marion Martin on 01904 470676. Thank
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting is on Thursday 24th August
at 7:30pm in Skelton Village Hall. No meeting in July. SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS
St. Giles Opening: Daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-
Skelton Gardening Club: The Gardening Club meet every 3rd 11.30am at Shipton Community Centre. All abilities welcome. Come
Thursday at 2pm in the village hall. Our Autumn meeting is on 21st & experience the benefits for your physical & mental health. Taster
September when Mike Ianson will speak on 'The Gardening Year.' class is £8. Phone: 07515 577377 or 01904 704226. Email:
the first of an interesting varied schedule of talks for our Website:
forthcoming year. We are a friendly group who welcome new Shipton by Beningbrough Parish Council Meetings are held in
members and visitors. For further details phone Janet on 628388, person in the main room of the Community Centre at 7:30pm on
email the fourth Thursday of the month. Members of the public are
Skelton Walking Group: Meet on the village green on Saturday welcome. The agenda is published online (https://
2nd September at 9.30am for a 6 mile walk. Picnic lunch required. & on the Parish
All welcome please ring 470962 for further information. Council notice board (at the bus stop opposite the pub) at least 3
Mandy’s Community Café We are open for coffee & lunches from days before a meeting. To contact the Parish Council please
10:30am until 1:30pm 1st Friday of the month. Come and enjoy a email
warm place with good company, good food & drinks and good Shipton Space Café The waitress service at our Tuesday Café is
books. If you are unable to make your own way to the Village Hall, very popular. Come and see for yourself. There are the usual
we can come and pick you up from home. Contact Carolyn L – delicious cakes and scones to go with the tea & filter coffee. We
470528/ Carolyn E – 470125 will have ice cream and ice lollies during the warm weather. We
Skelton Social Running Group A casual running group meets on also play TABLE TENNIS and Darts. Just a short walk across the
Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherine’s Close. We football pitch is the NEW Shipton Wild Flower Woods – covered
usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone welcome & if with flowers now. CAFÉ at Shipton community hall is open every
enough people we can split into different groups for different Tuesday from 2 pm – 4.30 Tea / Coffee cakes and scones. Chat
distances & speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Community Share and friendship.
Facebook group. Shipton Cinema is on every 1st Friday. Doors open at 7pm for
Skelton WI: 14th September, in the village hall at 7.30pm. The 7.30. Bring your own drinks. If you have any
speaker is Rosemary Cook, The Kyra Project: Helping Abused questions about the show, please text Branwen on
Women in York. Guest are most welcome for further information 07986 244599. If you want to join the Cinema & Café
please ring 470113. email group, scan this QR code, or ring
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every John on 07906 890 465 or 01904 470187. You can volunteer to
two weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card, join the staff by ringing these numbers.
return books from any other York library, & request books to be Shipton By Beningbrough Playground 100 Club
brought to Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from Congratulations to the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough
2:40pm to 3:10pm and Brecksfield from 3:15pm to 3:50pm. Playground July 2023 100 Club draw, drawn at the Parish Council

