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QATAR | Page 28 BRITAIN | Page 14

steps up
2 – 9, 28
10, 11
11, 12
25, 26
29 – 37
38 – 43
Support for Nato role electoral 12,201.60 8,645.17 107.30
INTERNATIONAL 13 – 24 SPORTS 44 – 48 in Libya at Debates reform -140.24
Latest Figures

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Q since

A 1
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April 19, 2011

Jumada-I 15, 1432 AH

www. 2 Riyals

In brief Emir receives Libyan council chairman

BUSINESS | Warning
S&P threatens to
PM calls
for Arab
cut US credit rating
Standard & Poor’s yesterday
threatened to downgrade
America’s prized AAA credit rating
unless the Obama administration
and Congress find a way to slash
the yawning federal budget deficit
within two years. S&P, which

assigns ratings to guide investors
on the risks involved in buying
debt instruments, slapped a
negative outlook on the country’s
top-notch credit rating and said
there’s an at least a one-in-three
chance that it could eventually
cut the country’s long-term AAA

rating. A downgrade, which would
leave Germany and France with
a higher rating, would erode the
status of the US as the world’s
most powerful economy and the HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani meeting with Libyan Transitional National Council chairman Mustafa
dollar’s role as the dominant global Mohamed Abdul Jalil and his accompanying delegation at Al Wajbah Palace yesterday. HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim
currency. Pages 30, 37 bin Hamad al-Thani attended the meeting. Also present were HE the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin
The Mena region will need to unemployed are young people.” Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani and a number of ministers. Talks dealt with the latest developments in Libya. Page 3
create more than 18mn jobs over He said the Mena region would need
BUSINESS | Results the next 10 years, says the Prime to create more than 18mn jobs over
Doha Bank posts 15% Minister the next 10 years. This is an extremely
difficult task given that the economic
jump in Q1 profit
Buoyant core revenue streams
helped Doha Bank to report a 15%
By Pratap John
Chief Business Reporter
development has not reached the “re-
quired standard” in many countries
of the region.
EU takes step toward military mission
jump in its first-quarter (January- Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim touched

March) net profit to QR363mn. E the Prime Minister and For- upon the rising food prices and said: Reuters body has yet to make such a request. in the western city of Misrata.
Net interest income rose by eign Minister Sheikh Hamad “This has had a negative impact on Brussels “The 27 have now adopted unani- Misrata has been under siege for
33.4% to QR393mn, said Doha bin Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani many countries in the region. Many mously the concept of the opera- seven weeks, during which hundreds
Bank chairman Sheikh Fahad bin has called upon the Arab countries to countries have not been able to cope tions,” a spokesman for EU foreign of civilians are thought to have been

Mohamad bin Jabor al-Thani after “devise and crystallise” an economic with the increase in food price be- he EU has outlined a provision- policy chief Catherine Ashton said. killed, and evacuees say conditions
the board meeting yesterday. Loans model that suits their conditions, cause of lack of resources. As a result al plan that could see European “But it’s not a detailed plan of ac- are becoming increasingly desperate.
and advances stood at QR26.10bn boosts growth and productivity and of this, many Arab people have mini- troops sent to the besieged tion - it’s just the next step and we Valerie Amos, head of the UN Office
and total assets increased by about generates jobs. mum sustenance.” Libyan city of Misrata to protect aid would only get to the stage of any de- for the Co-ordination of Humanitar-
5% to QR46.40bn, while customer “We are in a crucial stage of de- On the global economic crisis, he deliveries if requested by the UN, EU tail if and when there is a request from ian Affairs, has responded to Ashton
deposits and unrestricted velopment and this has to continue. said it was mostly a result of “too officials said yesterday. the UN,” Michael Mann said. by saying she would prefer first to
investment depositor accounts Hence we require an economic model much freedom and too little control The 27 EU states agreed at the Ashton wrote to UN Secretary- explore civilian options as it could be
rose 3% to QR28bn, reflecting the that drives growth and create the on the markets”. start of this month it would be will- General Ban Ki-moon on April 8 say- counter-productive for military forc-
strong liquidity position of the much needed jobs for our youth in Hitherto, the economies were ing to launch such a mission if ing the European Union was ready es to be involved, an EU official said.
bank, he said. Page 33 the Mena region,” Sheikh Hamad bin based on the principle that the mar- the UN asked for it, but the world to act to help relieve the situation Page 12
Jassim said in his opening note at the kets could function and develop the
Arab Banking Conference 2011 at the way they want. They were expected to
ENERGY | Outlook Sharq Village yesterday. regulate themselves, but that did not
LNG prices seen rising Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim’s speech happen.
was read by the Qatar Central Bank “What we have subsequently seen
on Qatar-Japan deal Governor, HE Sheikh Abdullah bin in many countries around the world is
Long-term gas prices are likely Saud al-Thani. misuse of market principles and pri-
to rise after Qatar announced at Stressing the need for economic re- vatisation. A consequence of which
the weekend it would supply an forms, the Prime Minister said: “We was problems relating to risk man-
extra 4mn tonnes, or more than must begin this at our own house. agement in banks.”
60 cargoes, to Japan over the Economic reforms are required be- The global economy shrunk by
next 12 months, possibly diverting cause imbalance exists in growth in about 0.6% in 2009, which has had
supplies from Europe, traders many countries in the Mena region. an impact on the financial system as
said yesterday. Japan is battling We must be able to effectively com- a whole. There is still an imbalance
to minimise power shortages in bat corruption, offer good governance in the global economic growth de-
the aftermath of a devastating and provide transparency.” spite efforts by many governments to
earthquake and subsequent Referring to the political crises kickstart respective economies by al-
tsunami in March. “If Qatar across the region, Sheikh Hamad bin locating large sums of money in sup-
diverts to Japan more than 60 Jassim said: “These are mainly due port of their financial markets.
cargoes that it had contractually to corruption, unemployment and an “The economies of many advanced
committed to others, that would exorbitant rise in the cost of living. countries are still in bad shape. On
have a big impact on spot and The unemployment rate in the Mena the other hand, many countries in
long-term prices,” said a source in region is among the highest in the Asia and Latin America are doing
LNG trading at a Japanese trading world. In some Mena countries this well,” Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim said.
house. Page 35 exceeds 10%. Worse still, most of the Page 33

Accreditation system for private schools

By Bonnie James providing support systems for low tions and Qatar’s needs for a skilled
Deputy News Editor academic achievers. workforce, it is urged.
The NDS points out that Qatar’s The NDS observes that most
school system must also acknowledge schools adhere to a standard cur-

Q atar will establish a national

accreditation system for pri-
vate schools to enhance the
quality of education and to attract
weaknesses in student capabilities.
On national and international tests,
many Qatari students perform below
expectations in core subjects such as
riculum so there is little variation in
school profiles.
Qatar needs to provide diverse edu-
cation options that allow students to
outstanding schools to the country. math and science. choose curricula and teaching meth-
The overall condition of private Programmes should be considered ods that match their aspirations and
schools will be assessed and the pro- to support students who are weak in abilities, the document highlights.
posed accreditation system tested these areas so that they can success- A uniform public K–12 system
in them, the National Development fully continue their schooling, the neglects students with special tal-
Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 has stated. NDS has recommended. ents and interests, such as those
The accreditation system is to be The K–12 national curriculum, drawn to arts, music or sports, it is
applied to all private schools after fi- learning outcomes and instructional stressed.
nal refinement. A set of measures will programmes, must be aligned with The school system also largely ig-
be designed for attracting more out- individuals’ post-secondary aspira- nores vocational and technical tal-
standing schools. ents. International benchmarks sug-
The NDS is looking at completing Curricula for gest that Qatar would be well served
plans pertaining to developing and special needs pupils by offering student-oriented learning
improving the quality of education in and fostering talents outside of the
private schools. Qatar will develop exclusive cur- standard curriculum.
Increasing the share of Qatari stu- ricula for pupils with special needs, in These goals could be achieved
dents approaching or meeting na- connection with defining a national through special classes or specialised
tional standards in math, science and curriculum for K–12 general education. schools. In this connection, the gov-
English is envisaged. The government will evaluate the ernment will implement programmes
The government will review and infrastructure of specialised institutions to support less talented students.
incorporate best practices of teaching and facilities and develop capacity as The target is to strengthen institu-
math, science and English in national needed. Page 2 tional capacity to cater to diverse stu-
curricula, apart from monitoring and dent needs.
Gulf Times
2 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deputy PM receives Macedonian envoy

HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of Emiri Diwan, Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, holding talks with the
Ambassador of Macedonia to Qatar, Fuad Hasanovic, yesterday. They discussed a number of issues of common concern.

Exclusive curricula for

pupils with special needs
By Bonnie James children with special needs. ment schools have been with special learning needs.
Deputy News Editor Schools are encouraged to trained how best to support Awareness campaigns
accept these students, and such students, and experts will be launched for par-
more than half of schools who can assist students ents of students with spe-

atar will develop spe- are equipped to meet the with moderate and serious cial learning needs and for
cialised curricula for needs of students with disabilities are unavailable. other students and society
students with special physical disabilities. Overall, increasing the at large.
needs, in connection with de- Several institutions ca- capacity of specialised in- Qatar will invest in the
fining a national curriculum ter to students who cannot stitutions would lower the development of institu-
for K–12 general education. be taught in regular class- pressure on mainstream tions to enhance teaching of
The government will rooms, offering these stu- schools and reduce waiting students with disabilities,
evaluate the infrastructure dents the education needed lists for existing specialised including identifying edu-
of specialised institutions to help them lead a mean- institutions. cation and career pathways.
and facilities, including ingful life. The NDS states that the The targets in this regard
digital access - for students As the student popula- government will invest in are to increase the share of
with disabilities - and de- tion has grown, however, faculty development for schools equipped with infra-
velop capacity as needed. shortages have arisen in the teaching students with spe- structure for students with
The National Development provision of education and cial learning needs. disabilities to 80% and aug-
Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 training to students with Qatari specialists are to be ment the capacity of spe-
points out that Qatar has special needs. developed to provide compre- cialised institutions and the
adopted inclusive policies for Few teachers in govern- hensive services for students number of Qatari specialists.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3


Emir receives head of

Libyan national panel

H the Emir Sheikh
Hamad bin Kha-
lifa al-Thani held
talks with the Chairman
of the Libyan Transitional
National Council (LTNC),
Mustafa Mohamed Abdul
Jalil at the Al Wajbah Palace
HH the Heir Apparent
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad
al-Thani, HE Prime Min-
ister and Foreign Minister
Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim
bin Jabor al-Thani and a
number of ministers at-
tended the meeting.
Talks dealt with the latest
developments in Libya.
The Emir hosted a lunch-
eon banquet in honour of
the Libyan delegation.
The Libyan delegation HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani receiving the Chairman of the Libyan
left Doha later yesterday. Transitional National Council, Mustafa Mohamed Abdul Jalil, at the Al Wajbah Palace.
The LTNC chairman Mus-
tafa Abdul Jalil was seen to his departure, Abdul Jalil Libya will praise it through- through the state-owned Qa-
off at Doha international expressed deep thanks to out history,” Abdul Jalil said. tar International Petroleum
airport by HE the Minister Qatar, the Emir, the gov- Qatar has recognised the Marketing Company (Tas-
of State for Foreign Affairs ernment and the people of Libyan Transitional Na- weeq), in delivering four ship-
Ahmed bin Abdullah al- Qatar for their support to tional Council as the sole ments of petroleum products
Mahmoud. the people of Libya. “Qatar’s legitimate representative of to the Libyan port of Benghazi
In statement to Qatar position is distinguished the Libyan people. and in exporting two oil ship-
News Agency (QNA), prior and brotherly. The people of Qatar has also succeeded, ments out of Tobruk.

American students’ delegation arrives

QNA connects Qatari and Ameri- their Qatari counterparts Last Spring, QFI
Doha can youth, sponsored by from Qatar Independent Sec- launched the cultural ex-
Qatar Foundation Interna- ondary School for Girls and change programme as part
tional (QFI). Omar bin Al-Khattab Educa- of their Arabic language and

diverse group of The American students, tional Complex for Boys. cultural initiatives in two
students from cit- teachers and chaperones hail The group will explore Qa- urban public high schools
ies across the United from public schools in Bos- tar, participate in education- in the United States: the
States arrived in Doha yes- ton, Massachusetts; Honolu- al and leadership activities, Washington (D.C.) Latin
terday as part of a cross- lu, HI; Chicago, IL; and Seat- practise Arabic, and connect Public Charter School and
cultural exchange trip that tle, WA. They will be joining with their Qatari peers. the Boston Arts Academy.
Gulf Times
4 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In brief

QF campaign Jordanian king to

visit Qatar today

HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin
Khalifa al-Thani will welcome
Jordanian King Abdullah II and
the accompanying delegation
upon their arrival at Doha
International Airport today for a
one-day working visit to Qatar.
Tuck (centre) chairing the event as Warnock (left) and Preston look on. The Emir and the Jordanian

Golden Age
monarch will hold talks on ways
to cement bilateral ties as well as
other issues of common concern.

Singular GCC railway authority Phone call from

‘needed to look into standards’ Palestinian leader

of Learning
HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad
bin Khalifa al-Thani yesterday
By Sarmad Qazi Europe,” Warnock said. PPP like in Kuwait. There will received a telephone call from
Staff Reporter The ever-expanding SCL- be a range of likely contractual Palestinian President Mahmoud
Gulf works to promote the issues, not least the interface Abbas. Bilateral ties and latest
study and understanding of issues in the project,” Warnock developments on the Palestinian

hile the proposed construction law amongst all said. arena were reviewed during the

xactly 1,000 years after ence, medicine, philosophy and scholars were recognised for GCC-wide rail net- those involved in the construc- These range from general call.
Ibn al-Haytham, the man the arts. major advances in astronomy, work will bring tre- tion industry in the region. risk profile, payment, and site
described as the world’s Unified by the Arabic lan- mathematics, chemistry and mendous benefits to the Middle In Qatar, there are five prin- risk to insurance, permits, ter- Advisory Council
first true scientist, began his guage, inventions ranged from other fields of learning. At Qatar East, the daunting challenge of cipal rail projects: a high-speed mination, and limit on liability,
magnum opus Kitab-al-Mana- algebra, pharmacies, Arabic Foundation, we are committed setting up a singular author- rail-link to Bahrain across the he said.
holds meeting
zir, Qatar Foundation for Edu- numerals, human anatomy and to reviving and continuing this ity for standards and co-ordi- Friendship Causeway, Ras Laf- Site risk, for example, War- The Advisory Council held its
cation, Science and Community the categorisation of animal and important legacy by building a nation needs to be addressed, fan to Mesaieed freight and nock pointed out will be of 39th weekly session yesterday
Development (QF) is this week plant life, to the hypodermic sy- platform for research and inno- officials from law firm Norton passenger link, Doha-Saudi great consideration to the con- under the chairmanship of
celebrating human achievement ringe, windmills, irrigation and vation, and fostering a culture of Rose said yesterday. Arabia link to the GCC net- tractors, or whether environ- its Speaker HE Mohamed bin
and the unlocking of human po- the guitar – innovations which quality and excellence.” Speaking at a Society of Con- work, Doha City Metro, and mental permits will be a con- Mubarak al-Kholaifi.
tential. continue to make their mark to- Dr Saoud pointed out that QF struction Law – Gulf (SCL)’s the West Bay and Lusail people tractor’s responsibility. During the session, the memo of
QF has launched a global cam- day. is bringing world-class educa- Doha event held at the Qatar mover networks. “My understanding is that the Cabinet’s General Secretariat
paign to underline what can be tion and research, work experi- Financial Centre, partner at According to the lawyer, most contracts here are subject concerning the Advisory
achieved when people’s true po- “Throughout the Golden ence and career opportunities to Norton Rose Donald Warnock the Qatari model is led by the to the Qatari law and courts, Council’s recommendations
tential is unlocked. It will show- Age, which ran from the 9th Qatar, so that the young people said co-ordination is particu- government where Qatari Diar and that Qatari courts are a on a draft law amending some
case 12 pioneers who, together, to the 13th Century, Arab can develop the foundation in larly important as each of the (51%) and Deutsche Bahn In- fairly decent place to resolve. provisions of the Trade Law,
symbolise QF’s goal of becoming scholars were recognised science, the attitudes and the GCC countries with plans for ternational (49%) are respon- The one question mark is the promulgated by Law No. (27) for
a creator of knowledge in Qatar, for major advances in skills required for the knowledge a railway is employing different sible for managing, design and competency of the judges on 2006, was read out.
the Middle East and around the astronomy, mathematics, economy. “At the same time, we models. construction as well as the technical issues who tend to
world. chemistry and other are building Qatar’s innovation “The GCC rail network is a implementation of the entire appoint a technical expert who Vodafone FY
Also referred to as the ‘Found- fields of learning. At and technology capacity, and fantastic benefit to the Mid- project. may be closer to a party you
er of Experimental Physics,’ Ibn Qatar Foundation, we are knowledge base, by developing dle East… the challenge is (an) “My understanding is that are in conflict with,” Warnock
results on May 25
al-Haytham was a scientific committed to reviving and and commercialising solutions authority to set up standards,” the procurement will begin in said. Vodafone Qatar will announce
pioneer whose ground-breaking continuing this important through key sciences. Warnock said, while pointing June 2011 and construction is Based on other rail projects their full-year results for the year
masterwork now ranks alongside legacy by building a “We are fostering a progres- out that it is not clear whether due to commence in 2012,” he around the world, the official ending March 31, 2011 following a
the works of other pioneers such platform for research and sive society appropriate to the local state laws will apply when said. said, the ones to be carried out meeting of the Board on May 25.
as Newton and Galileo. innovation, and fostering knowledge economy – while borders are crossed. For the sake of consideration, in the region are also political- Results will be publicly available
Ibn al-Haytham embodied a a culture of quality and enhancing our cultural life, pro- “There is a 2011 report (to the Kuwaiti model is a public- ly-sensitive, and a contractor on the afternoon of May 25 on
500-year period of educational excellence” tecting Qatar’s values and herit- come out), which is going to private-partnership (PPP) should also be wary of political Vodafone Qatar’s website at
and scientific discovery in the age, and addressing immediate look into the establishment of a where the government, IPO in- interferences, which generally and on
Arab World, known as the Gold- Launching the QF campaign, social needs in the community. GCC rail authority and that will vestors and selected developers lead to a slowdown. the Qatar Exchange website
en Age of Learning, which saw president Dr Fathy Saoud com- “Qatar Foundation is helping be looking at standardisation will have 10%, 50% and 40% Norton Rose partner Martin A summary
Arab scholars – from Baghdad mented: “Throughout the to create a renaissance of learn- and co-ordination, and will stakes respectively, he said. Preston also spoke. The ses- of the financial results will also
to Bokhara, Cairo and Cordoba Golden Age, which ran from the ing in Qatar and the broader hopefully lead to a top-down “The approach adopted here sion was chaired by Julie Tuck be published in the local Qatari
– leading the world across sci- 9th to the 13th Century, Arab Arab World,” Dr Saoud added. review, which is what we had in (in Qatar) is not the traditional of law-firm SNR Denton Qatar. newspapers on the May 26 .

Expat woman gets jail for fraud Doha forums seek

help to ship Japan aid
By Nour Abuzant June 2009 when Nokia wrote the accused was clear when she The three Iranians carried the
Staff Reporter to the company demanding the delayed the payment for Nokia, boy back to his house and the

money. they observed. victim’s brother informed the oha Mums and Doha over 770 backpacks. After the
The Jordanian, 34, denied any police about the incident. Expat Ladies have ap- second due date we had almost
Three Asian
Jordanian woman has wrongdoing during interroga- A forensic report supported pealed to any company, an additional 900 plus back-
been sentenced to three tions and told the judges that expats jailed for the boy’s claim and the the ac- organisation or individual to packs,” a spokesperson said.
years’ imprisonment she bought 580 mobiles to be cused were convicted accord- help the forums ship free of Now, with close to 1,700 back-
and subsequent deportation for distributed as gifts to winners of sex offence ingly. cost the backpacks they col- packs and with 250-300 boxes,
misusing her position in a ma- competitions organised as part The defendants’ lawyer ar- lected for the children of Japan. the US base is unable to ship for
jor company to get 580 mobile of the company’s annual party . Three Asian expatriates have gued that the confessions of Both the forums have col- free because of the huge number.
phones worth QR1.27mn from According to the chargesheet, been sentenced to 15 years’ im- when a car carrying the three his clients were taken under un- lected almost 1,700 backpacks “If we have to pay, we would
Nokia. the accused “disposed of” the prisonment and subsequent accused approached him . reasonable circumstances. The following an appeal on face- be looking at about $10,000 or
The Doha court of first in- mobile handsets and pocketed deportation for kidnapping and According to the chargesheet, court dismissed the lawyer’s book, which was subsequently QR36,500. Once they get to To-
stance heard that the woman the money. raping a compatriot boy on May one of the accused forced the claim saying that the confes- posted on their website. kyo, Japan, the Girl Scouts/US
prepared the purchasing order The judges ruled that her job 18 last year. boy to board the car. “They drove sions matched the boy’s state- The original plan was to ship Military will help deliver them
under the name of her employer as secretary in her company The Doha court of first in- off to a deserted area where ments during the pre-trial in- about 100 backpacks through to the children in the affected ar-
and promised to pay Nokia the had nothing to do with pur- stance heard that the boy, then they raped the victim inside an terrogations . the US base in Doha. eas,” she added. The forums may
money through a cheque. chases and she knew that very 15, was riding a bicycle near under-construction building in The convicts have challenged “Many schools got involved. be contacted through Wendy
The fraud was discovered in well. The criminal intention of Abu-Hamour petrol station Hadarma area.” the verdict in an upper court. On the original due date we had Baugh-Dobrasz (66119297).

Commercialbank adopts Omega

skills development programme
ommercialbank has
adopted the ‘Omega
Credit Skills Devel-
opment Programme,’ an
internationally recognised
certification conducted by
the Omega Performance
The Bank considers the
programme an impor-
tant element of its ongo-
ing efforts to enhance the
performance and skills of
its employees by provid-
ing them with world-class
learning and development
In all, 20 select staff re-
ceived their certificates at a
recognition dinner held at Stevens with the course participants and other officials.
the Bank’s head office in the
Commercialbank Plaza. Commercialbank Group Commercialbank and its as- Steve Mullins said: “Com- derstand and anticipate
The Omega Credit Skills CEO Andrew C Stevens set portfolio. mercialbank is commit- ongoing customer needs.
Development Programme said: “Our people are key Stevens also asserted that ted to giving world-class Passing Omega is a great
enables bank staff to dem- contributors to the success Commercialbank is keen training to ensure that its achievement and provides
onstrate high levels of tech- of the Bank. We operate not on investing in employee employees are equipped to a solid platform for world
nical expertise, covering all only in a highly competi- training programmes that make the right decisions for class banking ability.”
aspects of commercial lend- tive environment but also go a long way in enhancing both the customers and the Omega Performance
ing and financial analysis in very challenging times each employee’s knowledge Bank. Corporation is a leader in
which will help Commer- and well trained employees and skills and thereby equip “Passing Omega dem- world-wide credit train-
cialbank continually match who make a positive daily them to improve the Bank’s onstrates that our staff can ing and is the performance
the high standards required contribution through well bottom line performance, meet the standards required benchmark for this type
to maintain solid asset qual- considered lending deci- consistently. to maintain a healthy loan of computer-based credit
ity. sions are a strong asset to Corporate Banking head portfolio and further un- learning. .
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5


New students at an event previewing Northwestern University in Qatar.

Largest Northwestern
batch welcomed to campus
orthwestern University in Qa- account standardised test scores, high because there is always something
tar has welcomed its largest school grades, essays, recommenda- happening – things people are doing,
group of admitted students in tions and a personal interview. new ideas, new inventions.”
the university’s three-year history to The entrance tests were so tough Alexander is looking forward not
campus. that some students who had applied to only to the academics at Northwest-
The group of more than 80 visited Northwestern last year and were ad- ern, but also to the extra-curricular
campus for Preview NU, an event held mitted, but declined to attend, failed activities available to all students in
in their honour. This year, the class’ to win admission this year after apply- Education City.
comprehensive admission score was ing a second time, Ouanaimi said. “You have the chance to grow as an
more than 20% higher than in years The admitted students were clearly overall person through the activities
past, said Mounir Ouanaimi, North- excited by the possibility of becoming that are here: recreational photogra-
western’s director of admissions. Northwestern students. phy, community service and every-
“Northwestern admitted a very Alanna Alexander decided to ap- thing else,” she said.
competitive class this year,” Oua- ply to Northwestern after attending a In addition to being exceptionally
naimi said. “Each year we’ve seen an summer workshop at the university in strong academically, this year’s group
increase in both the number and aca- which she learned how to shoot video of admitted students also represented
demic prowess of applicants and this and narrate stories with moving im- more than 25 countries – including the
year was no exception.” ages. Alexander applied to the jour- US, China and countries around the
The comprehensive admissions nalism programme. region.
score is an internal measure that “I’m really excited about North- For the third year in a row, more
Northwestern uses to identify the western,” Alexander said. “I love jour- Qataris were admitted than any other
strongest candidates and takes into nalism because it’s about people and nationality.
Gulf Times
6 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Top companies showcase Qatargas

team makes
products at wireless meet at London
he 26th conference of the dle East was organised by the others Omar Bondogji, head of
Wireless World Research QU Wireless Innovations Center business development, QUWIC

Forum (WWRF) conclud- (QUWIC) at Qatar Science & who talked about the impor- Qatargas team took the
ed in Doha last week. The con- Technology Park, with the spon- tance of creating m-health ap- stage at an ethical cor-
ference which lasted for three sorship of the Qatar National plications locally, reviewed chal- poration conference on
days was held with the theme Research Fund (QNRF). lenges and opportunities in this social and environmental risk
“Wireless Solutions for Vertical The conference was an oppor- space, and explained about m- management earlier this month.
Markets” to highlight the role of tunity for national organisations health applications being devel- The Qatargas team highlighted
wireless technology in develop- and individual professionals to oped by QUWIC with national examples of how Qatargas uses a
ing solutions and applications interact with the world leaders partners in Qatar. wide range of tools, including cor-
for the different sectors. of wireless technology research “We are very proud to see our porate social responsibility and
The conference brought to- and development. efforts materialising in hosting sustainability, to manage and pre-
gether leaders in the field of On another hand, the confer- this world class conference in pare for risks of an environmental
wireless research and technolo- ence enabled some of the leading Doha,” said Adnan Abu-Dayya, and reputational nature.
gies from both the industry and national organisations to show- executive director, QUWIC. The conference was entitled
academia. case their activities in this area. “As a leading innovations cen- “Social & Environmental Risk
Topics of interest for the con- Among those were Qtel, Qatar tre in Qatar and the region, we Management and Implementa-
ference included various topics National Research Fund and have strategic goals to build lo- tion: Innovation and Inspiration
of high importance to Qatar and QUWIC. cal capacity and to establish an for the Extractive Industry.”
the region such as the regional Among the distinguished eco-system for research and Qatargas was represented by
research and development ini- guests was Mohammed al- development. This conference James Baldwin, environmental
tiatives, intelligent transporta- Thani, director of Public Health is another step on this direction manager, and Dana Haidan, cor-
tion systems, wireless for smart Department, Supreme Coun- and we will continue to con- porate citizenship officer. They
living and mobile health (m- cil of Health, who attended the tribute further to making Qatar presented a paper on “Environ-
health). plenary session on the m-health a regional hub for research and mental Risks & Reputational
The conference which was and applications. development,” concluded Abu- Damage: How to identify and re-
held for the first time in the Mid- The sessions featured among Dayya. A panel of experts at the Wireless World Research Forum held at the Sheraton in Doha. duce the threats to our business.”
Presenting the paper, they
said: “Qatargas has developed
a corporate citizenship pro-
gramme aligned with the com-

Qtel presents GIS solutions MoI taking pany’s vision of becoming the
world’s premier LNG company
by 2015 and in support of Qatar
National Vision 2030 and Na-
tional Development Strategy.

N part in Map
ew Geographic Informa-
tion System (GIS) solu-
tions presented by Qtel
at this year’s Map Middle East
conference will positively im-
in the field of GIS technology,
having identified the potential
of using the solutions back in
1991. The first automation proc-
ess for GIS, an application called
tinue to extend the range of serv-
ices across Qatar’s fast-growing
urban and rural areas.
Today, the solution provides
one of the most accurate refer-
The system has enabled the
company to roll-out its national
fibre network in record time,
connecting homes across Qatar
with ultrafast Broadband Inter-
They said: “As we have grown
as a company so have our global
customer base and the markets to
whom we deliver LNG. In turn, the
significance of our relationships

a company spokesman said.

The major exhibition
pact businesses and consumers,

which brings together experts
from across the region to share
TEAMS (Telecommunication
Access Network Management
System) was developed for Qtel
in 1996.
In 2001, the Qtel GIS team
ence points for the growth and
development of Qatar.
Qtel’s GIS enables the com-
pany to map-out the position
of base stations and towers, and
net. Qtel has been able to track
the development of the high-
speed fibre network and ensure
that it is fully connecting with
new developments and residen-
and our environmental and social
responsibilities have increased.
This has brought far greater effi-
ciency and effectiveness of opera-
tion, but also greater vulnerability.

knowledge about the value and identified a GIS Application track the development of the tial areas throughout the coun- he Ministry of Interior dination with the MoMUP. Due to our evolving size we recog-
potential of geo-spatial infor- Network Engineer (NE) solution cable network throughout Qa- try. (MoI) is participating “There is a comprehensive nise that we are now key players in
mation, is taking place in Doha that offers a universal query and tar. Using the GIS system, Qtel Qtel works with a wide range in the seventh ‘Map project by the department to a dynamic energy market system.
this year. display GIS system. Through is able to proactively assess the of organisations across Qatar to Middle East’ conference and using geographical maps in This heightens a series of reputa-
A wide range of research and this web-based solution, Qtel strength of the mobile network ensure the data within its GIS exhibition organised by GIS MoI systems especially for tional risks and therefore expec-
solutions are being demonstrat- employees can access a virtual throughout Qatar by looking at solution is fully up-to-date, and Centre at the Ministry of Mu- mobile security patrols for tations of risk management and
ed that will help capture data map of Qatar which is updated coverage areas for its towers, en- is increasing mapping customer nicipality and Urban Planning easy access to the incident enhanced transparency increase.”
and deploy the information to in real-time, showing new cable suring the company continues data onto its geospatial system to (MoMUP) and GIS Develop- place at the earliest possible,” Further explaining, Dana
support business processes. systems and neighbourhoods, to provide the most reliable net- help improve service levels and ment Foundation . said Brigadier al-Kubaisi. Haidan noted: “Our reputa-
Qtel is one of the pioneers enabling the company to con- work in the country. response times. The event opened by the tional / social risk management
Minister of Municipality and “There is a strategy is challenging and must
Urban Planning HE Sheikh comprehensive project by account for and balance numer-
Abdul Rahman bin Khalifa al- the department to using ous conditions, perspectives and
Thani on Sunday, ends today. geographical maps in MoI variables across our diverse op-
The theme of this year’s systems especially for erational and business portfolio.
conference is building capaci- mobile security patrols” For the challenging and evolving
ties for GIS infrastructure in area of reputational risk and its
the region. The MoI is taking He also added that the de- strong links to environmental
part in the exhibition rep- partment is displaying ad- risk, our corporate social re-
resented by the Information vanced systems such as mobile sponsibility (CSR) programme
Systems Department (ISD) equipment to be fixed in secu- represents an excellent mecha-
with a pavilion that includes rity patrol cars and it will help nism for addressing these chal-
an advanced equipment as the police personnel to reach lenges across the company and
well as some systems the ISD the accident place at the earli- its operations.”
has launched such as geo- est possible through minute James Baldwin concluded by
graphical directory system and maps fixed in the system. It also saying: “Qatargas through its pi-
licensing system of General will help to communicate with oneering innovation has led the
Directorate of Civil Defence. the operations room and patrol. way in Qatar by demonstrating
The director of ISD, Brig- About the geographical di- that ecological and engineering
adier Salih Khamis al-Ku- rectory system, he said that it management can be worked in
baisi, said that the ministry is an Internet-based system tandem to achieve both opera-
is participating in the Map that displays geospatial data tional and environmental wins
Middle East 2011 as part of of Qatar with a number of simultaneously and reduce costs
Qtel officials presenting their Geographic Information System solutions at Map Middle East 2011. its co-operation and co-or- tools for exploring and search. at the same time.

‘Completion of power Lusail City holds appreciation

grid’s second phase ceremony for plant operators
major achievement’ T he management of Lusail
City has held an apprecia-
tion ceremony in recog-
nition of the achievements and
efforts by the batching plants
have been removed for recycling
the surplus and rejected prod-
ucts. We can be proud of these
achievements,” Lusail Real Es-
tate Development Company
ducted workshops to help the
batching plants operators con-
trol the concrete waste in the
area. The workshops gave clear
indication of the waste collec-
urging all concerned to continue
with the good work.
Awards and certificates were
distributed to reward the em-
ployees who participated in the

he completion of the sec- operators to make the north- (LREDC) chief executive officer tion, conditioning systems and cleaning campaign.
ond phase of GCC inter- ern logistic area of the project a Essa Mohamed Ali Kaldari said. the waste disposal processes, “I am very much honoured to
connectivity power grid waste and concrete-free area. Lusail in its effort to combat which were set up specifically for receive a reward of appreciation
was the greatest achievement of Around 60 representatives from waste hazards that might affect this purpose. for participating in a project,
the grid presidency held by Qa- the companies that participated in the area, protect the environ- “We are continuously striving which aims to help make our en-
tar, Qatar General Electricity and the cleaning campaign attended. ment and the workers’ health, as to make Lusail and Qatar the best vironment a healthy one,” said
Water Corporation (Kahramaa) “Approximately 300,000 cu- well as to abide by the manage- examples to go by, in the indus- an employee who participated in
president Issa Hilal al-Kuwari bic metre of construction debris ment plant strategy, has con- try,” the official explained while the cleaning campaign.
said yesterday.
Al-Kuwari will soon hand over
the chairmanship to Kuwait’s
nominee in the power grid after
Qatar holding the presidency for
the last three years.
Terming the rotation of presi-
dency of the GCC Grid once in
every three years an excellent Issa Hilal al-Kuwari: Kahramaa president
level of co-operation and un-
derstanding existed between the the first phase of the project no hurdles for their funding at
member-states, al-Kuwari said completed last year. any stage, added al-Kuwari.
it was only because of close ties “I consider it as a great hon- With the completion of the
that the first and second phase our for Qatar and personally two phases of the project, the
of the grid could be completed in for me that the second phase member-states could explore
time. of the grid was commissioned the new markets for power
With the UAE joining the grid during my tenure,” said al- within the region, said the
last week with the completion of Kuwari. Kahramaa chief.
a 900MW power station in Sala, The budgetary allocations In the event of power emer-
the country is now linked to Qa- for the project in the first two gency, the state concerned
tar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and phases were always on sched- could purchase electricity
Kuwait, which were partners in ule and there were absolutely from the grid, said al-Kuwari. LREDC officials with some of those honoured at the ceremony.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7


DFI hosting events

at US film festival
he Doha Film Institute (DFI) is
hosting a series of events at the
10th Annual Tribeca Film Fes-
tival (TFF), which begins tomorrow
(April 20) in New York.
The DFI initiative at the 12-day TFF
is part of its ongoing cultural partner-
ship with Tribeca Enterprises to pro-
mote regional films and the impor-
tance of storytelling around the world.
The DFI is supporting a variety of
platforms, including industry events,
community screenings and a char-
ity football tournament, to promote
cross-cultural exchange and foster the
growth of the Arab film industry.
In addition, the DFI is hosting
the festival’s Filmmaker/Industry
Lounge, bringing together film pro-
fessionals and festival guests in an in-
teractive environment.
DFI executive director Amanda
Palmer said yesterday that the insti-
tute’s founding objective is to promote
the regional filmmaking industry and
provide Arab filmmakers the opportu-
nity and means to reach out to global
“In addition to establishing stronger
links with other leading film festivals Palmer: the DFI’s objective is providing Arab filmmakers opportunities
to share synergies and serve as scouts
for outstanding works, this strategic North Africa) region and its potential pets Take Manhattan by Frank Oz.
partnership is intended to pair inter- impact on storytelling, production, The live-action musical feature will
national industry players with Arab and global distribution of Arab films. include pre-screening activities such
filmmakers, re-enforcing the talent Panellists include Kaabour, interna- as face painting, Muppet-themed
and creativity that is coming from this tional film distributor Richard Lorber, trivia, henna artists, sing-alongs and
region,” she explained. producer, director and screenwriter surprise guests to ensure fun for the
The DFI’s collaboration with the Cherien Dabis and producer of Cairo entire family.
TFF also gives the former an oppor- Exit, Sherif Madour. The session will The industry component includes
tunity to connect with international be moderated by Arab film consultant the networking event for indus-
communities through the powerful Hayet Benkara. try professionals and filmmakers at
medium of cinema, Palmer pointed As part of its mandate to bring com- the DFI hosted Filmmaker/Industry
out. munities together, the DFI will sup- Lounge.
The DFI celebrates Arab cinema port two diverse events that engage The event provides regional film-
with a special screening of Lebanese and entertain. makers a platform to interact and con-
filmmaker Mahmoud Kaabour’s Teta, The NYFEST Football Tournament nect with global players, share best
Alf Marra (Grandma, A Thousand will see the DFI team competing in practice and highlight the evolution
Times), recipient of the 2010 DTFF a charity event to raise funds for the and growing acceptance of Arab film-
Award for Best Documentary. promotion of football in a day inspired making.
The screening will be followed by a by togetherness and education. For more information, visit the
panel discussion on the recent upris- The second event is the open-air DFI’s official website at
ings within the Mena (Middle East and screening of the 1984 classic Mup-
Gulf Times
8 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


All-new Honda Jazz launched

onda Motor Co. (Middle da’s attention to detail.
East Office) has announced Jazz will be the first car in its
the arrival of the all-new class to be equipped with 5AT
2012YM Jazz in the region. This which ensures smooth and power-
follows the recent launch of Odys- ful start performance and higher
sey in February 2011. fuel efficiency. In addition, dual
The new Jazz embodies fresh mode Paddle Shifter System en-
design, improved aerodynamics, hances “fun to drive” character-
improved interiors, improved fun istics and thus more attractive for
to drive character and reduced young customers.
road noise while following its tra- The ACE (Advanced Compati-
dition of “Man Maximum, Ma- bility Engineering) body structure,
chine Minimum” concept. a concept that has been rolled out
The exterior design of the new across the Honda range, provides
Jazz is more advanced with higher multiple energy absorbing path-
quality. The redesigned front and ways to disperse impact energy
rear bumpers improve its aerody- and prevent cabin deformation.
namic performance that reduces Standard on all models are dual
air resistance and increases fuel front airbags and three point seat-
efficiency, according to a company belts in all five seating positions.
statement. All Jazz models are equipped with
The vehicle is also complement- ABS and electronic brake force
ed with a restyled headlight and distribution system as standard
tail light for a refreshed appear- equipment. In addition to child
ance. Overall, the exterior design seat bar, tether anchors are pro-
expresses dynamic motion and The exterior view of the new Jazz. vided in both left and right rear
spaciousness. seats.
The muscular yet sporty wheel perior visibility and permanent that creates more freedom and tweeters and USB adapter located With its 1.5L i-VTEC engine, the
arches and larger wheels on all illumination. In the centre of the stronger connection with the out- in the centre console. Jazz achieves an outstanding bal-
models also augment exterior aes- cluster is a multi-information dis- side surroundings. Stylishly inte- The Jazz interior is full of prac- ance between fuel efficiency and
thetics in line with the regional play (MID) providing information grated into the fascia, the single tical utility, starting with 10 cup- fun to drive performance which is
customers’ requirements. like instantaneous and average fuel CD/Radio fitted to all models of- holders and a wide range of easy- unmatched in its class. The five-
The cabin features an ingen- consumption, range, etc. fers MP3/WMA playback capabil- to-use storage spaces. The glove speed automatic transmission
ious layout with a natural feeling A panoramic sunroof (option ity and speed dependent volume box is with an AC vent also to keep system and its closely matched
of space and comfort. The large on EX) provides even more sense adjustment. The four speakers beverages cool in the hot and hu- gear ratios also help improve fuel
three-metre cluster provides su- of space and comfort in the cabin are supplemented with a pair of mid GCC region, reflecting Hon- economy.

Expatriate forum holds children’s competitions

he pair of Adhit- Children who took
yanarayanan and part in the quiz and
Sooryanarayan drawing
got the top place in the competitions
quiz competition for organised by Qatar
students conducted by Tamizhar Sangham.
Qatar Tamizhar Sang-
ham recently.
Varun Kumar and
Nivedhitha took the
second place. John Il-
ango anchored the
The Sangham also
hosted a drawing com-
petition and QTS pres-
ident A D K B Charles
gave away the prizes to
the winners.

Advisory Council to recommend

special cells for bounced cheques Officials attend Singapore conference
The problem of bounced cheques ous manner and to avoid the
was discussed by the Advisory need for longwinded processes
Council in its session yesterday in of litigation in the courts of law. It
the context of the Cabinet’s note has recommended that the cell
on the subject, according to the officials can summon the parties
local Arabic press. involved in every dud cheque
The Cabinet had sought further case -- the person who has issued
discussions on the recommen- the cheque and the beneficiary --
dations made by the Council and settle the matter amicably by
last year regarding the setting mutual consent.
up of special cells in the Capital It has also recommended that the
Police Station and in the security Qatar Central Bank should impose
branches of the Ministry of Inte- strict control on all financial transac-
rior, besides a separate division tions in the banks and that it should
in the courts of law to deal with stipulate that cheque books should
bounced cheques.In its delibera- not be issued to persons known to
tions yesterday, the Council re- be in default in this matter. Similarly,
solved to recommend to the Cabi- persons who have cases pending
net that the special cells should against them in the courts because of
be granted effective powers to bounced cheques should be barred
settle the problem in a spontane- from availing the cheque facility.

135 Aids cases detected in newcomers

A total of 135 Aids cases were found in 2010 during the compulsory
medical checkup for newcomers, Dr Ibrahim al-Sha’ar, director of the Nakilat and Nakilat–Keppel Offshore and Marine (N-KOM) attended the Sea Asia Exhibition and Conference
Medical Commission told an Arabic daily yesterday. held in Singapore. From left: Abu Bakar Mohamed Nor, CEO of N-KOM; Nelson Yeo, managing director of
The total number of expatriates rejected on medical grounds stood at Keppel Offshore and Marine; Mohamed Ghannam, chairman of N-KOM and managing director of Nakilat; Lim
4,480, of which 4,089 was for lung-related diseases, he said. Hwee Hua, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Transport, Singapore;
According to the official, the commission conducted last year medical Tong Chong Heong, CEO of Keppel Offshore and Marine; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence,
tests on 368449 newcomers and the majority of them (28,319) worked in Teo Chee Hean; Rashid Ali al-Khater, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Singapore; Michael Chia, director of
the fields of foodstuff, barber shops, beauty saloons, laundries and health Group Strategy and Development, Keppel Corporation and managing director of Keppel Offshore; Christopher
clubs. Dr al-Sha’ar also mentioned the smoothness of the procedures Hayman, chairman of Seatrade.
after the adoption of the networking system in the administration.

Nakilat gets international certification

akilat has been certified milestone represents another tan-
under ISO 9001:2008 gible example of our commitment
and under the OHSAS to excellence in all business areas.
18001:2007 standards by Lloyd’s “This accomplishment high-
Register Quality Assurance lights the dedication of the entire
(LRQA), it was announced yester- Nakilat team working in co-oper-
day. ation to effectively implement and
LRQA is one of the world’s lead- maintain the integrated manage-
ing accreditation authorities and ment system necessary to achieve
recognised for their high standards the company’s vision and mis-
of technical competence. sion.”
“These certifications attest The official stated Nakilat’s goal
to Nakilat’s high international is to be the world’s leading owner
standards of service, organisa- and operator of vessels for the
tional effectiveness and com- transportation of LNG and associ-
mitment to a safe and healthy ated products.
workplace and environment,” “We also aim to be the provider-
chairman Hamad Rashid al-Mo- of-choice for ship repair and con-
hannadi said. struction services, as measured by
LRQA’s MEA area manager Al-Mohannadi receives one of the certificates from Obaid. customer satisfaction, financial
Basem Obaid awarded the cer- profitability, growth, operational
tificates to al-Mohannadi dur- “Nakilat’s achievement is Khalifa al-Thani of applying ity,” al-Mohannadi explained. efficiency and high standards of
ing Nakilat’s sixth annual general in line with the clear vision of the highest standards of safety, Nakilat managing director Mo- safety, health, environment and
meeting. HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin health, environment and qual- hamed Ghannam said: “This new quality,” he added.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 9


Exhibition, meet on IT
opportunities in May
lobal Information and Com- and Mada (Qatar Assistive Technology
munication Technology (ICT) Center) is the strategic access partner.
heavyweights have given their “We have already had a tremendous
support to the first annual QITCOM amount of interest in QITCOM 2011
Conference & Exhibition to be held and this is also reflected in the support
from May 24 to 26, at the Doha Inter- extended by these high profile spon-
national Exhibition Centre. sors and with ongoing interest from
Organised by IFP Qatar in partner- others,” said George Ayache from IFP
ship with ictQATAR, the event is de- Qatar. “This shows the strength and
scribed as a gateway for international potential of the ICT industry in Qatar
and regional ICT companies and or- with investment in major ICT projects
ganisations to see what Qatar has to set to double over the next five years as
offer in terms of partnerships and re- part of the challenge to create a vibrant
search and development centres. George Ayache and diverse knowledge based economy
Leading global telecoms solutions by 2030.”
provider Huawei was yesterday an- agement software provider SAP and QITCOM 2011 will have the triple
nounced as the exclusive pearl sponsor business hardware and software com- themes of innovate, connect and trans-
for the event. pany Oracle. Qatar Foundation for Ed- form. It will showcase Qatar’s growing
The company’s products have been ucation, Science and Community De- stature in the ICT industry and under-
deployed in over 100 countries and velopment is also a diamond sponsor. score the myriad of opportunities in
have served 45 of the world’s top 50 tel- Also joining QITCOM 2011 as sponsors the country over the next decade.
ecom operators, as well as one third of are Qatar Computer Services, and Qa- The conference and exhibition will
the world’s population. The company tar Datamation Systems. run concurrently. The speakers in-
operates 17 research and development QNB is the official bank of the event. clude Apple’s former chief evangelist,
centres around the world including in QITCOM 2011 has also secured some co-founder and renowned
the US, Sweden, Russia and India. of the ICT’s biggest names as strategic motivational speaker Guy Kawasaki;
Microsoft, one of the world’s top partners. the US Access Board’s Planning Com-
companies, is a platinum sponsor. Cisco is the digital media partner, mittee chaiman Phil Jenkins; Google’s
Joining as diamond sponsors are some Qatar Science and Technology Park regional manager (Gulf) Mohamed
of the best known names in the ICT is the innovation technology partner. Mourad; and Alcatel-Lucent’s senior
industry including technology and Furthermore, Qatar National Research vice-president (public affairs) Gabri-
consulting giant IBM, business man- Fund is the official research partner, ella Gauthey.

