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QATAR | Page 7 ARAB WORLD | Page 15

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15 – 17
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37 – 43 Ultra-fuel-efficient of unity 12,810.50
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SUNDAY Vol. XXXII No. 8247

May 1, 2011
Jumada-I 27, 1432 AH

www. 2 Riyals

In brief Special award for Qatar

20% GDP refuses to
growth sign pact
QATAR | Proposal
Go-ahead for rights
institutions network
The seventh annual meeting of
the Arab National Institutions for AFP
Human Rights held recently in the Sanaa

Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott
has unanimously approved

the proposal by Qatar National deal aimed at ending three
Human Rights Committee months of bloody unrest in
(NHRC) on establishing an Arab Yemen was in tatters yesterday
national human rights institutions after embattled President Ali Abdul-
network. According the proposal, lah Saleh refused to sign the Gulf-bro-
the network is to operate By Pratap John vanced economies. The downside kered pact, the opposition said.
on the basis of international Chief Business Reporter risks to the global outlook are mainly Abdullatif al-Zayani, the head of
standards to encouraging for due to geopolitical uncertainty. the Gulf Co-operation Council which
the establishment of national The MENA region’s economic per- tabled the plan, quit Sanaa after Saleh
institutions on human rights in
countries that have not taken
this step yet. Qatar Human Rights
Committee will host the eighth
Q atar is expected to register the
largest Real GDP growth in the
world this year at 20%, ac-
cording to a QNB Capital review.
formance is likely to diverge between
oil exporting and importing countries
in 2011. Oil importing countries have
felt the greatest impact from recent
declined to put his name to it “as
president of the republic,” opposition
spokesman Mohamed Qahtan said.
“This is an essential point in the
annual meeting of the Arab High oil prices and external de- events, with social unrest dampening plan which we will not back down on,”
National Institutions for Human mand will boost production and growth. Qahtan told AFP.
Rights in 2012. exports, benefiting Qatar, which The IMF therefore expects that The GCC deal proposes the forma-
continues expansion in natural gas growth in oil importing countries will tion of a government of national unity,
production and makes large invest- slow to 1.9% in 2011. Assuming that Saleh transferring power to his vice
ARAB WORLD | Unrest ments in infrastructure. the unrest is temporary, growth for oil president and an end to the deadly
7 die as Syria forces Higher oil revenues are likely to importers will recover to 4.5% in 2012. protests that have rocked the impover-
lead to higher spending on social pro- The reduction in the MENA region ished country since late January.
seize Daraa mosque grammes, the report said. growth forecasts was a response to Under the accord, the Yemeni
Troops and snipers killed In advanced economies the real the spreading social unrest in the strongman would submit his resigna-
six civilians yesterday in the GDP for 2011-12 is projected to ex- region, rising sovereign risk premi- tion to parliament within 30 days, to be
flashpoint Syrian city of Daraa, pand by around 2.5% and in emerging ums, and increasing import prices for followed two months later by a presi-
activists said, as people buried and developing economies by 6.5%, commodities. Evidence of this con- dential election.
scores of people killed in a “day QNB Capital said. traction is already occurring in some However, a defiant Saleh has pub-
of rage” on Friday. Activists In its latest World Economic Out- countries as witnessed in the Egyp- licly insisted on sticking to the consti-
vowed to keep up the pressure on look (WEO), published in April, the tian economy, which is estimated tution in any transfer of power, even
the regime of President Bashar International Monetary Fund main- to have contracted by 7% in the first though his ruling party has said it ac-
al-Assad, promising a new week tained its global growth forecast at quarter of 2011. cepts the GCC plan.
of pro-democracy rallies. And 4.4% for 2011 and at 4.5% for 2012, In oil exporting countries, high Zayani had gone to Sanaa to formally
138 more members of Assad’s while cutting its real GDP growth oil prices and external demand will invite Saleh and his opponents to sign
ruling Baath Party quit in protest forecasts for the MENA region in both boost production and exports. Higher HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, who is also the the power transfer deal, state media
at the deadly crackdown on 2011 and 2012 by 0.5% to 4.1% and oil revenues are likely to lead to high- president of Qatar Olympic Committee, receiving the special award from IOC said ahead of what was expected to be a
pro-democracy demonstrators. 4.2% respectively. er spending on social programmes. president Jacques Rogge at the presentation during the opening ceremony signing ceremony in Riyadh tomorrow.
At least 66 people were killed on One of the main indicators for a Qatar will lead the growth in this of the 9th World Conference on Sport and the Environment at the Doha But he left the Yemeni capital empty-
Friday when tens of thousands global recovery and projected growth group – as it continues expansion Sheraton Convention Centre yesterday. The award was in recognition of handed after the president refused to
of people demonstrated across is coming from strong retail sales in in natural gas production and makes Qatar’s commitment to the environment and sustainable technology. sign the deal himself, instead assigning
Syria, activists said. Page 17 emerging market economies and ad- large investments in infrastructure. Pages 2, 46 PICTURE: Noushad Thekkayil one of his advisers to do so on his behalf.
Gulf Times
2 Sunday, May 1, 2011


Railway company team visits Lusail City

atar Railways Company Al-Subaie said, “The Lusail portation Secretary. tar’s rail industry.
(QRC) managing director Light Rail Transit system is a Lusail City, which covers 38 In addition to securing the
and board member Ab- core component of the state- km² north of Doha, is not only resources, personnel and or-
dullah bin Abdul-Aziz al-Subaie of-the-art transportation infra- Qatar’s largest domestic real ganisational requirements nec-
led a high-level delegation to structure of Lusail City, one of estate project, but is one of the essary to ensure the rail sector’s
Lusail City yesterday. the largest and most ambitious most prestigious community sustainability, Qatar Railways
This visit followed al-Subaie’s real estate development projects developments currently being Company will also develop the
assumption of new office at Qatar being undertaken in the Middle undertaken in the region and the appropriate legal and legislative
Railways Company. The delega- East and North Africa region.” world at large. frameworks to ensure that all lo-
tion toured new construction de- The Lusail Light Rail Transit cal and international regulations
velopments at Lusail City, includ- System is part of the Qatar Rail- “The Lusail Light Rail and agreements are met.
ing underground tunnel works way project, a $30bn integrated Transit system is a core Moreover, Qatar Railways
being undertaken at three sites. railway system that will cover all component of the state- Company will oversee the man-
The construction of the Lusail major areas in the country and of-the-art transportation agement, operation and main-
Light Rail Transit System project will consist of three transport infrastructure of Lusail tenance of all local railways and
is expected to be fully completed modes: long distance, metro City, one of the largest and their associated administrative
in the last quarter of 2015. and freight. It will feature 30km most ambitious real estate and industrial organisations,
The delegation comprised of track, 7km of which are un- development projects and lead co-ordination efforts
Sultan al-Anzi, executive vice- derground, 24 stations (seven of being undertaken in the with regional and international
president (Operations), Qatar which are underground), service Middle East and North rail networks.
Railways Development Compa- depots, and a viaduct. Africa region” Qatar Railways Company is
ny, Mohamed Hamad al-Khalifa, On April 6 Qatar Railways Com- responsible for the development
office manager of the managing pany and Qatari Diar had signed a Qatar Railways Company is of three projects: The integrated
director, Ahmed al-Qabb, Lusail five-year contract with Parsons a private company, which fol- Qatar Railways Project, which
Light Rail Transit project direc- International and AECOM in New lows independent procedures will incorporate a metro system,
tor, Mohamed al-Ishrafy, project York. The signing was witnessed and laws according to interna- long-distance passenger travel,
manager, and Hassan al-Saie, by HE the Prime Minister Sheikh tionally recognised standards. and freight transport, the West
director (Public Relations) at Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al- It was founded to support and Bay People Mover, and Lusail Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al-Subaie with the Qatar Railways Company delegation at the Lusail Light Rail
Qatar Railways Company. Thani and Ray LaHood, US Trans- co-ordinate the growth of Qa- City’s Light-Rail Transit system. Transit system construction site.

Making Olympic Games environmentally friendly

By Ross Jackson “Unfortunately, expensive fa- The 1994 Games in Lillehammer, success of the site was ensured
Staff Reporter cilities that were built outside Norway, saw strict environmen- through good transport connec-
of urban areas to accommodate tal regulations in construction, tions and office facilities.
particular events are no longer with strong emphasis on the Environmental considerations

panel of experts has said in use.” use of public transport, locally have become one of the three
that environmental con- Building these kinds of sites sourced materials and the use pillars of the Olympic Games
cerns may soon force a as a solution for future Games, of a mountain as a structure in along with sport and culture,
change in Olympic programmes, he said, is not sustainable, and constructing facilities to reduce with environment advocacy
particularly in events that are the only real alternatives are to climate control costs, according groups playing a large part in
historically significant but lack either always have the Games in to Sigmun Loland of the Norwe- putting together the Sydney bid.
mass participation such as bob- a fixed location or to cancel the gian School of Sports Science. The panellists at yesterday’s
sleighing. less popular and more resource- Richard Cashman of the Uni- conference pointed out, how-
Speaking at the Ninth World demanding events. versity of Technology, Sydney, ever, that only so much can be
Conference on Sport and the Other speakers presented the said that the site for the 2000 done to make the Games truly
Environment, Egidio Dansero, green credentials of previous Games was chosen because it environmentally friendly, as a
from the Olympic and Mega Olympic Games, claiming that was highly polluted from years of tremendous amount of travel
Event Research Observatory the 1994 Lillehammer Winter industrial use and dumping. The and construction will always be
at the University of Turin, said Games and the 2000 Sydney site was cleaned up and much required. How environmental
that the 2006 Winter Olympic Summer Olympics have set the of the environment restored. demands will affect the games
Games rehabilitated many dis- benchmark for environmental Construction met high environ- in the future remains to be seen.
Egidio Dansero Richard Cashman Sigmun Loland used industrial sites in Turin. considerations in future bids. mental standards and the future Page 46
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 3

Work of art

Qatar Charity
sends medical
aid to Misrata

atar Charity has man-
aged to get a shipment
of medical supplies and
medicines into the Libyan city
of Misrata via the humanitarian
corridor which has been secured
through the UN World Food Pro-
gramme (WFP).
In a statement issued yester-
day, Qatar Charity said Qatar,
in co-ordination with its part-
ners on the Tunisian border, had
An over-sized plastic resin and aluminium sand cast candy sculpture made by French artist Laurence Jenkell is displayed in the gardens of brought into the western part
Qatar’s embassy as part of her exhibition in the Paris 8th district, yesterday. Jenkell’s sculptures are made with a kind of plastic resin designed of Libya food and medical aid
for injection or blow-moulding and aluminium sand casting that she uses to make larger-than-life size candy wrappers in colours. through Al-Dhahabiya crossing
in Tunisia after it was reopened. Qatar Charity relief items being unloaded.
It said the nearly 350tonnes
of aid, worth QR250,000, ar- 1,000kilos of macaroni, 400kilos children, in addition to the pro-
rived at Misrata several days ago of rice, 100 liters of oil in addi- vision of food and assistance to
aboard a World Food Programme tion to canned food and cheese. people stranded at the borders.

Qatar, Jordan to sign cultural agreement ship. The relief items included
flour, rice, macaroni, potatoes
and cans of water sufficient for
Odrdor said that as a result of
the suffering of the Libyans at
home and the presence of heavy
In the context of field co-or-
dination effort by Qatar Char-
ity, two batches of shipments
23,000 people, in addition to casualties, mainly fractures, of medical aid were provided to
QNA sarweh, was handed over by supporting co-operation be- consultation and coordination 12tonnes of medicines and med- Qatar Charity medical supplies affected groups, with a value of
Doha Jordanian Ambassador to Qa- tween the two countries in cul- between them on all cultural ical appliances and three ambu- included bone fracture and joint more than QR2,250,000.
tar Ahmed Jalal Mefleh who ture. It also expressed the two issues during participation in lances. fracture fixation devices. A few days ago, Qatar Char-
stressed during a meeting with sides’ keenness on organising Arab conferences and meet- Director of Relief and Emer- In February Qatar Charity ity announced that it will con-

E the Minister of Cul- the Minister of Culture, Arts and cultural weeks, visits by artistic, ings, the source said. gency Director at Qatar Charity, launched, “relief campaign for tribute to the establishment of
ture, Arts and Heritage Heritage his country’s keenness drama and musical troupes and It explained that a joint com- Mohamed Odrdor, said that re- victims of the events of Libya” a QR30mn charity hospital in
Dr Hamad bin Abdul on strengthening relations be- the holding of art exhibitions. mittee has been formed by the lief efforts for the affected Liby- allocating more than 3.5mn riy- Benghazi, in partnership and co-
Aziz al-Kuwari has received an tween the two countries. He also The draft agreement also two countries to work out and ans were continuing through the als for the benefit of the cam- ordination with United Nations
official invitation to visit Jordan stressed his country’s keenness provided for the exchange of follow up the agreement’s ex- Tunisian-Libyan borders, noting paign. organisations to be named after
to sign the final form of a cultural on enhancing co-operation, visits by lecturers, poets and ecutive programme. that Qatar Charity has been able, The assistance included a martyr Ali Al-Jaber, who was
agreement between the govern- particularly in the culture sector. men of letters in both coun- The source pointed out that in co-operation with its partners number of shipments through one of the Qatar Charity found-
ments of Qatar and Jordan. An official source told the Qa- tries, as well as the exchange Dr Hamad bin Abdul Aziz al- there, to send in sufficient quanti- the Egyptian-Libyan and the ers and member of its board of
The invitation, addressed to tar News Agency (QNA) that the of invitations for participation Kuwari has welcomed the invi- ties of food and medical supplies. Tunisian-Libyan borders. The directors. It has also begun to
Dr Al-Kuwari from Jordanian draft agreement includes nine in festivals and cultural events tation, the date of which will be He added that the food items relief items included medical buy and store quantities of food
Minister of Culture Tariq Ma- points aimed at promoting and to be held in both countries, set as soon as possible. contained 500kilos of flour, supplies, medicines and milk for worth QR150,000.
Gulf Times
4 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Robotic Surgery Centre carries out major ENT procedure
The centre, which is the only facil- procedure done on an obese patient, personnel on the procedure,” QRSC to do the paediatric robotic surgery in seven nurses were trained in robotic and thus boosting healthcare sys-
By Noimot Olayiwola ity in the world working to develop who was having breathing difficulty chairman Dr Abdulla al-Ansari said. two weeks,” he said while adding up to procedure. “In QRSC, we are con- tem,” Dr al-Ansari said.
Staff Reporter technology, knowledge and research and sleeplessness due to the obesity He said the centre would begin 150 people comprising doctors, nurs- ducting one-to-one training ses- He said that training on simulation
to improve healthcare, is planning to and heavy snoring. And the opera- paediatric robotic operations soon es, engineers, researchers and medical sions on simulation and we have seen has greatly reduced cases of compli-
conduct more ENT robotic surgeries tion was faster than we expected. We with the first procedure to be carried students have been trained in basic this form of training has accelerated cations, adding that the region has

he Qatar Robotic Surgery Centre after September. have been trying to do this since last out by May end. “We will start con- laparoscopy at the centre. the knowledge of the trainees as well very low complication rate compared
(QRSC) has successfully con- “We were impressed with the year and we have been training ENT ducting training for personnel on how He also said that 37 doctors and as helped improve quality of doctors to 10% in Europe.
ducted a major ENT procedure.

Planning body
awards student
research projects
he General Secretar- of impaired and unconven-
iat for Development tional water sources.
Planning (GSDP) has The other project was
awarded two student re- Human Organ Hub - an
search projects at Carnegie undergraduate project con-
Mellon University in line ducted by students Mo-
with Qatar’s National De- hamed al-Haddad, Ghanim
velopment Strategy 2011- al-Sulaiti, Fatima Mujahid
2016. and Rana Khalil.
The GSDP was present
as one of the judges in the The ultimate aim of the
Meeting of the Minds event research is to develop
held at Carnegie Mellon an energy-efficient,
University on April 26. This low-cost desalination
yearly event highlights re- technology for creating
search projects conducted a new, affordable water
by undergraduate and post- source from brackish
graduate students. waters
One of the projects
awarded was Advanced Wa- The research project
ter Treatment Method for combines medical and IT
Brackish Water Desalina- concepts, and aims to de-
tion - a doctorate research velop a system to help clin-
thesis conducted by post- ics and hospitals in Qatar to
graduate student Lichen match donors with patients
Han. The ultimate aim of for successful kidney trans-
the research is to develop an plants. It contains a man-
energy-efficient, low-cost agement system for both
desalination technology for patients and donors, and a
creating a new, affordable website to raise awareness
water source from brackish in the community.
waters. It then integrates the do-
This is a valuable re- nor management system
search to Qatar, as the and the patient manage-
country has extremely ment system and through an
limited rechargeable wa- interface matches patients
ter sources, and therefore against donors and vice ver-
there are needs for technol- sa, and generates reports for
ogies that facilitate safe use the results.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 7


Students unveil their

ultra-green machines
atar University (QU) and but also the participation of two (GTL) fuel engine while the other
the Texas A&M University Qatari universities in this high- runs on solar power.
at Qatar (TAMUQ) official- profile event. They are the first Vehicles in the Shell Eco-Mar-
ly unveiled their ultra fuel-efficient educational institutions from the athon can use various fuels and
cars at a grand opening ceremony Gulf ever to compete in the Shell energy sources including GTL,
held at Qatar Science & Technology Eco-Marathon global event”, said petrol, LPG, biofuels, compressed
Park (QSTP) yesterday. Maini. natural gas, hydrogen, solar and
These cars will compete in the Brown added: “At Shell, we val- electrical power.
Shell Eco-Marathon global event ue the opportunity to work with Shell has partnered with the
that will be held at the EuroSpeed- the universities in Qatar. Work- Qatar Science & Technology Park
way Lausitz track in Germany on ing with students to develop new to promote the Shell Eco-mara-
May 26. fuel efficient vehicle concepts un- thon to Qatari universities.
The universities unveiled their leashes their talent and promotes The Shell Eco-marathon is a glo-
cars in the presence of QSTP sustainable concepts for the fu- bal student competition that brings
chairman Dr Tidu Maini, Qatar ture. These benefits are in line together 400 teams from across the
University vice president for Re- with Qatar National Vision 2030”. world to build and run ultra fuel-
search Dr Hassan al-Derham, TA- QU teams unveiled their two efficient vehicles. It is held each year
MUQ president Dr Mark Weichold identical highly-futuristic vehi- in Europe, the US and Asia.
and Qatar Shell executive vice cles that will compete in the ‘Pro- The most fuel-efficient car ever
president Andy Brown. totype’ class. These cars have been designed by a Shell Eco-marathon
“For Qatar, this is a very unique designed with a focus on maxim- student team was capable of driv-
day, marking not only the de- ising fuel efficiency through in- ing 4,896.1km on a single litre of
velopment of the first ultra fuel- novative design elements. One car fuel – the equivalent of driving
efficient cars ever built in Qatar, is equipped with a Gas to Liquids from Qatar to Paris. The Qatar University team and officials with their invention.
Gulf Times
8 Sunday, May 1, 2011


Summer incentives for

‘Dream’ cardholders
oha Bank’s Dream credit ternational Airport) with a Doha even withdrawing cash from an step further by extending cash demonstration of the bank’s local expenses as well.”
cardholders will be eligi- Bank Dream credit card will pro- ATM, one will have the chance back offers to all categories of leadership position in provid- Doha Bank head of Retail
ble for a “cash back offer” vide holders 25% cash back. to be rewarded with up to 100% customer spends. In addition ing value to its customers,” Doha Banking Louis Scotto said:
between May 1 and July 31. Attractive offers are also avail- cash back. to the amazing cash backs, cus- Bank said. “Wherever your travels or visits
The offer gives Doha Bank able for those using Doha Bank’s “A winner will be chosen eve- tomers continue to enjoy Dream Doha Bank Group chief execu- take you this summer, prepare to Doha Bank Tower at West Bay.
cardholders “multiple opportu- Dream credit cards locally, the ryday during the promotion, and loyalty points on all transactions tive R Seetharaman said: “As the be privileged.
nities” to benefit throughout the bank said. that winner will have all his local performed locally or overseas,” most preferred card in the mar- “Our strategy is to maximise Customers who do not have
summer, whether they are trav- Doha Bank said: “Every time spending for the day ‘wiped out’ Doha Bank said. ket, it is our commitment to our value and reward our custom- a Doha Bank Dream credit card
elling or not, a bank release said. one spends with one’s Doha up to a maximum of QR5,000.” Coupled with features such as loyal customers to constantly ers. We are committed to meet- can make use of the offer by
Those opting to travel will Bank credit card locally, be it Doha Bank said that it has “free-for-life”, “purchase pro- provide outstanding value. ing and exceeding customer ex- sending a text message ‘DREAM’
be rewarded with 5% cash back on booking air tickets at a lo- always believed in offering the tection”, “credit shield”, “com- “From Colombo to Cairo, this pectations, and maintaining our to 92610 or visiting any of the
every time they spend overseas cal travel agent or airline office, “best value” to customers. plimentary lounge access” and season, we aim to provide all leadership in terms of perform- bank branches.
using Doha Bank’s Dream credit shopping at a mall or a super- “Continuing with the huge the “lowest interest rates”, the customers flying out of Doha ance, innovation and service. We More information is also
card. market, eating out at a restau- success of last summer’s 25% Doha Bank credit card is the with amazing benefits. The ex- continue the tradition of offering available on 44456000 (Hello
On top of that, purchases at rant, renovating one’s home with cash back promotion, the lat- “most rewarding in the market”. citing savings extend not only on the strongest and most compel- Doha) or
the Qatar Duty Free (Doha In- new furniture and electronics or est summer promotion goes a “The card provides a perfect international spend but also on ling promotions in the market.” qa.

Credit card deal for Nojoom members

ll members of Qtel’s loyalty lar” customer reward programme, QR3,500 in a month, there is a
programme – Nojoom – can which enables members to earn bonus of 2,000 Nojoom Points.
now apply for the QNB Qtel points that can be redeemed for a Platinum Cardholders who spend
Nojoom Credit Card. huge range of rewards and experi- QR7,000 in a month earn 5,000 No-
The “free-for-life” credit card ences. joom Points.
offers customers the chance to earn Every time members use Qtel All new cardholders also receive a
Nojoom Points every time they services they earn Nojoom Points, bonus gift of 10,000 Nojoom Points
shop with the card. and – with the QNB Qtel Nojoom the first time they use their card.
Available in Gold and Plati- Credit Card – they can also earn To apply for the card, custom-
num versions, these cards “trans- points when they shop with their ers should have a registered Qtel
form the shopping experience and card. service number and valid Qatar ID
are fuelling a sense of excitement Points can be redeemed for Qtel QNB Qtel Nojoom promotion number.
throughout Qatar”, Qtel said. services or with a wide range of No- material. More information on the QNB
To boost awareness of the QNB joom Programme partners includ- Qtel Nojoom Credit Card can be
Qtel Nojoom Card, there will be a ing Bateel, Gardenia, Giant Stores, one Nojoom Point for every QR5 had from
number of special booths at malls Landmark Mall, Starlink, Qatar spent. or QNB’s Customer Care Centre at
and stores across the country, Airways, and Qatar Cinemas. As a “unique feature”, cardhold- 44407777.
where customers can easily sign up Gold cardholders earn one No- ers have the opportunity to earn Nojoom Rewards Programme de-
as well. joom point for every QR10 spent, monthly bonus points. tails can be found on the Nojoom
Nojoom is Qtel’s “highly-popu- while Platinum cardholders earn For Gold cardholders who spend website via

Event ‘shows strong

France-Qatar ties’
By Peter Townson The embassy has been
Staff Reporter ramping up efforts to hold
cultural exchange events in
Qatar, and yesterday they

rance’s Ambassador helped to organise a French
to Qatar Gilles Bon- cuisine workshop in co-op-
naud has reiterated the eration with representatives
strength of links between his of the Lucien Barrière hotel
country and Qatar, explain- group, which operates prop-
ing that French companies erties in France and recently
are even more interested in opened the Naoura Barrière
coming here since the suc- in Marrakech.
cess of the country’s 2022 The hotel group is fa-
World Cup bid. mous for its restaurant, Fou-
qet’s, which it runs in Paris,
Cannes, Toulouse, and Mar-
Yesterday’s event was
held at La Maison du Caviar,
where Fouqet’s chef Ber-
trand Schmitt passed on
professional tips for prepar-
ing French cuisine.
He was joined by Morroc-
can chef Rachid Maftouh,
who is an expert in combin-
ing the best of French cuisine
with Arabic flavouring.
Schmitt explained that he
wishes to bring restaurant
and home cooking as close to
each other as possible, to al-
low people to enjoy prepar-
ing and tasting top quality
food in their own homes.
Vice-president of glo-
bal sales for Barrière, Pascal
Visintainer, explained that
as well as the workshops,
the officials had held a re-
ception at the ambassador’s
residence on Wednesday
evening to welcome guests
and clients from Qatar,
which represents a signifi-
cant market to the group.
“At the moment, the Mid-
dle East is our second largest
market, after the French,” he
said, adding: “Qatar is the
second largest market within
the region, so it is very im-
portant to us.”
Although there are no
concrete plans to open a
property in the region, Vis-
intainer explained it is an
avenue that the president of
the company is exploring.
Bonnaud said that with
links between Qatari and
French officials and com-
munity members so strong,
there are many more events
to be arranged in the future.
He suggested that a per-
formance of Bizet’s The
Pearl Fishers opera could be
brought to Qatar in the near
future, but added that de-
tails have not yet been final-
Gulf Times
10 Sunday, May 1, 2011


Study on prevalence of autism

By Noimot Olayiwola children within the age range of among children aged between tional Centre for Special Needs scheduled for clinical assess- (GARP) to also optimise resourc-
Staff Reporter five to eight and already we have seven and 10 as well as among as well as some private physi- ment,” Dr al-Shaban explained. es for autism care.
some preliminary data based on 11-14 years-old at 30.7% each cians,” he said. Another speaker at the work- Other speakers in the morning
those children being diagnosed from the total of 179 children The study, which will be con- shop, Saudi-based Faisal Autism session of the workshop included

he Shafallah Medical Ge- at our laboratory,” SMGC senior sampled,” Dr al-Shaban ex- ducted in three phases and over House (Dari) expert Dr Ahood Dr Eric Fombonne, who spoke
netics Centre has em- Research Scientist Dr Fouad al- plained. a period of two-three years, will al-Muslamani cautioned that the on ‘Epidemiology of ASD: rel-
barked on a study of the Shaban said yesterday. He added that the male/fe- identify, preview and record all Gulf region might face a serious evance, substantive results and
prevalence of Autism Spectrum He was speaking during a male ratio was one to five, an in- children found with the disorder budgetary health problems as in methodological challenges’ and
Disorder (ASD) among children presentation titled: ‘Prevalence dication that the disorder occurs in both public and private hospi- the US if a standard unified Gulf Dr Marwan al-Sharbati on find-
in Qatar. Dr al-Muslamani of Autism in Qatar’ at the two- mostly among male children than tals, he mentioned. registry for the disorder was not ings of a study ‘Autism Spectrum
Autism is a brain disorder that day Autism Workshop organ- in females. “For the study, we are going to put in place. Disorder in Oman’ during the
is associated with a wide range than childhood cancer, juvenile ised by the centre to discuss the “These figures cannot be randomly select samples from “It is very pertinent to have conference.
of developmental problems, es- diabetes and paediatric acquired disorder and ways of curbing it generalised though as we are a number of primary schools, a standardised data collection The workshop, which con-
pecially in communication and immune deficiency syndrome thus reducing the burden on the still in the process of collecting seek consent of parents or in a collaborative effort within cludes today, was conducted in
social interaction. combined. health system. more data from various cen- guardians before we screen the the Gulf in order to optimise the four sessions focusing on epide-
It is estimated that one in eve- “We have commenced ef- “Based on the preliminary tres involved with the autism children for ASD using social cost of treating autism,” she said miology of autism, diagnosis of
ry 110 children is diagnosed with forts to do a major study on the study at the SMGC, we found treatment such as the Rumailah communication questionnaires while proposing the initiation of autism, genetics of autism and
autism, making it more common prevalence of autism among our that autism is most prevalent Hospital and Doha Interna- and all suspected cases will be a Gulf Autism Registry Project treatment of autism.

Enterprise Qatar organised live event

stresses leadership, customer service
ffective leadership, management The event was comprised of a series is one of EQ’s first major ini-
and the importance of customer of workshops and interactive sessions tiatives aimed at improving the
service topped the agenda this with academics, industry experts and country’s innovation ecosystem.
weekend when Enterprise Qatar (EQ), local business people. The key topics One of their projects is a free, web-
the organisation that is mandated with included a session on Entrepreneur- based training programme for SMEs.
supporting and promoting small and ship and Leadership, a workshop on the Al-Mannai also said that Enterprise
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), needs of SMEs in Qatar, a session on the Qatar is holding a business plan
hosted its second live event as part of its importance of customers for any busi- competition, where potential entre-
breakthrough, comprehensive and free ness, and an introduction to the Arabic preneurs can have their idea compete
of charge SME Evolution Programme programme. against others in order to win sig-
designed to help companies double in Enterprise Qatar Deputy Project Di- nificant backing for their project by
size within 36 months. rector, Noora al-Mannai, said: “After EQ’s sponsors. 130 candidates have
Organised in conjunction with Po- the considerable success of our first proposed ideas and winners will be
tential, Enterprise Qatar’s partner and workshop earlier this month, Satur- announced soon.
the designer of the programme, the day’s session helped expand on some of EQ is also launching a business advi-
event was attended by representatives the themes introduced in that session sory service, as well as creating centres
of scores of Qatar-based and regional in addition to highlighting a range of to assist fledgling businesses.
companies who all voiced their acclaim other topics that are critical to the suc- Enterprise Qatar will officially launch
of Enterprise Qatar’s highly significant cess of any business.” with a revamped website in October-
initiative. The SME Evolution Program November this year.

Delegates from Qatari and regional small and medium

sized businesses taking part in a training and develop-
ment conference sponsored by Enterprise Qatar.
Gulf Times
12 Sunday, May 1, 2011


Man jailed Over 400 attend ‘A Flower

Each Spring’ programme
for forgery ‘
A Flower Each Spring’ programme
conducted on Friday at Dossari Na-
ture Reserve with planting of the
Qullam sapling (Arthrocnemum glau-

of stamp
cum), which has been chosen as this
year’s plant.
The annual green drive, now in its
13th year, is patronised by HH Sheikha
Moza bint Nasser and is conducted by
Friends of Environment Centre (FEC).
FEC secretary general Yousef al-
By Nour Abuzant was not real and he still A medical report Kazim said he was satisfied with the re-
Staff Reporter presented them for further showed that the French- markable interest shown by the public.
attestation. woman suffered multiple Over 400 people attended the event
fractures. which featured several items to intro-
Jail term over
man has been sen- The court dismissed duce the Qullam and 12 previous plants
tenced, in absentia, sexual assault his claims and found the through drawings, research, poetry and
to five years in jail plaintiff ’s statement rea- short stories on environment and end-
and subsequent deporta- A man has been sen- sonable. ed with a distribution of awards.
tion following his convic- tenced to a year in jail The last session, next week, will be
tion in forging the stamp of for kidnapping a French
Deportation held on Thursday at The Landmark,
Qatar’s embassy in Manila. woman and sexually for salesman where around 500 attendants are ex-
The Doha court of first abusing her . pected. Many families from the GCC
instance heard that the The 43-year-old local A salesman has been countries are taking part in field trips
Filipino, 33, presented a was also slapped with a sentenced to six months’ organised as part of the programme.
“marriage contract” to fine of QR10,000 for driv- imprisonment and sub- Al-Kazim said: “A Flower Each
the Foreign Ministry in ing under the influence of sequent deportation for Spring campaign is aimed at ensur-
Doha for attestation in July liquor and had his driving stealing electrical cables ing that everyone is aware of the local
2009. A clerk in the min- licence suspended for two from the store of his com- flora and the need to protect the natural
istry found out that the months. pany in 2010. wealth of the country besides the rec-
stamp on the document The incident took place The 23 -year-old told reational aspect of the event.” Yousef al-Kazim is seen with students at Dossari Nature reserve on Friday. PICTURE: Thajuddin
was not original and in- on February 26 last year at the interrogators that he
formed his boss about the Zikrit. stole 15 rolls of brass wires
matter. According to charge- worth QR3,100 and sold

Katara to host
A forensic test showed sheet, “the plaintiff was them for QR2,300. He said
that the stamp attributed
to the Qatar’s embassy in
Manila was unauthentic.
riding a bicycle along
with her boyfriend, a
German, and she felt
that he was ready to return
the sum to the company.
The theft was discov-
TAMUQ welcomes mothers
The document was also
attested by the Filipino
authorities, the judges
tired. The accused of-
fered her a ride in his car.
The man sped with her
ered when the sales man-
ager found the electrical
cables, holding his com-
of 2011 fall freshman class Kites Family Day
heard. and the German followed pany’s stamp, offered in

The Filipino who them.” the market for a price less exas A&M University Doha chapter and the Uni- of the reception is to give

worked in a private com- The plaintiff said that than usual. “The prices at Qatar (TAMUQ) versity’s Office of Student parents a clear idea of en- he Cultural Village, shapes, sizes, and cultural
pany forged the marriage the motorist tried to were very low so I bought welcomed the moth- and Community Relations gineering and Texas A&M Katara, is set to host themes are to be seen dur-
contract in an attempt to sexually abuse her. She them at least to inquire.” ers of its incoming 2011 fall (OSCR). at Qatar. Since the mother kite enthusiasts from ing Katara International Kites
benefit from the privi- switched off the engine Explaining the suspen- freshman class to a recep- The reception offers stu- is the heart of her house, seven countries next weekend Family Day, said the spokes-
leges in allowances and and jumped out of the sion of the jail penalty, tion on Wednesday at the dents’ mothers the oppor- her understanding of the as the Katara International person, adding: “Participating
hikes given to married moving car. the court explained that Texas A&M Engineering tunity to network with each benefits and importance Kites Family Day takes place, teams will display a variety of
employees. The court heard that the the accused had already Building at Education City. other and discuss ways to of engineering in our ever- featuring kite flying demon- traditional, inflatable, sports,
Explaining the convic- accused kept chasing the spent four months in the This annual event is geared support the new Aggie stu- changing world will assist strations and workshops by and LED-equipped kites dur-
tion, the court said that two Europeans until they jail and that his sponsor- to introduce these moms to dents. Many current and her son or daughter in mak- some of the world’s foremost ing their performances.”
the accused knew very asked the help of locals ing company had dropped the Aggie environment and former students attend the ing an informed decision experts. Liu Zhiping, a kite flyer as-
well that the document camping near the seashore. all claims. the university’s faculty and reception each year with about their future.” The event will take place sociated with the Weifang
staff. Former student and their mothers to offer a There are 126 Aggie between 3-10pm on May 6 International Kite Festival
Musheireb Properties CEO, first-hand account of what Moms chapters in the US, and 7 at the Esplanade in Ka- committee who will represent
Issa al-Mohannadi, an en- student life is like and an- part of an active organi- tara, said a spokesperson, who China at the family day, com-
gineer, delivered the key- swer questions about what sation helping Aggie stu- noted that teams from China, mented: “Most of the mem-

US envoy for Sudan in Doha talks note speech and discussed

his experiences as a student
at Texas A&M and how it
to expect during the com-
ing four years.
The university currently
dents achieve their goals
while adhering to the uni-
versity’s core values of in-
India, Japan, Korea, Singa-
pore, The Netherlands, and
the US will be at the event to
bers in my team have been fly-
ing kites over 20 years, some
even have been flying kites for
prepared him for success in boasts over 440 students. tegrity, loyalty, excellence, entertain and educate specta- more than 30 years,” adding:

resident Obama has Following their partici- thorities the way ahead on the industry. The event was OSCR director Mariam leadership, selfless service tors on kite-flying. “We are all quite excited about
dispatched Princeton pation in the Doha talks, the region’s popular con- hosted by the Aggie Moms al-Mannaie said: “The goal and respect. General manager of Katara, this event, and look forward
Lyman, the US Special Lyman and Smith will travel sultations, a critical ele- Marcio Barbosa, said: “At Ka- to putting on a great show in
Envoy for Sudan, to the on- to Darfur to evaluate condi- ment of the 2005 Compre- tara, our goal is to foster a rich Qatar.”
going peace talks in Doha. tions on the ground and ex- hensive Peace Agreement and continuous growth of arts Qatar-based NGOs, includ-
Lyman will join US sen- plore mechanisms to more that remains outstanding. and culture in Qatar through ing Algannas Society, Child-
ior adviser on Darfur Dane fully involve the Darfuri During his trip, the spe- engaging activities that leave hood Cultural Center, Qatar
Smith in urging the Suda- people in the peace process. cial envoy will also meet a lasting, educational impact.” Fine Arts Society, Qatar Pho-
nese government and Dar- The US special en- with Northern and South- “We believe that the Katara tographic Society, Qatar So-
furi armed movements to voy also plans to travel to ern leaders in Khartoum International Kites Family Day ciety for Engineers, and Visual
use the remaining weeks Southern Kordofan, where and Juba as part of sus- is a fun-filled and innovative Art Center, will host informa-
of the Doha talks to reach a gubernatorial and legisla- tained dialogue with Su- step towards this greater goal tive activity booths at the
political agreement, commit tive elections will be held danese officials on a wide and will draw a lot of specta- event.
to an immediate ceasefire, on May 2-4. There, he will range of issues, including tors, especially those who are “On both days, the event
and take immediate steps to join other international full and timely implemen- kite lovers, as well as those will conclude with 1,500 lan-
improve security and hu- officials in observing the tation of the 2005 agree- who like to experience other terns being lit and set adrift
manitarian conditions on polling process and will ment and resolution of the Mothers of freshmen Texas A&M Qatar students gathered for a meeting. cultures,” he added. over Katara,” added the
the ground in Darfur. discuss with Sudanese au- Darfur conflict. Kites in a variety of colours, spokesperson.

