MGPS Maintenance and Inspection

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Maintenace/Inspection Procedure for MARINE GROWTH PREVENTING SYSTEM (MGPS) Inopaction Interval , te Tnpaction them Description of Inspection oorting Inver oo Lg Sheets) T Towpat vatage (2) ws outpn—| rry day ring te Cirat vorage Smetaely | 0 ee Urey acer on he Fh curcent hep) fatter conlanion Tor adequate valvee (1) ‘hoe of tne 8 ek thereaFber eplecenent of aroge 18 rapired If the rated erage (2) $9 rot obtained 2 | seneter Flow Rate In = aitte To check Flow Heter on the Inlet ste to 200 IF ectrolytic Cell (7M) the fw rate In in excess of the dstanatad value (7) Torkel value sees Plage 966 “operation 1 attached hereto 3 |pistrittion of EtectroLized Sem = antes To check the reading of Flow neter for distribu fiver on the outlet aide of lon to soe If the slectrol aed eee water 19 Electrolytic Cel property datelbuted song Sea Cheat In c86t hat dtteibtion mt be ede simiitanecssly org Sen Cheat at two ware Lona ons 1 [emtorine Compounds Concentration | n the order of one weak To check semater taken oot of Air Yet of (om Anter Pump with e chlorimter to 268 AF the ‘Smemtration of Chlorine Compounds 59 an (Stpunte Levels shlch should bo In the range fron 0.05 pm 62 0.3 9m ‘To resove Ane from cathode to check Ue : WPiv etectroiyete protects are foraet on the by Trenteltetion of platinae plating off Sate 0) Mt ee ratte packing #2 49 normal condition, 5 | stectrotytio Catt (on the onder of onee 8 6 | eweirier itis = To chook If there han ocurred slackening TEittoe oe reopective cable teresa en bt let and tice siden also ot fee Line In cae that heriog {0 obacrve, polish the {ta normal ormittion Te slackening ts oberved, Lighten op the bolts 7 injection sonete very Une of deyocking carry owt vis inapestion to check the fouling (Sulton inde Son Gest amd aio to check $F 1 hore in anything aboraal with Injection Hor Naursa 7 Please oe "Specification 60 (0 Gratis of varkow operating date much an apororiate operation value. THE NIPPON CORROSION ENGINEERING CO. LTD SHOWA BLOG., 1-21-12, MINAMI KAMATA, ORTA-KU, TOKYO, 144, JAPAN ‘TBL 03-3731-B450 FAX 03-3737-8458 -10- 37707E

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