QCAA dept
gets quality

Q atar Civil Aviation Au-

thority (QCAA)’s Air
Navigation Department
(AND) has won the prestigious
Quality Austria (2008/9001)
AND’s General Director
Ahmed Esshaq (right) is receiv-
ing the certificate from QCAA
chairman Abdul Aziz Moham-
med al-Noaimi.
AND’s Aeronautical Informa-
tion Services secures movement
of airliners at the Doha Interna-
tional Airport.
Gulf Times
10 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Gulf troops
to stay until
‘threat’ ends,
says Bahrain
Reuters complete misunderstanding be-
Manama/Dubai tween the GCC and Iran. This is
a threat.”
“I am not pointing fingers

ahrain’s foreign minister here, but what we are seeing
said yesterday Saudi and from Iran, on Bahrain, on Saudi
UAE forces called in to help Arabia, on Kuwait, the occupa-
quell street unrest would leave tion of the islands of the Emir-
only when “any external threat” ates, doesn’t make the situation
he associated with Iran was seen a positive one. It keeps it a con-
to be gone. stant threat, and ongoing one.”
Pro-democracy demonstra- The protesters said they had
tors in Bahrain have denied any no loyalty to Iran, rejecting ac- Soldiers march during a ceremony marking Army Day in Tehran yesterday.
link with the Islamic Republic. cusations by Bahraini officials
Bahrain’s prime minister de- that they were supported by the
scribed the several weeks of Islamic Republic and the Shia

Tension rises as GCC

anti-government protests by the militant movement Hezbollah,
country’s disaffected Shia ma- which denied training demon-
jority as a coup attempt and said strators.
those who took part would be Iran complained to the UN
held to account. about the deployment of GCC
The mostly Shia protesters forces in Bahrain and said it
in the outpouring of unrest in could not remain indifferent to

asks UN to curb Iran

February and March demanded the crackdown on protests.
more freedom, an end to dis- “Bahrain has witnessed a coup
crimination and a constitutional attempt,” Prime Minister Sheikh
monarchy in Bahrain. Khalifah bin Salman al-Khalifah
Bahraini rulers crushed the said in remarks carried by media
protests last month, deploy- yesterday. “No violators would
ing security forces in the capital get away with it. All co-conspir-
and calling in troops from Gulf ators and abettors must be held The Gulf Co-operation Council military intervention in Bahrain tension, they seek to sow discord fire” after sending troops into spokesman Mark Toner said last
neighbours Saudi Arabia and the accountable.” calls on “the international last month. among Shias and Sunnis... but Bahrain to help in quashing a week, calling the development a
UAE under the aegis of a Gulf de- The government has arrested community and the (UN) “The main reason (for the their plan will fail,” he said. month-long uprising. “real concern.”
fence pact. hundreds of people who took Security Council to take the GCC move) is the uncovering of State television later reported Iran on Friday said it demand- US Defence Secretary Robert
Foreign Minister Sheikh Kha- part in the protests and state- necessary measures to stop Iranian (espionage) cells in Gulf foreign ministry spokesman ed intervention from the UN Se- Gates warned during a regional
led bin Ahmed al-Khalifah hint- owned firms have fired Shia flagrant Iranian interference” countries, in addition to direct Ramin Mehmanparast as saying curity Council to “stop the killing visit this month that extremist
ed that Gulf troops could be there workers who were absent from and indirect interference,” said the GCC’s “repetitive and false of the people of Bahrain”. groups such as Al Qaeda and Iran
for some time, saying they would work during a strike called for by AFP the head of the Dubai-based accusations” were “the wish The more strident GCC tone would try to exploit unrest re-
remain until what he described unions. Dubai Gulf Research Centre, Abdulaziz of enemies who for years have came after Washington accused sulting from pro-democracy up-
as a threat to Gulf Arab countries The International Trade Union Sager. sought to (act) against the unity Tehran of helping Syria in its risings in several Arab countries.
from nearby Shia power Iran was Confederation said in a statement Earlier this month, Bahrain of the Muslim world.” crackdown on pro-democracy “We must make sure these

over. that about 2,000 workers who ension between Gulf states said two Iranians were being put The GCC earlier this month protesters, a claim that both Da- guys don’t make a free ride,”
“There are no Saudi forces, took part in the protests had been and Iran has risen again, on trial on charges of spying for accused Iran of plotting against mascus and Tehran denied. Gates said.
there are GCC (Gulf Co-opera- sacked, including 22 local trade with GCC members ac- Tehran, and Kuwait announced its security after the Iranian “We believe that there is cred- Israel’s Prime Minister Ben-
tion Council) forces and they will union leaders. “The authorities cusing their Shia neighbour of plans to expel Iranian diplomats parliament’s foreign affairs and ible information that Iran is as- jamin Netanyahu also warned
leave when they are done with are clearly targeting and discrimi- “flagrant” meddling and Tehran for alleged links to a spy ring national security committee sisting Syria... in quelling the that Iran could jump on the
any external threat,” he told Reu- nating against workers due to charging Washington with sow- working for Tehran. warned Riyadh “not to play with protesters,” US State Department chance to manipulate Arab re-
ters on the sidelines of a confer- their involvement in union activi- ing regional discord. “Fuelling tension through volts.
ence in the United Arab Emirates. ties,” the trade union group said. In a strong statement on Sun- (Iranian) media like Al Alam Ahmadinejad calls for regional unity “We could find that the Arab
Asked to elaborate, he said: It called for the International La- day, Gulf Co-operation Council and (Hezbollah’s) Al Manar tel- Spring turns into an Iranian win-
“The external threat is a region- bour Organisation to form a com- member states told Iran to stop evisions, and the feeling among Iranian President Mahmoud jad said in a speech. But at the ter,” he said on Sunday.
al one. The external threat is a mission to probe the firings. its “provocations,” a month after Gulf states that their embassies Ahmadinejad called for unity in same ceremony, where military Lebanon’s Saudi-backed
Bahrain quelled a Shia-led upris- in Tehran were in danger” also the Middle East yesterday, a con- hardware and troops paraded caretaker prime minister Saad
Media watchdog urges death investigation ing, triggering a tirade of Iranian prompted the GCC statement, ciliatory message that contrasted past the top brass, Supreme al-Hariri has also slammed “bla-
condemnation. Sager said. starkly with another senior Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s tant Iranian interference” that
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) independent investigation into the The group called on “the in- “There is a contradiction be- figure’s remarks against Saudi senior military adviser said Iran’s caused Lebanon and other Arab
yesterday urged an “independent exact causes of Fakhrawi’s death,” ternational community and the tween what the Iranians say and Arabia. At a parade to mark the anger at Riyadh’s intervention countries to suffer “politically,
investigation” into the death in it added. “Those responsible must (UN) Security Council to take what they do,” he said, and added annual army day, Ahmadinejad in Bahrain had not diminished. economically and in terms of se-
detention of one of the founders be arrested and tried.” Fakhrawi, the necessary measures to stop that Iran insists on meddling in said events had shown Wash- “The presence of Saudi forces in curity.”
of an independent Bahraini news- a 49-year-old businessman and flagrant Iranian interference and Arab affairs, despite statements ington had failed to dominate Bahrain to suppress the Bahraini But despite their close tim-
paper. RSF “is outraged to learn a member of Bahrain’s main Shia provocation aimed at sowing of readiness to resolve differ- the region, where uprisings people is against international law ing, Sager insisted that the lat-
that Karim Fakhrawi, one of the group, the Islamic National Accord discord and destruction” among ences. have taken place against several and is a kind of military interfer- est GCC criticism of Iran was not
founders of Bahrain’s only inde- Association, was arrested on April GCC nations. Iran’s hardliner President US-backed governments, and he ence in the internal affairs of Bah- linked to US pressure on Tehran.
pendent newspaper, Al Wasat, and 3. Bahraini authorities have said Saudi Arabia on Sunday also Mahmud Ahmadinejad respond- issued a plea for “honest unity”. rain which is condemned from “There are no American mo-
a member of its board, died in cus- that Fakhrawi died from kidney threatened to recall its diplomats ed yesterday to GCC criticism by “Safety and stability of the region the international law standpoint,” tives... and there is no co-ordi-
tody on 12 April, one week after his failure, but his relatives doubted from Tehran unless they were blaming the US for the tension depends on honest unity and co- Yahya Rahim-Safavi, former nation in this matter” between
arrest”, the media rights watchdog this, saying he was healthy when better protected, a week after with its Arab neighbours. operation between nations and chief of Iran’s elite Revolutionary the US administration and Gulf
said in a statement. “We call for an arrested. students protested outside the “America and its allies are try- leaders in the region,” Ahmadine- Guards, told reporters. states, he said.
Saudi embassy against Riyadh’s ing to create an Iranian-Arab

Dubai probing death

of Briton in custody
AFP A spokesperson for the
Dubai British embassy had told
AFP that a Briton had died
in police custody, and that

ubai is investigat- “the embassy is in close
ing the death of a contact with Dubai po-
39-year-old British lice and has been assured a
man in custody in the emir- full investigation will take
ate, the public prosecutor place” into the circum-
said yesterday. stances surrounding his
“The Dubai Public Pros- death.
ecutor, Essam al-Humaidan Brown, who local news-
has announced that inves- paper 7Days said was a
tigations into the death of tourist, died in his cell on
British citizen Lee Bradley April 11, nearly a week after
Brown are still underway,” being arrested, the English-
an English-language state- language daily said.
ment reported. According to the report,
Earlier yesterday, the the British embassy “said it
“Dubai Public Prosecu- had been contacted by the
tion met with ... (Brown’s) 39-year-old’s family, who
parents and allowed them claimed Brown was beaten
to view and claim the body by police officers during his
along with his personal ef- detention”.
fects,” it added. The embassy spokesper-
In a statement on son said there was no im-
Thursday, Dubai’s public mediate confirmation of
prosecutor said the Briton any torture.
had died in police custody Humaidan said in the
from suffocation, but me- statement that Brown was
dia reports emerged alleg- jailed for “verbal and physi-
ing that he had been tor- cal assault on female staff
tured. of the Burj Al Arab Hotel”,
“The post-mortem re- the iconic sail-shaped ho-
port ... had shown the death tel that bills itself as seven-
of the British tourist was star.
caused by suffocation” from Brown attempted to
vomit in his respiratory push a female staff mem-
tract, Humaidan has said, ber off one of the sixth-
adding that “blood and floor internal balconies
urine tests... revealed traces before being restrained by
of hashish in the blood of other hotel staff, Humaid-
the deceased”. an said.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11


Suicide bombs kill five 81 hurt as Iraq security Five members of rebel Jordan urged to lift curbs Military helicopter crash
at Baghdad Green Zone forces, protesters clash group arrested in Iran on freedom at universities in Darfur kills five: army
Two suicide car bombings killed five people Eighty-one people were wounded, nine by Iranian security forces have arrested five Human Rights Watch yesterday urged Jordan’s A Sudanese army helicopter crashed yesterday
and wounded 15 yesterday at the entrance live fire, in a second day of clashes between members of Sunni militant group Jundallah in government to end “restrictions on free in North Darfur, killing all five people on board,
to Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone. protesters and security forces in Iraq’s the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, expression” at universities where intelligence an army spokesman said, in the second such
Officials said the bombings occurred at around northern city of Sulaimaniyah yesterday, a the official Irna news agency reported yesterday. officers monitor the expression of opinions by accident in less than a week. “The helicopter,
8.30am at the western gate of the Green Zone, medical official said. “Eighty-one people were “A (Jundallah) terrorist ring with the intention students. “The government should respond trying to land at El Fasher airport experienced
which houses the offices of Prime Minister Nuri wounded, nine of them by bullets. Security of destabilising the region was identified and to King Abdullah’s reform directive, including a technical problem and crashed,” Sawarmi
al-Maliki, the Iraqi parliament and the US and forces personnel are among the wounded,” obliterated,” the agency reported quoting the greater academic freedom, by ending restrictions Khaled Saad told AFP. “The aircraft was
British embassies. A queue of cars was waiting said Dr Raykot Hama Rashid, director of the provincial intelligence department as saying. on free expression on campus,” the New York- completely destroyed and all five people on
to enter the Green Zone when the vehicles main hospital in the second largest city in “Five terrorists were arrested along with four based rights watchdog said in a statement.. board were killed. Three of them were crew
exploded, a security official said. “Two suicide Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan province. The explosive vests and some ammunition,” the “Jordan’s universities can’t be considered free and two were passengers. They were all in the
car bombs exploded at the western gate of the clashes took place in Peeramard Street in report said. Irna did not say when and where the institutions of learning if intelligence officers are army,” Sawarmi added. The crew members were
Green Zone,” said Baghdad security spokesman central Sulaimaniyah, which has seen near arrests had been made. The shadowy Jundallah, breathing down the necks of those who think all officers while the passengers were ordinary
Major General Qassim Atta, who blamed Al daily demonstrations since mid-February, and whose leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged in critically and interfering with their peaceful soldiers, according to official Sudanese media.
Qaeda for the attack and put the toll at five where Rashid had said 31 people were injured June 2010, has been waging a deadly insurgency activities,” said Christoph Wilcke, senior Middle The aircraft had just completed a regular flight,
dead and 15 wounded. on Sunday, nine of them by bullets. in southeastern Iran for almost a decade. East researcher at HRW. the spokesman said.

Yemen ruling
party figures
form bloc to
back protests
The new party, called the The new party, called the Jus- stones, doctors said, and protest-
Justice and Development tice and Development Bloc, op- ers began to withdraw back to
Bloc, opposes the suppression poses the suppression of pro- their camp.
of protests and is demanding tests and is demanding an end Clashes erupted again as riot
an end to Saleh’s 32-year rule to Saleh’s 32-year rule, its leader police fired shots and teargas at A weapon and bullets are seen as Libyan rebel fighters pray near the front line along the western entrance gate of Ajdabiyah yesterday.
Mohamed Abu Lahoum said. a group of protesters, witnesses
Agencies The new party includes former said. Protesters responded by

Libya forces shell Misrata,

Sanaa ministers for tourism, human marching out of their camp again,
rights and transport from the rul- this time headed for Hudaydah’s
ing party, and a number of mem- main thoroughfare, residents

embers of Yemen’s rul- bers of parliament, who joined said.
ing party including three a stream of former officials who Five people were shot and 68

1,000 are evacuated by sea

former ministers formed have already deserted Saleh. were beaten or suffering from
a new bloc yesterday to support “We support the youthful rev- teargas inhalation, they said. Za-
protests against the rule of Presi- olution and we are with it,” La- yed said protesters had built a
dent Ali Abdullah Saleh. houm said. “The issue is not the roadblock to try to prevent police
The protests, inspired by up- split from the ruling party but the getting closer to the demonstra-
risings that toppled the leaders difference in views.” tions. Reuters A rebel spokesman said four spokesman in Misrata, said by vilians are thought to have been
of Egypt and Tunisia, are now in In Hudaydah, residents said z Gulf foreign ministers will meet Benghazi, Libya civilians were killed and five telephone. killed.
their third month and bring tens that plainclothes police armed a Yemeni government delegation wounded by government shell- “It is clear Gaddafi wants to The Ionian Spirit steamed out
of thousands of people onto the with clubs, pistols and stones had in Abu Dhabi today to discuss an fire which pounded Misrata, wipe out Misrata. Nato’s inac- of Misrata carrying 971 people,

streets almost every day demand- attacked thousands of protest- initiative to end the standoff be- chartered ship evacu- Libya’s third-largest city and the tion is helping him carry out this most of them weak and dehy-
ing an end to endemic poverty and ers who had marched into the tween protesters and authorities, ated nearly 1,000 foreign rebels’ main stronghold in the plan. Are they waiting for a mas- drated migrants mainly from
corruption. Scores of protesters streets outside the square where a statement said. workers and wounded west of the country, for a fifth sacre to happen to realise that Ghana, the Philippines and
have been killed. they have been camping for weeks Abu Dhabi today “will host an Libyans from Misrata yesterday day yesterday. they need to change tactics?” Ukraine, heading for the rebel
At least 88 people were wound- calling for Saleh to go. extraordinary meeting of foreign as rebels said they had gained But rebels also said they had Abdelsalam said. stronghold of Benghazi in east-
ed yesterday in the Red Sea port of “We’re appealing for help in ministers of the Gulf Co-oper- ground in fighting with govern- gained ground in fighting on bit- “They need to realise that ern Libya.
Hudaydah as plainclothes police medical supplies as we’re really ation Council... with a Yemeni ment forces in the besieged city. terly contested Tripoli Street, their large aircraft are no longer It was the second vessel char-
fired bullets and teargas at pro- suffering from a severe shortage government delegation,” the GCC “We wanted to be able to take a key battleground in the city’s useful. Gaddafi changed tactics. tered by the IOM, which took out
testers, who responded by hurl- ... the medical situation is really said in a statement. more people out but it was not seven-week siege by forces loyal This is urban warfare.” nearly 1,200 migrants from Mis-
ing stones, witnesses and doctors bad,” said protester Abdul Jabar GCC foreign ministers met on possible,” said Jeremy Haslam, to President Muammar Gaddafi. Another rebel spokesman rata last Friday.
said. Zayed. “We have some friends Sunday in Riyadh with a Yem- who led the International Or- “The revolutionaries have raised the death toll from shelling Among the rescued group
After years of backing Saleh as a missing and we think they were eni opposition delegation seek- ganisation for Migration (IOM) made progress and are control- on Sunday to 25, mostly civilians, were 100 Libyans, including a
bulwark against regional instabil- arrested, we are still making cal- ing details on a plan for Saleh’s rescue mission. ling some areas surrounding because several of the wounded child shot in the face, the IOM
ity and the activities of Al Qaeda’s culations but no specific number departure. “Although the exchange of fire Tripoli Street, but danger is still had died, and said about 100 said in a statement. “...the mi-
active Yemeni branch, Saudi Ara- yet.” On April 10 the GCC appealed subsided while we were boarding there because (Gaddafi’s) snip- people had been wounded. grants still in Misrata cannot
bia and the US are now pressing In a first round of clashes that to Saleh to “announce the trans- ... we had a very limited time to ers ... are now using (rocket- Evacuees say conditions in survive much longer like this,”
him to negotiate with the opposi- hurt 15 people, two were shot and fer of his powers to the vice presi- get the migrants and Libyans on propelled grenades) RPGs and Misrata are becoming increas- said IOM Middle East represent-
tion on handing over power. the others were beaten or hit with dent”. board the ship and then leave.” bombs,” Abdelsalam, a rebel ingly desperate. Hundreds of ci- ative Pasquale Lupoli.

World ‘losing’ war on piracy

AFP to make honest money, the lack of
Dubai structure, the lack of security, and
the lack of hope for a stable future,”
he added.

he world is losing the bat- While the solution is ultimately
tle against piracy, the Somali a stable Somalia, there remain seri-
transitional government’s ous challenges to establishing peace
foreign minister warned yesterday in in a country that has been torn by
Dubai as he and other officials em- decades of civil war, since the 1991
phasised that the solution to piracy overthrow of president Mohamed
lies on land. Siad Barre.
“The race between the pirates Fighting continues in Somalia,
and the world is being won by the with the fundamentalist Shebab in-
pirates,” Mohamed Abdulahi Omar surgent movement controlling large
Asharq told a counter-piracy con- swathes of the country, though it
ference in Dubai. has lost ground in recent weeks to an
“Consequently the status quo offensive by African Union and pro-
view that manages acts of piracy government forces.
is no longer a viable strategy. It is Mahiga also noted that a lack
equally clear that piracy can only be of dialogue between various So-
uprooted on land, where it grows and mali political actors, and bickering
persists,” Asharq said, appealing for among political leadership, remains
international aid. Mohamed Abdulahi Omar Asharq, foreign minister of the Somali transitional problematic.
“The world has so far only re- government, speaks at the global anti-piracy conference in Dubai yesterday. International naval forces includ-
sponded with containment. This ing those from the US, Nato, the Eu-
is not productive, or effective, or the solution to Somali piracy must sential changes in security and sta- ropean Union and a number of other
practical, or morally defensible,” he be on land. bility on land in Somalia are made.” countries have since 2008 been
said. “Piracy is one of the consequences And Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, tasked with hunting the pirates, but
“The international community of a prolonged, two-decade political the chairman of giant ports opera- have clearly not ended the problem.
must make the urgent and necessary crisis in Somalia,” Mahiga said. tor DP World, which co-sponsored The two-day conference in Du-
investment in the Somali security “The approach to it must first and the conference with the UAE foreign bai opened just days after mari-
forces to build up the capability of foremost be political. It has been un- ministry, also said that a prosperous time watchdog the International
the state and to establish its national derscored this afternoon that there and peaceful Somalia is the long- Maritime Bureau (IMB) said that
authority. cannot be a military solution,” he said. term solution to the problem of pi- worldwide pirate attacks in the
“Without this twin strategy of “When we address root causes in rates based there. first three months of 2011, driven
military authority and political re- Somalia, we don’t have to wait for “The current international focus by Somali pirates, were the highest
form and reconciliation,” which peace to come full-fledged,” he said, is in finding near-term, offshore ever at 142.
Asharq said the transitional govern- noting that “we can begin to ad- solutions for the piracy menace,” Piracy has made shipping increas-
ment is also pursuing, “we cannot dress some key areas of development Sulayem said. But “it is increasingly ingly perilous off the Horn of Africa,
end the consequences of the civil in areas of relative stability such as clear that the community of nations and its costs have been extensive.
war in Somalia.” Puntland and Somaliland.” needs to be thinking also long-term, Ron Widdows, the president of
“And unless we do so, we will not United Arab Emirates Foreign and on shore. Neptune Orient Lines and chairman
resolve the causes of piracy.” Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed “This is because stable, prosper- of the World Shipping Council, esti-
Augustine Mahiga, the UN secre- al-Nahyan said that “any actions ous economies are the only effective, mated the yearly cost of piracy to the
tary general’s special representative taken in the field of countering pira- enduring solution to piracy, which shipping industry at “3.5 to maybe
for Somalia, also emphasised that cy would not be effective unless es- feeds on the lack of opportunity upwards of 8bn dollars.”
Gulf Times
12 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gaza gives
Crowds seek murdered
Assad ouster a hero’s
after deaths AFP

alestinian civilians joined
Protests grip Syrian cities rights organisations say has others. It also said a military members of the Hamas
despite pledges by the killed at least 200 people. unit clashed with gunmen on police and security forces
president to lift a draconian “Homs is boiling. The security the highway heading north from yesterday for a funeral to mourn
emergency law forces and the regime thugs have Homs, killing three gunmen. the death of an Italian activ-
been provoking armed tribes for “Protesting peacefully is ist killed by a Salafist group last
Reuters a month now,” a rights activist something we respect but block- week.
Amman said from the city. ing roads, sabotage, and carrying Hundreds of people gath-
Civilians who took to the out arson is something else and ered in Gaza City and at the
streets “were shot at in cold can no longer be ignored,” Sana Rafah border crossing to pay

housands demanded the blood,” he said. quoted Foreign Minister Walid to their respects to Vittorio
overthrow of Syrian Pres- Further north in Jisr Al Shugh- Muallem as saying. Arrigoni, 36, who was found
ident Bashar al-Assad our around 1,000 people called Syria has repeatedly blamed hanged in an empty house
yesterday at the funeral of eight yesterday for “the overthrow of the unrest on foreign powers, in northern Gaza on Fri-
protesters killed in the central the regime”, echoing chants of and the Washington Post report- day, hours after he was kid-
city of Homs as unrest swelled protesters who overthrew lead- ed yesterday that the US has se- napped.
despite a promise to lift emer- ers in Egypt and Tunisia, at the cretly funded Syrian opposition His body was carried from
gency law. funeral of a man they said was groups. Gaza City’s Shifa hospital in a
Activists in Homs said the killed by security forces. The State Department said wooden coffin draped in a Pales-
eight were killed late on Sunday In the main port city of La- yesterday that the US was not tinian flag and strewn with rose
during protests against the death takia, activists reported deaths working to undermine the Syrian petals.
in custody of a tribal leader. from clashes overnight. government but is trying to sup- Mourners carrying signs
Wissam Tarif, a rights activist “We heard there were several port democratic goals as it does bearing his motto: “Stay hu-
in contact with people in Syria, deaths yesterday,” a rights activ- elsewhere in the world. man” surrounded the coffin, as
said he had the names of 12 peo- ist. “The pattern is repeating it- “Trying to promote a trans- Hamas police and security of-
ple killed in the city. self: protests, killings by security formation to a more democratic ficials saluted during the state
“From alleyway to alleyway, forces, funerals turned into pro- process in this society is not un- funeral ceremony given in his
from house to house, we want tests, and more killing and vehe- dermining necessarily the exist- honour.
to overthrow you, Bashar,” the ment slogans against Bashar.” ing government,” spokesman A procession of mourners in
mourners chanted, according to Tarif said there had been five Mark Toner said. cars, waving Palestinian flags
a witness at the funeral. deaths in Latakia overnight, Assad “needs to address the from their vehicles, accompa-
YouTube footage showed when security forces opened fire legitimate aspirations of his nied Arrigoni’s body from the
thousands of people in a city on protesters. Ammar Qurabi of people,” he said. “No we are not hospital, south along Gaza’s
square. Syria’s National Organisation for working to undermine that gov- main road to Rafah.
Assad, facing a month of Human Rights said he had the ernment,” Toner said in response Others lined the route, hold-
demonstrations against his au- names of two dead protesters. to a question. ing pictures of Arrigoni, who was
thoritarian Baath Party rule, At a funeral on Sunday in the The Washington Post cited a member of the pro-Palestinian
said on Saturday that legislation town of Talbiseh, north of Homs, diplomatic cables released by International Solidarity Move-
to replace nearly half a century two witnesses said security forc- WikiLeaks showing that the ment and a well-known figure in
of emergency law should be in es killed three mourners when State Department funnelled as Gaza City.
place by next week. they opened fire on them. much as $6mn since 2006 to At Rafah, pallbearers carrying
But his pledge did little to State news agency Sana said Syrian exiles to operate a Lon- the coffin wept as Palestinians
appease protesters calling for “armed criminals” had opened don-based satellite TV chan- waved banners reading “No, no
greater freedoms in Syria, or fire on security forces, killing nel and finance activities inside Palestinians chant slogans while carrying the coffin of Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni as they transfer to militancy and terrorism, yes,
curb violence which human a policeman and wounding 11 Syria. it through Rafah border crossing in southern Gaza Strip yesterday. yes to freedom.”

No compromise on Jewish state, says Netanyahu

AFP Israeli leader confirmed he was he said he will not budge—rec- He questioned whether the Netanyahu said he would we left a European force along demand of the Palestinians for
Jerusalem working on details of an initia- ognition of Israel as the nation Palestinians were serious about also insist that Israel maintain a the border with Egypt, who left returning to the negotiating table.
tive which would be outlined in state of the Jewish people, and a two-state solution if they military presence along the West shortly after Hamas took over,” “The settlements are an im-
a speech before the US Congress. Israel’s security alongside a fu- could not recognise Israel as a Bank’s border with Jordan under allowing Iran to penetrate eas- portant issue which needs to

srael will not compromise on But he was tight-lipped about ture Palestinian state. Jewish state. any peace deal, a term rejected ily through the southern border be resolved in negotiations,”
security or recognition of a the details of his proposal for “The core of the conflict has “Why don’t the Palestinians by the Palestinians. and fill the coastal enclave with Netanyahu said of ongoing Jew-
Jewish state, Prime Minister breaking the deadlock in talks, ac- always been the persistent re- do something so simple as rec- “We need a long-term Israeli weapons, he said. ish construction on land occu-
Benjamin Netanyahu told AFP cusing the Palestinians of using fusal of the Palestinian leader- ognising the Jewish state? After presence along the Jordan bor- Details of Netanyahu’s peace pied by Israel in 1967, an issue
as he prepares a peace initiative the settlements to notch up politi- ship to recognise the Jewish state all, we are prepared to recognise der. We need a physical barrier to plan remain elusive, with com- which for the Palestinians is one
to pre-empt a Palestinian bid for cal capital at Israel’s expense and in any borders,” he said. a Palestinian state. Why can’t prevent penetration by Iran and mentators and political officials of the bitterest aspects of the
UN recognition. to avoid engaging in negotiations. “That is why this conflict raged they reciprocate if they really its operatives,” he said, warning suggesting it has yet to be firmed decades-old conflict.
Speaking in an exclusive inter- For Israel’s burly leader, nego- for nearly 50 years before 1967, be- want peace?” he asked. that an international force would up, but few expect it will include “But the settlements are a de-
view conducted just before the tiating a peace settlement comes fore there was a single settlement “This explains the root cause not likely remain there for long. any mention of a new freeze on rivative issue, not the core of the
week-long Passover holiday, the down to two key issues on which in the West Bank,” he said. of why you don’t have peace.” “When we pulled out of Gaza, settlement construction—a key conflict,” he said.

Israeli police, army

on Passover alert
AFP town to celebrate Easter,
Jerusalem Rosenfeld said.
Police said yesterday
that they had stopped

srael’s police raised three Jewish right-wing
the alert level nation- activists carrying a young
wide, while the army goat near the Old City
division deployed around walls, which they appar-
Gaza said it was “ready ently intended on sacrific-
for every scenario” as the ing in the vicinity of the Al
Jewish state started the Aqsa mosque compound.
Passover holiday yester- “Near to the Zion Gate
day. in Jerusalem, police de-
“Thousands of po- tained three rightist ac-
lice have been deployed tivists, an adult and two
across the whole country, minors, in possession of
and particularly in the a kid,” a police statement
Jerusalem region,” police said.
spokesman Micky Rosen- Israeli media named
feld said. the adult as Noam Fe-
No specific attack derman, a well known
threats have been made religious-nationalist and
public, but Israeli security West Bank settler, and
is usually tightened dur- said he intended to re-
ing major Jewish holidays. enact the Passover sacri-
A rocket fired by Pal- fice as performed in bib-
estinian militants in the lical times.
Gaza Strip fell in south- Police said he was re-
ern Israel yesterday af- leased after questioning.
ternoon but police said The Israeli military an-
it caused no casualties or nounced on Sunday a
damage. nine-day closure of the
Surveillance of syna- West Bank during the hol-
gogues, markets, stations, iday, and the deputy com-
commercial centres and mander of the army divi-
national parks, which sion deployed along the
tend to attract throngs of Gaza Strip said his troops
visitors during the Passo- were on standby.
ver holiday, was being “We are on very high
stepped up. alert on the Gaza Strip,
Police were also we are ready for every
strengthening their de- scenario and if neces-
ployment inside Jerusa- sary we will respond with
lem’s Old City to ensure force,” Colonel Amir
the protection of crowds Avivi told Israeli public
of Christian pilgrims in radio.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 13


on fence
for 2012
Republican Huckabee keeps paign, Huckabee has not been
supporters waiting on 2012; lining up staff or keeping his do-
claims he hasn’t made up his nors and supporters in line.
mind about running His two top Iowa operatives in
the 2008 campaign have moved
Reuters to other candidates, and his
Washington campaign manager shifted to a
congressional staff job.
Other candidates for the role

epublican Mike Huckabee of conservative favorite have
is riding high in the polls, emerged as the Tea Party move-
but he could be running ment gained prominence with its
out of time to make up his mind agenda of reduced spending and
on a run for his party’s 2012 US limited government.
presidential nomination. US Representative Michele
With the slow-starting race Bachmann and former Sena-
for the right to challenge Presi- tor Rick Santorum are pushing
dent Barack Obama gaining can- hard in Iowa, which kicks off
didates and picking up steam, a the nominating battle in Febru-
Trellises and a wrought-iron fence covered in climbing vines are used to achieve height in this garden on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. No tall trees were included because of few of Huckabee’s former ad- ary, for the state’s sizable base of
building code restrictions. visers have jumped ship to other evangelicals, abortion rights op-
contenders and some observers ponents and Tea Party backers.
see signs he will not run. With Republicans facing
In the absence of a deci- a tough race against a sitting

New York’s gardens in the sky Amon called on friends and connections on higher floors command a premium. One sunbathes nude on her terrace.
sion, one of Huckabee’s most
ardent supporters in Iowa has
even started a phone and e-mail
drive to contact other backers
of Huckabee’s failed 2008 bid
and urge them to “Stay Stuck on
president in an improving econ-
omy, Huckabee might decide it
is smarter to stay on his lucra-
tive Fox News Channel show and
make another run in 2016 when
the White House will be vacant.
New York made over years in New York’s high-end The authors do not name the high- “She’s European,” Amon said. Huck.” “If he entered the race and
real estate business. With architectural profile owners, calling them “art collec- Others invite in the urban skyline. “Nobody knows what he’s go- didn’t do well he would lose all
photographer Norman McGrath, they tors and philanthropists,” or even pin- “It’s individual,” said LeFrak. “Some ing to decide,” said Randy Davis credibility” as a conservative

agle-eyed Manhattan pedestri- set out to showcase the most spectacular point the buildings’ locations. Many are of them are really privacy-driven or put of Ottumwa, Iowa, who has leader, said Steffen Schmidt, a po-
ans may spy them high above the gardens. protective of their privacy but proud of up plants, like ivy and bougainvillea, to reached about 500 Huckabee litical scientist at Iowa State Uni-
street: lush, tree-lined gardens, Many of the photographs in the cof- their homes. camouflage everything. Other people supporters in the state and found versity. “He’s sending out a lot of
whose defiant greenery interrupts an ur- fee-table book highlight elaborate land- “When these people show you their will let it all hang out. They want big only “one or two” not willing to signs that he’s not going to do it.”
ban panorama of concrete and glass. scaping or show the way urban terraces apartment and they get to the terrace, open vistas.” wait. “I’ve just tried to encour-
Tourists will never see them up close. serve as a private art gallery. Sometimes they change,” LeFrak said. “There’s an Tastes change. Decades ago, terrace age everyone to be patient.” “If he entered the race and
Few New Yorkers will. Those who notice a sculpture dominates the space. In oth- aura that comes about them.” owners tended to shun any view of water Huckabee, the former gover- didn’t do well he would
these airy playgrounds, some just a few ers, the garden’s appeal lies more in its Owning a rooftop garden typically towers, an iconic feature of Manhattan’s nor of Arkansas, is in no hurry to lose all credibility”
floors above the sidewalk, may wonder interplay with the cityscape just beyond involves hiring a gardener. They require skyline, covering them up. More garden end the uncertainty. He says he
how it would feel to step out of one’s liv- a waist-high wall. complex irrigation systems to supply owners these days prefer a minimalist will wait until summer to make Two prominent Republicans,
ing room into a private green space with- “It’s really a fantasy world above New water since trees can’t draw sustenance approach. a decision and sees no reason to Romney and former Minnesota
out giving up the perks of urban living. York,” Amon said. “This is the epitome of from the earth. Furniture and art must be “Some people are very traditional and rush into an expensive national Governor Tim Pawlenty, have
A new book, Rooftop Gardens: The luxury. A lot of people work all week and bolted down, by law, lest they rain down they want a very flowery, dense French campaign. jumped in the race by forming
Terraces, Conservatories and Balconies it’s their weekend retreat.” on pedestrians below, some from as high garden (that) almost looks like Ver- In an interview last month exploratory committees to begin
of New York satisfies that curiosity with It is a retreat few can afford. An apart- as the 76th floor. sailles,” Amon said. “But people are re- with a radio talk show host, raising money.
a photographic tour of 28 such exclusive ment on the East Side of Manhattan, or Many Manhattan buildings erected in the ally into minimal today and showcasing he ridiculed pundits who were Huckabee’s decision to wait
oases. in the tony TriBeCa neighbourhood, that 1920s incorporated setbacks to afford resi- the art. They’ll keep it neat and strict quick to declare he is unlikely until summer could create prob-
Co-authors, and best friends, Den- sells for $2,000 per square foot will fetch dents some open space. Some owners prefer because they don’t want to detract from to run. “How do you know that? lems in Iowa, where organisation
ise LeFrak Calicchio and Roberta Model $3,000 a foot with a terrace. Bigger gardens a private space that blocks out the city. the art.” Because I don’t know that yet,” is crucial because of the state’s
he said, adding he is “very much” unique caucus system requir-
still considering a candidacy. ing voters to attend an evening
Fidel Castro champions cause of socialism Ambivalence can be a deadly community gathering and make
trait for a presidential contender, a public show of support.
Historic Cuban leader Fidel Castro called upon delegates at the
congress of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) to “correct and change
without hesitation” socialism on the island.
In a column published by Cuban state media yesterday, Castro, 84,
Cuba congress embraces, but Huckabee would bring many
advantages to a 2012 Republican
race with no dominant frontrun-
The Iowa straw poll in August
is an early test of that organis-
ing strength. It was Huckabee’s
second-place finish to Romney
described socialism as “the art of achieving the impossible: to build up
and carry out the Revolution of the humble, by the humble and for the
humble, and to defend it for half-a-century from the most potent power
that ever existed.”
refines national reforms He won the first nominat-
ing contest of 2008 in Iowa and
was the last challenger stand-
ing against eventual Republican
there in 2008 that solidified his
support among social conserva-
tives and started his momentum.
“Those people who are skillful
He said that the leadership of the PCC, which is the only Reuters The 1,000 delegates met for the reforms to what is one of nominee John McCain, building at managing the Iowa caucuses
legally recognised party in Cuba, must be “able to face up Havana in five separate commissions the last one-party communist a strong support base among aren’t going to wait until mid-
to the politics of empire,” with reference to the US. on Sunday where they backed states of its kind in the world. religious and social conserva- summer to find a candidate,”
“It is the duty of the new generation of revolutionary Castro’s proposals to slash gov- State media accounts did not tives who dominate some early said Schmidt. “I don’t think he

men and women to be a model of modest, studious uba’s Communist ernment jobs, cut the universal indicate any dissent to Presi- Republican contests. can wait very long, honestly, I
leadership and tireless fighters for socialism. It is with- Party congress sug- monthly food ration, encourage dent Castro’s plan, but said a He leads many public opinion think he has to make a decision
out doubt a difficult challenge in this barbaric time of gested refinements to more private initiative and take number of proposed reforms polls of the Republican presi- soon.”
consumer societies to beat the capitalist production President Raul Castro’s wide- other steps to boost productiv- had been added to the 311 being dential field, and holds a signifi- Meanwhile, Davis is keeping
system, which promotes and boosts human beings’ ranging national reforms in ity while maintaining central considered by the congress. cant edge over his rivals in the hope alive for Huckabee sup-
selfish instincts,” Castro said. weekend meetings, but planning. The congress must elect new Gallup Poll’s “positive intensity” porters and waiting for a sign.
The four-day PCC congress, only the sixth in generally embraces The panels would present leadership for Cuba’s highest measure of depth of support. “We just have our fingers
history, started on Saturday charged with the his overhaul of the their findings to the congress political body and only legal But unlike Republican rival crossed that he will run,” he said.
task of “updating” Cuba’s socialist economic ailing Cuban econo- yesterday afternoon, Commu- political party before the meet- Mitt Romney, another losing “If he doesn’t people will say
model. my, state-run media nist Party newspaper Granma ing ends today. The election candidate in 2008 who has long this was a waste of time, but I
reported on Monday. said. Approval seemed certain will be closely watched. been planning another cam- think it’s worth the risk.”

to meet tax
Many parents would A match made in crossword
deadline get gene tests for kids AFP

he Washington Post crossword
Reuters Reuters tions about direct-to-con- about genetic testing, Tercyak puzzle had special meaning this
Washington Chicago sumer genetic tests, which have and colleagues surveyed 219 weekend for one local couple.
already raised concerns among parents who were offered a ge- With the complicity of the news-
US lawmakers and regulators. netic test that looked for eight paper, Corey Newman, 28, of Al-

S taxpayers scrambled to f given the chance, many “The findings of our study common health conditions in- exandria, Virginia, proposed to his
meet yesterday’s deadline parents would test their should remind clinicians and cluding colon, skin and lung live-in girlfriend, Marlowe Epstein,
for filing income tax re- children to see if they are policy-makers to consider chil- cancers; heart disease; high 31, through clues buried in a special-
turns amid reports that the rich- genetically predisposed to dis- dren when regulating genetic cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. ly-crafted puzzle.
est of the rich are paying less tax. eases like diabetes or heart dis- tests,” Tercyak said in a state- Parents in the study an- The clue for 37 Across, for exam-
Watchdog groups, meanwhile, ease, US researchers said yes- ment. swered questions about the ple, asked for the name of a role in
found the richest Americans are terday. Several companies - in- risks and benefits of testing for the movie Shakespeare in Love.
paying a smaller share of the pot And as most parents expect cluding Decode Genetics’ their children and whether they The answer - Marlowe.
than in years past. According a positive result, they might DeCodeME based in Iceland, were interested in having their 39 Across asked for the name of a
to 2008 data from the Internal not be prepared for the answers 23andME in which Google has child tested. Casablanca screenwriter.
Revenue Service (IRS), the US they get. invested, and privately held “The study showed that The answer - Epstein.
tax collecting agency, analysed “These tests usually don’t Navigenics - sell tests online there might be significant pa- The clincher was 51 Across:
by the Tax Foundation, the top offer a clean bill of health and that allow people to learn if they rental interest for doing this “Words with a certain ring to them.”
1% of earners paid 38% of all can be hard to interpret even have inherited risk for disease. kind of genetic testing in their As soon as Epstein came up with the
federal individual income taxes, in the best scenario,” said Dr. Unlike genetic tests ordered children,” Tercyak said in a tel- answer - “Will you marry me” - New-
a decline from 2007. Kenneth Tercyak of Georget- by doctors, genetic tests sold ephone interview. man got down on one knee, whipped
Citizens for Tax Justice, which own University Medical Center, directly to consumers give Even after making it clear to out a diamond ring and repeated the
looks at all taxes paid including whose study was published in people information about po- parents that there is no proof question, the Post reported.
federal, state and local taxes, said the journal Pediatrics. tential health risks online or in genetic testing for common “Yes, of course!” Epstein said.
that in 2010 the top 1% of earn- The study is among the first the mail. Regulators are worried health conditions has any use, The April 17 Sunday Washington Post crossword puzzle “I was sort of blown away,” she
ers will pay 21.5% of taxes. The to look at parents’ perceptions people may not understand the parents were still interested in had special meaning for one local couple. Corey Newman, told the newspaper. “I was so im-
group said that top 1% earned of genetic testing of their chil- limitations of the tests. having their child tested, the 28, proposed to his live-in girlfriend, Marlowe Epstein, 31, pressed that he managed to pull that
just over 20% of total income. dren, and it raises new ques- To find out parents’ attitudes researchers said. through clues buried in the specially-crafted puzzle. off !”
Gulf Times
14 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Charity offers parents Actress in tears as 16-year-old girl’s killer Jobcentre Plus workers
a new school choice thugs steal phone had been freed by courts go on 24-hour strike
An education charity is offering to set up a Actress Sheridan Smith was A gangster convicted of the murder of 16-year-old Thousands of Jobcentre Plus staff went on a
primary school in one of the “black holes” of reduced to tears when she Agnes Sina-Inakoju was an illegal immigrant who 24-hour strike yesterday over working conditions
London where extra school places are most was mugged at a bus stop killed after he was granted bail while awaiting and claims of a “target-driven culture”. The Public
needed. The Constable Education Trust has minutes after starring with deportation. Agnes, who hoped to go to Oxford and Commercial Services union said picket lines
pinpointed five boroughs and is asking parents Sienna Miller in their hit University, was shot dead by Mohamed Smoured were mounted at more than 30 call centres and
whether they want a free school in their area. West End show. Smith, 29, and fellow gang member Leon Dunkley, 22, as that they were receiving “massive” public support.
The state-funded primary could be opened in was targeted by thugs for she stood with friends in a takeaway in Hoxton. It Yesterday’s action follows a two-day strike in
The Earl of Sandwich yesterday opened a Camden, Hackney, Haringey, North Kensington her iPhone near Piccadilly has been revealed that Smoured was due to be January by more than 2,000 workers in the seven
sandwich shop in London, 250 years after his or Tower Hamlets by the trust, which runs an Circus as she left the Theatre deported after being jailed for robbery but was newest Jobcentre Plus contact centres. Workers
ancestor invented the concept so he could eat independent school in Fulham for children with Royal Haymarket where she is starring in Flare granted bail while appealing against his deportation complain of being moved from processing benefit
on the move. The shop, called Earl of Sandwich, special educational needs and dyslexia. The Path. One onlooker said: “I could see that she to Algeria. The UK Border Agency said it had claims to handling inquiries by phone. The union
is in Ludgate. John Montagu, the 11th earl, new school would be mainstream but pupils was crying. Some people tried to console her.” A wanted to lock him up in an immigration centre to said it wanted to improve customer service in call
already has 15 shops across America but this is with language and literacy problems would be theatre source said that Smith “could have a limo await deportation after the failure of his appeal in centres and introduce proper flexible working
his first here. identified early. but she often hops on the bus to get home”. November 2009 but he was released by the courts. arrangements.

Visit to No. 10
new chief
Vote reform
of staff
London Evening Standard
unites old
renowned cost-cutter
has been appointed chief
of staff at City Hall in the
first appointment by Boris John-
son following the death of close
aide Sir Simon Milton.
Wandsworth council leader
Edward Lister - described as

“an old Thatcherite” - will take
on the huge responsibility of
running the mayor’s team in the
lead-up to the mayoral election
in May next year.
Lister has a reputation as a safe
pair of hands who will keep City
Hall running smoothly while the AFP “I reject all of those ground- try and secure a change to the
mayor is busy campaigning for London less fears and I urge people of electoral system for practical,
his re-election. all persuasions to choose hope party advantage, by usurping
He has a long record in driving over fear,” Miliband told an au- the right of all of our citizens to

down costs - delivering the low- rime Minister David dience in London. an equal vote,” Reid said.
est council tax in the country - Cameron teamed up with The referendum on changing Under first-past-the-post,
while continuing to provide key an arch enemy from the to AV has cut across traditional the candidate for the lower
services. opposition Labour party in a party lines and divided the rul- house of parliament who gets
The senior Tory’s appoint- bid to persuade the public to ing coalition. the most votes in their con-
ment comes after the death last reject a historic change to the The Conservatives agreed to stituency is elected as the law-
week of deputy mayor Sir Simon voting system. hold the referendum after last maker.
after years of ill-health. The Conservative premier May’s general election as part Critics argue that under the
The Standard understands shared a stage with former of a deal to form a coalition current system, around two-
the mayor will make at least two Labour interior minister John with the Liberal Democrats, thirds of the members of the
more senior appointments in the Reid, notorious during his who have long campaigned to lower house are elected with
coming days as well as moving time in Cabinet as an anti-To- reform the voting system. less than 50% of support from
key staff to new responsibilities. ry “attack dog”, to campaign But the Conservatives are voters.
Johnson said: “Edward has the against throwing out the strongly opposed to changing Under AV, voters rank candi-
perfect combination of experi- first-past-the-post electoral the voting system. dates in order of preference in
ence, character and expertise to system. Labour meanwhile is gener- single constituencies.
help me lead this city out of re- Cameron said one of the ally in favour of adopting AV, On the first count, only first
cession and harness the unique few things he and Reid agreed despite Reid’s outspoken op- preference votes are counted
opportunity of the 2012 Games on was that opting to switch position. and a candidate getting more
to secure London for another to the alternative vote (AV) At yesterday’s event in Lon- than 50% is elected.
generation as the best big city in system in a referendum on don, Reid accused the LibDems But if no candidate passes
the world. May 5 would be “wrong for of trying to push through a the threshold, then the can-
“We will always mourn the Britain.” change for their own politi- didate with the fewest votes is
loss of Simon Milton. The great- “It is obscure, it’s unfair, it’s cal benefit. Commentators say eliminated and voters’ second
est tribute we can pay him is to expensive,” he said. such a move would benefit the choices are shared out between
deliver in the areas that mattered “The biggest danger right party — the third biggest in the remaining candidates in a
so much to him and improve the now is that Britain sleepwalks Britain — the most. second round.
lives of Londoners in the great into this second-rate system, “It would not only be wrong This process continues until
city that he loved. Edward Lister waking up on May 6 with a vot- but it would be an outrage to someone has 50% of the vote.
shares that goal.” ing system that damages our
Lister, who will stand down democracy.” Cameron forced into starring role
next month from running Reid, now a lawmaker in
Wandsworth which he led for the upper house of parlia- It wasn’t meant to come to paign against AV. Such a dramatic
19 years, put value for money at ment, said the current system this. Six months ago, the prime change of tactics is down to
the heart of his town hall regime was “the fairest way and it is minister only intended to play a several factors, including a dawn-
and will do the same at City Hall the best way, and an issue like walk-on part in the battle over ing horror in Tory circles that the
where Transport for London this is far too important for AV. Not long ago the complaint referendum commitment could
and the Met police will be in his party rivalries to take prec- among Tory MPs was that their all go horribly wrong for Cam-
sights. edence.” leader was soft-pedalling to give eron if - as looks certain - there
He will take on the role of chief But Labour leader Ed Mili- Nick Clegg a bit of a lift. But now is a paltry turnout. As one senior
of staff - managing the mayor’s band, who is backing the ‘yes’ the heat is really on. Cameron Tory MP mutters, the PM will face
budgets, borough relations and Prime Minister David Cameron shakes hands with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny outside 10 campaign, accused his oppo- has made three speeches and “a serious party management
delivering his priorities - and be Downing Street in central London yesterday. nents of trying to scare people sanctioned a hard-hitting cam- problem” if he ends up the loser.
deputy mayor for planning. off voting for change.

‘Time-eating Clock’
Probe sought into NHS recast ‘pause’
a stunt, says Labour
£100,000 exam fees London Evening Standard
energy and enthusiasm dem-
onstrated in pathfinders across
the country,” she said in her
London Evening Standard that in some cases exam boards the market” for text book pro- letter, which was passed to the

London are providing text books and vision, which are updated every octors have been told Standard.
revision courses for the exams two to three years. to press on with NHS “Therefore, although the
they are setting. He added: “The end result reforms despite David government has taken the op-

he cost of entering pu- He said: “I can’t think of a is a monopoly position and an Cameron “pausing” legisla- portunity of a natural break in
pils for external exams more serious example where abuse of privilege for the pur- tion to bring in the changes. the passage of the Health and
has risen to more than separation of powers must be pose of profit, by providing re- Dame Barbara Hakin, the Social Care Bill, we are very
£100,000 a year for a medi- applied to eliminate the most sources at inflated prices with department of health’s na- keen that the momentum we
um-sized secondary school, a grotesque conflict of inter- very limited shelf life.” tional managing director of have built to date should not
teachers’ conference heard. est.” Hank Roberts of Copland commissioning development, stop.”
Delegates called for an in- community school in Brent has written to GPs urging Faced with uproar among
vestigation into the level of en- “Public examinations said: “Public examinations them to keep up the “momen- nurses and some doctors over
trance fees amid claims some should not be provided should not be provided by tum” of the reshaping of the the reforms, Lansley said
exam boards are also using by those competing for those competing for profit.” NHS. there would be “substantive”
their position to make money profit” According to watchdog Of- The day after Health changes to the legislation
out of textbooks and revision qual’s latest annual market Secretary Andrew Lansley which aimed to allow GPs to
courses. Speaking about the cost report, schools spent £281mn was humiliated by an over- take over the £60bn budget to
The price of entering pupils of exams, including GCSEs on exam fees in 2008-09. The whelming vote of “no con- commission services.
for exams has rocketed in 20 and A-levels, he said: “It is report said the qualifications fidence” by nurses, Dame The prime minister has sig-
years, partly because of the rise not uncommon for a medium market is worth £1bn annu- Barbara wrote to groups of nalled that hospital doctors,
in modular exams, league table sized secondary school to pay ally. GPs setting up “pathfinder” as well as family doctors, will
pressures and the ‘monopoly’ well in excess of £100,000 per Meanwhile, new figures Dr John Taylor poses with his Chronophage clock entitled “The consortiums to buy health now have a greater say in the
some exam boards have, the year simply to enter students show girls are making up a Time-eating Clock - A Story of Invention” at the Science Museum services. reorganised NHS. But Labour
Association of Teachers and into external exams. In some growing proportion of the pu- in central London yesterday. The clock is designed to make the “Everyone within the de- claimed that the letter from
Lecturers (ATL heard in Liver- schools this represents a five pils excluded from schools. viewer consider the perceived flexibility of time. Taking more partment of health is very Dame Barbara was more evi-
pool. fold increase.” Teachers yesterday called for than two years to make, the clock features a mythical creature aware of the support shown dence that the government’s
Geoff Pye of the Essex branch He said exam boards have more research on why girls are on the top, devouring the seconds that pass. by the GP community to date “listening exercise” was a PR
of the ATL said it is “worrying” secured the “vast majority of excluded and we have been struck by the stunt.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 15


Thames cable car to Man drowns on Oxford Street to go Boy held after tourists £11mn initiative to
link Olympic venues Caribbean trip car-free at Christmas shot dead in Florida cut crime ‘failing’
London is to get a cable car across the River A British father-of-two has drowned while snor- Boris Johnson has banned traffic from the West A 16-year-old gunman has been seized on A flagship Met police scheme to cut crime among
Thames to link two 2012 Olympic venues, the kelling in the Caribbean just hours before he End for an unprecedented three days over Christ- suspicion of murdering two British tourists convicts freed from jail has had no impact on the
city’s transport authority said yesterday, with was due to fly home to his family. Mark Crick, mas to boost flagging sales. Oxford Street and found dead in a pool of blood in Florida. James reoffending rate, an official study revealed yester-
construction to begin within the next few months. 47, was on an environmental field trip to the Regent Street will be car-free for the weekend of Cooper, 25, and James Kouzaris, 24, were found day. The £11mn ‘Diamond Initiative’ was set up to
Transport for London (TfL) said it was “striving” to Turks and Caicos Islands when he told friends December 10 and 11 as well as Boxing Day, central riddled with bullets outside a housing estate in rehabilitate serial offenders by offering them help
have the project finished in time for the Games, he was going snorkelling before catching a London1s biggest shopping day of the year. The Newtown, a notorious crime hotspot in the city with problems such as drug and alcohol misuse,
which start on July 27 next year. The cable car flight home. His body was discovered float- mayor’s announcement came as it emerged that of Sarasota. Detectives suspect they were the housing, debt and unemployment after their re-
will link the Greenwich Peninsula, home of the O2 ing in the sea later the same day and he was West End spending slumped by more than 4% victims of a botched street robbery. Detectives lease. An official analysis of the project has found,
Arena, to the Royal Victoria Dock on the north pronounced dead in hospital. A post-mortem in March, one of the biggest falls ever recorded. found their bodies 50 feet apart in the early hours however, that 42.4% of participants committed
bank, where the ExCeL exhibition centre is, said examination revealed he had drowned. The Retailers blamed disruption caused by building of Saturday morning after residents reported new crimes within a year of leaving jail - almost
TfL. The 34 cabins will carry up to 2,500 people experienced botanist, who lived in Stamford, work on the new Crossrail stations at Bond Street “machine-gun fire”. Both were declared dead at identical to the 41.6% reoffending rate among a
per hour on a five-minute, 1.1km journey across Lincolnshire, is survived by his wife, Helga, 44, and Tottenham Court Road as well as escalator the scene and an unnamed 16-year-old boy has similar group of convicts who received no special
the Thames. and sons Ben, 14, and Tom, nine. upgrades at Oxford Circus. been charged with two counts of murder. help after being freed.