VCUQ to showcase students’ work

Virginia Commonwealth create a senior showcase of
University in Qatar (VCUQ) the best work of graduating
will unveil its ‘Senior seniors.”
Showcase’ displaying the “The works on view comprise
work of graduating design couture fashion, furniture,
students after a reception at book projects, graphics, and
the university this evening. interior designs that reflect
The showcase will give the creativity and ingenuity
potential employers the of our seniors and their hard
chance to see students’ work as students - we are
final thesis and research very proud of them and wish
projects, and provide them them all success for their
with the opportunity to meet future,” he added.
Qatar’s graduating designers. Director of design
‘Senior Showcase’ is held entrepreneurship and
in conjunction with VCUQ’s industry affiliations, Matt
senior exhibition which will Woolman commented: “We
also run until August 20 at the are proud to feature the entire
gallery. graduating class of 2011, 49
Gallery director of VCUQ, students from all three majors
Jochen Sokoly said: “This year - fashion design, graphic
the gallery has worked in design, interior design - for
tandem with the VCUQ Career the first time in a single
Development Committee to exhibition.”

Clinic begins dental care programme

The state-of-the-art Green bottom rates,” a spokesman
Health Dental Clinic has said.
launched a dental care “There are so many reasons
programme, “Spreading to smile at Green Health
Healthy Smiles” starting today. dental clinic. In line with its
“Those who would like to immaculate and innovative
perfect their smiles can avail dental care plans, the clinic is
of the dental packages at the actively pursuing plans to hold
clinic until June 30. Patients especially dedicated afternoon
would be entitled to receive and evening sessions for
the well-equipped and highly children and senior citizens
sophisticated clinic’s attractive every week,” said its director Dr
dental care plans at rock- Mohamed Parvez.

National Day greetings sent

HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, HH the
Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and HE
the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin
Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani have sent congratulatory cables to
the King of Sweden and the Queen of the Netherlands on the
anniversary of their countries’ National Day.
Gulf Times
14 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shakira in Abu Dhabi
6 killed as
Iran MPs protesters
shut down
urge end port city
of Aden
to leader’s AFP

wo servicemen and four

civilians were killed yes-
terday and at least an-
other 23 were wounded in south
Yemen during a shutdown called
by anti-government protesters,
officials said.
The defence ministry said an
deviation” aimed at destroying the officer and a soldier were killed
AFP Islamic regime. and two more soldiers were
Tehran But Khamenei yesterday urged wounded, but gave no further
state officials to refrain from ac- details as tension mounted in the
tions which would give excuse to restive region.

ranian lawmakers have called on “the enemy and create a tumult” for Local officials said protest-
President Mahmoud Ahmadine- the country, in remarks broadcast by ers opened fire on troops as they
jad to end an eight-day boycott state television. tried to dismantle roadblocks set
and accept the supreme leader’s de- “(When) a tiny lack of coordina- up near Al Mansura neighbour-
cision to reinstate the intelligence tion appears, the country is harmed,” hood in Aden to demonstrate
minister, Shargh daily reported yes- he said. “If the lack of coordination against the regime of President
terday. is wide and the enemies are made Ali Abdullah Saleh.
More than 216 conservatives out aware of them, (the enemies) create Two soldiers and a civilian
of the parliament’s 290 MPs wrote a an uproar. They revel. They rejoice were wounded there, they said.
letter to Ahmadinejad after an “ex- when an atmosphere of challenge They said troops moved into
traordinary” meeting on Thursday, and confrontation comes to light” in the area from where they sus-
urging him to accept the reinstate- the country. pected the attack was launched
ment of Heydar Moslehi, the report Khamenei’s remarks came a day and opened fire, killing at least
said quoting Tehran MP Reza Akra- after his deputy representative in the three civilians and wounding at
mi. elite Revolutionary Guards, Mojtaba least another 15 more. The casu-
“You are expected to adhere to Zolnour, accused Mashaie of driving alties were taken to a hospital in
the supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali the crisis, and advised the president Aden, the south’s main port city,
Khamenei) and put an end to that to distance himself from his close a medical source said.
which our enemies are taking ad- ally. Another body was at a private
vantage of,” the lawmakers wrote. “Today, Mashaie is the actual hospital, raising the number of
The all-powerful Khamenei rein- president. Mr Ahmadinejad has held civilians killed in the area on
stated Moslehi despite Ahmadinejad on to a decaying rope (by relying on) Saturday to four, the sources
having reportedly forced his res- Mr Mashaie... I hope that God will said. A witness said he saw at
ignation, only minutes after it was rid the president from the evil of this least three wounded policemen
made public on April 17. person,” he was quoted as saying by being brought to the Naqib pri-
The interference sparked a row various papers on Saturday. vate hospital.
within the regime’s leadership, lead- As official media continue their Two buildings were also dam-
ing to Ahmadinejad’s withdrawal blackout on the crisis, Ahmadine- aged by mortar fire and some
from public view as well as cabinet jad’s chief media adviser, Ali Akbar people fled their homes, fearing
meetings since April 22, and the Javanfekr, wrote on his website on more violence, one resident said.
cancellation of a visit to Qom, the Friday that the president was very Much of Aden was paralysed
Shia clerical city. “concerned” that if he bowed to yesterday following the strike
The absence is unusual for the pressure, his “achievements” would call, local officials said. The city
hardline president, who is ubiqui- be lost. has been a hotbed of protests
tous in the media and is also known But he also stated Ahmadinejad against Saleh who has been in
for his near daily public appearances would “eventually” return to work power for 32 years.
and speeches. and put the issue behind him. Four people were killed on
The crisis seems to have been ag- His remarks were echoed yester- Thursday and Friday in southern
gravated by accusations from ultra- day by Tehran lawmaker Fatemeh Yemen during clashes between
conservatives that Ahmadinejad’s Aliya after her two-hour meeting security forces and suspected Al
close aide and chief of staff, Esfandi- with Ahmadinejad, saying the presi- Qaeda activists.
ar Rahim Mashaie, was the one who dent would “continue his work.” In addition to anti-regime
forced Moslehi’s ouster. “The president has explanations protests against Saleh, Yemen
Ahmadinejad’s opponents have (for his boycott) which he will soon has also been battling a seces-
rallied against Mashaie, whom the offer” to the people, she was quoted sionist movement in the south,
president has staunchly defended, as telling Borna news agency, an off- Colombian singer Shakira performs at a concert in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi on Friday night. a Shia rebellion in the north and
accusing him of leading a “current of shoot of the state news agency IRNA. an Al Qaeda resurgence.

Gulf belongs to Iran: top officer GCC Secretary General condemns Morocco bombing

top Iranian military officer yesterday denounced HE the GCC Secretary General Dr Abdul Latif bin Rashid al-Zayani has condemned the deadly
what he called an “Arab dictatorial front” and bombing that targeted a public cafe in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh on Thursday. The GCC
claimed that the “Persian Gulf has belonged to Iran chief said in a statement yesterday that this criminal and painful act is a terrorist action aimed
for ever”, media reports said. at undermining security and stability of Morocco and terrorizing the innocent. Such terrorist
“The Arab dictatorial regimes in the Persian Gulf are action contradicts humanitarian values and principles of all heavenly religions, he added,
unable to contain the popular uprisings,” General Hassan extending condolences to people of Morocco on demise of the innocent in this painful incident.
Firouzabadi, the chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, was
widely quoted as saying by Iranian media yesterday.
“Instead of trying and failing to open an unworkable
front against Iran, these dictators should relinquish power,
end their savage crimes and let the people determine their
own future,” Firouzabadi said.
He also denounced “plots” by the Gulf Arab petro-mon-
archies to “carve out an identity for themselves by reject-
ing the identity of others,” referring to Iran.
“The Persian Gulf has always, is and shall always belong
to Iran,” the general said.
Firouzabadi, speaking on the annual “National Day of
the Persian Gulf”, also condemned the regional Arab mon-
archies for refusing to call the waterway between Iran and
its Arab neighbours by its “historical name.”
“With the arrival of the British and later the Americans
in the region, plots were hatched to try and change the
name with fake identities... to distort the history and iden-
tity of the Persian Gulf,” Firouzabadi said.
Iran has in the past claimed Bahrain as part of its terri-
tory, and it controls three islands in the southern Gulf that
are also claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

GULF CINEMA : Dum Maaro Dum (Hindi) 2.30 & 5.30pm;

Teen Thay Bai (Hindi) 8.30 & 11pm.
DOHA CINEMA: Ko (Tamil) 2.30 & 8pm Doubles
(Malayalam) 5.30 & 11pm.
MALL CINEMA (1): Al Rajol Al Ghamed Besalamto
(Arabic) 2.30pm; Monsters 4.45 & 11pm; The Company
Men 6.45 & 8.45pm.
MALL CINEMA (2): The Way Back 2.30pm, Hot Tub
Time Machine 5, 7, 9 & 11pm.
MALL CINEMA (3): Rio (3D) 2pm; Thor (3D) 4, 6.15, 8.45,
& 11.15pm.
ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (1): Rio (3D) 2pm; Thor
(3D) 4, 6.30 & 9pm; My Soul To Take (3D) 11.30pm.
ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (2): Monsters 2.30pm;
Hop 4.15, 6 & 7.45pm; Iron Clad 9.30 & 11.30pm.
ROYAL PLAZA Cinema Palace (3): Thor 3 & 11pm; Hot
Tub Time Machine 5, 7 & 9pm.
CINEMA LANDMARK (1): F.A.L.T.U. 2.30, 5.15, 8 & 11pm.
CINEMA LANDMARK (2): Rio (3D) 2.30pm; Thor (3D)
4.15, 6.45, 9 & 11.15pm.
CINEMA LANDMARK (3): Al Rajol Al Ghamed
Besalamto (Arabic) 3 & 5pm; Largo Winch 2 7pm; A
Little Bit Of Heaven 9.15 & 11.30pm.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1 , 2011 15

Iraqi judge killed in bombing of home by insurgents; ministry official gunned down
AFP killing him and at least one of his chil- 25km north of Baghdad. tary officials in Iraq, and comes with materials in two or three locations with the judge’s wife and another child
Baghdad dren, police and judicial officials said. One of the judge’s bodyguards was just months to go before US forces around his house and blew it up at being treated in hospital.
Tuama al-Tamimi and one of his also shot dead overnight. withdraw from Iraq completely. around 5am.” Also in Taji, gunmen wearing Iraqi
children were killed in the attack, Tamimi’s killing, along with the “The judge was killed along with “The house collapsed,” he added. army uniforms stormed the home of

nsurgents planted bombs around but there were conflicting reports of murder of an industry ministry official, his wife and daughter,” police Captain Judicial spokesman Abdelsattar an industry ministry official and killed
the home of an Iraqi judge and blew whether any of Tamimi’s other family is the latest in a string of targeted at- Ahmed Fahd al-Khalidi said. “The in- Birakdar, however, said Tamimi was him and his daughter, the interior min-
it up yesterday north of Baghdad, members also died in the blast in Taji, tacks against senior civilian and mili- surgents put jerry cans of explosive killed along with three of his children, istry official said.

Haniya ready to quit

as part of unity deal
Hamas leader Ismail Haniya gle for the liberation of their land
says he is prepared to tender his and the recovery of their rights, as
resignation with the planned protected by Syria,” the ministry
signing of a reconciliation statement added.
agreement between his faction “Syria stresses the positive role
and Fatah played by Egypt and awaits further
Palestinian measures to implement
AFP what has been agreed,” the state-
Gaza ment added.
The reconciliation agreement to
be signed on Tuesday came after

smail Haniya, the prime minis- more than 18 months of fruitless
ter of the Islamist Hamas move- talks and was applauded by the Pal-
ment in power in the Gaza Strip, estinians but strongly criticised by
said yesterday he was “ready to re- Israeli leaders.
sign.” Hamas, which does not recognise
“I am prepared to tender my res- the Jewish state’s right to exist, is
ignation as part of the reconcili- considered a terrorist organisation
ation agreement between Hamas by Israel, the US and the European
and Fatah,” the secular party of Pal- Union.
estinian Authority (PA) President The US is waiting to see if a new
Mahmoud Abbas. Palestinian government is formed
“This agreement is very impor- Ismail Haniya waves after a press conference in Gaza City on Friday. before deciding on any changes to
tant and should boost efforts to end its aid policy, officials said on Fri-
the divisions and encourage unity The PA prime minister, Salam when Hamas pulled out. day.
among Palestinians,” he added. Fayyad, expressed the hope on Syria yesterday said it welcomed “The current Palestinian govern-
On Wednesday, the rival Palestin- Wednesday that the agreement the reconciliation agreement. ment remains in place and so our
ian groups reached an “understand- could lead to “the reunification of “Syria welcomes the positive re- assistance programmes continue,”
ing” in Cairo to set up a transitional the nation, needed to enable our sults yielded by efforts to achieve State Department policy planning
unity government and hold elections. people to decide their destiny and agreement between Palestinian director Jacob Sullivan told report-
Egypt, which shares a border to establish an independent state on parties,” the foreign ministry said ers.
with Gaza, has tried to bring the all territories occupied since 1967, in a statement published by the of- “If a new Palestinian government
two sides together since Hamas de- with East Jerusalem as its capital.” ficial news agency Sana. is formed, we’re going to have to as-
feated Fatah loyalists in week-long The Palestinian factions were on “Syria sees the forthcoming sess it based on its policies at the
street battles four years ago, reduc- the verge of agreeing a deal in 2009 signing of the reconciliation agree- time and determine, then, the im-
ing their power base to the Israeli- that would have led to a transitional ment as a major victory for the Pal- plications for our assistance given
occupied West Bank. government ahead of elections estinian people in their just strug- US law,” Sullivan said.
Gulf Times
16 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wife of
Egypt Muslim Copt priest
Brotherhood AFP

gypt’s prosecutor general

forms party
demanded yesterday that
the Coptic Church bring
forward a priest’s wife alleged by
Islamists to be held against her
will after converting to Islam, a
judicial source said.
However, church authorities
The new party will contest He added that the party will emerge from the polls and said refused to be served with a sum-
45-50% of parliament’s contest 45-50% of parliament’s it would be willing to co-operate mons delivered by a bailiff, the
508 elected seats in 508 elected seats in the Septem- with secular groups in the Sep- source said.
September polls ber polls, the first since a revolt tember election. The announcement came a
ousted president Hosni Mubarak It has also pledged not to field a day after more than 2,000 peo-
AFP in February. candidate in a presidential elec- ple belonging to the Islamist
Cairo He did not say why the group tion, to be held in November. Salafi group demonstrated out-
had settled on that number. A tentative party programme side the church’s Cairo head-
The party, headed by Brother- leaked to the press in 2008 said quarters to demand Camellia

he formerly banned Mus- hood politburo member Moham- that only an Egyptian Muslim Shehata’s “release.”
lim Brotherhood, Egypt’s ed al-Mursi, will be “independ- male could be president of the “The prosecution has given
best-organised move- ent from the Brotherhood but country, causing a firestorm of notice to the Coptic Church to
ment, said yesterday it formed will co-ordinate with it,” he said criticism at the time. bring forward Camellia Shehata
a non-theocratic party that will Mursi, who had run the Broth- Hussein said after the press to investigate complaints that
contest up to half of parliament’s erhood’s previous parliamentary conference that the Brotherhood she was detained,” the source
seats in September elections. campaigns, said the party was remained of the view that the said.
Mohamed Hussein, the not “theocratic.” presidency could “only be un- Shehata’s case became a cause
group’s secretary general, told a “It is not an Islamist party in dertaken by a Muslim male.” celebre in Egypt’s often tense
news conference the movement’s the old understanding; it is not But Saed al-Katatni, Freedom religious balance when Salafis
council had decided to form the theocratic. It is a civil party.” and Justice’s secretary general, began holding regular protests
Freedom and Justice Party. Egypt’s constitution bans par- said the party “would not object alleging that the church was
“We have adopted the meas- ties based on religion, class or re- to any Egyptian” and added there holding Shehata and another
ures taken by the guidance coun- gionalism. was a “multiplicity of views” in priest’s wife and alleged convert,
cil regarding the Freedom and The Brotherhood has sought the Islamist movement. Wafa Constantine.
Justice Party and adopted its to allay fears that an Islamist Brotherhood officials said the The widely publicised cam-
programme,” he said. parliamentary majority might party’s programme will be re- paign was eventually cham-
leased at a later date. pioned by an Al Qaeda-linked
Mubarak could be executed: minister In the past, the Brotherhood group in Iraq that killed doz-
ran candidates as independents ens of Christians in a Baghdad
Egypt’s ousted president Hosni Abdel Aziz al-Gindi told Al Ahram to circumvent a ban on the group church in October and pledged
Mubarak could be executed if newspaper in response to a ques- in place since 1954. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie waves to journalists during a news conference in Cairo yesterday. more attacks until the two wom-
convicted of involvement in the tion on whether Mubarak might be It won a fifth of seats in a 2005, en’s release.
deaths of anti-regime protesters, executed. Shalash said testi- but fared badly in a November tary council after years of arrests seats in parliament will dismay candidates for the 50% of seats. On January 1, a suicide bomb-
the justice minister was quoted mony by Mubarak’s former interior 2010 election that was wide- by Mubarak’s security forces. other political groups, said Diaa But Rashwan said he did not er killed more than 20 people
yesterday as saying. Mubarak, who minister Habib al-Adly, himself on ly seen as rigged to favour the But other groups who took part Rashwan, an expert on Islam- expect the Brotherhood to gain outside a church in the Egyptian
was toppled in February after mass trial for ordering the shootings of former ruling National Demo- in the 18-day revolt that ended ist movements with the Ahram more than a fifth of seats and that coastal city of Alexandria after a
protests, is under detention on sus- anti-regime protesters, would make cratic Party. Mubarak’s regime have ex- Centre for Political and Strategic the group’s clout was exagger- list of Coptic churches was pub-
picion of involvement in the deaths Mubarak an accomplice if proven. The group, which recently pressed fears of the Brotherhood Studies. ated under Mubarak’s regime. lished on a jihadist website.
of more than 800 people. “Abso- Adly said he was ordered to use built a seven-story headquar- sweeping to power in an election “This announcement will be “The revolution was not Is- The church denies that the
lutely, the crime of killing protesters violence against protesters by the ters decorated with its symbol of that secular groups would be too depressing for political forces in lamist. After the revolution, we women, who reportedly left
could lead to a death sentence former leader. At least 846 were crossed swords and a Qur’an, ap- disorganised to contest. Egypt,” he said, adding that oth- have to revise the idea that the their husbands after domestic
if there is convincing evidence,” killed in the protests. pears to have gained acceptance Its announcement that it er Islamist factions who said they Brotherhood was the strongest disputes, have converted to Is-
from the country’s ruling mili- would contest up to half of the would participate might field force in the country,” he said. lam.

Morocco king visits site

of Marrakesh bombing
AFP force in the square and also stepped up writer from London, according to the
Marrakesh their presence at the Ibn-Tofail hospital. Jewish Chronicle newspaper.
Experts from the US and Europe “The way in which this act was car-
have joined Moroccan investigators in ried out reminds us of the style nor-

orocco’s King Mohamed VI the hunt for those behind the bombing, mally used by the Al Qaeda organisa-
flew into Marrakesh yester- the interior ministry said yesterday. tion,” Cherkaoui said on Friday.
day to visit survivors of a dev- “American, French and Spanish ex- The device had been triggered by
astating bombing that killed 16 people, perts are taking part in the inquiry,” the remote control and the bomb had been
and to see the site of the attack itself. ministry official said. made up of nitrate and ammonium and
Amid tight security, King Mohamed “It is an international incident as two TATP explosives, as well as nails,
visited the popular Argana cafe in the many foreigners have died,” he added. he said.
city’s main Djemaa El Fna square where Thanks to two Dutch tourists they Triacetone triperoxyde, or TATP, is
the bomb went off on Thursday—and have a photofit portrait of the sus- relatively easy to make and has sur-
where floral tributes now lie scattered pected bomber: a young, long-haired faced in a number of recent investiga-
outside the building’s wrecked facade. clean-shaven Arab the couple saw with tions into attacks, including the July
Several hundred people, mainly two large bags in the cafe shortly before 2005 London bombings that killed 56
women and children stood nearby, the blast. people and injured another 700.
waving Moroccan flags and photos On Friday, Interior Minister Taeb A video posted on the Internet three
of the king. Several of them shouted: Cherkaoui said 13 of the 16 people days before the bombing and attributed to
“Long live the king!” killed in the attack had been identified: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
From there, the monarch went on to seven French nationals, two Canadi- included a threat to attack Morocco.
Ibn-Tofail hospital and a military hos- ans, two Moroccans, a Dutch national It showed five young men, armed,
pital in the city to visit some of those and a British national. dressed in desert fatigues, their faces
injured in the blast. A 10-year-old French girl was covered by the Arab headdress, or she-
Those still being treated in the hos- among the victims, said Marie-Fran- magh. AQIM has been active in coun-
pitals include three Moroccans, seven coise Auger, the mayor of her home- tries in the region, notably carrying out
French and two Dutch patients, the town Herlies, near Lille, in northern a series of kidnappings for ransom.
country’s Map news agency reported. France. Her father was also seriously In his statement to parliament,
Others among the 25 injured had already wounded, she added. Cherkaoui promised the attack would
left hospital, a medical source said. The British victim was identified as not stop the country’s pursuit of de-
Police and security officers were out in Peter Moss, 59, a father of two and a mocracy and respect for human rights.

Morocco’s King Mohamed VI visits the Argana cafe where a bomb killed 16 people on Thursday in Marrakesh.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1 , 2011 17


Syrians vow
to fight on as
six more die
Activists vow to keep the protests for the week beginning “The town is a military zone
pressure on the Assad regime today. and the situation is tragic, but
and announce a schedule “The martyrs are eternal, but our morale is high,” Daraa activ-
of protests for the week the criminals will end up in the ist Abdullah Abazid said.
beginning today dustbins of history after being Abazid said one of the dead
judged and punished by the peo- yesterday was Osama Ahmed
AFP ple,” the group said on its Face- Assayasni, 27, son of the imam of
Damascus book page. “Freedom is inexora- Daraa’s Omari Mosque, who was
bly coming.” shot because he refused to reveal
The activists said country- where his father was hiding.

roops and snipers killed wide protests from today would He said troops had entered
six civilians yesterday kick off a “week of breaking the the mosque and gunfire could be
in the flashpoint city of siege”—a reference to the be- heard there in the evening.
Daraa, activists said, as Syrians sieged southern city of Daraa and Meanwhile, he said a pregnant Demonstrators hold portraits of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and shout slogans during a pro-government rally in Damascus yesterday.
buried scores of people killed in the Damascus suburb of Douma, woman and her two children
a “day of rage” on Friday. which the army has controlled died when their house was hit by
As the violence from seven since Monday. a rocket.
weeks of protests continued,
activists vowed to keep the pres-
sure on the regime of President
Bashar al-Assad, promising a
new week of pro-democracy
Demonstrations would take
place today in Daraa and around
Damascus on Monday.
Rallies are planned on Tues-
day in the northern towns of
For its part, the military said
five soldiers were killed and two
captured by “armed terrorists”
in the Daraa region, while three
soldiers were killed when gun-
Fallout in Lebanon feared
AFP to transfer the crisis from one of the US and Saudi Arabia, of Lebanese MP Jamal Jarrah, a
protests. Banias and Jableh, Wednesday in men tried to cut off the highway Beirut country to another,” Ezzi said. backing Syrian protesters who member of Hariri’s Sunni Future
And 138 more members of As- Homs, Talbisseh and in Tall Ka- linking Homs to Hama. Damascus and Beirut have have taken to the streets since Movement, to rise up against the
sad’s ruling Baath Party quit in lakh on the border with Lebanon A policeman in Daraa was also a turbulent history. Syria first March in increasingly angry regime of President Bashar al-

protest at the deadly crackdown and nationwide night vigils on among the dead, the military nrest in Syria could sent its troops into Lebanon at rallies demanding an end to 48 Assad.
on pro-democracy demonstra- Thursday. said, adding that dozens of as- spread to neighbouring the height of the country’s 1975- years of Baath party rule. Damascus’s ambassador to
tors, according to collective res- Yesterday six more civilians sailants were killed and wound- Lebanon at any moment 1990 civil war, where they re- Experts say the charge may be Lebanon, Ali Abdelkarim Ali,
ignation lists received by AFP in were killed when the army be- ed and 156 arrested. in light of charges by Damascus mained for 29 years. an early sign that Lebanon could has called for a local investiga-
Nicosia. gan pounding Daraa at dawn Four soldiers were buried yes- that Beirut’s pro-Western camp Syria withdrew its forces from suffer the consequences of un- tion into the case.
At least 66 people were killed while snipers opened fire from terday, the military said. is backing anti-regime protest- Lebanon in April 2005, following rest in Syria. Hezbollah’s Al Manar tel-
on Friday when tens of thou- rooftops on anyone venturing on At least 582 have been killed by ers, analysts say. the assassination of ex-premier “Undermining stability in evision also reported that Syrian
sands of people demonstrated the streets, activists said. security forces firing live rounds “Merely stating that Lebanese Rafik al-Hariri, father of the Lebanon is an easy matter: any authorities confiscated drugs,
across Syria, activists said, while “There are six dead” in Daraa, and teargas since protests erupt- parties are interfering in Syrian current acting prime minister dispute here will turn into sec- money and arms on seven boats
authorities said nine members one said, quoting witnesses. ed, said the Committee of the affairs is equivalent to threaten- Saad al-Hariri. tarian strife in which Arab states, that had been heading from
of the security forces were shot “The town is besieged. Food, Martyrs of the 15 March Revolu- ing to destabilise Lebanon, ir- The two countries formally Iran, Turkey and Western coun- northern Lebanon to the Syrian
dead by “terrorist groups.” water and medicine are running tion, which has been keeping a respective of whether charges of established diplomatic ties for tries, such as France and the US, port city of Latakia.
The Syrian Revolution 2011, out.” tally of the dead. funding and arming the protest- the first time in October 2008, get involved,” Ezzi said. Syria “suspected the boats
a driving force of protests that Water and power have been Also yesterday, 50 women ers are accurate,” said Ghassan and along with Iran Syria con- State-run Syrian television were tied to the Future Move-
erupted on March 15, said the cut in Daraa as the situation protested outside parliament in el-Ezzi, professor of political tinues to back a Hezbollah-led aired alleged confessions by ment,” Al Manar said.
blood of those who died “will worsened after 3,000-5,000 Damascus calling for an end to science at the state-run Leba- camp in Lebanon. three members of a “terror- Lebanon has been the scene of
not have been spilled in vain” troops backed by tanks stormed the sieges in Daraa and Douma, nese University. Syria has accused Hariri’s al- ist group” who said they had rallies both against and in sup-
and announced a schedule of the town on Monday. a rights activist said in Nicosia. “This could well be an attempt liance, which has the support received funds and arms from port of Assad.

Gaddafi’s offer of truce,

negotiations is rejected
Reuters “We were the first to welcome a “Gaddafi’s regime has lost all credi-
Tripoli ceasefire and we were the first to ac- bility,” council spokesman Abdel Hafiz
cept a ceasefire ... but the Crusader Ghoga said in a statement. “The time
Nato attack has not stopped,” he said. for compromise has passed. The peo-

ibyan leader Muammar Gadd- “The gate to peace is open.” ple of Libya cannot possibly envisage
afi said yesterday he was ready Gaddafi denied mass attacks on ci- or accept a future Libya in which can-
for a ceasefire and negotiations vilians and challenged Nato to find not Gaddafi’s regime plays any role.”
provided Nato “stop its planes”, but he him 1,000 people who had been killed The rebel military spokesman,
refused to give up power as rebels and in the conflict, kindled by pro-democ- Colonel Ahmed Bani, said Gaddafi was
Western powers demand. racy uprisings elsewhere in the Arab “playing dirty games” ... He doesn’t
The rebels and Nato rejected Gadd- world. speak honestly. We don’t believe him
afi’s offer, saying it lacked credibility. “We did not attack them or cross and we don’t trust him”.
A spokesman for the insurgents said the sea ... why are they attacking us?” In Brussels, a Nato official said Lib-
the time for compromise had passed asked Gaddafi, referring to European yan authorities had announced cease-
and Nato said air strikes would go on countries involved in the air strikes. fires several times before only to con-
as long as Libyan civilians were being “Let us negotiate with you, the coun- tinue attacks on cities and civilians.
threatened. tries that attack us. Let us negotiate.” “We need to see actions, not words
Weeks of Western air strikes have But as he spoke, Nato warplanes ... Any ceasefire must be credible and
failed to dislodge the Libyan leader, hit three targets close to the televi- verifiable,” the official said.
instead imposing a stalemate on a war sion building in Tripoli in what state “Nato will continue operations un-
Gaddafi looked to have been winning, media said was an attempt to kill til all attacks and threats against civil-
with government forces held at bay in Gaddafi who has ruled since a 1969 ians have ceased, until all of Gaddafi’s
the east and around the besieged city coup. forces have returned to base and until
of Misrata while fighting for control of The air strikes left a large crater out- there is a full, safe and unhindered hu-
the western mountains. side the attorney general’s office but manitarian access to all people in need
With neither side apparently able did not damage the building, and hit of assistance,” he said.
to gain the upper hand, Gaddafi two other government offices housed Gaddafi refused to leave his North
struck a more conciliatory tone in an in colonial-era buildings. It was not African homeland or quit, the central
80-minute televised address to the immediately clear if there were any demand of the rebels, the US, and also
nation in the early hours of yesterday. casualties. of France and Britain which are leading
“(Libya) is ready until now to enter a The rebels’ Transitional National the Nato air campaign.
ceasefire,” said Gaddafi, speaking from Council dismissed Gaddafi’s gesture, “I’m not leaving my country,”
behind a desk and aided by reams of saying the Libyan leader had repeat- Gaddafi said. “No one can force me to
paper covered in what appeared to be edly offered ceasefires only to contin- leave my country and no one can tell
hand-written notes. ue violating human rights. me not to fight for my country.”

A Libyan rebel fighter shoots with a machine gun during house-to-house fighting against Gaddafi forces in Misrata yesterday.
Gulf Times
18 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thousands homeless as woos
tornado deaths top 350 Reuters
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Deaths in worst-hit state In many communities in the onservative Canadian
Alabama climb to 255, with US South, the scenes of de- Prime Minister Stephen
property insurance losses struction with tangled piles of Harper made a direct
estimated at $2bn to $5bn rubble, timber, vehicles and pitch yesterday to centrist Lib-
personal possessions recalled eral voters whose party has been
Reuters the devastation seen in the re- swamped by a late campaign
Pleasant Grove, Alabama cent Japanese earthquake and surge of the New Democratic
tsunami. Party.
Power and water were still Harper’s plan to win a ma-

he death toll from the out in many areas. jority of seats in Parliament in
second deadliest US tor- “It is like living in some other tomorrow’s elections counts on
nado outbreak on record world. Devastation is every- the Liberals and NDP splitting
rose above 350 yesterday as where,” said Pastor John Gates the vote on the left of Canada’s
thousands of stunned survivors of the United Methodist Church political spectrum and then
camped out in the shattered in Pleasant Grove, a commu- winning over centrist Liberals
shells of their homes or moved nity with a population of some worried that the left-leaning
into shelters or with friends. 10,000 west of Birmingham, New Democrats will gain too
With some estimates putting Alabama. much power.
the number of homes and build- The death toll from the Conservatives currently have
ings destroyed close to 10,000, week’s tornado outbreak, which a minority government.
state and federal authorities in is still expected to rise, was the “A vote for the Liberals is a
the US South were still coming second highest inflicted by this vote for an NDP government,”
to terms with the scale of the kind of weather phenomenon in Harper told a small rally near
devastation from the country’s US history. Toronto.
worst natural catastrophe since In March 1925, 747 people It was the first time he has
Hurricane Katrina in 2005. were killed after tornadoes hit made such a direct pitch since
One disaster risk modeler, the US Midwestern states of the Liberals began a slide in
EQECAT, is forecasting insured Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. opinion polls midway in the five-
property losses of between $2bn President Barack Obama, An emergency worker surveys damage next to damaged cars and houses in a tornado stricken neighbourhood in Tuscalosa, Alabama. week campaign.
and $5bn from the havoc in- mindful of criticism that presi- Polls show the Conservatives
flicted by the swarm of violent dent George W Bush was too Many whose homes only lost There were 659 people in pulled together, said Tammy disaster aid it could compli- with a comfortable lead going
twisters that gouged through slow to respond to the 2005 roofs and windows were camp- shelters across Alabama, Au- Straate, 29, a foster mother in cate efforts by affected states to into tomorrow’s elections, but
seven southern states this week. Katrina catastrophe, visited the ing inside with tarps and plastic gust said. Tennessee had 233 Pleasant Grove who cares for bounce back from recession. short of what they would likely
The death toll in Alabama, wrecked city of Tuscaloosa, Al- sheeting over them, but those people in shelters. 11 children between the ages of The tornadoes mauled Ala- need to win a majority that does
the hardest-hit state, rose to 255 abama, on Friday to pledge full whose houses were completely As state and federal authori- five and 16. bama’s poultry industry – the not need some opposition party
yesterday, with at least 101 more federal assistance for the states razed were forced to move in ties increased efforts to clear “For blocks and blocks, eve- state is the No. 3 US chicken support to stay in power.
deaths reported in Mississippi, hit. with family or friends or go into rubble and provide food and rything is just laid flat,” Straate producer – halted a coal mine New Democrats are in second
Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Some of the twisters – the government shelters. water to homeless survivors, added. “Our little community and hurt other manufacturers and Liberals in third place in the
Virginia and Louisiana. winds of one in Smithville, Mis- “Most people are living in volunteers in many local com- will never be the same. Some across the state. polls.
“We’re in the thousands of sissippi, was recorded reach- the parts of their houses that munities also turned out to help people say they are just not go- The second-biggest US nu- Harper said a re-elected Con-
homes completely gone ... It’s ing 205mph (328kph) – picked are still standing. But for some the most affected. ing to rebuild.” clear power plant, the Browns servative government would un-
not an exaggeration to say that up people and cars and hurled people, you can’t even tell “There’s lots of commotion Tornadoes are a regular fea- Ferry facility in Alabama, may veil its budget later this spring,
whole communities were wiped them through the air. where their houses were. They with big trucks coming in and ture of life in the US South and be down for weeks after its but was not more specific about
out,” Yasamie August, spokes- Rescuers were still search- are with family, friends or in the sound of chainsaws. Big Midwest, but they are rarely so power was knocked out and the date. If the Conservatives do
woman for the Alabama Emer- ing for bodies and those unac- hotels,” said Gates, 63. grills are set up everywhere to devastating. the plant automatically shut, not win a majority government,
gency Management Agency, counted for. But the total of “We still have missing people offer people food. Recovery could cost billions avoiding a nuclear disaster, of- the budget could trigger another
told Reuters. missing was not clear. to find,” he added. The community has really of dollars and even with federal ficials said. election if opposition parties do
not support it.
The Conservatives’ campaign
plan had initially focused on

Obama not giving

bashing the Liberals, their tradi-
tional main rival, but they have
been forced to retool with the
jump in NDP support that has

up on ‘Dream Act’
surprised most political pundits.
The New Democrats have
never governed Canada. Harp-
er’s stump speeches now frame
the race as a choice between a
Reuters tives to Republicans last year makes Conservative government that
Miami the chance of advancing immigration would ensure stability and a
legislation before the election remote. NDP-led minority government
But Obama, who formally an- that would hurt the economy.

resident Barack Obama has nounced his 2012 re-election cam- A sign of the Liberals’ fallen
vowed to fight for immigration paign earlier this month, must assure fortunes was the Toronto Star
reform, a goal that has eluded Hispanic-American voters who helped newspaper’s endorsement on
him and which matters deeply to His- him win the White House that he will Saturday of the New Demo-
panic American voters, whose support not abandon efforts to overhaul US im- crats. Canada’s largest newspa-
he needs for reelection in 2012. migration policy. per is traditionally pro-Liberal,
In remarks delivered to several The White House has held events but urged readers to vote for the
thousand wildly cheering commu- over the last two weeks to discuss im- NDP to prevent a Conservative
nity college students, Obama was also migration and to show Obama is still majority.
courting support in the vital election pushing the issue and seeking to rally The NDP’s rise has been
battleground state of Florida, which he public support. fueled by voter disenchantment
won in 2008 and wants to keep in his Obama failed last year to pass the with the other parties, including
column next year. “Dream Act”, which would have pro- the separatist Bloc Quebecois
“I strongly believe we should fix our vided a path to citizenship for illegal in Quebec, and the charismatic
broken immigration system. Fix it so it immigrants who were brought to the style of its leader Jack Layton,
meets our 21st century economic and US as children. who performed well in the lead-
security needs,” Obama told a Miami That failure was a serious let-down ership debates.
Dade College graduation ceremony. for many Latin Americans, the fastest Layton was campaigning on
The college serves tens of thousands growing ethnic group in the US and an Saturday in British Columbia
of Hispanic and African-American increasingly important voting bloc. on the Pacific coast, where the
students. Obama said he had not given up. party hopes to take seats from
The president’s drive for immigra- “I will keep fighting alongside many the Conservatives.
tion reform has so far taken a back seat of you to make the ‘Dream Act’ the law The spring budget vote would
to more pressing matters, such as get- of the land,” he said. “It will be difficult be a key test for the Conserva-
ting the economy growing again and and it will take time. tives if they fail to win a major-
driving through a massive overhaul of “I know that some of you wish I ity since they would need to have
healthcare. could just bypass Congress and change the support of at least one of the
In addition, the Democrats’ loss of the law myself. But that is not how de- opposition parties to pass it and
control of the House of Representa- mocracy works.” stay in power.