meeting on Monday, 24th July: 1st Prize £53.13 Muireann Egan BENINGBROUGH NEWS (continued)
(Ticket 72) 2nd Prize £26.56 Peter Chapman (Ticket 35) 3rd Prize
its site on Back Lane. Options, showing annual rental rates, are:
£26.56 Annie Bennet (Ticket 469). If you would like details of how
to join the 100 Club, at a cost of £32.50 per year, please contact us half plot £20, or quarter plot £10, with a one-off set-up fee of
by email on The £10 in both instances. If you are interested in taking on a plot
money raised from the Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards please contact John Barnes-Tee:
the maintenance running costs and new equipment for our All Saints Shelf Indulgence Café - 10:30am on Saturday, 9th
playground. Thanks again everyone, the next draw will be September - Indulge in a coffee or choose from a selection of
24 August. teas and infusions with an included freshly-baked scone.
Forward-buy a coffee for a new resident or friend! Take home
‘off the shelf’ freshly-baked cakes, scones or sweeties from our
selection. Browse our shelves of books for sale at bargain
NEWTON, LINTON & prices. Everyone welcome.
BENINGBROUGH NEWS Friends of All Saints: 7:00pm, Thursday, 5th October -
welcomes Jan Jauncey to tell The Story of
Linton on Ouse Parish Council Meetings are held in person Montcony. Montcony, a tiny village in Burgundy, home of defiant
in the main room of the Village Hall at 7:00pm on the third acts in 1942 which led to the forming of the French Resistance
Thursday of the month. Members of the public are welcome. in that area and its links with Linton on Ouse. Jan will give
The agenda is published online: us more background to the story. & on the Parish Council Treasurer Vacancy: All Saints PCC has a vacancy to fill with
notice board (outside the Village Hall) at least 3 days before a immediate effect. If anyone is interested in fulfilling this role and
meeting. To contact the Parish Council please requires further information please contact Victoria Woolf via
email private message or email
Craft and Chat We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Linton history group: Display of local history 16th September
each month except August. Cost is £3.00 per session from 1pm. 12-3.30pm in the village hall Linton, all welcome. AGM Linton
Bring your own crafts. Enjoy a cuppa with like minded people. History Group 6th October 7pm, in Linton village hall.
Coffee mornings have restarted in the village hall Linton Coffee Christian Aid 2023: Thank you to everyone in Shipton and
Mornings in the VH Every 3rd Saturday of the month from Newton who contributed to Christian Aid via the church
10am. Join us for a bacon/sausage sandwich. Good company! envelope collection. The sum of £282.92 plus Gift Aid was
A warm welcome awaits! Thank you very much Pat Hunter raised.
01347 848629
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Bill for details on
01347 844001.
Book of Remembrance: If you would like an entry for a
deceased loved one in the church’s new Book of
Remembrance, please complete the form on the church
website: and pay the small fee
required to cover calligraphy charges into the specified account.
The book will be on permanent display in the church.
North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes have resumed at
Linton Village Hall every Tuesday and are available for all ages Adverts:
and abilities from tots to adults to enjoy. For further details
Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
contact Diane Sugden on 07810 483 546, or email:
when contacting advertisers or see our Facebook page
Church Website: Available at Advertising space available.
Requests for Friends Membership, Remembrance Book entries
or baptism/marriage enquiries can all be made through the new Help support the parish newsletter.
Line dancing in the Newton Parish hall Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Please contact:
-9:00pm. £5 per person. Contact: 07941 459862 Dave Stamp.
Church opening hours: All Saints’ church is currently open
from 11am to 3pm daily.
Foodbank Collection: Items for the York Foodbank can be left Would you like a helping hand to keep your
inside at the rear of the church during any of the daily opening garden beautiful?
hours of 11am to 3pm. Groceries of all kinds are welcome, but
no home-baked or other fresh food please. We will ensure the  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
items reach the Foodbank as soon as possible. Thank you for Call Alex on:
helping those in need. Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association has vacant plots on Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC

Pain Free Start Physiotherapy Practice

20 years experience treating: Advertising space available.

- Sports injuries - Rehabilitation Help support the parish newsletter.
- Back and neck problems - Joint problems
- Pregnancy related problems - Nerve pain Please contact:
- Arthritis management - Headaches,
01347 844013, 8 Parkside, Newton-On-Ouse.

Aspire Advertising space available.

Built-in and Freestanding Help support the parish newsletter.
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Dishwashers – Washing machines Please contact:
Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
All leading brands - 40 years experience
Tel 07764 160654

Cundall Computers
Repairs & Support – Virus Removal – Tuition
JDC Quartz Watch Repairs
Battery & strap Replacement / Bracelets Sized Your Local Firewood Log Supplier
Ultrasonic Cleaning & Much More
For Both The Above Services Tel: 01904647823 Based at Overton Free Delivery
10 Manor Park Road, York, YO30 5UD. EST 30YRS Seasoned and Kiln Dried Logs
Call 01904 470327 or order online
D Salmons Fencing and Gardening
All types of fencing & shed construction
Patios, decking, pressure washing, hedge cutting.
Ethical waste disposal, professional, friendly, fully
insured, Numerous references available
Tel: 07831 258 855

Advertising space available.

Advertising space available. Help support the parish newsletter.
Help support the parish newsletter. Please contact:
Please contact:

ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact to enquire about advertising opportunities

Celtic Café

All are Welcome

Every fourth Sunday of the month
At Linton Village Hall - 11:00am
(10:00am for June 2023)

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