Abbey hopes
not to blow
fuse at royal
Reuters future George VI, followed in
London her footsteps in 1923, as did his
grandparents, the future Queen
Elizabeth and Prince Philip of

he Dean of Westminster Greece, in 1947.
Abbey, John Hall, is pray- The dean will welcome Kate
ing it’s third-time lucky and her father at the Great West
for Prince William and Kate Door on the morning of the wed-
Middleton during their wedding ding, and will begin the service
after the power went down on and end it with a blessing.
two recent Fridays. Rowan Williams, the Arch-
An estimated 2bn people are bishop of Canterbury and spirit-
set to tune into the royal wedding ual head of the Anglican church,
on Friday, April 29, potentially will marry the couple, while
the largest television audience the Bishop of London, Richard
ever, with 2,000 attending the Chartres, will give the address.
service. “I daresay we’ll all feel slightly
Camera crews from around the nervous, but very excited as well
world will be relaying images of and delighted that it is happen-
William, the son of heir-to-the- ing here,” Hall said.
throne Prince Charles and the The young couple have been to Police officers carry out security checks on drains along the Mall leading to Buckingham Palace (background) in central London.
late Princess Diana, marrying his the abbey for rehearsals appear-
long-term girlfriend. ing relaxed, keen to get it right,
But the dean revealed that the and are expected to “quietly” at-
electricity supply had gone down tend again before the big day.

Cameron to break
twice at the abbey and surrounding Their “genuine warmth” had
area in the past month - only for a “struck a chord” with people,
short time, but both on a Friday. and the event would have an
“uplifting” effect, Hall said.
“Our clerk of works has “It is lovely, it is wonderful,
been in touch with our that there are people all around
electricity suppliers and the world who are excited by
changed various fuses, so this,” he added. “I would hate

with royal tradition

we hope all that is going to think that it was just a sort of
to be fine” celebrity thing, and I think it is
deeper than that really, perhaps
“This is slightly alarming, if partly related to the extraordi-
the electricity goes at some point nary faithful service the queen
on the morning of April 29th has given over such a long period,
then we shall certainly be upset she must be the very best known
about that,” he said. person in the world, and so the Reuters tails — the formal black coats wearing to the wedding, which will related pictures will be taken on cause they were changing film.”
“In fact, our clerk of works people associated with her.” London that have the front section cut be attended by foreign royal digni- digital cameras next week when Edwards picked out four top
has been very closely in touch Details of the music is still un- away to leave longer sections at taries in traditional dress as well as Prince William ties the knot with locations for budding photogra-
with our electricity suppliers der wraps, and there is likely to the back — on such occasions. ordinary members of the public, a girlfriend Kate Middleton. phers wanting to capture the best

and changed various fuses, so we be “plenty there which is very fa- he prime minister will be However these outfits carry spokesman said: “The prime min- The most coveted shot is the pictures in central London on the
hope all that is going to be fine.” miliar ... and some things which wearing a work suit rather associations with upper class ister will be wearing a suit.” first appearance of the couple April 29.
The Gothic abbey, or to use are new”, Hall said. than donning tails for next privilege, an image Prime Minis- as a married couple followed by As well as outside Buckingham
its formal name the Collegiate However, the couple had clear week’s royal wedding in a major ter David Cameron, educated at Cameron has been keen the expected kiss on the balcony Palace and Westminster Abbey
Church of St Peter, Westminster, ideas about the hymns they break with tradition. exclusive private school Eton and to cast off the impression of Buckingham Palace after the where the service will be held,
has a long connection with roy- wanted, he added. Guests at the wedding of then at Oxford University, has that he is an upper-class wedding ceremony, according to Edwards recommended the far
als, dating back a 1,000 years. Just like his grandparents and Prince William and Kate Mid- worked hard to shed. ‘toff’ the poll for camera maker Nikon. end of the Mall, the grand boul-
It had been linked mainly with great grandparents, the wed- dleton have been given the choice Cameron has been keen to cast off “The balcony kiss is the pic- evard leading to the palace, and
coronations and burials until ding is taking place at a time of of wearing uniform, lounge suits the impression that he is an upper- Local media suggested that ture to get,” said Arthur Ed- at Horse Guards Parade, an open
the 20th century when a grand- austerity. Kate will travel to the — the kind of suit normally worn class “toff” since pictures emerged Deputy Prime Minister Nick wards, the royal photographer area used for military ceremo-
daughter of Queen Victoria, service by car rather than an or- for work — or a traditional morn- of him as a member of Oxford’s elite Clegg and opposition leader with mass-selling Sun tabloid. nies.
Princess Patricia, set the trend nate coach and the royal family ing suit, which includes a coat Bullingdon Club, a drinking club Ed Miliband would also opt for “Half of the photographers Meanwhile the poll estimated
for marriages in 1919. and the Middletons will jointly with tails, on April 29. whose wealthy members sport tails lounge suits. missed the iconic balcony kiss that of the millions of photos
William’s great grandparents, pay for the service, reception and Senior government figures to their annual dinner. Meanwhile a survey revealed in 1981 at (Prince) Charles and taken, some 65mn will be shared
Elizabeth Bowes Lyon and the honeymoon. would have traditionally worn Asked what Cameron would be some 327mn royal wedding- (Princess) Diana’s wedding be- on social media sites.

Kate thanks designers Intense secrecy

surrounds dress
for gem of a gift Reuters
in the steps of her fiance’s late
mother, Princess Diana, who
chose relatively unknown de-
London Evening Standard company is called La Diosa, de- like two crescent moons com- signer Elizabeth Emanuel to de-

London cided they wanted to continue ing together and signifies eter- ot since Janet Jackson’s sign her dress for her marriage to
that connection by making a per- nal love. Blue topaz symbolises “wardrobe malfunction” Prince Charles in 1981.
sonal gift for Kate. true love and success. Kate has has an outfit sparked so Emanuel recalled this year

hen two young jewel- Faith, of Forest Gate, a really striking but subtle style. much debate. that the intense media interest in
lery designers decided said: “When we approached We chose that motif and that The design and designer of the dress required strict security
to send a wedding gift Clarence House they said don’t style because I genuinely think it Kate Middleton’s wedding dress measures.
for Kate Middleton they were send her a gift because it will be would look lovely on her. I hope has been the subject of endless She said she had to bring in
expecting the package to be sent sent back, so we contacted the she wears it on her honeymoon.” speculation. security guards and put Diana’s
back. So they were delighted Prince’s Trust who said send it This is not the first time that Veteran designer Bruce Old- dress in a safe every night to fend
when not only did they not see at your own discretion. So we Faith and Zemikael, of Waltham- field, Alexander McQueen crea- off reporters who camped out on
the tailor-made pendant again, decided to. stow, have received royal recog- tive director Sarah Burton, Alice the doorstep, gawped through the
but they also received a letter nition. Temperley and even Jasper Conran windows and rummaged through
thanking them for the gift. “It’s shaped like two After making a pendant for the have all been named as possible the rubbish bins looking for clues.
Less than two weeks af- crescent moons coming Duchess of Cornwall last year designers of the gown. And now a “We used to leave bits of differ-
ter Natasha Faith and Semhal together and signifies they received a handwritten let- relatively unknown designer, So- ent coloured threads and things to
Zemikael, both 24, had post- eternal love” ter from her thanking them for it phie Cranston, is in the frame. put them on the wrong track and
ed the blue topaz pendant to personally. Huffington Post royal corre- we had to put blinds up so that
Prince William’s bride-to-be “I sent a letter with a pic- In 2009, the Standard reported spondent Yvonne York reported people couldn’t peer through the
they were sent a letter from ture of Princess Diana with my that Sarah Brown is also a fan of that Sophie Cranston of label Li- windows,” Emanuel said.
Clarence House telling them mum saying we wanted to send their jewellery. The former prime belula has been chosen to design Although not a household
that Middleton was “touched” her the gift. A week later we minister’s wife was pictured at what is already one of the most- name, Cranston does have strong
by the gift and wanted person- received a letter from Clarence G20 with US First Lady Michelle talked about dresses of the decade. credentials. A former Graduate
ally to thank them. House who said thank you so Obama wearing one of their Middleton wore a Libelula coat to Designer of the Year — an acco-
The duo came up with the much for the gift. They said necklaces. The designers, who a friend’s wedding earlier this year. lade she shares with the likes of
idea after finding a picture of Kate wanted to thank us and have a shop in Hatton Garden af- A spokeswoman for the label John Galliano — she worked with
Faith’s mother, Edith Birya- that she truly does love it. We ter meeting in a philosophy class said it had no comment. The la- McQueen and Temperley before
barema, with Princess Diana were really touched.” at Sir George Monoux College in bel’s website had gone down by founding Libelula after moving
in 1994 wearing the ring now Called Honey-moon, the pen- Walthamstow, are launching a Shop worker Laura Pritchard poses with a wedding dress by designer midday yesterday. to southern Spain to learn fla-
worn by Middleton. dant was made with Middleton limited line of Middleton’s pen- Sophie Cranston’s fashion label Libelula, retailing at £750 at the If she goes with Cranston, menco and Spanish. Libelula is
The business partners, whose in mind. Faith said: “It’s shaped dant, set to go on sale for £240. Katharine Bird shop in Battersea, south London, yesterday. Middleton would be following Spanish for dragonfly.
Gulf Times
16 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One in five
EU: French have right kids dodge

to block migrant trains

AFP Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, and But Gueant insisted Paris had train coming in,” he explained. trains, the move was legal. grant Roma Gypsies and expel-
age limit:
Paris European Union members are respected “in letter and spirit” The Schengen Agreement “Apparently, they have the ling them back to Romania and Brussels
divided over how to deal with the Schengen Agreement, the provides for countries to im- right to do this,” she said, add- Bulgaria.
the new arrivals. treaty under which core EU plement identity checks tem- ing that France explained that On Sunday, Frattini directed

rance insisted yesterday Italy has begun handing out members agreed to allow resi- porarily at the border if there is the trains were stopped “very his embassy in Paris to lodge a hree-quarters of Europe’s
that it would keep turn- temporary residence cards to dents to travel without pass- a threat to public order or na- temporarily”. protest with France and seek children have a profile
ing back North African around 20,000 newly arrived ports within their borders. tional security. France’s President Nicolas “clarifications on measures on a social networking
migrants trying to enter from Tunisians and Paris fears that However, as the first country Asked by AFP about tensions Sarkozy will seek re-election taken which appear to be illegal website, while one in five under
Italy despite valid paperwork they will take advantage of this of arrival, Italy was responsible between the two countries, next year and his centre-right and in clear violation of Euro- 13 manage to dodge Facebook’s
after the European Commission reprieve to move on across the for managing the migrants, who Gueant said: “France does not governing party is facing a pean principles”. age restriction, a survey showed
backed the controversial move’s un-policed French border and must show they have the finan- want that at all.” strong challenge from the far- EU President Herman Van yesterday.
legality. settle down. cial resources to stay in the sec- Italian Foreign Minister Fran- right, anti-immigrant National Rompuy did warn on Sunday, Some 77% of children 13- to
Interior Minister Claude France has close ties to Tuni- ond country. co Frattini said in an interview Front. however, it was important to 16-years-old, and 38% aged be-
Gueant said that France wanted sia, one of its former North Af- In the absence of such re- yesterday that despite their dif- Both Sarkozy and Gueant remain within the “spirit of tween nine and 12, are plugged
to avoid a rift with Italy after rican colonies, and many would sources, “we will return these ferent handling of the Tunisian have been toughening their Schengen” and not just the pre- into a wide range of social net-
it stopped trains crossing the be migrants have friends and people to Italy”, said Gueant. immigrants, the two govern- anti-immigrant rhetoric in the cise legal wording. working websites across Europe,
border but warned Tunisian relatives in French cities. The interior minister defend- ments would “work together” run-up to the poll, at the risk of In his Repubblica interview, said the survey released by the
migrants would be sent back if On Sunday, in response to a ed the decision to block trains to clear the cloud hanging over finding themselves breaking EU Frattini said a summit between European Commission.
they could not show they had protest by activists who support from the border town of Ven- relations. freedom of movement rules. Sarkozy and Italian Prime Min- One-quarter of them have set
enough funds to stay. the Tunisians, French officials timiglia, citing the risk of public In Brussels, European home Already last year, France ister Silvio Berlusconi on April their accounts to “public” view,
Southern Europe has been blocked all trains from Italy for disorder. affairs commissioner Cecilia found itself criticised by the 26 should “re-affirm the will of meaning that everyone can see
confronted by a wave of North the day – drawing a sharp re- “A public order problem was Malmstroem said that as French United Nations human rights Italy and France to work togeth- their profiles, making them tar-
African migrants in recent sponse from Rome, which al- possible and the simplest way authorities cited “public or- body and fellow EU members er, as founders of the European gets for predators, the EU’s ex-
months following unrest in leged EU law was broken. of dealing with it was to stop the der reasons” for inspecting the after it began rounding up mi- Union”. ecutive arm cautioned.
Neelie Kroes, the commis-
sioner in charge of Internet is-
sues, called on social network-
We are six ing firms to make the profiles

Medvedev backs of children only accessible to

their approved contacts by de-
fault and make them invisible to
search engines.

moves for drug “Growing numbers of chil-

dren are on social networking
sites but many are not taking all
necessary steps to protect them-

testing in schools selves online,” she said. “These

children are placing themselves
in harm’s way, vulnerable to
stalkers and groomers.”
AFP Medvedev said some 70% of The rate of 13- to 16-year-olds
Irkutsk, Russia drug abusers were under 30, with social networking profiles
many addicts were becoming is high in western Europe, espe-
increasingly younger and were cially Scandinavian countries:

ussian President Dmitry now in their early teens. 92% in Norway, 89% in Den-
Medvedev has called for “Narcotics affect the demo- mark, 88% in Britain and 82% in
drug testing in schools, graphic situation in the coun- France.
warning that narcotics abuse try on the whole and destroy At 70%, the Netherlands is the
was now such a major problem the nation’s gene pool, peo- country with the most children
that it was weighing down the ple’s health,” he told officials. under 13 with a social network-
economy. Due to its proximity to Af- ing account, with France at the
Speaking at a government ghanistan and its porous bottom of the list at 25%.
meeting in the Siberian city of borders, Russia is among the The survey, conducted by
Irkutsk, identified by officials world’s top three heroin con- EUKidsOnline network, found
as a particular trouble spot sumers along with Iran and that Facebook is by far the most
for abuse, Medvedev said that Pakistan, according to the popular friends-connection
no fewer than 2.5mn Russians drugs control agency. website in 17 out of 25 European
were drug addicts. Officials estimate that countries, used by 57% of nine to
The president said the prob- around 100 people die of drug 16-year-olds.
lem was costing Russia be- abuse every day in Russia. Despite an age restriction,
tween 2% and 3% of the gross Medvedev spoke after he 20% of nine- to 12-year-olds
domestic product and that the met with mothers of current surveyed said they have a Face-
country may have no option and former drug addicts in the book account.
but to resort to drug testing in city, saying the topic of drug On its private policy page, Fa-
schools. abuse still made Russian so- cebook says that if it learns that
Medvedev, who is usually ciety uncomfortable and most Baby raccoons are pictured at a breeding station in Frankfurt, Germany yesterday. Police found the six two-week-old raccoons in a it collected personal information
regarded as one of the more preferred to sweep it under the fireplace in a house in Frankfurt on Sunday. from a child under 13, it will de-
liberal of Russian leaders, said carpet. lete it “as quickly as possible”.
that testing may need to be put “This topic used to be taboo,
into law at a later stage. which should definitely be
“Unfortunately, the situa- broken,” he told the Mothers
tion is such that we will have to against Narcotics Association,
go along this path,” Medvedev
That move is bound to cause
a regional advocacy group.
The association’s activists
said the problem remained
Russia bans nationalist group linked to violence
controversy and many officials very serious partly because
at the meeting tiptoed around society was indifferent. Reuters “An investigation turned up ezh square near the Kremlin, The nationalist group’s head ber was sparked by the Decem-
the issue, warning the Kremlin “Genocide is under way, the Moscow evidence that the goals and ac- chanting racist slogans and Alexander Belov said that he ber 6 killing of a Spartak Moscow
chief against any hasty meas- nation is being destroyed,” said tivities of the movement are attacking passers-by of non- would appeal the ban and warned soccer fan during a fight between
ures. the association’s chairwoman aimed at carrying out extremist Slavic appearance in what Presi- it would only further incite radi- a group of ethnic Russians and

“We support the testing as Valentina Chervichenko. ussia has banned a neo- activity,” Russian prosecutors dent Dmitry Medvedev called cal youths to don “masks” and migrants from the mainly Mus-
one of the instruments of early Another activist, Alla nationalist group linked said in a statement. “pogroms”. take to the streets, unchecked by lim North Caucasus.
detection of drug use,” Viktor Chernyavskaya, said Russians to a 7,000-strong dem- Neo-nationalist groups have SOVA, a non-government an organised leadership. The violence and the frequen-
Ivanov, the Federal Drug Con- still considered drug addiction onstration near Red Square that been gaining ground and boost- group that tracks ethnic vio- “Instead of an organised cy of racist incidents involving
trol Agency, said, adding how- a vice rather than an illness erupted in the worst racial vio- ing their membership numbers, lence, said that at least at least structure with which you can Russian soccer fans have raised
ever it remained to be seen which discouraged addicts’ lence that the country has seen shocking authorities and many two people were killed and 68 negotiate, they (the Kremlin) concerns about security during
whether or how the country families from seeking help. since the fall of the Soviet Union. Russians. injured in hate crimes last De- will get many people in masks, the 2018 World Cup, which Rus-
could make that testing ob- “Society’s position rests A Moscow city court outlawed With its combustible mix cember, compared to three killed who will be very radical and sia will host.
ligatory. on fear and prejudice,” said as “extremist” the ultra-na- of disenchanted ethnic Rus- and 22 wounded for the same won’t negotiate with anyone,” With high unemployment
Following the debate, Chernyavskaya, whose son tionalist group The Movement sian youth and labour migrants month in 2009. Belov told Reuters. and an Islamist insurgency rag-
Medvedev said officials should Dmitry, now 30, was a heroin Against Illegal Migration, which from the mostly Muslim North At least 37 people were killed “What happened on Manezh ing across the North Caucasus,
develop a system of tests for addict for several years. has lobbied for tougher immi- Caucasus and ex-Soviet Central in hate crimes in Russia last year, square will be repeated on a larg- which includes Chechnya, many
schools that could find a way She said she was so afraid of gration laws and controls on Asia, Moscow has become a focal it said. er scale. An Egyptian scenario migrants from the region travel
to detect addiction at an early telling anyone that she tried to Russia’s southern border with point of racial tensions. SOVA says grassroots xeno- awaits Russia,” he said, referring to Moscow in search of jobs.
stage. help him kick the habit herself. Central Asia and the former So- Racial violence exploded on phobia is on the rise, encouraged to the recent unrest that toppled Many say they are treated with
“In principle, I will be fine Her methods included leav- viet republics in the Caucasus December 11 when some 7,000 by anti-Muslim and anti-Cau- Egypt’s former leader. suspicion by ethnic Russians and
with any option,” he said, ing him to live in a tent in the region. nationalists rallied on the Man- casus sentiment. The racial violence in Decem- often face racism.
tasking officials with putting Siberian taiga and chaining
together a two-tier system him.
starting with voluntary test- He was able to go under
ing which may be followed by treatment and stopped using
obligatory screening at a later
heroin in 2006 after she finally
sought outside help. City tackles Nazi-linked street names Dutch court rejects
Graz city councillors voted
for the name-change last week,
extent to which local people
were victims or accomplices of
anti-Islam MP’s bid
Explosives removed overcoming opposition from the
far-right Freedom Party which
A poll in 2008 on the 70-year- AFP withdrawal of judges on the

he Austrian city of Graz defended Lersch and said he was anniversary of Hitler’s takeover The Hague grounds of bias.

from Unesco site has decided to rename a

square that bore the name
not a Nazi sympathiser.
Green Party officials led the
showed 60% of Austrians were
weary of talk about the Nazi past
He had won the first round
shortly after his trial started

of a poet close to the Nazis and push for renaming the square and wanted an end to it. Dutch court has re- in October last year, when his
more changes are expected after and said they would seek more Graz councillor Thomas Raja- jected anti-Islam MP judges were ordered to step
AFP munitions for the Balkans an eight-year battle in the local changes. In a statement they said kovics told the Austrian daily Die Geert Wilders’ bid for down by a panel of their peers
Skopje wars in the 1900s and World council. the new name was “in honour of Presse that some less clear-cut the withdrawal of a panel of who upheld the politician’s
War I and World War II that Heinrich-Lersch-Platz will a resistance fighter”. street names may get alterna- judges chosen to try him for bias claims.
were found on the bottom of now be named after anti-Nazi Some have argued that street tive signs rather than a complete hate speech. In March, the new judges

acedonian police an- Lake Ohrid and posed a poten- activist Helene Serfecz, who was names should not be changed change. “The request for recusal is ruled that the trial must go
nounced yesterday tial danger to the population,” hanged in 1943, a city spokes- because they serve as an impor- One example would be Kern- denied,” AJ van der Meer, the ahead, dismissing Wilders’
that a clean-up oper- the Macedonian interior min- woman said yesterday. tant historical reminder. stock Street, named after the presiding judge of an inde- claims that they had no juris-
ation of the Ohrid lake beauty istry said in a statement. Austria has generally been As German troops began to artist who composed the Peo- pendent panel set up to hear diction in the case.
spot in the southwest of the The 358sq km lake is the more reluctant than neighbour cross the border, Austrian Nazis ple’s Hymn that was used as the Wilders’ application, said at a Wilders, 47, faces five counts
country yielded six tonnes of deepest in the Balkans at Germany to address the coun- took power in 1938 and started national anthem during the Nazi hearing broadcast via the In- of giving offence to Muslims
explosives. 288m. It is a Unesco world try’s Nazi legacy but in recent purging foes. era but without Ottokar Kern- ternet. and of inciting hatred against
“There were unexploded heritage site and Macedonia’s years there has been a greater There is a long-standing pub- stock’s consent as he was already This had been Wilders’ Muslims and people of non-
mines, bombs and different main tourist attraction. willingness to tackle the issue. lic debate in Austria about the dead. second application for the Western immigrant origin.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 17

of politician
on hunger
Hungary adopts
new constitution
AFP Under the text, a host of laws “The new basic law is going to actors, including the current
Belgrade Budapest will now require a two-thirds be illegitimate and temporary, premier.
majority in parliament to be and will have to be changed after This opinion was echoed last
adopted, almost guaranteeing the next elections on the basis of week by Liberal European MP

he condition of the Ser- ungary’s right-leaning they cannot be changed in the a national consensus,” Socialist Guy Verhofstadt who warned the
bian opposition leader on parliament adopted a future. leader Attila Mesterhazy told a constitution could be a “Trojan
a hunger strike to pub- new constitution yester- The opposition Socialists and boycott event yesterday. horse for a more authoritar-
licise his call for a snap parlia- day in the face of an opposition left-wing green LMP party boy- During the vote, a flash mob ian political system in Hungary
mentary poll has deteriorated, boycott and criticism that the cotted both yesterday’s vote and organised via the social net- based on the perpetuation of one
doctors said yesterday. text destroys the country’s sys- the preceding debate in the as- working site Facebook gathered party rule”.
Tomislav Nikolic, the head of tem of checks and balances. sembly, while the far-right Job- near parliament, where a giant Orban meanwhile told Brus-
the Serbian Progressive Party “We are witnessing a historic bik voted against the text. Pac Man figure in the orange sels that Hungary was prepared
(SNS), has not taken any food moment as parliament passed With its preamble laden with colour of Fidesz devoured a sign to let legal experts examine the
or liquid since early on Saturday the new constitution,” Laszlo references to God, Christianity, representing the rule of law. new text to ensure it was in line
morning. Kover, MP for the ruling Fidesz the Holy Crown of Hungary, the The Socialists meanwhile with EU treaties.
President Boris Tadic visited party and speaker of the house, fatherland and traditional family planned a “Walk for Hungarian His government already ran
Nikolic on Sunday and urged him said after 262 deputies voted values, critics have slammed the Democracy” with torches in the into problems with the European
to stop the hunger strike. But he in favour of the text, with 44 new constitution as discrimina- evening near parliament. Union and rights organisations
ruled out elections before Serbia against and one member ab- tory. Over the weekend, thousands earlier this year over a disputed
formally becomes a candidate staining. They have raised fears about of Hungarians had already gath- new media law, which dimmed
for European Union member- “It acknowledges Christian- the status of those who will not ered in a wave of protests tar- the beginning of its first ever EU
ship, expected in October. ity as the basis of our civilisation fit the mould, such as non-be- geting the new constitution and chairmanship.
Meanwhile, Brussels said yes- but it ensures moral freedom,” he lievers, homosexuals or single- other government measures. Orban has also been criticised
terday that it was worried by added before calling on deputies parent families. Adopting a new constitution for placing loyal figures in key
the lack of direction in Belgrade to rise to sing the national an- Apart from its contents the has for years been the ambition positions, including the State
and called for a focus on reforms them. new constitution has come un- of Fidesz, which sees the previ- Audit Office, and for weakening
rather than dates. The new basic law, drafted der fire for the speed of the de- ous text as obsolete and based on or dissolving independent insti-
“We have followed the devel- People gather as a giant Pac Man figure in the orange colour of solely by Prime Minister Viktor bate – it was rushed through in a Soviet model. tutions like the Fiscal Council or
opments in Serbia this weekend the centre-right ruling Fidesz party devouring a sign Orban’s centre-right Fidesz, is nine days – the lack of transpar- Political analysts note how- the constitutional court.
with growing concern,” EU for- representing the rule of law in front of the Parliament in seen as a “coup” to cement the ency in producing it and the late ever that the 1949 text was re- The new constitution will now
eign policy spokeswoman Maja Budapest, as Hungary’s parliament adopted yesterday a party’s own power and keep it in availability of a public draft. worked after the fall of com- be ratified by President Pal Sch-
Kocijancic said in a statement. controversial new constitution, despite criticism that it destroys control even if it is voted out of Opposition parties had re- munism in a collaborative effort mitt on April 25, and enter into
Kocijancic called for a “sin- the system of checks and balances. government. fused to take part in the drafting. involving all the main political force on January 1, 2012.
gle-minded focus” on reforms
and settlement of political dis-
putes “within the established ed to shed jobs soon.

True Finns set for govt,

political process”. “Finland has neglected many
A decision on EU membership domestic issues in all this EU
will be made only when Brussels twaddle. Of course the trou-
judges that Serbia is ready, she bled countries should be helped

EU bailout under threat

said. somehow, but the terms have to
Nikolic announced his hunger be tight,” said a public servant,
strike at an opposition rally that 37, who gave his name as Jari. He
drew some 40,000 people to voted for the True Finns.
central Belgrade. Some voters also cited a dis-
He was hospitalised at a pri- Reuters requests for bailout funds. time agreeing on policy. trust of incumbent politicians.
vate clinic on Sunday night as Helsinki Rising political populism “It would be a very heterog- Prime Minister Mari Kivin-
his health began to suffer due to around Europe, driven by pub- enous, very difficult coalition,” iemi’s Centre Party, hit by a po-
dehydration. lic anger over the impact of the said Sixten Korkman, managing litical funding scandal, suffered

Doctors at the clinic said that he True Finns, the anti- financial crisis, may well make director at the Research Institute the biggest setback, losing 16 of
they administered medication euro party voted into a deals on solving euro zone debt of the Finnish Economy. 51 seats in parliament.
to offset some of the effects of powerful role in the Hel- woes increasingly difficult. Katainen has stressed that She said it would go into op-
the dehydration but that Nikolic sinki parliament at the week- The National Coalition, which whatever the makeup of the next position. While it remains un-
continues refusing to drink or end, expect the European Union won the election with 20.4%, government, it will remain pro- clear whether the True Finns
eat. to change plans for a bailout of will launch government forma- euro and supportive of the bail- will grab influential posts in the
He was in stable condition and Portugal, its leader said yester- tion talks under its leader, out- out plans. new cabinet or succeed in block-
was aware that further dehydra- day. going Finance Minister Jyrki The European Commission ing the bailout, analysts say the
tion could cause serious harm, The True Finns’ hostility to Katainen. said it expected Finland to hon- party is sure to gain a bigger say.
they told reporters. the bailout is the biggest hur- Katainen said the new coali- our its commitments to the euro Saxo Bank chief economist
Health Minister Zoran Stank- dle in talks that begin this week, tion, expected to be formed by zone bailout fund. Steen Jakobsen said a coalition
ovic said on Sunday in a TV in- when the right-leaning National mid- to late May, will likely in- Representatives of the com- with the Social Democrats and/
terview that doctors are bound Coalition will reach out to the clude the three biggest parties: mission, European Central Bank or True Finns would make it hard
by law to administer liquids to populist party and opposition the National Coalition, Social and International Monetary for the government to fully sup-
Nikolic if he loses conscious- Social Democrats to form a ma- Democrats and True Finns. Fund were meeting Portuguese port the Portugal bailout with-
ness. jority government. “We have to get a majority for officials in Lisbon on Monday to out a schedule for how Greece is
While a person can go without “Of course there will have to the parliament, and programme set the terms for the bloc’s third to restructure.
food for many days, life-threat- be changes,” Timo Soini said of issues have to be agreed upon,” rescue in a year after bailouts for The Social Democrats support
ening dehydration is possible the Portugal package, a day after Katainen was quoted as saying Greece and Ireland. the EU but have criticised the
much more quickly, even after the party more than quadrupled by the Finnish news agency STT. However, there is growing bailout, saying private investors
just a few hours, depending on its share of the vote to turn Fin- But political commentators speculation that Greece will A picture taken yesterday shows a selection of Finland and banks should shoulder more
circumstances. land’s pro-EU politics on their said the government formation restructure its debt and there newspapers front pages a day after Finland’s elections. Finland’s of the responsibility.
Several opposition parties head. talks could be the most difficult is increasing pressure on other media said the country had undergone a ‘revolution’ after the Analysts also say that the new
lined up behind Nikolic and the True Finns came third in Sun- in decades, because the three so-called euro zone peripheral ruling Centre Party government was toppled in polls which saw a government will need to take
SNS, which leads all parties in day’s election with 19% of the parties are so far apart on the countries, with Spanish 10-year dramatic surge in support for right-wing nationalists. into account strong voter dis-
recent popularity polls, in call- vote, raising its number of seats bailout and other key economic bond yields pushing towards content and take a harder line
ing on Tadic’s ruling coalition to in the 200-strong parliament to policies such as corporate taxes record highs near 5.6%. Greece, Ireland and Portugal, little to increase the number against Brussels.
hold early elections. 39 from five in the 2007 election. and pension reforms. In Finland, support for the and anxiety over unemploy- of jobs. Its flagship company, “In terms of European Union
The last parliamentary elec- Finland’s parliament, unlike And even if such a coalition True Finns reflects public frus- ment and pension cutbacks. Nokia, is struggling to com- policies, Finland will become a
tion in Serbia was in 2008. A new others in the euro zone, has the could be formed, analysts have tration about footing the bill Finland’s rebound from the pete with Apple Inc and Asian more difficult partner,” said Ko-
poll is scheduled in about a year. right to vote on European Union said that it would have a difficult for weaker economies such as global financial crisis has done handset makers, and is expect- rkman.

Support for Berlusconi at new low
EU to pump 110mn Support for Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has hit a record
low, an opinion poll showed yesterday.
The survey by the IPR polling institute for the left-leaning *La

euros into research Repubblica daily showed Berlusconi’s approval rating at 31% in
April, down from 40% at the start of 2011 and 56% in April 2009.
Confidence in his centre-right government fell to 23% from 26% a
month ago.

on Chernobyl plant
AFP sary of the disaster this month.
Brussels “I’m confident that those
events tomorrow will bring the
desired results, notably in secur- GULF CINEMA : Thank You (Hindi) 2, 5, 8 & 11pm.

he European Commis- ing necessary funds to complete DOHA CINEMA: August 15 (Malayalam) 2.30, 5.30, 8.30 &
sion said yesterday that it the safety work on the Chernobyl 11pm.
will provide Ukraine with site,” Barroso said during a joint MALL CINEMA (1): Al Rajol Al Ghamed Besalamto
110mn euros ($156mn) to help press conference with Ukrainian
with construction of a new sar- President Viktor Yanukovich. (Arabic) 2.15, 4.30, 6.45, 9 & 11.15pm.
cophagus isolating the Cherno- “Overcoming a tragedy of MALL CINEMA (2): City Island 2 & 4.15pm, Source Code
byl nuclear plant. such a scale cannot be only 6.30, 8.45 & 11.15pm.
“Tomorrow on behalf of the Ukraine’s business. The event in MALL CINEMA (3): Rio (3D) 2.30, 4.30 & 6.30pm;
European Commission I will an- Japan has again confirmed that
Tomorrow, when the War Began 8.30 & 11pm.
nounce in the pledging confer- such events are a challenge for all
ence an extra EU pledge of about of humanity,” Yanukovich said. ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (1): Rio (3D) 2.30, 4.30
110mn euros,” European Com- A separate EU statement said & 6.30pm; Red Riding Hood 8.30 & 10.30pm.
mission President Jose Manuel the money will help “ensure that ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (2): Paul 2.15pm; Largo
Barroso said. the Chernobyl site is made stable Winch 2 4.30, 6.45, 9 & 11.15pm.
Barroso was in Kiev for a do- and environmentally safe”.
nors conference to start today It will be funnelled into “nu- A woman walks past a giant picture of Russian gas masks at an outdoor exhibition by Swiss ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (3): No String Attached
that will aim to raise 740mn eu- clear safety, but also on pro- photojournalist Guillaume Briquet entitled Tchernobyl 25 years after in Geneva. The world next week 2 & 4pm; Big Mommas 3 6.30 & 9pm; The Roommate
ros to help Ukraine cover the cost grammes to help the local pop- remembers 25 years since the worst nuclear accident in history at Chernobyl, haunted by fears that the 11.30pm.
of replacing a concrete sarcoph- ulation and provide affected Japan earthquake has shown again the risk of atomic power sparking apocalypse. Chernobyl has become CINEMA LANDMARK (1): Hop 3.15, 5.15 & 7.15pm; Big
agus that was erected to con- families with access to quality a byword for environmental catastrophe, with the explosion at 1.23am on April 26, 1986 showing what can
fine the Chernobyl reactor that healthcare”, the statement said. happen when a disaster occurs at a nuclear power plant. Mommas 3 9.15 & 11.15pm.
exploded in 1986 in the world’s The fourth reactor at a power CINEMA LANDMARK (2): Rio (3D) 3 & 5pm; The Ward
worst nuclear disaster. station in the Ukrainian city of and Russia the worst affected. sarcophagus, financed by an in- The 108m-high arched struc- 7, 9 & 11pm.
The original sarcophagus is Chernobyl, around 100km north A consortium made up of ternational foundation. ture, weighing 20,000 tonnes, CINEMA LANDMARK (3): Al Rajol Al Ghamed
cracked and unstable and the of Kiev, exploded on April 26, French construction compa- Work on the project began last will be assembled close to the re-
Besalamto (Arabic) 2.30, 4.45, 6.45, 9 & 11.15pm.
conference is being held as 1986, contaminating a swathe nies Bouygues and Vinci won a year and is due to be completed actor and then slid on rails over
Ukraine marks the 25th anniver- of Europe, with Ukraine, Belarus tender in 2007 to build the new by 2015. the existing sarcophagus.
Gulf Times
18 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Police and
Jonathan win triggers off students
riot in
deadly protests in Nigeria
Protests rage in towns across the forces fired in the air and used teargas to
north as politicians call for calm disperse groups of youths shouting “We
want Buhari, we want Buhari”.

Reuters Police said the violence was political mutiny in Burkina Faso
Kano/Abuja rather than ethnic or religious. Twelve spread yesterday as po-
years after the end of military rule, the lice joined soldiers on a
army said it stood fully behind the gov- rampage in a northern town, and

ioting erupted yesterday across ernment. students staged violent protests
Nigeria’s largely Muslim north Jonathan appealed to all politicians to in the west against President
and the Red Cross spoke of many end violence. Blaise Compaore’s regime.
dead as youths torched churches and “No one’s political ambition is worth Soldiers and paramilitary po-
homes in anger at President Goodluck the blood of any Nigerian,” he said in a lice poured into the streets of
Jonathan’s election victory. statement. the northern town of Kaya, firing
Jonathan won the presidential elec- Buhari was yet to make any pub- shots into the air, and torching
tion, final figures announced by the In- lic statement. The former general’s the home of an army regiment
dependent National Electoral Commis- spokesman said he believed the vote chief and ransacking that of a re-
sion (INEC) showed yesterday. count had been manipulated against gional officer, residents said.
Jonathan won 22.5mn votes, around him. It was the first time police
57% of votes cast, compared to 12.2mn “We cannot accept these results as had taken part in the uprising
votes, around 31%, for his nearest rival announced until cross-checks have that began in the capital Oua-
Muhammadu Buhari. been carried out by the electoral com- gadougou on Thursday. An of-
Observers have called the poll the mission,” said Yinka Odumakin. ficial said they were yesterday
fairest in decades in Africa’s most pop- Nigeria has a history of rigged and vi- demanding their wages be paid.
ulous nation but Buhari’s supporters olent elections but Saturday’s vote was Kaya was the fourth town to be
accuse the ruling party of rigging and deemed by many Nigerians, and foreign affected in the landlocked west
his Congress for Progressive Change observers, to have been a vast improve- African state after Ouagadougou
Party rejected results announced so far. ment on the past. and the small centres of Po and
Those results show how polarised the “Election day showed a generally Tenkodogo in the south.
country is, with Buhari sweeping the peaceful and orderly process,” said chief Meanwhile, protesting youths
north and Jonathan winning the largely People demonstrate in Nigeria’s northern city of Kano where running battles broke out between protesters and soldiers European Union election observer Alojz in Koudougou in western Burki-
Christian south. Jonathan had 22.5mn yesterday as President Goodluck Jonathan headed for an election win. Peterle. EU observers said 2007 elec- na Faso also turned to violence,
votes to just over 12mn for Buhari ac- tions were not credible. burning down the premises of
cording to final figures. lying by the road,” said Red Cross offi- of Vice President Namadi Sambo in the our houses. I had to run for my life and Buhari, who also lost elections in the ruling party and a home of
The Nigerian Red Cross said church- cial Umar Mairiga. “Two thousand peo- town of Zaria and forced their way into I am now in my neighbour’s house,” said 2003 and 2007, has repeatedly said ex-prime minister Tertius Zon-
es, mosques and homes had been ple have been displaced at one military the central prison, releasing inmates. Dora Ogbebor, a resident of Zaria whose Nigerians would not accept another go, witnesses said.
burned in rioting across the north and camp alone.” The body of a small boy shot in the origins are in the south. rigged vote. The demonstration was initial-
many people had been killed, but it was Authorities in the northern state of chest by a stray bullet was brought to a Plumes of smoke rose into the air in He said on Saturday he would not go ly a peaceful one by students and
impossible to give a toll for now. Kaduna imposed a 24-hour curfew af- police station, a witness said. parts of the state capital as protesters to court to challenge the outcome but school pupils, residents said, but
“In Kaduna we have seen dead bodies ter protesters set fire to the residence “They have destroyed our cars and set fire to barricades of tyres. Security that his party may chose to do so. it degenerated. The home of the
headmaster of the town’s main
school was also burned down.
4 poachers held in “We want to make the ruling
power... look into our concerns”
Kruger park
Uganda police detain opposition leaders after protests and establish “truth and justice
for Justin Zongo and all victims

our Mozambicans suspect- of repression,” the students said
ed of poaching in the Kruger in a statement.
National Park were arrested, Reuters as he walked with other people toward gations. The files are going to be submit- Congress, according to Mathias Mpuuga, a They were referring to a stu-
South Africa’s defence ministry Kampala town. He is being held at Kasangati po- ted to the director of public prosecution member of parliament elected in February dent who died in a February
said yesterday, two weeks after the lice station,” said police spokeswoman and the DPP will go through the files and coordinator of the protests. demonstration, killed by police
army began patrols to crack down Judith Nabakoba. and would advise accordingly whether One analyst said the protests were according to his relatives while

on rhino killings. gandan opposition leader Kizza President Yoweri Museveni, who was to prosecute or which cases to prefer likely to fizzle out. “This is truly the first authorities said the boy was ill.
“Our national parks are our Besigye and a number of as- re-elected in February, has warned he against him,” said Vincent Ssekate, dep- time we’re seeing sustained civil action The latest wave of protests
assets, we will protect them for sociates were arrested as they would not allow Besigye to lead the pro- uty police spokesman. by the opposition against an issue of erupted Thursday as mutineers
the future and those who pose prepared to take part in a third round of tests, and blamed drought for reduced Outside the station where Besigye substance and on a considerably large ran riot in the capital, demand-
any threats to our animals will protests over rising food and fuel prices, food production and higher global oil was being held, police fired tear gas at a scale,” said Bernard Tabaire. ing better pay and housing and
meet the full might of the law. We police said yesterday. prices for increased transport costs. growing crowd of about 3,000 people. “Ultimately Museveni will prevail food benefits. They “have not
have declared war with poachers Besigye, President Yoweri Museveni’s Besigye, who right hand was heavily Army officers joined regular police in because at the end of the day Uganda is received their pay for the month
in all our parks,” said Defence closest rival in February elections, was bandaged following an injury sustained patrolling the streets of the capital Kam- very rural and it’s largely the few urban- of March,” said a source close to
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu. detained by plainclothes offices outside in last Thursday’s protest, was forcibly pala with guns and batons. ites protesting. So unless the opposition the general staff.
The four had a hunting rifle, his house as he left to join further rallies, loaded on to a pick-up truck and taken to Police also arrested opposition leaders in can galvanise the whole nation and make “They also want their bo-
binoculars, an axe and cellphones, which begun last week in protest against a police station for interrogation. It was other parts of the capital, including Nor- the protests a daily thing and stretch se- nuses to be aligned on those of
added a ministry statement. steep price rises. unclear whether he faced any charges. bert Mao, leader of the Democratic Party curity forces we’ll likely see this unrest the presidential guard,” he said,
Soldiers were deployed to the “Besigye has been arrested on the road “We are in the final stages of investi- and Olara Otunnu of the Uganda Peoples peter out by next week.” adding that “the wages will be
Kruger’s borders with Mozam- paid today.”
bique and Zimbabwe on April 1, To try to control the situation,
after South African National Parks veteran leader Compaore, who
asked the military to help stop the has ruled for more than two dec-
rhino bloodbath in the giant park,
which lost 146 animals last year.
Between January and March,
Slow start in Ivory Coast first government work day ades, Friday dissolved his gov-
ernment and named a new head
of the armed forces.
poachers killed 46 rhinos in the “For several days, soldiers and
park, out of a national total of 71. AFP trait of the disgraced Gbagbo still hung. Troops from Ouattara’s Republican “Ivory Coast is reborn,” said Nord- civilians... have been using fire-
Home to more than 70% of the Abidjan “The state machinery hasn’t been Forces (FRCI) set up checkpoints at some Sud, while the Patriot said “With ADO, arms in violation of regulations,”
world’s remaining rhinos, South running for four months. Here at the crossroads and searched cars, firing their Ivory Coast is reborn,” referring to the the security ministry said in a
Africa lost 333 rhinos last year. ministry I can see that people have guns occasionally yesterday morning as new leader’s initials. “Deliverance,” statement on Sunday. “This state

The surge - fuelled by use of handful of civil servants heeded turned up,” added Konan before going they sought to scare off looters. headlined Le Mandat. The three papers of affairs will not be tolerated in a
rhino horn in Asian traditional an appeal by Ivory Coast’s new into his first staff meeting. Streets were still littered with gar- are pro-Ouattara. state with the rule of law.”
medicine - has been blamed on government to resume work Ouattara took charge on April 11 of the bage, leaves and twigs as small traders State-run Fraternite-Matin, which Ouagadougou, which had
organised syndicates. yesterday, leaving state offices para- world’s top cocoa grower when his forces cleaned and repaired their looted shops. had backed the deposed Gbagbo, was been shut down since Thurs-
lysed one week after strongman Laurent stormed the presidential palace in Abid- Banks and many supermarkets re- however reconciliatory, under the head- day because of the unrest, was
Gbagbo was toppled. jan and seized Gbagbo. mained closed but some residents said line “Mr Ouattara: it is together that we returning to normal yesterday,
Small groups of employees gathered By midday yesterday, more taxis and they were just happy the violence had will write our history.” with banks and public offices
Nelson Mandela in front of towering office buildings in packed buses were on the streets that subsided. Gbagbo is under house arrest in the opening.
begins ‘tweeting’ Abidjan’s central Plateau district where saw some of the fiercest fighting for 10 “We are happy about the change. Un- north of the country while former rebel But traders refused to open
heavily-armed Ivorian and French days between the rivals’ forces ahead of der the previous government our lives fighters loyal to Ouattara patrol Abidjan their stalls at the central mar-

outh Africa’s Nelson Man- troops patrolled. Gbagbo’s dramatic arrest in an operation were restricted,” said Ouattara Djibril, a along with UN peacekeepers and a force ket, though they were present.
dela is now on Twitter, New President Alassane Ouattara’s backed by French and UN troops. taxi operator in the Plateau district. from former colonial master France. On Saturday they had violently
after his foundation con- minister for public service was himself A civil servant at the parliament said “We have all returned, but there are His Ivorian Popular Front party said protested against the soldiers
vinced a British man to hand late for work, saying his convoy had been that when he arrived at work “there was a few clients. I hope that tomorrow will be over the weekend it had noted the order who had looted and burned their
over the @NelsonMandela ac- delayed. decomposing body” at the building’s en- a bit better,” he added. for the state machinery to start func- businesses during the rampage.
count, his office said yesterday. “I came to simply assess what is to trance. “Looters have stolen all the com- Newspapers also appeared yesterday tioning again, and urged an “end to the Po and Tenkodogo were also
Online consultant Richard be done, meet with all the officials and puters, they’ve turned everything upside for the first time almost three weeks war” and the “increasing violence”. calm yesterday after soldiers had
Millington had registered the ac- see what urgent issues need to be put in down,” the worker said, asking not to be since publication halted, praising Ouat- The country’s largest student union opened fire in the streets and
count but agreed to give it to the place so that work can begin quickly,” said named. “I don’t know if we’ll be able to tara under whom they said the country also called on its members to disarm and looted shops at the weekend,
Nelson Mandela Centre of Mem- Gnamien Konan in his office, where a por- get back to work for two or three months.” had been reborn. heed Ouattara’s reconciliation call. residents said.
ory, part of a foundation estab-
lished by the anti-apartheid icon.
“Mr Millington did not hesi-
tate when we contacted him last
week requesting that we take
over the page he had created,”
said Sello Hatang, spokesman
Tsvangirai slams Zimbabwean rival Mugabe’s nationalisation plan
for the Mandela Foundation.
Since the Centre of Memory Reuters ed “avaricious politicians” over later in the day at an independence Analysts say an election without
took over the account on Fri- Harare the last decade, Tsvangirai said. rally also attended by Tsvangirai. reforms, including a new consti-
day, it bears the Nelson Mandela “Now thirty years after inde- The president said a govern- tution, a free media and improved
Foundation logo and has won 727 pendence, we are being told by ment notice giving foreign mining voter registration, will favour

followers who receive updates imbabwean President multi-millionaires and multiple companies until May 9 to submit Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party.
with key dates in the life of South Robert Mugabe’s main ri- farm owners that indigenisation their plans on the share transfer MDC officials warned an early
Africa’s first black president. val yesterday denounced will set us free,” he said. was part of a broad economic em- election could lead to a bloodbath.
“18 April 1986 Nelson Man- his plans to nationalise foreign- “By this, they are not referring powerment programme. Although Mugabe called for
dela watches the film ‘Missing’ owned firms as “looting and to broad-based empowerment Mugabe also denounced po- national unity and peaceful po-
in Pollsmoor Prison,” read one plunder” by a greedy elite. of the ordinary man and woman, litical violence and avoided his litical co-existence, he made
tweet yesterday. “On the 17th of In a statement for Zimbabwe’s but the looting and plunder of usual attacks on Tsvangirai in a no direct reference to a spate of
April 1962 Nelson Mandela at- 31st independence anniversary, national resources by a small, reconciliatory speech. clashes between his support-
tends the National Assembly of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangi- parasitic elite,” he added. Zimbabwe, Mugabe said, had ers and backers of Tsvangi-
Sierra Leone and meets various rai dismissed as “empty rhetoric” Mugabe, 87 and in power since stabilised politically after a pow- rai’s Movement for Democratic
Members of Parliament,” read a drive by Mugabe’s ZANU-PF Zimbabwe’s since independence er-sharing government brokered Change or the arrest of opposi-
Sunday’s tweet. party to force foreign companies from Britain in 1980, signed an by regional leaders in 2009 and tion officials.
It was unclear why Milling- to transfer majority shareholding Indigenisation and Economic could complete constitutional Moses Mzila-Ndlovu, a minis-
ton had registered the account, to local blacks. Empowerment Act in 2008, reforms ahead of elections. ter from a small MDC faction led
but yesterday he tweeted: “The Mugabe’s seizures of white- which forces foreign-owned Mugabe has been pushing for an by Industry and Commerce Min-
Nelson Mandela foundation just owned commercial farms about companies worth over $500,000 early poll this year before agreed ister Welshman Ncube, was de-
thanked me for handing over Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe (centre) greets Prime Min- a decade ago under the banner of to achieve at least 51% black democratic reforms, accusing his tained at the weekend on charges
the @nelsonmandela twitter ac- ister Morgan Tsvangirai upon his arrival at the 31st Independence correcting colonial injustices had ownership within five years. opponents of wasting time on petty of addressing an illegal meeting
count. I forgot I had it.” Day celebrations in Harare yesterday. ruined the economy and benefit- Mugabe defended the policy quarrels over state appointments. and using hate speech.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 19
Senior US senators launch Taiwan ex-govt ‘financed Malaysia to grade students’ Vietnam reserve brings Activists save Chinese dogs
week-long trip in Hong Kong Beijing dissidents’ weights in report cards hope for rare animal from cooking pot
Top US Senator Harry Reid and nine fellow A Chinese student leader from the 1989 Tianan- School report cards will begin to show student The establishment of a nature reserve in Vietnam Hundreds of dogs being trucked to Chinese
lawmakers arrived in Hong Kong yesterday men Square protests said yesterday he had body mass indexes as well as their academic has brought new hope for the survival of a restaurants were spared a culinary fate after
to open a week-long visit to China focused on received money from a past Taiwan government performance as Malaysia tries to combat child mysterious twin-horned creature “on the brink about 200 animal lovers mobilised to stop them
economic issues and human rights, his office through a fund that backed democracy activism obesity, a media report said yesterday. Health of extinction”, conservation group WWF said. ending up on dinner tables, state-run media said
said in a statement. “During meetings with on the mainland. Wang Dan, who is now based on Minister Liow Tiong Lai saying that teachers must Authorities in the central Quang Nam province yesterday. A truck crammed with the dogs was
Chinese officials, the group will discuss issues the island, said he received an unspecified amount track the students’ BMI so that parents are aware agreed last week to set up the reserve dedicated forced to stop Friday on a highway in eastern
including clean energy, trade issues, currency, of money from former president Chen Shui-bian of their children’s weight, the New Straits Times to the secretive saola, a relative of antelopes and Beijing by a motorist who swerved his car in
foreign policy, and human rights,” according -- who was in office from 2000-2008 -- but did not reported. “The BMI will indicate if the child is over- cattle and one of the world’s rarest animals, which front of the truck and then used his microblog
to the statement. Reid, the Democratic senate think it had come from Chen’s own pocket. “Appar- weight or obese. If the child is overweight, the was only discovered in 1992. “This decision has to alert animal-rights activists, reports said. The
majority leader, and the other lawmakers was ently, this money was given by the government of teacher will advise the parents to get help from brought new hope for the survival of the saola, dogs, many apparently stolen from their owners,
to make site visits of US investments and clean the Republic of China (Taiwan’s official title) rather the nearest clinic,” he said. Soft drinks and food an animal that is on the brink of extinction in the were being transported from the central Chinese
energy projects in Chengdu, Beijing and Xian, than by Chen Shui-bian himself,” he said in an article with high sugar content have also been banned world,” said Vu Ngoc Tram of the WWF Greater province of Henan to restaurants in Jilin province
his office said. printed in the Taipei-based Apple Daily. from being sold in school canteens. Mekong Programme. in the northeast, the China Daily said.