Superman renounces US citizenship

Los Angeles

he All-American hero Super-
man has dealt a devastating
blow to the country that adopt-
ed him when he arrived as a feeble al-
ien immigrant from the planet Kryp-
ton in 1938: He has renounced his US
Superman proclaimed the news in
the latest issue of Action Comics re-
leased on Wednesday. Superman is seen in this panel from the Action Comics issue #900.
The background story to the contro-
versial decision involved Superman’s “Truth, justice and the American tant planet who has long embraced
decision to fly to Iran to show support Way. It’s just not enough anymore,” American values. As a character and
for anti-government demonstrators continued the Man of Steel referring an icon, he embodies the best of the
there – an action the Iranian regime to his traditional mission statement. American Way,” co-publishers, Jim
interprets as an act of war by the US. Comic book experts compared the Lee and Dan DiDio said in a statement.
“I’m tired of having my actions development to the decision of Cap- “In a short story in Action Com-
construed as instruments of US pol- tain Marvel to give up his star-span- ics #900, Superman announces his
icy,” Superman tells the president’s gled costume in the aftermath of the intention to put a global focus on his
national security adviser. “Which is Watergate scandal. never ending battle, but he remains,
why I intend to speak before the UN Superman’s publishers defended as always, committed to his adopted
tomorrow and inform them that I am the move. home and his roots as a Kansas farm
renouncing my US citizenship.” “Superman is a visitor from a dis- boy from Smallville.”
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 19

Royal couple delay

honeymoon after
lavish wedding
Prince to return to work before overseas tal’s streets. Worldwide, estimates put the Greek island of Corfu and the Scilly Isles off
honeymoon; Worldwide, estimates have global television and online audience at England’s southwest coast.
put the global television and online 2.4bn people -- more than one in three of the The intense speculation over the couple’s
audience at 2.4bn people -- more than global population if the figure is accurate. every move underlines the pressure they will
one in three of the global population Commentators praised the royal family for face as the future British king and queen liv-
striking a balance between choreographed ing in the full glare of the media spotlight.
Reuters pomp -- military bands in black bearskin Uncomfortable parallels have been drawn
London hats and household cavalrymen in shining between Middleton and William’s hugely
breastplates -- and personal spontaneity at popular mother Princess Diana, who was
the wedding. hounded by paparazzi right up to her death in

ollowing a spectacular Royal Wedding “The British still know how to combine a Paris car crash in 1997 aged just 36.
that dazzled the world, Prince William pageantry, solemnity, romance (and wild Her death, and divorce from heir to the
will go back to work as a search-and- hats) better than anyone else in the world,” throne Prince Charles the year before,
rescue pilot next week before taking his new wrote Sarah Lyall in the New York Times. marked a low point for the royal family,
wife on honeymoon abroad. William drove his bride the short journey which has also been embroiled in scandal and
The new Duke and Duchess of Cam- from Buckingham Palace to St James’s Palace is seen by many as being out of touch with
bridge, looking fresh after partying into the in his father’s open-top Aston Martin with the British public, particularly during austere
early hours in the wake of Friday’s wedding, the licence plate “JU5T WED”. economic times.
boarded a helicopter in the Buckingham Pal- Photographs of their kisses on the balcony But Middleton’s background -- she is the
ace gardens yesterday for a weekend break at of Buckingham Palace carpeted newspaper first commoner to marry a prince close to
a secret location in Britain. front pages. The day ended with a late-night the British throne in over 350 years -- and
The prince will resume his job as a search party for the couple’s friends and family, William’s personable style have helped re-
and rescue pilot next week before the honey- for which Kate changed into a strapless off- verse the monarchy’s rating in recent opinion
moon starts at an undisclosed date, the royal white dress and a cropped knitted cardigan polls, at least for now.
family said in a statement. while William donned a black dinner jacket Not that the wedding was universally ac-
“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and bow tie. claimed in a country where many people face
have chosen not to depart for a honeymoon British media quoted one guest, Millie harder times, including unemployment and
immediately,” it said, using the new titles be- Pilkington, as saying the speeches at the bash cuts in social services, due to a government
stowed on Prince William, 28, and the former were “absolutely hysterical”. austerity programme meant to cut Britain’s
Kate Middleton, 29, by Queen Elizabeth. Newspapers were also awash with pictures huge budget deficit.
“The locations of both their private week- of Middleton’s sister and maid of honour “The royal family have too many rights
end before the Duke returns to work and their Pippa in a slinky dress which drew a chorus in a country where other people are having
future honeymoon, which will be overseas, of approval. “Is Pippa the most eligible wom- their state rights withdrawn. We are funding
will not be disclosed in advance,” it said, an in the world?” asked the Daily Telegraph. a wedding of two people I’ve never met and I
pointedly ignoring feverish speculation as to Like other details of the wedding, includ- don’t care about at all,” said London charity
where the couple will go. ing the designer of Middleton’s dress, the worker Jessamy Barker, 29.
After a relationship of almost a decade, honeymoon venue was a secret. Middleton has been given the title Her
they married in London’s towering 13th- Suggestions have included the Seychelles, Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge,
century Westminster Abbey on Friday as a Kenya, the Caribbean island of Mustique, an after the queen made her grandson William Prince William and wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, walk together in Buckingham Palace, following their
million cheering supporters lined the capi- island on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the the Duke of Cambridge to mark the marriage. wedding on Friday, in central London yesterday.

Kate’s ceremony dress Relief as marriage passes

without security scare
recreated in five hours sisted: “It wasn’t about making
royal couple to and from Westminster Abbey,
with cheering crowds kept at a distance behind
two sets of barriers. A large police presence could
London money, it was about the skills also be seen on rooftops near the wedding route,

and proving that anything can ritish police yesterday said their handling of with snipers and spotters scanning the streets
be done. It was a fantastic chal- the royal wedding had been an “amazing suc- below.

arely five hours after Kate lenge.” cess” as their biggest security operation in a
began her drive to West- He added: “Obviously I’d have generation passed off without a much-feared hitch. “A number of individuals were arrested
minster Abbey to marry to talk to my lawyer first to be Scotland Yard said their performance should who we felt were intent on causing
Prince William, a family tailor- sure I’m not breaking any copy- convince people that they can safely handle the disruption, committing acts of
ing firm in London had put the right rules!” 2012 London Olympics and Queen Elizabeth II’s criminality or likely to cause alarm,
final touches to a replica of her He is not the only one to get in diamond jubilee next year. harassment or distress to the vast
wedding dress. on the act -- replicas of Kate’s Around 5,000 officers were on the streets of majority of people who wanted to come
The Alexander McQueen dress are expected to hit the high London to police a million-strong crowd that and celebrate this joyous occasion”
gown worn by the new Duch- street as early as next week. came out to cheer on Prince William and his new
ess of Cambridge was one of the When Diana married Prince bride Kate as they tied the knot. “We made it clear from the outset that we
highlights of the royal wedding Charles in 1981, copies of her Police made 55 arrests, including 25 for breach would be robust, decisive and proportionate in
and copies are expected to be dress were in the shops within of the peace, five for drunk and disorderly behav- policing this event,” Owens said.
made across the world. hours, while Elizabeth Emanuel, iour, and eight for carrying weapons of various “When we undertook any action, it was on the
But the bride may have been who designed the fairytale gown sorts. basis of intelligence.
surprised at how fast the work with huge puff sleeves and a Ten of the suspects were arrested carrying “A number of individuals were arrested who we
began. Dressmakers Lucie Konirova (left) and Emile Karr put the final touches 7.6-metre train, is still asked to climbing equipment and anti-monarchy plac- felt were intent on causing disruption, commit-
“As soon as she was in the car, on a replica of the wedding dress worn by Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, make reproductions. ards. ting acts of criminality or likely to cause alarm,
we started to identify what the at The Alterations Boutique in central London yesterday. In Marylebone, three people Assistant Commissioner Lynne Owens said it harassment or distress to the vast majority of
lace was like and try to find as worked on different aspects of had been a “happy and safe” event. people who wanted to come and celebrate this
close a copy as possible,” said required, then we went to our hours to complete the project,” the garment at the same time, She admitted there had been “nerves” before- joyous occasion.”
Raul Echeverria, owner of Alter- suppliers and tried to match the said the 34-year-old. including hand-stitching the hand but said the decision to launch pre-event The operation’s success “should convince
ations Boutique in Marylebone. fabrics,” Echeverria said. The dress was commissioned lace bodice which covered Kate’s raids had been “entirely justified”. people that the Met is well able to handle next
When she stepped out of the They ordered 10 metres of lin- by The Times newspaper, and arms and was pulled down to Threats to the wedding could have come from year’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Games,”
Rolls-Royce in front of the abbey ing, 10 metres of tulle for the veil, will be offered to a reader in a the waist to create an elegant extremists, Irish republican paramilitaries or an- she added.
a few minutes later, revealing the 10 metres of netting, 15 metres of competition. But the boutique, V-neckline. Given the time archists who have hijacked recent London pro- Meanwhile in Glasgow, an impromptu street
full Alexander McQueen gown satin and four metres of lace, at a which Echeverria’s mother Mar- constraints, the team could not tests against austerity measures. party that was organised on the Internet ended in
of ivory satin and lace, the team cost approaching £1,000. ia Blazquez founded 30 years match the lace exactly -- on However, the crowds were well-behaved and trouble, with 21 arrests made.
went into overdrive. “At the same time our de- ago, has already been asked to Kate’s dress, experts cut out did not try to break through police lines as they “The level of drunkenness was completely
“We looked at the pictures on signers were creating a pattern make more. “We have had en- hundreds of delicate lace flowers slowly shepherded them towards Buckingham unacceptable and frankly irresponsible,” said
the television screen and once for the dress, and we put it all quiries already regarding the and sewed them onto ivory silk Palace to see the couple kiss on the balcony. Strathclyde Police Chief Superintendent Bernard
we identified what fabric we together. It took us about five dress,” the owner said, but in- tulle to create a unique design. Police officers had lined the route carrying the Higgins.

Balance of tradition and signs of modern monarchy

AFP and taste, and a determination to re- headline said on a full-page photo- image of the British monarchy thanks
London main as anchored as possible in their graph of the couple embracing. The to the addition of the middle-class
own normality,” the newspaper said. paper said the wedding had given the girl who had snared her prince.
The Australian press picked up the country a lift at a time of deep public “It is said that two billion people

he biggest royal wedding for 30 same theme, with the Daily Telegraph spending cuts and economic auster- watched this wedding of pomp and
years succeeded in striking a tabloid highlighting the royal fam- ity. splendour which should renew the
balance between tradition and ily’s fresh new face. “Britain showed the world yester- British monarchy,” it said.
signs of a new, modern monarchy, the “Beaming with happiness and ra- day that it is in good heart, capable, Turkish daily Gunes described Kate
British press and newspapers across diant with love, a remarkably relaxed and open for business,” it said in an as “the Cinderella of the Palace”.
the world said yesterday. William and Catherine Middleton editorial. She was a “commoner who had be-
Front pages from Warsaw to Syd- looked like the university sweethearts Germany’s Bild tabloid also found come the wife, the duchess and the
ney were emblazoned with pictures they were and the modern royals they the balcony scene irresistible, head- princess”, said Croatia’s Vecernji List.
of Prince William and Kate at their are,” it said under the headline “An lining its coverage: “Kate and Wil- But in Australia, warnings were
spectacular wedding in Westminster uncommon journey to love”. liam: Kiss! Kiss! Hurray!”. sounded that despite the public rela-
Abbey on Friday. Corriere della Sera in Italy said the It even gave readers precise tim- tions success of the spectacle played
The Times in Britain summed up spin in the Aston Martin was “in the ings: the first kiss lasted 0.7 seconds, out on Friday, “the monarchy remains
the new mood with a wraparound style of James Bond”. the second smacker was 1.5 seconds capable of stumbling into scandal at
front-page photograph of the couple The front page of Britain’s biggest- long. any moment”, The Australian said.
cruising down The Mall during their selling newspaper The Sun focused Newspapers in the Gulf gave front- “But the wedding... shows it has
impromptu drive in an open-top As- on the unprecedented double kiss on page coverage to the wedding in Lon- taken cues from corporate and ce-
ton Martin. the Buckingham Palace balcony. don -- but left out the kiss. lebrity image makers in a bid to more The British tabloid and broadsheet newspapers covered their front and inside pages
“Every element of the wedding re- “You wait for years for a Royal kiss In Poland, the Gazeta Wyborcza carefully craft its future,” the paper yesterday, with the royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge that took
flected the couple’s shared humour then two come along at once,” its focused on the renewal of the dusty added. place at Westminster Abbey.
Gulf Times
20 Sunday, May 1, 2011


21 arrested
at Glasgow
street party
Guardian News & Media Higgins said: “It’s really disap-
London pointing that on the day of the
royal wedding we witnessed the
scenes we did. At one point my

olice in Glasgow made 21 officers came under attack and
arrests after trouble flared one was taken to hospital suf-
at an unofficial street party fering from a head injury. He has
to celebrate the royal wedding. been discharged and will make a
One police officer was taken to full recovery.
hospital with a head injury fol- “We made a number of arrests
lowing the event, which was or- at the time and we will now study
ganised on Facebook. CCTV footage and make further
Thousands turned out to the arrests if appropriate. The level
party in Kelvingrove Park, which of drunkenness was completely
turned rowdy shortly after the unacceptable and frankly irre-
music was switched off, reports sponsible.”
said. Comments about the trouble
There were claims police were were left on Facebook. Tanja
pelted with bottles and that Goral wrote: “I have seen six-
windows of police vehicles were year-old kids there today, this
broken. was suppose to be a fun event
Strathclyde police said it made and I feel sorry for the parents
21 arrests for a variety of offenc- who had their children witness
es, mostly related to disorderly such idiotic acts. Get some-
behaviour and drunkenness. thing good and it’s ruined. I can
A spokesman for the police bet that we will never be al-
said: “Police were aware of this lowed to do this again.”
unplanned, unauthorised event Craig Easdale wrote: “This
and put in place contingencies to was a great event, and the be-
ensure an appropriate and pro- haviour of everyone was good
portionate policing response. on the whole, up until the po-
“A statement was issued last lice arrived. I feel if the event
A woman sells balloons in St James’ Park, London yesterday, following the wedding of Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge in Westminster Abbey on Friday. night by Glasgow city council was shut down more calmly a
urging people to stay away and lot of drama could have been
reminding them of the bylaw avoided, and the police defi-
which forbids the consump- nitely didn’t handle it as well as

Parties renew sense of

tion of alcohol in public places. they could have.”
Despite this, people attended in Before the event, the Facebook
large numbers and police were page’s creators, JJ Gardner and
deployed to ensure public safety Robbie Seath, urged partygoers
and to try and facilitate a peace- to “take it easy, help us keep the
ful event. rubbish under control and re-
“Initially it was a good-na- member that there will be other

community in Walsall
tured event. However, as the day folk in the park who aren’t quite
progressed, a significant number as Royalist/Party mad as our-
of persons became more intoxi- selves.”
cated resulting in disorder.” They said the council and po-
Chief Superintendent Bernard lice were aware of their plans.

As some partygoers homemade bunting. Most of all, market with last-minute party “She’s a down-to-earth girl,” chard Hackett, a retired union
got to know neighbours for there were children: on scooters, food. “Anybody would think said Marcos Peacock. “She”s not leader sporting a Guardian re-
the first time, organisers
hope it was the start of
more organised local action
space-hoppers and bikes, kids
with their faces painted hurtled
around the car-cleared, closed
somebody was getting mar-
ried – I’m glad it ain’t me,” said
one man carrying a mallet on his
snotty,” nodded Jennifer Lowe.
“They are like common peo-
ple, without any airs and graces,”
publican T-shirt. He was con-
vinced that the royal family “will
fizzle out eventually” despite
Official pictures show
By Patrick Barkham
“Most people are desperate to
give their kids a little bit of how
On the other side of the West
Midlands town, the bunting over
said Kathleen Reynolds, who got
up at 6am to watch the build-up
on TV.
this surge of patriotic fervour.
“They didn’t re-elect Churchill
after victory street parties, did
family wedding ‘buzz’
we were brought up,” said Gem- Clare Road rustled in a chilly “They are different from all they?”
ma Folk, a mother and drama breeze as residents began their the other royals. They are laid- Most of all, residents saw their London Evening Standard was and from their point of view

It means everything to me,” teacher. party. One man in the street, back. They are like one of us parties as an emphatic statement London it was two families coming to-
said David Humphreys, 69, “I grew up playing on the who has Alzheimer’s and was -- you see how they drink,” of local pride and community. gether and that was the feeling,
standing on his front step street with my neighbours. That celebrating his 78th birthday, said Kevin Humpage, in his Eng- “I’m hugely proud of eve- the sense of family and love go-

as the onions sizzled on the bar- is lost to us now.” believed William and Kate were a land shirt and slippers on his ryone’s commitment and en- he official pictures of Wil- ing between everyone.
becue at Westbourne Street. As well as a nostalgic recrea- couple from Bloxwich; his enor- garden bench bedecked with a ergy,” said Steatham. “If some liam and Kate’s wedding “They had their own buzz.
“He’s married one of us, tion of a childhood that parents mous birthday cake was lined up union flag. Conservative councillor tries to were shot to show two Everyone had their own buzz. It
hasn’t he? We’ve mixed together felt was denied their kids, many next to one for Kate and Wills. “William seems one of the hijack this and says it’s part of families coming together and was that excitement that I hope
now -- the top and the bottom. street partygoers were toasting A big street party topic of lads really.” Cameron’s big society, they can reveal the couple’s love for each you feel at most weddings.”
It’s good for the country and new friends, getting to know conversation was Harry’s hair. As the sun came out, politics forget it. It’s people coming to- other, the photographer has said. Burnand had only a short pe-
good for the people.” their neighbours for the first “Harry could’ve had a haircut, it crept in. gether and we’ve been doing this Speaking at Clarence House in riod of time between the cou-
David and his wife, Janet, have time. looks like a bearskin,” exclaimed “The best thing about the roy- for years.” London, Hugo Burnand said he ple’s arrival at Buckingham
lived on the terrace street in “I’ve never felt we’ve pulled Westbourne Street party organ- al wedding? Tony Blair didn’t get The local community around hoped it looked “effortless, re- Palace and their appearance on
Walsall for 47 years. In all those together but today I’m speak- iser Angela Steatham, as neigh- an invite,” quipped John Marlow, Westbourne Street had also laxed and friendly.” the balcony to take the official
decades it was only the marriage ing to people I’ve never spoken bours -- and a neighbouring cat sitting on his garden wall sup- saved its post office and now, as He said his favourite photo- photographs.He said Kate was a
of Prince William and Kate Mid- to,” said Dean Haycock, pink- -- craned their heads around the ping a can of beer. neighbours became friends, St- graph was one of the newlyweds keen photographer herself and
dleton that brought residents to- cheeked from cooking more balloons to watch the ceremony Not every resident was swell- eatham vowed it would be the with the bridesmaids and page he discussed ideas for the main
gether for a party. than 100 burgers in Westbourne on her television. ing with royalist pride. Six boys start of more organised action; boys, but there were only sec- family picture with her and Wil-
Every television was on and Street. “She’s married the bald one,” were playing football in Clare she and others hope to create a onds to set it up and the children liam before hand.
all front doors were open; there Six weeks ago, when residents remarked one small child for- Road rather than watching the food co-operative using local al- were coaxed with promises of “She had good ideas. She put
was a barbecue the size of a got together around a kitchen ta- lornly. wedding; they thought William lotments. jelly beans and sweets. them to me. I used my technical
small car, a tent for the local ble and decided to throw a party, “Harry’s hair was like a mop,” looked like Goofy from the Dis- “What started as a party ac- The pictures, taken in Buck- knowledge and together we came
swing jazz combo, an acoustic they hoped for 60 guests but said Kathleen Reynolds. “But he ney cartoons. And cooking on- tually could be very far-reach- ingham Palace’s throne room up with that picture,” he said.
“lawn” where the local account- “it just mushroomed” and 120 looked lovely -- so relaxed.” ions on Westbourne Street was ing,” she said, her voice almost immediately after the bride and Asked about the mood be-
ant-cum-harpist would play, a joined celebrations that contin- Despite the pomp and finery the man branded “Red Dick” by drowned out by the sound sys- groom arrived from Westminster tween the couple, he said: “They
gleaming Harley Davidson mo- ued into the evening. on show in London, many at the local press during the winter of tem blasting out Louis Arm- Abbey, capture the Royal Family are so bloody nice. They are just
torbike, trestle tables laden with Across Walsall, the streets street parties in Walsall regarded discontent. strong’s What a Wonderful and the Middletons in rapturous so nice as individuals and as a
homemade chocolate cake, ban- were deserted but for people the new Duchess of Cambridge “Basically I think the royal World. mood. pair, and they work so well to-
ners, balloons and 500 metres of rushing back from the super- as “one of us.” family are parasites,” said Ri- -- Guardian News & Media Burnand said: “From where I gether.”

Kate’s bouquet at
New territory military memorial
Police name M11 coach crash victims Kate’s wedding bouquet was
placed yesterday on the grave of
London Evening Standard sted. Karl Edwards, of the East of England in both directions between between junc- the unknown warrior at Westmin-
London Ambulance Service, said: “We worked as tion 8, the turn-off for Stansted Airport, ster Abbey, in line with royal tradi-
safely and as quickly as possible to ensure and junction 9 at Great Chesterford. It has tion, a palace spokeswoman said.
patients were assessed and treated in a since reopened on both southbound and The new Duchess of Cambridge

wo people killed in a crash between a timely manner. northbound carriageways. asked for her green and white
coach and a lorry on the M11 motorway “Sadly, despite all efforts, two people Simon Posner, of the trade association bouquet to be left on the tomb,
have been named by the police. were declared deceased at the scene -- the Confederation of Passenger Transport which holds the remains of a
Lorry driver Zdzislaw Piorko, 53, from our thoughts are with their families at UK (CPT), said the coach had been carrying soldier who died in World War I
Maidstone in Kent, died at the scene along this time. passengers from the West Yorkshire area but has come to symbolise all of
with coach passenger Delia Walker, 63, “There were 49 other patients, whose who were heading to Folkestone, Kent, en Britain’s war dead.
from Pontefract, West Yorkshire, following injuries included neck and back pain, and route to Belgium for a shopping trip. Most British brides throw their
the accident early yesterday morning, Es- shock, and other minor injuries consistent “It was not one group of passengers, lots bouquet into the crowd and tradi-
sex Police said. with this kind of collision. Patients were of people will have booked a day trip from tion dictates that the woman who
A statement from the East of England then taken to hospitals in Cambridge, Har- around West Yorkshire, and the pick-up catches it will be the next to marry.
Ambulance Service said 50 passengers were low and Chelmsford.” points would have been in Castleford and But the queen’s mother Elizabeth
on board the coach when the accident hap- Three people injured in the crash re- Wakefield,” he said. began a more sombre ceremony
pened on the southbound carriageway of mained in hospital, the service said. “The great majority of passengers will for the royals when she left flow-
the M11 between Saffron Walden and Stan- The motorway was temporarily closed have been from the West Yorkshire area.” ers from her wedding to the future
King George VI in 1923 on the
grave, in memory of her brother
Sunny April in central England sets weather records Fergus, who was killed in 1915.
Kate’s bouquet of lily-of-the-valley,
The past month has been the warmest April in central England since the Lake District and Snowdonia, all parts of the UK were unusually dry sweet William and hyacinth was
records began more than 350 years ago, weather experts have revealed. thereafter. The MeteoGroup spokesman said: “There were some cooler placed on a white cushion on the
Provisional data issued by MeteoGroup UK, the weather division of the and cloudier days during the second week, but it was exceptionally warm tomb, which itself was surrounded
Press Association, showed it is the fourth sunniest April recorded in the and sunny between the 16th and 25th.” Mean maximum temperatures for by red poppies, the symbol used
UK over the last 100 years, according to the London Evening Standard. April ranged from 19.8C (68F) at St James’ Park in London to 9.8C (50F) in Britain to remember its lost
A spokesman for MeteoGroup said the month was also the sixth driest at Fair Isle in Scotland, and the mean minimum temperature was at least Prime Minister David Cameron plays a shot during a charity soldiers. The unknown warrior’s
April during the past century. 3.5c above the long-term average in all regions. The average temperature tennis match with former Wimbledon champion Boris Becker of body was brought from France
Although the first week of April was dominated by a strong south-wester- recorded in central England -- 11.9C (53F) -- was 3.9C above the long-term Germany at Chequers, in southern England yesterday. and buried on Armistice Day,
ly airflow, bringing heavy and prolonged rain to the Western Highlands, mean and was the highest for April since records began 353 years ago. November 11, 1920.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 21

Cop slain,
Qaeda suspects planned

everal gunmen killed a po-
lice officer early yesterday
in the largely Muslim re-
bomb attack: Germany
Reuters German authorities said the identified as Abdeladim El-K, with our investigation.” ligence Agency) as well as Mo- monstrous bloodbath” with car
gion of Karachayevo-Cherkessia Karlsruhe suspects, arrested on Friday, was charged with planning a The suspects had cheered rocco’s intelligence agency had bomb attacks on US targets.
where an ancient church was had discussed planting the terror attack in Germany and Thursday’s bombing in Mar- worked with German authori- They were known as the
also set on fire, officials said. bomb on a bus or at a bus stop. being a member of a foreign ter- rakesh where 15 were killed, ties on the investigation. “Sauerland group” after the

During a nighttime attack hree suspected Al Qaeda The three were detained in ror organisation. Griesbaum said. Ziercke said the three had area of western Germany where
several assailants approached an members had been plan- police raids in Duesseldorf and The other two suspects are The other suspects are a inspected public buildings and they were caught.
off-duty police officer and shot ning a bomb attack in the nearby city of Bochum at still being questioned. 31-year-old electrician identi- downloaded information on ex- European countries have
him in front of a bar in the Cau- Germany for four months when 6.30am on Friday after authori- Griesbaum said the 29-year- fied as Jamil S, who holds dual plosives from the Internet. grappled with militant threats
casus city of Cherkessk. they were arrested, federal ties, who had been monitoring old Moroccan had attended an German and Moroccan citizen- “But we don’t have any indi- for years, regularly arresting
“He died of his wounds on the prosecutors said. the group, decided they might Al Qaeda terror camp in the ship, and a 19-year-old with cations that they were planning individuals or groups suspected
spot,” spokesman for regional Rainer Griesbaum, a federal be getting close to carrying out Waziristan region of Pakistan German and Iranian citizen- a suicide bombing,” Ziercke of planning attacks some fear
investigators Sergei Shuvayev prosecutor, told a news confer- an attack. near the Afghan border in 2010. ship, Amid C, who was about to said. could mirror bombings in Ma-
told AFP. ence yesterday that the trio, led Prosecutors said the public He returned to Germany in graduate from high school. Authorities said they decid- drid in 2004 and London in
Police detained several people by a 29-year-old Moroccan, had had not been in danger. May 2010 and was attempting Jamil S was tasked with ar- ed to launch the raid on Friday 2005 which killed more than
and were now looking to estab- planned to detonate their device Bild newspaper reported that to build a terror network here ranging the financing of the at- when the suspects discussed 200 people.
lish whether they were behind in a crowded area but had not the Eurovision Song Contest, with an estimated seven to eight tack and obtain identity papers making a “detonator for a Berlin views Germany as a
the crime, he said, adding the yet picked a target. watched by more than 100mn members. for Abdeladim El-K. bomb” by extracting hexamine potential target because it has
motive remained unclear. “They were still in the experi- television viewers, was a pos- “But it could also be more,” Amid C was responsible for from barbecue firelighters and nearly 5,000 military personnel
Attacks on government of- mental phase,” Griesbaum said. sible target. The contest will said Joerg Ziercke, president of ensuring encrypted communi- mixing that with hydrogen per- stationed in Afghanistan, the
ficials and police are nearly an “They were planning to explode be held in the western city of the Federal Crime Office (BKA), cation. oxide and citric acid. third largest contingent of the
every-day occurrence in the a device packed with pieces of Duesseldorf on May 14. at the news conference at the Germany’s Der Spiegel news Last year, a court in Dues- 150,000-strong international
nearby regions of Dagestan, In- metal in the midst of a large The suspected ringleader, a federal prosecutor’s office in magazine reported yesterday seldorf convicted four mili- force fighting the Taliban-led
gushetia and Chechnya, a Cau- crowd.” 29-year-old college dropout Karlsruhe. “We’ll learn more that the CIA (US Central Intel- tants who admitted planning “a insurgency.
casus province where Russia
fought two wars against separa-
tists in the 1990s.

Pilgrims gather
The unrest fuelled by a Muslim
insurgency has in recent years
been spreading to other North
Caucasus regions like Stavropol
Officers in
and Karachayevo-Cherkessia
which until now have rarely seen
the bloody attacks. for John Paul II German
High crime rates in the Cauca-
‘Feast of Faith’
sus are also due to a general sense
of lawlessness and impunity as
well as the easy availability of
In a separate pre-dawn inci-
brace for
dent, assailants set on fire an an-
cient church near the village of
Kosta-Khetagurovo in the same
Vatican City
Vatican despite a persistent
drizzle and the ubiquitous sou-
venir peddlers.
May Day
region, a local police spokesman “I couldn’t miss this, I had to
said. housands of pilgrims be a part of such a historic mo-
As a result of the arson, there thronged Rome yester- ment. We’ve only just arrived
was largely no structural damage day amid tight security but the atmosphere’s great,
to the church, which is perched on the eve of a grand ceremony it’s really exciting,” said Patri- DPA
on a rock outside the village and that the Vatican called a “Feast cia Wocial, 48, who had come Berlin/Hamburg
is built of stone, spokesman Ka- of Faith” to bring late pope from Britain with her young
zim Baibanov told AFP. John Paul II closer to saint- daughters.