Bracing for celebrations

Police identify A worker attaches
prayer petitions, with
names written on
cards, to lotus lanterns
in preparation for the

Indonesian upcoming birth

anniversary of Lord
Buddha at the Jogye
temple in Seoul
yesterday. Buddhists
buy the name cards

suicide bomber
Forensic tests have revealed and irrefutably proven” that he DNA samples from his parents
to bless their families
with happiness and
to celebrate Buddha’s
birthday, which falls on
May 10 in South Korea.

the bomber as Mohamed was the bomber. “matched 100%” with the dead
Syarif, 32, and police have “What we do know is that man.
seized nails and explosive Syarif had been on the police The bomber’s heavily preg-
materials including wanted list in similar cases, in- nant wife, Sri Maliha, told the
potassium nitrate, cluding an attack on a minima- Jakarta Globe newspaper that her
aluminium and sulphur rket in Cirebon,” he said. husband was not pious.
from his parents’ home Syarif detonated explosives “He was a good husband who
strapped to his body at a mosque sometimes led the prayer as an
AFP within a police station in Cire- imam. But he was not a devout
Jakarta bon, West Java province, on Fri- Muslim, I guess,” she was quoted
day as worshippers began their as saying, referring to optional
prayers. fasting and praying.

ndonesian police yesterday The explosion killed him in- “He was just like an ordinary
identified a suicide bomber stantly and injured 30 people, six man that socialised with people,”
who blew himself up and of them seriously. The wounded she added.
wounded 30 people at a Friday -- who were mostly policemen The attack was the first suicide
prayer as a man on a police want- including the Cirebon police bombing inside a mosque in the
ed list over previous attacks.
Forensic tests showed the
bomber was Mohamed Syarif, 32,
and police have seized nails and
chief -- were found with nails,
nuts and bolts lodged in their
Police said Syarif was a Cire-
world’s largest Muslim-majority
nation of 240mn people.
Indonesia is struggling to deal
with the threat of homegrown
At least 17 dead in China hailstorm
explosive materials including bon resident and had damaged militants who oppose the coun-
potassium nitrate, aluminium the minimarket’s property in the try’s secular, democratic system AFP province, state media reported ing the civil affairs ministry. government has sent a team
and sulphur from his parents’ previous attack because it sold and want to create a caliphate Beijing yesterday. Nearly 22mn people were af- to the disaster-affected areas
home, detectives told a televised alcohol. across much of Southeast Asia. The Sunday storm, fected by the storm, which to direct relief work, the re-
press conference. Similar attacks have been car- A series of bombings in recent which hit cities including dumped more than 50 mil- port said.

Deputy chief detective Math- ried out on stores and bars by years in the country have been t least 17 people were Guangzhou, Foshan, Dong- limetres (2.2 inches) of rain The local government has
eus Salempang said Syarif’s mo- hardliners in Indonesia. were blamed on regional terror killed and more than 150 guan and Zhongshan, caused on the region where China’s initiated emergency plans to
tives and any links with terror National police spokesman network Jemaah Islamiyah, in- injured as hailstones, about 55mn yuan ($8.4mn) in booming export manufactur- rush the injured to hospital,
groups are still under investiga- Anton Bachrul Alam said Syarif’s cluding the 2002 Bali bombings lashing rain and gales pounded direct economic losses, said ing base is located. provide aid to the elderly, and
tion, but it had been “concluded fingerprints, dental records and which killed 202 people. southern China’s Guangdong China Central Television, cit- The Guangdong provincial inspect endangered buildings.

Taiwan protests Philippines’ Two die in

claims over Spratlys islands attack by
DPA upset the peace and stability in the South China
Taipei Sea.”
Basilio and Perez said they would convey Tai-
wan’s stance to the Philippine government.
aiwan yesterday protested the Philippines’ Taiwan’s protest comes almost two weeks after
sovereign claims over the Spratlys islands, Manila filed a formal protest in the United Na- DPA
asserting that the archipelago belongs to the tions over China’s territorial claim over the en- Manila
Republic of China. tire South China Sea.
Deputy Foreign Minister Shen Ssu-tsun sum- Manila’s note was filed with the UN Commission

moned Philippine representative to Taiwan Anto- on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (UNCLOS) wo civilians were killed
nio Basilio and Manila’s top official in charge of Tai- on April 5. in an attack by suspected
wan affairs Amadeo R Perez to the Foreign Ministry The protest said the Philippine-claimed section communist rebels in the
to lodge the protest. of the Spratlys, called the Kalayaan island, was an eastern Philippines, a military
He gave the pair a copy of Taiwan’s statement integral part of the Philippines. report said yesterday.
stating ROC sovereignty over the Spratlys and Spratlys are claimed wholly or in part by Viet- The victims were riding a mo-
surrounding waters. Taiwan cannot accept any nam, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Malaysia and torcycle when they were shot
claim to sovereignty over, or occupation of, these Brunei, and all but Brunei have a military presence Sunday in Milagros town in Mas-
areas by other countries. on one or more of the otherwise uninhabited atolls. bate province, 390 kilometres
The statement urged the Philippines to refrain The waters around the islands are believed to con- Thai bomb squad policemen inspect a blast scene following a car bomb at a business area in Yala south-east of Manila.
from adopting unilateral measures “that might tain substantial petroleum reserves. province, southern Thailand yesterday. The report said the guerril-
las suspected the victims had a
hand in the arrest two weeks ago
of a leftist sympathiser collect-
Blast kills one, injures 23 ing “revolutionary taxes” for the
Communist rebels have been
fighting the government since

in restive Thai south the late 1960s, making the move-

ment one of the longest-running
leftist insurgencies in Asia.

Reuters trict of Yala city, about 100 the unrest, for which no group
Yala, Thailand metres from a food market at has claimed responsibility, is
8:10 am (0110 GMT), killing the
ranger instantly. Four rangers
an ethno-nationalist campaign
by ethnic Malay Muslims who Landslide
uspected insurgents det- were wounded. Nineteen civil- say their identity, language and
onated a bomb yester-
day killing a paramilitary
ranger and wounding 23 peo-
ians, most of them Buddhists,
were also wounded, police said.
Yala is one of the three Mus-
culture is neither respected nor
fully understood by the Bud-
dhist-dominated Thai state.
toll rises
ple in Thailand’s restive south, lim-dominated provinces bor- Despite the deployment of
police said, the latest attack in dering Malaysia where more 60,000 members of the se- DPA
the Muslim-dominated region than 4,500 people, both Mus- curity forces and police in the Jakarta
bordering Malaysia. lims and Buddhists, have been rubber-rich region, authori-
A bomb hidden in a parked killed in a low-level insurgency ties have made little progress in

car exploded in a business dis- since 2004. Analysts believe ending the revolt. landslide killed at least
10 people and injured
seven in Indonesia’s East
Criticism for bad behaviour at charity event Java province, state-run media
said yesterday.
Festival goers at a charity cherry blossom event in organising committee as saying that although the A steep cliff collapsed Sun-
Hanoi have met criticism over their “bad behaviour,” large turnout proved young Vietnamese people day in the hamlet of Klangon
observers and local media reported yesterday. were interested in cultural events, it was “sad” be- in Malang district after several
Participants at the two-day weekend event picked cause “many people didn’t know how to behave.” days of rains and buried a group
nearly all the blossoms from the cherry trees and Tuoi Tre reported that the festival was “overcrowded” of people looking for firewood,
Activists wearing superhero costumes hold banners saying that the late Philippine dictator Ferdinand left behind piles of litter, the Tuoi Tre newspaper and that people pushed and shoved to get to the 300 the state-run Antara news
Marcos is not a hero, protesting the proposed dictator’s hero burial in Manila yesterday. The late said. cherry tree stems imported from Japan on display. Se- agency reported.
Philippine dictator Marcos has made it into the military’s newly renovated “Hall of Heroes” museum More than 1,000 people took part in the event to curity guards and volunteers were unable to prevent Nine people were killed on
despite his fall from grace, a military spokesman said. raise money for earthquake victims in Japan, it said. many people from picking the blossoms and crushing the spot while another died at
The report quoted one unnamed member of the the plants while posing for photographs. hospital.
Gulf Times
20 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Unlike BP,
few assets to
put on block
Reuters $30bn in assets.
Tokyo That includes the sale in Oc-
tober to Apache Corp of oil re-
serves in Canada for $7bn.

ike oil-leaking BP plc a year Costs resulting from TEPCO’s
ago, disaster-whipped To- leaking reactors will likely ex-
kyo Electric Power is mull- ceed BP’s costs.
ing a fire sale of assets to help pay JP Morgan has estimated TEP-
compensation claims against its CO could face 2tn yen ($24bn)
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear pow- in compensation losses in the
er plant. financial year that started this
Unlike BP, which had a valu- month. Bank of America-Mer-
able bag of oil and gas fields to rill Lynch has said the bill could
hawk, Asia’s No1 utility has little reach $130bn if the crisis contin-
to sell. ues.
Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) is de- How much TEPCO will pay
ciding which assets it can offload and how much the tax payer and
to help meet compensation that other utilities may shoulder is
could very well exceed the $20bn still unclear. Outlays are already
of claims BP received in the past mounting, however, follow-
Ayano Soga, a second grader schoolgirl at Shimo-Masuda Elementary School, walks through a tsunami-devastated area on the way back to her home with a backpack given by year. ing an agreement to 50bn yen in
Unicef after the start of the new school year in Natori, south of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan. About 60% of the 13tn yen initial handouts to people forced
($156bn) worth of assets on to evacuate from a 30 kilometre
TEPCO’s balance sheet are wide strip around its stricken
nuclear plants and other fixed nuclear plant.
assets used in power produc- TEPCO, which employs

TEPCO chief under

tion. 53,000 workers, is also unlikely
“BP has oil-producing rev- to make much headway paring
enue assets, but TEPCO is in costs as any savings from staff
quite a different position,” said cuts will be eaten up by other
Ben Wedmore, director of eq- expenses, say analysts, including
uity research at MF Global FXA the cost of adding conventional
Securities. “TEPCO is genera- fossil fuel-fired generating ca-
tion assets, distribution assets, pacity to avert a power crunch

fire from lawmakers

power lines and so on, but these during peak demand in the sum-
are things they cannot sell.” mer.
The most valuable gem in its “TEPCO is expected to make
portfolio is a 7.9% stake in KDDI drastic cost cuts like reductions
, a telecommunications compa- in labour costs, but the impact of
ny that owns Japan’s No 2 mobile such efforts on its overall profits
phone network. is likely to be limited,” said Hiroki
Repayment obligations The TEPCO president appeared actor buildings, the government That will be the first asset un- Shibata, an analyst at Standard &
may put the financial yesterday as a witness at the hear- said yesterday. der the hammer, according to a Poor’s Ratings in Tokyo.
position of TEPCO and ing of the parliament’s cross-par- The levels inside the buildings local media report, but even if “For capital expenditure, I
budget of the nation under ty budget committee, which also of reactors 1 and 3 at the six-re- TEPCO manages to sell all the think it would be hard to make
heavy pressure, taxes look grilled Prime Minister Naoto Kan actor Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear shares in one go, it will raise only large savings since the com-
inevitable but may not be over his government’s handling of Power Station ranged from 10 180bn yen ($2.2bn) at its current pany is likely to make additional
enough to stave of debt the nuclear crisis. to 57 millisieverts per hour as of price. investments to secure a stable
Support for the government Sunday, according to data ob- It’s top 10 stock holdings power supply and to improve
AFP has risen following the March 11 tained by the US-made, remote- in companies not directly in- safety,” Shibata said.
Tokyo disaster, but a majority of vot- controlled robots. volved in its generating business TEPCO’s best asset, say ana-
ers criticised its response to the The levels would make it hard amount to no more than 210bn lysts, may be its too-big-to-fail
atomic crisis in a poll commis- for workers to engage in the res- yen combined, while TEPCO status as the sole provider of

apanese lawmakers yester- sioned by the Nikkei business toration of key cooling functions values the stocks on its books at electricity to Japan’s capital and
day grilled the president of daily and published on Monday. at the earthquake- and tsunami- 310bn yen. surrounding prefectures, a re-
the company at the centre of The poll results came as Toy- damaged plant for prolonged BP, which on Wednesday gion with an economy about the
the world’s worst nuclear crisis ota said it was resuming opera- periods, the Kyodo News agency marks the first anniversary of the size of Britain’s.
since Chernobyl, demanding he tions at all its domestic plants reported, citing the govern- explosion aboard its Deepwater That means the state will ulti-
take responsibility for the dis- that had been halted since March ment’s Nuclear and Industrial Horizon rig near the Louisiana mately intervene before TEPCO
aster. 11, though a shortage of parts Safety Agency. coast that sparked the world’s runs out of money, a luxury that
Appearing in parliament for A remote-controlled robot called packbot is pictured by another means production will be re- Exposure to 250 millisieverts worst oil spill, is planning to sell BP does not enjoy.
the first time since a huge earth- packbot in Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) Co’s crippled Fukushima stricted to 50%. per year is the permissible level for
quake and tsunami crippled its Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No 2 reactor building in Fukushima. Toyota also said it had started workers dealing with the ongo-
Fukushima Daiichi plant, the testing radiation levels of its ex- ing crisis while the Tokyo Electric
head of the Tokyo Electric Power tion leaks fall dramatically. was “beyond our expectations”. port vehicles, parts for overseas Power Co (TEPCO), which runs
Company (TEPCO) faced a bar- Tens of thousands of people “As the person who assumes assembly and service parts and the plant, said that usually the
rage of criticism from politi- living near the plant have had to final responsibility for coordi- had found no abnormalities. radiation level inside the reactor
cians. evacuate their homes since the nating the safety strategy for On Sunday, TEPCO said it buildings is 0.01 millisievert per
“What do you plan to do to March 11 disaster, which sparked the nuclear power plant, I ac- aimed to cool reactors and start hour, Kyodo reported.
take ultimate responsibility (for a series of explosions that have knowledge the seriousness of reducing radiation from the fa- TEPCO used the PackBots of
the crisis)?” one opposition law- caused radiation to leak into the this incident,” he said. “I cannot cility within three months and iRobot Corp of the United States
maker asked TEPCO President air, soil and sea. find words enough to express my expected to achieve cold shut- to check radiation, temperature,
Masataka Shimizu, 66, who has Shimizu delivered a brief apology.” down within three to six months humidity and oxygen density,
rarely been seen in public since apology over the crisis on March Shares in TEPCO are down of that stage being completed. the Jiji Press agency said.
the tsunami swamped the plant 13, but then fell ill and was not almost 80% since the quake It said the initial focus would High levels of radiation have
on Japan’s northeast coast. heard of again until nearly a and tsunami on expectations be on preventing new hydrogen prevented workers from enter-
“These documents contain month later when he visited it will face huge compensation explosions in reactors by injecting ing the buildings of reactors 1 to
very strict safety rules,” said Fukushima, meeting local of- claims totalling around 10tn yen nitrogen, and on avoiding further 3 since March 11.
Shuichi Kato of the opposition ficials but not residents made ($120bn) according to some esti- releases of radioactive water. The operator has been inject-
New Komeito party, brandish- homeless by the radiation spew- mates. An unknown quantity of high- ing massive amounts of wa-
ing a copy of the company’s own ing from the plant. The government on Friday ly radioactive liquid has leaked ter into the reactors and their
safety regulations. “If you did your best, then why ordered TEPCO to offer initial into the Pacific Ocean from the spent-fuel pools to cool them
“This says the president re- did it explode?” asked Com- payouts to tens of thousands of plant, devastating the local fish- down, but pools of radiation-
gards nuclear safety as the top munist Party lawmaker Mikishi people made homeless by the ing industry. contaminated water have been
priority. With this in mind, let Daimon, accusing the company ongoing crisis, with 1mn yen TEPCO has also dumped more found around the site, further
me ask how you feel now?” of failing to prepare for such an ($12,000) going to each family than 10,000 tonnes of mildly hindering work to restore the
Shimizu’s appearance came event and pressing Shimizu to living around the stricken plant. radioactive water into the sea to cooling systems.
a day after TEPCO said it “admit TEPCO caused the ac- The official death toll from free up urgently needed storage TEPCO said the amount of
would be nine months before cident”. the quake and tsunami stands space for highly toxic liquid. polluted water in the turbine
the plant’s six reactors could Shimizu, who has repeatedly at 13,895, with 13,864 still listed Two robots used to investi- buildings of reactors 1 to 3 and
be put into “cold shutdown”— apologised over the crisis, de- as missing, Kyodo News agency gate a damaged nuclear plant in nearby areas totalled an esti- Policemen carry the body of a victim found amid the rubble in
a stable condition in which fended TEPCO’s performance, reported, quoting the National north-eastern Japan found high mated 67,500 tonnes, Kyodo re- Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture, more than one month after the
temperatures drop and radia- saying the devastating tsunami Police Agency. levels of radiation inside its re- ported. earthquake and tsunami.

Most Japan voters want new PM, approve tax

Reuters Yukio Edano said. The full recov- An opposition lawmaker sug- panel yesterday. another location will take time eyeing a tax rise but some law- the LDP, and another poll in the
Tokyo ery could take even longer and gested he had been ill-prepared “From now on ... we must measured in years,” he added. makers fear it would hurt the Mainichi newspaper showed a
rebuilding the shattered north- from the start, pointing to Kan’s persist with our strategy on two Besides battling to contain the economy. similar result.
eastern coast has yet to begin. admission that he could not re- fronts, and I want to make every nuclear crisis, the government “It is no doubt that a substan- Kan has already invited the

ost Japanese want a new The cost of material dam- call the details of a drill last year effort on both issues,” he said, re- must also figure out how to pay tial amount of revenue sources LDP to form a national unity
prime minister to lead age alone from the quake and that simulated a Fukushima-type ferring to rebuilding the country for the biggest reconstruction will be needed for reconstruc- government, but the LDP has
rebuilding after last tsunami has been estimated at incident. and resolving the nuclear crisis. project since the aftermath of tion,” Japan’s deputy finance rejected the idea of a coalition
month’s earthquake and tsuna- $300bn, making it the world’s “Prime Minister Kan is work- Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial World War Two despite public minister, Fumihiko Igarashi, said. and called for Kan to resign. The
mi, newspaper polls showed yes- most expensive natural disaster. ing hard and he must be expe- Safety Agency said radiation lev- debt already twice the size of the “I want to ask the people to share DPJ controls parliament’s lower
terday, as the head of government More than 13,000 people have riencing difficulties. But many els in the reactors were making it $5tn economy. burdens broadly. While we re- house but needs opposition help
was again scolded in parliament been confirmed dead and tens of people have questions about his difficult to work there, and ex- The government hopes to view every spending and revenue to pass bills because it lacks a
for his handling of the nuclear thousands made homeless. leadership,” opposition Liberal perts say the crisis could drag on avoid issuing new bonds to fund to raise funds, everyone needs to majority in the upper chamber,
crisis that followed. Nearly 70% of people surveyed Democratic Party (LDP) lawmak- well beyond TEPCO’s target. an initial emergency budget, ex- share the pain.” which can block legislation.
Japan is struggling to bring the by the Nikkei business daily er Masashi Waki told the upper “Just soaking the fuel in wa- pected to be worth about 4tn yen Kan’s Democratic Party of Ja- Analysts say that Kan, who
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant said Prime Minister Naoto Kan house budget committee. ter would mean it will take a ($48bn), due to be compiled this pan (DPJ), which swept to power took office last June as Japan’s
under control after it was crip- should be replaced, and a similar Kan said he and his govern- very long time to cool down the month. for the first time in 2009, has fifth leader since 2006, is unlike-
pled by the March 11 natural dis- number said the government’s ment were doing their best. fuel,” said Hidehiko Nishiyama, But bond issuance is likely for seen support flag ever since and ly to resign readily, while opposi-
asters, a process that could take response to the nuclear crisis was “Japan has experienced many a deputy director general of the subsequent extra budgets and voters punished the party in local tion parties could be criticised if
the rest of the year. not acceptable. crises in the past, but I believe agency. He said engineers were markets are worried that post- elections earlier this month. they try to take disaster budgets
That timetable would only be Kan was criticised again in this is the biggest crisis in the 65 exploring other cooling methods. quake rebuilding may hamper More than half of the people hostage in a political battle.
met if “everything goes smooth- parliament yesterday for his re- years since the end of World War “For us to be able to disman- Japan’s efforts to rein in its debt. surveyed by the Nikkei newspa- “It is impossible to change
ly”, Chief Cabinet Secretary sponse to the nuclear disaster. Two,” he told a parliamentary tle the fuel rods and take them to Ruling party executives are per want the DPJ to team up with prime ministers at such a time.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 21

4 dead in
UN panel says war crimes Bangladesh
committed in Sri Lanka
The report by the panel indicate that a wide range of se- biased and we reject it,” gov- Though the panel blames ians via suicide attacks. against the injustice done to the

appointed by UN Secretary- rious violations of international ernment spokesman and Media both sides for deaths, the elimi- The panel urged “a serious country before the world,” Ra- t least four people were
General Ban Ki-moon humanitarian law and interna- Minister Keheliya Rambukwella nation of the LTTE’s leadership investigation and the prosecu- japakse told party officials at a killed and six villages of
represents the biggest tional human rights law were said. “We are not panicked, and by the government in May 2009 tion of those responsible”. meeting. “I am prepared to face ethnic Buddhist minor-
pressure brought to bear on committed both by the Govern- even we made our protest when means that only government “If proven, those most re- any punishment on behalf of ity tribals were burnt over a land
the Sri Lankan government ment of Sri Lanka and the LTTE, they appointed the panel with forces would be held account- sponsible, including Sri Lanka the motherland.” dispute in south-eastern Bang-
over the quarter-century some of which would amount to regard to their mandate. Our able, should any inquiry arise. Army commanders and senior In July, a hardline cabinet ladesh, officials said yesterday.
war’s end war crimes,” an excerpt of the stand has not changed.” The report specifically ac- government officials, as well as minister led a three-day siege The incident took place in the
report, leaked to Sri Lankan cuses the government of wide- military and civilian LTTE lead- of the UN offices in Colombo to Khagrachari region of the Chit-
Reuters newspapers, says. Duis aute irure dolor in spread shelling including tar- ers, would bear criminal liabil- protest the UN panel, drawing tagong Hill Tracts, the Daily Star
Colombo The report by the panel ap- reprehenderit in voluptate geting field hospitals, denial of ity for international crimes,” the Western condemnation. reported.
pointed by UN Secretary-Gen- velit esse cillum dolore eu humanitarian aid, and rights report says. Rajapakse’s government de- The Chittagong Hill Tracts
eral Ban Ki-moon represents fugiat null laboris aliqua violations against people inside Most of the allegations in- feated the LTTE, which was on is home to a minority Buddhist

UN-appointed panel has the biggest pressure brought to lorem ipsum velit esse and outside the conflict zone. cluded in the report have been more than 30 nations’ terrorism population. Incidents of violence
found “credible allega- bear on the government over cillum “Most civilian casualties in made in the past by rights or- lists, after a stop-start separa- have occurred earlier in the wake
tions” that tens of thou- the quarter-century war’s end. the final phases of the war were ganisations and Tamil diaspora tist war that began in earnest in of efforts by successive govern-
sands of civilians were killed Sri Lanka’s government has caused by government shell- groups that supported the LTTE 1983. ments to settle Bengali Muslims
and war crimes were committed consistently denied allegations President Mahinda Ra- ing,” the report says. “It shelled and have pushed, since the The LTTE fought to establish on tribal land. An accord reached
in the final months of Sri Lan- that it targeted civilians. It has japakse’s government refused in spite of its knowledge of the LTTE’s defeat, for a war crimes a separate state for Sri Lanka’s in 1997 has not been fully imple-
ka’s war with the Liberation Ti- acknowledged that some were to let the panel into Sri Lanka impact.” inquiry. minority Tamils, who have mented.
gers of Tamil Eelam, and urged killed as troops advanced on an as it prepared its report, under The panel accuses the LTTE Over the weekend, Rajapakse complained of persecution by Violence erupted on Sunday
the investigation and prosecu- ever-shrinking patch of land on a mandate to advise Ban on ac- of using civilians as human urged supporters to gather in successive governments ruled afternoon when Bengali settlers
tion of those responsible. the northeastern coast of the countability for any violations shields, killing fleeing civil- force for a May Day protest. by the Sinhalese majority since reportedly began clearing 50
“The panel found credible Indian Ocean island. of international law committed ians, forcible child recruitment, “The time has come to show independence from Britain in acres of forest on a hillock that
allegations, which if proven, “The report is a fraud and at the end of the war. forced labour and killing civil- our strength ... to demonstrate 1948. belongs to the Marma tribe.
Witnesses said a group of set-
tlers went to the hillock and be-
gan planting banana saplings
Tibetans in exile on hunger strike after clearing the forest around

Minister midday. Local tribals who belong

to the ethnic minority protested,
but the labourers did not pay any

under fire heed to them.

The tribals allegedly attacked
the labourers when they were

over dual resting after lunch.

An injured labourer died on his
way to hospital and two others

citizenship died after being admitted.

As the news spread, Bengali
labourers allegedly attacked the
villages of Shankhola, Taikar-
DPA ma, Sica, Riyamrang and Pa-
Kathmandu dachhara, home to the ethnic
minorities and burnt at least 60
houses there.

newly appointed Nepa- A man from the Marma tribe,
lese minister came under Remong Marma, was reportedly
fire yesterday after media hacked to death at Shankhola,
reports said he held both Nepali the New Age reported quoting
and Indian passports as well as villagers.
an identity card saying he is a The Hafchari Union Council
Tibetan refugee. said Bengali settlers burnt down
The Republica newspaper at least 100 houses in the council
reported that Minister of State area.
for Finance Lahrkyal Lama had The Parbatya Chattagram Jana
a case against him at the home Sanghati Samiti also condemned
ministry over possession of the attack. Other Buddhist tribal
more than one passport, which bodies demanded the arrest and
was filed six years ago. It would trial of the people responsible for
be illegal for him to hold more the attacks.
than one. The government on Sunday
The complaint, filed by two night formed a committee to in-
Nepalis, also accused him of vestigate the violence and sub-
misappropriation of funds mit its report within two working
for issuing registrations for Tibetans in exile participate in a 24-hour hunger strike at the Tibetan Welfare Centre, Boudha in Kathmandu yesterday. Some 20 Tibetans in exile expressed days.
non-existent monasteries. solidarity with compatriots who were victims of a Chinese crackdown in Ngaba, Sichuan Province last month. Chinese security forces last month enforced a It has also banned public gath-
Lama served as chairman of crackdown on Tibetans who protested following the death of a young monk who set himself on fire on the third anniversary of violent protests against Chinese rule in Tibet. erings, rallies and carrying of
the Ministry of Local Devel- firearms.
opment’s monastery man-
agement committee from
Media reports alleged his
involvement in misusing
government letterheads and
stamps to issue fake certifi-
cates to Tibetans to help them
obtain US visas, and of steal-
Former minister aims to scale Mt Everest
ing 50,000 dollars from a US AFP strength. But you have to be Everest, people did not believe “Upadhyaya has undergone a
woman. Lama denied the Kathmandu mentally strong to accomplish me. But I’m well prepared to series of training exercises and
allegations. this climb,” Upadhyaya said. reach the summit,” he told re- is very enthusiastic about his
“I never misused government porters at the weekend. ascent,” Ramjindaji Gurung,

documents and seal,” Lama n 82-year-old former “When I said I would Upadhyaya plans to start out the chairman of the Senior Cit-
said. “I am ready to face any Nepalese minister has climb Everest, people did from the Everest base camp on izen Mount Everest Expedition,
punishment if found guilty.” set off for Mount Everest not believe me. But I’m April 28 in his bid to conquer told AFP.
Lama’s induction into the in an attempt to set the record well prepared to reach the the peak. Gurung said Upadhyaya has
cabinet last week miffed some as the oldest person to scale the summit” His climb was organised by already scaled the 6,467m Mera
members of the Communist world’s highest peak, organis- the Senior Citizen Mount Ever- Peak and the 6,160m Island
Party of Nepal-Unified Marx- ers said yesterday. “I want to prove that elderly est Expedition, which supports Peak, both in the Everest re-
ist-Leninist who questioned Shailendra Kumar Upad- people like me are capable of attempts by older people to gion, in the past few years.
Prime Minister Jhalanath hyaya, who served as Ne- such achievements,” the silver- scale the mountain that strad- Since the mountain was first
Khanal about why a “novice” pal’s foreign minister and haired octogenarian said in dles the Nepal-China border. conquered in 1953 by Edmund
had been given a ministerial permanent UN representa- Kathmandu ahead of his depar- If successful, Upadhyaya Hillary and Tenzing Norgay,
portfolio. tive in the 1970s and 1980s, ture for the 8,848m (29,029ft) would become the oldest per- more than 3,000 people have
The Chinese embassy also said he aimed to raise aware- mountain. son to ascend Mount Everest. reached the peak.
expressed its dissatisfaction, ness about the capabilities Upadhyaya will be accompa- The record now is held by an- Several hundred have died,
saying Lama’s appointment of elderly people by climbing nied by five guides and sherpas other Nepalese climber, Min many of them falling to their
questioned Nepal’s one-China Mount Everest. in his attempt to make the gru- Bahadur Sherchan, who scaled deaths or succumbing to al-
policy as Lama has been closely “Mountaineering is of- elling ascent. the mountain at the age of 76 titude sickness during the
connected with the Free Tibet ten associated with physical “When I said I would climb three years ago. ascent. Shailendra Kumar Upadhyaya: Raising awareness

leaves for visit
to Bangladesh Booker author in maiden visit to Nepal
ri Lankan President Ma-
hinda Rajapakse yesterday IANS her days as a student of Delhi and Nigeria - she was “very, “In India, 800mn people live she committed the cardinal on a recurring theme and made
left on a three-day offi- Kathmandu School of Architecture. very touched and honoured to on less than Rs20 a day,” Roy crime of getting married out- her an instant icon of the sex-
cial visit to Bangladesh aimed at The 51-year-old was attend- be counted in” though at times said. “... This is not due to a side the community and then ual minorities: who is to decide
boosting trade and bilateral rela- ing and participating in “Count exclusion was a blessing. natural disaster but created by she got divorced. And of course who we should love and how

tions, officials said. ooker prize winner and me in”, the three-day confer- Roy, whose activism has in- policy ... There’s a huge civil there was no money.” and how much.
Rajapakse was due to social activist Arundhati ence hosted by the New Delhi- cluded opposing high dams, war going on, millions of people When Mary Roy returned Roy said she would like to re-
sign agreements on export Roy walked with com- headquartered feminist hu- nuclear tests and the crackdown have been displaced.” to the village with her son and serve her judgment on Nepal’s
promotion, business, ship- rades of a different kind in Kath- man rights organisation CREA by the Indian government on Roy, whose bestselling fiction daughter, the children were Maoists, who had fought a 10-
ping, agriculture, fisheries, mandu yesterday on her maiden to give a voice to marginalised the burgeoning Maoist move- was modelled on her family life “completely banished” by the year war, then signed a peace
education and culture, they visit to the Himalayan republic. people in South Asia - the dif- ment in India, said the Indian in a conservative village in Ker- community. pact, took part in elections and
said. However, it was not the Maoist ferently-abled, sex workers, government and a few corporate ala, described with wry humour “The God of Small Things” also joined the government.
He was due to meet with his party of Nepal with whom she sexual minorities and people houses were designing massive how she had known exclusion broke taboos about love and sex “The Maoist movement in
counterpart Zillur Rahman and came to show solidarity though with HIV/AIDS. sets of policies designed to ex- firsthand when she was a child. with the depiction of a relationship Nepal is at a very crucial stage
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina two top Maoist leaders are her Roy, whose debut novel “The clude the majority of people. “My mother belonged to the between an upper caste woman now,” she aid.
yesterday. personal friends, one of them, god of small things” won the The latest measure was the Syrian Christian community, and a Dalit and an enigmatic love “They face a big challenge.
The External Affairs Minister former physical planning and Booker in 1997, told a mesmer- unique identity card that the In- who are very traditional, very between brother and sister. “When people come to pow-
G L Peiris is accompanying the works minister Hisila Yami, ised audience - including people dian government is mulling mak- conservative and quite boring,” Roy chose to read out a pas- er, they (all) tend to start priva-
president to Bangladesh. being her roommate during from Indonesia, the Philippines ing mandatory for all citizens. she said. “She broke two taboos: sage from the book that dwells tisation and build dams.”
Gulf Times
22 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top court
Anti-Jaitapur bans child
labour in
protests turn circuses
New Delhi

violent, 1 dead
IANS Haryana to acquire land for nuclear plant
he Supreme Court yes-
terday banned travelling
circuses from employing
children and ordered the gov-
ernment to conduct raids on all
performing companies to rescue
Jaitapur/Mumbai minors.
The Haryana government will poses to acquire over 1,500 acres The court edict followed a
go ahead with acquiring land for of land for the nuclear power petition lodged by a children’s

ne person was killed and a controversial nuclear power plant with four units of 700MW rights group that has lobbied for
at least seven others were plant in Fatehabad district despite capacity each, to be set up by full implementation of Indian
injured yesterday when continued protests from farmers the Nuclear Power Corp of India child labour laws, which are reg-
police opened fire on a mob pro- and residents of the area against Limited (NPCIL). ularly flouted by circuses.
testing the proposed 9,900 MW the project. Farmers in the area have been Children are often trained
Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project, a A senior official said yesterday holding protests in Fatehabad to perform high-wire acro-
top official said. in Chandigarh that the next noti- since July last year when the batic acts, juggling stunts and
Ratnagiri resident deputy col- fication regarding the project is acquisition notification was issued. other attractions for audiences
lector Makarand Deshmukh said likely to be made by July end. “While the state government says in India, where circus compa-
a youth was killed when police “The notification under Sec- that the acquired land is not fertile, nies move from town to town
attempted to control the protest- tion 4 (of the Land Acquisition farmers have been growing crops throughout the year.
ers who were on a rampage, at- Act) was issued July 29, 2010, there,” said farmer Hans Raj. “The court has ordered the
tacking the Nate Police Station, a and information about it was NPCIL’s executive director K B government to rescue all chil-
few kilometres from Jaitapur. published in various newspapers Dixit yesterday gave a presenta- dren below 14 years of age and
The victim has been identified Aug 14, 2010. There is a provision tion at the HPGCL headquarters also instructed them to formu-
as Tabrez Sayekar, a 30-year old to issue Section 6 after a year, and in Panchkula, 15km from the state late a rehabilitation policy for
fishermen from Nate coastal vil- it will probably be issued on July capital, saying that all the nuclear the minors,” said Colin Gon-
lage. Over 50 people have been 28,” Sanjeev Kaushal, managing power plants in India were safe. salves, a lawyer for the Save the
detained. director of the Haryana Power “All the nine nuclear plants in Childhood Movement, which
“As per information available at Generation Corp Limited (HPGCL), India are fully safe and working brought the case.
the district headquarters, around said here. properly and India will never The court order said that all chil-
125km from the site, at least seven Tension and anxiety have been face Japan-like situation after an dren rescued from circuses should
persons have been injured in the running high among farmers in earthquake and tsunami as there live with their parents and that the
police firing. I am awaiting de- the Gorakhpur area of Fatehabad is a lot of geographical difference government should provide care
tails,” said Deshmukh. district, over 350km from Chan- between the two countries,” Dixit and education if their parents are
Home Minister R R Patil told digarh, after the recent nuclear said. No representative of the unable to look after them.
the state assembly yesterday crisis in Japan’s Fukushima plant. agitating farmers attended the India passed a law nearly 25
evening that police opened fire The state government pro- meeting. years ago banning children un-
after the mob attacked the po- der 14 from working in hazard-
lice station, assaulted officials on ous industries such as fireworks
duty and later set fire to the sta- In a related development, the the government, Shiv Sena’s manufacture, and labour legis-
tion premises. Shiv Sena called for Ratnagiri Subhash Desai said the incident lation has since been extended to
He said he had sought a report shutdown today to protest the was shocking and alleged that cover most employment sectors.
on the incident from the district police firing, an official said here. the authorities were putting The laws were amended in
administration and would com- The Shiv Sena, with its local pressure on the locals to accept In this photograph taken on June 21, 2004, a child holds a placard during a sit-in protest against child 2006 to tackle widespread abuse
ment on it later. legislator Rajan Salvi, other local the compensation from the au- labour in New Delhi. of the rules, but activists say
Deshmukh said that the situ- parties as well as non-govern- thorities. courts still need to crack down
ation in the affected areas was ment organisations had led sev- While the assembly was ad- on child labour which is often
“fully under control” and the eral hundred villagers from Ja- journed for 10 minutes over the rife in restaurants, shops, farms
district administration and po- itapur, Nate and Madhban in the issue, later it was adjourned for and on building sites.
lice prepared to tackle tomor-
row’s proposed Ratnagiri shut-
protest at Jaitapur, Ratnagiri dis-
trict against the proposed JNPP.
Some Shiv Sainiks attempted
the day as the Opposition de-
manded a detailed statement on
the developments.
Premier Rajdhani train catches Circus professionals criti-
cised the court ruling, saying
that training performers from a
A local activist Pradeep Indulkar
said there were two separate inci-
dents of police action, one near
to barge into the JNPP site but
police caned them, leaving sev-
eral activists hurt. Police have
In the legislative council, In-
dustry Minister Narayan Rane
said the protesters attempted to
fire, passengers evacuated safely young age is crucial to develop-
ment of specialist skills.
They point to European cir-
Madhban and another in Nate, detained Salvi and more than 50 barge into the JNPP project site cuses that are allowed to sign up
since this morning when anti- other Shiv Sainiks. Later in the but were stopped by the police. IANS B6 and B7. The pantry car was totally gutted by children if one parent accompa-
JNPP groups were protesting. afternoon, some of the protesters He said that angry crowds re- Mumbai/Bhopal the time the train stopped,” the official said. nies them and full education is
“In Madhban, scores of pro- attacked the Nate Police Station, sorted to pelting stones at the Railway officials quickly detached the three provided.
testing Shiv Sainiks were caned around 10 km from Jaitapur. police who retaliated by resorting burning coaches to prevent the fire from “One can only perform acro-

by the police. In another incident The home minister told the to caning and later firing against hree coaches of the Mumbai-New Delhi spreading. Senior railway officials and a medi- batics if rigorous training is im-
in Nate, police opened fire on a assembly that the police opened the mob in Nate. Rajdhani Express caught fire near Ratlam cal team rushed to the site. A passenger was parted at an early age. Children
huge crowd that had attacked the fire in the air to disperse the vio- The protesters shouted anti- in Madhya Pradesh early yesterday, offi- injured while helping others evacuate from the are needed for the job and you
police station and pelted stones lent mob. However, when it failed state and anti-central govern- cials said. A passenger sustained minor injuries. blazing coaches. cannot train adults for it,” said
there,” said Indulkar. to scare them, they fired in the ment slogans and condemned An official of Western Railway (WR) said the “Three coaches of the train caught fire and N V Chandran, a trainer at the
Top civil and police officials, crowd, leading to the death of Union Minister of Environment fire is believed to have started in the pantry car burnt completely. However, all passengers are Gujarat-based Gemini Circus.
including district collector M Tabrez Sayekar. and Forests Jairam Ramesh’s at around 3am yesterday near Thuriya station in safe. The train has resumed its journey to New Circuses have suffered a drop
Gaikwad and superintendent of However, the opposition par- statements in Mumbai last week Ratlam, some 200km from Bhopal. The cause is Delhi via Kota in Rajasthan,” said Ratlam col- in popularity in India as televi-
police Pradeep Raskar, rushed to ties were not satisfied. that there was no looking back on yet to be ascertained, “As the train was speed- lector Rajendra Sharma. Ratlam comes under sions, cinemas and video players
Nate to control the situation. Demanding a statement from JNPP. ing, the fire spread to two adjoining coaches - Kota railway division. have spread into rural areas.

Jaipur mourns last maharaja with lavish funeral

AFP form, to the ornate Chandra Mahal city
Jaipur palace.
State ministers and thousands of Jaipur
residents paid their respects at the palace

uge crowds gathered in the city of as government offices shut down and the
Jaipur yesterday to bid farewell to Indian flag flew at half-mast across the
one of the country’s last maha- western state of Rajasthan.
rajas, who was cremated with full state Singh’s body was then put on a gun
honours after an elephant parade. carriage and driven in a procession of
Bhawani Singh, the last maharaja of caparisoned elephants and horses to the
Jaipur, died at the age of 79, prompting royal crematorium, where priests chant-
two days of mourning in the ancient city ed ancient Hindu scriptures as his body
which is famous for its pink architecture was burnt.
and imperial palaces. The 40th maharaja of Jaipur took the
Singh, who held a brigadier’s rank in throne in 1970 following the death of
the Indian army and was feted as a war his father, Man Singh. A year later, India
hero, passed away on Saturday suffering abolished all royal titles and removed
from multiple organ failure after being their privileges. Many families have since
hospitalised about three weeks ago, his remained hugely wealthy, though some
relatives said. of their numerous palaces have been con-
His body was cremated in the open on verted into luxury “heritage hotels”.
a pyre of wood lit by his grandson in line Jaipur was among the richest royal es-
with Hindu religious traditions. The cre- tates, and the city remains one of India’s
mation was broadcast live on television biggest tourist attractions.
during several hours of coverage. Singh, who belonged to the Rajput
The funeral cortege had earlier moved warrior caste, was decorated with the
through the walled city accompanied by country’s second highest military award,
bejewelled elephants and horses, as at- the Mahavir Chakra, for his role during
tendants threw holy rice into the ranks of India’s second war with Pakistan in 1971.
mourning citizens. During the fighting, Singh was said to
The maharaja’s death cut one of the have duped Pakistani troops into believ-
few remaining links to an era when local ing that a large formation of Indian tanks
royal families controlled large swathes was advancing on their position while
of India, often enjoying lives of great ex- in reality the vehicles were simply noisy
travagance. jeeps.
Jaipur was one of many “princely After his retirement from the army,
states” designated by British colonial Bhawani Singh unsuccessfully contested
powers, who imposed indirect rule by parliamentary elections in 1989.
signing alliances with Indian royal fami- Singh, who studied at Britain’s Harrow
lies. School and also served as ambassador to
After independence in 1947, the maha- Brunei in the 1990s, is survived by wife
rajas gradually lost power and influence Padmini Devi and daughter Diya Kumari.
particularly during government reforms His glamorous step mother, Gayatri
in the 1970s, but local people have often Devi, once named as one of the most
continued to view them as their leaders. beautiful women on Earth by fashion
Early in the day, soldiers belonging to magazine Vogue, was accorded a similar
Bhawani Singh’s paratroopers’ regiment royal funeral in Jaipur following her death
The funeral procession of Bhawani Singh pass by the ‘Hawa Mahal’ (Palace of Winds) in Jaipur yesterday. carried his body, draped in military uni- at the age of 90 in July 2009.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 23

Binayak Sen
First phase of elections walks out of
Raipur jail
in West Bengal peaceful
IANS Party (NCP) one, and the Bharatiya Ja-

ights activist Binayak Sen, whose
life sentence on charges of sedi-
tion and links with Maoists trig-
Kolkata/Siliguri nata Party 49. gered a global outcry, walked out of his
Also in the fray are the Gorkha Jan- jail cell here yesterday, three days after
mukti Morcha (GJM) in three constit- the Supreme Court granted him bail say-

he much-awaited battle for con- uencies, Gorkha National Liberation ing he was at best a Maoist sympathiser.
trol of Writers’ Buildings - the seat Front (GNLF) in three, and the Akhil “I know in my heart that I have never
of power in West Bengal - got off Bharatiya Gorkha League in three. betrayed my countrymen. I never ac-
to a peaceful start yesterday with 74.27% Political parties gave the thumbs up cepted that charge of traitor in my heart.
voters casting ballots in the first phase of to the Election Commission (EC) for After the apex court order, the whole
the assembly polls, officials said. the peaceful conduct of the first phase question of sedition should be taken off
In one of the most incident-free of polls in the state. the panel,” Sen told reporters here.
elections witnessed in the politically West Bengal’s ruling Left Front He also welcomed Law Minister M
volatile eastern state, there were long chairman Biman Bose praised the EC Veerappa Moily’s statement that he
queues of voters and polling was brisk for the way it conducted the first phase will refer sections of the law dealing
in the 54 constituencies spread over of polls in the 54 assembly constituen- with sedition to the Law Commission
six northern districts - Darjeeling, Jal- cies and expressed his happiness over for a relook.
paiguri, Cooch Behar, North Dinajpur, the overall turnout in the first phase. Thanking the people for their sup-
South Dinajpur and Malda. “I am happy with the turnout of vot- port, Sen said: “Many people like me
“Around 74.27% polling was re- ers for the first phase. The election com- are facing similar ordeal in the state.”
ported till 6pm, an hour after polling mission has performed his duty. The There was jubilation and enormous
officially ended,” said Chief Electoral polling was more or less peaceful. We are relief amongst the crowd waiting out-
Officer Sunil Kumar Gupta. confidant of winning most of the seats side the Raipur jail, where the 61-year-
The polling figure was lower than among the 54 assembly constituency,” old medical doctor had been undergo-
the 82.77% recorded in the 2006 as- Bose told reporters in Kolkata. ing his life imprisonment.
sembly polls and in the 2009 elections The state Congress unit also ex- As Sen walked out of the prison, his
to the Lok Sabha when 81.84% voters pressed happiness over the votes being family, including his elderly mother, wife
exercised their democratic rights in conducted in a peaceful way, but was and daughter, hugged him. So did some
the six districts. felt that the voters’ turnout should have other supporters as emotions ran high.
People lined up outside poll booths been more. “The vote was peaceful. If He was sentenced by a Chhattisgarh
attired in their best - from the hill sta- the turnout had been more then it would trial court on December 24, 2010, for
tion of Darjeeling in the state’s north- have been much better,” said Manas sedition. Sen was accused of acting as
ern tip to Malda, famed for its mouth- Bhunia, state Congress president. a courier between Maoist ideologue
watering mangoes. The Trinamool Congress expressed Narayan Sanyal and Kolkata-based
“Polling was completely peaceful. its confidence that it will form the businessman Guha, both of whom have
There were no untoward incidents,” next government and felt that people been jailed for life. Sen had challenged
said Inspector General of Police Ran- of Bengal will reduce the Left Front’s the February 10 order of the high court
bir Kumar. Ten preventive arrests were strength from 235 to 30. rejecting his bail plea.
made and there was no demand of re- A man sits in a cycle rickshaw decorated with Trinamool Congress placards on a roadside in Kolkata yesterday. “The Left Front will be reduced to 30. On Friday, the Supreme Court backed
poll from any candidate, Gutpa told The people will form the next govern- him and said in a scathing observation
media-persons. years of rule from the Trinamool Con- According to sources in the CEO’s The fate of 11 ministers of the Left Front ment of Maa Mati Manush. People are that a person does not become a Gan-
Enthusiasm was high as first time gress-Congress combine in the polls. office, Jalpaiguri recorded 72.57% were decided during yesterday’s poll. voting in favour of Maa Mati Manush,” dhian just because he is found with a
voters and old timers voted in strength However, there was a vote boycott polling, Malda 75.1, Cooch Behar 77.1, Authorities deployed 548 compa- said Partha Chatterjee, opposition biography of Mahatma Gandhi.
to choose their representatives from in six polling booths of Malda district South Dinajpur 78.17%. Polling per- nies of central paramilitary forces in leader and Trinamool Congress leader. Stating categorically that there was
among 364 candidates in the six dis- and two other booths in South Dina- centage in Darjeeling was 71% and the districts to face any eventuality, a When asked whether he was happy with no case of sedition against Sen, the
tricts that has over 97 lakh eligible jpur district on local issues like lack of North Dinajpur was around 72.43%. police officer said. the Election Commission’s perform- apex court bench of Justices Harjit
voters. Yesterday was the first leg of development, said Gupta. Polling began at 7am and in some The CPI-M is contesting 32 seats, ance, Chatterjee said: “Today is just the Singh Bedi and Chandramauli Kumar
the six-phase staggered polling that Two presiding officers - one in Har- places, people cast their vote in can- the Communist Party of India (CPI) first day, let all the phases be complete.” Prasad had said: “We are in a demo-
would end May 10. irampur constituency and the other dlelight due to power cuts while at a two, Forward Bloc 10, Revolutionary The next polling dates are April 23 cratic country. At best he (Binayak Sen)
The ruling Communist Party of in Gangarampur - in South Dinajpur few polling booths, electronic voting Socialist Party (RSP) nine, Socialist (50 constituencies), April 27 (75), May is a sympathiser. There are many sym-
India-Marxist (CPI-M)-led Left Front constituency were removed for violat- machines (EVMs) malfunctioned but Party one, the Trinamool Congress 26, 3 (63), May 7 (38) and May 10 (14). The pathisers of a cause.”
faces the biggest ever challenge of its 34 ing the poll code, he said. were set right soon. the Congress 27, Nationalist Congress votes will be counted May 13. The court ridiculed the state’s sub-
mission that Sen was actively involved
in spreading disharmony and disaffec-
tion against the state.
“Distribution and circulation and