The fire had however damaged hood. The weekend of prayer, housands of German po-
the church’s wooden floors, he “May this feast of faith be a which experts say could help A man takes picture of a large photo of pope John Paul II in downtown Rome. John Paul II will be lice officers were prepar-
said, adding that the unidenti- precious occasion to open the the Vatican burnish an image honoured today at a solemn beatification ceremony in Saint Peter’s basilica that will give the late ing yesterday for the an-
fied assailants had also broken door to Christ,” Pope Benedict badly tarnished by paedophile pontiff ‘blessed’ status for the world’s 1.1bn Catholics and put him on the path towards full sainthood. nual May Day rioting in the cities
the windows. XVI, who will preside over priest scandals, kicked off with of Hamburg and Berlin.
The Shaoninsky church dates today’s ceremony, wrote in a a vigil in the ancient Roman ease is the official justification which are staying open all view with La Repubblica daily In the capital Berlin, 6,000
back to the 10th century and is message to Catholics around arena Circus Maximus. for John Paul II’s beatification night to pray to the late pope. that his reign was “authori- officers from across the country
one of Russia’s oldest houses of the world on the front page of At least 100,000 people at- after years of research by the Some 500,000 pilgrims are tarian” adding: “He doesn’t will be on duty as thousands of
worship. the official Vatican newspaper. tended the vigil that started Vatican. expected for the beatification deserve to be presented to the protesters are expected to join
Baibanov said authorities In an editorial, the Osserva- at 1800 GMT yesterday to A second miracle is needed itself, which will confer the faithful as an example.” the “Revolutionary May 1 Dem-
were looking into the incident, tore Romano newspaper called hear those who were close to before John Paul II can be de- status of “blessed” on a pope After today’s beatification onstration” organised by left-
declining to speculate who it “an extraordinary event John Paul II speak, including clared a saint. who survived an assassination mass, which will be led by Ben- wing radicals.
might be behind the attack. without precedent in the last his former personal secretary, While some pilgrims will attempt and helped fight Com- edict in front of Saint Peter’s A police spokesman said they
Last November assailants set 1,000 years of the Church’s Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. then head off to bed before munist rule during his nearly and shown on big screens in would keep their distance if the
on fire two Christian Orthodox history”. Among the speakers was today’s beatification mass 27 years in office. the surrounding area, pilgrims protests remained peaceful, but
churches and one Baptist church Excitement also began Marie Simon-Pierre, the starting at 0800 GMT, oth- John Paul became pope in will be able to file past John planned to crack down on any
in the region, all attacks coming mounting among the crowds French nun whose miraculous ers will take advantage of sev- 1978 – the first non-Italian Paul II’s coffin in the basilica. displays of violence.
in the space of a day, he said. of faithful milling around the healing from Parkinson’s dis- eral churches in central Rome pope in more than four cen- Among the attendees at the “This dual strategy has proven
turies. After 104 foreign trips mass will be Italian President to work,” the spokesman said.
and a pontificate that gave Giorgio Napolitano, Mexican Left-wing organisations said
SWEDEN new strength to the Catholic President Felipe Calderon and they were targeting capitalism
Church, he died in 2005 fol- Polish President Bronislaw and the gentrification process
King Carl Gustaf lowing years of ill health. Komorowski – part of a large which has driven up prices in
turns 65 The late pope’s coffin has Polish delegation for the late city neighbourhoods as they be-
been brought out of its rest- Karol Wojtyla. come appealing to more affluent
Swedish King Carl Gustaf, who ing place in a crypt under Saint Zimbabwean President residents.
turned 65 yesterday, was feted Peter’s basilica, and a phial of Robert Mugabe, a liberation “We are sick of waiting and
by members of his family and a John Paul’s blood, drawn from hero who has been widely today choose fire and stone,”
large crowd at the Royal Palace in him during his illness, has been condemned for human rights proclaimed one radical leftwing
Stockholm. prepared as a relic for venera- abuses, also landed in Rome website.
The king was cheered and tion. yesterday under a special ex- Since 1987, Berlin has experi-
received scores of flowers and The Vatican fast-tracked emption from a European Un- enced radical left-wing violence
cards from children, who lined up the beatification period after ion travel ban to attend the on May 1, a date associated with
in the outer courtyard to greet mourners at John Paul’s funeral ceremony. a far older tradition of lighting
him. clamoured for him to be made a Italy’s opposition has also fires and celebrating to drive out
Traditionally, 65 has been the age saint, drowning out critics who been sceptical over the praise the winter on April 30.
of retirement in Sweden but the accused him of having ignored for John Paul from twice-di- Berlin officials were on the
king has said he has no plans to church ills such as corruption vorced Prime Minister Silvio alert ahead of a rally yesterday in
slow down. and paedophilia. Berlusconi, who will be at- the eastern district of Friedrich-
Carl Gustaf became king in 1973 A member of the Italian Carabiniere carries out a security check before the opening of Circo One of the Vatican’s fierc- tending despite the Vatican’s shain, where the forced eviction
at the age of 27, succeeding his Massimo in Rome where the beatification ceremony for late pope John Paul II will be broadcast live est critics, German theologian often pointed criticism of his of a squat caused rioting earlier
grandfather Gustaf VI. on a huge screen. Hans Kung, said in an inter- wild love life. this year.
Berlin has a long-standing au-
tonomous streak and a history of
house occupation as a political

True Finns chief now says helping

act of resistance, which began

Barcelona ‘bikini ban’ in West Berlin in the 1960s and

spread to abandoned buildings
in the former East after the fall of

Portugal in Finland’s best interest

the Berlin Wall.
AFP toric old town, earlier this year Police in Hamburg also antici-
Barcelona put up posters discouraging pated the first outbreaks of vio-
such behaviour. lence in the evening, when 2,000
They showed a couple in left-wingers are to demonstrate

ourists in Barcelona swimming costumes with a Reuters But keeping the Finnish peo- set to start next week, with the is possible and what is not,” he against the clearance of a former
who wander off the red line across it next to an- Helsinki ple’s autonomy … that is the focus on whether the leading said, adding that he was not theatre occupied by squatters
beach onto the streets in other couple dressed normally core.” National Coalition Party, the afraid of being accused of back- since 1989.
just their swimming costumes but without the red line. Finland’s previously obscure second-largest Social Demo- pedalling on his pre-election Officers were due to set up

– or even less – will now face With the new regulations, he head of the euroscep- True Finns party emerged as the crats and True Finns can agree stance against EU policies. a “danger zone” in which they
stiff fines. city authorities hope to “en- tic True Finns said yes- third-biggest party in an elec- on Portugal aid. An early agree- “In politics, I’m not afraid of could search people or detain
The city hall voted on Friday sure coexistence between terday that helping Por- tion this month, after a cam- ment is crucial as European fi- anything,” he said. them without evidence.
to ban “nudity or virtual nu- citizens in public areas” but tugal could be in Finland’s best paign focused on criticising aid nance minister discuss Portugal But he also reiterated his However, they said that not
dity in public places” and limit denied that they are “telling interest, the strongest sign yet to indebted governments. aid in mid-May. view that Finland’s position on all violence was politically-mo-
swimming costumes to swim- people how they should dress”. that the party could tone down Finland’s parliament, unlike Jyrki Katainen, head of the bailouts must change with a tivated.
ming pools, beaches, adjacent The owners of some tour- opposition to EU bailout plans. others in the euro zone, has the National Coalition and prime new government. “Often it is not only autono-
roads and beach walks. ist shops welcomed the move, Disagreement among Fin- right to vote on EU requests for minister-in-waiting, said on Asked whether the True mists, but simply young people
Nudists who stray off their but defenders of nudism were land’s three biggest parties over bailout funds. Financial mar- Friday Finland has only a few Finns party still opposes Por- prone to violence,” said a Ham-
designated areas of the beach outraged. the bailout package has raised kets are concerned the True days to decide whether to back tugal aid, increasing the ca- burg police spokesman, adding
will be subject to fines of 300 “It’s a ban that goes beyond concerns that a new govern- Finns’ increased power and aid for Portugal. His party has pacity of the temporary bailout that such people enjoyed clashes
to 500 euros ($450 to 750). laws that decriminalised nu- ment could disrupt EU plans to likely participation in a coali- said the new government must fund and the launch of a per- with the authorities.
Those who wander into the dity 22 years ago,” said Jacit help Portugal. tion government may hamper support EU plans. manent stability mechanism, Meanwhile, in the northern
streets in bikinis, swimming Ribas i Deix, the head of an Asked in an interview with bailout plans. Soini acknowledged the risk he replied: “That is the is- city of Bremen around 4,000
trunks or swimsuits face fines association for the defence of broadcaster YLE whether the Portugal this month became of Portugal’s insolvency. sue which is being negotiated people demonstrated against an
of 120 to 300 euros. nudity and who became well True Finns could view aid to the third euro zone country “That danger exists, as well now, whether it is possible for extremist right-wing rally yes-
Authorities in the city, known in Barcelona for walk- Portugal as the best option for to seek foreign aid, following as for Greece and others. This the pre-election stance to be terday, attended by around 200
where the port and the beach ing and cycling naked through Finland, party leader Timo Soi- Greece and Ireland. cannot be taken lightly. We changed ... but we cannot ap- neo-Nazis. 3,000 police officers
areas are adjacent to the his- the city. ni said: “That is possible too. Talks to form a coalition are need to look carefully at what prove it as it was then.” monitored the event.
Gulf Times
22 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Community festival

vows to
Accuses opposition of plotting to pepper spray before he was thrown into a
loot; says Besigye must respect the police pickup truck on Thursday. He was
law later released on bail and flew to Kenya
for treatment of injuries sustained in the
Reuters arrest.
Nairobi “Apparently it was actually that opposi-
tion leader who first sprayed pepper spray
against police officers,” Museveni said.

ganda’s President Yoweri Musev- Asked why Besigye was being arrested
eni vowed yesterday to ‘defeat’ a for walking to work, Museveni, in power
wave of deadly protests triggered since 1986, said the opposition leader
by rising food and fuel prices. must get permission from police first.
Museveni was fielding questions from “There is no problem for Besigye to
members of a Kenyan business club after walk. Either to walk to work or to walk as
giving a speech that was briefly inter- an exercise, whatever he wants there is no
rupted by a man in the audience object- problem... but we are asking him ‘please
ing to this week’s violent crackdown on inform the police so that you agree with ‘Burners’ light Chinese lanterns during the ‘Afrika Burn Festival’ in the Tankwa Karoo National Park, Ceres, South Africa on Friday night. Afrika Burn
protestors in Uganda. them where you want to walk’,” he said. follows on from the ‘Burning Man’ in the US and is a week-long festival in the Tankwa Karoo region. The event sees a temporary, non-commercial sharing
Two people were killed and at least 90 The president had to stop briefly at and community building in the harsh badlands of the Karoo.
injured in the Ugandan capital Kampala the beginning of his speech when a man
on Friday after police fired bullets and stood up and started to shout.
teargas at crowds protesting against the “Mr President, how can we as Kenyans
arrest of an opposition leader. sit here and listen to you while you have
“It won’t escalate. We are going to de- been brutalising Ugandans?” shouted
feat it,” Museveni said, accusing organis-
ers of the protests of plotting to destabi-
lise his government through looting.
“Their plans were to loot. To cause
people to loot people’s shops so that they
the man, before he was taken away by
Museveni’s security detail.
Museveni, who was on a one-day
private visit to the Kenyan capital, con-
tinued his address at a hotel just a five-
Ivory Coast police to question
undermine our programme of recovery
and development,” he said.
The government will investigate the
deaths that occurred during the protests
and will arrest police officers found to
minute drive from the Nairobi hospital
where Besigye is being treated.
He said the leaders of the five-nation
East African Community bloc may hold a
meeting to discuss food security.
ousted strongman next week
have acted unlawfully, he added. “We could have a dedicated summit. AFP “The police and the gendarmes will had been launched against Gbagbo jan’s Novotel Hotel on April 4 by
Friday’s events followed weeks of Uganda produces food easily and we are Abidjan begin hearing Laurent Gbagbo and and his associates for “crimes and of- armed men at the height of Ivory
protests, which have the potential to going to quadruple food production by his wife next week from May 4. We fences” by his regime. Coast’s political crisis sparked by
unnerve investors in east Africa’s third doing a number of things including mi- have notified the (former) president Meanwhile, the justice minister Gbagbo’s refusal to step down despite

largest economy, aimed at forcing the cro-irrigation,” he said. vory Coast police and gendarmes Laurent Gbagbo,” said Jeannot Koua- said that a probe into the kidnapping losing the November 28 elections to
government to rein in soaring prices of Uganda may use some of its earnings will next week begin interrogat- dio Ahoussou. of four foreigners - two French, a Be- Ouattara.
food and fuel. from impending commercial oil produc- ing deposed president Laurent “The hearings will take place at the ninese and a Malaysian - earlier this Authorities have arrested the head
At least seven people have been killed tion to construct dams for electricity Gbagbo and his wife Simone over al- residences,” he said, adding that in all month in Abidjan revealed that ele- of the 2,500-strong Republican
during the weeks of protests which have generation, Museveni said. He attacked leged crimes by his regime, the justice some 200 people were to be interro- ments of an elite pro-Gbagbo army Guard force Bruno Dogbo Ble, whose
been led by Kizza Besigye, who was de- donors for refusing to fund massive de- minister said yesterday. gated. unit were the leading suspects. unit was a key regime pillar and which
feated by Museveni in a February presi- velopment projects for Africa in the past. Gbagbo and his wife have been Simone Gbagbo is being detained “An investigation has been has been accused of violent attacks
dential election. “They are just interested in small placed under house arrest in sepa- in the northwestern Odienne town launched over the kidnapping ... against civilians.
Television footage showed Besigye be- things like teaching you how to organise rate towns in the north of the country and her husband in the town of Ko- There are several leads, the most seri- Ouattara has taken the presidency
ing beaten and drenched repeatedly with elections,” he said. after the strongman was arrested on rhogo in the north of the country. ous being elements of the Republican after his rival’s arrest and is strug-
April 11 by forces loyal to President The government spokesman this Guards,” said Ahoussou. gling to restore stability in the coun-
Alassane Ouattara. week said preliminary investigations The four were seized from Abid- try after the devastating crisis.

Nigeria ruling party wins

in riot-hit northern states Congo elections set for Nov 28
Reuters assembly, in elections that were set back Reuters timeframe,” the president of the elec- “We, the Congolese people, are tional reforms earlier this year which
Abuja seven days by logistical glitches. Kinshasa toral commission, Daniel Ngoy Mu- ready for elections, but the authori- reduce the presidential vote to one
Results show the PDP won governor- lunda, told a news conference in the ties must ensure security for the round, meaning the winner would not
ship elections held in the northern states capital Kinshasa. vote,” Kamerhe said. need an absolute majority. Critics said

igeria’s ruling party has won de- of Bauchi and Kaduna on Thursday. ongo will hold its second Opposition parties in the mineral- The head of the UN peacekeeping this was done to help his re-election.
layed governorship elections in The votes were delayed by two days in post-war presidential and rich, Central African nation had re- mission in the country, Roger Meece, He won internationally-organised
two northern states where hun- what the electoral commission said was legislative elections on No- quested the elections be held before said the UN would provide logistical elections in 2006, but the vote was
dreds died in rioting after a vote two an attempt to allow “tempers to cool”. vember 28, the electoral commission Kabila’s term ends in December. assistance. “It’s an ambitious calen- marred by violent clashes between
weeks ago. Turnout for the polls was low as voters said yesterday, a vote seen as a test of Mulunda said provisional results dar and there are major challenges, his supporters and those of rival
The state governorship races are the feared a repeat of the bloody protests in President Joseph Kabila’s commit- would be known by December 6. but we’re very committed to doing candidate Jean Pierre Bemba, which
last stage of a month-long election proc- northern cities after Jonathan, a Chris- ment to democracy. The announcement of the electoral our part,” he said. killed more than 300 people in the
ess deemed by observers and many Nige- tian from the south, was declared winner Analysts hope the polls will also be calendar had been delayed repeat- The vast country faces major chal- capital. Bemba is now standing trial
rians to have been the fairest in decades, of the presidential vote, defeating north- an important step towards stability edly, leading to fears that all or part of lenges in organising the elections. Par- for war crimes in The Hague.
despite some of the country’s worst po- ern Muslim Muhammadu Buhari. for a country recovering from a con- the vote would be postponed. liament has not yet agreed on an elec- Observers say unless the country’s
litical violence for years. The PDP has won 18 of the 24 governor- flict that ended in 2003, leaving more Leading opposition candidate Vi- toral law and voter registration is only notoriously fractured opposition can
Goodluck Jonathan won an April 16 ship elections held last week but those in than 5mn people dead. tal Kamerhe said he was happy with complete in two out of 11 provinces. unite behind one candidate, Kabila
presidential vote a week after his ruling Imo state were inconclusive and there will “We are particularly sensitive to some aspects of the calendar but re- Kabila, who came to power in 2001 is likely to win, despite growing un-
People’s Democratic Party (PDP) lost a be further votes on May 6 to decide the the opposition’s demands to hold mained concerned about the trans- following the assassination of his fa- popularity over his failure to tackle
chunk of its large majority in the national result. elections within the constitutional parency of the vote. ther Laurent, signed off on constitu- corruption and instability.

Press freedom activists slam axing of royal skit

AFP to cancel after the royals report- “The BBC and the royal family had been three months in the
Sydney edly objected. should have shown more toler- making.
Clarence House, the private ance and perhaps a bit more of a Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd
office of Prince William’s father sense of humour.” last week urged the BBC to

ress freedom advocates yes- Charles, was widely cited as be- RSF noted comments from The “lighten up” and appreciate the
terday slammed the axing of ing behind last-minute changes Chaser that a “large proportion “Australian sense of humour.”
a satirical Australian pro- to broadcasting conditions for- of the cost of the wedding is be- The Chaser released some of the
gramme about the royal wedding bidding the use of footage in any ing paid for by the (British) pub- clips they had shot for the special
on official request as a troubling comedy or satire. lic” and that the value of parody on You Tube yesterday, the cred-
example for authoritarian regimes. The revisions led the BBC to and satire in a democracy were its for which featured baked beans
Paris-based Reporters With- threaten to block Australia’s recognised under Australian law. and toast being sloshed over a
out Borders (RSF) said it “de- public broadcaster ABC - host to It was also critical of other roy- commemorative wedding plate.
plored” the BBC and Associated The Chaser - from any wedding al-imposed restrictions on cover- One segment overlaid cap-
Press Television News (APTN) coverage if it did not comply. age, which included the installa- tions about the wedding on foot-
for “censoring satirical cover- “Satire is an important ele- tion of signal-blocking equipment age and interviews with Libyan
age” of the nuptials by Australian ment of free expression in a to prevent the use of Twitter and rebels, screaming Afghan women
comedy group The Chaser. democratic country,” RSF said in other sites on mobile phones in- and victims of Japan’s devastat-
Notorious for breaching se- a statement. side Westminster Abbey. ing tsunami.
curity at an Apec summit in an “This interference with Aus- RSF congratulated The Chaser “I cannot sleep anymore,” the
Osama bin Laden costume, The tralian broadcasting sends the for responding to the situation programme dubbed a Japanese
Yesterday’s morning newspapers in Australia show the keen interest of the Australia’s media in the Chaser had planned to broadcast wrong message to many coun- with a satirical letter to Queen woman in an evacuation centre
wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. With Prime Minister Julia Gillard attending the royal irreverent commentary over the tries where the right to caricature Elizabeth II requesting a “stay of saying. “My mind is so active
wedding, the country’s newspapers devoted front pages and lift-outs to the glamorous couple’s marriage. BBC’s live feed, but were forced is constantly denied,” it added. execution” for the show, which with thoughts of Kate’s dress.”
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 23


Japan’s FM
Japan house passes reassures
budget on quake aid US on its
This is the first step in
fixing the damage in the
countryside and getting life
back on the rails, the bills are
plant’s operator says could take
all year to bring under control.
In the latest blow to Kan, one
of his advisers on the nuclear
global focus
likely to keep piling up crisis resigned in tears yesterday AFP searching for bodies.
in protest at what he called the Tokyo The relief operation has
Reuters government’s haphazard han- helped ease some of the re-
Tokyo dling of the situation. cent frictions between the US

“The prime minister’s of- apan has pledged that and Japan, whose center-left
fice and administrative or- it will stay active on the government that took office

apan’s lower house of parlia- ganisations have made im- world stage and main- in 2009 tried and failed to
ment passed an emergency promptu policy decisions, tain aid to Afghanistan as it renegotiate the location of a
budget yesterday worth ¥4tn like playing a whack-a-mole sought to ease US concerns key military base.
($48.5bn) for rebuilding after the game, ignoring proper pro- that the key Asian ally would Despite the renewed spirit
devastating March 11 earthquake cedures,” adviser Toshiso Ko- turn inward after its mega- of alliance, some US officials
and tsunami, a downpayment sako, a professor of antiradia- disaster. have privately voiced con-
on the country’s biggest public tion safety at the University Foreign Minister Takeaki cern that Japan could turn
works effort in six decades. of Tokyo’s graduate school, Matsumoto, who took of- inward as it undertakes the
The budget is expected to pass told a news conference. fice just two days before his massive task of rebuilding
into law tomorrow when the up- The government found a slight country was ravaged by one from the disaster that left
per house of parliament votes amount of radioactive substanc- of history’s most power- nearly 26,000 people dead or
on it. Lawmakers in the oppo- es in breast milk of seven women ful earthquakes on March missing.
sition parties that control the in a survey covering 23 women in 11, flew to Washington for The 9.0-magnitude earth-
upper house have said they will five prefectures including Tokyo talks on his first bilateral visit quake struck just after Chi-
back the first round of spending and Fukushima, a news report overseas. na surpassed Japan to be
to finance such work as clearing said yesterday. “We were hit by the earth- the world’s second-largest
rubble in the disaster-stricken The amount was below the quake, but we wish to emerge economy, a coincidence that
northeast and building tempo- interim limits for milk and dairy stronger and to continue to some experts have said could
rary housing for those who have Katsuaki Kozuka posing for a photograph with his wife at their home in Kawauchimura located in the products under the Food Sani- fulfill our responsibility in make the disaster a symbolic
lost their homes. 20-30km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Most residents of Kawauchimura tation Law and poses no health the international commu- milestone of Tokyo’s waning
The emergency budget, which have evacuated to Koriyama in order to avoid the radiation. Kozuka and some others remain in the area risks to babies, Kyodo News nity,” Matsumoto said Friday influence.
is likely be followed by more of their own accord. agency reported citing Japan’s after talks with Secretary of The US and especially Ja-
reconstruction spending pack- health ministry. State Hillary Clinton. pan both have rocky relations
ages, is still dwarfed by the over- the $5tn economy. supplementary budgets. dealing with the crisis. Tokyo Electric Power Co’s “I would like to express with China, which has been
all cost of damage caused by the Unpopular Prime Minister If he is unable to steer those The magnitude 9.0 earth- Fukushima Daiichi nuclear our gratitude for the support seen as stepping up its claims
March 11 earthquake and tsuna- Naoto Kan’s Democratic Party budgets through parliament, quake and 15m tsunami that fol- plant was damaged by a magni- given by the US and also con- to disputed territories as its
mi, estimated at $300bn. controls parliament’s lower he may be forced to step down, lowed threw Japan into its deep- tude-9 earthquake and tsunami vey our determination to re- economic and military clout
Reaching agreement on house but needs opposition help some analysts say. est crisis since World War Two, on March 11 and has leaked ra- cover,” he said. grow.
subsequent packages is likely to pass bills because it lacks a Nearly a quarter of respond- killing about 14,700 people and diation into the air and sea ever Clinton and Matsumoto Clinton said that she con-
to be much tougher as they majority in the upper chamber, ents to a Kyodo news agency poll leaving some 11,000 more miss- since. said they discussed disaster sulted with Matsumoto
are expected to involve a mix which can block legislation. released yesterday called for Kan ing, and destroying tens of thou- Several kinds of vegetables, relief but also a range of glo- about the Strategic and Eco-
of taxes as well as borrowing Kan, who has come under to resign immediately, up about sands of homes. fish and raw milk from areas bal issues such as the Middle nomic Dialogue, the main
in the bond market, which fire for his handling of the 10 percentage points from a It also crippled a nuclear pow- near the plant have been already East along with key regional forum for dialogue between
could strain Japan’s econo- crisis, has said Japan may similar survey last month. More er plant in Fukushima, 240km banned due to high levels of ra- priorities for Japan such as China and the US which will
my, already struggling with have to issue fresh govern- than three-quarters said Kan north of Tokyo, that began leak- diation detected in their sam- diplomacy on North Korea take place in Washington on
public debt twice the size of ment bonds to fund any more is not exercising leadership in ing radiation, a situation the ples. and China. May 9-10.
Clinton said that Japan “I think there is a conver-
had made “critical contribu- gence of views between the
tions” to Afghanistan, a lead- two countries that we expect
ing focus for the US as it tries China to play a constructive
Avenue of youth to find a political solution to role in the Asia-Pacific re-
end its decade-long military gion,” Japanese foreign min-
involvement. istry spokesman Hidenobu
Japan “just announced Sobashima said after the
that it will continue its finan- talks.
cial assistance to Afghanistan Clinton and Matsumoto
at the same level as before the also issued a joint call for
earthquake,” Clinton said. North Korea to give up its nu-
“That is a remarkable ex- clear weapons, a long source
ample of both leadership and of tension with the commu-
generosity that we appreci- nist state which tested atom-
ate,” Clinton said. Japan in ic bombs in 2006 and 2009.
2009 pledged up to $5bn in But Clinton said that
aid to Afghanistan over the North Korea needed to re-
following five years. duce tensions with South
Matsumoto later left Korea before the US would
Washington on a trip that consider calls backed by
will take him to Belgium, China to resume six-nation
Germany and Senegal, where denuclearization talks.
he will go ahead with a pre- “We would like to see
viously scheduled aid con- them engaging in meaning-
ference between Japan and ful dialogue with the South
African leaders, a Japanese in the first instance prior to
official said. any other steps that might be
The US military, which taken,” Clinton said.
stations some 47,000 troops Matsumoto said Clinton
in Japan, mounted a round- voiced understanding for
the-block relief operation Japan’s concerns about the
after the earthquake as it fate of Japanese civilians who
ferried supplies, repaired were kidnapped by North
the key Sendai airport and Korea in the 1970s and 1980s
helped the grisly task of to train the regime’s spies.

Trader abducted by suspected

Muslim rebels in Philippines
A Philppine-Chinese businessman has been kidnapped by
Young passers-by wait at a crossing as Japanese right-wing organisation members hold national flags during a demonstration in Tokyo’s young culture district Shibuya, suspected Muslim militants in the southern Philippines, a regional
Japan, yesterday. The demostrators protested against the government led by Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan. military commander said yesterday.
Nelson Lim, 56, was seized Friday outside his house in Jolo town on
Jolo Island, 1,000km south of Manila, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph
Cabangbang said.
Cabangbang said seven gunmen dragged the victim to a waiting
van and sped off toward nearby Patikul town, a known hideout for
the Al Qaeda-linked Muslim Abu Sayyaf rebels.

Putin criticises Tokyo over slow Police recovered the van a few hours later, abandoned in the
village of Sandah in Patikul.
Abu Sayyaf rebels have been responsible for several high-profile
kidnappings and deadly terrorist attacks in the country.

reaction to nuclear crisis at plant Jazeera cameraman sought in

Indonesia bomb plot case
Reuters promptly brought electricity build (reactors) in seismically and explanation to neighbours power at home and for export,
Penza, Russia storage devices such as batteries dangerous zones..., which are about its steps to contain the unlike several countries includ- Indonesian police want to question an Al-Jazeera cameraman in
and accumulators to the complex everywhere there,” he said. crisis. ing Germany. connection with a foiled Good Friday church bombing, they said
to help pump in water to cool Russian officials previously Japanese Prime Minister Nao- Russia plans to spendbns of yesterday.

ussian Prime Minister stricken reactors. suggested Japan might be exag- to Kan was publicly berated over dollars over the next decade on Anti-terror police last week arrested a cameraman working for a
Vladimir Putin criticised “But ... they didn’t manage to gerating the scope of the crisis to his government’s slow response building new reactors to reduce local television station, who they said had been hired by a terror
Japan yesterday for its do that on time, and then prob- reduce the liabilities of insurance when he visited one evacuation reliance on the oil and gas that cell to film the attack for broadcast.
“slow” reaction to its nuclear lems erupted,” he said, speaking companies. centre in the devastated region fuel its $1.5tn economy. National police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said the Al-Jazeera
disaster and for building nuclear at a Russian nuclear industry President Dmitry Medvedev earlier this month. As the Japanese disaster un- cameraman, who is Indonesian, had allegedly been offered a share
reactors in earthquake-prone meeting in the Volga region city has called for new world rules Almost all of Russia’s 32 folded, Russia increased ship- of the scoop by the arrested man, but had turned it down.
zones. of Penza, 630km southeast of on nuclear plant safety to be working nuclear power reactors ments of liquefied natural gas “We have a plan to question the cameraman as a witness,” Amar
Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nu- Moscow. adopted. were built during the Soviet era, to Japan and also offered to said. “We don’t know yet when we will do so.”
clear reactor complex was hit by a Putin also questioned Japan’s Japan’s response to the cri- when the Chernobyl disaster bolster coal and electricity sup- He added that 20 suspects had so far been arrested in connection
massive earthquake and tsunami decision to build nuclear power sis, including the dumping of occurred. But Putin said yester- plies to its neighbour, separated with the foiled church bombing.
on March 11, touching off the stations in areas vulnerable to contaminated water into the day that Russian reactors were by a 40km-wide Pacific Ocean The same group recently sent out “book bombs” to several
world’s worst nuclear crisis since earthquakes. sea, raised an outcry in South secured by “modern methods of channel. addresses including those of liberal Muslim figures and a counter-
Chernobyl in 1986 as radiation “As far as the Japanese are Korea and public concern in protection”. Putin earlier said the nuclear terrorism official. No one was killed in those attacks.
from damaged reactors spewed concerned, they are in a unique China. Tokyo offered apolo- Moscow said after Japan’s dis- accident in Japan and unrest in Indonesia has been rocked by a series of attacks staged by regional
into the surroundings. situation out there. I don’t know gies over perceptions that it aster that it had no intention of the Arab world would boost glo- terror network Jemaah Islamiyah in recent years, including the
Putin said Japan should have why, it is their choice, but they had not given enough warning curbing its drive for more nuclear bal demand for oil and gas. 2002 Bali bombings which killed 202 people.
Gulf Times
24 Sunday, May 1 , 2011


China frees lawyer but HK trader

stands up
another disappears
Holding rights activist for latest lawyer to disappear since week later and a further 30 were na to improve its rights record. serves its legal rights.”
for China
long periods without charge
and in harsh conditions is
getting the Chinese regime
lots of bad publicity
China launched a blitz on gov-
ernment critics following calls
for protests to match those rock-
ing the Arab world.
The developments came after
arrested on April 24 for trying to
hold an Easter service in defi-
ance of the officially atheist gov-
Bob Fu, president of China
But there was no breakthrough
and China on Thursday repeated
its insistence that its handling of
dissent was its own business.
Posner said the US side raised
Residents of the semi-auton-
omous south China territory
generally enjoy civil liberties not
seen on the mainland, includ-
ing freedom of speech, under
AFP the latest human rights dialogue Aid, welcomed Teng’s release sensitive issues such as re- the “one country, two systems” AFP tivists in a Hong Kong news-
Beijing between the United States and but warned “China cannot con- strictions on religious groups, principle in place since Britain Beijing paper column, describing the
China in Beijing broke off with tinue to play this game by letting China’s handling of restive mi- handed the city back to Beijing. imprisonment of tainted milk
the two countries at loggerheads one go and taking one in if China norities such as Tibetans and More than 1,000 people took activist Zhao Lianhai as “the

hina released human after talks failed to produce any wants to be seen as a responsible Muslim Uighurs, and the deten- part in a protest march a week ong Kong business- injustice of the millennium”.
rights lawyer Teng Biao progress. international partner”. tions of scores of rights lawyers ago demanding the release of Ai, man Lew Mon Hung Lew ran full-page adver-
after ten weeks in custody HRW’s Kine said Li’s disap- US Assistant Secretary of and activists. who was detained in early April is an unlikely hero for tisements in two Hong Kong
but a second lawyer has disap- pearance “suggests that security State Michael Posner on Thurs- These included the case of Ai in Beijing for unspecified “eco- China’s growing legions of newspapers last year to pro-
peared, rights groups said yes- forces are conducting a carefully day accused China of “serious Weiwei, a prominent artist and nomic crimes”, sparking world- dissidents. test the jailing of Zhao—whose
terday, amid an ongoing crack- planned assault on outspoken backsliding” on human rights staunch critic of the Commu- wide condemnation. The strait-laced financier son was among several hun-
down on dissent. human rights defenders in a cal- after the two-day US-China nist Party whose disappearance Supporters say the detention insists he is a Chinese patriot, dred thousand made ill by
Advocacy group China Aid culated effort to eviscerate Chi- Human Rights Dialogue con- into police custody in early April of the outspoken critic of Chi- a point underscored by his tainted milk products in one
said Teng returned home at na’s rights defence movement.” cluded in the Chinese capital. sparked criticism from around na’s Communist Party leaders membership of a political ad- of the country’s worst public
3:30pm (0730 GMT) on Friday Renee Xia, from Chinese Hu- Chinese authorities have the world. is political and forms part of a visory body to Beijing. health scandals—calling the
but also stated that Li Fangping man Rights Defenders, said that launched their toughest cam- China’s army has warned an crackdown on dissidents in re- He will not touch questions verdict a “guilty verdict for the
disappeared around 5pm after “nobody has any idea why (Li is paign against government critics image of detained artist Ai Wei- cent weeks, under which scores about ending China’s one- innocent”.
leaving the office building of an being detained) now”, but added in years after anonymous online wei briefly projected onto a Hong of lawyers and campaigners have party rule and dismisses Hong The businessman made a
Aids victims group in Beijing. “it is not a surprise, he is a very appeals emerged in February Kong barracks amid a campaign been held. Kong’s pro-democracy camp, proposal through the CPPCC
Teng Biao’s wife confirmed active human rights lawyer”. calling for weekly protests to in the territory for his release A rash of stencilled, painted frequently a thorn in Beijing’s that the district court that de-
that her husband had returned China Aid said Teng and Li are emulate those in the Arab world. was illegal, a report said yester- graffiti in Ai’s support has also side, as “radicals”. livered a harsh ruling against
home but said “it is not conven- both active members of the Chi- Scores of Chinese activists and day. appeared on the streets of the But the 62-year-old has Zhao should be held account-
ient to speak now”. nese Christian Rights Defense rights lawyers have been round- An artist calling himself Cpak financial hub this month and is been anything but a muted able for unlawful acts, a move
“It’s a relief that Teng Biao has Association, which has come ed up since the emergence of the Ming displayed an image of the under investigation by police as political appointee in recent credited as being partly re-
been released after almost 70 to prominence since repeated “Jasmine” campaign, which has dissident’s face with the words a possible case of criminal dam- years, railing against China’s sponsible for the activist’s
days of unlawful confinement arrests of Christians in recent gone largely unheeded. “Who’s Afraid of Ai Weiwei?” age, the Post reported. jailing and mistreatment of subsequent release.
at the hands of China’s security months. The US State Department on the barracks, police head- The man responsible for the dissidents and arguing that But Lew is equally critical of
forces,” said Phelim Kine, Asia China’s communist govern- had made clear before the latest quarters and other buildings this “flash graffiti” projections of Ai the country’s opaque justice Hong Kong’s own government
researcher at New York-based ment has long frowned on re- dialogue that it would zero in on week, the South China Morning could not be contacted via his system is in serious need of re- for banning Tiananmen activ-
Human Rights Watch (HRW). ligion and imposes controls on China’s clampdown and a “neg- Post said. Facebook page, the newspaper form to prevent abuse by po- ists Wang Dan and Wu’er Kaixi
In February, Teng and other faith by requiring groups to reg- ative trend of forced disappear- A spokesman for the Hong said. lice and the courts. from entering the city for de-
lawyers involved in defending ister for government approval to ances, extra-legal detentions, Kong garrison of the People’s Lib- He has uploaded instructions “I am a Chinese first and mocracy icon Szeto Wah’s fu-
Chen Guangcheng, an activist gather, despite an official policy and arrests and convictions”. eration Army told the newspaper: to the social networking site so foremost. I love my country,” neral in January.
who has spoken out about forced stipulating religious freedom. Human rights groups had “No one can paint or project pic- that Ai supporters could create he said from a glitzy office in Many top political figures
abortions in China, were ar- On April 10, nearly 170 church urged the Americans to step up tures and images onto the outer their own displays. Hong Kong’s financial core in the city’s pro-democracy
rested, interrogated and beaten followers were rounded up by pressure in the dialogue, which wall of the barracks without the Legislator Ronny Tong Kun- covered from floor to ceiling movement regularly lash out
by police following a meeting in police after trying to hold an has been criticised as a toothless garrison’s permission. sun, a barrister, said he could not with articles he penned about at China’s leaders.
Beijing. outdoor service in western Bei- talking shop that had achieved “Such an offence is a breach see that the projections broke the city’s political freedoms But Lew—who fled to Hong
HRW also named Li as the jing. Nearly 50 were detained a nothing so far in pressuring Chi- of Hong Kong law. The PLA re- the law. and human rights. Kong from China in 1973 and
“(But) I’m here to serve the later made a name for himself
people—I do what’s right. We in the mergers and acquisi-
have a duty to speak up for the tions business—is performing
people.” a tough balancing act.
Hazy skyline One such person is artist Ai He says top Chinese officials
Weiwei, who was locked up in are well aware of his past—
April as part of a major gov- swimming for nine hours from
ernment crackdown on dis- the mainland to Hong Kong
sent. The move followed on- with only his bathing trunks—
line calls for demonstrations describing his flight during a
in China to emulate those that turbulent political period as
have rocked the Arab world. “unique historical circum-
Chinese officials have re- stances.”
fused to reveal the wherea- However, he does not have
bouts of Ai, who is being held much time for lawmakers and
for unspecified “economic activists who are calling for
crimes,” sparking an outcry in full democracy in his adopted
the West and proving to Lew home.
that “those in power have no “They view Hong Kong as a
concept of justice.” quasi-independent state—but
Lew’s outspoken views in reality we are “one country,
have won him plenty of ad- two systems,” he said, refer-
mirers in the former British ring to the semi-autonomous
colony which guarantees civil system under which Hong
freedoms not seen in main- Kong returned to China.
land China. Nor will he support calls
“People on the street are by some activists for an end
raising their thumbs at me and to China’s one-party state,
saying ‘Way to go, you!’ he adding that “it is too sensi-
said with a smile. It makes me tive for me to comment (fur-
happy.” ther).”
However, his views have also But the outspoken Lew in-
put him on a collision course sists the spectacular rise of his
with Beijing and threaten to native land must “be accom-
cost him his job as a Hong panied by a respect for free-
Kong delegate to the Chinese dom, democracy, rule of law,
People’s Political Consultative human rights, fairness, social
Conference (CPPCC), a largely justice and other universal
toothless advisory body to the values.”
central government that Lew “Only then will the nation’s
joined in 2008. rise be a blessing to its people
He regularly scolds Beijing’s and only then will it win the
treatment of human rights ac- respect of the world,” he said.