UDF’s star cast

face ‘red wrath’
Hazare reiterates August 15 even possession of (Maoist ideol-
ogy and propaganda material) does not
amount to sedition,” the court said.
“Even in the worst case scenario,
that he (Sen) was in possession of these

deadline for the Lokpal Bill documents, does not make him guilty
of sedition,” it had said.
Granting bail to Binayak Sen, the
court said, “Even if we take your (state
government’s) case at its very best, can
IANS The statement was apparently elected representatives have used of the already pending Lokpal it amount to to sedition?”

alayalam movie actors who campaigned New Delhi released to clarify reports in the money, muscle power, election Bill after incorporating recom- The state government, in its reply to
for the Congress-led opposition have had media that the August 15 deadline fraud, misinformation in the me- mendations and suggestions by Sen’s petition in the high court, said he
their posters torn or blackened in Kerala’s was flexible, and that Anna Hazare dia, etc. to win seats, undermining various commissions and com- “has the same ideology as that of CPI-

Kollam district, allegedly by Marxist cadres. ocial activist Anna Hazare was ready to accept any decision the sanctity and credibility of the mittees. Thereafter, the govern- Maoist (Communist Party of India-
Those who faced the ‘red wrath’ included super- has reiterated that the Au- of parliament. parliamentary system. Therefore, ment should invite suggestions Maoist) and he is addressed as comrade
star Suresh Gopi, Jayaram, Dileep and Kavya Mad- gust 15 deadline for passage “There is also confusion being we the citizens have to ensure that from the public for further im- by hardcore Naxalites (Maoists)”.
havan. of the Jan Lokpal Bill was set in created in the media through gov- a strong Lokpal Bill is passed,” he proving it before it is taken up
They had campaigned for filmstar-turned-pol- stone, warning that failure to ad- ernment sources that the civil so- said. by the parliament for enactment
itician K B Ganesh Kumar of the Kerala Congress here to it will lead to mass protests. ciety has climbed down in the first Meanwhile, a Public Interest of the law.
(B), a member of the Congress-led United Demo- “Even the government has admit- Joint Drafting Committee meeting Litigation (PIL) was moved in the The petitioner has also sought
cratic Front (UDF).
Ganesh is seeking a hat-trick win at Pathana-
puram in Kollam district. He is pitted against Com-
ted that it is realistic for parliament
to deliberate and take a decision on
the JLB by the 15th August deadline
held on April 16th, 2011,” he said.
He asserted that the civil so-
ciety members have not climbed
Supreme Court yesterday seek-
ing quashing of the notification by
which a joint drafting committee
a CBI probe into the “professional
misconduct” of the father-son
duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant
Arunima to
munist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) Kollam
district secretary K Rajagopal.
Reports from the area say that posters of latest
set by me. Thus failure of
this deadline
will invite mass
down from their position to bring
the prime minister, cabinet min-
isters and judiciary under the pur-
on the Lokpal Bill was set up.
The petitioner said that the
notification is both “unconstitu-
Bhushan for their role in setting
up of the joint draft committee on
the Lokpal Bill having five mem-
be shifted to
releases like China Town and Christian Bothers in-
volving the actors were found torn yesterday.
CPI-M MP K N Balagopal denied his party was
protests by
the people,”
Hazare said
view of Lokpal.
Hazare said that if political par-
ties vote against the Jan Lokpal
tional and ultra vires of the rules
of procedure for conducting par-
liament proceedings”.
bers of civil society and their in-
volvement in an alleged land scam
in Allahabad.
to blame. “We condemn it. Maybe what happened in a state- Bill they will “eventually be hurt- The PIL said that “no politician The petition has also sought
(was) a spontaneous reaction,” he said. ment issued ing their popularity and exposing or committee or social worker prosecution of the Bhushans on IANS
Comedian and character actor Jagdeesh, who yesterday. their mala-fide intentions”. have right to take the right of gen- the basis of the findings by the in- New Delhi/Lucknow
also campaigned for the UDF, reacted differently. “In such an event, we will again eral public to make a bill”. He said vestigating agency.
“Any publicity is good for a new film!” take to streets,” he added. that the existing Lokpal Bill was Shanti Bhushan, the petitioner

Kavya Madhavan, who has returned to the in- The veteran Gandhian said pending before a parliamentary said, had claimed that he had the ational level volleyball player
dustry after a break, was reportedly booed by youth that people needed to monitor committee for its consideration. evidence of corruption against Arunima Sinha, whose crushed
wing activists of the CPI-M at Karunagapally in parliament’s decision in a func- The PIL seeking quashing of the eight former Chief Justices of In- left leg was amputated after
Kollam district. tioning democracy. notification was moved by advo- dia (CJI). But he never initiated robbers threw her off a running train
“This is especially true as the cate Manohar Lal Sharma. any action against them during last week, will be shifted to the All India
same parliament has failed to pass The petitioner has sought the his tenure as union law minister Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
a Lokpal Bill for the past 42 years. court’s direction to the govern- and “continues to misuse them for for treatment as the union sports and
Oracle to open an office at In addition, significant number of ment to publish the contents his vested interest”. health ministries offered her “the best
Technopark in Kerala possible facilities and treatment”.
The decision to shift her to AIIMS

T blue chip Oracle yesterday signed an agree- came after a serious infection was no-
ment to open its first office in Kerala at the ticed in the leg for which she under-
Technopark campus here, officials said. Its of-
fice will be housed at the Leela Infopark building.
The agreement was signed in the presence of Chief
Another woman killed in Assam over witchcraft went a second round of surgery at the
prestigious King George’s Medical Col-
lege (KGMC), now called the Chattrap-
Minister V S Achuthanandan by Oracle official R ati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University
Jayaraman and Venu Krishnan of Leela Infotech. IANS around,” said a shocked Nipon According to Goyarai, “There Inspector General of Police Kula in Lucknow on Sunday.
Jayaraman told Achuthanandan that the com- Guwahati Brahma, the woman’s husband. was no personal enmity and the Saikia. Earlier yesterday, federal Sports
pany was looking forward to the commencement of “The woman was hit by some families were very poor with no The police have intensified their Minister Ajay Maken came to meet
its Kerala operations.Achuthanandan said he was crude objects on her head and property.” special drive to curb this phenom- Arunima at the hospital and offered to

happy that one of the world’s leading IT firms was n elderly tribal woman has face, and then buried,” Jadav Pegu, Black magic, witchcraft and su- enon. Codenamed Project Prahari shift her to New Delhi for specialised
setting up a unit in the state.“The agreement starts been found hacked to death magistrate investigating the inci- perstitious beliefs have been part (Vigilant), the project includes treatment.
from today and it runs for nine years...the present and buried by a stream in dent, said. of the tribal customs in parts of community policing, besides con- Seeing her worsening condition, the
space can accommodate close to 400 profession- Assam, the fourth such incident Daneswar Goyarai, executive Assam, Tripura and other north- ducting regular awareness cam- call was taken by authorities to shift
als,” Krishnan told reporters. since Friday in what police sus- member of the Bodoland Territorial eastern states. paigns among tribal chiefs and her to AIIMS, doctors said in Lucknow.
Headquartered in Redwood Shores, California, pect to be linked to black magic Council, a local administrative body, Many tribal communities prac- village elders. In New Delhi, the National Commis-
Oracle specialises in developing and marketing en- and witchcraft. said: “This is a clear case of black tice indigenous faiths and resort to “The battle against witch hunt- sion for Women also demanded that
terprise software products - particularly database A police spokesperson said magic and superstitious beliefs.” such rituals in treating ailments. ing is a challenging task for the the player should be shifted to AIIMS
management systems. yesterday that the body of Sarla Three women in their 50s were At least 200 people have been security forces. There should be for “proper care”.
As of July 2010, the firm employed more than Brahma, 50, was found buried hacked to death in separate inci- killed during the past five years a concerted campaign by civil so- Meanwhile, political parties left no
100,0000 professionals across the globe. under a mound of sand close to a dents in the same district in the for allegedly practising sorcery ciety groups, legal fraternity and stone unturned to earn brownie points
Leela Infotech has built up space at the Techn- stream near Samsaibari village in past four days. Two cousins were and witchcraft, mostly in tribal- the law enforcing agencies,” said by displaying their sudden sympathy
opark and Kochi Infopark campuses and is the larg- Kokrajhar district, about 220km killed Friday night and another dominated areas of western and Saikia, who heads Project Prahari. for Arunima.
est private infrastructure builder in the state with from here. woman was hacked to death on northern Assam. “Simply enforcing the law and Ahead of Maken’s visit, state Sports
over 1.7mn sq ft of space. “Some people called out my Saturday. Local people said the “Most of these cases are in- punishing the guilty are inad- Minister Ayodhya Prasad Pal visited
The Technopark campus houses more than 200 wife around midnight Sunday and killings were driven by supersti- spired by superstitions and this is equate. There has to be an attitu- Arunima and offered her a job in the
companies that employ over 30,000 professionals. when I came out there was no one tious beliefs. indeed a big problem for us,” said dinal change,” he added. sports department.
Gulf Times
24 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pakistan, India to hold Nationalist parties oppose Threat of more floods 44% population have no Smuggling peaks on
trade talks from April 27 census in Balochistan looms in Pakistan access to safe water Pakistan-Afghan border
Just a week before the World Trade Organisation’s Nationalist parties in Pakistan’s southwestern With the breaches in many embankments Pakistan is facing water shortage, with an estimated Though a large number of Frontier Corps (FC)
General Council in Geneva decides the imple- province of Balochistan are actively opposing that were washed away in last year’s flood still 44% of the population without access to safe drink- and Khassadar force personnel are posted at the
mentation of European Union’s trade concessions the house-listing census, which they say should unrepaired, the residents of the flood-hit areas ing water and up to 90% of the population even Torkham border gate at Pakistan-Afghanistan
to Pakistan, Islamabad will try to address Indian be postponed because of security problems, are haunted by the threat of fresh deluge which lacks such access in rural areas, a water research border, smuggling of various goods from and to
concerns over the unilateral package when the two presence of Afghan refugees, and displacement of could prove even more disastrous. body said yesterday. With decrease of quantity, the Pakistan is continuing and adversely affecting
commerce secretaries hold two-day bilateral talks people from Baloch dominated areas after the mil- According to the Flood Reconstruction Plan 2010- quality of water is also deteriorating badly by mu- the national exchequer, reliable sources revealed
on April 27. An official source said Indian Commerce itary operation in Dera Bugti in 2005, and then last 11 of the Planning Commission of Pakistan, around nicipal, industrial and agricultural wastes, sources yesterday. The sources, requesting anonymity, said
Secretary Rahul Khullar was coming to discuss bilat- year when the floods hit the province. Balochistan 78 districts of the country covering 50,000 in Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources different kinds of US and China-made goods are
eral trade issues. The implementation of EU’s trade National Party Information Secretary Agha Hassan square kilometers were inundated last year, leav- (PCRWR), said. The sources said that it is estimated being directly smuggled via Torkham border and
concessions for Pakistan remain on a halt since the and senior leader of National Party said that the ing 20mn affected and rendering 1.6mn homeless. that about 200,000 children in Pakistan die every reaching the markets in Pakistan. The sources said
last four months as South Asian neighbours, Bangla- government had not initiated the house-listing According to the report, agriculture and road net- year of diarrhea diseases alone. According to every truck, especially the empty containers return-
desh and India, have opposed granting concessions census in five Baloch districts because of security works were the worst affected. Crops spreading sources in PCRWR, 14,000 water sources were se- ing from Afghanistan, concealed ghee tins, grease
to Pakistan at the meeting of the WTO Council for threats. They said that as many as 2.1mn Afghan over 2mn hectares were destroyed in the floods lected from 2807 villages of 24 districts of Pakistan packs, scrap metal, used vehicles’ batteries and dif-
Trade in Goods in Geneva on March 21. refugees are taking shelter in Balochistan. per the report. for drinking water quality monitoring. ferent food items of American and Chinese brands.

Taliban hits
defence HQ
in Kabul
Gunman breaches Afghan said on condition of anonymity string of serious attacks on pro-
defence ministry; Shoots that three insurgents had man- government security forces in
dead two soldiers; Defence aged to enter the building, which recent days by insurgents wear-
minister not injured in faces President Hamid Karzai’s ing military and police uniforms.
shootout palace, and all were killed. On Friday the police chief of
The ambush inside the tight- Kandahar province in southern
AFP ly-secured compound is thought Afghanistan, seen as a key bat-
Kabul to be the most high-profile secu- tleground in the war, was killed
rity breach since a failed attempt in the police headquarters by an
on Karzai’s life in 2008. attacker in police uniform.

gunman in Afghan army French defence minister And on Saturday, five in-
uniform opened fire in- Longuet is currently on a visit to ternational and four Afghan
side Kabul’s defence Afghanistan but was not in the troops died when a member of An Afghan policeman is seen through bullet holes on the windshield of a car after a protest in the city of Charikar in Parwan province yesterday.
ministry yesterday, killing two building at the time of the fire- the Afghan National Army blew
soldiers and wounding seven in fight. himself up at an army base in
an audacious strike at the heart A French official stressed they Laghman province, eastern Af-
of government claimed by the
The attack, which the mili-
tants said was aimed at France’s
visiting defence minister Gerard
had seen “no evidence” that the
attack was an attempt to kill
Longuet, while his office said
he was at Bagram airfield, more
than 40km away, at the time.
That was the deadliest sin-
gle attack against foreign forces
since December, while Saturday
was the worst day for interna-
Three dead in Afghan protests
Longuet, was the third major as- tional troops in Afghanistan AFP three men by Nato-led Interna- shot had died and about 25 oth- Western troops in the war-torn
sault on Afghan security targets “A person in Afghan army since June last year, with a total Kabul tional Security Assistance Force ers were injured. country.
in four days and one of the worst uniform opened fire on of eight soldiers killed. (ISAF) and Afghan forces. Fifteen of the wounded were There are around 130,000 in-
security breaches in years. his comrades, killed two Elsewhere in Afghanistan As well as the deaths, a total suffering from bullet wounds ternational troops in Afghani-

“A person in Afghan army soldiers, injured seven yesterday, six police officers hree people died after of 25 people were also injured in and the others were stabbed or stan fighting a Taliban-led
uniform opened fire on his com- others, then was targeted were killed by a roadside bomb shooting broke out at a the rally. hurt by stones, he said. insurgency alongside Afghan
rades, killed two soldiers, injured himself and was brought in Ghazni province, central Af- protest north of Kabul Two of those detained on Interior ministry spokesman government forces.
seven others, then was targeted down” ghanistan, the provincial po- yesterday against the detention Sunday were later released, but Zemarai Bashary said that some Afghanistan has seen a wave
himself and was brought down,” lice chief said, in an attack also of an alleged insurgent by foreign one is still being held, triggering 3,000 people took part in the of protests recently against the
Afghan army spokesman Gen- The incident is now over and claimed by the Taliban. and Afghan forces, officials said. the protests, ISAF spokesman demonstration. burning of the Koran by a US
eral Mohamed Zahir Azimi said. an investigation is under way. In three months’ time, Afghan About 3,000 people rallied in Major Tim James confirmed. Charikar is in one of the safer pastor which lead to deaths in-
After his death, the attacker Taliban spokesman Zabihul- forces are due to start taking Charikar, the capital of Parwan Mohamed Qasim Sayed, the regions in Afghanistan, close to cluding those of seven United
was found to be wearing a sui- lah Mujahid said that Longuet control of security from foreign province about 50km north of provincial public health direc- the giant Bagram Airfield, one Nations workers in the north-
cide vest, he said. was the target. troops in eight more peaceful the capital, after the arrest of tor, said three men who were of the biggest military bases for ern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.
One of those killed was a bod- “The reason for conduct- areas of the country, allowing for
yguard of the deputy defence ing this attack is the invasion of limited international withdraw-
minister, while those injured Afghanistan by the French mili- als.
included an aide to the defence tary,” he said, adding that it was Afghan forces are due to take
minister and a secretary to the
army’s chief of staff, said a senior
security official speaking anony-
not carried out over the contro-
versial banning of the Islamic
full-face veil in France.
full control of security in their
country in 2014, allowing a full
withdrawal of foreign combat
Taliban US cannot win war on
mously. There are some 4,000 troops.
get ready
terror ‘without Pakistan’
Defence Minister Abdul Ra- French troops stationed in Af- The fighting season in Af-
him Wardak was not injured in ghanistan as part of a roughly ghanistan is starting to get under
the shootout, a Western security
source said separately, but it is
thought that the suicide bomber
130,000-strong Nato-led inter-
national force.
The Islamist militia are known
way as spring arrives, and West-
ern officials including US Secre-
tary of State Hillary Clinton have
for army
was shot dead close to the min-
ister’s office.
Earlier, a military source had
frequently to exaggerate claims
in relation to their attacks.
The incident comes amid a
warned it could bring some of
the bloodiest fighting yet in the
near ten-year war.
offensive Internews
war against terrorism, which
was being acknowledged by the
international community, add-
ing that Pakistan’s nuclear pro-

Intewrnews he United States will fail gramme was completely safe.
Islamabad if Pakistan does not suc- Referring to the cost paid
ceed in its war against by Pakistan in the war on ter-
Fruits of labour terrorism, Pakistani Prime ror, Gilani said that Pakistan’s

he Pakistani military Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gi- economy has also suffered a lot.
high command may lani said during an interview to He said he hoped that the US
not have yet made a a TV channel here yesterday. “will soon accept that Pakistan
decision about strike against Terming terrorism an inter- had an important role in the so-
the Taliban in North Waziris- national issue and highlighting lution of war against terrorism”.
tan, but the militant groups Pakistan’s status as a frontline Replying to a question, he
based there are taking no state, Prime Minister Gilani said that Pakistan and the US
chances, preparing contin- said that US “has now realised were in this war together and if
gency plans for a counter- that Pakistan is not part of the Pakistan fails, the US will also
assault if necessary. problem, but it can play an im- fail.
An interior ministry report portant role in efforts to solve US “has now realised that Commenting on the status
states that a secret meet- this problem”. Pakistan is not part of the of the ties between Pakistan
ing of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Terrorism, he said, recog- problem, but it can play an and Russia, Prime Minister
Pakistan (TTP) Masjlis e nised no boundaries or religion important role in efforts to Gilani said both countries en-
Shura, recently held in South and its sole objective were to solve this problem” joyed strategic relations since
Waziristan was attended by create instability and it oper- 1948 and both countries were
the leaders of the Haqqani ated on foreign agenda. He said sympathies for the terrorists. working on a common strategy
group, the Al Haq Brigade, that drone attacks were coun- He said that Pakistan had despite all kinds of fluctuations
the Fidayi Force, the Allah terproductive as they created rendered great sacrifices in the since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Dad group, the Lashkar-e-
Islam, the Jaish-e-Islam, and
the Mujahid Khalid group.
The militant leaders had Pakistan grants Indian Sikh pilgrim’s wish
gathered to decide how to
respond in the event of a Pa- Pakistani Prime Minister of the Evacuee Trust Property Asif Hashmi, for fulfilling my
kistan Army attack on North Yousuf Raza Gilani fulfilled the Board to Jhelum. last wish,” said Singh while
Waziristan. wish of 86-year-old Indian Sikh He was received by civil admin- talking to this reporter on the
The meeting was more pilgrim Nidhan Singh to visit istrator of the district Mah- phone from Jhelum. He said
akin to the board of directors his birthplace in Jhelum city moodul Hassan Zia and taken he couldn’t express his feelings
meeting of a large corpora- of Punjab province after about to his old street at Karamp and sentiments after visiting
tion, with a presentation of 63 years. Market’s Machine Mohallah in his birthplace.
cash flows, a review of past Singh had appealed to the Jhelum, where children wel- Singh said though the struc-
operations and perceived government to waive all rules comed and showered rose pet- tures of the streets and town
threats in the coming year and restrictions to facilitate als on Singh and his daughter. had been replaced with mod-
as well as a strategic plan for him to visit his old house After meeting his ex-neighbors, ern and high-rise buildings, his
2011. which he left in 1947 and Singh went to the local Gurd- memories remained the same.
A man sells strawberries on a road in Peshawar, Pakistan, yesterday. According to media reports, The militant leaders re- migrated to India. wara and offered prayers. He said he was feeling like he
strawberry production in the country has grown by more than 300% in the last five years, but the portedly reviewed the avail- On the permission of the “I thank Guru Nanak and had got a new life after seeing
country still lacks the ability to export the fruit due to lack of agricultural management, said former ability of funds from donors prime minister, Singh along the Pakistan government, his birthplace again which
chairman of All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetables Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association in the Arab world, and creat- with his daughter Surwinder especially Prime Minister Gilani he dreamt for the last many
Waheed Ahmed. ed a strategic plan to conduct Kaur was taken by an official and Chairman ETPB Syed decades.
large-scale attacks.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 25
The Fast and the Furious —
The franchise speeds on:
Time Out Page 7 COMMENT

Alarm over nuclear plant fuel rods

The hazards of pools for hotter spent fuel is cooled in pools of the risk of nuclear-weapons prolifera-
spent nuclear fuel have been water surrounded by strong contain- tion.
ment structures. Several decades from now,
known for many years, but These measures cost more money, reprocessing might offer a safe
little action has been taken but they afford much greater protec- means of spent-fuel disposal. In the
tion against accidents, disasters, and interim, the most promising method
to alleviate the risks terrorist attacks. Is it worth it? A 2003 is to use dry storage casks, which,
study, led by Robert Alvarez, a former according to technical studies,
By Charles D Ferguson official at the United States Depart- provide up to 100 years of safe and
Washington ment of Energy, estimated that a secure storage.
worse-case terrorist attack could drain But industry has expressed concern
cooling pools, resulting in spent fuel that each storage cask costs more than

he Fukushima Daiichi nuclear rods heating up and possibly com- $1mn, and that a typical plant’s total
crisis in Japan has under- busting. That, in turn, would cause costs thus could be tens of millions of
scored the dangers of storing substantial amounts of radioactive dollars. The Alvarez study estimated
highly radioactive spent fuel material to be released if containment a cost of $3-5bn for the entire US
in pools of water that are susceptible structures are breached, potentially reactor fleet, which is the largest in the
to breaches from natural disasters and resulting in an area of contamination world.
hydrogen explosions from accidents. greater than that caused by the Cher- This would be the major one-time
The crisis should serve as a wake-up nobyl accident in 1986. cost. After that, the costs would be a
call for governments and industry Despite this alarming conclusion, few hundred million dollars annually.
to take action to reduce the risks of the study did not prompt the US Nu- For comparison, nuclear power in the
spent-fuel storage. clear Regulatory Commission to order US generates annual revenues exceed-
Unfortunately, spent-fuel stor- utilities to remove spent fuel from ing $30bn, whereas the cost of a severe
age has been “an afterthought”, as overcrowded pools at more than 100 accident can easily soar to billions of
Ernest Moniz, director of the Energy US commercial reactors. dollars, as the world is witnessing at
Initiative at MIT, puts it. In dozens of It did, however, spur the prepara- Fukushima Daiichi.
countries, tens of thousands of tonnes tion of a US National Academy of Industry has also been concerned
of highly radioactive material has been Sciences’ report, which concluded about minimising workers’ expo-
kept in buildings that provide little that “successful terrorist attacks on sure to radiation when they transfer
of the usually rigorous protection spent fuel pools, though difficult, are spent fuel to casks. Moreover, there
surrounding radioactive material in possible”. is a risk of further radiation expo-
reactors’ cores. While the report did not recom- sure during the transfer of spent
Pools have become overcrowded in mend placement of older spent fuel fuel from the casks to permanent
many countries, owing to the lack of into dry storage casks, it did advise the storage.
permanent repositories for nuclear less expensive method of rearranging To minimise this risk, casks should
waste. No country has opened such a spent fuel in the pools so that hotter, be developed that can easily be
repository, although Sweden has made newly discharged fuel would be sur- transferred to a secure interim storage
significant progress in doing so. rounded by cooler, older spent fuel. facility while permanent repositories
The hazards of pools for spent nu- Doing so would likely prevent a fire. receive approval. We should not wait
clear fuel have been known for many The report also called for water- for the next Fukushima Daiichi to act
years, but little action has been taken spray systems to fill up draining pools, on reducing the risks of spent fuel. —
to alleviate the risks. One notable but made this conditional on a cost- A sampling procedure is being conducted at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Project Syndicate
exception has been Germany. About benefit analysis conducted by each Plant No 4 reactor’s spent fuel pool. The hazards of pools for spent nuclear fuel have been known for many years, but little
25 years ago, the German govern- plant. action has been taken to alleviate the risks. „Charles D Ferguson, a physicist and
ment began requiring spent fuel to be Is reprocessing spent fuel the nuclear engineer, is the president of
well protected. The older spent fuel answer? While China, France, India, solved the waste problem, because Recycling proponents want ulti- But these reactors have experienced the Federation of American Scientists
that has cooled for about five years is Japan, and Russia have favoured the resulting spent fuel is usually not mately to build a fleet of fast neutron safety problems and are more expen- and the author of the forthcoming
placed in hardened, dry storage casks, reprocessing in order to recycle further recycled. Instead, it is stored in reactors that could consume the plu- sive to operate than current reactors. book Nuclear Energy: What Everyone
and the younger, more radioactive, and plutonium for new fuel, this has not spent-fuel pools. tonium and other fissionable material. Use of plutonium fuels also increases Needs to Know.

Weather report
Letters Three-day forecast
Negative and I would get well if I had brushed ing their mistreatment. And that’s the National Health Strategy, I would Ar Ruways
The Gulf Low:20C
properly. But I felt there was more to it why I had to turn to your newspaper to like to suggest to those who are Al Khuwayr
treatment as the pain was intense and so I asked write so that the heads of the health- devising plans, to appoint an officer Fuwayrit Hot during the day and
slightly dusty
for an X-ray for a confirmation of his care department and the health centre in all government health centres so Gulf of
Dear Sir, diagnosis. may tell these two female dentists that the patients could bring to their
I’m writing this to highlight an But she refused outright, saying not to repeat such “treatment” of the attention any issues against those WEDNESDAY
important factor that is critical to there was no need for it, prescribing patients and to put emphasis on com- doctors who do not comply with the High: 33C
genuinely raise the standards of the me just mouthwash. She said if the passion. The struggling middle-class rules of the patients’ Bill of Rights Al Khawr Low: 24C
healthcare system in Qatar. Apart pain was still there even after a week, people cannot afford to go to private which is framed and hung up on Clear
Al Jamayliyah
from all the strategies being drawn up then I might get my tooth removed! hospitals or a specialised clinic for the wall in all clinics but is seldom
for the development of the healthcare After a few days, I went back to quality treatments and rely on govern- practised.
system by the National Health Strat- the health centre to request a referral ment health centres for their medical Dukhan THURSDAY
egy council, the key role in making to the Rumaillah dental clinic, but needs. A frustrated patient
QATAR Doha High: 34C
those plans a real success is in fact another doctor there refused, saying: In reference to recent reports on (Name and address supplied) Ar Rayyan Low: 25C
played by doctors and the hospital “I will not recommend an X-ray or Clear
Umm Bab
staff who are expected to serve all pa- referral; come back tomorrow to get it Al Wakrah
tients with their professional expertise through the doctor who checked you
and, most importantly, with their first.” Please send us your letters Al Kiranah Umm Said
Fishermen’s forecast
right attitude. These people are playing with a OFFSHORE DOHA
I may be just one of hundreds of patient’s dignity and honour by their By e-mail Wind: NW-NE 07-15-18 kts
patients who are ill-treated and re- inhuman and insensitive attitude Waves: 1-3 feet to 4
fused crucial diagnosis and appro- without giving the slightest consid- INSHORE DOHA
Wind: NW-NE 07-15 kts
priate treatment due to the doctors’ eration of the pain being suffered by Fax 44350474 Waves: 1-2 feet
refusal to interact compassionately him/her. I was extremely upset and Or Post
with them. Many a time, the people furious and went away in tears as I Letters to the Editor Around the region
who call themselves doctors, make the had come walking a long way with Weather Weather
sick sicker with their harsh and rude my infant baby and a three-year-old
Gulf Times today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
behaviour instead of putting an end to daughter in the heat of the day to meet P O Box 2888 Abu Dhabi Clear 32/20 Clear 37/23
Baghdad M Sunny 36/21 Rain 34/22
their suffering. the dentist as my husband was at work Doha, Qatar Dubai Clear 32/25 Clear 35/26
Last month I visited a dentist in at that time. Kuwait City Clear 35/23 P Sunny 34/25
a health centre after suffering from The most frustrating part is that All letters, which are subject to editing, should have the name of Manama Clear 28/23 Clear 29/23
severe tooth ache. The doctor checked there is nobody one can complain to the writer, address and phone number. The writer’s name and ad- Muscat Clear 33/24 Clear 33/23
my aching upper tooth from her in a health centre or online or even a dress may be withheld by request. Riyadh Clear 31/22 C Rain 34/20
standing position without getting telephone number of any superior to Tehran M Sunny 27/16 M Sunny 27/17
close and said that there was no cavity whom the patients can talk to regard-

Live issues SYRIA



Human rights and the US as global judge Amman


Abu Dhabi
By Bernd Debusmann Canada, where “human rights prob- sarily obstacles to normal or even the document as “obvious evidence of Riyadh

Washington lems included harassment of religious close relations. the use of ‘double standards’ and the
minorities, violence against women, politicisation of human rights issues”. EGYPT
and trafficking in persons”. Or the tiny Russia’s foreign ministry pointed SAUDI ARABIA
US Secretary of


very year since 1976, The South Pacific archipelago of Van- to “odious special prisons in Guan-

US Department of State has uatu, where American human rights State Hillary Clinton tanamo and Bagram, still function-

published an extraordinarily checkers found “police violence, poor ing despite promises to shut them
detailed report on the state of prison conditions, arrests without describes the annual down” as part of the reasons why the Around the world
human rights in the world. The latest, warrants, an extremely slow judicial US should clean its own house before Weather
out this month, runs to more than process, government corruption, and report as “the most criticising others. today Max/min
tomorrow Max/min
C Rain Rain 14/09
2mn words. Printed out from State’s
website, it would run to more than
violence and discrimination against
comprehensive China, another target of American re-
buke, has been so angered by the human
Bangkok Rain
33/27 Rain 32/26
Beirut C Rain 22/13 M Sunny 20/13
7,000 pages. The report covers 194
US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton describes the annual report
record available of the rights reports that it began publishing
an annual counter-report in 2000, fo-
Berlin Clear
P Cloudy
20/07 Clear 23/08
Cairo 26/16 P Cloudy
That’s every country in the world, as “the most comprehensive record condition of human cused solely on the US. The latest came Cape Town
26/14 Rain
except one: the US. available of the condition of human out just two days after the US report 32/24
Which gives rise to a few questions. rights around the world” and its atten- rights around the world” which highlighted China’s intensifying Dhaka
Hong Kong
M Sunny
M Sunny
Is the US the one and only country tion to detail is indeed impressive. The crackdown on dissidents, human rights Istanbul C Rain 11/06 Rain 11/07
on the planet with a perfect record Vanuatu chapter, for example, runs to “It’s easy to see the whole exercise activists, journalists, and lawyers. Jakarta Rain 32/26 C Rain 32/26
of observing human rights, at home almost 5,000 words, a lot considering as holier-than-thou preening that China’s response: “The US ignores Karachi M Sunny 36/20 Clear 37/21
London C Rain 22/11 Clear 23/11
or in the countries where it wages there are only 220,000 inhabitants. alienates even countries sympathetic its own severe human rights problems, C Rain M Sunny 29/24
Manila 33/25
war? If not, why does the government Given the effort that goes into the to the cause,” wrote David Bosco, a ardently promoting its so-called ‘hu- Moscow Std Showers 08/01 P Cloudy 09/01
feel entitled to scrutinise the human report, the only global assessment professor at American University’s man rights diplomacy’, treating human New Delhi Clear 33/22 Clear 32/21
rights practices of others? The report of human rights by a government (as School of International Service, in a rights as a political tool to vilify other New York Shower 12/08 I T Storms 17/11
Paris M Sunny 22/09 M Sunny 24/10
discovers blemishes even in countries opposed to private advocacy groups), comment in Foreign Policy magazine. countries and advance its own strate- C Rain C Rain 28/16
Sao Paulo 29/18
that rarely come to mind in the context one might assume that its findings Among some countries, American gic interests.” Seoul P Cloudy 16/04 P Cloudy 18/04
of human rights violations. play a major role in shaping US foreign criticism produces not alienation but The Russo-Chinese-American Singapore Rain 33/25 Rain 32/25
Switzerland, say, where in 2010 policy. But that is not the case. Where red-hot fury. sniping brought to mind the old adage Sydney M Sunny 26/16 Clear 27/15
“police at times used excessive force, US national interests are at stake, Russia, heavily criticised in the lat- that people in glass houses are well Tokyo Cloudy 18/10 Clear 18/07
occasionally with impunity”. Or human rights violations are not neces- est US report, shot back by describing advised not to throw stones. — Reuters
26 Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Migrating to
COMMENT Office 2010:
Time Out Page 12

Chairman: Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Marzook Basher Binmarzook
Managing Editor: Neil Cook
Production Editor: C. P. Ravindran
Let a new-model Japan
P.O.Box 2888
Doha, Qatar
Telephone 44350478 (news),
44466404 (sport), 44466636 (home delivery)
rise from the wreckage
It took a year for Japanese people create great solidarity lines to buy up water and toilet paper Farmland that had been worked by
Fax 44350474 consumption to recover after during dark times such as these. One immediately after the disaster are now an ageing population with no suc-
virtue of kizuna can be seen in people’s slow to return to supermarkets. And this cessors, and that was subdivided into
the Kobe earthquake in 1995, inability to enjoy themselves in their tendency to shun all purchases except blocs that were too small, has now
but the widespread damage usual ways in the face of the loss of so disaster-related goods, is not limited to become vacant, opening the way for
many countrymen and the knowledge east Japan. It is a nationwide trend. much larger-scale farming. Similarly,

GULF TIMES did create widespread

demand back then, and
should do so again
that 200,000 more are enduring harsh
conditions in evacuation centres.
But there are concerns that these
bonds of kizuna may also bind the Jap-
This curtailed consumption, how-
ever, comes at a time when Japan’s
economy is already weak. Indeed, the
Japanese economy, which has endured
individually-operated fishing busi-
nesses whose potential heirs ended
up choosing other careers can now be
reorganised and consolidated, thereby
anese economy, which must recover two decades of sluggishness, has been taking advantage of greater economies
as soon as possible – not only for the falling behind in the global economy of scale.

A revival in Spain By Yuriko Koike

Tokyo benefit of the Japanese, but also be-
cause disruptions in Japan’s economy
are hitting the rest of Asia, owing to
even more since the shockwaves
caused by Lehman Brothers’ collapse
in 2008. Now it has been struck by a
Perhaps most importantly, the
nuclear accident has shed a stark light
on the need for safe, renewable energy,

n Japan, memorial services for the the production chains of which Japan combination of prolonged deflation which had been shunned in the past.

remains distant dead are normally held 49 days

after their passing. The bereaved
mourn throughout this period.
The number of victims of the earth-
is an integral part.
But today’s strong kizuna and
mentality of mourning have led to
sharply diminished consumption. The
and the shocks caused by the recent
natural disasters.
The end of April will mark 49 days
since the earthquake and tsunami hit
The current government has plans to
generate power using large-scale solar
and wind power plants in the disaster-
affected areas.

as bad loans soar quake and tsunami that assaulted the

Tohoku region of northeast Japan has
now reached around 30,000, if those
who are still missing are included.
tourism industry has been directly
hit by people refraining from travel,
and the abundant hot springs in the
Tohoku region, normally popular with
on March 11. The profound disrup-
tion of the economy will continue at
least until that time. It took a year for
consumption to recover after the Kobe
But Japan’s economy has for too
long been stuck in a ditch as a result
of its being bound by over-regulation
and a rigid adherence to precedent. So,
Since Portugal was forced to bow to the inevitable and This was the largest natural disaster tourists and totally unaffected by the earthquake in 1995, but the wide- if there is a ray of light to come from
ask the European Union and International Monetary Fund to strike Japan in its history, and the earthquake or tsunami, have become spread damage did create widespread the horrors suffered by the people of
entire nation has been in mourning. a victim of the disaster. Similarly, the demand back then, and should do so the Tohoku region, it is that the Japa-
for a bail-out Spain has remained resilient during its Throughout this period, televi- baseless rumour that all of Japan is again. nese understand that what they need
neighbour’s travails. sion stations, in response to viewers’ soaked in radiation has caused tourism Enormous demand will be created most of all nowadays is clear leader-
feelings, have refrained from showing from abroad to plummet. for construction of temporary housing ship with a coherent and bold plan for
Yields on recent government bond sales have not been frivolous programmes and gaudy com- Meetings and parties in Tokyo have and, later, for the reconstruction of rebuilding and renewing their country.
too onerous despite sovereign credit rating downgrades mercials. Many of the hanami events, been cancelled, and this has directly lost towns. The estimated damage of Indeed, the only way truly to honour
for celebrating the annual eruption affected not only hotels and inns, but ¥25tn is also the size of the potential those who lost their lives is to create a
and warnings of more to come if the government fails to of cherry blossoms, a much-loved also the food and beverage industry. reconstruction demand. new-model Japan from the tsunami’s
meet its austerity targets. activity for us Japanese, have been The restaurant industry, too, is being But Japan’s government needs to wreckage, rather than simply restoring
cancelled. pushed to the wall. It is now no prob- think big and creatively. If towns towns and their economies to their
Madrid has stepped in to allay fears that its banking Music and sporting events, along lem to get reservations at restaurants suffering from depopulation before previous decadent conditions. —
system is at breaking point by strengthening balance with town gatherings, have also been with three Michelin stars. Despite they were destroyed are transformed Project Syndicate
cancelled or postponed. Bizarrely, the the great efforts made to manage in their reconstruction, they could
sheets and insisting that listed lenders increase core American rock singer Cyndi Lauper’s refrigeration amid blackouts caused mark the emergence of a new model „Yuriko Koike, Japan’s former defence
capital requirements to 8% of total assets. The smaller concerts were just about the only by power shortages, customers are not for regional development that can minister and national security adviser,
events that weren’t called off. turning out. decentralise Japan’s Tokyo-centric is chairman of the Executive Council of
regional savings banks, which account for about half of all The strong bonds (kizuna) of the Likewise, customers who formed economy. the Liberal Democratic Party.
lending in Spain, are now required to hold 10%.
However, quite why the financial markets have
maintained their confidence in a country devastated by
the collapse of the property sector appears to have been
underpinned by a collective sentiment that is contrarian
to say the least.
After all there is little or no good news to report.
Unemployment is officially above 20%, which is the
highest of any industrialised country, and will continue
to drain government resources as the budgets cuts
programme begins to bite.
Adding to the fiscal headache for Madrid are those
Spaniards who have for too long operated within a
burgeoning black economy. With tax receipts dwindling
there is little room to manoeuvre.
And then – perhaps the elephant in the room – there is
the unsustainable level of bad consumer debt. Yesterday
the Bank of Spain announced that the ratio of non-
performing loans among domestic institutions had
reached the highest level
since 1995.
In the current Another more rigorous
climate of financial health check
uncertainty in the banking sector
appears to be a priority
nothing should if Spain can survive the
be ruled out crisis and avoid joining
Greece, Ireland and
Portugal in the bottom league of EU pauper states. With

Justice for dictators may backfire

total bad debts soaring to 112.5bn euros in February – or
6.19% of the total – the upward trend has been alarming.
There are bound to be curious glances across the border
into Portugal over the next week when the EU and IMF
demand their pound of flesh to justify a bailout package By David E Miller increases the incentive for those still devastated” and not eating following criticised for pursuing the indictment
The Media Line clinging to power to hold on, at cost the arrest warrant. of Muammar Gaddafi,” she said.
expected to be worth 80bn euros. Both will insist on of prolonged conflicts. The second Tunisia faces serious obstacles to But, she stressed, those pushing for
more bloodletting in the public sector, tax rises and a potentially saves lives, but sets aside bringing Ben Ali to court. After 23 Mubarak’s indictment believe there

gyptians and Tunisians alike justice and the sense of closure for years in power, he fled the country on are pragmatic reasons to press charges
controversial privatisation programme because the clock have hailed the decision of people who suffered under the old January 14. Justice Minister Lazhar against him. “It’s not justice versus prag-
is ticking with 5bn euros of government debt scheduled to their new governments to file regime. Karoui Chebbi, who announced the matism,” Kinninmont told The Media
criminal charges against their “I am all for justice being done,” indictments, said Tunisian authori- Line. “Supporters of Mubarak’s indict-
be repaid on June 15. former presidents, Hosni Mubarak Max Boot of the Council on Foreign ties were exploring the legal options of ment say that it sends a strong message
Over in Greece the central bank yesterday refuted and Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. But the Relations wrote in a recent commen- extraditing Ben Ali. to current leaders that they will be held
pursuit of justice may well make it tary, “but I think the prime imperative accountable if they act improperly.”
reports that the country is seeking to restructure its bail- tougher for the opposition elsewhere in this case is to oust a brutal dictator; For leaders looking for an exit that
out terms that were imposed barely a year ago. It said in the Middle East to push unwanted he will be held to account in any case
“Supporters of doesn’t segue into a prison cell, the al-
such a move would be a “catastrophe”.
leaders out of office.
Mubarak and his two sons, Gamal
by his Maker.” Boot suggested a system
whereby the United Nations Security
Mubarak’s indictment ternatives are asylum or the formation
of a truth-and-reconciliation com-
In the current climate of uncertainty nothing should be and Alaa, were detained last Wednes- Council grants immunity to dictators say that it sends a mission, of the kind that was set up
day for 15 days pending questioning on as part of a deal to leave power. in South Africa in the post-Apartheid
ruled out. An anti-euro party in Finland gained a strong charges of corruption and the murder In Libya, fighting between the strong message to years, conducting an investigation
foothold in the country’s parliament over the weekend, of protesters during the popular strongman’s loyalists and opposi-
current leaders that without an indictment.
uprising that led to the president’s tion forces has gone on since mid- Christopher Stephen, author of
pledging to change Helsinki’s plans to participate in
Portugal’s bail-out.
ouster two months ago. The same
day Tunisian authorities presented 18
February, with no end in sight. British
Prime Minister David Cameron,
they will be held Judgment Day: The Trial of Slobodan
Milosevic, which recounts the trial of
A summer of more dissent over the Eurozone model is legal cases against Ben Ali, including whose country’s troops are also at risk accountable if they act the former Serbian leader, said in an
“voluntary manslaughter” and “drug in their role as part of the no-fly zone opinion piece in The Financial Times
looming it seems. trafficking”, the state news agency TAP imposed over Libya, is among those improperly” that the world shouldn’t trade justice
reported. who have suggested immunity for for peace but pursue the justice route.
Libyan strongman Muammar Gadd- Gaddafi. But Masoud Ramadani, a member “The crimes are fresh – in the case
To Advertise afi faces legal action even as he battles Of the two leaders facing charges, of the Tunisian Human Rights Union, of Libya, they are still taking place. rebels for control of the country after Mubarak is in the more dangerous said the idea of Ben Ali facing justice Investigators have uncontaminated
the International Criminal Court position. After he was forced out was adequate. “Most would prefer if crime scenes, access to witnesses and
Display (ICC) announced on March 3 it had of office on February 11, he took up Ben Ali stood trial in Tunisia. But even evidence” Stephen wrote. “Events
Telephone 44466621 Fax 44418811 started a formal investigation into residence at his vacation home in if he is tried in absentia, that would be in Libya have shown that the West
possible crimes against humanity. the Sinai resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, good too,” he told The Media Line. cannot be the world’s policeman. It
Classified Several of his sons and members of his keeping him within reach of Egyptian Jane Kinninmont, a Middle East cannot stop every abuse and outrage.
Telephone 44466609 Fax 44418811 inner circle are being probed as well. law. The Egyptian daily Al-Masri researcher at Chatham House, a Lon- But it can, through the ICC, call those
The indictments raise the ques- Al-Youm reported last week that the don-based think tank, acknowledged committing abuses to account. In so
Subscription tion whether it is better to bring 83-year-old Mubarak, who was recov- that rulers may hold on to power at all doing, it can encourage other tyrants former despots through the courts to ering from a heart attack in a Sharm costs for fear of being indicted. “The across the world to think twice before
trial or to forgive and forget. The first El-Sheikh hospital, was “emotionally International Criminal Court was committing abuses of their own.”
Gulf Times
28 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Last night’s panel (left to right): the proposition, Mohamed Ali Abdalla and Paul Salem, debates chairman, Tim Sebastian and the Audience members who yesterday rejected the motion that the Arabs should be leading efforts to deal with the crisis in Libya.
opposition, Omar Ashour and Fadel Lamen.

Debates backs Nato role in Libya

By Peter Townson was deputy secretary general of arguing that Arab leaders should the people of Libya is not just for nitaries led the calls for action, mocracy in Libya would best be in the debate, discussions were
Staff Reporter the National Front for the Sal- have embraced the changes to as- the Arab people,” he said, arguing they failed to “put their money achieved by democratic nations passionate and highly relevant.
vation of Libya, Mohamed Ali sume a leading role in the inter- that the burden should fall upon where their mouths were”, ac- as opposed to “incompetent” un- However, the result may have
Abdalla, who argued that the vention. all the people of the world to pro- cording to Salem, who said that democratic regimes. surprised some, with the audi-

n audience at the Doha revolutionary tendencies appar- His arguments were coun- tect the basic rights of fellow hu- with billions of dollars having “If you deny democracy and ence reaction apparently indi-
Debates yesterday gave ent in the Arab world at the cur- tered by the president of the man beings. been spent on strengthening the human rights to your own peo- cating a sense of injustice and
a vote of confidence to rent time should have served as American-Libyan Council, Fadel Paul Salem, founder of the region’s weaponry, there could ple, then you cannot teach it to the ever present conspiracy
Nato’s efforts to protect the Liby- a platform for a regional revolu- Lamen, who said that the Arab Lebanese Centre for Policy be no better opportunity to see others,” he argued. theories regarding the Western
an people by rejecting the motion tion. world was simply incapable of Studies and director of the the arms put to good use than the Both sides of the debate world, which Lamen referred to
‘This House believes that Arabs, Accepting that the humanitar- assuming a leading role in the Carnegie Middle East Centre, protection of endangered Libyan seemed to agree on the necessity throughout the evening.
not Nato, should be dealing with ian crisis in Libya necessitated crisis. was next to speak for the mo- civilians. of international intervention, “We must be careful not to
Libya,’ with a vote of 55% to 45%. intervention by the international Instead, he proposed that tion, and he suggested that while The final speaker opposing the differing only on the role that demonise ‘the West,’” he said,
The debate, the first to be held community, he argued that the through participation in the the international community motion was Omar Ashour, who the Arab world should play in the gaining a round of applause from
in Doha following recent specials close proximity and cultural un- combined efforts, the region’s has a role to play in the conflict, lectures on the politics of the current situation. large sections of the audience.
on Tunis and Cairo, saw panel derstanding possessed by the countries will gain the experi- it should be Arab states leading modern Arab world at the Uni- But the suggestion that Nato And the suggestion from last
and audience members discuss- Arab world should have led to ence critical to them taking on the efforts. versity of Exeter in the UK. are trustworthy, and signifi- night’s debate is that perhaps
ing the most pressing event in them uniting to “shift the para- leadership in the future. Praising the initial call for ac- Ashour reiterated the opinion cantly, more capable of providing western governments are in a
world politics, disagreeing over digm” of the Middle East being And he pointed out that the tion that emanated from the re- that the Arab world does not have effective assistance to the people better position to support de-
whether the Arab states should regarded as a conflict-afflicted atrocities being committed in gion, Salem said that this was not the capability to play a leading of Libya seemed to swing a very mocracy and human rights than
have taken a leading role in the region, only good for providing Libya required an international followed up with anything re- role in the intervention, arguing close vote. a number of Arab nations who
intervention in Libya. natural resources. reaction. sembling a satisfactory response. that even if it did, the eventual With a number of Libyan au- refuse to do so for the good of
First to speak for the motion “This is a new era,” he said, “The responsibility to protect Whilst Arab leaders and dig- objective of creating a stable de- dience members participating their own people.