People drive amidst floating dust and sand storm on Jianwai Street in central Beijing yesterday. A strong sandstorm has hit some parts of Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region since Thursday morning. As the strong wind continues, the sandstorm is spreading to the region’s neighbouring areas, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Two dead in Thai

south attacks ahead
Fresh skirmishes after truce deal of premier’s visit
on Thailand-Cambodia border

wo Thai troops died and nine were injured in bombings
that struck Thailand’s restive south yesterday just hours
AFP “Even though there is a re- morning, army sources in Thai- ment spokesman Panitan The stone structure has been before a visit by the prime minister, police said.
Bangkok cent ceasefire... Thailand still land said. Wattanayagorn. the focus of border tensions Unknown attackers detonated two bombs within a kilometre
breached it,” Cambodia’s For- Cambodia’s defence ministry Hor Namhong returned yes- since it was granted UN World of each other in the district of Raman in Yala, one of three insur-
eign Minister Hor Namhong accused Thailand in a statement terday from The Hague where Heritage status in 2008 and 10 gency-plagued provinces near Thailand’s border with Malaysia.

hai and Cambodian troops told reporters in Phnom Penh of using grenades and firing mor- he had submitted a request to people died in hostilities be- The bloodshed coincided with a rare one-day visit to the
exchanged fire on their yesterday. tar rounds at Cambodian troops the World Court to clarify a tween the neighbours there in southern region by Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva, who was due in
disputed border for a ninth “It shows that we cannot trust in the latest clashes. 1962 ruling about land around February. Raman on Saturday afternoon. A first roadside explosion injured
straight day yesterday, both sides our counterpart,” he said in com- The two neighbours have come the ancient Preah Vihear tem- The Thai-Cambodian frontier four soldiers shortly before noon.
said, casting doubt on efforts to ments that echoed those made by under increasing international ple—an area that has inflamed has never been fully demarcated, It was followed by a gun battle and a second blast that killed
end the countries’ bloodiest con- Thai officials a day earlier. pressure to stop the violence. tensions between the two partly because it is littered with two troops responding to the initial bombing. Another five were
flict in decades. The latest flare-up was con- A first attempted truce on neighbours. landmines left over from years of wounded. “All the victims, including the dead and injured, are
The latest hostilities at two firmed by both countries, but Thursday, confirmed by the two “The request for the interpre- war in Cambodia. rangers,” police in Raman said.
ancient temples on their shared while it was followed by a lull in countries, proved short-lived tation by the court is a way to re- The current unrest is cen- Thailand urged authorities in the violence-ridden south to step
jungle frontier erupted just hours fighting, frontline soldiers re- and Bangkok has contradicted solve the problem peacefully,” he tred around two other contested up security surveillance earlier this month as the bloody toll of
after Cambodia announced a mained on alert. Phnom Penh’s latest claims, said at Phnom Penh airport. temple complexes 150km west of years of unrest continued to rise.
second truce in as many days, “Clashes could happen at any saying Friday’s talks between The court ruled more than four Preah Vihear, although there was More than 4,500 people, both Muslims and Buddhists, have
although Bangkok denied knowl- time,” Cambodian field com- commanders on the ground did decades ago that the 900-year- some fighting at the site itself on died since shadowy insurgents launched an uprising in Thailand’s
edge of a new peace deal. mander Suos Sothea said by tel- not amount to a genuine break- old temple belonged to Cam- Tuesday. southernmost region bordering Malaysia in early 2004.
Each side has traded accusa- ephone. through. bodia, but both countries claim Seven Thai troops and eight The three southern provinces have been under emergency rule
tions of untrustworthiness in There were no reports of new “We actually have talked ownership of a 4.6-sq-km sur- Cambodian soldiers have died since 2005, giving the military broad powers of arrest.
solving a dispute that has killed deaths, although at least 10 Thai at local officers’ level which I rounding area. since the fighting began on April Abhisit, accompanied by his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban, was
16 people and displaced more soldiers were injured in clashes hope will lead to a real cease- Thailand said it had hired legal 22, and Bangkok has said a Thai in the region to chair a meeting of a government body tasked with
than 85,000 civilians. on Friday night and Saturday fire,” said Thailand’s govern- advisors and would fight the case. civilian was also killed. mapping out strategic development for the south.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 25

Sharif’s party seeks to Pakistan elected to 26 Pakistanis in Saudi jails Govt to launch Rs3bn Tax rate on Pakistani
form rival alliance three UN subcommittees for non-payment of diya plan for fishermen banks may go up
The opposition Pakistan Muslim League-N of The Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) of As many as 26 Pakistanis are jailed in Saudi The government in Pakistan’s Balochistan prov- The Pakistan government is considering an option
former prime minister Nawaz Sharif is sharpening the United Nations has elected Pakistan to the Arabia despite having served their sentences, ince is set to launch a Rs3bn project in the coastal to increase the tax rate on banks to improve its
plans to seek snap polls ahead of Senate elec- membership of three of its subcommittees, an an- according to State Minister for Foreign Affairs districts of Gwadar and Lasbela to improve the deteriorating revenue collection, say industry
tions early next year in a ‘panicked but calculated’ nouncement said yesterday. Pakistan will join the Hina Rabbani Khar. Taking into confidence the livelihood of poor fishermen. Official sources sources. Currently, the banks pay the same 35%
response to an emerging political alliance being Commission on Narcotic Drugs for a three-year National Assembly, Khar has said the prisoners said yesterday that the International Fund for tax equal to corporate tax, however, the banking
propped up by the ruling Pakistan People’s Party term ending in 2015, the commission on Sustain- had not paid the diya – blood money – imposed Agricultural Development (IFAD) had agreed to sector has been one of the highest tax payers
of President Asif Zardari, apparently aimed at able Development for a term ending in 2013 and on them by Saudi authorities. The fines, she said, meet 85% cost of the project by providing a loan before Shaukat Aziz took charge of the finance
stealing its Punjab stronghold. the Committee on Programme and Co-ordination range between 17,000 and 3.9mn Saudi riyals. of $30mn which would be approved by its execu- ministry. The former finance minister, who later
A power-sharing deal between PPP and op- for a two-year term ending in 2014. Pakistan’s The Pakistanis are jailed mostly on offences like tive board in Rome on May 10. The provincial became prime minister, himself a career banker,
position Pakistan Muslim League-Q of Shujaat membership of these committees will be man- theft, drug trafficking, road accidents and at least government and beneficiaries of the project will drastically cut the tax rate on banks and eventual-
Hussain has reportedly triggered unease aged by the country’s permanent mission to the one murder count. contribute to the project in the form of funds ly brought down the tax on banking sector at par
within the PML-N, prompting the party to seek United Nations. Diplomats view the country’s elec- Khar said that more than 73,000 Pakistanis had and kind. The project spreading over six years is with corporate sector. Sources said the shortage
a parallel electoral alliance with some other tion as recognition of Pakistan’s active participa- been deported from various countries during aimed at reducing poverty in Gwadar and Lasbela of revenue has forced the government to consider
groups. tion in international co-operation efforts. 2009-2010. districts and increasing incomes. every option for generating additional revenue.

Nato supply truck torched

Taliban rebels
declare start
of offensive in
Offensive to start May 1, were bolstering security in an- ers have long anticipated a spike
targeting foreign, Afghan ticipation of attacks. in violence with the arrival of
troops, govt; Taliban warn “We do know for quite some the spring and summer “fight-
Afghan civilians to avoid time already that the insurgency ing season”, although the usual
target areas; Some UN staff plans an attempt to come out winter lull was not seen as US-
to be relocated after security with a surge of violence in cer- led forces pressed their attacks
threats tain areas of this country in the against insurgents, particularly
next days,” Blotz told Reuters. in the Taliban’s southern heart- Pakistani security officials inspect an oil tanker destined for Nato’s forces in Afghanistan, after it was torched by suspected
Reuters The United Nations said it was land. insurgents on the outskirts of Peshawar, the provincial capital of militancy-hit Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan, yesterday. In
Kabul relocating some of its staff in Af- While Washington and ISAF 2010, more than 170 supply vehicles were torched and six people, most of them drivers, were killed in militant attacks on Nato
ghanistan after receiving “cred- commanders have trumpeted supply convoys. According to official figures, 80 per cent of Nato supplies are transported to Afghanistan via Pakistan.
ible threats” of increased attacks successes against a growing in-

he Taliban declared the in a “number of locations around surgency since 30,000 extra US
start of a spring offensive the country”. troops were sent to Afghanistan
across Afghanistan on The United Nations has been last year, the insurgency has
Saturday, warning they would the target of several insurgent shown little sign of abating.
target foreign troops as well as
Afghan security forces and top
government officials in a wave of
attacks including suicide bomb-
attacks over the past two years.
Earlier this month, seven inter-
national staff were killed after
protesters overran a UN com-
pound in northern Mazar-i-
Violence across Afghanistan
hit record levels in 2010, with ci-
vilian and military casualties the
worst since US-backed Afghan
forces toppled the Taliban gov-
Benazir’s son not to jump
In a statement, the Islam-
ists warned Afghan civilians to
stay away from public gather-
ings, military bases and convoys,
as well as Afghan government
The Taliban denied involve-
ment in that attack, but officials
said insurgents had been in-
volved in stirring up an already
ernment in late 2001.
The Pentagon said in a report
on Friday that an overall increase
in violence was due in part to
increased targeting of insurgent
head-first into politics
centres and buildings, as these angry crowd. safe havens and unseasonably Internews travelling here and meeting bumps when hearing him. In
would be the focus of attacks mild weather. Karachi party leaders and members. He terms of sustaining the family
starting on May 1. “The Leadership Council The Taliban did not say how listens and he takes his time legacy in Sindh, Bilawal has that
The Taliban statement comes of the Islamic Emirate long their stepped-up campaign with making comments on is- natural appeal as Benazir’s son

just a day after senior military of Afghanistan wants to would last, but said it had been akistan President Asif sues.” which Zardari can never have,”
officials and Western diplomats declare the launching codenamed “Badar” after a de- Zardari announced this While Bilawal has attracted remarked analyst Mosharraf
warned they expected a surge in of the spring military cisive Muslim 7th century battle week that his son Bila- criticism for being the newest Zaidi.
attacks over the next week, be- operations named as victory in western Arabia that wal Bhutto-Zardari will take up symbol of dynasty politics in While his late mother, former
ginning on Sunday. “Badar” to be waged against Muslims attribute to divine in- some “political responsibility” the subcontinent, he garnered prime minister Benazir Bhut-
“The Leadership Council the invading Americans tervention. this September. praise for his stance on the as- to, faced opposition from the
of the Islamic Emirate of Af- and their foreign allies and In the statement, the Tali- However, ruling Pakistan sassinations of former Punjab party’s old guard when she re-
ghanistan wants to declare the internal supports” ban repeated their frequent People’s Party leaders say that Governor Salman Taseer and turned to Pakistan, Ispahani
launching of the spring military claim that fighting in Afghani- Bilawal will not be jumping former Minority Affairs Minis- said this would not be an issue
operations named as “Badar” to “As a precautionary measure stan would not end until foreign headfirst into politics and will ter Shahbaz Bhatti. for Bilawal.
be waged against the invading the United Nations is shifting its troops had left the country. They first learn the workings of the Bilawal, who graduated from “There is a great deal of love
Americans and their foreign al- staff from some of its regional also called on Afghan govern- party inside-out. Oxford University last year, for the children,” she said.
lies and internal supports,” the operational centres into safe lo- ment officials and security forces According to PPP Member could emerge as PPP’s much- “Benazir’s house in Dubai al-
Taliban said in an emailed state- cations for a short period. Staff to switch sides to the insurgency. of National Assembly and needed progressive voice, given ways had PPP leaders visiting
ment. are not leaving their regions Military commanders inter- the president’s media adviser what appears to be his interest and the children know most
“Operations will focus on at- and will continue working from viewed by Reuters this week Farahnaz Ispahani said while Bilawal: entering politics? in social issues and stance on of them very well. When he
tacks against military centres, these locations,” said Kieran were not sure why May 1 had Bilawal is already familiar minorities. was voted as chairperson by
places of gatherings, airbases, Dwyer, spokesman for the UN been chosen by the Taliban to with the party structure and “He will be looking into The timing of the announce- the Central Executive Com-
ammunition and logistical mili- Mission in Afghanistan. launch their renewed offensive. leadership, the new move will modernising the Peoples Youth ment is worth noting. mittee, it was done with the
tary convoys of the foreign in- The Taliban said the targets The anticipated Taliban cam- see him being involved with Organisation, and bringing The PPP, like all other po- understanding that he would
vaders in all parts of the coun- of the attacks would be foreign paign would not change the the party in an organised in new ideas, media technol- litical parties, is looking at the lead the party but would spend
try,” the Taliban said. forces, high-ranking officials of coalition’s counterinsurgency manner. ogy etc through intellectual and 2013 elections. While it man- time learning and working for
Senior military officials told President Hamid Karzai’s gov- strategy put in place last year by Ispahani said that party practical exercises.” aged to win a large number of it.”
Reuters on Friday that recent ernment, members of the cabi- US General David Petraeus, the General Secretary Jahangir Bilawal, who turns 23 this seats in the 2008 elections, ob- Bilawal’s sisters, Bakhtawar
intelligence reporting indicated net and lawmakers, as well as the commander of the 150,000 US Badar will take Bilawal un- September, is two years away servers noted that the party also and Asifa, have also taken on
the campaign of increased vio- heads of foreign and local com- and ISAF troops in Afghanistan, der his wing and he will be from being eligible to run for a won the sympathy vote in the public roles, but there appears
lence would last about a week panies working for ISAF. they said. working with senior provin- provincial or national assembly wake of Benazir Bhutto’s assas- to be no move yet to assign
and would be mounted by the “All Afghan people should Under a programme agreed at cial leaders, such as current seat. sination. them political responsibili-
Taliban, supported by the Al bear in mind to keep away from a Nato summit last year, ISAF Sindh Chief Minister Qaim However, the PPP believes By working with the youth ties. The three have met key
Qaeda-linked Haqqani network gatherings, convoys and centres said it will begin handing securi- Shah. “Bilawal has specifi- that the idea is not for Bilawal to wing, Bilawal could possibly foreign leaders with President
and other insurgents. of the enemy so that they will ty responsibility to Afghan forc- cally expressed interest in the jump into politics by contest- galvanise young voters and Zardari.
Brigadier General Josef Blotz, not become harmed during at- es in several areas from July. The party’s youth wing, which ing elections, but to spend time Bhutto family loyalists. Bilawal will be leading a PPP
spokesman for the Nato-led In- tacks of Mujahideen against the programme will end with the was very dear to Zulfikar Ali learning about the party. “He seems to have a natural delegation to China this sum-
ternational Security Assistance enemy,” the Taliban said. withdrawal of all foreign combat Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto,” “He is a keen learner,” said talent for public speaking. It’s mer before he starts working
Force (ISAF), said coalition bases Senior military command- troops by the end of 2014. she said. Ispahani. “He has spent time impossible to not have goose- with the party in the fall.

Power shortage expected to peak in Pakistan

Be firm with Pakistan on extremism: UK Although substantial rains in

various parts of Pakistan the
past week reduced the de-
mand for electricity, the power
deficit will not only continue
power deficit may touch an
alarming 8,000MW.
“It is an alarming situation
and all furnace oil-run power
plants will be non-operational
Internews Pakistani society of Lashkar-e- more insistent on the need to roll ficult, frustrating, enervating, ship for the US and Pakistan to to haunt the people but will from Sunday, exposing the
Karachi Taiba, a militant group blamed up that infrastructure,” he said. dangerous dealing with Pakistan replace the unbalanced — essen- swell to alarming levels in the country to unprecedented
for the deadly 2008 siege of But Miliband, who said he at the moment as a partner, try tially military-only relationship, next few days, say experts. power outages,” a senior
Mumbai. would soon travel to Pakistan, fulfilling your own interests in individual leader-based rela- Fuel stocks required for official at the Ministry of

estern powers must “We should be engaging with called on the United States along South Asia without Pakistan as a tionship — of the past,” he said. thermal power generation Water and Power confirmed
be firm with Pakistan Pakistan; on the other hand, I with the South Asian nation’s partner,” he said. “I have criticised the Pakistani stand at 20,000 tonnes, only yesterday.
about its need to crack feel very comfortable speaking neighbors to keep trying to en- Miliband welcomed a letter sent government for the way in which enough to produce power for Federal Minister for Water and
down on extremists, but there is very plainly about the responsi- gage both politically and eco- by President Barack Obama to it failed adequately to respond to consumption for one day. A Power, Naveed Qamar, has
no alternative to continuing to bilities that they have,” Miliband nomically. his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali the significance of the outreach,” ship carrying 65,000 tonnes convened a meeting of impor-
work directly with Islamabad, said at the Council on Foreign “One of the most chill- Zardari in late 2009, in which the he said. of fuel, scheduled to arrive tant stakeholders to chalk out
British lawmaker David Mili- Relations in Washington. ing things I’ve heard and read US leader offered expanded coop- Pakistan has a historic rivalry at Port Qasim yesterday, has a contingency plan to man-
band said on Friday. Pakistan needs to do more to over the last few months is that eration but demanded Islamabad with India and helped create been delayed and will now age a gruelling power deficit
Miliband, foreign secretary hold assailants for the Mum- America has a choice about do more against Islamic militants Afghanistan’s Taliban, but it arrive by May 2, 2011. In the that will only become worse
from 2007 until Britain’s Labour bai attack accountable and if whether or not to sever its links in India and Afghanistan. abruptly sided with the United event that it fails to arrive as fuel-run power plants stop
Party lost power last year, voiced Lashkar-e-Taiba is expanding its with Pakistan,” Miliband said. “It was a very important step, States after the September 11, on the anticipated date, the functioning from today.
alarm at the influence inside reach, “then we need to be even “Because if you think it dif- proposing a strategic relation- 2001 attacks.
Gulf Times
26 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Aligarh university Goa plans to set Delhi fines 21,600 Rare animal rescued Policemen held for
closed after violence up golf course smokers in 15 months from Jamia campus rape of tribal girls
Authorities yesterday closed the Aligarh Tourists will soon be able to tee off during their Despite a ban on smoking in public places, A rare Small Indian Civet, a nocturnal and Two Chhattisgarh policeman posted at the
Muslim University (AMU) in Uttar Pradesh a vacations to Goa, with the state government people continue breaking the law and more terrestrial mammal, was recovered from the Counter- Terrorism and Jungle Warfare College
day after clashes erupted on the campus. AMU planning to open the first Professional Golfers than 21,600 violators were fined New Delhi over campus of the Jamia Millia Islamia here, an (CTJWC) based in the Maoist insurgency-hit
Registrar V K Abdul Jaleel said all students Association (PGA) standard golf course, officials the last 15 months, according to Health Minister official said yesterday. Civet, an endangered Bastar region were arrested for the alleged rape
have been ordered to vacate the hostel said yesterday. The tourism department floated an A K Walia. “Between January 2010 and March species under the Wildlife Act, was spotted of two tribal girls, police said yesterday. An official
within 48 hours. He also said examinations expression of interest (EoI) inviting developers for 2011, a total of 181,000 places were inspected, inside a cavity in a room at the university, which said the accused on Thursday took the girls to a
scheduled for the day were postponed. the project a few months ago and has short-listed a and 21,600 people and 3,200 tobacco vendors then called the rescue team of NGO Wildlife forested area near CTJWC and raped them. The
Their next date will be announced later. On proposal submitted by Leading Hotels Pvt Ltd and were fined,” Walia said yesterday. The minister SOS. “Although it was visible, it was still at an incident has triggered anger among the people
Friday there were three rounds of clashes the Four Seasons hospitality group. “The proposed said this while inaugurating a month-long “No inaccessible location for a safe rescue,” said and the accused were suspended. CTJWC director
between armed groups of students. No one developers have identified Terekol in the Pernem Tobacco” campaign in the national capital. The Karthick Satynarayan from Wildlife SOS. The B K Ponwar, a retired army brigadier, said: “The
was injured. Following the violence linked to as the most ideal location for the golf course campaign will include a number of programmes team had to disturb the animal to drive it out in accused were basically cooks and were not part
the university’s internal politics, the district project,” an official said, adding the golf course such as debates, a poster competition, sports the open. The moment the animal emerged, the of the policemen who are here to be trained for
authorities advised the AMU registrar and the could be set up under the large revenue generation meet and a rally. Walia urged people to avoid team safely secured it with the help of an animal guerrilla warfare. We handed them over to local
proctor to close the university. scheme floated by the central government. smoking. snare. police to initiate strongest action as per the law.”

It’s party time in Gujarat

tense after
attack on
MIM leader

ndhra Pradesh legislator
and Majlis-e-Ittehadul
Muslimeen (MIM) leader
Akbaruddin Owaisi was injured
when assailants attacked him
here yesterday, sparking tension
in the old city of Hyderabad.
He was rushed to hospital
where his condition was report-
ed to be stable.
Another MIM legislator, Akbaruddin Owaisi: injured in
Ahmed Balala, was also injured attack
when he tried to save Owaisi.
One of the assailants was shot also bore bullet marks and blood
dead and two others were injured stains.
by the legislator’s security guards. Pehlwan had supported Majlis
A profusely bleeding Owaisi, Bachao Tehreek (MBT) against Artists perform during a full-dress rehearsal for the golden jubilee celebrations of the foundation of Gujarat state at the Sardar Patel cricket stadium in Ahmedabad. The
who is the MIM floor leader in Owaisi during the 2009 elec- foundation day of the western state will be celebrated today.
the state assembly, was rushed tions and had even clashed with
to the Owaisi Hospital in San- Owaisi’s supporters on a few oc-
tosh Nagar. casions.
State Home Minister P Sabita MIM sources said Pehlwan,
Indra Reddy quoted doctors at accused of being a land grabber,

CBI must act without

the hospital as saying that Ow- attacked Owaisi as the legislator
aisi’s condition was stable. had handed over to the authori-
Earlier, Additional Inspector ties a piece of land for building
General of Police A R Anuradha houses for the poor after freeing
also told reporters outside the it from encroachers.
hospital that Owaisi’s condition However, MBT leader Am-

fear or favour, says PM

was stable. jadullah Khan Khalid alleged
“Doctors are monitoring him Owaisi had been harassing the
carefully. We are sure he will come family of Pehlwan, whom he
out safely,” she said while trying to called a businessman.
pacify angry MIM activists. Pehlwan told a TV channel his
As tension gripped the old nephew was gunned down and
city, shopkeepers downed shut- two other relatives were injured
ters and buses went off the roads. by Owaisi’s security guards. He Prime Minister Manmohan constitutes a litmus test for CBI has to be sensitive to these Singh’s government is in the “There was complete abdi-
Director General of Police accused the legislator of target- Singh says handling of “high you,” Singh said at the opening but it has always to do what is eye of a storm over allegations cation of responsibility by the
K Aravinda Rao said adequate ing him and his family. profile cases of corruption” is of a new CBI headquarters in right and correct. For an investi- that telecom licences were sold prime minister,” said senior
forces have been deployed to Angry MIM activists attacked a “litmus test” for the Central New Delhi. gating agency, there can be only at cut-rate prices in 2008 in BJP lawmaker Yashwant Sinha,
maintain law and order. a hall and two hotels reportedly Bureau of Investigation “What is expected of you is one guiding beacon, only one exchange for kickbacks, depriv- a member of the Public Ac-
“The situation is under con- belonging to the family of Pehl- thorough investigation, fair ac- gold standard and that is the law ing the treasury of as much as counts Committee, in the most
trol and we are not expecting any wan. Agencies tion and quick results. The CBI of the land.” $40bn in revenues. direct opposition attack yet on
serious trouble,” he said. Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar New Delhi should act without fear or favour It faces a second high-profile Singh.
Doctors said three bullets were Reddy, who reviewed the secu- and bring to book all those who graft scandal over last October’s “In India’s history there is
removed from Owaisi’s body rity situation with his cabinet are guilty, irrespective of their Delhi Commonwealth Games. no precedent of this kind. Nine

while another surgery was likely colleagues, rushed to the Owaisi rime Minister Manmohan position or status,” he said. Last week the CBI arrested out of 10 decisions taken by
later to remove a fourth bullet. Hospital. Singh, whose government “Whoever transgresses the Suresh Kalmadi, a senior Con- (then telecom minister) A Raja
The attack took place around The 39-year-old Akbaruddin has been roiled by a series law of the land, however mighty, gress lawmaker who was the top were with the knowledge of the
11.30am when Owaisi was visit- Owaisi is the younger brother of of corruption scandals, yester- has to be brought to book,” Singh organiser of the $6bn Games, on prime minister,” Sinha told re-
ing his Chandrayangutta assem- MIM president Asaduddin Ow- day urged the country’s top po- said. corruption charges. porters.
bly constituency in the old city aisi, a Lok Sabha member from lice agency to “act without fear The prime minister also ad- The CBI had earlier arrested A draft report sharply critical
area of Hyderabad. Hyderabad. or favour.” vised the CBI to avoid the me- “Whoever transgresses Singh’s former telecoms minis- of the government was narrowly
According to witnesses, four to The younger Owaisi is the Singh’s comments came as dia and concentrate on work. the law of the land, ter A Raja, government officials rejected by the PAC on which
five people attacked Owaisi with leader of MIM in the state assem- his Congress-led coalition reels “I would advise you to put your however mighty, has and senior telecom company of- government supporters are in a
knives when he was getting into bly. The party has seven legisla- from a slew of scandals, with his heads down and work hard, to be brought to book. ficials over the telecom scam. slight majority.
his car after attending a meeting tors in the 294-member house. personal reputation on the line away from the media glare, to But there should be no The main opposition Bharati- The Congress has accused the
in Barkas neighbourhood. The leader is the managing amid charges that he has allowed ensure early resolution of these vendetta, no witch-hunt ya Janata Party (BJP) meanwhile BJP of seeking to “destabilise”
As an injured Owaisi tried to director of the Owaisi Hospital graft to go unchecked during his cases.” and no harassment of the accused Singh and then finance the government.
take to the steering wheel, the and also heads a group of insti- seven years in office. He said it was important for innocent” minister P Chidambaram of “di- The government fears the slew
attackers opened fire at him. tutions, including medical and The prime minister noted that the agency to ensure that its rect complicity” in corruption in of controversies could lead to a
His party colleague and legisla- engineering colleges. the Central Bureau of Investiga- judgment was “rooted in hard At the same time, Singh told the telecom case. repeat of the 1989 Bofors scan-
tor Balala rushed to Owaisi’s res- He became the MIM floor tion (CBI) was investigating sev- evidence and is not influenced the CBI not to engage in witch- The allegations came as the dal when Congress was voted
cue. But Balala and his driver aide leader in the state assembly in eral high-profile cases of cor- by extraneous factors.” hunts. government and opposition out of office over a gun deal in-
also sustained bullet injuries. 2004, replacing his elder brother ruption that have attracted wide “Ours is an open and free so- “There should be no vendetta, clashed over the contents of a volving associates of then prime
According to the police chief, Asaduddin Owaisi, who moved public attention. ciety. There will be many views no witch-hunt and no harass- parliamentary committee report minister Rajiv Gandhi, who were
security guards of the legislators to the Lok Sabha in 2004 after “The handling of these cases and opinions on all issues. The ment of the innocent,” he said. into the scandal. accused of taking kickbacks.
opened fire, killing one attacker. their father Sultan Salahuddin
Two are in serious condition, Owaisi decided not to contest
the DGP said. elections due to ill health.
The drivers of the legislators Salahuddin Owaisi, who dom-
and a corporator of the MIM
were also injured in the attack
suspected to be mounted by Mo-
hamed Pehlwan and his relatives
inated the politics in Hyderabad
for four decades, was elected to
parliament for six consecutive
terms (1984-2004. He died in
Kochi biennale to provide artists a platform
over a land dispute. 2008 at the age of 77. IANS will host a stakeholders event He said the biennale will 47-year-old artist and cura- of international and national
Blood stains, bullets, knives, It was Salahuddin’s father New Delhi in Venice in June to promote the translate “into a unique connec- tor said. contemporary visual arts, will
mobile phones, footwear and Moulana Abdul Wahid Owaisi Kochi Biennale. tor wherein current and future According to Riyas Komu, automatically position Kochi
sunglasses were seen strewn who revived the MIM in 1958 According to the organisers, generations will experience a joint curator of the event, “the as an art-heritage destination.

around at the scene. Owaisi’s car with a new party constitution. ore than 65 artists from the Kochi-Muziris Biennale will vital social force that enhances biennale was conceived in late This will also foster and precipi-
45 countries will par- fill “a gap by giving artists from and illuminates contemporary spring of 2010.” Bose and Komu tate the development of Indian
ticipate in the Kochi- India and Asia a platform to ex- living and social cohesiveness were approached by the depart- contemporary art across various
Pranab slams Buddhadeb Muziris Biennale in Kerala in hibit their work.” towards a new, solid cosmopoli- ment of cultural affairs, govern- disciplines,” Komu said.
2012 that is set to position Kochi “It is the need of the hour for tan art world. ment of Kerala, to “initiate a The exhibition will be held
Finance Minister Pranab probe. What were they doing as an “art-heritage destination”. the Indian art scene with art- “The Indian art scene has large-scale festival of contem- every two years in selected ven-
Mukherjee yesterday slammed for all these years? Were they The art exhibition will be held ists now being recognised and changed dramatically. But porary visual arts in the state.” ues and public sites in Kerala,
West Bengal Chief Minister sleeping?” Mukherjee said in at select places, including Fort Asia being looked at as a region there is an immense need of “Following the creation of he said, including Fort Kochi,
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee for Kolkata. Bhattacharjee on Friday Kochi and spice warehouses, or- of artistic importance. The bi- awareness within the country a non-profit organisation and the Mattanchery warehouses,
demanding a judicial probe into demanded a judicial inquiry ganisers said. ennale will position itself as a towards art and its practices. commitment from leading lights spice warehouses and historic
the Purulia arms drop case and into the 1995 arms drop case. The Kochi showcase is India’s window to resonate the need for We are oscillating between the of the Indian cultural establish- spaces across Kochi-Muziris
questioned what the Left Front His demand came within a day first-ever biennale modelled a platform that encourages such extremes of art markets which ment, the Kochi-Muziriz Bien- region.
was doing all these years. “After of an interview given by prime on the Istanbul and Havana bi- discourse towards appreciating are warming up towards Indi- nale was established. “As a part of the project with
the arms drop incident, three accused in the case Kim Davy, ennales and will be distinctly international and national art an art post-liberalisation and “With the preponderance of a the Muziris Heritage Founda-
assembly elections have passed. who claimed the arms were different from the India Art practices,” Biennale Krishnama- on the other extreme, there well- documented history, Ko- tion, the Biennale has also un-
The fourth is going on. Today dropped to “destabilise” the state Summit which is also a trade chari Bose, co-artistic director is a certain naiveté towards chi will provide the necessary dertaken the renovation of lo-
an accused is raising allegations government and that the central platform, the organisers said. and co-curator of and a leading the understanding of con- backdrop for the Biennale and, cal Durbar Hall by a team of
and they are making a ruckus government had played the role It will be held every two years. Indian contemporary artist and temporary arts and its various in turn, the Biennale, with its renowned architects and con-
over it and demanding judicial of a facilitator. The Kochi-Muziris Foundation curator of repute, said. practices here in India,” the agenda of showcasing the best servation experts,” Komu said.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 27

PM with the ‘crown prince’
AI crippled
CM missing
as strike by
pilots enters
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

helicopter carrying Aru-
nachal Pradesh Chief
Minister Dorjee Khandu
has gone missing in bad weather

fourth day
during what should have been a
75-minute flight.
Khandu was travelling yes-
terday with two other passen-
gers and two pilots from Tawang
to the state capital of Itanagar.
Skies were clear when the heli-
copter took off, but conditions Air India says it has lost $6mn going on smoothly. As we have management that these rumours
became cloudy and rainy as it in revenues due to a strike by stopped ticket bookings, pas- are being floated by some strik-
neared the Sella Pass over the hundreds of its pilots senger loads will also come down ing pilots.”
Himalayas. and we will be able to tide over According to the official, the
Officials had earlier said the Agencies this period,” the official said. possibility of the imposition of
helicopter had been traced to New Delhi More than 800 pilots were Essential Services Maintenance
Bhutan. on strike, defying management Act (ESMA) or any other move
But Bhutan has denied any In- warnings of dismissal, while may be some time away as the

dian helicopter had landed in its lagship carrier Air India’s non-unionised pilots, asked by matter is in court.
territory. woes deepened as it was management to fill in for the “There is no basis in this lock-
“We have also heard through forced to cancel most of strikers, have begun calling in out talk. The management has
the media about the helicopter its domestic flights by a pilots’ sick in support of their col- said nothing, the government is
landing in Bhutan, but we don’t strike over pay that entered its leagues. with us and the matter is in court.
have any reports of an Indian fourth day yesterday. The airline, which has con- We have even stopped booking,
helicopter landing in our ter- The financially ailing state- demned the strike as “illegal, so at the end, we are very com-
ritory. But we have deployed run carrier, which says it has lost unfortunate and most irrespon- fortable,” the official said.
troops and local villagers to see if $6mn in revenues so far due to sible,” has already sacked nine In 2007, the government
any helicopter has landed here,” the strike, said it was operating pilots and suspended six others. merged Air India with state-run
S Duba, deputy commissioner of just 39 domestic flights out of its The Delhi High Court has domestic carrier Indian Airlines
Trashiyangtse district in Bhu- Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress Party general secretary Rahul Gandhi wave to regular 320. initiated contempt of court pro- in a bid to create a more cost-
tan adjoining Tawang, said by supporters during a rally in Banda, in Uttar Pradesh state, yesterday. The two leaders blamed The airline is “operating on ceedings against the pilots, cit- efficient national carrier.
phone. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati for the backwardness and poverty in the Bundelkhand only trunk routes” to major In- ing their “utter defiance” of its The pilots on strike were all
“The official position is there region of the northern state. dian cities, an Air India spokes- orders to end their strike. originally hired by Indian Air-
is no confirmation or news about man said. If found guilty, the pilots could lines and say that four years af-
the helicopter. There has been “We do not have any pilots,” he be sentenced to six months in jail. ter the merger, they are still paid
no direct contact with any of added. “We’re more than willing to go significantly less than the pilots
the people on board and we re- The airline, which at the start to jail,” Rishabh Kapur, general from Air India.