QLG aims to bring Record thank-you letter

a new level of addressed to the Emir
luxury to Qatar By Nour Abuzant
Staff Reporter

aimona Primary
By Peter Townson School for Girls yes-
Staff Reporter terday launched “the
longest thank-you letter” ad-
dressed to HH the Emir Sheikh

atar is set to establish a Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.
strong presence in the The citizens and residents
international luxury of Qatar are invited to sign on
fashion and hospitality markets, a giant banner (60m x 2.5m)
according to Qatar Luxury Group as a gesture of appreciation for
(QLG) officials, who explained HH the Emir’s role in support-
that the organisation is currently ing education and teachers, es-
developing its brand identity tablishing noble values in the
ahead of future announcements society and enhancing national
over the coming year. sentiments among the citizens,
The QLG, wholly owned by organisers said.
Qatar Foundation, came about Qatar residents are wel-
as a result of HH Sheikha Moza come to sign the banner as per
bint Nasser’s vision of creating a a schedule set by the school
luxury brand embracing educa- management. The mornings
tion and providing an opportu- are reserved for teachers and A dignitary writing a message thanking HH the Emir. Below: Women writing thank-you messages.
nity to foster local and interna- students while the public of
tional talent. all ages can sign in the evening.
Group CEO, Gregory Couil- The messages could be in both
lard explained that the venture Arabic and English.
has been in development since Qatar Luxury Group CEO Gregory Couillard: looking forward to creating The inaugural function was
2008, with the company being high-end fashion items and hospitality destinations aimed at developing held at the school premises in
officially registered last year. the luxury market in Qatar. Mansoura under the auspices
“I would say from day one, a of the Minister of Education
very strong accent has been put lard described as their “unique” pects the “Qatari-ness” of the and Higher Education and the
on the educational side,” he said, facility in Qatar. brands to be intrinsic. Supreme Education Council
adding “we have people coming Housing highly advanced The fact that the process of de- Secretary General, HE Saad
out of universities, but where technology being operated by sign and creation is taking place bin Ibrahim al-Mahmoud, and
can they apply for a job in Qatar? some of the most experienced in Qatar means that the brand a number of leading figures in
We have been brought in to cre- experts in their respective fields, will inevitably be influenced by the state.
ate these kinds of industries.” the current location is producing the local culture, whether cater- The banner is expected to
With three strands to the prototypes which will eventually ing for the international or re- be recognised by the Guinness
group, including fashion, hos- be created at a production facility gional markets, he explained. World Records, as the long-
pitality (food and beverage) and elsewhere. “Basically, my dream would est ever thank-you letter to a
development, the organisation The development branch will be the creation of very strong ruler . Deliberations with the
aims to bring a new level of luxu- be looking into the possibilities brands, with each of them pos- relevant officials of the records
ry to the country. of acquiring both brands and sessing such strong DNA that book have already started to
The fashion and hospital- production facilities in the future this question is not relevant any- explain the goals of the initia-
ity branches are already ac- to nurture the QLG’s growth, ex- more,” he said. tive.
tive, explained Couillard, who plained Couillard, saying: “It will Couillard explained that the The banner is made of a
said that consumers will begin help us to acquire the brands if QLG currently employs two Qa- material that will last at least
to notice the presence of the we feel they fit in with our phi- taris as workshop technicians, 30 years. The budget of the
group and its brands from the losophy.” and will be starting its Qatarisa- project was initially estimated
end of this year. “This is quite unique,” he said, tion project next month, helping at QR200,000. The school’s
Set to open a restaurant with adding “I don’t not know of to foster local talent. management is considering to
a Michelin three-starred chef any other place in the region or “We have people who are very exhibit the banner at a pub-
by the end of 2011, the food and worldwide which is dealing in all entrepreneurial – this is some- lic place during the weekends.
beverage branch of the company four areas, transforming dreams thing very important that we want The first day of recording the
is expected to open at least two into reality all in one place.” to keep in the future,” he said. thank-you messages was ex-
more restaurants in 2012, he Artistic director for the QLG Although nothing has yet to clusively for ministers and dig-
said. fashion is Stephane Rolland, be finalised in terms of brand nitaries.
Remaining tight-lipped about a renowned designer and the identity, or even the number of The initiative, the first of
the identity of the chef, Couil- youngest member of the 12 hous- brands the group’s fashion de- its kind in the world, was
lard promised that the chef in es of haute couture in Paris. partment will eventually create, launched in co-operation with
questions is “a very famous one.” With his expertise on board, one thing is for sure; each divi- the Al Rayan Preparatory Inde-
On the other hand, the fashion the QLG is hoping to create a sion of the company will place pendent School for Girls.
division, dealing with four areas, brand that will be unique and luxury, craftsmanship, expertise The inauguration pro-
including shoes, leather goods, recognisable throughout the and know how at the very top of gramme featured poetry recit-
jewellery and ready to wear world, explained Couillard. their agenda whatever they do or als authored by Faisal al-Tami-
items, is situated in what Couil- And the CEO said that he ex- wherever they go. mi and other cultural shows. Children performing a cultural show at the launch of the project. PICTURES: Jayan Orma

Philips switches Car makers go

off TV in search local to tap
for profits China growth

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Jumada-I 15, 1432 AH

Gold hits record high,
QE extends losses to 3rd
day on selling pressure

oil drops on S&P move

Gold prices rallied toward record
highs near $1,500 an ounce
yesterday after Standard & Poor’s
downgraded its credit outlook for
the US and as investors worried
about debt in the eurozone and
inflation in China.
Optimism in Qatar Inc slips
The fall in the hydrocarbon sector Yousef al-Jaida, head of asset manage- survey found 60% of the respondents
Spot gold rose as high as was “little surprising”, given the ment and banking, QFCA. have predicted that prices would re-
$1,497.20 an ounce and was later fact that fears owing to Middle East “It comes as no surprise to see the main at current levels in Q2 2011, while
up 0.5% at $1,491.67 an ounce by tension is driving the oil price so optimism level of businesses in Qatar 25% expect prices to go up and 15% ex-
1514 GMT. strongly upwards decline in this Q2,” Phil Strange, chief pect a fall. The BOI for Level of Selling
US gold futures for June delivery financial officer of D&B South Asia Prices stands at 10, which is 15 points
rose $6.60 an ounce to $1,492.60, By Santhosh V Perumal Middle East said, referring to the po- lower than the score in the previous
with volume already topping a Business Reporter litical unrest in several Middle Eastern quarter.
busy 150,000 lots, preliminary Reu- countries, the unfolding of the terrible “This is because prices are expected
ters data showed. events in Japan and continued to Euro- to remain at current levels with a possi-

Gold rose as the Reuters/Jeffer- olitical tensions in the Arab zone sovereign debt worries. ble increase if the situation in the Mid-
ies CRB index fell more than 1%, world, the recent earthquake and He said the fall in the hydrocarbon dle East worsens,” it said.
led by a near 3% drop in US crude the resultant tsunami in Japan sector was “little surprising”, given In so far as the non-hydrocarbon
futures. Global equity markets also besides concerns over European sover- the fact that fears owing to Middle segment is concerned, the outlook for
tumbled 2%. eign debt have weakened the optimism East tension is driving the oil price so Qatar’s manufacturing sector dropped
Meanwhile, oil fell nearly $3 a in the Qatar Inc in the second quarter, strongly upwards. but higher than 2010 levels; while the
barrel yesterday on the S&P move according to the Business Optimism Although the non-hydrocarbon sec- outlook for the construction sector
after Saudi Arabia said an oversup- Index (BOI). tor index dropped, he said, it was still is still strong but lower than the first
plied crude market had forced it to The composite index for the hydro- showing strong optimism and remains quarter of this year.
reduce output. carbon sector retreated due to the ex- more optimistic than any of the 2010 Weakened optimism was visible in
Brent crude for June fell $2.37 to pected fall in net profits and employ- readings; demonstrating resilience in Al-Jaida and Strange at the release of the BOI Q2 report. trade and the hospitality sector as well
$121.08 a barrel, clawing back from ment and that for the non-hydrocarbon the face of negative regional and global as in transport and communications
losses of $3. segment declined mainly due to a pull- factors. in the case of selling prices because of the current excess capacity in real es- sectors with air freight being impacted
US crude for May fell $2.93 to down by uncertainty in the region, said In the non-hydrocarbon sector, op- inflationary pressures on the economy, tate and non-rent inflation has been by Japan disaster and rising fuel costs
$106.73, having slipped as low as the BOI, a joint product of Qatar Finan- timism has been declining in terms the report noted. inching up due to the rise in food prices as well as Middle Eastern uncertainty.
$106.54. The US May crude con- cial Centre Authority (QFCA) and Dun of sales volume, net profits, new or- Inflation in Qatar, according to BOI, and the recovery in international com- Similarly, declining optimism was seen
tract expires today. and Bradstreet (D&B). ders, number of employees and level of is showing an upward trend as rents modity prices. in Qatar’s finance, real estate and busi-
The report was released yesterday by stocks; even as it marginally improved stabilise due to a gradual narrowing of In the hydrocarbon segment, the ness services sector.
Gulf Times
30 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tata ‘plans Greek officials deny
S&P cuts US credit up to $27bn
reports of ‘imminent’
debt restructuring
outlook on fears it over 5yrs’
ting debt markets and the euro
on Monday and keeping yield
spreads of Greek government
paper over German bunds near

cannot slash deficit
Mumbai reek officials denied record highs.
again yesterday that “Decisive voices within the
some form of debt re- federal government expect that

ndia’s giant Tata Group has scheduling was imminent as Greece will not make it through
said it will invest almost sources within the German the summer without a restruc-
$30bn mainly in the domes- government said Athens was turing,” one high-ranking Ger-
tic market over the next five likely to do so before the end of man coalition source told Reu-
Rating agency cites lack Department said in a state- “The US debt situation got a ability of America’s leaders years as it seeks to double rev- the summer. ters.
of plan to address fiscal ment. reality check this morning from to come together to address enues to $150bn. Financial markets are in- The 10-year market inter-
challenges, says one-in-three “Because the US has, relative the move by S&P,” said John the difficult fiscal challenges The group, which has nearly creasingly convinced Greece est rate on Greek debt rose to a
chance of rating cut in two to its AAA peers, what we con- Kilduff, partner at Again Capi- facing the nation,” said Mary 100 companies under its wing, will have to renegotiate the record 1,135 basis points, higher
years; Bonds, stocks fall but sider to be very large budget tal in New York. “Only precious Miller, assistant Treasury said it plans to invest the money terms of its public debt, rec- than peaks last year when Greece
dollar holds firm for now deficits and rising government metals will be seen as attractive secretary for financial mar- in sectors such as power, steel, ognising that its economy can- asked its EU and IMF partners
indebtedness, and the path to in the aftermath of the outlook kets. automobiles, telecoms and not grow fast enough to service for a 110bn euro bailout.
Reuters. AFP addressing these is not clear downgrade.” The US dollar managed to chemicals. a burden that is set to swell to To return the country to a
New York to us, we have revised our out- Despite the potential im- hold gains against the euro “We have become a signifi- 160% of national output. sustainable path, most econo-
look on the long-term rating plications of the S&P an- yesterday, and traders said cant player globally in each of German government sources mists agree that it needs to
to negative from stable,” S&P nouncement, longer-dated US debt problems in some Euro- the sectors that we are present said yesterday that Athens, wipe away roughly half the

tandard & Poor’s yester- said. government bond prices fell pean countries were lending in,” Tata Industries managing which is struggling to impose value of its outstanding debt,
day downgraded its credit The move will ratchet up the modestly, while major US stock some support to the US cur- director Kishor A Chaukar told national belt-tightening aimed hitting private creditors with
outlook for the US, citing pressure on the Obama admin- indexes showed a sharper reac- rency. the Press Trust of India. at regaining creditors’ faith, significant “haircuts” on their
a risk that policymakers may istration and Congress to come tion, shedding more than 1% in Even so, the greenback fell He told the news agency that would not avoid opting for a holdings.
not reach agreement on a plan up with an aggressive long-term early trade. about 5% against major cur- the group would invest as much as restructuring before the end of But EU leaders have prom-
to slash the huge federal budget plan to chop a nearly $1.5tn defi- rencies this year, and record low $27bn in the next five years, most the summer. ised not to make private debt
deficit. cit, equal to about 9.8% of out- “... it’s enough to spook interest rates together with the of it in its home Indian market. But officials have repeat- holders pay before 2013. Do-
While the credit rating agency put. It could push up US bor- investors from holding or S&P move will do little to make When asked about the expect- edly insisted that such a move ing so in the near-term could
maintained the country’s top rowing costs and put further buying US dollars” it more attractive, said Kathy ed revenues of the group after the would prove costlier in the long set off a wave of contagion that
AAA credit rating, it said au- pressure on the dollar and the Lien, director of research at GFT investment, Chaukar said: “It will run and Bank of Greece Gov- engulfs Greek, German and
thorities have not made clear government’s ability to finance Outstanding public US debt Forex. be more than double in less than ernor George Provopoulos told French banks, raises pressure
how they will tackle long-term the budget shortfall. has swelled to more than 60% “Even though I don’t think an five years. I think it’ll be around shareholders on Thursday it on Portugal and Ireland to re-
fiscal pressures. The White House, which of total output in the aftermath actual downgrade would occur, $140bn to $150bn.” would hurt banks and pension structure, and infects bigger
S&P said the move signals needs to continue increasing of the 2007-2009 financial in this very sensitive or vulner- Tata Industries is one of the in- funds, and shut access to capi- eurozone members like Spain.
at least a one-in-three chance borrowing to finance immedi- crisis. With a budget deficit able time for the US dollar, it’s vestment arms of the Tata group. tal markets. Greek sovereign debt holdings
that it could cut its long-term ate fiscal shortfalls, has warned running at nearly 10% of out- enough to spook investors from The commitment comes as “The Bank of Greece has ex- of Greek lenders are estimated at
rating on the US within two of financial ‘Armageddon’ if put and expected to grow, the holding or buying US dollars,” India’s largest conglomerate plained with clarity since last around €49bn, with the coun-
years. Congress refuses to raise the total is expected to swell fur- she said. seeks a successor to its chair- October that such a (restruc- try’s two largest banks alone
“The path to addressing $14.29tn cap. ther. Last week the International man, Ratan Tata, 73, who plans turing) option is not neces- holding about 20bn. Haircuts
these (problems) is not clear The limit will be reached by The Obama administration Monetary Fund urged the US to step down in December 2012. sary, nor desirable,” he said. “It would hit banks’ equity capital.
to us, (so) we have revised our mid-May and lawmakers must last week announced plans to to “urgently” address it prob- Ratan, one of India’s most would have catastrophic con- Greek pension funds, already
outlook on the long-term rat- take action or see the US de- trim $4tn from the budget defi- lems, saying the US stands respected corporate chiefs, has sequences.” straining from an ageing popu-
ing to negative from stable,” fault on interest payments on cit over the next 12 years, mostly out as the only large advanced overseen a 40-fold increase in The government denied a lation, also face a major poten-
S&P said in a statement an- its debt. through spending cuts and tax economy where its fiscal defi- the group’s revenues from 1991 Greek newspaper report that it tial hit as they hold about €8bn
nouncing its first ever down- A downgrade to the US AAA hikes on the rich. cit will increase in 2011 from when he took the reins of the wants to extend maturities on worth of Greek bonds.
grade of the US outlook. credit rating would also cause A top administration of- 2010, despite the ongoing eco- family company. its outstanding debt, echoing Worries over the prospect of
“We believe S&P’s negative a spike in mortgage rates and ficial reiterated US commit- nomic recovery. The deadline for finding a re- dismissals from EU and IMF a restructuring sent the cost of
outlook underestimates the tighten credit conditions across ment to act yesterday and With a federal budget gap placement for Ratan has been ex- officials. insuring Greek debt against de-
ability of America’s leaders to the economy. That would likely said S&P underestimated that estimated at 10.8% this year, it tended to the end of May from an But both that report and the fault higher yesterday, with Por-
come together to address the derail the economy’s recovery resolve. said Washington will find it dif- initial deadline of March after the signals from Germany served tuguese, Spanish and other low-
difficult fiscal challenges fac- from the worst recession since “We believe S&P’s negative ficult to achieve its goal of halv- search committee said it was hav- to convince investors some- er-rated eurozone government
ing the nation,” the Treasury World War Two. outlook underestimates the ing the deficit by 2013. PAGE 37 ing trouble finding a successor. thing is in the pipeline, hit- debt coming under pressure.
Gulf Times
32 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Philips switches off TV in profit search

Philips is hiving off its once leading
television business, the first step by new
chief executive Frans van Houten to
boost flagging profit at Europe’s biggest
consumer electronics maker.
Philips is moving its loss-making TV
business to a 30/70 joint venture with
Hong-Kong based monitor maker TPV
and has the option to sell out. The Dutch
group has struggled to compete with
lower-cost Asian rivals Samsung and LG
Van Houten, a restructuring expert
who took over as CEO this month, said
yesterday he is assessing the profitabil-
ity of Philips’ 400 or so business areas
and “taking the blanket off” its laggards,
a hint that further divestments could be
on the cards.
Philips did not give a value for the Van Houten: ‘taking the blanket off’ laggards
deal, saying it would receive a deferred
payment from TVP. All 3,600 employees the tepid loan growth is just confirma- than than analysts’ forecasts for $4.89bn.
at the TV business will transfer to the tion of the expectations people have,” Operating profit at its North American
Hong Kong company. said Michael Holland, chairman of operations jumped to $732mn from
Net income declined to €138mn money-manager Holland & Co. $230mn a year earlier. Latin America
($198mn), which was lower than forecast Citigroup said it earned $3bn, or 10¢ also rose to $76mn, from $46mn,
by analysts who spoke earlier to Dow per share, down from $4.4bn, or 15¢ per although profits fell in the rest of the
Jones Newswires. share, a year earlier. Analysts on average world.
Television sets produced can bear the had expected 9¢ per share, according to “We expect our Eastern Hemisphere
Philips brand name for at least five years, Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. margins to improve in the second quar-
and the company will receive royalties. It is the fifth consecutive quar- ter but they will continue to be impacted
Philips, a manufacturer of medical terly profit for Citigroup, which is slowly by the situation in Libya and by competi-
equipment, televisions and lighting recovering after taking $45bn in US tive pricing,” CEO Dave Lesar said.
systems, employs about 119,000 people bailouts during the financial crisis. Larger rival Schlumberger will post its
in more than 60 countries. In January By the end of 2010, the govern- results on Thursday along with Weath-
the electronics giant reported a more ment had shed its common shares in erford International, while Baker Hughes
than three-fold rise in net overall income Citigroup, and the bank reported its first reports on April 27.
for 2010 due to increased emerging annual profit since 2007. Like other big
market sales. US banks JP Morgan Chase and Bank of Gannett
Net profit for the year was €1.45bn America, Citigroup is struggling to grow
($1.96bn), up from €410mn in 2009. its revenues in a volatile trading environ- Gannett Co reported a decline in quar-
However Philips warned then that ment and amid weak consumer demand terly profit and revenue, suggesting that
consumer sentiment in mature markets for new loans. advertisers are shunning newspapers in
remains subdued, pointing in particular favour of other media, especially digital.
to the television market. Halliburton First-quarter net income fell to
$90.5mn, or 37¢ per share, compared
Citigroup Halliburton, the world’s second-largest with $117.2mn, or 49¢ per share, a year
oilfield services company, posted better- earlier, the company said yesterday. Gan-
Citigroup’s first-quarter profit fell 32%, than-expected quarterly earnings, lifted nett, which owns the largest newspaper
slightly beating expectations, as the by a three-fold jump in profits at its key chain in the US, reported that revenue
bank lost less money on bad loans but North American operations. fell 3.7% to $1.25bn in the first quarter.
struggled to grow its business. Halliburton’s net profit rose to $511mn, Analysts on average had expected
The third-largest US bank said net or 56¢ per share, from $206mn, or 23¢ revenue of $1.26bn for the period, ac-
revenue fell 22%, more than expected, to per share, a year earlier. Excluding the cording to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
$19.7bn, due to a slump in its securities charge from its operations in Libya, the Revenue at both its publishing division,
and trading unit and tepid consumer company earned 61¢ per share, topping home to 82 newspapers including USA
banking results, especially in North the 58¢ per share that analysts had fore- Today, and its broadcasting division de-
America. cast on average, according to Thomson clined in the quarter, due largely to drops
“The numbers look OK relative to Reuters I/B/E/S. in advertising. Only its digital business
expectations, but it’s a tough slog. I think Revenue rose to $5.3bn, also better saw an improvement from a year before.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 33

Abu Dhabi awards $5.7bn Emal to ramp up output Iran oil minister says Saudi developer planning Abraaj plans offices
housing contracts to 800,000 tonnes a year investment vital $7bn Egypt housing project in UK, Indonesia
Abu Dhabi’s Urban Planning Council (UPC) has Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Aluminium (Emal) Iran’s ability to export crude would be at risk A Saudi developer offered to invest up to $7bn Dubai-based private equity firm Abraaj Capital
awarded contracts worth 21bn dirhams ($5.7bn), plans to ramp up production at its Taweelah if investment dries up, Iran’s oil minister was to build some 200,000 residential units for low will open new offices this year in Asia and the
a government official said yesterday, as the smelter by 50,000 tonnes over the next year quoted as saying yesterday, in a rare display of and middle income Egyptian buyers, Egypt’s UK as it seeks to tap new markets away from the
oil-rich emirate seeks to address a housing to 800,000 tonnes of aluminum annually amid concern for the finances of the crucial energy state news agency reported yesterday. The Middle East’s sluggish private equity industry.
shortage. The contracts, awarded to four a strong demand outlook, its chief executive sector. The world’s fifth largest oil exporter agency said Egypt’s Prime Minister Essam Sharaf “We just opened an office in Singapore and will
developers including Sorouh Real Estate Co, will officer said. Emal, a $5.7bn joint venture between usually downplays the impact on international met yesterday with one of the “biggest Saudi soon be in Jakarta. That’s happening in like six
deliver an additional 7,500 homes for Emirati Mubadala Development Co and Dubai Aluminum sanctions, which have pushed several western businessmen from Alsharif group who offered months,” Omar Lodhi, senior partner at Abraaj
families, taking the total number of homes to Co (Dubal) started phase one production at oil companies to pull out of investing in Iran. Oil to do a huge housing project in Egypt... and the and chief executive officer of Abraaj Asia, said.
13,000, the official said. “All the projects were the smelter in December 2009 and reached Minister Massoud Mirkazmi’s remarks, reported prime minister has expressed his approval for “An office will also be opened in the UK once we
tendered and evaluated. Deliveries will be full production capacity of 750,000 tonnes in by the semi-official Mehr news agency, therefore the project”. The report did not give a timeframe get the FSA license. This will ease and facilitate
starting from 2012 up to 2014,” Falah al-Ahbabi, January this year. “In 2012, we will finish the imply there is real concern about where the for the project or name the Saudi businessman. the fund raising process,” he said. Lodhi added
general manager of Abu Dhabi’s Urban Planning improvement of the technology,” Saeed al- country will find the $8bn per year it says it Egypt’s real estate sector is in crisis after mass that the Middle East and North Africa would
Council, told reporters. Mazrooei said in Abu Dhabi. needs to invest to maintain production levels. protests ejected the country’s president. remain Abraaj’s core market.

‘Asia home for 80% of

Qatar energy exports’

Doha Bank Q1 profit jumps Qatar’s Minister of Energy and

Industry HE Dr Mohamed Saleh
al-Sada yesterday said Asia took
80% of the country’s crude and
product exports last year, a sign
of the region’s strong demand

on solid revenue streams

for energy.
“Our records show that in 2010
Asia was home for 80% of our
crude and products exports,
95% of the LPG and 100% of
condensate. As for LNG exports
to Asia which was 10.825mn
The lender’s return on average equity stands tonnes in 2000, this grew to
at 25.6%, “one of the best in the industry” 28.859mn tonnes last year,”
al-Sada said in a speech in the
By Santhosh V Perumal Kuwaiti capital.
Business Reporter

uoyant core revenue streams helped Doha
Bank to report a 15% jump in its first-quar-
ter (January-March) net profit to QR363mn.
Net interest income rose by 33.4% to QR393mn,
said Doha Bank chairman Sheikh Fahad bin Mo-
hamad bin Jabor al-Thani after the board meeting
Loans and advances stood at QR26.10bn and
move to
total assets increased by about 5% to QR46.40bn,
while customer deposits and unrestricted invest-
ment depositor accounts rose 3% to QR28bn, re-
flecting the strong liquidity position of the bank,
he said.
“The bank’s core revenue streams, like inter-
over oil
est income, foreign exchange earnings etc, have
shown remarkable growth reflecting on the bank’s
intrinsic strength towards recurring earning ca-
pacity and also on the bank’s productive opera- Sheikh Fahad, Sheikh Abdul Rehman and Seetharaman: Remarkable growth with intrinsic strength.
tional performance,” Doha Bank managing direc- AFP
tor Sheikh Abdul Rehman bin Mohamad bin Jabor timum asset allocation strategies, he said. come “extremely strong” over the years with shareholders and the region, he added. Kuwait city
al-Thani, said. “Continuing with our significant achievements shareholders’ funds registering 17% increase Doha Bank had recently entered into a memo-
The return on average equity stood at 25.6%, in 2010, the first quarter of 2011 was successful in in the last 12 months to QR6.20bn at the end of randum of understanding with Qatar Develop-

one of the best in the industry, he said, adding the meeting and exceeding customer expectations, March 31, 2011. ment Bank to augment its drive to strengthen the ulf oil producers yester-
bank - given the scale of operations - has achieved and maintaining our leadership in terms of per- The paid-up share capital of Doha Bank has small and medium enterprises in Qatar. It had also day assured consum-
a very high return on the average assets of 3.1% as formance, innovation, security and quality,” said “organically” increased over the years and stood reached an agreement with National Bank, the ers of sufficient crude
on March 31. It is a clear demonstration of the ef- Doha Bank group CEO R Seetharaman. at QR2.07bn at the end of first quarter of this year largest private sector bank in Bangladesh, for re- supplies to help stem rises in
fective utilisation of shareholder’s funds and op- Sheikh Abdul Rehman said the bank has be- reflecting the strong confidence it enjoy from mittance of funds from Qatar to Bangladesh. oil prices fuelled by sweeping
unrest in the Middle East and
CORPORATE RESULTS “Certainly, Saudi Arabia’s
position in the world oil mar-
ket is based on its commitment

Nakilat profit rises 15% to QR188.49mn in Q1 to maintaining spare capacity

for the sake of price and market
stability,” Saudi Oil Minister Ali
al-Naimi said.
Nakilat (Qatar Gas Transport) has registered a 15% rise in its first-quarter Revenue from aviation and drilling fell 18% to QR220.45mn and gross income by 52% to QR1.11mn but dividend income more than doubled Al-Naimi told a roundtable
net profit to QR188.49mn despite a flat operational performance. insurance revenue fell 7% to QR108.76mn. to QR6.46mn and rental income from investment properties rose meeting for Asian energy min-
The company has reported gains on derivative instruments from joint With revenues falling faster than costs, the company’s gross profit 78% to QR1.44mn. Thus, investment and other income gained 43% to isters that the kingdom had a
venture against a huge loss incurred in January-March of 2010, which registered 44% decline to QR91.72mn. QR10.46mn. spare capacity of more than
lifted the net profitability, according to its financial statement. Although other income jumped about six-fold to QR17.56mn; operat- Total assets were worth QR1.67bn, including reinsurance contract 3.5mn barrels per day which Ri-
Revenue from wholly-owned vessels rose 17% to QR723.95mn, income ing income plunged 41% to QR85.08mn as there was also a 17% jump in assets of QR1.10bn; financial investments of QR259.64mn; cash and yadh can use whenever the need
from marine and agency services by 4% to QR7.95mn, interest and general and administrative costs to QR25.22mn. bank balances of QR107.85mn and insurance and other receivables of arises.
dividend income by 49% to QR10.98mn and other income by 69% to Net finance income plummeted 73% to QR1.26mn. QR107.82mn. On Sunday, al-Naimi said
QR6.83mn. But share of operating profits from joint ventures fell 2% to Total assets were valued at QR4.14bn comprising current assets of Total shareholders’ equity stood at QR400.89mn on a capital base Saudi Arabia was ready to sup-
QR58.43mn and profit from Islamic banks by 62% to QR4.53mn. QR1.98bn and non-current assets of QR2.16bn. of QR180mn and earnings-per-share was QR1.07 at the end of March 31, ply crude as demanded by cus-
Thus, total income reported a 15% growth to QR812.66mn. Total equity stood at QR2.15bn on a capital base of QR1.35bn and 2011. tomers, but he had acknowl-
Operating costs of the wholly-owned vessels soared by 44% to earnings-per-share was QR0.64 at the end of first quarter of this year. Islamic Holdings edged that the kingdom’s oil
QR114.66mn, general and administrative expenses by 11% to QR20.58mn Doha Insurance Company output fell to 8.29mn bpd in
and finance charges by 15% to QR345.71mn. Thus, total expenses grew Islamic Holdings has more than doubled its net profit to QR2.03mn in March from as high as 9.1mn
20% to QR626.84mn. Doha Insurance Company (DIC) has reported a 4% rise in its first- January-March this year mainly helped by robust growth in core earn- bpd in February.
Total assets were valued at QR32.61bn, comprising current assets of quarter net profit to QR19.20mn. ings. Net brokerage and commission income surged 72% to QR3.80mn Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheikh
QR3.06bn and non-current assets of QR29.55bn. Net premiums however fell 10% to QR24.64mn, according to its finan- even as income from savings accounts with Islamic banks fell 5% to Ahmad Abdullah al-Sabah said
Total equity (before hedge reserve and non-controlling interests) cial statement. QR0.58mn. the situation now is different
stood at QR7.10bn on a capital base of QR5.54bn and earnings-per-share After factoring in the positive change in unexpired risk reserve, DIC The brokerage company’s net operating profit reported a 45% growth from 2008, when oil prices shot
was QR0.34 at the end of March 31, 2011. limited its earned insurance premiums fall to 1% to QR25.73mn. to QR4.57mn as there was also a fresh QR0.18mn profit from sale of to an all-time high of $147 a bar-
Gulf International Services Total underwriting income was rather flat as it grew 0.45% to ‘available-for-sale’ investments. Other income plunged 92% to QR0.01mn. rel, because of abundant spare
QR31.30mn although there was a 26% jump in commission received to General and administrative expenses were up 13% to QR2.27mn and capacity.
Slippages in operational earnings resulted in Gulf International Serv- QR5.90mn. finance and bank charges by 49% to QR0.06mn. “The situation in 2011 is quite
ices (GIS) to report a 42% fall in net profit to QR86.33mn in the first three However, claims paid more than doubled to QR27.63mn, even as rein- Total assets were valued at QR966.24mn including current assets of different from 2008 due to the
months of this year. surer’s share of claims almost quadrupled to QR16.96mn, thus helping QR959.89mn and non-current assets of QR6.35mn. availability of surplus capac-
Total revenues were down 15% to QR329.21mn due to lower earnings the insurance company to report an 11% jump in net underwriting results Total shareholders’ equity stood at QR40.33mn on a capital base of ity in crude oil production and
from both aviation and drilling as well as insurance subsidiaries, accord- to QR19.80mn. QR30mn (of which 75% is paid up) and earnings-per-share was QR0.51 at refining capacity as well as the
ing to its financial statement. Income from sale of investments plunged 49% to QR0.65mn, interest the end of March 31, 2011. high inventories,” Sheikh Ah-
mad told the meeting.

PM stresses need for economic reforms

‘Private sector vital to job creation’
By Pratap John a combined net profit of $3.6bn this year, up
Chief Business Reporter 8% on 2010.
Yousif called for efforts at the Arab League
level to discuss all financial issues relating to

prominent Arab banker has called for countries in the region. A new ‘Arab vision’
a ‘solid framework’ for the private for economic reforms is required.
sector’s active participation in the re- Yousif said the two-day conference would
gional economies, which he said is ‘vital’ to be an ideal platform for Arab financial insti-
creating more jobs. tutions to resort to ‘open dialogue’. However,
Addressing the opening session of the it is a fact the Arab banks are in a ‘much bet-
‘Arab Banking Conference 2011’ yesterday, ter shape’ when compared to their counter-
Union of Arab Banks (UAB) chairman Adnan parts in the US or in Europe, he said.
Ahmed Yousif said the economic planning in Arab banks had not suffered to the extent
the region must reflect the aspirations of its the financial institutions did in these conti-
people. nents following the global economic crisis.
The spotlight must be made on human de- This is because the Arab banks did not di-
velopment while carrying out new economic Adnan Ahmed Yousif addressing the ‘Arab rectly invest in the real estate or its deriva-
reforms. Banking Conference 2011’ yesterday. tives in the US or Europe.
“We have to have proper financial man- The two-day conference focuses on “Arab
agement in the Arab region. If systems of ing financing and governance are required Economic Reforms: A New Vision”.
taxation require modifications, they must be to achieve economic stability in the Arab re- Organised by UAB, the event is being held
Qatar Central Bank governor HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Saud al-Thani (right) arrives for the ‘Arab Bank- carried out. We must also put an end to cor- gion, he said. under the patronage of HE the Prime Minis-
ing Conference 2011’ at the Sharq Village yesterday with Qatari Businessmen Association chairman ruption is many countries in the MENA re- UAB has estimated that the combined bal- ter and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin
Sheikh Faisal bin Qassem al-Thani. Sheikh Abdullah read the speech of HE the Prime Minister and gion,” Yousif said. ance sheet of the 490 Arab banks would grow Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani.
Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani in his absence. The Prime Minister in While economic reforms are required, the 10% this year and exceed $3.5tn, Yousif said. QNB is the ‘lead sponsor’ of the ‘Arab
his speech stressed the need for economic reforms to “effectively combat corruption, offer good banking sector in the region must also at- The combined net profit of the Arab banks Banking Conference 2011’, which is also
governance and provide transparency.” tach top priority to transparency and issues is projected to grow 15% and reach $37bn. supported by many major banks across the
of disclosure. Better methods of monitor- Of this, the Islamic banks may account for region.
Gulf Times
34 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dubai hits
14-week high;
Gulf bourses
end mixed
Reuters UAE markets edged to a high-
Dubai er close, as investor sentiment
is upbeat on a combination of
quarterly earnings and the coun-

audi Arabia’s index edged try’s perceived safe haven status.
to a higher close yester- Investors however are doubt-
day, with banks and Etihad ing UAE’s likelihood of inclusion
Etisalat (Mobily) supporting on in MSCI emerging market index.
first-quarter earnings. “It is hard to argue that a mar-
The benchmark rose 0.02%, ket that trades $100mn a day
gaining in four of seven sessions. and really has only 10 to 15 liquid
Mobily rose 0.5% after re- investable names should be in-
porting a 40% growth in first- cluded in the MSCI,” said Robert
quarter net profit late Sunday, McKinnon, ASAS Capital chief
coming in just below the average investment officer.
forecast by analysts polled by Dubai’s index rose 0.3% and
Reuters. sits on a 14-week high and Abu
Al-Rajhi Bank and Banque Dhabi’s benchmark climbed
Saudi Fransi rose 0.3 and 0.9% 0.4% to a nine-week high.
respectively. Kuwait’s index rose as inves-
“Investors need to keep in mind tor fears settled after the death
Led down by QNB, Nakilat, Barwa and Industries Qatar, the QE’s 20-stock benchmark yesterday lost 0.96% or 84 points to a two-week low of 8,645.17 points. going forward that there is already of Kharafi Group’s chairman on
a lot of positive news priced into Sunday that triggered a sell-
the market at these levels,” said off. The benchmark ended 0.5%
Amro Halwani, a senior trader at higher.

QE extends losses to 3rd

Shuaa Capital in Riyadh. Until first-quarter earnings
After market close, Saudi Ba- season ends, Kuwait’s will be
sic Industries Corp (Sabic) re- “a volatile within reason mar-
ported first-quarter results with ket,” said Jasem Al Zeraei, head
net profit rising 42% to 7.7bn of sales at National Bank of Ku-
riyals, widely beating forecasts. wait.
Analysts polled by Reuters ex- Oman’s index slipped 0.1% to

day on selling pressure

pected an average of 6.2bn in net 6,397 points. Bahrain’s measure
profit. shed 0.06% to 1,403 points.

Dubai Group restructuring about $10bn

Dubai Group, part of a transactions such as direct
conglomerate owned by the shareholder loans to the
By Santhosh V Perumal small and large cap equities losing 1.58%, into offloading compared to 13.54%. surged 69% to 5.34mn shares, value by emirate’s ruler, is restructuring company, and cash moved
Business Reporter 1.28% and 0.85% respectively; even as Foreign institutions continued to be 39% to QR136.25mn and transactions by about $10bn in debts with around the wider group to
micro caps rose 0.25%. bullish but with lesser intensity as their 20% to 2,503. creditors, a source close to subsidiaries, the source said.
Of the 42 stocks, only 11gained, while net buying sunk to 0.98% from 4.93% in The insurance sector’s trading volume the discussions said, but an When asked about the terms

he Qatar Exchange fell 0.96% 23 declined and four were unchanged. the previous day. shot up 50% to 0.09mn shares, value by agreement is far from close. of the restructuring, the source
yesterday, extending losses to the Four others were not traded. A lower 21.01% of them were into buy- 75% to QR4.79mn deals more than dou- Two sources familiar with the said talks were “barely out of the
third day, mainly on hurried sell- Qatari individual investors were in- ing compared to 27.86% on Sunday and bled to 118. company’s restructuring with starting blocks”, but added that
ing by local retail investors. creasingly profit-takers as their net sell- a lower 20.03% were into selling against The industrial sector witnessed a 2% banks said talks are still at a banks will try to ensure that the
Led down by QNB, Nakilat, Barwa and ing surged to 12.63% from 9.52% in the 22.93%. jump in trading volume to 0.52mn shares very early stage, contrary to a additional $4bn is subordinated
Industries Qatar, the 20-stock bench- previous day. Domestic institutions’ bullish grip whereas value fell 3% to QR35.08mn. senior regional banker who said to the $6bn in bank claims.
mark lost 84 points to a two-week low of A higher 38.20% of them purchased strengthened as their net buying rose to Transactions gained 3% to 508. last week that a deal could be Banks would predictably want
8,645.17 points. equities compared to 33.88% on Sun- 7.51% from 4.76% in the previous day. However, banks and financial in- signed in the second quarter. to be priority creditors in any
The market is down 0.42% year-to- day but a higher 50.83% sold against A lower 22.45% of them bought eq- stitutions’ trading volume shrank The source close to the restructuring scenario which
date. 43.40%. uities against 24.89% on Sunday and a 30% to 1.92mn equities, value by 31% discussions, speaking on is likely to include repayment
Maximum selling was seen in services, Non-Qatari retail investors however much lower 14.94% of them sold com- to QR81.32mn and deals by 26% to condition of anonymity, said after a set time period and
whose index plunged 1.89%, followed turned bullish as they were net buyers pared to 20.13%. 1,363. the company was restructuring asset sales.
by insurance (1.61%), banks and finan- to the tune of 4.13% compared with net Total trading volume rose 21% Actively traded stocks (in terms of vol- $10bn, comprised of about $6bn A Gulf-based banker also
cial institutions (0.57%) and industry sellers of 0.18% in the previous day. to 7.87mn equities, value by 1% to ume) were Nakilat (2.91mn shares); Mas- in bank debt already disclosed. familiar with the matter said
(0.34%). A higher 18.34% of them were into QR257.44mn and deals by less than 1% raf Al Rayan (791,981); Barwa (632,489); The remaining $4bn relates an agreement could be several
Market capitalisation shrank 1.03% or buying against 13.36% on Sunday al- to 4,492. Gulf International Services (613,598) and to other inter-company months away.
about QR5bn to QR441.03bn with mid, though a marginally higher 14.21% were The services sector’s trading volume Mawashi (416,021).

Unrest-led outflows Libya rebel oil firm plays

from Gulf markets down export prospects
not material: HSBC Reuters
Bugaighis said rebels were se-
curing the fields under their con-
trol but were not working on get-
ting any of the fields apart from

ibyan rebels are unlikely Agoco’s pumping again for now.
Improved settlement systems could to export any more oil un- “They are secured, but, you
attract index funds; UK lender eyeing local til they are able to resume know, look at a map and look at
institutions to boost business; new accounts production but are keeping in the enormity of the desert and
being opened by conservative investors touch with potential buyers, an the tiny spots of oil fields. You
oil official in the opposition- really would need almost an
Reuters held east said yesterday. army to fully secure them,” he
Dubai The rebels control fields said.
owned by the Arabian Gulf Oil “But we are satisfied with the
Company (Agoco), including security we have right now, at

oreign investor outflows from Gulf Arab Nafoora, Misla and Sarir, which least in terms of protecting es-
markets during recent political unrest have have a combined potential sential infrastructure and our
been significantly lower than those seen production capacity of about people,” he added.
during the financial crisis, the regional head of 400,000 bpd, Wahid Bugaighis Bugaighis said rebels were still
custody at HSBC said. told Reuters in an interview. in contact with potential buyers,
Stock markets in the region have been pretty “We still have contacts with both those who had purchased
resilient to political turmoil, signalling a positive Arindam Das: Resilient markets. potential buyers, but naturally oil from Libya before and possi-
tone among investors, said Arindam Das, who is nothing materialises right now ble first-time customers.
also deputy head of the UK lender’s securities ing upgrades from index compiler MSCI which until we know what the situ- “Some people are keeping
services for the Middle East and North Africa could attract index funds. ation is and when we will be their options open,” he said, de-
(Mena) region. “The fundamental infrastructural changes back on stream,” said Bugaighis, clining to name any specific pos-
“I have seen far less money going out of mar- that are happening now, like the DvP, will address who was appointed head of the sible buyers.
kets here than what I saw during the financial cri- some of the risk concerns conservative institu- National Oil Company, set up The Libyan opposition is ea-
sis. Maybe the reason that money is not flowing tions will have,” Das said in the interview. by the Benghazi-based rebel ger to resume oil production so it
out is in anticipation of something good that will The executive said HSBC, which handles about national council to sell oil pro- can pay salaries and meet other
happen,” Das said in an interview last week. 25% to 30% of all the institutional money flow in duced in rebel-held areas. expenses as it tries to oust Gadd-
Most Gulf Arab markets have shrugged off ini- the region, was now turning towards local insti- Qatar, which is marketing the afi, who is fielding better-armed
tial losses when unprecedented political unrest tutions in the region to boost its business. rebels’ crude, said last week it and trained troops against rebels
in countries like Egypt and Bahrain led to stock Among the local institutions, the bank is had facilitated the sale of 1mn on the road between Ajdabiyah
market sell-offs. mainly focusing on mutual funds and family of- barrels of oil this month as well and Brega.
Dubai’s flagship index, for instance, has risen fices, Das said. as arranged the shipment of four If they do manage to oust
over 12% in the last month. At present about 80% of clients are foreign in- cargoes of fuel to Benghazi and Gaddafi, Bugaighis said Libya’s
“The regional unrest could have had a far big- stitutions and the remaining are local firms, Das was ready to support further new leadership would try to root
ger impact on the markets than it actually has said, adding some long-term conservative insti- transactions. out corruption in the oil indus-
had,” Das said. tutions have opened custody accounts recently Rebels had to shut down oil try and might reconsider some
Improved settlement systems in countries like without naming them. production after forces loyal of the Gaddafi government’s
the UAE and Qatar will result in more interest “I have seen some big names who hadn’t to Muammar Gaddafi attacked production policies.
from institutional investors, the executive added. opened accounts earlier, opening accounts now. Agoco’s Misla field in early April, “The policy from the incep-
Gulf markets have been traditionally domi- It’s a positive sign but it’s not enough to conclude damaging its power generation the extent of the damage and An Agoco official contacted tion of the Gaddafi regime, or
nated by retail investors who tend to follow a herd that money will start pouring in,” he said. system, an oil tank, some small- other factors. by Reuters said the firm was not say about three or four years into
mentality, resulting in panic-driven selling when A bank offering custodian services usually er diesel tanks and other equip- Mixed signals on who is in giving a timeline on resuming it ... their objective was always
negative events unfold. holds and manages a client’s securities or other ment, Bugaighis said. charge of east Libya’s energy production and was still operat- produce, produce the maximum,
Bourses in Qatar and UAE have announced assets on their behalf for a fee. The main objec- He said he hoped production industry has made it harder to ing independently of Bugaighis regardless of whether it was sus-
plans to implement the global standard Delivery tive is to reduce the risk of a client losing assets or would resume in “a few weeks”, form a clear picture on rebel oil by dealing directly with the na- tainable or not. This is what we
Versus Payment (DvP) settlement system, seek- having them stolen. but this depended on security, policy. tional council. want to reconsider,” he said.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 35


Car makers go local

to tap China growth
Chinese vehicle sales seen But while the official growth GM is also showing its Bao- Chinese car makers themselves
rising 27% to 23mn by rate may slow, the outlook is jun 630 sedan, a mid-size vehi- are trying to grow their own
2015; GM plans 60 new or positive enough for Chinese car cle developed locally using GM brands both at home and abroad.
upgraded models over five makers and their overseas part- technology. The car is the first of Chongqing Changan Automo-
years; Changan, Ford, Mazda ners to make substantial invest- GM’s Baojun brand that will be bile Co, which has a three-way
JV considering indigenous ments on the mainland. available nationwide. partnership with Ford Motor and
brand; Peugeot, Changan General Motors said it plans Officials at PSA Peugeot Cit- Mazda Motor in China, said the
joint venture also eyeing to more than double its sales roen say they too are convinced joint venture is considering roll-
China-dedicated brand in China to around 5mn units China’s car market will continue ing out its own brand.
by 2015, up from 2.35mn units to grow by about 10% a year for Changan makes and sells Ford
Reuters in 2010, its China head said on several years. models including the Focus, Fi-
Shanghai Monday. In a move that illustrates the esta and Mondeo in China under
GM China chief Kevin Wale importance of China, Citroen its partnership with Ford and
said GM planned to introduce unveiled its new DS5 premium Mazda. It also sells the Mazda 2

lobal auto makers and around 60 new and upgraded five-seater car yesterday. and Mazda 3.
their Chinese partners models in China over the next “Ten percent growth will last Ford itself is planning to in-
are rolling out dedicated five years, around 12 of them be- for several years,” said Philippe crease its presence in China. The
local brands and targeting buy- ing Buicks and 15 Chevrolets. Varin, Peugeot’s CEO. US car maker said last week that
ers in smaller towns and cities Gregoire Olivier, chief execu- it would introduce 15 new vehi-
as growth in the world’s larg- “Smaller towns are getting tive of PSA’s Asia operations, cles, double its dealerships from
est auto market slows from its into the market and car said that about 5% of Chinese 340 and add 1,200 new jobs in
breakneck pace. makers are starting to be people own a car compared with China by 2015 as it seeks to catch
Vehicle sales are anticipated able to set up there” about 55% of Europeans, a dis- up with rivals.
to rise to 23mn units by 2015, up parity he said showed how much The step is the latest round of
27% from their level in 2010, a “We have set some aggressive room there is for the Chinese initiatives that the US auto giant
senior Chinese government of- goals with our five-year plan,” market to grow. has taken in China since Asia and
ficial said yesterday in Shanghai, Wale said in statement. “We are Car ownership is not evenly Africa chief Joe Hinrichs took
ahead of the official opening of confident that we will achieve spread throughout the country, the China chief executive role
the Shanghai Auto Show. every one of our goals.” with Beijing and Shanghai hav- last October.
That figure suggests a slowing Susan Docherty, GM’s inter- ing to impose limits on car reg- The first of the 15 new models,
growth rate because it is lower national operations vice presi- istrations even as smaller towns the Focus, will go into produc-
than the 32.4% rate in 2010, dent of sales, said GM’s Chev- and cities with lower car own- tion in 2012 at a planned $490mn
in which China’s sales totalled rolet brands sold 1.1mn vehicles ership numbers emerge and car factory in Chongqing with an
18.1mn units. Car sales alone globally in the first quarter, up makers rush in to scoop up sales. initial capacity of 150,000 units.
rose a third last year to 13.8mn 15% from a year earlier. “Smaller towns are getting Peugeot too will launch what
units. “We expect the Chevrolet into the market and car makers it calls a dedicated brand. As
Those sales secured the coun- sales to more than double over are starting to be able to set up required by Chinese legislation,
try’s position as the world’s big- the next five years,” Docherty there,” said Varin. PSA and Changan will launch
gest auto market for the second said of Chevrolet international PSA will produce DS5s, the the brand starting with com-
consecutive year. vehicle sales, which include latest model in its DS range, mercial vehicles and passenger
Su Bo, vice minister of the China. in China with its new partner vehicles following two to three
Ministry of Industry and Infor- GM said late last year it ex- Changan Automobile, China’s years later.
mation Technology, disclosed pects exports of its China-made No4 auto maker. Olivier said the new brand
the forecast at a seminar being Chevrolet Sail to more than One way auto makers, foreign could be launched within a year.
held ahead of the Shanghai Auto quadruple this year due to rising and domestic, plan to increase “China is objective No1 for the An handout combo picture released yesterday by Daimler showing the concept for the new A-Class as
Show, which opens to the press demand for low-cost quality ve- sales in China is by teaming up to brand, but we can’t rule out ex- presented by Mercedes Benz at the Motor Show in Shanghai, China. The biennial auto fair will open today
today. hicles in emerging markets. build “indigenous brands”, and porting it,” he added. with the Media Day.

Japan needs more

LNG; buys to push
up long-term price
Qatar to supply 4mn tonnes “If Qatar diverts to Japan more
LNG; Spot prices to rise, says than 60 cargoes that it had con-
Japanese industry head tractually committed to others,
that would have a big impact on
Reuters spot and long-term prices,” said
Tokyo a source in LNG trading at a Jap-
anese trading house.
“The more (extra supplies) the

apan needs to buy more liq- better. Many Japanese trading
uefied natural gas (LNG) even houses, electric power compa-
after securing 4mn tonnes of nies and gas firms invest in Qa-
additional fuel from top pro- tar, so I think Qatar decided to
ducer Qatar, which is likely to support Japan considering those
push long-term prices higher partnerships,” the source said.
and reduce cargoes available for The extra cargoes from Qatar
Europe. would be shipped to a number of
Top LNG importer Japan is Japanese utilities and not limited
battling to minimise power to Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco)
shortages in the aftermath of a and Tohoku Electric Power , the
devastating earthquake and sub- worse affected by the quake, in-
sequent tsunami in March that dustry sources said.
knocked out more than 9 giga-
watts of nuclear power supply. “A rise in LNG prices will
“Additional purchases from be unavoidable from now
Factory employees work on a near-complete Mi-35 helicopter at the Rosvertol factory in Rostov-on-Don. Russia is breathing new life into a helicopter industry left in ruins by the utilities will tighten the sup- on, but in terms of volume,
the Soviet collapse. ply and demand balance, but the there is no need to worry”
market was originally oversup-
plied, with about 40 to 50mn Other utilities in Japan will
tonnes said to be in surplus need to boost runs at thermal

Russia revives helicopter industry globally,” Mitsunori Torihara,

chairman of the Japan Gas Asso-
ciation, told a news conference.
“A rise in LNG prices will be
unavoidable from now on, but
plants to supply power to the
two firms.
Japanese gas and power firms
would also continue to divert LNG
cargoes to Tepco, Torihara said.
Reuters machines within the next 10 ing more than $651bn over the city of Rostov-on-Don, which “After Perestroika (a series of in terms of volume, there is no Tepco is using gas turbines to
Rostov-on-Don, Russia years. next decade. The country spent employs around 8,000 people political reforms that preceded need to worry,” said Torihara, increase power supply and plans
That translates into at least $61bn last year. in the region and builds models the fall of the Soviet Union) who also serves as Chairman of to bring more gas-fired power
half of the future production Investment in helicopter including heavy lifter Mi-26T – there was a huge drop in pro- Tokyo Gas Co Ltd. capacity online to help it meet

ussia is breathing new life pipeline, said Anna Kupriyano- manufacturing in particu- at 50 tonnes one of the world’s duction ... We just did repairs Qatar’s state-run energy firm the supply shortage caused by
into a helicopter industry va, analyst at Moscow’s Uralsib. lar is part of President Dmitry largest helicopters in service – and maintenance and tried to Qatargas will supply more than the shutdown of nuclear and
left in ruins by the Soviet “Regarding future orders – as Medvedev’s ambitious plans to and the smaller Mi-35 fighter. hold onto qualified people ... It 60 extra cargoes of LNG, or 4mn other power plants after the
collapse, part of a modernisa- of now we estimate roughly half reduce Russia’s reliance on de- The company’s CEO Boris was not stagnation, it was dis- tonnes, to Japan over the next 12 quake.
tion programme aimed at diver- are coming from the domestic mand for its natural resources, Slusar, born in 1942, has been in integration,” he said. months, the company said on Japan has negotiated extra
sifying the economy away from market and half from export which is still the lifeblood of the top job for 10 years and has Now the Russian government Saturday. supplies from a variety of pro-
oil and gas. orders ... Demand from export the economy but leaves it highly seen much change since he be- is not only ordering helicopters Japan may need to buy as much ducers as well as Qatar, including
State-run Russian Helicop- markets is strong as Mi-heli- vulnerable to global economic gan working on the plant’s shop to boost its own army, it is piling as 10mn tonnes of additional Russia, Malaysia and Indonesia.
ters, a holding company set up copters do not face high levels slumps. floor was in his late teens. both national and regional state LNG, so the Qatar purchase would It has also arranged additional
last year to bring together 11 of competition in their segment A keen hunter, with an 8ft funding into manufacturing fa- likely be followed by more, one supplies through time swaps
regional manufacturers, is win- and are relatively cheap,” she “There was no budget bear skin proudly displayed on cilities as an incentive for the industry source said on Monday. with Korea Gas Corp (Kogas) and
ning new contracts both inside added. money, no demand for his office floor, he tells how the plant to invest in new technolo- Industry estimates of the volume Taiwan’s CPC.
and outside Russia and has Russian Helicopters’ Mi-35 helicopters ...” plant was reduced to a glorified gies and models. of additional LNG it needs range Last year, Japan imported a
unveiled plans for a ground- has orders from the Brazil- repair and maintenance out- “This plant was historically from the 4mn tonnes per year its record 70mn tonnes of LNG and
breaking $500mn market float. ian airforce for use in the war A key part of that goal is let when Soviet Union funding mostly self-sufficient, but in the has bought from Qatar to 10mn Qatar was its fourth-biggest sup-
Russian Helicopters builds a against drugs trafficking, ac- privatisation – loosening the dried up in the early 1990s. past few years a lot has changed; tonnes per year. plier, shipping 7.63mn tonnes.
series of Mi-branded vehicles cording to industry sources. government’s control over “There was no budget mon- if you invest in new production, Global gas supply is ahead of The nation’s 10 main electric
such as were used in the Soviet Meanwhile, Kazan Helicop- hundreds of corporations and ey, no demand for helicopters. you can apply for state support,” demand. The International Ener- power firms imported 43.92mn
Union invasion of Afghanistan ters, also part of the holding bringing in new investment and The main task was keeping our Boris Slusar said, adding that gy Agency estimates it could take tonnes of LNG, a record, in the fi-
in the 1980s. Today’s fam- company, will supply 21 mili- foreign expertise. workforce – the lowest we had tax exemptions were also avail- years to work off the extra supply. nancial year ended in March, using
ily includes the 24-hour Mi-28 tary Mi-17 machines to the US Russian Helicopters is high was 5,500 – but we managed to able. Japan is eating into that spare 95% of that for power generation.
Nighthunter and the heavy lift- for use in its military operation up on that privatisation list, keep the facilities running while Upgrading and redesigning capacity as it looks to plug its Qatargas has long been a sup-
ing Mi-26. in Afghanistan, Russia’s Kom- with its IPO in London and others were forced to sell their existing models has become a power supply shortage after the plier of LNG to Japan. Qatar’s
The company as a whole mersant newspaper wrote this Moscow set to give investors properties,” he said. major activity at the plant in re- quake, although analysts say it is other state-run LNG supplier,
plans to deliver 262 helicopters month. access to Russia’s defence sec- Igor Semerov, a first deputy cent years, a task it is hoped will unlikely to be enough to remove Rasgas, holds no long-term con-
this year, up from 214 in 2010, Russia is one of the few major tor for the first time. director general responsible for help lower the risk of crashes the global gas glut. tracts with Japan but has supplied
a financial market source told economies increasing defence Russian Helicopters’ opera- production, joined as an engi- such as the one that killed seven Still, traders expect LNG pric- cargoes to Japan via Qatargas since
Reuters, while orders from the spending in the wake of the tional units include Rostvertol neer in 1973 and also worked occupants of an Mi-8 helicopter es in the region to strengthen on the quake, a company executive
state are seen at 1,200-1,300 global economic crisis, pledg- in the southwestern Russian through boom and bust. last November. the Japan purchases. said earlier this month.
Gulf Times
36 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume
Saudi Cooperative Iaic Insur 32.00 0.63 282,247 Kuwait International Bank 320.00 -1.54 5,420,000 Voltamp Energy Saog 0.61 1.33 53,159
Samba Financial Group 55.00 -0.90 326,629 Kuwait Insurance Co 300.00 0.00 10,000 United Finance Co 0.07 -2.99 42,325
Sanad Cooperative Insurance 19.55 -1.01 856,383 Kuwait Investment Co 100.00 0.00 360,000 United Power Co 1.05 2.45 568
Saudi Public Transport Co 7.45 0.00 880,002 Kuwait & Middle East Fin Inv 0.00 0.00 - United Power/Energy Co- Pref 1.00 0.00 -
Saudi Arabian Refinery Co 32.90 0.61 157,165 Kuwait National Airways Co 51.00 0.00 320,000 Transgulf Investment Hldg Co 0.07 -1.47 470,887
Saudi Re For Cooperative Rei 10.90 9.55 20,523,669 Kout Food Group 380.00 0.00 10,000 Taageer Finance 0.15 3.55 10,000
Savola 27.10 1.12 401,061 Kuwait Packing Materials Mfg 0.00 0.00 - Salalah Port Services 0.48 0.00 -
Saudi Cable Co 14.05 -1.06 3,248,721 Privatization Holding Compan 38.50 -6.10 720,000 A’saffa Foods Saog 0.43 -0.93 29,370
Saudi Chemical Company 45.20 2.03 1,618,194 Kuwait Projects Co Holdings 405.00 -1.22 650,000 Sohar Poultry 0.21 0.00 -
Saudi Ceramic 139.50 0.18 21,480 Kuwait Real Estate Co 51.00 -1.92 2,760,000 Shell Oman Marketing 2.30 0.00 800
QATAR Saudi Electricity Co 13.10 -0.38 3,464,554 Kuwait Slaughter House Co 0.00 0.00 - Shell Oman Marketing - Pref 1.05 0.00 -
Saudi Fisheries 47.50 -0.84 295,016 Kuwaiti Syrian Holding Co 45.00 0.00 80,000 Al Shurooq Inv Ser 1.10 0.00 -
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Al-Hassan G.I. Shaker Co 57.50 2.68 288,935 Kuwait Invest Co Holding 0.00 0.00 - Al Sharqiya Invest Holding 0.11 0.00 -
Saudi Hotels & Resort 27.50 0.00 9,635 Kuwait Reinsurance Co Ksc 0.00 0.00 - Sohar Power Co 1.55 -0.64 919
Ezdan Real Estate Co 24.22 2.63 51,556 Arabian Shield Cooperative 20.45 -0.73 456,817 Kgl Logistics Company Kscc 300.00 0.00 390,000 Salalah Beach Resort Saog 1.43 0.00 -
Industries Qatar 147.50 -0.14 309,867 Saudi Investment Bank 19.90 -0.50 143,972 Mabanee Co Sakc 720.00 2.86 1,695,000 Salalah Mills Co 0.85 0.00 20,581
Qatar National Bank 149.80 0.27 206,547 Saudi Industrial Development 12.85 2.39 2,009,516 Al-Madar Finance & Invt Co 0.00 0.00 - Sahara Hospitality 2.35 0.00 -
Qatar Telecom (Qtel) Q.S.C 151.30 0.87 78,725 Saudi Industrial Export Co 25.50 2.20 3,191,621 Manafae Investment Co 57.00 0.00 480,000 Renaissance Services Saog 1.09 1.58 1,327,815
Commercial Bank Of Qatar 71.50 -1.38 400,165 Saudi Ind Investment Group 24.55 -1.80 1,937,747 Manazel Holding 19.50 0.00 720,000 Raysut Cement Co 1.10 0.74 22,324
Qatar Islamic Bank 81.20 -2.87 636,775 Saudi Indian Co 30.70 -0.97 587,431 Markaz Real Estate Fund 0.00 0.00 - Port Service Corporation 0.52 0.00 1,000
Barwa Real Estate Co 34.65 -1.14 576,444 Saudi International Petroche 23.00 0.00 3,218,100 Marine Services Co 248.00 0.00 20,000 Packaging Co Ltd 0.38 0.00 -
Masraf Al Rayan 24.12 -0.70 975,042 Saudi Industrial Services Co 13.85 1.09 2,331,201 Kuwait Financial Centre 130.00 1.56 1,280,000 Oman United Insurance Co 0.14 0.00 91,800
Qatar Electricity & Water Co 153.50 0.39 324,803 Saudi Transport And Investme 14.15 -0.35 827,246 Al Masaken Intl Real Estate 45.50 0.00 80,000 Oman Textile Holding Co Saog 0.60 -0.17 739
Qatar Gas Transport(Nakilat) 19.56 -0.10 3,124,352 Southern Province Cement Co 62.50 1.63 80,642 Al-Masar Leasing And Investm 0.00 0.00 - Oman Telecommunications Co 1.11 -0.45 16,650
Doha Bank Qsc 52.30 -1.69 646,781 Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co 18.50 2.78 18,006,610 Mashaer Holdings 126.00 0.00 380,000 Sweets Of Oman 0.80 0.00 -
Qatar Navigation 83.70 -0.36 62,369 Sahara Petrochemical Co 23.10 0.22 1,188,747 Al-Massaleh Real Estate Co 108.00 5.88 20,000 Oman Orix Leasing Co. 0.09 0.00 -
Aamal Co 19.50 -1.52 14,870 Saudi Pharmaceutical Industr 40.80 0.00 69,311 National Ranges Company 20.00 2.56 12,320,000 Oman Refreshment Co 0.94 70.00 5,500
Vodafone Qatar 8.03 -0.50 321,575 Saudi Paper Manufacturing Co 47.00 0.43 167,843 Al-Mazaya Holding Co 85.00 0.00 1,240,000 Oman Packaging 0.14 0.00 -
Qatar Fuel Co 259.50 -0.19 10,786 Saudi Printing & Packaging C 12.20 1.67 1,389,241 Mena Real Estate Co 45.50 0.00 80,000 Oman Oil Marketing Company 1.32 0.15 15,000
Qatar International Islamic 46.50 -0.11 196,200 Mena Holding Group 32.50 0.00 2,080,000 Oman Oil Marketing Co-Pref 0.25 0.00 -
Qatar Insurance Co 82.00 1.36 28,595 Al Mowasat Health Care Co 120.00 0.00 20,000 Oman National Investment Co 0.30 -0.66 56,155
Al Khaliji Bank 18.70 -0.53 163,141 Al Maidan Dental Clinic Co K 580.00 0.00 25,000 Oman National Engineering An 0.49 0.00 -
Al Ahli Bank 66.00 -2.80 11,801 KUWAIT Metal & Recycling Co 116.00 1.75 40,000 Oman National Dairy Products 0.00 0.00 -
Qatar National Cement Co 116.00 4.98 70,256 Mushrif Trading & Contractin 130.00 1.56 40,000 Ominvest 0.48 0.84 180,597
Gulf International Services 29.00 -0.68 637,185 Mubarrad Transport Co 83.00 1.22 120,000 Oman Medical Projects 0.08 0.00 -
Mannai Corporation 107.50 0.00 731
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume
Munshaat Real Estate Project 34.50 0.00 80,000 Oman Natl Livestock Dev-Pref 0.00 0.00 -
United Development Co 22.60 -1.48 62,904 Aayan Leasing & Investment 0.00 0.00 - Kuwait Resorts Co Kscc 37.00 0.00 160,000 Oman Ceramic Com 0.75 0.00 -
Qatar General Insurance & Re 41.05 -2.96 24,000 A’ayan Real Estate Co 69.00 -1.43 160,000 Nafais Holding 46.50 0.00 160,000 Oman Intl Marketing 0.55 0.00 -
Qatar Industrial Manufactur 53.00 -0.38 36,803 Burgan Co For Well Drilling 0.00 0.00 - National Petroleum Services 325.00 0.00 10,000 Oman Investment & Finance 0.21 0.00 134,206
Al-Khalij Holding Co 18.30 -1.08 174,871 Al Ahli Bank Of Kuwait 620.00 -1.59 20,000 National Bank Of Kuwait 1,200.00 1.69 5,152,500 Oman International Bank Saog 0.28 1.84 458,462
National Leasing 38.00 0.53 61,294 Al Abraj Holding Co 0.00 0.00 - National Co For Consumer In 0.00 0.00 - Oman Hotels & Tourism Co 3.10 0.00 -
First Finance Co 19.80 0.00 - Abyaar Real Eastate Developm 33.50 -1.47 20,000,000 Network Holding Co K.S.C.C 0.00 0.00 - Oman Holding International 0.32 -3.96 210,550
Salam International Investme 11.92 -0.33 74,535 Acico Industries Co Kscc 310.00 -1.59 220,000 National Industries Co 330.00 0.00 10,000 Oman Fiber Optics 3.30 0.00 -
Mazaya Qatar Real Estate Dev 9.30 -1.69 144,889 Al-Dar National Real Estate 0.00 0.00 - National International Co 45.00 0.00 80,000 Oman Flour Mills 0.59 0.51 100,000
Qatar Islamic Insurance 50.10 -2.53 15,236 Afaq Educational Services 0.00 0.00 - National Industries Grp Hold 270.00 0.00 3,060,000 Oman Filters Industry 0.02 0.00 -
Al Khaleej Takaful Group 44.20 0.45 14,289 Al Arabi Group Holding Co 124.00 -1.59 200,000 National Investments Co 295.00 1.72 3,830,000 Oman Fisheries Co 0.13 0.79 2,047,933
Zad Holding Co 48.60 -2.80 1,608 Agility 380.00 0.00 500,000 National Mobile Telecommuni 1,880.00 3.30 185,000 Oman Education & Training In 0.54 0.00 -
Al Meera Consumer Goods Co 91.20 -0.33 11,566 Aref Investment Group Co 52.00 0.00 440,000 Noor Financial Investment K. 29.00 0.00 80,000 Oman & Emirates Inv(Om)50% 0.16 0.00 100
Gulf Warehousing Company 31.00 -7.32 378,863 Al-Ahleia Insurance Co 510.00 0.00 5,000 National Real Estate Co 104.00 1.96 700,000 Oman & Emirates Inv(Emir)50% 0.59 0.00 -
Doha Insurance Co 28.15 -0.18 2,747 Al-Ahlia Holding Co 15.00 7.14 6,240,000 National Slaughter House 0.00 0.00 - Oman Europe Foods Industries 0.20 0.00 -
Medicare Group 24.00 0.42 121,708 Ajwan Gulf Real Estate Co 0.00 0.00 - Osoul Investment Kscc 47.50 0.00 80,000 Oman Cement Co 0.59 3.89 68,000
Dlala Holding 16.75 -0.77 51,667 Aviation Lease And Finance C 375.00 -1.32 820,000 Oula Fuel Marketing Co 345.00 6.15 60,000 Oman Chlorine 0.38 3.85 55,250
Qatar Meat & Livestock Co 19.99 -10.00 2,166,141 Al Aman Investment Company 37.00 -2.63 160,000 Palms Agro Production Co 110.00 -5.17 160,000 Oman Chemical Industrial Co 0.00 0.00 -
Qatar & Oman Investment Co 8.41 0.12 52,710 Kuwait Real Estate Holding C 35.00 0.00 160,000 Shuaiba Industrial Co 210.00 0.00 20,000 Oman Chromite 3.75 0.00 -
Qatar Cinema & Film Distrib 40.00 0.00 - Al-Deera Holding Co 32.00 0.00 3,600,000 Kuwait Portland Cement Co 1,520.00 -1.30 72,500 Oman Cables Industry 1.14 0.62 56,500
Islamic Holding Group 26.60 -0.56 6,885 Al-Eid Food Co 0.00 0.00 - Pearl Of Kuwait Real Estate 25.00 0.00 80,000 Oman Agricultural Dev 1.45 0.00 -
Qatar German Co For Medical 9.10 0.00 28,482 Alkout Industrial Projects C 0.00 0.00 - Kuwait Pipes Indus & Oil Ser 196.00 5.38 1,640,000 Omani Qatari Telecommunicati 0.76 -0.13 334,954
Al Madina For Finance And In 38.00 1.33 1,520,000 Kuwait United Poultry Co 0.00 0.00 - National Securities 0.12 0.00 -
Al Mal Investment Company 85.00 3.66 7,760,000 Umm Al Qaiwain Cement Indust 52.00 6.12 120,000 Oman Foods International Soa 0.13 0.00 -
Al Mudon Intl Real Estate Co 0.00 0.00 - National Pharmaceutical-Rts 0.00 0.00 -
SAUDI ARABIA Ahli United Bank (Almutahed) 740.00 -1.33 110,000 National Pharmaceutical 0.10 0.00 -
Al-Nawadi Holding Co K.S.C 81.00 0.00 240,000 National Packaging Fac 3.50 0.00 -
First Investment Co Kscc 122.00 5.17 6,760,000 UAE National Mineral Water 0.08 1.25 163,800
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume
Al-Qurain Petrochemicals Co 192.00 2.13 2,880,000 National Industrial Inv-Pfd 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi Hollandi Bank 31.00 0.00 76,860 Alrai Media Group Co 0.00 0.00 - National Hospitality Institu 2.05 0.00 -
Al-Ahsa Development Co. 11.15 -0.45 2,337,891 Al Safat Investment Co 60.00 0.00 7,240,000
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume
National Gas Co 0.45 0.00 13,930
Al-Baha Development & Invest 13.95 -0.36 1,135,608 Al Safwa Group Co 17.00 -2.86 3,600,000 Waha Capital Pjsc 0.74 1.37 2,777,774 National Finance Co 0.12 0.00 2,000
Ace Arabia Cooperative Insur 36.00 -2.44 1,392,368 Al Salam Group Holding Co 36.00 -1.37 2,640,000 Union Insurance Co 0.00 0.00 - National Detergents/The 0.90 0.00 -
Allied Cooperative Insurance 31.80 -0.63 352,414 Alshamel International Hold 0.00 0.00 - Union National Bank/Abu Dhab 3.12 -0.32 142,000 National Carpet Factory 0.00 0.00 -
Arriyadh Development Company 16.00 0.00 685,424 Commercial Real Estate Co 72.00 -1.37 360,000 United Insurance Company 0.00 0.00 - National Bank Of Oman 0.31 0.00 1,120,796
Fitaihi Holding Group 11.90 -1.65 2,712,106 Amar Finance & Leasing Co 54.00 0.00 40,000 Union Cement Co 1.21 0.00 8,847 National Biscuit Industries 4.20 0.00 -
Arabia Insurance Cooperative 20.80 -0.48 302,044 Amwal International Investme 64.00 0.00 80,000 United Arab Bank 5.30 0.00 5,000 National Beverages Co Ltd 5.00 0.00 -
Al Abdullatif Industrial Inv 27.10 0.00 191,499 Aqar Real Estate Investments 0.00 0.00 - Abu Dhabi National Takaful 2.60 5.26 1,973 Natl Aluminium Products 0.49 -1.80 149,165
Al-Ahlia Cooperative Insuran 34.30 -1.44 219,519 Arab Real Estate Co 33.50 -1.47 80,000 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co 1.55 0.65 15,743 Muscat Thread Mills Co 0.13 0.00 915
Al Alamiya Cooperative Insur 31.40 3.97 1,356,291 Ajial Real Estate Entmt 118.00 0.00 100,000 Sudan Telecommunications Co$ 2.10 -2.33 16,000 Muscat Insurance Company 0.00 0.00 -
Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Dev 9.50 1.06 4,147,498 Aref Energy Holding Co Kscc 122.00 0.00 660,000 Sorouh Real Estate Company 1.42 2.16 12,492,343 Modern Poultry Farms 0.00 0.00 -
Al Babtain Power & Telecommu 27.10 -0.73 180,795 Alargan International Real 0.00 0.00 - Sharjah Insurance Company 0.00 0.00 - Muscat National Holding 1.58 0.00 -
Bank Albilad 19.20 -1.29 321,436 Arab Insurance Group 0.00 0.00 - Sharjah Cement & Indus Devel 0.88 7.32 32,700 Musandam Marketing & Invest 0.00 0.00 -
Alujain Corporation (Alco) 21.45 -0.46 1,455,126 Arkan Al Kuwait Real Estate 67.00 -4.29 40,000 Ras Al Khaima Poultry 1.59 0.00 20,000 Al Maha Petroleum Products M 11.60 0.00 -
Aldrees Petroleum Operates G 46.50 2.42 118,970 Automated Systems Co 285.00 5.56 10,000 Ras Al Khaimah Co 1.40 0.00 100,000 Muscat Gases Company Saog 0.79 0.00 8,878
Fawaz Abdulaziz Alhokair & C 44.10 -1.34 76,494 Advanced Technology Co 800.00 -4.76 25,000 Rak Properties 0.40 0.00 23,473,306 Majan Glass Company 0.68 0.00 -
Alinma Bank 10.15 1.00 43,302,023 Ahli United Bank B.S.C 202.00 0.00 280,000 Ras Al-Khaimah National Insu 0.00 0.00 - Muscat Finance 0.20 0.00 -
Al Khaleej Training And Educ 46.70 1.97 129,715 Al Bareeq Holding Co Kscc 0.00 0.00 - Ras Al Khaimah Ceramics 2.08 8.43 26,000 Al Kamil Power Co 1.73 0.00 -
Abdullah A.M. Al-Khodari Son 64.00 0.39 45,945 Bayan Investment Co Kscc 36.50 -5.19 1,920,000 Ras Al Khaimah Cement Co 0.97 6.59 45,792,288 Interior Hotels 3.75 0.00 -
Allianz Saudi Fransi Coopera 22.75 -1.30 834,216 Bahrain Kuwait Insurance 0.00 0.00 - National Bank Of Ras Al-Khai 4.10 -1.20 10,000 Hotels Management Co Interna 1.25 0.00 -
Almarai Co Ltd 93.50 0.54 274,187 Boubyan Bank K.S.C 590.00 0.00 415,000 Qatar Telecom (Qtel) Q.S.C 149.00 0.00 20,000 Al-Hassan Engineering Co 0.48 0.00 -
Alsorayai Group 24.55 0.20 361,195 Boubyan Petrochemicals Co 550.00 1.85 2,565,000 Umm Al Qaiwain Cement Indust 0.69 0.00 50,000 Gulf Stone 0.09 0.00 -
Amana Cooperative Insurance 30.20 0.00 2,238,964 Burgan Bank 510.00 -1.92 2,550,000 Palestine Telecommunications 0.00 0.00 - Gulf Mushroom Company 0.45 6.21 10,315
Anaam International Holding 44.20 -1.56 546,137 Gulf Cable & Electrical Ind 1,680.00 0.00 2,500 Oman & Emirates Inv(Emir)50% 0.90 0.00 35,000 Gulf Invest. Serv. Pref-Shar 0.41 0.00 -
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets 100.00 -0.74 53,958 Kuwait Cable Vision Sak 64.00 0.00 80,000 National Marine Dredging Co 11.00 -7.56 107,852 Gulf Investments Services 0.07 0.00 6,258
Arabian Pipes Co 33.00 -1.20 203,265 Livestock Transport & Tradng 300.00 0.00 10,000 National Corp Tourism & Hote 7.10 0.00 190,000 Gulf International Chemicals 0.23 -0.43 55,134
Advanced Petrochemicals Co 32.70 0.31 1,389,970 Commercial Bank Of Kuwait 930.00 0.00 40,000 Sharjah Islamic Bank 0.88 0.00 455,303 Gulf Hotels (Oman) Co Ltd 11.00 0.00 -
Al Rajhi Co For Co-Operative 44.40 0.45 1,720,148 Combined Group Contracting 2,000.00 1.01 22,500 National Bank Of Umm Al Qaiw 2.39 0.00 50,050 Global Fin Investment 0.06 0.00 105,533
Arabian Cement 33.40 1.83 662,773 City Group 580.00 0.00 10,000 National Bank Of Fujairah 3.52 10.00 500 Galfar Engineering&Contract 0.48 -0.42 654,516
Arab National Bank 33.50 -0.89 50,887 National Cleaning Company 170.00 2.41 1,420,000 National Bank Of Abu Dhabi 11.30 2.26 1,365,854 Galfar Engineering -Prefer 0.45 0.00 -
Ash-Sharqiyah Development Co 38.00 0.53 353,391 Coast Investment Development 89.00 1.14 4,960,000 Methaq Takaful Insurance 2.82 0.36 5,849,784 Financial Services Co. 0.10 0.00 -
Astra Industrial Group 35.10 -0.28 280,436 Dulaqan Real Estate Co 0.00 0.00 - Manasek 0.00 0.00 - Flexible Ind Packages 0.14 0.00 -
Alahli Takaful Co 74.50 -1.65 310,792 Damac Kuwaiti Holding Co 0.00 0.00 - Gulf Pharmaceutical Ind-Julp 2.03 0.00 24,389 Financial Corp/The 1.26 0.00 -
Aseer 13.80 0.73 761,117 Danah Alsafat Foodstuff Co 85.00 0.00 560,000 Investbank 1.60 0.00 1,770 Dhofar Tourism 1.00 0.00 -
Axa Cooperative Insurance 34.10 -1.45 630,740 Educational Holding Group 152.00 -6.17 620,000 Gulf Medical Projects 1.57 0.00 4,000 Dhofar Poultry 1.26 0.00 -
Basic Chemical Industries 27.20 -0.73 29,582 Egyptian Kuwaiti Holding Co 365.00 0.00 30,000 Gulf Livestock Co 0.00 0.00 - Aloula Co 0.00 0.00 -
Bishah Agriculture 0.00 0.00 - Ekttitab Holding Co S.A.K.C 32.00 -1.54 320,000 Green Crescent Insurance Co 0.79 1.28 2,533,407 Dhofar Intl Development 0.54 0.00 1,200
Bank Al-Jazira 19.65 -1.26 253,002 Equipment Holding Co K.S.C.C 61.00 -1.61 80,000 Gulf Cement Co 1.45 1.40 70,263 Dhofar Insurance 0.19 0.00 -
Banque Saudi Fransi 47.70 -1.85 40,977 Al-Enma’a Real Estate Co 116.00 1.75 3,480,000 Foodco Holding 0.00 0.00 - Dhofar University 1.20 0.00 -
United International Transpo 50.75 0.50 97,127 Kuwait Bahrain International 0.00 0.00 - Finance House 3.87 0.00 27,034 Dhofar Power Co 2.00 0.00 6,681
Bupa Arabia For Cooperative 22.65 -0.88 1,936,870 Eyas For High & Technical Ed 0.00 0.00 - First Gulf Bank 17.65 0.86 300,052 Dhofar Power Co-Pfd 2.00 0.00 -
Buruj Cooperative Insurance 30.60 2.34 1,372,646 Commercial Facilities Co 395.00 2.60 200,000 Fujairah Cement Industries 1.03 0.00 19,775 Dhofar Fish Industries Co 1.28 0.00 -
Methanol Chemicals Co 14.00 0.36 1,399,208 Fujairah Cement Industries 67.00 6.35 1,560,000 Fujairah Building Industries 0.00 0.00 - Dhofar Cattlefeed 0.15 -1.32 129,729
Eastern Cement 45.80 -0.22 95,453 First Dubai Real Estate Deve 27.00 0.00 80,000 Emirates Telecom Corporation 10.40 0.48 1,624,028 Al Batinah Dev & Inv-50% 0.06 -1.79 6,500
Etihad Atheeb Telecommunicat 7.05 0.71 6,850,123 Flex Resorts & Real Estate 0.00 0.00 - Emirates Insurance Co. (Psc) 6.20 0.00 6,242 Dhofar Beverages Co 0.27 0.00 -
Etihad Etisalat Co 52.00 -0.48 676,148 Kuwait Foods (Americana) 1,480.00 0.00 92,500 Emirates Driving Company 3.62 0.00 33,000 Computer Stationery Inds 0.33 0.00 -
Emaar Economic City 6.85 0.00 2,613,467 First Takaful Insurance Co 75.00 0.00 40,000 Al Dhafra Insurance Co. P.S. 4.60 0.00 3,000 Construction Materials Ind 0.06 0.00 19,330
Falcom Saudi Equity Etf 21.00 -0.94 14,238 Future Communications Co 310.00 0.00 100,000 Dana Gas 0.67 1.52 28,781,446 Cement & Gypsum Pro 1.00 0.00 -
Filing & Packing Materials M 27.20 -0.73 375,301 Future Kid Entertainment And 0.00 0.00 - Commercial Bank Internationa 0.00 0.00 - Marine Bander Al-Rowdha 0.00 0.00 -
Food Products Company 17.10 1.18 1,794,444 Gulf Bank 540.00 0.00 3,645,000 Bank Of Sharjah 1.84 0.00 12,000 Bank Sohar 0.17 -1.78 1,896,486
Falcom Petrochemical Etf 26.40 0.00 19,800 Gulf Cement Co 110.00 1.85 3,840,000 Abu Dhabi Natl Co For Buildi 1.50 7.14 7,000 Bank Muscat Saog 0.78 -0.26 3,486,461
Gulf General Cooperative Ins 45.20 1.35 1,571,182 Gulf Franchising Kscc 25.00 0.00 80,000 Al Wathba National Insurance 0.00 0.00 - Bank Dhofar Saog 0.65 0.00 5,799
Jazan Development Co 20.95 5.28 2,309,468 Gulf Finance House Ec 0.00 0.00 - Intl Fish Farming Co-Asmak 9.95 0.00 10,000 Al Batinah Hotels 1.36 0.00 -
Gulf Union Cooperative Insur 18.35 0.27 1,622,227 Gulf Glass Manuf Co -Kscc 0.00 0.00 - Arkan Building Materials Co 1.62 -0.61 1,484,618 Majan College 0.28 0.00 -
Halwani Bros Co 33.10 -0.30 342,278 Gulf Investment House 0.00 0.00 - Aldar Properties Pjsc 1.63 1.88 32,839,654 Areej Vegetable Oils 2.50 0.00 -
Herfy Food Services Co 82.00 0.61 89,484 Gulf Insurance Co 650.00 0.00 10,000 Al Ain Ahlia Ins. Co. 47.00 0.00 523 Al Jazeera Steel Products Co 0.28 -1.43 633,801
Al Jouf Agriculture Developm 26.20 -2.24 850,969 Global Investment House Kscc 33.50 3.08 15,680,000 Al Khazna Insurance Co 0.63 0.00 92,000 Al Sallan Food Industry 0.00 0.00 -
Jarir Marketing Co 151.75 -0.65 11,276 Gulf North Africa Holding Co 55.00 0.00 80,000 Agthia Group Pjsc 2.02 0.00 295,294 Al-Omaniya Financial Service 0.29 0.00 -
Jabal Omar Development Co 15.50 0.00 396,063 Gulf Petroleum Investment 31.00 0.00 240,000 Al Fujairah National Insuran 0.00 0.00 - Taghleef Industries Llc 2.21 0.00 -
Al Jouf Cement 12.35 1.65 12,483,802 Grand Real Estate Project 13.50 0.00 1,280,000 Abu Dhabi Ship Building Co 2.25 0.00 2,000 Gulf Plastic Industries Co 0.39 0.00 -
Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co 18.10 0.56 10,999,772 Gulfinvest International Ksc 0.00 0.00 - Abu Dhabi National Insurance 5.50 0.00 6,476 Al Jazeira Services 0.20 0.00 755,232
Knowledge Economic City 7.50 0.67 773,146 Kuwait Gypsum Manufacturing 0.00 0.00 - Abu Dhabi National Hotels 2.80 0.00 41,034 Al Jazerah Services -Pfd 0.55 0.00 -
Kingdom Holding Co 9.10 0.00 773,127 Hayat Communications 142.00 2.90 220,000 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 3.04 -0.98 105,310 Al-Fajar Al-Alamia Co 0.72 0.00 -
Saudi Arabian Mining Co 24.95 0.60 1,060,988 Hilal Cement Co 0.00 0.00 - Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 2.61 0.00 2,965,761 Acwa Power Barka Saog 0.00 0.00 -
Malath Insurance 17.80 2.30 4,082,481 Hits Telecom Holding 61.00 1.67 2,520,000 Abu Dhabi Aviation 3.00 0.00 25,000 Ahli Bank 0.29 0.00 80,225
Makkah Construction & Devepl 30.60 -0.33 39,968 Human Soft Holding Co 0.00 0.00 - Al Buhaira National Insuranc 0.00 0.00 -
Mediterranean & Gulf Insuran 31.40 1.95 630,192 Intl Financial Advisors 45.50 0.00 10,400,000 Abu-Dhabi Co-Op Society 0.00 0.00 -
Middle East Specialized Cabl 16.85 -0.59 1,064,175 Ifa Hotels & Resorts Co. K.S 455.00 0.00 40,000 Nbad Oneshare Dj Uae 25 Etf 4.34 0.00 17,848 BAHRAIN
Mohammad Al-Mojil Group 21.90 0.46 2,858,615 International Finance Co 255.00 0.00 50,000 Ras Al Khaimah Cement Co 0.97 6.59 45,792,288
Al Mouwasat Medical Services 72.25 0.35 67,409 Industrial & Financial Inves 0.00 0.00 - Ras Al Khaimah Ceramics 2.08 8.43 26,000
National Agriculture Develop 25.20 -1.18 182,595 Intl Investment Group-Kuwait 0.00 0.00 -
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume
Rak Properties 0.40 0.00 23,473,306
Nama Chemicals Co 11.40 1.33 4,063,226 Ikarus Petroleum Industries 142.00 1.43 20,000 Ras Al Khaimah Co 1.40 0.00 100,000 United Paper Industries Bsc 0.00 0.00 -
National Gypsum 31.00 0.00 110,961 Int’l Leasing & Investment 0.00 0.00 - Ras Al Khaima Poultry 1.59 0.00 20,000 United Gulf Investment Corp 0.11 0.00 19,602
National Gas & Industrializa 18.50 0.00 23,572 Injazzat Real State Company 96.00 5.49 200,000 Al-Salam Bank 0.62 0.32 85,630 United Gulf Bank 0.41 0.00 23,364
National Industrialization C 35.30 1.44 1,801,846 Inovest Co Bsc 81.00 6.58 160,000 Sharjah Cement & Indus Devel 0.88 7.32 32,700 United Finance Co 0.00 0.00 -
Maadaniyah 26.20 0.00 575,795 Investors Holding Group Co.K 16.00 6.67 7,520,000 Shuaa Capital 1.19 0.00 569,210 General Trading & Food 0.26 0.00 10,000
National Shipping Co Of/The 14.90 -1.32 1,380,638 Independent Petroleum Group 450.00 3.45 10,000 Sorouh Real Estate Company 1.42 2.16 12,492,343 Takaful International Co 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi National Petrochemical 22.00 -2.44 4,487,441 International Resorts Co 32.50 1.56 160,000 Sudan Telecommunications Co$ 2.10 -2.33 16,000 Taib Bank -$Us 0.00 0.00 -
Rabigh Refining And Petroche 24.05 2.12 3,251,708 Housing Finance Co S.A.K.C 75.00 0.00 80,000 Tabreed 1.23 4.24 2,083,176 Securities & Investment Co 0.00 0.00 -
Al Qassim Agricultural Co 9.65 0.00 2,611,707 Ithmaar Bank Bsc 25.00 0.00 80,000 Takaful Emarat Insurance 0.69 1.03 631,288 Seef Properties 0.10 0.00 21,000
Qassim Cement/The 61.50 1.23 105,980 Jazeera Airways 120.00 0.00 40,000 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co 1.55 0.65 15,743 Sudan Telecommunications Co$ 0.00 0.00 -
Red Sea Housing Services Co 57.75 1.32 156,350 Jeeran Holdings 104.00 0.00 40,000 Abu Dhabi National Takaful 2.60 5.26 1,973 Al-Salam Bank 0.07 -1.52 495,000
Saudi Research And Marketing 19.15 1.59 75,897 Jeezan Holdings Co Kscc 50.00 0.00 2,240,000 United Arab Bank 5.30 0.00 5,000 Delmon Poultry Co 0.00 0.00 -
Riyad Bank 26.00 0.00 155,339 Kipco Asset Management Co 270.00 1.89 50,000 Union Cement Co 1.21 0.00 8,847 National Hotels Co 0.00 0.00 -
Al Rajhi Bank 76.25 0.33 920,770 Kuwait Building Materials 232.00 0.00 20,000 Union National Bank/Abu Dhab 3.12 -0.32 142,000 National Bank Of Bahrain 0.60 0.00 10,000
Saudi Arabian Amiantit Co 17.45 1.16 1,381,413 Kuwait Business Town Real Es 41.00 0.00 160,000 Union Insurance Co 0.00 0.00 - Nass Corp Bsc 0.18 -0.55 473,200
Saudi British Bank 44.90 -1.54 88,863 Kuwait Cement Co 630.00 -1.56 5,000 Union Properties Pjsc 0.38 14.89 31,105,186 Khaleeji Commercial Bank 0.05 0.00 25,000
Sabb Takaful 20.25 -2.17 1,875,930 Kuwait China Investment Co 68.00 0.00 120,000 Waha Capital Pjsc 0.74 1.37 2,777,774 Ithmaar Bank Bsc 0.11 0.00 90,000
Saudi Basic Industries Corp 108.75 1.64 7,042,504 Kuwait National Cinema Co 0.00 0.00 - Investcorp Bank -$Us 1,138.50 0.00 5
Saudi Cement 53.75 0.94 197,526 Kuwait Medical Services Co 80.00 0.00 40,000 Inovest Co Bsc 0.00 0.00 -
Sasco 13.95 1.82 2,006,257 Kuwait Co For Process Plant 380.00 0.00 50,000 Intl Investment Group-Kuwait 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Co 42.10 0.24 54,856 Kuwait Finance & Investment 26.00 0.00 160,000 Gulf Monetary Group 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Co 173.25 -3.48 598,699 Kuwait Finance House 1,080.00 -1.82 3,120,000 Global Investment House Kscc 0.00 0.00 -
Al Sagr Co-Operative Insuran 22.60 -1.95 1,746,874 Kuwait Foundry Co 660.00 0.00 1,500,000 Gulf Finance House Ec 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi Advanced Industries 15.95 1.27 1,971,284 Kuwait & Gulf Link Transport 136.00 3.03 1,100,000 Bahrain Family Leisure Co 0.00 0.00 -
Saudi Arabian Coop Ins Co 32.70 0.00 342,939 Kuwait Hotels Co 0.00 0.00 - Esterad Investment Co B.S.C. 0.22 0.00 6,000
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 37

Asia markets mixed
Sensex extends losses on
US downgrade weighs
Chinese stocks posted modest
gains yesterday as investors
shrugged off a well-anticipated
increase in banks’ reserve
requirement ratio over the
software shares outlook
weekend, while Japanese

on Europe stocks, euro

shares were pressured by Bloomberg 5,729.10, and its April futures set-
a stronger yen and caution Mumbai tled at 5,739. The BSE 200 Index
ahead of corporate results. declined 1.4% to 2,363.46.
“The hike in banks’ reserve re- The Nifty future’s premium over

quirement ratio has been well- ndian stocks fell yesterday on the underlying contract narrowed
flagged, and isn’t having a great concern that lower-than-ex- to 5.95, the lowest level for the April
AFP impact on the market,” said pected earnings from Infosys series, data compiled by Bloomb-
London Hong Yuan Securities analyst Technologies may presage smaller erg show.
Tang Yonggang in Shanghai. margins for its domestic peers. “The decline in premium be-
The Shanghai Composite Infosys, the nation’s second- tween the cash and near-month

uropean stock markets Index finished 0.2% higher at biggest software exporter, dropped contract indicates a huge build up
fell sharply yesterday as a 3,057.33 despite the People’s for a second day, losing 2.9%, after of short positions,” or bets prices
Standard & Poor’s down- Bank of China’s decision it was cut to “neutral” from “out- may drop, said Vineet Sood, de-
grade on the US debt outlook Sunday to raise lenders’ RRR perform” by Credit Suisse Group rivatives strategist at SMC Global
spooked investors already wor- by 0.5 percentage points to AG on “disappointing” results and Securities Ltd “Nifty may fall to
ried by signs of fresh tensions drain excess money from the “poor margin guidance.” 5,680 in the current series if traders
over eurozone public finances. banking system. The move, State Bank of India, the largest continue to initiate bearish bets.”
The S&P downgrade on the the PBOC’s fourth such hike lender, slid the most in two weeks Infosys slid 2.8% to Rs2,906.1.
US debt outlook to ‘negative’ in 2011, led one analyst to say on expectation the central may Credit Suisse lowered its price tar-
from ‘stable’ set off a chain that the end of China’s policy boost rates to curb inflation. get to Rs3,400 from Rs4,050. The
reaction across all markets— tightening was in sight. company slumped 9.6% on April
stocks, bonds, commodities, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index 15, the most in almost two years.
forex—on fears Washington fell 0.7% to 23,830.31, Japan’s Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, the
might not be able to resolve its Nikkei Stock Average fell 0.4% largest, dropped 3.9% to Rs1,144.6.
financial problems. to 9,556.65, South Korea’s Kospi The two companies have a com-
S&P said it did not see how gave up 0.1% to 2,137.72 and Tai- bined 14% weighting in the Sensex.
the US government could re- wan’s Taiex ended little changed State Bank decreased 2% to
duce the massive public defi- at 8,714.48. Australia’s S&P/ASX Rs2,751.55. HDFC Bank Ltd, the
cit—estimated at $1.6tn this 200 climbed 0.2% to 4,861.9. third-biggest lender, dropped
year, drawing an immediate Prakash Sakpal, a Singapore- 2.2% to Rs2,311.8. ICICI Bank,
Treasury riposte that the rat- based economist at ING Finan- the second-biggest, lost 1.6% to
ings agency underestimated cial Markets Research, said he Infosys Technologies, Rs1,084.1. Housing Development
what could be done. expected the PBOC to raise its India’s second-biggest Finance Corp, the biggest mort-
S&P gave the US until 2013 to policy interest rates once and software exporter, gage lender, slid 2% to Rs692.1
come up with a credible plan for the RRR twice more during the dropped for a second The rupee fell, extending last
addressing its financial prob- additionally hit by concerns while the tech-heavy Nasdaq tries, not just in the eurozone. current quarter, and then to day, losing 2.9%, after it week’s losses, as a decline in the
lems or risk loosing its coveted Greece may have to restructure Composite was off 1.74%. Greek bond yields soared to end its tightening cycle. was cut to “neutral” from benchmark stock index raised
‘AAA’ credit rating which allows its debt and as Portugal negoti- The euro slumped yesterday record levels too, reflecting in- “As inflation starts to recede “outperform” by Credit concerns foreign funds will reduce
it to borrow at low interest rates. ated what is expected to be very on growing concerns that the creasing speculation Athens in (the second half of 2011), it Suisse Group holdings of the nation’s assets.
News of another Chinese in- tough bailout package with the eurozone debt crisis will get will have to restructure its debt, will be difficult for the PBOC to The rupee dropped 0.3% to
terest rate hike over the week- EU and IMF. worse before it gets better while threatening investors with di- justify incremental tightening,” “Infosys results have weakened 44.45 per dollar at the 5pm close
end as Beijing seeks to rein in its a US debt outlook downgrade rect losses or longer repayment Sakpal wrote in a note, adding sentiments and the fear is it can in Mumbai, according to data
booming economy added to the In London, the FTSE 100 roiled the markets badly. times. that the Shanghai Composite spread to other companies or sec- compiled by Bloomberg. The local
negative tone, dampening sen- index of leading shares Dealers said Standard & “The real risk of restructur- index will likely remain Asia’s tors,” DK Aggarwal, chairman of currency opened higher today on
timent in the miners and others closed down 2.10% to Poor’s downgrade of the US ing is that it could open a can of top-performing market all SMC Wealth Management Serv- speculation the central bank will
supplying China’s key raw ma- 5,870.08 points. In Paris, debt outlook to ‘negative’ from worms in the balance sheets of through this year. ices Ltd, said from New Delhi. “A raise borrowing costs after infla-
terials. the CAC 40 lost 2.35% to ‘stable’ startled investors al- banks that hold the debt. Ger- Most banks ended lower after 25-basis point increase in rates is tion gathered pace in March.
In London, the FTSE 100 3,881.24 points and in ready anxious over a possible man and French banks have a a roller-coaster ride, with a given. With inflation being stub- The rupee reversed earlier gains
index of leading shares closed Frankfurt the DAX fell Greek debt restructuring just high Industrial & Commercial Bank born, 50 basis points cannot be as data from the stock market reg-
down 2.10% to 5,870.08 points. 2.11% to 7,026.85 points as Portugal negotiates a tough In late London trade, the euro of China Ltd sliding 0.6% and ruled out.” ulator showed overseas funds sold
In Paris, the CAC 40 lost bailout with the EU and IMF. fell sharply to $1.4216 from Bank of Communications Co The Bombay Stock Exchange Indian shares worth $20.3mn more
2.35% to 3,881.24 points and in New York was also down One analyst in Paris, who $1.4431 in New York on late falling 0.7%. In Hong Kong, Ag- Sensitive Index, or Sensex, lost than they bought last week. They
Frankfurt the DAX fell 2.11% to sharply as the banks took a bat- asked not to be named, said Friday, with the dollar down to ricultural Bank of China Ltd fell 295.65, or 1.5%, to 19,091.17 at purchased a net $1.6bn of equi-
7,026.85 points. tering, with the blue-chip Dow the S&P action was a timely ¥82.45 from ¥83.09. 2.2% and China Construction the 3.30pm close in Mumbai. The ties the previous week, according
There were similar losses Jones Industrial Average fall- reminder that there was a debt The pound was at $1.6225 Bank Corp gave up 0.8%. S&P CNX Nifty Index on the Na- to data provided by Securities and
for other European markets, ing 1.63% at around 1600 GMT crisis in all the Western coun- from $1.6318 on Friday. tional Stock Exchange fell 1.6% to Exchange Board of India.


Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Indices Lt Price Change
Dow Jones Indus. Avg 12,111.00 - 230.83
Xstrata Plc 1,439.50 -2.34 6,159,023 British American Tobacco Plc 565.50 -0.62 4,258,378 China Mobile Ltd 72.40 -0.48 11,206,292 S&P 500 Index 1,296.09 - 23.59
Whitbread Plc 1,649.00 -1.55 326,401 Barclays Plc 1,470.00 -1.87 2,819,662 Hsbc Holdings Plc 82.30 -0.96 17,677,556 Nasdaq Composite Index 2,708.26 - 56.39
Wpp Plc 719.00 -0.28 2,969,370 Bae Systems Plc 2,523.50 -1.69 1,650,055 China Construction Bank-H 7.34 -0.81 216,268,409 S&P/Tsx Composite Index 13,635.76 - 163.36
Wolseley Plc 2,039.00 -2.77 566,956 Astrazeneca Plc 290.00 -3.86 43,316,630 China Life Insurance Co-H 29.25 -0.85 35,752,097 Mexico Bolsa Index 36,553.65 - 434.73
Weir Group Plc/The 657.50 -1.79 1,698,198 Aviva Plc 328.70 -1.59 6,017,016 Ind & Comm Bk Of China - H 6.56 0.31 240,044,841 Brazil Bovespa Stock Idx 65,317.26 - 1,366.95
Vodafone Group Plc 1,712.00 -1.83 337,799 Autonomy Corp Plc 2,964.00 -1.71 1,663,068 Petrochina Co Ltd-H 11.56 -2.03 103,785,380 Ftse 100 Index 5,872.16 - 123.85
Vedanta Resources Plc 174.35 -2.19 59,116,476 Alliance Trust Plc 417.30 -4.05 8,484,302 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clear 181.40 -0.22 3,653,086 Cac 40 Index 3,873.38 - 101.10
United Utilities Group Plc 2,238.00 -3.03 695,430 Arm Holdings Plc 1,551.00 -1.65 262,983 Ping An Insurance Group Co-H 85.95 -0.58 8,875,985 Dax Index 7,010.82 - 167.47
Unilever Plc 606.00 -1.38 995,924 Antofagasta Plc 575.00 -3.44 2,200,141 Li & Fung Ltd 39.45 -0.75 7,207,909 Ibex 35 Tr 10,333.60 - 225.00
Tui Travel Plc 1,917.00 -2.69 2,153,815 Amec Plc 1,318.00 -3.94 1,448,506 Bank Of Communications Co-H 8.35 -0.24 22,908,258
Nikkei 225 9,556.65 - 34.87
Tesco Plc 225.00 -2.00 2,065,273 Aggreko Plc 1,134.00 -1.39 698,874 China Shenhua Energy Co - H 35.70 -2.46 18,129,358
Japan Topix 836.34 - 4.95
Tullow Oil Plc 402.10 -1.26 9,679,218 Admiral Group Plc 1,585.00 -2.52 238,758 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 15.10 0.67 29,036,761
Hang Seng Index 23,830.31 - 177.76
Severn Trent Plc 1,362.00 -2.85 887,015 African Barrick Gold Ltd 1,607.00 -1.95 310,347 Bank Of China Ltd-H 4.36 -0.46 204,837,242
All Ordinaries Indx 4,945.40 + 6.10
Standard Chartered Plc 1,424.00 -2.53 282,600 Associated British Foods Plc 1,025.00 -2.10 498,872 China Petroleum & Chemical-H 7.93 -0.88 84,743,270
Nzx All Index 782.45 + 2.68
Scottish & Southern Energy 1,608.50 -2.37 2,747,047 Anglo American Plc 2,993.50 -4.62 2,626,562 Sun Hung Kai Properties 123.20 -1.68 7,704,851
Bse Sensex 30 Index 19,091.17 - 295.65
Serco Group Plc 1,309.00 -0.46 1,021,414 Cnooc Ltd 19.30 -1.43 59,459,375
Nse S&P Cnx Nifty Index 5,729.10 - 95.45
Smith & Nephew Plc 555.00 0.00 819,462 China Overseas Land & Invest 16.14 -2.06 25,601,201
Straits Times Index 3,144.38 - 8.92
Smiths Group Plc 675.50 -3.02 7,961,151 DJIA Hang Lung Properties Ltd 35.20 -1.40 4,291,538
Karachi All Share Index 8,139.74 - 3.26
Standard Life Plc 1,290.00 -0.77 578,670 Esprit Holdings Ltd 34.30 -0.44 4,642,554
Jakarta Composite Index 3,727.07 - 3.44
Shire Plc 205.90 -3.15 3,537,168 Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume Tencent Holdings Ltd 200.00 -0.40 3,650,981
Sage Group Plc/The 1,839.00 -2.65 1,457,159 Wharf Holdings Ltd 57.70 -1.03 1,884,121
Schroders Plc-Non Voting 274.60 -1.22 1,873,706 Exxon Mobil Corp 82.79 -1.78 3,740,160 New World Development 14.02 -0.57 3,635,468
Schroders Plc
Sainsbury (J) Plc
Microsoft Corp
Wal-Mart Stores Inc
Clp Holdings Ltd
Aluminum Corp Of China Ltd-H
Sabmiller Plc 339.30 -0.76 2,725,937 Jpmorgan Chase & Co 19.62 -2.08 19,065,479 Henderson Land Development 54.55 -2.24 6,123,622 Indices Lt Price Change
Resolution Ltd 2,182.50 -3.02 1,375,580 Johnson & Johnson 163.48 -1.64 2,002,195 China Merchants Hldgs Intl 35.80 -1.24 4,750,266 Doha Securities Market 8,645.17 - 83.82
Rsa Insurance Group Plc 297.20 -3.94 4,506,647 Bank Of America Corp 53.59 0.07 2,950,847 Sino Land Co 14.02 -0.28 11,769,825 Saudi Tadawul 6,533.34 + 1.47
Randgold Resources Ltd 130.10 -2.69 8,086,508 Procter & Gamble Co/The 30.32 -1.09 6,290,986 Yue Yuen Industrial Hldg 26.45 -0.94 978,248 Kuwait Stocks Exchange 6,375.10 + 32.20
Rolls-Royce Group Plc 5,195.00 -2.26 208,791 Intl Business Machines Corp 63.88 -0.47 3,382,824 Foxconn International Hldgs 4.72 -1.67 5,386,328 Bahrain Stock Exchage 1,403.22 - 0.85
Rio Tinto Plc 625.50 -1.96 1,591,769 At&T Inc 44.01 -1.96 15,968,160 Hongkong Electric Holdings 54.30 2.36 3,877,121 Oman Stock Market 6,396.60 - 9.00
Rexam Plc 4,205.50 -2.56 3,152,297 General Electric Co 60.75 0.32 8,014,501 Hong Kong & China Gas 19.22 0.84 5,492,308 Abudhabi Stock Market 2,709.33 + 11.18
Reed Elsevier Plc 374.40 -0.93 1,277,510 Chevron Corp 20.35 -0.88 12,033,947 Citic Pacific Ltd 23.35 -3.11 4,873,296 Dubai Financial Market 1,652.76 + 4.32
Royal Dutch Shell Plc-B Shs 535.50 -0.37 2,565,494 Cisco Systems Inc 66.92 -1.60 2,227,780 China Resources Enterprise 33.40 1.21 4,715,225
Royal Dutch Shell Plc-A Shs 2,160.50 -2.68 1,958,770 Coca-Cola Co/The 12.38 -3.43 99,972,331 Cosco Pacific Ltd 16.42 3.01 10,332,876
Royal Bank Of Scotland Group 2,180.00 -2.48 1,092,551 Pfizer Inc 19.51 -1.22 13,015,068 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 122.30 0.00 1,276,450
Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc 41.60 -2.51 43,841,209 Intel Corp 37.35 -1.32 3,863,349 Hutchison Whampoa Ltd 90.10 -0.77 9,455,688
Pearson Plc 3,225.00 0.78 2,852,080 Hewlett-Packard Co 34.03 -1.38 5,378,699 Bank Of East Asia 33.00 0.15 1,533,741
Prudential Plc
Petrofac Ltd
Verizon Communications Inc
Merck & Co. Inc.
Mtr Corp
Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd
Mcdonald’s Corp 76.70 -0.88 1,350,927
Old Mutual Plc
Next Plc
7,144,189 United Technologies Corp 40.85 -1.61 2,708,166
Boc Hong Kong Holdings Ltd
Cathay Pacific Airways
National Grid Plc 2,180.00 -1.13 1,171,026 3M Co 81.66 -2.14 1,425,425 Swire Pacific Ltd ‘A’ 119.40 -1.00 1,352,640
Wm Morrison Supermarkets 590.00 -2.24 3,077,839 Walt Disney Co/The 102.90 -4.02 4,664,087
Marks & Spencer Group Plc 284.90 -1.18 2,225,958 Home Depot Inc 90.83 -2.14 1,297,293
Lonmin Plc 370.00 -1.20 3,097,362 Kraft Foods Inc-Class A 37.55 -1.62 2,665,441
Lloyds Banking Group Plc 1,570.00 -3.86 221,770 American Express Co 33.22 -0.42 5,198,147
Legal & General Group Plc 58.90 -2.01 76,355,166 Boeing Co 45.50 -1.62 2,133,759 “Information contained herein is believed to be reliable and had been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. The
Land Securities Group Plc 116.70 -2.91 9,461,369 Du Pont (E.I.) De Nemours 72.26 -0.47 2,076,380 accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. This publication is for providing information only and is not intended
Kingfisher Plc 743.00 -1.39 1,233,035 Caterpillar Inc 53.46 -2.61 1,516,222 as an offer or solicitation for a purchase or sale of any of the financial instruments mentioned. Gulf Times and Doha Bank
Kazakhmys Plc 263.70 -0.64 5,054,251 Travelers Cos Inc/The 58.87 -1.56 932,533 or any of their employees shall not be held accountable and will not accept any losses or liabilities for actions based on
Johnson Matthey Plc 1,310.00 -3.61 1,392,998 Alcoa Inc 16.09 -2.60 12,159,470
this data.”
Intertek Group Plc 1,832.00 -2.24 164,204
Invensys Plc 73.55 -0.27 14,919,798
Inmarsat Plc 2,005.00 -2.05 117,275 SENSEX
International Power Plc 314.10 -2.15 1,724,794
Investec Plc
Imperial Tobacco Group Plc
Company Name Lt Price % Chg Volume CURRENCIES
3I Group Plc 456.30 -4.06 1,097,015 Wipro Ltd 445.40 -0.98 1,339,387 DOLLAR QATAR RIYAL SAUDI RIYAL UAE DIRHAMS BAHRAINI KUWAITI
Intercontinental Hotels Grou 2,010.00 -1.57 1,339,184 Tata Motors Ltd 1,205.85 -2.43 2,063,804
Icap Plc 959.00 -3.52 656,330 Tata Power Co Ltd 1,303.15 -0.25 321,904
Hsbc Holdings Plc 262.20 -2.16 2,025,699 Tata Consultancy Svcs Ltd 1,144.60 -3.93 4,376,049
Hammerson Plc 1,251.00 -2.27 601,381 Tata Steel Ltd 612.10 -2.93 4,134,980
Glaxosmithkline Plc 497.50 -2.45 895,358 Sun Pharmaceutical Indus 434.65 -1.16 821,151
Gkn Plc 216.60 -3.78 5,838,729 Suzlon Energy Ltd 170.40 -0.61 5,340,676
G4s Plc 642.20 -1.71 16,625,854 Sterlite Industries India Lt 835.40 -2.22 300,154
Fresnillo Plc 445.50 -1.39 2,820,476 Siemens India Ltd 305.15 -3.46 2,877,360
Experian Plc 607.50 -1.14 167,297 Sesa Goa Ltd 2,751.55 -2.02 1,341,477
Essar Energy Plc 1,242.50 -1.27 4,801,673 State Bank Of India 167.80 -1.18 1,359,977
Eurasian Natural Resources 194.80 -2.06 6,849,282 Steel Authority Of India 127.20 -3.12 2,609,774
Man Group Plc 273.30 -0.73 9,045,860 Reliance Power Ltd 1,009.15 -1.16 3,864,769
Diageo Plc 1,525.00 -3.17 421,116 Reliance Industries Ltd 672.00 -2.48 2,124,868
Capital Shopping Centres Gro 772.00 -1.47 869,508 Reliance Infrastructure Ltd 105.55 -1.81 4,791,946
Capita Group Plc 435.60 -2.88 750,139 Reliance Communications Ltd 592.10 -2.67 1,329,340
Compass Group Plc 890.00 -2.63 2,268,774 Reliance Capital Ltd 456.95 -1.30 465,811
Cobham Plc 240.50 -4.03 4,084,205 Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd 104.20 -0.81 2,494,482
Cairn Energy Plc 1,182.00 -2.23 2,201,245 Power Grid Corp Of India Ltd 1,188.85 -0.23 252,966
Centrica Plc 383.80 -1.34 651,237 Punjab National Bank 287.40 0.47 3,154,867
Carnival Plc 725.50 0.07 1,167,866 Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd 185.30 -0.05 2,532,825
Bt Group Plc 563.00 -0.44 1,899,829 Ntpc Ltd 1,262.35 0.41 521,289
British Sky Broadcasting Gro 431.30 -2.35 1,441,413 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd 722.15 -0.32 1,447,674
Burberry Group Plc 320.30 -2.73 5,705,163 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 1,678.15 -2.87 2,898,118
Bp Plc 2,392.00 -0.99 642,163 Larsen & Toubro Ltd 449.75 -0.49 1,604,195
Bunzl Plc 188.80 -1.67 12,130,457 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd 666.25 -0.86 1,189,560
Bhp Billiton Plc 831.00 -0.54 754,780 Jindal Steel & Power Ltd 96.00 -3.52 16,875,649
British Land Co Plc 1,139.00 -1.39 545,511 Jaiprakash Associates Ltd 190.20 -0.68 9,406,463
Bg Group Plc 451.65 -0.90 22,026,168 Itc Ltd 2,906.10 -2.79 6,064,291
British Airways Plc 2,460.00 -2.21 7,848,825 Infosys Technologies Ltd 154.25 -1.81 5,244,767
Gulf Times
44 Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Grizzlies stun Spurs, shines in
Hornets sting Lakers
‘I think we were late on everything. They were the aggressors, and they stayed aggressive’

rady Sizemore sparked
Cleveland with his long
awaited return to the
AFP Zach Randolph scored nine of Elsehere, Ray Allen hit the field and the Indians
Los angeles his 25 points in the fourth quar- decisive three-pointer with 12 handed the Baltimore Orioles
ter for the eighth-seeded Griz- seconds remaining Sunday as their seventh straight defeat in a
zlies, who were making their Boston rallied to beat New York 4-2 victory on Sunday.

he New Orleans Hor- first playoff appearance since 87-85 in the first game of their The three-time All Star Size-
nets shocked the two- the 2005-06 NBA season. NBA Eastern Conference first- more, who had not played since
time defending NBA Marc Gasol finished with 24 round playoff series. last May after knee surgery, went
champion Lakers and points and Mike Conley had 15 New York led 85-84 before 2-for-4 at the plate and blasted a
upstart Memphis edged top- points and 10 assists for Mem- the Knicks’ Carmelo Anthony solo home run in the third inning
seeded San Antonio Sunday in phis, which finished with a 46- was called for an offensive foul to give the Indians a 2-0 lead.
a pair of Western Conference 36 record in the regular season. for pushing Paul Pierce with 21 It was Sizemore’s first homer
playoff upsets. The Grizzlies earned their seconds to play. since August of 2009.
Seventh-seeded New Orleans first playoff win since coming Allen, who led the Celtics “The last couple of months,
beat the Lakers 109-100 and into the league as an expansion with 24 points, then sank the I’ve come a long way,” Sizemore
Memphis defeated the Spurs team in Vancouver, Canada, 16 key shot from behind the three- told reporters after batting in his
101-98 as both best-of-seven years ago. point arc. usual leadoff spot. “We didn’t
first-round series got underway. “It’s nice from an annoyance After Anthony’s foul, Rajon know what to expect going into
Oklahoma City wrapped up perspective to have it out of the Rondo lined up to in-bound the that surgery. It was a tough re-
the day’s action in the West with way, because I don’t have to an- ball for Boston but called timeout. hab, but the time away was
a 107-103 victory over Denver. swer questions about being 0 Then Allen instead in- probably the toughest part.”
New Orleans’ Chris Paul had and 13,” Grizzlies coach Lionel bounded from just in front Travis Hafner went 2-for-3
33 points, 14 assists and seven Hollins said. of the half-court line. He and added a home run in the
rebounds for the Hornets as They were swept by San An- tossed the ball to Pierce, sixth.
they seized the initiative over tonio in four games in the 2004 moved to the opposite side of
the Lakers on the champions’ playoffs. the court and caught a pass Results
home floor in Los Angeles. Memphis trailed when Shane from Pierce and put up his
“Our defence, I thought, was Battier nailed a three-pointer three-pointer. Cleveland 4 Baltimore 2
late,” Lakers coach Phil Jackson with 23 seconds left, giving the Pittsburgh 7 Cincinnati 6
said. “I think we were late on Grizzlies a 99-98 lead. Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo (left) passes the ball around New York Knicks center Ronny Turiaf Results Washington 5 Milwaukee 1
everything. They were the ag- San Antonio tried to force during the second quarter of Game 1 of their NBA Eastern Conference playoff series in Boston, Boston 8 Toronto 1
gressors, and they stayed ag- overtime, but Richard Jefferson Massachusetts on Sunday. (Reuters) Boston 87 Ny Knicks 85 NY Mets 3 Atlanta 2
gressive.” missed a long range shot as the Boston Lead The Best-Of-Seven Washington 8 Milwaukee 4
He said he didn’t think his clock ticked down. tonight. Most of these guys who sat out with a sprained right long, trying to figure out where Series By 1-0) Philadelphia 3 Florida 2
players overlooked the under- Memphis players raced onto don’t know the history or the elbow. He could be back in time to pick my spots,” Paul said. Memphis 101 San Antonio 98 Minnesota 4 Tampa Bay 2
dog Hornets. the court as the buzzer sounded heartache that the city has gone for Wednesday’s game two. “It’s the playoffs. It’s a whole Memphis Lead The Best-Of-Seven San Diego 8 Houston 6
“I just don’t think they were to celebrate their first playoff through. I’m happy for the city.” In Los Angeles, Paul scored other energy.” Series By 1-0) LA Angels 4 Chicago WSox 2
keyed in on what they have to win in 13 attempts. France’s Tony Parker led San 17 of his 33 points in the fourth Kobe Bryant had 34 points for New Orleans 109 La Lakers 100 Seattle 3 Kansas City 2
do,” Jackson said. Battier was with Memphis Antonio with 20 points. Tim Dun- quarter, Carl Landry chipped in the Lakers, who swept all four New Orleans Lead The Best-Of- Colorado 9 Chicago Cubs 5
Hours earlier, the Memphis when they were swept by San can had 16 points and 10 rebounds with 17 and Jarrett Jack had 15 games against the Hornets dur- Seven Series By 1-0) Oakland 5 Detroit 1
Grizzlies notched their first- Antonio seven years ago. for the Spurs, who lost their sixth for the Hornets, who tied a NBA ing the regular season. Oklahoma City 107 Denver 103 LA Dodgers 2 St. Louis 1
ever NBA post-season win by “It was awesome. I’m really straight playoff series opener. playoff record with just three This time, the Hornets effec- Oklahoma City Lead The Best-Of- Arizona 6 San Francisco 5
stunning the top-seeded Spurs happy for the city,” Battier said. The Spurs were without all-star turnovers. tively shut down Lakers big men Seven Series By 1-0) Ny Yankees 6 Texas 5
in San Antonio. “Beale Street will be a fun place guard Manu Ginobili of Argentina, “I’ve struggled all season Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol.


Canucks push Hawks

to brink of elimination
Reuters saves, as the Western Con- home team a 1-0 lead in the tra attacker on the ice in the
Chicago ference top seeds took a 3-0 first period before Vancou- final minutes but could not
lead in the series. ver struck back in the sec- force overtime.
“It wasn’t a perfect ond with goals from Chris- “It’s a tough position,

he Vancouver Ca- game, it wasn’t pretty, but tian Ehrhoff and Daniel but we can’t hang our
nucks pushed de- sometimes on the road in Sedin, who netted his third heads,” Sharp said. “No one
fending Stanley the playoffs you need to win score of the post-season. is going to feel sorry for us.”
Cup champions the ugly ones,” Canucks de- Vancouver’s Raffi Torres, Only three teams have
Chicago to the brink of fenseman Kevin Bieksa told playing for the first time come back from losing the
elimination from the NHL reporters. “The main thing since serving a four-game first three games of a se-
playoffs on Sunday with a is we were resilient.” suspension for an elbow ries.
3-2 victory in Game Three The Blackhawks only to the head of Edmonton’s
of their first-round series. scraped through to the Jordan Eberle, then hit Results
The win handed the Ca- playoffs on the final day of Brent Seabrook behind the
nucks a 3-0 lead in their the regular season but they net in the second period Washington 2 Ny Rangers 3
best-of-seven series, and are in danger of making an and received an interfer- (Washington Leads Best-Of-
Vancouver will look to early exit. ence penalty. Seven Series 2-1)
complete the clean sweep After being shut out in Chicago’s Patrick Sharp Nashville 4 Anaheim 3
in Game Four on Tuesday. the opener on Wednes- capitalised on the power- (Nashville Leads Best-Of-
Mikael Samuelsson day, Chicago have suffered play to tie the score at 2-2 Seven Series 2-1)
scored the game-winner consecutive one-goal de- at 12:40. Vancouver 3 Chicago 2
at 6:48 in the third period, feats despite getting off to a Trailing 3-2 in the third (Vancouver Leads Best-Of-
while goaltender Roberto promising start on Sunday. after Samuelsson’s goal, Seven Series 3-0)
Luongo finished with 30 Duncan Keith gave the the Blackhawks put an ex-

Cricket tour

The under-17 boys cricket team of MES Indian School will leave for Greece to participate in the International
Interschool Cricket Tournament organised by the Greek Cricket Federation in the last week of April. The MES team
comprises of Aditya Mhatre, Mohit, Abdullah Mukaddam, Ainsley, Ashwin, Anand James, Sujit, Abdul Rauf, Irfan
Jeesan, Salman Jamal, Gokul, Osman Amoodi, Abdullah Zahid and Arun Raghavan. They will be accompanied by
their coach Ezekiel Balraj and umpire Akbar Ali K.T.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 45

Ding into second
round at World

Hooker Championship
China’s Ding Junhui swept
into the second round of
snooker’s World Champion-

headlines ship yesterday completing a

one-sided 10-2 win over Scot-
land’s Jamie Burnett.
Leading 8-1 overnight, the
24-year-old Sheffield-based

Australia player gave his opponent

no chance of hitting back as
he coasted into the second
round where he will play ei-
ther Peter Ebdon or Stuart

worlds team Bingham.

Ding had two centuries in
the match and completed his
success with a break of 71.
“It feels all right, I’m playing
AFP High performance manager quite well,” he said.
Sydney Eric Hollingsworth said they “I’m just concentrating on my
were targeting at least five med- game and trying to play my
als, one more than Berlin, which best.”

ole vault superstar Ste- was Australia’s best perform- Ranked fourth in the world
ve Hooker headlines a ance ever. after his win in the Masters,
strong Australian team “I am confident that with the Ding was knocked out in
announced yesterday team we have announced today, the first round on his World
for the world athletics cham- and those that we will add in Championship debut in 2007,
pionships in South Korea, with the months to come, that this is and has reached round two in
expectations of at least five achievable,” he said. the three subsequent years.
medals. The world championships will He knows his second-round
Hooker will defend the title be held in Daegu, South Korea Brendan Steele follows through on a tee shot during the final round of the Valero Texas Open at the AT&T Oaks Course at TPC San match this year will be not be
he won in 2009 in Berlin, as will from August 27-September 4. Antonio in San Antonio, Texas on Sunday. (AFP) easy.
discus thrower Dani Samuels. “Everybody tries hard here
Nathan Deakes, meanwhile, Men GOLF so it will be quite a difficult
returns from a long spell out 5000m: Ben St Lawrence match to get through,” he
with injury in the 50km walk, Pole vault: Steve Hooker said. Hopefully I can win this
the event he won in 2007 in Long jump: Mitchell Watt, Fab- (one day).

Steele captures
Osaka. rice Lapierre
The number of world champi- Discus: Benn Harradine
ons will swell to four if two-time 20km walk: Jared Tallent, Luke New skirt rules
400m hurdles gold medallist Adams, Adam Rutter in badminton
Jana Pittman can prove her fit- 50km walk: Jared Tallent, Luke
ness. Adams, Nathan Deakes cause unease
While 24 selections were 4x100m relay: Aaron Rouge-
named, the team is expected to Serret, Anthony Alozie, Isaac A new ruling that requires

first US PGA title

number about 40 by the dead- Ntiamoah, Matt Davies female badminton play-
line of July 31. 4x400m relay: Steve Solomon, ers to wear skirts on court
“We’re happy with the 24 Ben Offereins, John Steffensen, is causing unease among
quality athletes we currently Sean Wroe players as they prepare to
have selected and look forward adopt the new compulsory
to the selection process con- Women dress code.
tinuing in the coming months,” 100m: Sally Pearson The Indian Open, which
said Athletics Australia chair- 100m hurdles: Sally Pearson Reuters could still win with a good lead at the ninth but missed a back on the US circuit since begins next Tuesday, will
man of selectors Dion Russell. Pole vault: Alana Boyd San Antonio, Texas round, without you even doing 17-footer. 2002. be the last tournament in
“The team is a combination Discus: Dani Samuels anything wrong, that I didn’t He made 12 straight pars Players in their 20s have won which women can wear
of proven performers and new Javelin: Kim Mickle feel as much pressure.” coming in, which proved three of the last four US PGA shorts on court before the

blood looking to grow, and with 20km walk: Claire Tallent ookie Brendan Steele The wind-whipped tourna- enough to hold off Chappell. Tour events and four of the skirt requirement comes
our sights firmly set on London 4x400m relay: Tamsyn Lewis, battled strong winds ment at the TPC San Antonio Chappell had two birdies in last six. into force on May 1.
(Olympics) in the long term that Caitlin Sargent and tenacious rival featured the US tour’s highest his outward run, and took a “The guys who are house- The Badminton World Fed-
is a positive result.” Kevin Chappell to scoring average so far this year share of the lead with a birdie hold names now weren’t eration (BWF) announced
win the Texas Open Sunday, of 73.665. at the 10th. household names when they the change in 2009 in a bid
firing a final-round 71 to seize Steele’s 280 was the high- Chappell, 24, then stayed started,” Steele noted. “You’ve to boost the sport’s profile
his first US PGA Tour title. est winning score at the Texas tied with Steele through seven got to make yourself a house- among viewers and spon-
Steele, who led by one stroke Open since a 283 in 1934. holes, until he hit his second hold name and you’ve got to sors.
going into the round, delivered Steele birdied the par-five shot right of the hole on 17 and start somewhere.” Doubles specialist and Indi-
a one-under final round for an second hole, blasting out of a missed a 10-footer to save par. Hoffman, 34, started the day an glamour girl Jwala Gutta,
eight-under total of 280. bunker to within 10 feet of the “I’ll be honest, I think I just three shots adrift but holed who has always played in
He finished one stroke in hole. fell asleep,” Chappell said. “I out from the fairway for an ea- skirts, said the new dress
front of fellow rookie Chap- He immediately bogeyed felt the wind was dead into me gle at the par-five eighth. code might help to raise
pell, who carded a 70, and the par-four fifth, where he ... I should have known it was A birdie at nine had him right interest but players should
Charley Hoffman, who made a missed a 12-footer from the a little left to right.” in the hunt. He dropped back not be forced to conform.
push up the leader board with fringe. It was the first time since the with a bogey at 14, but closed “You cannot make it com-
a 68 for 281. He got back to eight-under 2006 Phoenix Open that two with a birdie for a share of sec- pulsory for everyone to
It was a further stroke back with a birdie at the par-three rookies finished one-two at a ond. wear skirts. It depends on
to Brandt Snedeker, who shot seventh, where he stuck his tournament. Defending champion Adam each individual and their
a 71 for 282. tee shot three feet from the US tour rookie Charl Scott of Australia, who arrived comfortable level. I am not
“I was a lot more calm today,” hole. Schwartzel of South Africa in Texas after a runner-up fin- sure people will like being
Steele said. “When you’ve got Steele, whose previous won the first major title of the ish at the Masters, endured a told what to wear and what
the one shot lead it’s not even best-finish was tied for 17th year at last week’s Masters, difficult day with five bogeys not to,” she said.
your tournament. at Torrey Pines in January, making it the first time new- in his four-over effort leaving World number three Saina
“There’s so many guys that had a chance to stretch his comers have won back-to- him tied for 23rd. Nehwal, the top seed at the
April 26-May 1 Indian Open,
is one of the many players
TRIATHLON in India who prefers to wear
shorts on court.
Gutta, who won the Com-

Nuclear crisis fails to bump Japan race monwealth Games gold

last year with her partner
Ashwini Ponnapa, endorsed
efforts to make the sport
Reuters top priority,” said ITU media manager Masa meltdown have been forced to pump radio- more glamorous.
Tokyo Takaya, when asked about possibly having active water into the sea. She said that interest in ten-
to pull the plug on the May 14 race. The ITU race requires its athletes to swim nis was greater partly be-
“The ITU executive board and senior 1.5 km in Yokohama’s sea, and Takaya in- cause of the attraction of

apan’s nuclear crisis has failed to leaders discussed the situation at length sisted a U-turn was possible if data showed female stars such as Maria
force the International Triathlon and took many aspects into consideration. they faced any risk from the sea water. Sharapova or the Williams
Union (ITU) to cancel next month’s “Reports and information from interna- “(There are) very strict ... water qual- sisters, whose on-court out-
world championship race in Yoko- tional bodies like the World Health Organi- ity tests that must meet ITU standards,” fits are often as remarked
hama—for now at least. sation (WHO) and the United Nations were he said. “The ITU will continue to monitor about as their game.
The ITU told Reuters yesterday they were considered.” the situation and any associated health and India’s top female tennis
still collecting data to determine if the sea Olympic champion Jan Frodeno has blast- safety issues. player Sania Mirza came un-
at Yokohama harbour, around 300 km ed the decision to race following the disaster, “At this moment (the race) is going ahead der fire from Muslim clerics
south of the stricken Fukushima plant, was triggered by the last month’s 9.0 magnitude as planned but we are continually monitor- four years back for wearing
contaminated. earthquake and massive tsunami wave. ing the situation and will take appropriate short skirts on court.
Steve Hooker...leading Australian charge at the worlds “The safety of our athletes is always our Workers battling to avoid a catastrophic action if necessary.”


Valiant Knight smiles on life’s struggles

Reuters from his lowly ranking of 236 and gain a some food’. They’ve saved me an hour got a young child. When I go back so much, so for us to have nothing ... it’s “Their budget is unlimited, their
London berth on the team for the 2012 London by not having to cook and then clean home, they’ve been jealous of me for not like we’re not winning. coaches know a lot more and they have
Olympics. the kitchen,” said the Londoner, who years because I’ve been doing some- “We (compatriot Paul Drinkhall and nothing to worry about. They’ve got
“Winning as usual,” he said after dis- quit the capital for Sheffield in north- thing in the family, so I’ve got to be Knight) were youth Olympic gold med- their own private cooks. It’s an uneven

arius Knight does not give the patching another wicked forehand past ern England where elite training is quiet and normal because I don’t want allists in 2006, we won a Common- playing field.” England’s best talents
impression of a young sports- his opponent in a game of “virtual” ta- more easily accessible. her to get more upset. wealth silver medal in 2010, we’re in the will travel to the sport’s leading na-
man with a very, very large ble tennis at the Kinect Sports Super- “I do have some people, who win or top 20/30 for our age. That’s good for a tion later this year to hone their games
mountain to climb. stars event in a restored London power lose, always text me to say ‘Come on’ or sport that 10 years ago had nothing.” for two to three weeks, but this limited
The 21-year-old made waves in his station last week. ‘well done.’ My mum doesn’t say any- ‘If you compete against 200 of Drinkhall is England’s top ranked timeframe hinders how much they can
South London community with a silver Real life, though, has always been thing to me. them every week and you get player at 129, and though both are achieve, said Knight.
medal as part of England’s Common- hard for Knight, who discovered that “These friends, I wouldn’t say they’re to number one in China, you’re young they are a long way off the “We go there but it costs a lot of mon-
wealth Games table tennis team last sport could be a way out of the tough more important than my mum, but laughing. You’re going to feel like standards set by the Chinese who have ey and we don’t have any funding. It’s a
year in New Delhi. London estate he was raised in rather they’re the ones who let me know they god aren’t you?’ six men in the top 10. Catch 22. Just as you leave you start to
It was a rare ray of sunlight on a fledg- than the route of crime many of his care and that they’re there for me. “In China there are 50-100 Dariuses feel good,” he said.
ling career in which lack of financial friends took. “Every time another team plays their “This is the typical South London and Paul Drinkhalls. They’re ma- Knight’s mood, possibly thinking of
support, the best coaches and even the “Most of them are in jail, some of mums and dads are there. When I play way of life. People don’t strive to be chines. In England there’s only two of comparisons with schooldays friends
backing of his closest family threaten them are dead. You don’t want to get it’s just me. That has an effect on you great and do things with their life.” us,” said Knight. now behind bars, suddenly brightens.
to scupper his aspirations in a sport caught in the mix-up,” he told Reuters. mentally.” UK Sport’s decision in 2008 to cut “If you compete against 200 of them “I’m still a kid. I’ve got another 15-20
almost entirely dominated by Chinese. Knight’s packed training schedule Having very little or no family sup- funding to table tennis after a medal- every week and you get to number one years to play.
Yet the jaunty, almost cocky Knight and lack of support have made life even port at competitions is tough for less Beijing Olympics still rankles with in China, you’re laughing. You’re going “I just want to be a table tennis player, I
plays the part of a young man on the tougher. He said his neighbours are Knight, as is returning to his home in Knight, though he is aware how far the to feel like god aren’t you?” don’t want to be rich. Of course you want
cusp of conquering the world rather probably his biggest help. South London. sport has come. Knight envies the set-up for the players money to be comfortable but when I was
than someone struggling to rise up “When I get in they say ‘come and get “My mum’s struggling herself, she’s “We train so hard and we’ve achieved in the world’s most populous country. 15 I just wanted to play table tennis.”
Gulf Times
46 Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nigeria’s Adefemi
killed in Greek car
Sadd eye last 16 berth,
Wilshere ATHENS: Nigeria international de-
fender Olubayo Adefemi was killed
in a car crash yesterday, police in

honoured the northern Greek city of Kavala


Rayyan fight to stay on

The 25-year-old Xanthi right back

at PFA was driving to Thessaloniki Airport

to return to Nigeria to finalise
plans for his upcoming wedding.

awards “The Super League and the entire

Greek football family would like to
express its deepest condolences
Sports Reporter and sympathy for the family of
AFP Doha Olubayo Adefemi, who died tragi-
London cally in a car accident,” a state-
ment by the Super League said.

atar’s Al Sadd will be looking Kavala traffic police said Adefemi,

ottenham winger Ga- to secure a berth in the last 16 who has five international caps,
reth Bale capped a when they meet Group B ri- lost control of his car on a curve
memorable season on vals Al Nassr of Saudi Arabia on the wet Engatia Highway, just
Sunday evening when in the AFC Champions League match outside Kavala.
he was named the Professional today. His vehicle struck the dividing bar
Footballers’ Association (PFA) A victory today will take Al Sadd, who on the highway and flipped over,
Player of the Year. currently lead the group with seven landing on the opposite lane.
The 21-year-old Wales inter- points from Esteghlal of Iran and Al The exact causes of the accident
national has scored 11 goals in Nassr - both have four, into the knock- are being investigated by police.
36 club games this season and out stage. Uzbekistan’s Pakhtakor, who Football officials in Nigeria spoke
becomes the first non-Man- host today’s return leg match against of their devastation at the news.
chester United player to win the Esteghlal, are at the bottom on one
award since Liverpool’s Steven point.
Gerrard in 2006. Jorge Fossati will be without We- PLAYER SHORTAGE
He is also the fourth Welsh- sam Rizik and Nadir Belhadj, who Japan face Copa
man to be honoured, after Ian were both suspended for the match
Rush, Mark Hughes and his after collecting their second yellow crisis as clubs play
former international colleague, cards in the last match that Al Sadd hardball
Ryan Giggs. won 1-0 at home. The Saudi side will
Bale leapt to global promi- also be missing the services of Ahmed TOKYO: Japan face an embar-
nence by scoring a hat-trick in al-Dosari and Mohammed al-Bishi rassing player shortage in their
Spurs’ 4-3 Champions League through suspension. off-again, on-again involvement at
defeat at Inter Milan in October, Also in action today are Al Rayyan, this year’s Copa America with Eu-
before producing a man-of- who will be away to Zobahan in Group ropean clubs refusing to play ball.
the-match performance in Tot- D. Germany’s Borussia Dortmund
tenham’s 3-1 win in the return Reeling at the bottom of the piles on This file picture shows Al Sadd player Abdulkader Keita (2L) being challenged by Umm Salal defenders during their recent said they were against midfielder
game. one point, Al Rayyan desperately need a Qatar Stars League match. Al Sadd are playing Al Nassr of Saudi Arabia in the AFC Champions League Group B match at the Shinji Kagawa travelling to Argenti-
Bale beat off competition from win tomorrow to stay alive in the com- King Fahad stadium in Riyadh today. The match starts at 8:05pm. na for the July 1-24 Copa America,
Arsenal’s Samir Nasri, Man- petition. Al Gharafa had lost 2-0 away at which Japan are a guest team.
chester City’s Carlos Tevez, to Foolad Mobarekeh Sepahan in the Zob Ahan’s players and that’s an advan- opponents will be different,” he added. website. “Since we were runners-up Schalke 04 full-back Atsuto Uchida
Blackpool’s Charlie Adam, first leg and Al Rayyan even worse going tage for us. “Anyway, our recent win at home can in the previous edition all teams play and VfB Stuttgart striker Shinji
Tottenham team-mate Rafael down 3-1 to their rivals at home. “What we want from Tuesday’s clash boost our morale to play Zobahan. I against us with extra incentive. Okazaki have also been told they
van der Vaart and Manchester Al Rayyan boss Paulo Autuori did not is merely a win and fortunately, we have can’t make any evaluations about our “We should be cautious not to under- will not be able to go to South
United’s Nemanja Vidic to win attempt to play down the importance of got enough motivation for that.” group, I’d rather make predictions only estimate the Qataris. Winning the first America.
the award. the encounter to his side. Al Rayyan go into the clash having fin- after tomorrow’s match.” leg match away in Qatar is no reason to Japan’s domestic J-League clubs
Arsenal midfielder Jack “It’s obvious we will be knocked out of ished the Qatar Stars League season on But Zobahan boss Mansour Ebrahim- think that we can defeat them again at are also unable to release players
Wilshere, 19, was named PFA the tournament if we lose. That’s why a high note with victory over champions zadeh is not counting Al Rayyan out yet, home, unless we play at our full capacity with the season postponed follow-
Young Player of the Year, de- we are only focusing on getting maxi- Lekhwiya. urging his men to keep their feet on the and strength. I hope we can follow the ing last month’s deadly earth-
spite Bale also being nominated mum points from the game tomorrow,” Autuori, though, insisted that would ground. same path as we did in Qatar. quake and tsunami.
in the category. he told AFC’s official website yesterday. have no bearing against Zobahan. “The AFC Champions League has “This is the very last chance for Al “The agreement we reached with
Bale and Wilshere, both left- “My team’s age average is only 20 “A victory in Qatar’s domestic league has its own special circumstances and we Rayyan to survive in the continental the Japan Football Association
footers, were also named in the which means we have young and pow- nothing to do with the game tomorrow, should do our best to reach the goal we tournament, so they’ll be doing their (JFA) is that the J-League would
PFA Team of the Year. erful lads who can run much more than because on Tuesday the competition and are aiming at,” he told AFC’s official best to get some points from this match.” release seven or eight young play-
ers,” the J-League’s Hisao Shuto
told Reuters yesterday.

Alves urges

AC Milan close Guardiola to stay

at Barcelona
BARCELONA: Barcelona defender

in on title Dani Alves said yesterday he

hopes Pep Guardiola will stay on
as coach of the Spanish cham-
pions after his contract with the
club expires at the end of next
Reuters games with Napoli stuck on 65 and season.
Milan Inter Milan, champions for the last Guardiola, 40, hinted he may
five seasons, on 63 after their 2-0 de- leave the club in an interview with
feat at Parma on Saturday. Italian television channel Rai this

C Milan were within touch- Juventus were left facing a second month, saying: “I think my time is
ing distance of their first successive season without Champi- ending here in Barcelona.”
Serie A title for seven years ons League football after they were “Next year will be my fourth
after nearest challengers held 0-0 by Fiorentina in a dour affair consecutive as Barca coach. A
Napoli lost 2-1 at home to Udinese on while rivals Lazio thrashed Catania club like this must have a lot of
Sunday. 4-1. courage to keep a coach for all
Second-half goals from Gokhan Those results left Juventus eight this time because players tire
Inler and German Denis left second- points adrift of Lazio who are in of coaches and vice versa,” he
placed Napoli, chasing their first scu- fourth place, the Champions League added.
detto since Diego Maradona’s days in qualifying round berth, with 60 But in an interview published
1990, six points adrift of leaders Mi- points. yesterday in daily newspaper El
lan with five matches to play. Seventh-placed Juve will have to Mundo, Alves said he and the rest
Napoli striker Edinson Cavani, the concentrate on finishing fifth or sixth of the squad want him to stay on.
championship’s second top scorer to qualify at least for the Europa “We follow him with our eyes shut.
with 25 goals, missed a penalty in a League. He is very intelligent, he always
bad-tempered game featuring several Cesena moved out of the relegation knows what he is doing. To not
flare-ups, although only Udinese’s places with a 1-0 win over bottom follow Guardiola would be foolish.
Maurizio Domizzi was sent off. club Bari thanks to a second-half goal Since we are not foolish we will
Milan, 3-0 winners over Sampdoria from 34-year-old Albania striker Er- follow him until he gets tired of
on Saturday, have 71 points from 33 jon Bogdani. us,” he said.


Barclays Premier League

Trophy Tour big hit in Qatar
Agencies phy Tour, which was brought to
Doha Qatar by Barclays and the Premier
League in association with AD Sports
and Qtel, provided four interactive

round 5,500 people vis- experience domes that displayed the
ited the Barclays Premier full excitement of Barclays Premier
League Trophy Tour this League football.
weekend at Souq Waqif, Also on display was a special show-
supported by Qtel, making the Qatar case for Qtel’s “Super Ability” Exhi-
leg of the Tour the most successful to bition, the first photo collection of its
date. kind to provide a social history of the
A huge crowd gathered on Saturday major achievements of the disabled
to watch the Premier League match in Qatar. Among the Qatari nationals
between title-chasing Chelsea and profiled in the display are a number
West Bromwich Albion that was of people who have made significant
shown exclusively on Qtel’s Mozaic achievements in the field of athletics
TV, which provides the best coverage and sport, in spite of physical dis-
of football in Qatar. abilities.
Reflecting the sense of passion for Organised by Qtel’s Community
football across Qatar, Friday was the Relations team, the “Super Ability”
busiest day of the entire tour so far, later in April, before moving on to Exhibition was complemented by
beating the records set in Dubai and Hong Kong, China, Southeast Asia, a range of children’s games, face-
Abu Dhabi. The Tour will continue the USA, India and South Africa. painting, and a series of special give-
on to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Barclays Premier League Tro- aways for visitors.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 47

hopes to

Hamilton heads home secure

place for
London 2012
LONDON: World marathon
record holder Haile Gebrselas-

plotting title bid

sie hopes to secure a place
in the Ethiopian team for the
2012 London Olympics with
a fast time in the Berlin mara-
thon on Sept. 25.
Gebrselassie, who turned 38
on Monday, clocked 60:18 in
a half marathon in Vienna on
‘It was very enjoyable, great fun and we never really knew what was going on out there’ Sunday.
“From now on it will be all
about preparing for the
AFP could see today, and now we just Olympics in 2012,” Gebrselas-
London have to work on getting things
going a bit better in qualifying,”
said the 2008 world champion.
F1 must do more sie told the RaceNewsService
“Of course Berlin is the best
to sell itself, says
delighted Lewis Ham- A delighted Webber joked place to go for a fast time. If
ilton headed home that he should start down the it would be possible I would
after winning the Chi- grid in future after his heroics say right now: ‘Yes, I will run
nese Grand Prix confi-
dent he can build a convincing
at the Shanghai International
McLaren boss in Berlin’.
“But my manager has to
title challenge and give defend- “Maybe that’s where I should Formula One served up Ecclestone, it is on the Asian speak with the Berlin organis-
ing champion Sebastian Vettel a always start,” he said. “Just give a thriller in China at the side of the city away from the ers first. I do however expect
run for his money. up on qualifying, save the tyres weekend but the lack of fans main tourist areas and has that an announcement will be
Britain’s Hamilton and his and get out there and go for it. It indicated the sport must do had pitiful attendances in the made very soon.”
McLaren team-mate and com- would certainly give the crowd more to sell itself to new audi- past. Gebrselassie, who set his
patriot Jenson Button finished value for money and I think ences, according to McLaren “We’ve got to work harder at world mark of two hours three
first and fourth in the third race we’d all enjoy it, too. boss Martin Whitmarsh. it,” said Whitmarsh, who is minutes 59 seconds in Berlin
of the 2011 season in Shanghai “But, being serious, I have to While few could fault the rac- also chairman of the Formula three years ago, stunned the
on Sunday as Vettel’s run of two say thanks to the team for the ing on display, with McLaren’s One Teams Association (FOTA) sporting world when he an-
season-opening wins came to great effort put in for this result Lewis Hamilton hunting down and has been involved in nounced his retirement after
an end. by everyone. It has been a tough Red Bull’s world champion Se- various initiatives to bring the dropping of the New York
Vettel was second for Red time for me and I may have said bastian Vettel to end the Ger- sport closer to the fans. marathon last November. He
Bull ahead of his team-mate that the way things were go- man’s winning streak, empty “Fortunately we still have a subsequently rescinded his
Australian Mark Webber, who ing I thought I might get hit by seats in the grandstands fantastic worldwide television decision and said he would
produced the drive of the day to a truck, but this was just a great throughout the weekend audience but we need to work like to end his running career
finish on the podium after start- day for me. caused concern. harder at circuits that are in in London next year.
ing 18th on the grid. “To finish on the podium af- The monumental Shanghai new territories to promote the “When I came back to
Victory for Hamilton, 26, was ter starting 18th is pretty amaz- circuit has now hosted eight sport.” Ethiopia people said, what is
his 15th career win and his first ing and I am glad, too, that grands prix but, in a thriving “If you go to downtown the matter? You cannot end
since last year’s Belgian Grand Lewis has ended Seb’s run even economy with a vast potential Shanghai and look for all the your career like this. You
Prix. though he drives for McLaren. It audience, the race has yet promotions going on for this have to finish on a high,”
As most close observers of is good for racing.” to pull in the big crowds that event, I suspect you would he said.
the sport have noted, Hamilton After two wins and a second, McLaren-Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain celebrates on might be expected. struggle to find very much,” Gebrselassie said he did not
has made a near-flawless start Vettel leads the title standings the podium after winning the Formula One Chinese Grand Prix in “Formula One is used to added Whitmarsh. think a time of two hours six
to the season, driving with great with 68 points, ahead of Ham- Shanghai on Sunday. A delighted Lewis Hamilton headed home going to venues that know “I’m not a sports promoter, minutes would be enough
speed, confidence and efficien- ilton on 47, with Button third on after winning the Chinese Grand Prix confident he can build a and understand Formula One I’m just someone who works to ensure selection for the
cy. His passing of his rivals in 38 and Webber fourth on 37. convincing title challenge and give defending champion Sebastian and want us,” Whitmarsh told for a Formula One team but Ethiopian team.
Sunday’s race was sublime. Of that foursome, only Web- Vettel a run for his money. (AFP) reporters. “I’m not blaming it strikes me that we’ve got to “There are a number of
“I feel I am driving as well as I ber has never been crowned anyone because we’re all part do much more to promote our very strong runners in
can, maybe as well as I have ever champion, but he kept that am- what was going on out there,” championship and there are a of it, but we’re not good at sport, develop it, invest in its Ethiopia and it is obvious
done,” he said. “And the car is bition alive with Sunday’s awe- said Button, world champion lot of very good people working promoting our sport in new promotion than we do.” that the Olympic places
improving all the time. We now some demonstration of com- in 2009. “I think that’s the way to do just that this time,” he said. territories and I think you’ve Hamilton said he was doing will go to the three fastest,
have a decent gap before the next mitment, skill and courage in an things are going to be this year.” Vettel, philosophical in de- got evidence of that not just his bit. “While the grandstands 2:06 will not be enough. I
race in Turkey so I am hoping for incident-packed race that was Button also supported Ham- feat, said he was not surprised. in China.” aren’t as full as we would like know how strong the others
some more new parts and a bit of a near-perfect advertisement ilton’s claim that McLaren were “We made some mistakes and a The next race is at Turkey’s perhaps, every time I arrive at are so I think I will have to
time to pull it all together. for the new rules and the fast- now in a position to build up a few things went wrong. It hap- Istanbul Park circuit on May the airport I’ve got fans stand- run 2:05 or 2:04 to get to
“I definitely feel we are in wearing Pirelli tyres. challenge to Red Bull. “This is pens. Now we have to regroup, 8. Now promoted by F1’s ing there waiting,” he said London,” he said.
there now with a chance. Our “It was very enjoyable, great a big, experienced team that stay cool and work hard to get commercial supremo Bernie after winning. Kenyan Mary Keitany, who
race pace is good, as everyone fun and we never really knew knows what it takes to win a back on top.” moved into equal fourth
place on the women’s all-time
individual list when she won
TENNIS the London marathon on
Sunday in only her second
race over 42.195 kms, said on

Murray awaiting scan

Monday she would like to at-
tempt Paula Radcliffe’s world
Briton Radcliffe, who set her
world mark of 2:15:25 in 2003,

results in Barcelona
is the only woman to clock
a faster time in London than
Keitany’s 2:19:19 .
“I will try my best to at least
attempt it,” Keitany told
reporters on Monday.
AFP “I’m hopeful that it will be season on its head last week af- thing more. I’ll wait to hear Keitany, 29, the world half-
Barcelona OK for tomorrow (Tuesday),” ter losing four straight matches from the doctors and see how I marathon record holder,
said the world number four, and not winning a set since Jan- am tomorrow.” grew up in a classic Kenyan
who is due to start play on uary, suddenly came into form With the top eight seeds ben- tradition, running 10 kms

ndy Murray was on Wednesday at the Real Club de on his least favoured surface efitting from byes, the support- to and from primary school
Monday anxiously Tenis against either Belgium’s with a run to the Monte Carlo ing cast took to the court on a every day.
awaiting the results Xavier Malisse or Spain’s Juan final four. sunny spring day on Monday. She took up running seriously
of a scan on the elbow Carlos Ferrero. But the elbow problem that Spanish players Albert Ra- in secondary school at the
injury that has the potential to “I haven’t trained since Mon- started during his quarter-final mos and Reuben Ramirez age of 18 and made her first
keep him from his place in this te Carlo but hopefully it will be with Portugal’s Frederico Gil Hidalgo—two of 15 Spaniards appearance in Europe when
week’s Barcelona Open. OK to do so tomorrow. Depend- came back to haunt him shortly in the draw—faced off, with the she competed in a half-mar-
The Monte Carlo Masters ing on how I feel, I’ll then de- before his semi, requiring what former prevailing 7-6 (7/5), 7-5. athon and road race in Spain
semi-finalist, who played cide whether I play or not.” Murray said was the first major Colombian Santiago Giraldo in 2006.
through the pain in a three- Murray will hope to make his pain-killing injection of his ca- upset 13th-seeded Thomaz Keitany won the silver medal
hour marathon against Rafael fourth appearance at the tour- reer. “I’ve never had an injury Bellucci of Brazil 7-5, 6-3, in the 2007 world half-mara-
Nadal on Saturday, had his right nament after winning just one like this before, it seems like an while Dutchman Robin Haase thon championships before
elbow analysed by doctors in match so far at the venue, in inflammation,” he said. reached the second round by interrupting her career to give
Britain’s Andy Murray touches his injured elbow during a news conference the Catalan capital after driving 2006. “It’s nothing serious, but I beating Italy’s Flavio Cipolla birth to her son Jared.
at the Barcelona Open tennis tournament, yesterday. (Reuters) the 600km from Monaco. The Scot, who turned his don’t want it to become some- 6-4, 6-3.

National Endurance Championship
I must keep improving, says
world number one Nadal
Reuters 2011, including final victories
Madrid over Nadal at Indian Wells and
Miami, and a claycourt show-
down between the two is ea-

afa Nadal said he must gerly anticipated.
try to keep improving It was put to Nadal that
his game after secur- Djokovic rather than Roger Fe-
ing a seventh straight derer was now his main rival for
Monte Carlo Masters title at the number one spot.
the weekend. “He (Djokovic) has started
The world number one beat very well and I congratu-
fellow Spaniard David Ferrer late him,” said the five-times
6-4 7-5 in Sunday’s final but French Open champion.
explained he was still a little “Roger and I have played
rusty on clay, his favourite sur- many important matches, with
face. great moments for each of us.
“I’m pleased with how the The year is very long and he
first week (on clay) has gone,” Nadal...not invincible on clay (Djokovic) is in a privileged po-
Nadal told a news conference at sition but unfortunately I have
the Barcelona Open yesterday. After Barcelona, Nadal will to worry about many others as
“I need to use the confi- compete in Madrid, Rome and well.
dence from the first week to then at the French Open in “I’m not invincible on clay.
keep improving. I have to be Paris, giving him three possible I have lost before and unfor-
more aggressive, to serve bet- chances of a clash with in-form tunately I have plenty more
ter and to finish off points Serb Novak Djokovic. games I will lose in the future. The winners of the National Endurance Championship pose with their trophies after the presentation ceremony. This event was
more emphatically and with The world number two has It has gone well for me in recent organised by the Qatar Enurance Committee. PICTURE: Juhaim
more authority.” won 24 successive matches in years but no one is perfect.”

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