Infosys names banker

ally don’t know any details as of of the strike had been able to op- secretary of the Indian Commer- They are demanding equal
now,” Takam Sanjay, an MP from erate most flights, has also scaled cial Pilots Association (ICPA), wages, but the airline has said
the northeastern state said. back international operations. told NDTV news. no strike is legally permitted as a
“The fact of the matter is we According to him, 100 domes- An official rubbished rumours case on wage parity and other is-

as its new chairman

don’t know yet where the heli- tic flights of its subsidiary arm about a possible lockout of Air sues is pending before a tribunal.
copter is,” Sanjay said. Alliance Air were still active. India. “I hope sense will prevail upon
The Pawan Hans AS350 B-3 “Only the operations of Air “These are just rumours and these people,” said Civil Aviation
helicopter had taken off from India’s main domestic arm are nothing more. How can the na- minister Vayalar Ravi.
Tawang at 9.50am and was effected. Our subsidiary Alliance tional carrier be locked out. We “Nobody can dictate terms to
supposed to land in Itanagar at Agencies S D Shibulal, now chief oper- The appointment comes Air is still active with 100 flights have enough executive pilots to the government, especially a few
11.30am. Bangalore ating officer, would become after Infosys reported earlier on the national network,” he said. operate our flights,” the official pilots. They are one of the high-
According to Sanjay, the chief executive, replacing S in April fiscal fourth-quarter He said the airline had since said. est paid people in this country,”
chopper lost communication Gopalakrishnan, who will be- earnings which disappointed Thursday adopted a reduced op- He alleged that some strik- Ravi, who has totally backed the

with the ground after it flew past nfosys yesterday named a come executive co-chairman. investors and gave a weak out- erations plan, where fewer flights ing pilots may be behind the ru- airline management.
the Sella Pass along the Chinese prominent banker to take Murthy, who helped pioneer look for the current financial by wide-bodied aircraft would be mours. Private airlines have cashed in
border. charge of India’s second- India’s outsourcing industry year. operated. “It may be just to sensational- on the strike by hiking their fares
Federal Home Secretary G K largest software exporter as and is widely respected for his Kamath is a mechanical “Currently, our operations are ise their efforts in pressuring the on routes served by Air India.
Pillai said a search will resume the firm struggles to boost per- business acumen and ethics, engineer-turned banker who
with daylight today. formance in the face of slow will serve as chairman emeri- is best known for turning ICI-
Two Indian Air Force helicop- global recovery. tus of the company, which will CI into India’s largest private
ters could not find the aircraft
during a search of the mountains
where it lost radio contact.
Infosys Technologies ap-
pointed K V Kamath as chair-
man to replace founder N R
be realigned into new broad
business groups.
“I accept this position with
Kamath was born on De-
cember 2, 1947, in Manga-
Nomads on the move
The government is in constant Narayana Murthy, who is slat- the deepest humility,” Kamath lore, about 350km from Ban-
touch with Bhutan to find out ed to retire from the post at the said, paying tribute to Murthy galore on the west coast, a
about the missing chopper. age of 65 in August as part of as someone who built a com- land of bankers from where
“We are in constant touch a shake-up in its top manage- pany “with integrity and de- Canara Bank, Syndicate
with the central government at ment. fined that as a core value.” Bank, Corporation Bank and
the highest level. Initially we Kamath, 63, the first non- “No one can replace N R Karnataka Bank started dec-
were also told the chopper had company founder to head the Narayana Murthy,” Kamath, ades ago.
landed in Bhutan, but now there software giant based in India’s currently non-executive He spent early years in Man-
are conflicting reports coming southern technology hub Ban- chairman of ICICI Bank, told galore, completing schooling
in,” Sanjay said. galore, formerly headed India’s reporters. “What he did for In- and pre-college studies from
Around 2pm, Arunchal largest private bank, ICICI. fosys epitomised the spirit of St Aloysius School.
Pradesh Governor J J Singh and “I am so happy he will be the new India.” Kamath got a degree in me-
the state chief secretary spoke steering the company in the Infosys, regarded as a bell- chanical engineering from the
to the media, and also gave tel- future,” Murthy told a news wether for the $60bn Indian Karnataka Regional Educa-
ephone interviews to various conference as he announced export-focused outsourcing tional College, Surathkal.
national TV channels, saying the appointment, which he sector, was founded by Murthy After graduating in 1969,
the helicopter had landed safely said had been a unanimous and six other entrepreneurs he joined the prestigious In-
with all the passengers. choice. three decades ago with an in- dian Institute of Management,
The chief minister’s adviser Kamath, who has vestment of just $250. Ahmedabad (IIM-A) to do an
Kiren Rijiju also confirmed the been an independent US and other foreign MBA.
news, saying the chopper had director on the Infosys firms, drawn by India’s Armed with the two degrees,
landed somewhere in eastern board since May 2009, vast, educated English- he began his career with ICICI
Bhutan adjoining Tawang dis- takes the helm as In- speaking workforce and in 1971.
trict due to bad weather and it dia’s flagship out- labour costs that Kamath had break in service
was flying back to Guwahati with sourcing sector are lower than with the ICICI Group when he
the chief minister on board. faces challenges in the West, went to Asian Development
In case of an engine failure, from a slow re- have farmed Bank in 1988. He returned to
there are slim chances of the covery in Eu- out a range of the ICICI eight years later as its
single-engine helicopter making rope and the jobs from an- managing director and CEO.
a safe landing. US and cur- swering bank In ICICI, Kamath is remem- A man belonging to the Bakarwal community guides his horses on a mountainous region, some 150km
On April 19, a Pawan Hans rency volatil- client calls to bered for setting up branches, from the northern city of Jammu. Bakarwals are nomadic herders in Jammu and Kashmir, who wander
helicopter crashed in Tawang, ity. processing in- ATMs and selling various kinds in search of good pastures for their cattle.
killing 17 people and injuring six. Infosys said surance claims. of loan products aggressively.

Report given
to speaker: Joshi
Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
chairman Murli Manohar Joshi
yesterday said he has submitted
US ‘rebuffed’ over Pak ties, past sanctions
a draft report on the 2G spectrum Reuters Pentagon official then about to ise old Soviet-era weapons and should not be trusted,” Roemer fence partnership with India,” American planes, three Europe-
allocation to Lok Sabha Speaker Washington visit India. technology. wrote in the message obtained said Navy Commander Leslie ans and a Russian model.
Meira Kumar’s office. US officials from President Roemer announced on by the anti-secrecy group Hull-Ryde, a Pentagon spokes- Asked about the possible im-
The 270-page draft report on the Barack Obama down subse- Thursday he was leaving his WikiLeaks. woman, “and remain convinced pact of any Indian concerns over

controversial telecom licence he US has fretted for quently pushed hard to sell US post for professional and fam- The cable cited one unnamed that the US offers our defence US reliability as a supplier, the
allotment was rejected by 11 of 21 years that its ties to Pa- fighter jets to India to crown ily reasons. source as saying the Indian army partners around the globe the official said the elimination of
members of the panel belong- kistan and past sanc- expanding security ties. The “The new environment” ref- will never put US equipment in world’s most advanced and reli- Boeing and Lockheed seemed to
ing to the Congress, the Dravida tions against India would harm US also is eyeing tens of bil- erence in his 2009 cable con- divisions facing Pakistan, In- able technology.” be based on technical considera-
Munnetra Kazhagam, Samajwadi its efforts to win arms deals lions of dollars in other potential cerned the emergence of Prime dia’s historic foe, “because they She said US officials were tions.
Party and the Bahujan Samaj such as the $11bn fighter order arms deals with India, the cable Minister Manmohan Singh’s expect the US will stop military closely studying Indian-provid- “I think, if anything, the
Party (BSP). that slipped away from two US showed. government with “a clear man- supplies in the event of Indo- ed documentation on the short- concerns are that it was only
The Congress and its allies have suppliers this week, a US dip- In the end, India shortlisted date not beholden to coalition Pak hostilities.” listing decision, and looked for- made on that basis and without
rubbished the leaked draft report lomatic cable showed. two European aircraft over Boe- partners” for the first time since The US Defence Department ward to a full “debrief” from the looking at the wider strategic
that pulled up Prime Minister Man- “Our ability to seize the op- ing Company’s F/A-18 Super- post-Cold War US-Indian stra- said on Friday it was “deeply Indian Air Force. implications of this,” the offi-
mohan Singh for his “indirect” role portunities presented by this Hornet and Lockheed Martin tegic ties took shape. disappointed” by rejection of the A State Department spokes- cial said.
in the spectrum allocation scan- newly improved environment is Corporation’s F-16, company US competitors use the eco- US bid to supply 126 new fighter woman, Heide Fulton, declined In the past three years, India
dal. It also criticised P Chidambar- limited by the commonly held officials said. nomic sanctions imposed by aircraft. Instead, India set up a to comment on Roemer’s 2009 has agreed to buy some $10bn
am, who was the finance minister view that the US will not prove Lockheed and Boeing are the Washington after Indian nuclear contest between France’s Rafale cable as a matter of policy. in US military hardware includ-
when then telecom minister A to be a reliable supplier of de- Pentagon’s No 1 and No 2 sup- tests in 1998 to try to harm US and the Eurofighter Typhoon A senior State Department of- ing six Lockheed C-130J mili-
Raja sold scarce radio waves to fence equipment,” Timothy Ro- plier, respectively. Each is press- sales prospects, the cable said. made by Britain, Germany, Italy ficial said the US was not aware tary transport planes and eight
private telecom firms allegedly at emer, the US ambassador to In- ing to boost sales in India, which They also point to “our close and Spain. of any allegations of impropri- long-range Boeing P-8 maritime
throwaway prices, causing the na- dia, said in an October 29, 2009, plans to spend about $50bn in defence relationship with Pa- “We look forward to continu- ety “so far” in the fighter matter. reconnaissance and anti-sub-
tion colossal loss of revenue. cable to Michele Flournoy, a top the next five years to modern- kistan as rationale that the US ing to grow and develop our de- The full field included the two marine warfare aircraft.
Gulf Times
28 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prayers for Japan victims

US envoy due
in Lanka amid
war crimes
report snub
Assistant secretary of state ly, morally and substantively Lanka and other countries to
Robert Blake set to begin flawed,” and accused the Unit- seek accountability over the
a six-day trip to Sri Lanka ed Nations of trying to desta- civil war.
and Maldives for talks with bilize the island. “We strongly support the
political leaders and civil But the United States has secretary-general’s call for Sri
society welcomed the report, with US Lankan authorities to respond
Ambassador to the United Na- constructively to the report,”
AFP tions Susan Rice calling for “an the official said.
Washington independent and full account- The Tamil diaspora has Tibetans in exile pray for Japan’s earthquake and tsunami victims on the 49th day following the disaster at Bouddhanath Stupa in
ing of the facts.” been actively pressing for an Kathmanduyesterday. Tibetans living in Nepal participated in the ceremony and offered prayers for the departed and healing of those
Another US official, speak- accounting of the war, con- suffering from the disaster in Japan.

US envoy heads to Sri ing on condition of anonymity, tributing to calls by a number
Lanka next week to en- said the United States planned of US lawmakers for an
courage a full accounting a “candid dialogue” with Sri international probe.
over its civil war after the gov-
ernment angrily rejected UN-

UN leader warns Nepal

backed allegations of atrocities,
officials have said.
Robert Blake, the assistant
secretary of state handling South
Asia, was to leave yesterday on
a six-day trip to Sri Lanka and

over constitution delay

Maldives for talks with politi-
cal leaders and civil society, the
State Department said.
A US official said Blake’s visit
to Sri Lanka had originally been
planned a month ago and was
not linked to the war panel re- AFP rehabilitation of Maoist army write a new constitution following the assembly failed to produce a
port released on Monday but Kathmandu personnel and fundamental is- the end of the civil war and abolition charter on time. Since then, lit-
that it was certain to come up in sues regarding the new consti- of the 240-year-old monarchy. tle progress has been made and
conversation. tution,” Ban’s spokesman Mar- The term had to be extended many in Nepal fear lawmakers

The report commissioned by N leader Ban Ki-moon tin Nesirky said. for one year in May last year after will miss the new deadline.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- called on Nepal’s rival “At this decisive point in the
moon found “credible allega- parties yesterday to step process, the secretary-general Diplomat on war crimes to arrive today
tions” that both the Sri Lankan up efforts to agree a new con- calls on all parties to exercise
army and Tamil Tiger rebels stitution with a May 28 deadline maximum flexibility in seeking US ambassador-at-large for war Liberian president Charles Taylor
had been involved in what could fast looming. a common political ground to crimes issues Stephen J Rapp is to and other persons alleged to bear
amount to war crimes or crimes The secretary-general said enable them to fulfill their com- arrive in Dhaka today for a round of the greatest responsibility for the
against humanity. Nepal was facing a new “decisive mitments, including the adop- meetings with senior Bangladeshi atrocities committed during the
The United Nations has esti- point” in its efforts to get over tion of a new constitution by the government officials, political civil war in Sierra Leone.
mated that tens of thousands of a decade of civil war between constituent assembly.” leaders, civil society groups and the During his tenure, his office
people died in the 2009 offensive, Maoist rebels and the govern- Ban said in the statement media, an official announcement achieved the first convictions in
in which the government killed ment that ended five years ago. that “Nepal’s peace process has said yesterday. history for sexual slavery and
the top leadership of the Tamil “With Nepal’s constitutional already delivered significant Prior to his appointment as the forced marriages as crimes against
Tigers and ended their nearly 40- deadline less than one month achievements. However, the ambassador-at-large for war crimes humanity, as well as convictions for
year separatist insurgency. away, the secretary-general urg- process remains overdue and in- issues, Rapp served as prosecutor attacks on peacekeepers and for
Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister es all parties in Nepal to exert the complete due to continuing dif- of the Special Court for Sierra the recruitment and use of child
Gamini Lakshman Peiris, meet- utmost effort in reaching con- ferences among the parties.” Leone beginning in January 2007, soldiers as violation of international
ing with diplomats on Thursday, Robert Blake: calling for an independent and full accounting of sensus on outstanding issues, Nepal’s parliament was elected leading the prosecutions of former humanitarian law.
denounced the report as “legal- the facts including the integration and in 2008 with a two-year mandate to

BNP vows to Mountain villages face food shortage

resist move DPA
Dunai, Nepal
years, with most of the increase
since a 2009 drought.
“What we grow lasts us less
than six months,” explains Dangi
ficer Hemraj Adhikari says.
The rains that do arrive with
the June monsoons are a mixed
Padam Kumari brews millet
wine to sell in the local market,
so that she can buy rice with the
money. A kilogramme of subsi-
“Maybe we can only reach a
quarter of our beneficiaries next
year,” said Nicole Menage, the
organisation’s country repre-

hnakumari Dangi and as her 12-year-old son ploughs They water the region’s meagre dized rice costs her Rs58 (0.7 US sentative. “We are also affected

on election her family will prob-

ably have to wait another
six months before they can get
enough to eat.
Dangi lives in Jhuphal village
the field behind her to plant mil-
let. “We buy rice from the Food
Corporation and work for the
World Food Programme as la-
bourers in exchange for rice.”
crops during the growing season,
but make access more difficult for
delivery of food while the people
wait for harvest time.
Access is only by air, or by
cent), a not inconsiderable sum.
“My grandchildren prefer rice,
so we try to buy some for them,
even if we can’t afford it” she says.
For the past decade, govern-
by food prices and the transpor-
tation is very expensive.”
“We feel there is a risk that
some will go hungry as we do not
have the budget.”
By Mizan Rahman line passed, thus allowing the in Dolpa, one of Nepal’s poor- The WFP pays each family 4kg a four-day walk to the nearest ment has flown rice to the re- The poverty in the region also
Dhaka Awami League administration est districts, at an altitude of of rice per day of labour, for dig- useable road. gion, weather permitting, a means low literacy. Children
to hold it,” Moudud said. 2,987m on the edge of the Ti- ging roads or irrigation canals. The rains reduce the footpaths move criticised by experts who walk hours to fetch drinking wa-
Coming down heavily on the betan plateau. But these projects don’t run all to mud, unusable by people or say it increases the people’s de- ter, instead of going to school.

ain opposition Bang- PM’s recent adverse remarks The area is ranked one of the year around. the mules they use to deliver pendency on handouts. Life expectancy is just 44 years.
ladesh Nationalist on the necessity of the care- worst in the world for food secu- Food has been scarce as long goods. And the downpours often “We’re trying to work with the Almost all children under the
Party (BNP), led by taker government, he said the rity by the UN’s World Food Pro- as Dangi can remember, but has prevent aircraft from landing at FAO (UN’s Food and Agriculture age of five are malnourished, and
former prime minister Kha- evil design to grab state power gramme (WFP), due to its inac- been getting worse recently as the area’s small airstrips. Organisation) to help people around 7% are stunted, accord-
leda Zia, has rejected ruling has been exposed through cessibility and the harsh terrain. snow is falling until later in the This often halts the deliver- improve their cultivation tech- ing to the WFP.
Awami League’s proposal to it. The ruling party wants to The lean season has just begun year, and the rains during grow- ies by the government-run food niques, while also helping them Dangi understands little of
overhaul the caretaker system bring back its one-party rule in Dolpa, where the arid, wind- ing season are less abundant. corporation. cope with climate change,” says weather patterns or programme
of governance and warned in Bangladesh, Ahmed added. swept land only yields one har- “Rainfall and snowfall pat- The region mostly depends on Adhikari. budgets. But her ambitions for
that it would resist move for vest a year, producing enough terns in the areas has been traditional crops called kodo and The WFP says it is $21mn future generations are clear:
any future general election “Hasina would create food for three to six months. changing over the years, wors- chinu, which are minor millet va- short of the budget needed to “Our wish is that our children
under a political government. such a situation for the Government figures say food ening the food production sce- rieties. However, food preferences work in the 22 districts in the could have food and education -
Senior BNP leader Moudud caretakers that it could deficit has tripled in recent nario,” agriculture extension of- have been changing over the years. region. a dream of all Dolpalis.”
Ahmed said yesterday that not hold the poll any way
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasi- with the 90-day deadline
na was planning to hold next passed, thus allowing
general elections under the the Awami League
All in a day’s work
government of her own party
instead of a separate caretaker
government, “but BNP would
administration to hold it”
With that purpose, he said,
Garment units offer to
resist that at any cost”.
Hasina on Wednesday
placed the ruling party’s pro-
the PM has made the observa-
tions against the necessity of a
caretaker government system.
hire Libya returnees
posal to a special parliamen- Hasina’s slain father presi- By Mizan Rahman Briefing newsmen after the
tary committee on constitu- dent Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Dhaka meeting, press secretary Abul Ka-
tional amendment that if a had introduced one-party rule lam Azad said the PM discussed
caretaker government fails to in 1974, banning all other po- various issues of increasing export

hold elections in three-month litical groups thus stifling all he Garment Manufactur- and ready garments and expan-
deadline, the immediate past voices of democratic dissent ers and Exporters Associ- sion of trade and business.
political (Awami League) gov- against his four-year auto- ation (BGMEA), a group- Lauding the BGMEA’a initia-
ernment will hold it. cratic rule. ing of over 5,000 factories, will tive of arranging music compe-
In this case, if Hasina’s pro- Moudud Ahmed said there employ nearly 35,000 Bangla- tition for the garment workers,
posal is accepted by the par- was a constitutional provision deshis who returned from Libya the prime minister asked the
liament, the next general elec- to hold general elections under in garment industry by impart- garment owners to arrange more
tion due in 2013 would be held a caretaker government. The ing them training. such programmes in future to
under her government if the countrymen will never accept “We will provide employment strengthen relations between
caretakers fail to hold it within any election under any politi- to workers who returned from Lib- owners and workers.
the stipulated time. cal government, he added. ya,” said Shafiul Islam Mohiuddin, “Arranging such programmes
“Hasina would create such He said a referendum is es- newly elected president of BGMEA, will help flourish latent tal-
a situation for the caretakers sential if the government wants Bangladeshi daily labourers carry brick to shore from boats on the eve of May Day at Gabtoli when a trade body team called on ent of the workers along with
that it could not hold the poll to amend the Articles 7, 8, 48 in Dhaka, yesterday. May Day is a public holiday in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, of- strengthening relations between
any way with the 90-day dead- and 56 of the constitution. ficials said yesterday. owners and workers,” she added.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 29
Universal soups up its
Fast and Furious franchise:
Time Out Page 6 COMMENT

An image of arrogance and authority

There are many edness. Comparing the US Congres- global businesses, in which they are
sional Budget Office’s medium-term paid based on their return on equity –
advantages to having an forecasts before (in January 2008) and unadjusted for any risk.
independent central bank after the crisis, this debt increase is a The world’s top independent
staggering 40% of GDP. financial minds have looked long and
run by professionals who Indeed, the reason there is a per- hard at these arrangements, and, given
can keep their distance ceived fiscal crisis in the US today what we have learned in recent years,
– along with spending cuts that will have found them worse than wanting
from politicians further hurt many people – is simple: (see the web page of Anat Admati at
the banks blew themselves up at great Stanford’s Graduate School of Busi-
By Simon Johnson cost to the American people, with ness for the details). In their view,
Washington major negative global implications. the big banks should be funded much
Most of the public-debt increase in more with equity – perhaps as much
the US and elsewhere is not due to any as 30% of their capitalisation. But

t is increasingly common to hear kind of discretionary fiscal stimulus; bankers strongly reject this approach
prominent American and Euro- it’s all about the loss of tax revenue (because it would likely lower their
pean central bankers proclaim, that comes with a deep recession. pay), as do central bankers (because
with respect to the crisis of 2008- (And the Bush administration’s tax they are too much persuaded by the
2010, the following verdict: “We did cuts for the wealthiest, unfunded protestation of bankers).
well.” Their view is that the various Medicare prescription benefit and There are many advantages to
government actions to support the debt-financed wars in Afghanistan having an independent central bank
financial system helped to stabilise and Iraq have severely weakened the run by professionals who can keep
the situation. Indeed, what could be long-term fiscal outlook.) their distance from politicians.
wrong when the US Federal Reserve’s Finally, the cost of the crisis is mil- But when the people at the apex of
asset purchases may have actually lions of homes lost and lives damaged, these institutions insist that the
made money (which is then turned some permanently. crisis response went well, and that
over to the US Treasury)? The issue is not whether the Fed, everything will be fine, even as the
But to frame the issue in this way or any central bank, should seek to financial behemoths that caused the
is, at best, to engage in delusion. At prevent the collapse of its country’s crisis lumber forward, their credibil-
worst, however, it creates an image of banking system. To see the severe ity inevitably suffers.
arrogance that can only undermine effects of a banking crisis, look no That should worry central bank-
the credibility on which central banks’ further than the 1930’s, a period that ers, because their credibility is pretty
authority rests. Ben Bernanke studied in detail before much all they have. The US Constitu-
The real cost of the crisis is not he became Fed chair. If the choice at tion, after all, does not guarantee the
measured by the profit and loss any particular moment is to provide Fed’s independence. Congress created
statement of any central bank – or by support or let the system collapse, you the Fed, which means that Congress
whether or not the Troubled Asset should choose support. can un-create it. By assuming away
Relief Programme (TARP), run by the But, more broadly, as Dennis the damage that highly leveraged meg-
Treasury Department, made or lost Lockhart, president of the Atlanta abanks can do, the myth of a “good
money on its various activities. Federal Reserve Bank, said last week at US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke: to see the severe effects of a banking crisis, look no further than the 1930’s, a crisis” merely makes political pressure
The cost is 8mn jobs in the US a public conference organised by his period that Bernanke studied in detail before he became Fed chairman. on central banks all the more likely. —
alone, with employment falling 6% institution, we should not seek to op- Project Syndicate
from its peak and – in a major depar- erate a system based on the principle the people running the top 14 US edge of the abyss: Sandy Weil (built Fuld (ran Lehman Brothers into the
ture from other post-1945 recessions of “private gains and public losses”. financial institutions received cash Citigroup, which blew up shortly ground); and Jimmy Cayne (ran Bear „Simon Johnson, a former chief
– remaining 5% below that peak today, And these losses are massively compensation (salary, bonus, and the after he left); Hank Paulson (greatly Stearns into the ground). economist of the IMF, is co-founder of
31 months after the crisis broke in skewed in ways that are grossly inef- value of stock sold) of around $2.6bn. expanded Goldman Sachs, lobbied for The public losses are massive in a leading economics blog, http://Base-
earnest. ficient, in addition to being completely Of this amount, around $2bn was allowing more leverage in investment comparison: roughly $6tn, if we limit, a professor at MIT
The cost is also the increase in net unfair. received by the five best-paid individ- banks, then moved to the US Treasury ourselves just to the increase in federal Sloan, a senior fellow at the Peterson
federal government debt held by the The private gains can be measured uals, who were also central to creating and helped save them); Angelo Mozilo government debt. And leading bank Institute for International Economics,
private sector – the most accurate most directly in the form of executive the highly risky asset structures that (built Countrywide, a central player in executives still insist that they should and co-author, with James Kwak, of 13
measure of true government indebt- compensation. From 2000 to 2008, brought the financial system to the irresponsible mortgage lending); Dick be allowed to run highly leveraged Bankers.

Weather report
The Great Escape II Ar Ruways
The Gulf
Three-day forecast
By Eric S. Margolis sympathisers. Since many Afghans turned over Taliban suspects to NDI als lament CIA’s “going cowboy.” Al Khuwayr
knew the Soviets were losing, regime for torture; Britain and Holland re- They say the agency’s primary goal Fuwayrit Partly cloudy-blowing
Special for Gulf Times dust&chance of std rain
supporters began hedging their bets by fused to do so. is providing the White House with Gulf of
informing and making side deals with The latest American plan for Af- balanced analysis, not indulging in

equels are rarely as good as the resistance. ghanistan is to hold key urban areas gunplay. Getting involved in fight- MONDAY
the original, but last week’s The same process is afoot today in using a somewhat reduced US garrison ing overseas will inevitably corrupt High: 35C
Great Escape from Kanda- Afghanistan. The 150,000 western backed by a new army of mercenaries CIA, they warn, and bias its judg- Al Khawr Low: 24C
har Prison II was almost troops occupying that nation have lost run by the US Embassy in Kabul which ment. P Sunny
Al Jamayliyah
as exciting as the 2008 original in the military, political and psychologi- is being expanded to 1,000 personal – Washington just named a new
which 800 Taliban prisoners were cal initiative. the world’s largest. CIA paramilitary ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan
busted out of Afghanistan’s Sorpoza Each US soldier in Afghanistan forces will play an ever larger role in Crocker, an ardent Bush neocon who Dukhan TUESDAY
Prison. costs a minimum of $1mn annually. Afghanistan. was ambassador to Iraq, where he
QATAR Doha High: 34C
This time around, 541 prisoners, Western forces are on the defensive, in was mocked for his rosy pronounce- Ar Rayyan Low: 24C
including 106 Taliban commanders, spite of all the ludicrously cheery war ments. Crocker replaces the gruff, able Clear

tunnelled their way out of the notori- bulletins – shades of Vietnam - from
Afghan resistance ex-general, Karl Eikenberry who kept
Umm Bab
Al Wakrah
ous maximum security prison. Nato public relations officers. forces that we telling Washington what it did not
Fishermen’s forecast
Great Escape II was a humiliat- No less an authority than Afghan want to hear. Yes-man Crocker can be
ing blow to American occupation president Hamid Karzai recently called collectively call Taliban counted on to issue politically positive
Al Kiranah Umm Said
forces garrisoned in Kandahar, and
to Canada, which spent over $4mn
the ten-year US-led war, “ineffective,
apart from causing civilian casualties.”
know just about election-year reports on how well the
war is going.
Wind: NW 15-20/25 kts
Waves: 2-4/5 feet
two years ago further fortifying the Ouch! everything that goes But the war is not going well. Worse, INSHORE DOHA
Wind: NE-SE 08-18 kts
prison. There were red faces and Washington seems to be concluding by waging war in Afghanistan, the US
finger-pointing all around. The US it cannot defeat the national resist- on in the US-installed is relentlessly undermining and desta-
Waves: 1-2/3 feet

claimed Afghan prison official were

incompetent, corrupt, and in cahoots
ance militarily. Its Tajik, Uzbek and
Communist allies lack the power to
Afghan government, bilising Pakistan, an infinitely more
important nation.
Around the region
Weather Weather
with Taliban. combat Taliban outside of their ethnic military and police US-Pakistani relations have hit a
Abu Dhabi
today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
Of course the escape was an inside territories. new low as Washington keeps arm- Clear 40/27 M Sunny 38/26
Baghdad M Sunny 29/20 M Sunny 30/20
job. Afghan resistance forces that we The US is spending $6bn annually In line with this policy, the current twisting the Islamabad government Dubai Clear
Clear 37/28 36/26
collectively call Taliban know just training Afghan government troops US commander in Afghanistan, the it finances to follow policies contrary Kuwait City C Rain 32/24 Clear 34/25
about everything that goes on in the and police. Even so, Afghan govern- politically savvy Gen. David Petraeus, to Pakistan’s interests and public Manama P Sunny 33/25 M Sunny 31/24
US-installed Afghan government, ment forces are unreliable and in- was just named CIA director. He is opinion. Muscat Clear 34/28 M Sunny 36/28
military and police. competent. They are mostly Tajik and detested by Pakistan. CIA boss Leon WikiLeaks just published docu- Riyadh M Sunny 34/21 M Sunny 34/20
As I saw during the 1980’s anti- Uzbek, who are hated by the Pashtun Panetta will become Defense Secre- ments showing the US deems Tehran C Rain 23/15 M Sunny 24/13
Soviet struggle, every military offen- majority. tary. Pakistan’s crack intelligence service
sive by the Soviets and their puppet The feared, Communist-dominat- Petraeus’ new role confirms CIA is ISI a “terrorist group.” Washington
Afghan regime was telegraphed to ed Afghan intelligence service NDI fast becoming militarised as an active has clearly gone terrorism bonkers. Tehran

the mujahidin resistance days in – son of the old Soviet-run KHAD combat arm of the US government. What next? Terrorist camels, terror-
advance. – is efficient. It continues to brutally The Pentagon is also fast expanding its ist dogs, terrorist babies, terrorist
The Afghan Communist forces were torture, abuse, and execute suspects. intelligence role. UFOs? Call this new dementia, SYRIA Baghdad
filled with mujahidin informers and The US and Canada have routinely Veteran intelligence profession- AfPak brain fever.
Damascus IRAQ IRAN


Live issues
Abu Dhabi
QATAR Muscat
Riyadh UAE

Living together can come at a high cost EGYPT


By Patrick Collinson meal law made by judges, instead? It listed by Forbes magazine as “self- a hole in our pocket, so we headed
London would be a charter for chancers and all made” (it seems he made lots of ties off to Harrods, perhaps more suit- Around the world
the no-win, no-fee merchants as they with the country’s first post-Soviet able for your average oligarch. It Weather Weather
trawl back through past relationships. prime minister), spends much of his found us a bathtub, sculpted from today Max/min tomorrow Max/min

eventeen years ago, Leon- A better solution would be education time back in Donetsk, from where he flawless white rock crystal quarried Athens Rain 23/15 Clear 24/15
Bangkok M Sunny 34/25 P Sunny 34/26
ard Kernott split up with his (school citizenship classes?), espe- runs a vast conglomerate of steel and in the Amazon and, hey, it’s only M Sunny C Rain 25/17
Beirut 22/16
girlfriend, Patricia Jones. They cially now that civil partnerships have mining businesses. £500,000. Now we’re talking, we Berlin Clear 18/04 Clear 16/04
had lived together, unmar- closed the obvious gap in the marriage So we thought we’d help out a bit thought. But even Harrods admitted Cairo Clear 29/21 Clear 35/15
ried, for eight years, but during that laws. Do we really want to have to con- with the refit, and popped along to it might struggle to fit out a flat and Cape Town Clear 26/17 T Storms 23/17
time Patricia had paid every penny of sult lawyers before starting any sort of Peter Jones, down the road on Sloane spend £60mn. Colombo T Storms 30/25 T Storms 30/26
Dhaka C Rain 36/25 Clear 36/26
the mortgage. Leonard gave her £100 relationship? No, thanks. Square. We looked for the most ex- In Donetsk, the locals might not Hong Kong P Sunny 28/23 P Sunny 29/23
a week for “expenses”, and Jones says Poor old Rinat Akhmetov. He pensive everything. The priciest sofa; quite see the funny side. Ukraine is Istanbul P Sunny 17/13 M Sunny 18/13
she offered him £20,000 when they coughs up £136mn for the world’s the most luxurious bed; the most agriculturally rich, but its people Jakarta T Storms 32/26 T Storms 33/26
split. most expensive apartment, on a busy absurdly priced pepper pot, that sort are dirt poor. Male life expectancy is Karachi Clear 35/26 Clear 35/26
London M Sunny 17/12 Clear 15/08
But last June, the court of appeal road in central London, then has to of thing. just 62. Its economy contracted 15% M Sunny M Sunny 35/26
Manila 35/26
ordered Jones to hand over half the find another 60mn for carpets and We found a bedsheet for £160. A in 2009, among the worst perform- Moscow Shower 16/06 P Cloudy 15/04
value of her Essex home now worth curtains. The Ukrainian billionaire has blender for £439. A fridge for £12,500. ances in the world. GDP per head is New Delhi Clear 40/27 Clear 40/27
£245,000 to Kernott. purchased two flats in the 1 Hyde Park Yep, that’s right, there are people, a just 1,485. Put it another way, the New York P Cloudy 19/10 Shower 16/09
Paris M Cloudy 22/11 P Cloudy 21/08
Next week the case is back in court, development and will knock them into few ice cubes short of a full tray, who cost of that one apartment off Hyde M Sunny C Storms 23/14
Sao Paulo 27/17
this time at the Supreme Court. Well- one 25,000 sq ft pad. The refit will will spend £12,500 on a fridge. But Park represents the annual income Seoul Windy 17/09 M Cloudy 18/09
intentioned advocates of rights for cost another £60mn, or so we’re told. even after scouring the store, our work of 135,000 Ukrainians. Still, I’m sure Singapore C Rain 33/27 T Storms 32/27
co-habitees argue that few understand Perhaps the cutlery tray will be lined experience person reckoned she’d Rinat earned every penny of that Sydney P Cloudy 21/14 Std Showers 21/15
they have no protection under “com- with a Persian rug. struggle to spend a hundred grand. “self-made” fortune. — Guardian Tokyo Cloudy 20/16 Clear 25/16
mon law”. But do we really want piece- Our Peter Beardsley-lookalike, That left us with £59.9mn burning News and Media
30 Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Can radiation
COMMENT be beneficial?:
Time Out Page 13

Chairman: Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah

Managing Editor: Neil Cook
Production Editor: C. P. Ravindran Migration: Europe’s
P.O.Box 2888
Doha, Qatar
Telephone 44350478 (news),
44466404 (sport), 44466636 (home delivery)
test in north Africa
The best way to allay reached Italy’s shores. Dealing with not for more migration, but for better helped bring down dictators in Egypt
Fax 44350474 European fears and prevent any surge of asylum seekers will re- migration – well thought out and and Tunisia. Their talents and energy
quire the EU to strengthen its capacity planned. should now be cultivated and har-
uncontrolled migration is to to offer temporary protection – and Of course, if Europe helps North nessed to help rebuild their societies.
establish positive incentives, possibly to reconsider how its overall Africa build sustainable, prosper- Responding to the challenges and
asylum system works. That the Union ous democracies, this would be the opportunities of this moment de-

GULF TIMES and the practical means, for

potential migrants to stay
has been moving towards a common
approach to border security, most vis-
ibly with the expansion of the Frontex
border agency, will be of help here.
greatest long-term deterrent to illegal
migration of all. It is worth recalling
that 50 years ago, the largest immi-
grant populations in northern Europe
mands the creation of strong part-
nerships among states, international
institutions, and non-governmental
actors. Since its inception in 2006,
But if Europe allows itself to be hailed from Italy, Greece, Portugal, the Global Forum on Migration and

Birth of ‘a new By Peter Sutherland

consumed by the short-term crisis,
it risks squandering an extraordinary
long-term opportunity. By using this
moment strategically and wisely, the
and Spain.
As those countries prospered, the
emigres returned home: their coun-
tries eventually became engines of
Development (GFMD) has provided a
much-needed platform for dialogue
among states and other stakehold-
ers on issues related to migration and

form of racism’ in E
urope’s reaction to the historic EU would have a chance to reframe its European growth, and major export development.
revolutions in North Africa relationship with the southern Medi- markets for Germany, France, and Its annual plenary sessions facilitate
has vacillated between exhila- terranean (as it is being redubbed) to other EU member states. The same the exchange of experiences and good
ration and fear. The natural promote generational development arc of development can and should practices in a way that transcends

post-Obama US instinct to celebrate and support

democratisation across the Mediter-
ranean has been tempered by concerns
that the crisis will spill onto European
and growth in ways that can address
Europe’s interests, too.
The best way to allay European fears
and prevent uncontrolled migration
be limned for the southern Mediter-
Fortunately, research on migration
and development in recent years has
traditional “North-South” conflicts.
Among other changes that it has
spurred, the GFMD has compelled
governments to understand migra-
shores. is to establish positive incentives, helped foster a range of policy tools tion more holistically, and to develop
America marked the sesquicentennial (that’s 150 A few leaders have invoked the and the practical means, for poten- that Europe should be considering. a “whole of government” approach
years), of its civil war in April. And yet, even as the post-World War II Marshall Plan as tial migrants to stay home – most Experts and policymakers have been to addressing the opportunities and
a model for large-scale European significantly by creating jobs in the devising many innovative programs, challenges that it poses. It also has
milestone is acknowledged to have led on to the development assistance for the region, southern Mediterranean. After all, the including low-cost remittances from highlighted the importance to devel-
breakdown of racial segregation and greater civil the aim being to ensure the sustain- vast majority of migrants leave home migrants to their home countries, opment of protecting migrant rights
ability of a democratic transformation reluctantly. efforts to strengthen ties between and of fighting illegal migration.
liberties, the United States is still a nation that frets over and generate long-term political and Yet, at the same time, as its baby diasporas and their homelands, and The Global Forum has done its job
the authenticity of its first African-American president’s economic benefits for Europe. But the boomers retire en masse in the coming initiatives that help skilled migrants by generating and fostering ideas
mainstream reaction has been much decade, Europe will need workers at find proper employment, so that that can make migration benefit the
nationality. more fearful: media and politicians all skill levels. The southern Mediter- qualified surgeons are not driving development of countries of origin
The ‘birther’ debate — whether or not President throughout the European Union are ranean can be the source of this labour, taxis. and destination. It is high time that
obsessing about the threat of waves of given its huge youth bulge. The trick In thinking about how to reframe these ideas are implemented. There
Barack Obama was really born in the US, and therefore is migrants reaching their borders. will be to ensure that migrants are the EU’s relationship with the south- could be no greater opportunity for
he really eligible for holding the highest office in the Such a threat should not be taken given the chance to acquire the skills ern Mediterranean, we should draw on doing so than this strategically crucial
lightly. Already, the controversy over that European employers need, and these ideas as expansively as possible. window in the history of Europe and
land — was kicked back into the limelight last week by Tunisian migrants in Italy has started that they have the chance to move in a In order to connect our societies in the southern Mediterranean. If we do
the real estate tycoon Donald Trump. to fray the political underpinnings that safe, legal, and orderly fashion. positive ways, we should seriously not seize this moment for action, his-
allow free movement in the Schengen Policies that help train the next gen- consider liberalising trade regimes, tory could well pass us by. — Project
More known for his slightly odd hairdo and a area. The war in Libya, meanwhile, eration of North Africans, and allow opening new avenues for legal migra- Syndicate
colourful personal life (besides the reality TV show The could lead to many more thousands them to circulate more freely between tion, and vastly expanding the number
of civilians fleeing the violence and Europe and their home countries, are of students from the region who come „Peter Sutherland is special represent-
Apprentice, where he famously proclaims ‘You’re fired!’ needing international protection. a much smarter solution than the cur- to Europe for education and profes- ative of the United Nations secretary-
to a hapless contestant each week), Trump may run for So far, nearly 400,000 people have rent approach, which sustains illegal sional training. After all, it was the general for migration, former director
filled refugee camps in Tunisia and migration without meeting Europe’s youth of North Africa, both at home general of the WTO and a former EU
president in 2012 as a Republican Party nominee. Egypt, and an estimated 20,000 have labour needs. This is an argument and abroad, whose notions of freedom Commissioner.
In an NBC interview on Wednesday, the real estate
mogul cast doubts on Obama’s citizenship, prompting
the president to publish a longer version of his birth
certificate the next day, with a suggestion that his
Republican opponents should ‘get serious’.
While the air has been cleared for now, the rise of a
new, more insidious form of racism cannot be overlooked
in post-Obama America. Obama’s exotic background,
his schooling abroad, the middle name Hussain and,
yes, his race all contribute to the perception among
some Americans that the president is “other.” Despite
Obama himself claiming a Christian heritage, conspiracy
theorists insist he is a
The ‘birther’ Muslim ‘in secret’.
The ‘birther’ issue
issue is a is a crowd-pleaser the
crowd-pleaser Republicans are eager
the Republicans to cash in on, no matter
how misguided the entire
are eager to cash premise is. It is perhaps
in on no less bizarre than a
fourth grade history
teacher in Norfolk, Virginia who held a ‘mock auction
of black slaves’ using African-American and Hispanic
students as a lesson to illustrate the Civil War last month.
Why would a nation struggling with a soaring jobless
rate, and military participation in at least three major
conflicts abroad want assurance (after he has already
spent two years in the White House and announced
his decision to stand for re-election), on Obama’s
citizenship? Is it because the rise of an African-
American is unpalatable to the white majority of the
For now, the long-form birth certificate has staunched
ElBaradei seeks Iraq war probe
By Dr Cesar Chelala Security adviser Condoleezza Rice. The strongest evidence against making serious efforts to avoid go-
the debate somewhat, with critics starting to question New York They tried to convert the UN mission Bush is a speech he gave on October ing to war, former president Bush
Trump’s own credentials for trying to become a into a cover for what Bush officials 7 of 2002 in which he claimed that considered the possibility of starting
wanted to be a United-States directed Iraq posed an imminent threat to the a war by sending U2 reconnaissance
Republican nominee.

n his just published memoirs, The inspection process. security of the US and was capable of aircraft falsely painted in UN colours
But the controversial Trump did not hesitate to pat Age of Deception, former chief UN Both he and Blix resisted, and attacking America at anytime with his on flights over Iraq along with fighter
nuclear inspector Mohamed El- their teams carried out some 700 stockpile of weapons of mass destruc- escorts. If Saddam ordered them shot
himself on the back for the whole gambit. “I am really Baradei asks that George W Bush inspections of potential weapons tion, according to Bugliosi. down, that would constitute ground
honoured, frankly, to have played such a big role in and officials in his administration sites in Iraq, and found no evidence for war.

hopefully getting rid of this issue,” said Trump, in

face international criminal investiga-
tion for the war in Iraq. One thing he
supporting the US claims. Former
president Bush and his team rejected
ElBaradei’s demand In their seventh annual conven-
tion in Austin, Texas, Iraq Veterans
response to Obama’s move, making him look like he was learned from the Iraq war, he says, is ElBaradei and Blix’ findings, and for Bush’s prosecution Against the War (IVAW) stated that the
that deliberate deception is not limited continued to insist on Iraq’s posses- growing body of evidence, including
getting his political parties all mixed up. to small countries ruled by ruthless sion of weapons of mass destruction is in line with several testimony from British officials in the
How long before the Republican Party says “You’re dictators. to justify the war against that coun- Chilcot Inquiry, shows that Bush of-
ElBaradei is harshest in his com- try. The unfortunate result is that previous actions by ficials could be charged with criminal
fired!” to Trump? ments when criticising the 2002-2003
drive for war with Iraq, when he and
the US orchestrated a war in which
hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civil-
individuals and legal offences against the US and violations
of international law for making false

To Advertise
Swedish inspector Hans Blix led
UN missions looking for signs that
ians were killed as well as several
thousand US soldiers.
and human rights claims about national self-defense.
Although there are formidable legal Saddam Hussain’s government had ElBaradei’s demand for Bush’s organisations barriers that may rule out such an
revived nuclear, chemical or biological prosecution is in line with several investigation, ElBaradei cites the war-
Display weapons programmes. They found no previous actions by individuals and In addition, says Bugliosi, leading crimes prosecution of Serbia’s Slobo-
Telephone 44466621 Fax 44418811 evidence that Saddam Hussain actu- legal and human rights organisa- officials in former president Bush’s dan Milosevic as showing that, indeed,
ally did so. tions. In the book, The Prosecution of administration edited a declassified it should be possible to do it. As the
Classified The Egyptian nuclear expert tells George W Bush, former US prosecu- version of the National Intelligence IVAW stated: “It is time for America to
Telephone 44466609 Fax 44418811 about a meeting he and Blix held with tor Vincent Bugliosi argues that the Estimate (NIE) released to Congress hold the officials responsible for this
leading Bush administration officials. former president intentionally misled and the public in a way that made the war to account for their decisions.”
Subscription In that meeting, held in October 2002, Congress and the American people Iraqi threat look more ominous than they met with, among others, secre- about the evidence that he claimed what it really was. „Dr Cesar Chelala is a co-winner of an
tary of state Colin Powell and National justified going to war with Iraq. Bugliosi also asserts that far from Overseas Press Club of America award.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 31


In love with royal family all over again

The amazing scenes very moment when Margaret Thatch- 1959, the Tory journalist Peregrine
er’s monetarist medicine had sent the Worsthorne predicted that the dis-
at William and Kate’s Tories down to third place in the polls. solution of the British empire would
wedding underline how For timing, though, Anne and Mark have seismic consequences for the
take the biscuit. Their big bash on 14 domestic class system. In the long run,
resilient the monarchy November 1973 came the day after he predicted, everything about the
is, only a few years after Edward Heath had announced a state traditional hierarchy would start to
of emergency to deal with the unprec- look “foolish and tacky when related
the wounding episode of edented energy crisis that culminated to a second-class power on the de-
Diana’s death in the three-day week. cline”. At the very least, people would
On the wilder shores of the Internet start to question the point of “main-
you can find plenty of people who taining a Queen-Empress without an
By Dominic Sandbrook think all this is some kind of palace empire to rule over”.
London conspiracy. Sometimes, though, a But as Friday’s pageantry reminded
coincidence is just a coincidence. us, Worsthorne’s prediction, though
Yet behind the bunting, there was apparently sensible, was completely

nlikely as it now sounds, something different about Friday’s wrong. In fact, it is precisely the dis-
there was a time, not so long occasion. For one thing, the social solution of British power, the decline
ago, when the future of the and moral context has changed ut- of deference and the tottering of the
British monarchy seemed terly. Even in 1981, it would have been old imperial order that explain the
in genuine doubt. After Friday’s na- unimaginable to have a Labour leader institution’s resilience. Everything
tional jamboree, however, the furore with two children and a long-term else has changed; the monarchy, by
surrounding Diana’s funeral in 1997, partner, but no wedding ring. Only and large, has stayed the same. In an
when the House of Windsor suddenly last month, however, official figures age of globalisation, it is virtually the
found itself on the receiving end of showed that the marriage rate in Eng- only institution that remains defiantly,
unprecedented public anger, seems land and Wales had fallen to its lowest unashamedly British. Shorn of its im-
like ancient history. level since 1862. People are not only perial connotations, it has become the
Once again the “Firm”, as the marrying much older the Queen was supreme focus for domestic patriot-
royal family calls itself, has shown an 21 when she tied the knot, whereas ism. Proposals for “Britishness days”
uncanny ability to capture the public Kate Middleton is 29, which would have come and gone, but only royal
imagination and make itself the focus once have been old enough to qualify People walk past the Queen Victoria Memorial opposite Buckingham Palace as workers take down the stands used for the events have people hanging out the
for patriotic celebration in a way that her for a place on the shelf but many royal wedding media coverage by national and international media in London yesterday. Britain’s Prince William married his bunting, as my Oxfordshire neigh-
no other institution can match. For are not marrying at all. In the 1930s, longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton in Westminster Abbey on Friday. bours did. Other countries have na-
years, republicans have been earnestly when the Queen was growing up, tional days. We have royal weddings.
predicting that the British would only 6% of 40-year-old women were Alistair Darling, taking a cross-channel possible exception of the BBC, could from the hurly-burly of parliamentary No doubt republicans are telling
soon tire of the flags, the carriages, unmarried. Today that figure is closer ferry to France to escape what they match approval ratings like those. Cer- politics has only added to its lustre. themselves that, soon enough, a new
the pomp and the pageantry. But here to 30%. One of the great ironies of called the “royalist orgy”. That’s the tainly no political party comes close. Republicans may well retort that it generation will come to maturity who
we are in 2011, 10 years after Stanley the royal wedding, therefore, was that same Harriet Harman, incidentally, And perhaps that offers a clue to represents the cornerstone of a con- care nothing for the baubles of monar-
Kubrick had us travelling to the depths millions of the people glued to their who offered her “warmest congratula- the monarchy’s extraordinary revival. servative political order, but it is pal- chy and cannot wait to vote for Presi-
of space, waving our little union jacks. screens have consciously decided not tions” to the happy couple on behalf of We are living, after all, in a ferociously pably clear that most people simply do dent Miliband. Their predecessors
Nothing changes, or so it seems. to get married themselves. the Labour party. anti-political age. In an age when not believe them. Rightly or wrongly, said the same thing in 1981. They were
On the surface, the wedding of The other striking thing is the almost The polls tell the wider story. In Gillian Duffy is held up as a fount of the Queen is seen as a genuinely non- even saying something like it when
Prince William and Princess Cath- total absence of anti-monarchical sen- August 1997, at the height of the post- common sense, respect for politicians political, patriotic figure, the incarna- Queen Victoria was on the throne.
erine, as we must get used to calling timent. There have certainly been some Diana hysteria, only 48% of Britons has reached an all-time low. None tion of a vanished patriotic consensus. The truth is that the British mon-
her, looked little different from royal “anti” articles in liberal newspapers, thought the country would be worse of the party leaders comes close to In an age when so many young men archy is one of the most resilient
weddings past: the Queen and Prince but their authors could probably hold off without the monarchy. Today, that representing public opinion: only 47% and women have lost their lives in institutions in the world. Its hold on
Philip in 1947, say, or Princess Anne a republican conference in a telephone figure is 63%. Two out of three of us of us approve of David Cameron, with Iraq and Afghanistan, her grandsons’ the popular imagination, as Friday
and Captain Mark Phillips in 1973, or box. In any case, serious opposition to believe the monarchy is “relevant” to Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg lagging military service, which might once proved, shows no sign of slackening.
Charles and Diana in 1981. For one the monarchy seems to have lost any of life in Britain today, although I have to behind on 32% and 28%. Thanks to have been contentious, represents a And if you really cannot stand Prince
thing, it was uncannily well timed, the edge it once had. Go back to 1981, confess I have never really understood the expenses scandal, popular wisdom priceless political asset. Even Prince William and his blushing bride, then I
coming only weeks before the coali- and you find Ken Livingstone, then what that means. Six out of 10 of us casts the Palace of Westminster as a Harry’s raucous partying has helped have bad news for you. They are going
tion’s cuts really begin to bite. The head of the Greater London Council think the monarchy improves our im- trough and its inhabitants as venal, to humanise the institution: in an odd to be with us for the next 50 years. You
Firm has a curious knack of arranging (GLC), ostentatiously spending the age around the world. And despite the grasping pigs. That Sally Bercow has way, pictures of him staggering out of had better get used to them. — Guard-
marriages during desperate economic day meeting families of Irish republi- presence of David Beckham and Elton become one of Westminster’s most Boujis show that he is not so different ian News and Media
times: the Queen’s marriage, after all, can prisoners at County Hall, before John, more than half of us believe the famous women probably says it all. from thousands of other young men
came during the depths of Clem- releasing a thousand black balloons. wedding celebrated “British values”, By contrast, the monarchy is only a lot richer. „Dominic Sandbrook is a historian
ent Attlee’s postwar austerity, while You even find a gaggle of ambitious compared with only 32% who thought virtually the only national institution And yet as far as the monarchy is whose most recent book is State of
Charles and Diana got hitched only young Labour politicians, among them it was about glamour and celebrity. that still commands widespread and concerned, the question of relevance Emergency: The Way We Were: Brit-
weeks after the Brixton riots, at the Peter Mandelson, Harriet Harman and Probably no other institution, with the instinctive respect. Its detachment is basically beside the point. Back in ain, 1970-1974.
Gulf Times
32 Sunday, May 1, 2011


British expats celebrate Rise in prices of

consumer goods
royal wedding in style
By Peter Townson with the event with her inter-
seen in March,
rents decline
Staff Reporter national friends.

“It was great to show what ome consumer goods and ever offset by the decline in
can be done when the British services purchased by house rents (0.4%) and enter-

ove was most definitely really pull out all the stops,” households in the coun- tainment, recreation and cul-
in the air this weekend as she said, adding “nobody does try have shown an increase ture by 0.6%.
Prince William walked pomp and circumstance, pag- in prices in March compared Compared to the consumer
down the steps of Westminster eantry and tradition like the with the same period last year, price index of March 2010, the
Abbey with his wife, the Duch- British.” Consumer Price Index (CPI) CPI increase works out to 1.8%
ess of Cambridge, Kate Middle- “They genuinely looked like released by Qatar Statistics in March, 2011.
ton, marking the climax of what a young couple in love, and Authority reveals. Analysis by major groups
has been a feverish buildup to I think it was a really good Consumer price index (CPI), shows increases in the prices
‘the wedding of the century.’ event for the British psyche which measures changes in of all groups (with the ex-
As the world watched, the in these days of doom,” she the price level of consumer ception of rent) as prices of
couple exchanged vows and added. goods and services purchased clothing and footwear went up
rings, and the man who will more Celebrating the day with by households, increased 1.8% 10.1%, transport and commu-
than likely become King of Eng- family and friends, Julia chose in March compared with the nications 7.6%, miscellaneous
land in the future beamed with to attend a special brunch at a same period in 2010, QSA said goods and services 5.4%, and
pride alongside his new bride. local hotel, and she expressed last night. food & beverages, 5.2%. Rent
The ceremony was full of her happiness at marking The rise in CPI in March was prices declined 6.1%.
pomp and circumstance, and the the event in such a way. “It’s mainly due to ‘higher expens-
whole day displayed some of the great to feel part of everything es’ on transport and communi- Analysis by major
strange but wonderful traditions that’s going on,” she said, cation, garments and food. groups shows increases
associated with the British mon- adding “I thought Kate looked However, rents continue to in the prices of all
archy and large scale events such very elegant and her sister be under pressure with supply groups (with the
as this. looking striking.” outstripping demand as sug- exception of rent), as
Although a long way from “I think it’s really good for gested by reports prepared by prices of clothing and
home, Qatar’s British commu- the people in the UK to have various market analysts. Rents footwear went up
nity enjoyed the opportunity to Community members joined together to mark what was described as a ‘perfect wedding day.’ something to celebrate at the based on the CPI have come 10.1%, transport and
share the occasion by attending moment. It really was a bril- down by 6.1% in March com- communications 7.6%,
a number of special events at Gulf Times spoke to a dress as “beautiful,” and saying joyed the day,” he added. liant day,” she added. pared with the same period last miscellaneous goods
hotels, private parties or sim- number of onlookers to get an “I hope I look half as good on Fellow British expat, Gregory General consensus suggest- year, QSA said. and services 5.4%, and
ply in the comfort of their own idea of their response to the my wedding day!” “I got tingles commented: “It was a wonder- ed that ‘the dress’ was per- Qatar Statistics Authority food & beverages, 5.2%
homes. day’s events, the ceremony as when they stepped out of the ful occasion and I will always re- fect for Kate, who appeared at said the CPI for March stood
Hotels including the Ra- a whole, and of course, ‘the church as a married couple,” she member where I was on the day ease in her new role. Elegant at the same level as in Febru- A quarterly index has also
mada Plaza, the Grand Hyatt, dress.’ added. While some were looking -- I’m already looking forward to and stylish, many suggested ary. The CPI for February 2011 been computed, QSA said. The
Sheraton, Four Seasons and British teenager, Stephanie forward to the wedding, oth- the next one!” that the outfit reflected her had reached 108.6 points, data average CPI for the first quar-
the W hotel all hosted events enjoyed the event at a hotel ers found themselves pleasantly “It was particularly thrill- future as a global style icon, indicate. ter reached 108.5, showing an
to mark the occasion, welcom- brunch, saying: “I thought surprised watching the event ing when Kate finally emerged tastefully combining tradition A comparison of the con- increase of 1.3% over the pre-
ing guests to enjoy the atmos- Kate looked stunning, gorgeous having lacked excitement be- from the car, and the hush and modernity with the lace sumer price index for March vious quarter (Q4, 2010) and
phere with other community and amazing!” forehand. that descended on the room as design adorning the graceful with that of February this year an increase of 1.7% over the
members, who applauded, sang “It was a really entertain- Brit, Robert was one of those, she revealed her magisterial dress. shows that though at the over- corresponding period in 2010.
cheered, and at time shed tears ing and emotional event and a noting: “Although cynical given beauty was one of the defining Everyone queried expressed all level, the CPI remained the Most of the increases are in
throughout the joyous morning great moment in history. Even the hype surrounding the event, moments of the day,” he said. their sense of enjoyment and same, at major group levels, clothing and footwear, food
and afternoon.And the excite- though we are in Qatar every- I was surprised by the level of Long term resident Cath- happiness following the cer- there were some changes in and beverage, transportation,
ment was not limited to Brit- one has got together to join in patriotic fervour instilled within erine, who arranged a party to emony, and the event displayed prices. Prices of medical care miscellaneous goods and serv-
ish expatriates, as people of all and celebrate this special occa- me.” mark the occasion, explained how people from all over the went up by 1.2% and that of ices.
nationalities took the opportu- sion,” she added. “I thought the grandeur of the that she felt the need to cel- world love to celebrate such food and beverages were up However, there has been
nity to watch and take part in Her sister, Natalie also en- ceremony was communicated ebrate the important day and important and fairytale-like 0.8%. a decline in house rents, the
what was a major global event. joyed the day, describing Kate’s really well, and I thoroughly en- share the tradition associated romances. These increases were how- quarterly index shows.

Buffett downplays Woqod posts

chance of Berkshire QR269mn gain
paying dividend in first quarter

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Jumada-I 27, 1432 AH

DuPont ups offer price
Most US stock indexes
are at multi-year highs

for Danisco to $6.64bn

DuPont has raised its offer for Da-
nisco by 5% to $6.64bn, bowing to
pressure from dissident Danisco
shareholders who had complained
the initial offer was too low.
DuPont chief executive Ellen
Japan economic outlook
‘very severe’: BoJ governor
Kullman had aggressively courted
Danisco shareholders for weeks
to convince them to take the deal.
Danisco makes food additives.
A confluence of minority share-
holders who insisted on a higher
bid led Kullman to tweak the offer.
On Friday, Kullman announced Japan is facing its worst crisis “The BoJ sees the outlook for Japan’s ing earthquake would inflict on the risks to growth for the time being. facturing activity languishing at a two-
that Danisco’s largest shareholder, since World War Two after the economy as very severe,” Shirakawa economy. In a sign some in the BoJ were more year low.
Danish pension fund group ATP, 9.0 magnitude earthquake and told a financial committee meeting in Shirakawa reiterated that having just cautious about the economic outlook The BoJ eased policy days after the
had signed off on the deal. subsequent tsunami devastated its the lower house of parliament. expanded its asset purchasing scheme than Shirakawa, deputy governor Kiyo- quake by doubling to 10tn yen the funds
DuPont raised its offer to 700 northeast coast last month “We’d like to take appropriate policy days after the March 11 quake, the BoJ hiko Nishimura proposed on Thursday it sets aside for purchases of a range of
crowns per share ($139.28) from steps as needed while monitoring the preferred to spend more time examin- expanding the central bank’s asset buy- financial assets, such as government
665 crowns per share. Reuters economy and prices, taking into ac- ing the impact the step would have on ing scheme by ¥5tn ($62bn). bonds and corporate debt.
DuPont also lowered the per- Tokyo count that uncertainty over the outlook the economy. While the proposal was outvoted by If the central bank were to next ease
centage of Danisco shares it said is high,” he said. the board, some market players said it policy, the most likely step would be to
it would need to close the deal to Asked by a lawmaker whether the “We’d like to take appropriate may be a sign the BoJ may loosen policy expand the scheme again, sources fa-

80% from 90%. To de-list Danisco ank of Japan Governor Masaaki BoJ would consider buying more gov- policy steps as needed while as early as next month. miliar with the BoJ’s thinking say.
from Denmark’s stock exchange Shirakawa said yesterday that the ernment bonds to support the econo- monitoring the economy and Japan is facing its worst crisis since Aside from the government bonds
DuPont needs at least 90% of country’s economic outlook was my, Shirakawa said only: “We’d like to prices, taking into account World War Two after the 9.0 magni- it purchases under the asset buying
Danisco shares. very severe and that the central bank consider in earnest what would be the that uncertainty over the tude earthquake and subsequent tsu- scheme, the central bank buys ¥21.6tn
By saying it now will move for- would take appropriate action to sup- desirable step to take.” outlook is high” nami devastated its northeast coast last worth of long-term government bonds
ward if only 80% of shares tender, port the economy. The BoJ kept monetary policy un- month. from the market each year.
DuPont is effectively admitting But he offered few clues on whether changed on Thursday even as it low- But he also left open the possibility Reflecting the economic impact, Some lawmakers have called on the
it will run Danisco as a majority and when the BoJ would expand its as- ered its growth forecast for the current of easing monetary policy further if factory output fell at a record monthly BoJ to buy more government bonds
shareholder until it is able to buy set-buying scheme, only saying that its fiscal year, which began in April, and damage from the quake proved bigger pace in March, household spending from the market, or even underwrite
90% of shares in the open market. next policy step would depend on eco- warned of uncertainties over the extent than expected, stressing that the cen- declined at a record annual rate and them directly, to help the government
nomic conditions at the time. of damage that last month’s devastat- tral bank was focusing on downside another private survey showed manu- fund the huge costs for reconstruction.

Obama energy fraud working

group set to meet tomorrow
Reuters the task force was formed.” Gas station operator Tony Chedid
Washington The group, announced a week ago, said he paid $3.80 a gallon from a dis-
includes representatives from the tributor for his station’s supplies. After
Commodity Futures Trading Commis- paying credit card fees, he makes only

n Obama administration panel sion, the Federal Trade Commission, an average of 3¢ a gallon on the gas he
set up to investigate possible the Federal Reserve Board, Securities sells.
fraud and manipulation in the and Exchange Commission and the De- “It’s been downhill for the last two
energy markets will meet for the first partments of Agriculture, Energy, Jus- years,” he said.
time tomorrow as prices at the gaso- tice and Treasury. Romney, arguably the front-runner
line pumps soar and pressure for action Part of the administration’s broader in a wide Republican field in the 2012
mounts. Financial Fraud Task Force, it will fo- race for the White House, said he be-
The group will convene at the US cus on any manipulation of oil and gas lieved Obama was contributing to oil
Justice Department and Attorney prices, collusion, fraud or other viola- price pressures by not pursuing an en-
General Eric Holder will make open- tions of state and federal laws, among ergy policy aimed at drilling more and
ing remarks before members go behind other things. increasing America’s supply.
closed doors to begin their work, the Republican presidential hopeful Mitt This is leaving the impression with
department said. Romney, meanwhile, pumped his own the markets that the US energy sup-
The national price for regular un- tank of gas and blamed Obama for the ply will not be increasing, leading to
leaded gasoline rose 3.50¢ to $3.88 in surge in prices. the expectation of higher oil prices and
the week through yesterday, increasing pushing up the actual cost of gas at the
pressure on Barack Obama just as his “It would be great if we had pump, he said.
presidential re-election bid gets un- more electric cars but it’s “It’s a marketplace and if America is
derway. going to be a long, long time not serious about getting our own en-
The group will look into whether before that happens” ergy resources in line, then we are going
there were any illicit activities in the to have higher and higher prices in part
energy markets. This week Holder told Romney played a little pump politics, today as a result of the expectations of
reporters that he saw some “disturb- mingling with customers at Hillsbor- higher prices tomorrow,” Romney said.
ing” things but declined to say what ough Gas and Repair in Manchester, Obama says US oil production
were his specific concerns. New Hampshire, and listening to their reached its highest level since 2003 last
Previous administrations have cre- stories about how they are coping with year, and argues that money must be
ated task forces to investigate possible gas prices that are threatening Ameri- spent to develop alternative sources of
manipulation and fraud in the energy ca’s fragile economic recovery. energy to help alleviate higher prices in
markets, but none has resulted in any “We cut back on frills, we don’t go the long run.
significant cases or charges. out as much,” Sharon Williams told him Romney said it is fine to develop al-
“Clearly, gas prices rise and fall, as she filled up her Kia Optima. ternative power sources but stressed
there are market factors that are always Wearing blue jeans and a casual shirt, that most cars run on carbon-based
I think a part of that,” Holder told re- Romney parked a Ford Escape at one of fuel.
porters on Tuesday. the station’s gas pumps, where a regu- “It would be great if we had more
“The question is whether or not it’s lar gallon of gas cost $3.93, and paid electric cars but it’s going to be a long,
something beyond that, and that’s why $38.72 to fill it up. long time before that happens,” he said.

Most top firms ‘unaffected’ by US rating

Reuters ing, ExxonMobil, Johnson & Johnson Some insurance companies and
New York and Microsoft. clearinghouses, on the other hand, are
“In certain circumstances, some is- more exposed to the fiscal situation of
suers have operational and financial the US, and as such their ratings are

change in the top rating of the flexibility that is sufficient to withstand likely to also change in the event of a US
US would be unlikely to affect sovereign and country risks,” S&P said. rating action.
the credit profiles of top rated Ratings on US states and cities are The insurers “are heavily concentrated
companies, including Microsoft Corp, also not affected by the US outlook in the US, and their domestic assets (no-
or US states and cities, Standard & change as they typically have separate tably including US treasury and agency
Poor’s said yesterday. revenue generating abilities. securities) account for a large proportion
S&P last week changed its outlook “States generally have significant of their portfolios,” S&P said.
on the US to negative, warning that the independent latitude to raise revenues S&P changed its outlook on the top
country’s long-term credit rating is at and alter expenditures and therefore rated insurers Knights of Columbus,
risk of downgrade if policymakers can’t can usually cut expenses to match a de- New York Life Insurance Co, North-
agree on ways to reduce the deficit. crease in federal grants or allocations,” western Mutual Life Insurance Co,
The move, however, does not change S&P said. Teachers Insurance & Annuity Asso-
the ratings agency’s views on the four US local government operating reve- ciation of America and United Services
industrial companies that hold top rat- nues also come from either local sourc- Automobile Association to negative on
ings from the S&P. es or distributions from their state gov- the same day as it revised the US sover-
These are Automatic Data Process- ernment, S&P said. eign outlook.
Gulf Times
34 Sunday, May 1, 2011


Buffett downplays chance Total affirms

growth plans
Conditions could kill
Cairn-Vedanta deal
of Berkshire dividend as oil price
boosts Q1
seen costing $9.6bn
Berkshire Hathaway’ CEO AFP before the government ap-
doubts most shareholders New Delhi proves the sale.
want payout; Says his My Reuters The cabinet is split over
successor will be straight as Paris whether the royalty row should

an arrow airn Energy has warned be settled before or after the
India that imposing sale goes through.

Reuters rance’s Total pledged to conditions on the sale Vedanta has already reported-
OMAHA, Nebraska keep up spending to bol- of the British firm’s major- ly expressed its inability to pro-
ster its oil and gas produc- ity stake in its Indian unit to ceed with the deal if it is asked to
tion worldwide as higher crude Vedanta could kill the deal, a share the royalty burden.

erkshire Hathaway chief prices helped the energy group report said yesterday. The panel headed by Finance
executive Warren Buffett report a 35% year-on-year rise The energy exploration com- Minister Pranab Mukherjee
downplayed yesterday the in quarterly net income. pany has also told the Indian which is expected to meet late
idea of a first-ever dividend for France’s biggest company government that the deadline tomorrow will send its recom-
shareholders, as he opened his with a market value of €400bn for sealing the transaction will mendations to the cabinet, but
conglomerate’s annual meeting said it would forge ahead with not be stretched beyond the no date has been set for a final
for tens of thousands of people. investments, pegged at $20bn current extended deadline of decision.
Berkshire, which some es- for this year, as recent events in May 20, according to the Indian
timate will have a cash pile of the Middle East and Japan may Express newspaper. “... uncertainty over
$50bn by the end of this year, herald changes in energy de- Imposing conditions would the transaction has
does not offer shareholders a mand and the energy mix. “inevitably cause the proposed resulted in the strategic
yield, which most people have Total has been active on the transaction to fail,” Cairn Ener- development and
accepted for years. But lately, merger and acquisition front in gy chief Bill Gammell said in a businesses of all three of
some have said shareholders recent months in a drive to build letter dated April 18, the news- Cairn Energy, Cairn India
might like the company to re- up its presence in energy-rich paper said. and Vedanta essentially
turn cash. countries such as Russia, Cana- The report came ahead of a being frozen”
“I’m not sure how many da, Brazil or Australia. meeting expected early next
would,” Buffett said, responding The Paris-based group has week of an Indian ministerial The sale and the settlement
to a question from a scrum of re- recently purchased a $4bn panel formed to advise the cabi- of disputes between Cairn and
porters and shareholders follow- stake in Russian gas group No- net on whether to approve Cairn ONGC are “two distinct is-
ing him through the exhibit floor vatek after spending $3.2bn on Energy’s plan to sell its majority sues” that should be settled
of the Qwest Center in Omaha. oil sands acquisitions last year. stake in Cairn India to London- following due process, Gam-
Many of Berkshire’s portfolio Buffett: ‘I obviously made a big mistake ...’ Meanwhile, it has reduced its based resources giant Vedanta. mell was quoted as saying by
companies have booths on the exposure to low-margin Euro- Last August, Vedanta offered the newspaper.
floor, demonstrating and selling ously made a big mistake by not sume Sokol was his most likely booth to get an orange cream bar, pean refinery activities by sell- to buy up to a 60% stake in Gammell added that un-
their products. saying, ‘Well when did you buy successor. which he continued to munch ing its holding in Spain’s Cepsa Cairn India in a deal expected certainty over the transaction
Buffett said he made a mistake it’,” Buffett told shareholders. “Certainly, the candidate that on as he admired a model train for $5bn. to cost as much as $9.6bn. “has resulted in the strategic
not to ask when David Sokol was He said the Sokol situation, I think is the leading candidate set at the Burlington Northern Total has announced it was But the sale has been held up development and businesses of
buying shares of Lubrizol Corp which has called into question now, I would lay a lot of money booth. offering to pay up to $1.37bn by by deep differences between all three of Cairn Energy, Cairn
while the former top lieuten- Buffett’s management style, is on the fact that he is as straight The meeting began, as it does to take a majority stake in Cairn and its Indian state- India and Vedanta essentially
ant was pitching the chemicals “inexplicable and inexcusable”. as an arrow,” Buffett said. annually, on a lighter note. The US solar company SunPower owned partner Oil and Natural being frozen”.
company as a possible takeover Now, with Sokol no longer in Berkshire Hathaway shares early highlight was the ice- Corp as the oil and gas major Gas Corp (ONGC) over the pay- “The board of Cairn En-
target for Berkshire Hathaway. the running to be his successor, have underperformed the cream-to-insurance conglomer- sought also to make inroads ment of royalties involving In- ergy will not countenance any
Sokol was widely considered Buffett said he expects whoever broader S&P 500 since the ate’s annual movie. This year, the into the market for renewable dia’s biggest onshore oilfields. further extension” of the deal
a top candidate to succeed Buf- follows him as chief executive of depth of the credit crisis, rais- animated short featured Buffett energy. ONGC gets just 30% of the deadline beyond May 20, Gam-
fett as Berkshire’s chief execu- Berkshire Hathaway will be “as ing the volume on the dividend defeating an evil trading machine These should bring in €10bn output from Cairn’s oilfields. mell added.
tive. But he resigned last month straight as an arrow.” question. called “MBA” from the year 2085 in 2011, it said. But it pays royalties on 100% The impasse comes at a bad
after it was revealed that he had Prior to Sokol’s departure, Yet Buffett was in a light- with the help of ‘the Governator’, Total said on Friday night of the production under a “roy- time for India as foreign invest-
bought $10mn of shares in Lu- Berkshire had said it had four hearted mood as his walked former California governor Ar- adjusted net income, which alty holiday” scheme dating ment has plunged, with inves-
brizol. Sokol got a roughly $3mn internal candidates to poten- the exhibits, despite questions nold Schwarzenegger. excludes unrealised gains re- from the 1990s aimed at pro- tors worrying about a slew of
profit on that stake when Berk- tially succeed Buffett as chief about performance and the Schwarzenegger and Larry lated to increases in the value moting private oil exploration corruption scandals that have
shire agreed to buy Lubrizol. executive. Sokol scandal. King were among the celebrities of inventories, rose to €3.1bn in energy-hungry India. shaken the Congress govern-
When Sokol first revealed he Buffett, 80, said he was not As is his custom, he made who made voice cameos in the ($4.60bn) in the first quarter of ONGC has been pushing for ment, including a huge suspect-
owned Lubrizol stock, “I obvi- sure it had been warranted to as- a beeline for the Dairy Queen movie. 2011 from 2.3bn a year earlier. an equal share of the royalties ed telecoms licensing fraud.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 35

Woqod posts QR269mn Treasury
net profit in first quarter
Company currently involved in the North University area. These projects
US Treasury prices rose on
implementation of some 16 new are expected to be commissioned before Friday, punctuating an April rally
projects end-2011. that lifted the market into positive
The Company has signed a contract territory for the year, as traders
with the Cultural Village (Qatara) for bet on slowing economic growth ticks up on the day at 119.16, barely

oqod (Qatar Fuel) has posted a providing retail services through the and the Federal Reserve sticking 10 ticks off a contract high and out-
net profit of QR269mn in the Sidra retail chain. The project is expected to a near-zero rate policy into 2012. performing Bunds on the back of a
first quarter of 2011, up 8.9% to be completed by the year-end. Barclays’ Treasury total return two-year low in UK GfK consumer
on the same period last year. Woqod’s Tower at Al-Dafna is close to index was up 1.05% month-to-date morale and traders’ desire to close
Assets totalled QR6.36bn in Q1, up completion. The project is expected to be through Thursday, bringing a year- speculative short positions before
16.3% on the same period last year. Total commissioned during the second half of to-date rise of 0.89%. It fell 0.16% in the long holiday weekend.
equity reached QR3.93bn, up 13.5% on this year. Part of the tower will be leased the first quarter. Investors stepped This was the biggest one-day
the same period last year. on commercial basis, Woqod said. back into bonds in April, brushing gain since April 15, when lower
Earnings per share (EPS), however, The product supply pipelines project aside for now concerns over the US inflation and renewed worries
declined to QR6.47 from QR7.86 last is currently executed by Qatar Petrole- record US deficit, a looming debt about peripheral eurozone debt
year. This was due to Woqod’s capi- um on behalf of Woqod. The first phase, ceiling and soaring oil and food boosted the appeal for core sover-
tal base going up consequent on the which includes the setting up of 18 inch prices. The benchmark 10-year eigns. Gilts rose steadily through-
company issuing 20% bonus shares in pipe line to carry all types of petroleum note’s yield recorded its first out the session. An initial boost
2010. products from Mesaieed Refinery to monthly decline in eight months, came from an overnight rise in US
The first quarter results were an- Doha Depot has been completed. while the two-year yield posted its Treasuries, after Bernanke signalled
nounced following Woqod’s board of The second phase, which intends to biggest monthly drop since Janu- that he was in no rush to scale back
directors’ meeting presided over by supply the New Doha International Air- ary 2010. support for the economy with the
chairman, HE Abdullah bin Hamad al- port with jet fuel (Jet-A1) will be com- Several factors next week could US labour market still in a “very,
Attiyah, Deputy Premier and Chief of The Q1 results were announced following Woqod’s board of directors’ meeting pleted and commissioned before the slow the market’s early spring very deep hole”. This view was
Emiri Diwan. presided over by its chairman HE Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, Deputy Premier opening of the airport. bounce, analysts said. They include vindicated by data on Thursday
Woqod vice-chairman and manag- and Chief of Emiri Diwan. Woqod’s brands of lubricants have a renewed focus on the budget showing an unexpected rise in the
ing director Mohamed Turki al-Sobai been widely accepted by local and re- fight in Washington and typical number of Americans claiming
said the company was currently involved across the country. Some of these are Woqod has signed two contracts with gional markets. The contracts for distri- caution ahead of the government’s jobless benefit, on top of a sharp
in the implementation of some 16 new nearing completion and will be commis- local companies for the establishment of bution have been signed in Iraq and the payroll report on Friday. The US slowdown in GDP growth in the first
projects. sioned in the first half of this year. The vehicle inspection centres (FAHES). The UAE. Other agreements are expected to Treasury will announce details of quarter as higher food and petrol
As many as 12 petrol stations are now tendering process is on for an additional first one will be located at Mesaimeer be signed with local agents in Jordan and its May quarterly refunding next costs hit consumer spending.
under various stages of construction four petrol stations. petrol station, while the second one at Kuwait, Woqod said. Wednesday. Benchmark 10-year Unexpectedly weak inflation
notes yields ended at 3.29%, down data earlier this month and tepid
from 3.31% late Thursday. They growth data this week have wiped
broke through a series of chart out any chance of an interest rate

Barwa Q1 net jumps 161% to QR548mn resistance levels and are poised
to test 3.20%, a level last seen in
mid-March during a safe-haven
rally days after a devastating
hike in May. Markets are pricing in
around a 50% chance of a hike in
August and a 95% chance of a hike
by November.
earthquake hit Japan. The Monetary Policy Committee
The Barwa Group has seen a 161% jump in its first quarter which ‘positively’ contributed to the increase in the group’s Barwa Al-Sadd and the first phase of Barwa Commercial If economic growth accelerates will have the BoE’s latest growth
net profit to QR548mn. consolidated revenues. Avenue is expected to go operational this year, which will meaningfully from the meagre and inflation forecasts to hand for
The company’s net profit in Q1, 2010 stood at QR210mn. Barwa said the massive Q1 profit gains were ‘good sig- further increase rent revenues and foster the group’s cash 1.8% pace seen in the first quarter, their two-day monthly meeting
Increased revenues from rents and services and profit on nals’ of the company taking the ‘right direction and picking flows. investors will likely shift their focus next week, which will dictate the
sale of properties and company stake in a subsidiary, along up the right options’. Barwa’s earnings per share (EPS) reached QR1.41 in the back to inflation and the timing timing of the first move.
with profits from re-appraising Barwa’s real estate invest- Barwa is focusing on contributing to the economic and first quarter compared with Dh80 per share in the same of when the Fed will raise interest Range for previous week:
ments, led to the profit jump, a statement said. urban boom that is witnessed by Qatar in all real estate and period last year. rates to cool price pressures. Even $1.6429 - $1.6745
Further, Barwa Bank expanded its activities in 2011, supporting services. under these conditions, it will Range for this week:
be tough for Treasury Inflation- $1.6369 - $1.6805
Protected Securities to continue to YEN
outpace their nominal counter-
parts. Japanese government bond
prices were mostly higher on

Saudi to post $25bn 2011 surplus

Thursday, with some yields
The gap between German two- touching one-month lows, as data
year and 10-year bond yields hit its showed a sharp fall in Japan out-
tightest in a week on Friday after put and after the Federal Reserve
data showing faster than expected pledged to hold short-term interest

despite record spending plans eurozone inflation brought the

prospect of further ECB interest
rate hikes into focus. The 2/10-year
yield spread narrowed to 146 bps
and if it falls below that, the Bund
rates near zero. Japanese industrial
output fell a record 15.3% in March,
more than economists’ forecast for
an 11.0% drop, prompting investors
to buy more JGBs. The yield on the
Saudi 2011 GDP to reach 5.8%, non oil to reach 5%; est level since the survey began in Q1 2009, while the curve will be at its flattest since 10year cash bonds marked a one-
inflation to remain between 5%-6%: NCB; Saudi to manufacturing composite index rose to 70 points from November 2010. month low of 1.200%, falling 1 basis
spend over $213bn 64 points, the index showed. The Bund future was last at point from the previous day.
Saudi Arabia’s construction sector, supported by 122.68, one tick higher on the day, Benchmark June 10-year JGB
Reuters government plans to boost its infrastructure develop- in trade thinned by a UK public futures prices rose 0.11 point to
Jeddah ment, rose to 71 points from 66 points. holiday. Flash estimates showed 140.05, after hitting a one-month
Al-Shaikh expects that with higher oil production, eurozone inflation for April at 2.8% peak of 140.08. JGB futures ex-
expected to reach 9mn bpd in 2011, Saudi Arabia will see year on year, exceeding a forecast tended gains with the rise helped

audi Arabia will post a 95bn riyal ($25bn) surplus GDP growth of 5.8%. Its non-oil sector will also rise by of 2.7% and prompting the two- by buying from commodity trading
this year, despite its record spending plans, based 5% as the government pushes forward with infrastruc- year Schatz note to underperform. advisors (CTAs), market players
on an average oil price of $95 per barrel, a state- ture projects. Lower-rated eurozone debt yields said. Also, big Japanese banks
owned bank said on Saturday. Inflation, which dropped to 4.7% in March from 4.9 a were relatively steady after the were seen selling cash bonds and
The biggest Arab economy rolled out its third consec- year earlier, is expected to rise on the increased spend- recent strong sell-off led by Greece buying futures. The yield curve
utive record budget for 2011, planning to spend 580bn ing but will not exceed 6%, al-Shaikh said. over fears its debt may need to be steepened with the super long
riyals, and has also announced additional fiscal hand- “The spending programme ... is expected to raise in- restructured. A probe by the Euro- sector - maturities such as 20- and
outs of over $100bn to be spent on infrastructure and flation levels but we expect it to remain between 5-6%. pean Union into investment banks 30-years - underperforming the
other projects. We do not see it exceeding that figure, at least not this over possible collusion in credit rest of the market.
“Our estimates for the surplus, despite the govern- year,” he said. default swaps is unlikely to hit CDS The rejection of a proposal by
ment’s increased spending plans, are expected to reach Al-Shaikh also expected loan growth to continue in or bond markets, analysts said. BoJ deputy governor Kiyohiko
close to 95bn riyals and government spending is expect- 2011, reaching growth levels of 10-12% as banks start Range for previous week: Nishimura to expand the BoJ’s
ed to reach close to 846bn riyals,” National Commercial lending again to the private sector. $1.4492-$1.4881 pool of funds for asset buying
Bank’s chief economist Said al-Shaikh said. Bank lending slowed down in 2009 on concerns over Range for this week: and market operations by ¥5tn
Speaking at a press conference in Jeddah, al-Shaikh non-performing loans during the financial crisis but $1.4432-$1.4941 ($61bn), to ¥45tn, reflected that
said business confidence in the world’s biggest oil ex- National Commercial Bank chief economist has risen after banks took provisions to protect them STERLING the central bank would not take
porter will increase in the second quarter across various Said al-Shaikh said business confidence in against bad loans. more easing steps unless there is
sectors as a result of this increased spending. Saudi Arabia will increase in the second Last year, Saudi Arabia’s Central Bank Governor Mo- British gilt futures surged to with- more economic data that implies
“We see a jump in optimism across all variables, quarter across various sectors as a result of hamed al-Jasser urged banks to be more conservative in a whisker of a new contract high a slowdown for a long period of
whether we are talking volume of sales, new orders, increased spending and make sure provisions for bad loans exceed 100% of on Thursday, reversing the previous time, market participants said.
selling prices, or profit, all is showing an increase,” he their value. day’s losses after overnight remarks Range for previous week:
said. the country, which revealed record levels in the non-oil Al-Shaikh said provisions for bad loans in Saudi Ara- from Fed chairman Ben Bernanke ¥81.02-¥82.77
NCB in collaboration with Dun & Bradstreet released sector. bia were covered by 116% in 2010. Bad loans reached and weak British and American Range for this week:
on Friday its survey for the Business Optimism Index for The non-oil sector rose to 68 points in the second 27bn riyals, around 3.4% of total lending portfolios in data. The June gilt future settled 79 ¥80.42-¥83.37
the second quarter of 2011, surveying 500 businesses in quarter from 65 points the previous quarter, its high- Saudi banks, he said.

Brazil’s Vale plans to spend up to

$700mn on Oman plant expansion
Brazilian mining giant Vale said yesterday it was
planning to spend up to $700mn to double its
production of iron pellets in Oman.
Oman Vale, a subsidiary of Vale, in which state-run
Oman Oil Company owns a 30% stake, started
production on Saturday. It aims to produce some
9mn tonnes of iron pellets each year.
“We are going to spend between $600mn to
$700mn to double our production by September
2011 if the government is committed to supply us
gas,” Oman Vale’s country manager Sergio Marcio
De Freitas Leite told reporters.
Oman, which produces 1.3tn cu ft of gas per year,
had said earlier it was committed to supplying
natural gas to local projects to diversify away from
oil revenues.
The Gulf country depends heavily on income from
crude production of 860,000 bpd of oil, which
makes up about 70% of its revenues.
Leite said his company was hoping to further
expand its activities in the sultanate, which has
been relatively slow to exploit its sizeable mineral
“We are having talks to have a joint venture with
the Omani government to mine for nickel and
copper in the country. We are also keen to take
part in gas exploration as well,” Leite said.
Gulf Times
36 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saudi shares
Sell in May and go away? snap six-day
winning run
Not so fast on Wall Street Bloomberg

audi Arabian shares dropped
After a mixed batch of data this for the first time in six days
week, investors would need to see yesterday, reversing earlier
a solid gain in jobs to believe in gains, amid speculation that com-
sustainable economic growth ments by officials from the world’s
largest oil producer may lead to
Reuters lower crude prices.
New York Saudi Basic Industries Corp,
the world’s biggest petrochemi-
cals maker, and Al Rajhi Bank,

ajor US stock indexes are at the kingdom’s largest publicly
multi-year highs but Wall traded lender by market value,
Street does not seem to be led the losses.
running out of steam, not just yet. The 146-member Tadawul All
Robust corporate earnings and the Share Index declined 0.2%, the
Federal Reserve’s promise to keep li- gauge’s largest loss in almost two
quidity cheap have fuelled the Nas- weeks, to 6,710.56 at the 3.30pm
daq to a 10-year high and driven the close in Riyadh. Three shares
Dow and the S&P to their highest lev- dropped for every two stocks
els since 2008. that gained. The measure had
“We are clearly seeing signs of advanced as much as 0.5% in in-
overbought conditions but there is traday trading.
still a lot of optimism, especially “The discomfort expressed
after the S&P broke well above the at elevated crude prices by both
1,340 range. The next ceiling is re- the Saudi oil minister and Saudi
ally not until the 1,400 level,” said Aramco chief last week is weigh-
Stephen Massocca, managing direc- ing down sentiment,” said Asim
tor of Wedbush Morgan in San Fran- Bukhtiar, an equity analyst at
cisco. Riyad Capital.
Heading into May, a seasonally On April 26, Khalid al-Falih,
weak month for stocks, the Dow and chief executive officer of Saudi
the Nasdaq posted their best monthly Arabian Oil Co, said his coun-
performance since December. At Fri- try, holder of one-fifth of the
day’s closing bell, the S&P 500 was up world’s proven oil reserves, isn’t
8.4% for the year. Robust corporate earnings and the Fed’s “comfortable with oil prices
With earnings season coming to an promise to keep liquidity cheap have where they are today,” and that
end, investors will shift their focus to fuelled the Nasdaq to a 10-year high. it is “concerned about the im-
economic data next week, especially pact it could have on the global
the April employment report on Fri- economic growth.” On April 19,
day. Investors will scrutinise the jobs Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. claims on Thursday. the overall market,” said Jack DeGan, it and not try to swim against it,” said Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi
data for signs of improvement in the “It’s surprising, but ironically, the Nasdaq will be rebalancing its chief investment officer of Harbor Joe Cusick, senior market analyst at said the current rise in the price
labour market. put-to-call ratio on S&P 500 rose late benchmark Nasdaq 100 index on Advisory Corp in Portsmouth, New Chicago-based online brokerage firm of oil is “unjustified.”
After a mixed batch of data this last week and early this week, but fell Monday that will slash Apple Inc’s Hampshire. optionsXpress. Crude for June delivery rose
week, investors would need to see a in the last few days,” he said. weighting. The rebalancing will af- The CBOE Volatility Index or VIX, The VIX usually moves inversely 1% to $113.93 a barrel, the high-
solid gain in jobs to believe in sus- “We might see some reaction to the fect the relative weights of all the se- Wall Street’s so-called fear gauge, with the S&P 500, tracking options est settlement since Septem-
tainable economic growth. Nasdaq’s overbought conditions depending on curities in the index and cause popu- was relatively low, ending Friday’s prices that investors are willing to ber 22, 2008, on the New York
rebalancing of its index may also the jobs number, but still, that would lar index-tracking funds such as the session below 15, although it was up pay as protection on the price moves Mercantile Exchange on Friday.
cause a bit of a stir in the market next be a minor pullback, maybe down to PowerShares QQQ to buy and sell 0.9% for the day. of the underlying stocks. Prices climbed 1.5% this week
week. test the 1,340 levels.” shares to match the new composition. “While conditions of being over- So far, 324 of the S&P 500 compa- and 34% in the past year.
But despite the concerns, options Other economic data due next “Apple shares are likely to see some bought and oversold can stick around nies have reported earnings, of which Sabic declined 0.2%, the big-
investors were buying less protection week include the ISM manufacturing volatility, but unlike 10 years ago, for a while, as a trader, I feel this mar- 73% were above analysts’ expecta- gest drop since April 24, to 111.50
against a market correction, accord- data and domestic car sales on Mon- hedge funds and traders start trading ket is just too complacent. That is tions, according to Thomson Reu- riyals and Al Rajhi tumbled 0.7%
ing to James Dailey, portfolio man- day, the ISM services-sector data on this (the rebalancing) from weeks why I advocate looking at insurance, ters data. In a typical quarter, 62% of to 76.75 riyals, the largest loss
ager of TEAM Asset Strategy Fund in on Wednesday, and weekly jobless ahead, so it won’t be a huge event on but also at this stage in the wave, ride companies beat estimates. since April 19.

Alshall Market Review

he Qatar Exchange (QE) showed a 40,126,574 with a daily average of 8,025,315. Mawashi (5.0%) and Al Khalij Commercial
negative performance during the This was lower by 14.4% compared to Bank (5.0%).
week starting April 24. The official the previous week’s number of shares at Twenty-five stocks of a total 42 listed
QE index fell 1.15% over the previous week’s 46,869,314. companies advanced and ended the week
closing and finished the week at 8,548.30 The number of deals fell to 22,854 with higher, while 16 stocks declined and ended
points last Thursday, while the Alshall index a daily average of 4,571, which was lower lower. One stock remained unchanged.
(cap weighted) closed at 1,200.07 points, by 12.7% compared to the previous week’s * Alshall Economic Services is a Qatar-
down 0.86% compared to the previous number of deals at 26,164. based advisory firm providing different
week’s closing at 1,210.52. Top five leading companies in terms of economic, business and corporate finance
Total value of trade during the five trading value traded during the week were QNB, advisory services to local institutions. It is
days was QR1,654,185,850. This represents which represented 14.5% of the total val- affiliated to Alshall Consulting and Invest-
a decrease of 0.84% compared to the value ue traded, followed by Masraf Al Rayan ment Co in Kuwait.
of the previous week (QR1,668,209,914) (10.6%), Barwa (8.4%), Industries Qatar * Analyses appearing in this weekly report
with five trading days. The financial sector (7.2%) and Qatar Electricity & Water Co do not in any way constitute an offer or rec-
led the pack, accounting for 44.4% of the (7.2%). ommendation to invest in any of the listed
total trading value, followed by the indus- The most active companies in terms of securities. Gulf Times and Alshall hereby
trial sector (20.6%) and the consumer serv- volume traded were Masraf Al Rayan which disclaim any responsibility or any direct or
ice sector (20.1%). represented 18.9% of total volume traded, indirect claim resulting from using this re-
The number of shares traded declined to followed by Barwa (10.5), Nakilat (9.5%), port.
44 Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011


American Watson takes charge

‘I’ve gotten lucky enough to win two so far’
Reuters control of the PGA Tour event the butterflies. We’re trying to shot 329 yards down the fair- world number one with vic- on Friday. Gal reached a seven- streak of form, making birdies on
New Orleans with a 10-under total of 134. win golf tournaments. way, striking his second from tory this week. “Up until then I under total of 137, one shot clear holes 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17 to climb
American Josh Teater, a rookie “I’ve gotten lucky enough to 244 yards to 20 feet and coolly played pretty solid golf. of Amy Yang at the Robert Trent to top spot on the leaderboard.
on the circuit last year, briefly win two so far and I’m trying to knocking in the putt. “Through 29 holes, I only Jones Golf Trail’s Magnolia “It was kind of a slow start,”

ong-hitting American got to 11 under before double- go for my third. It would be nice “Yeah, that hole was good for missed a couple greens. But I’m Grove complex. Gal said. “Just made a couple
Bubba Watson eagled the bogeying the last for a 66 and to pull it off here in New Orle- me,” he said with a smile. “I hit still there or thereabouts and the Gal is in the middle of one of bogeys, at nine, 10, and that was
par-five 11th for a sec- second place. ans ... two and a half hours away two good shots. The fairway and greens are only going to get firm- the best runs of her career af- kind of like a turning point for
ond consecutive day on John Rollins carded a 69 to from where I grew up. tee shot was a little scary for me er. It will be a tough weekend.” ter winning the Kia Classic last me. I kind of got down on myself
his way to a one-shot lead in the lie third at eight under, a stroke “I’ve just putted really well, but it worked out today.” The cut fell at one-under 143 month for her maiden USLPGA a little bit. Then I was like, ‘OK,
second round of the New Orle- in front of fellow Americans Ja- hit a lot of good tee shots and British world number three with last week’s Heritage cham- Tour victory. “Obviously, I’m let’s just play one shot at a time
ans Classic on Friday. son Dufner (69), Webb Simp- stayed out of the water as much Luke Donald, beaten in a play- pion Brandt Snedeker, former playing well,” Gal said. “I’m and be patient. The birdies are
Joint pacesetter overnight son (69) and Dean Wilson (64), as possible.” Asked if his strategy off for The Heritage on Sunday, world number one David Duval just enjoying myself out there. going to come.’ They did, so I was
with Australian Matt Jones, the plus Australians John Senden would change for the weekend, was hot on Watson’s heels with and US Open champion Graeme I mean, I’m not doing anything happy about that.”
left-hander fired a four-under- (67) and Jones (71). Watson, who Watson replied: “No. If I could seven holes to play before losing McDowell among those missing really different. I’ve been playing Yang finished with a 68. She
par 68 in dazzling sunshine at clinched his second PGA Tour play the same the next two days, momentum. Eight under over- out. solid since the end of last year. made bogey on the first hole be-
the TPC Louisiana and stayed victory at the Farmers Insurance I have a great shot at winning.” all, Donald bogeyed the third, “Just winning, you know, I fore birdieing 10, 12, 14, 16 and 17.
in front of the late starters as Open in January, was delighted On Thursday, Watson eagled his 12th hole of the day, and then Germany’s Gal grabs think you get more comfort- The Avnet is the tour’s lone
the greens firmed up and wind to be heading into the weekend the 11th after hitting a boom- double-bogeyed the fourth be- lead at Avnet Classic able at the top. Being in the lead event during a six-week period.
strengthened in the afternoon. in contention for another title. ing 343-yard drive followed by fore carding a 71 to end the round New York: Germany’s Sandra is something. You know, to be Defending champion Se Ri Pak
The 32-year-old Watson, from “This is what we strive to do,” a soaring six-iron over a cypress five strokes off the pace. Gal birdied five of the final eight there and feel comfortable there, shot 71 to match Suzann Pet-
nearby Bagdad in the Florida the slim American told report- tree that landed 32 feet from the “You’re going to make a few holes for a five-under 67 and a so that’s probably the difference tersen (68), Sun Young Yoo (68),
panhandle, also recorded three ers. “We always want the pres- pin. On Friday, he eagled the mistakes occasionally,” said the one-stroke lead after the second now.” Gal made bogey on holes Jenny Suh (69) and Sarah Kemp
birdies and a lone bogey to take sure. We always want the nerves, same hole after belting his tee Englishman, who could become round at the Avnet LPGA Classic nine and 10 but she hit a rich (70) at four under.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 45


suffer 7th
loss in 8
Grizzlies oust Spurs
games Randolph scores 17 of 31 points in fourth quarter
Agencies switched to a best-of-seven se- the loss but happy for them and
Agencies Memphis ries. Golden State beat Dallas in what they have accomplished.”
Los Angeles 2007. Gasol had 12 points and 13 re-
It’s an improbable victory for bounds for Memphis. Allen add-

he Memphis Grizzlies a franchise considered a good ed 11 points, and rookie Greivis

he San Diego Padres had sealed a stunning upset bet for contraction in October, Vasquez had 11 off the bench
Dodgers closer Jonathan of top-ranked San An- best known for losing its first 12 playing 24 minutes with Mike
Broxton on the ropes in tonio in the first round playoff games for an unenviable Conley in foul trouble most of
the ninth inning — a run of the NBA playoffs on Friday, NBA mark. This town desperate- the game.
in and runners at first and third beating the Spurs 99-91 to ly needed a hero, and the sellout Tony Parker led San Antonio
with two outs. clinch their series 4-2 at the Fe- crowd tensed at every Spurs’ run with 23 points, Manu Ginobili
Up stepped Nick Hundley, dEx Forum. Friday night and cheered every had 16, Tim Duncan 12 and An-
who hit a line drive to left field Grizzlies power forward Zach Memphis bucket. tonio McDyess 10.
that was hooking away from old Randolph scored 17 of his 31 As the final seconds ticked Duncan left the court five days
pal Tony Gwynn Jr. But he fully points in the fourth quarter on down, fans waved their white after turning 35 for what might
extended himself with a dive the night, taking over after the towels while a sign declaring have been the last time, not that
to his backhand, and the ball Spurs grabbed only their second “Grizzlies Win” glared around he said anything to his team-
stuck in his glove. Los Angeles lead of the game at 80-79, scor- the FedExForum. mates.
escaped with a 3-2 victory, and ing 10 of the next 14 points to San Antonio coach Gregg Pop- “And I don’t need to say any-
Gwynn’s former teammates finish off the series in six games. ovich moved down the sideline thing,” Duncan said.
ended up with their seventh loss “He put the whole team on to congratulate Hollins with a The Spurs, winners of 61 games
in eight games. his back and delivered,” team- hug and a word in his ear, while in the regular season and the dy-
“I knew he was in left after mate Marc Gasol said. “That players shook hands. The Griz- nasty with four NBA titles with
the double-switch,” Hundley was, for me on the court, one of zlies then gathered at midcourt Duncan, thought they had the
said. “He’s a great outfielder. the most unreal performances in in a team celebration as the Spurs game in hand after McDyess hit
I’ve seen him do it for 2 1/2 the fourth quarter in a long time. headed for the locker room. a jumper for an 80-79 lead with
years now, so it’s definitely not The last 4 or 5 minutes of the “I think we’re all emotional,” 4:41 left.
surprising, but disappointing game, he just carried us. It was Gasol said. “Some people might Randolph scored 10 of the next
nonetheless.” unbelievable.” show it a little more, some peo- 14 for Memphis, with his hook
Gwynn, who didn’t make an Guard Tony Allen said Ran- ple kept it more inside of them. putting Memphis ahead to stay
error in 117 games last year, dolph demanded the ball, But we have an emotional team, at 81-80. Conley added a jump-
spent two seasons with the Pa- whooping and hollering for and we have an emotional city. I er, then Randolph hit a fallaway
dres after being acquired from teammates to pass to him. think we represent pretty good jumper, two free throws and an-
Milwaukee. The Dodgers signed “That’s why they pay him the for the city of Memphis.” other fallaway jumper for an 89-
him as a free agent in December. big bucks as Zach Randolph,” Al- Now the Grizzlies start the 82 lead with 1:55 left. Randolph
“Right before that happened, len said. “He’s a monster down semifinals Sunday in Oklahoma went to the bench to a huge cheer
I said, `Nothing drops,’ and there. He demands attention in City. with 3.4 seconds left.
he made a great diving catch,” that block.” Memphis dominated in closing “Emotion is high, not just for
Dodgers center fielder Matt Memphis coach Lionel Hollins out this series, outrebounding the Memphis Grizzlies but for
Kemp said. “When Tony gets in said Randolph let him know how the Spurs 43-32 and outscor- the whole city of Memphis and
the game, he makes things hap- much he had wanted to be on ing them in the paint 62-38 in the fans,” Randolph said. “It’s
pen. He can steal a base, he can the floor late the Grizzlies’ loss their best performance yet in something. It’s a great accom-
get some hits and he can play Wednesday night in San Anto- the postseason. The Grizzlies plishment. We’ve got to be hap-
great defense. So we’re going to nio. also held the NBA’s best 3-point py. We should be happy. But it’s
need him just as much as any- Hollins said he told Randolph shooters to 5-of-22 shooting, a quick turnaround. We’ve got a
body else on this team. We’re he would have to have an even which had Popovich congratu- game Sunday, and we have to get
counting on a lot of guys to step better game Friday. lating them on their team de- ready.”
up and do big things.” Randolph certainly did. fense. As Randolph took over, the ex-
Padres starter Clayton Rich- “From a pick-me-up perspec- “They were the better team, perienced Spurs turned the ball
ard (1-2) allowed two runs and tive, we just got on his back, and and they played better than we over three straight times. One
eight hits in 5 2-3 innings. He we rode him like he was an Eng- did,” Popovich said. “I thought desperate pass from Ginobili
came in 4-0 with a 2.48 ERA in lish warhorse,” Hollins said. “He their athleticism, their strength, went right off Parker’s hands.
six previous starts against the was really carrying us, We were their size really hurt us offen-
Dodgers, including his only big just hanging on.” sively. We could not get a lot
league shutout on Sept. 21 at Los Randolph’s performance done. We really had trouble Result
Angeles. Tony Allen (L) of the Memphis Grizzlies grabs a rebound while defended by Gary Neal of the San helped the Grizzlies become only scoring against their defense. Memphis . . . . . . .99 San Antonio . . . . . .91
Juan Uribe gave the Dodg- Antonio Spurs during the Grizzlies 99-91 win over the Spurs in Game Six of the Western Conference the second No. 8 seed to knock They deserve a lot of credit for (Memphis wins series 4–2)
ers a 2-1 lead in the fourth with quarter-finals in the 2011 NBA Playoffs at FedExForum in Memphis, Tennessee on Friday. (AFP) off a No. 1 seed since the NBA that. Obviously, I am sad about
his third homer, driving a 2-0
pitch to left-center. He started
at third base in place of Casey NHL
Blake, put on the 15-day disa-
bled list Friday because of a
mysterious staph infection in
his left elbow.
“I fell behind 2-0 and gave
him the freedom to be aggres-
sive,” Richard said. “I mean, he’s
always aggressive, but he was
Lightning strike down
even more aggressive with a 2-0
count. That was more of a hin-
drance than the pitch he hit. It
was OK, location-wise.”
Andre Ethier extended his ma-
Caps, Sharks win opener
jor league record for the long- Reuters ny Lecavalier said. “It could have went either las Lidstrom scored on a slapshot midway
est April hitting streak to 25 Washington way tonight.” through the first period and Detroit tried to
games. He doubled with two Tampa Bay netminder Dwayne Roloson nurse the one-goal lead through the remain-
outs in the fifth against Rich- held the Lightning close, making 21 of his 26 der their Western Conference semi-final

ard, a left-hander he had only he Tampa Bay Lightning struck saves in the opening two periods. opener.
one hit against in 15 career at- down the Washington Capitals 4-2 “I think we just did what we’ve been doing San Jose outshot Detroit by a two-to-
bats to that point. “The first two in a physical Eastern Conference all playoffs,” Stamkos said. “When we get the one margin over the final two periods and
at-bats he was pounding me in semi-final series opener on Friday, lead, we obviously want to maintain it and Joe Pavelski scored the tying goal midway
hard, and I was still looking for while San Jose edged Detroit 2-1 in overtime we’ve been able to do that so far. through the third period. In overtime, Benn
something out over the plate to in their Western opener. “But they had a lot of good chances and Ferriero scored to seal the win for the Sharks.
hit,” Ethier said. “He threw me Following an early goal by Tampa Bay’s they’ve got a lot of firepower on that team.
a sinking fastball down and in, Sean Bergenheim the Capitals took con- We had a couple of good bounces tonight, Concussion symptoms stalled
and I just happened to pull my trol, drawing level before the end of the first Rollie (Roloson) made some big saves when Crosby’s comeback bid
hands in enough, put a good through Alexander Semin and taking the he had to and it was a good team effort.”
swing on it and put it out there lead early in the second period through Eric Tampa Bay’s Simon Gagne left the game PITTSBURGH: Sidney Crosby was never
with a little topspin over (first Fehr. after his head bounced off the ice on a check close to returning to the Pittsburgh Penguins
baseman Jorge) Cantu’s head Steve Downie’s pass deflected off the stick by Hannan, while defenseman Pavel Kubina for a Stanley Cup run, revealing on Friday
and luckily got a hit out of it.” of Washington’s Scott Hannan late in the was also unable to finish the game due to a that the concussion-related symptoms that
Kemp also homered for the second period to tie it at 2-2 and the Light- head injury. Washington defenseman John sidelined him since January have not gone
Dodgers in their first home ning regained the lead on Steve Stamkos’ Carlson suffered a leg injury in the second away.
game since Commissioner Bud power-play goal just before the intermis- period and played just one shift in the third.
Selig hired former Texas Rang- sion. “I thought we were in control of the game
ers president Tom Schieffer on The Lightning tightened up defensively in until the Downie goal, and that gave them Results
Monday to monitor the day- the third period and limited the Capitals to life,” Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau said.
Tampa Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Washington. . . . . . . . . . 2
to-day operations of the team. just five shots before Dominic Moore scored “But you can’t play river hockey. This wasn’t (Tampa Bay lead best-of-seven series 1–0)
Scott Hannan No 23 of the Washington Capitals collides with Sean
The move capped a tumultu- into an empty net in the final minute to com- the way we play. It was reverting back to an San Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . .1 (OT) Bergenheim No 10 of the Tampa Bay Lightning during Game One of
ous week that began with Major plete the scoring. “It was definitely good to older day.” (San Jose lead best-of-seven series 1–0) the Eastern Conference semi-final during the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup
League Baseball taking control get that first game,” Tampa Bay captain Vin- In San Jose, Red Wings captain Nick- Finals at the Verizon Center in Washington DC on Friday. (AFP)
of the 122-year-old franchise
from embattled owner Frank
Ted Lilly (2-2) allowed a run
and five hits over six innings
before he was lifted for a pinch-
hitter with a 2-1 lead and run-
ners at second and third. The
left-hander, whose run support
since the start of last season is
the lowest in the majors, struck
Major debate over golf world rankings
out four and walked one while AFP the top spot. Current number belt after winning last year’s ald and Westwood) as #1 - a huge achievement for a man Westwood, saying the fact he
improving to 7-3 against the Pa- Icheon, South Korea one Lee Westwood and Ger- PGA Championship. that’s the system - but I think who slid from fourth to 250th has yet to win a Major is not im-
dres. many’s Martin Kaymer have Several US columnists feel the system should give extra points in the world rankings just a few portant.
both been number one and if official rankings system, which for a Major win,” Faldo wrote. years ago. “The world rankings “Lee has played a lot of good

Results hen is the top- Westwood’s fellow Englishman rates players every week ac- The rankings take into account and the Major championships golf so I think he’s deserved to
ranked golfer in Luke Donald wins the US PGA cording to how they have per- tournaments from all six pro- are two completely separate be number one right now. He’s
Toronto. . . . . . . . . . 5 NY Yankees . . . . . . . 3 the world not the Zurich Classic in New Orleans formed over a rolling two-year fessional tours. More points are things,” he said this week at the played very consistent over the
Cleveland. . . . . . . . 9 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 best player in the on Sunday he has a good chance period, has lost credibility and given for events with stronger Ballantine’s Championship in last couple of years, so you can’t
Washington . . . . . 3 San Francisco. . . . . 0 world? When he has not won a of overtaking them both. should be changed. fields. The Majors—the Mas- South Korea. really argue with it,” he said.
Philadelphia . . . . 10 NY Mets . . . . . . . . . . 3
Seattle . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Major, according to some com- But the rankings success of the And no less a figure than six- ters, the British Open, the US “I’ve had a lot of chances to Six of the world’s top 10 are
LA Angels . . . . . . . 8 Tampa Bay. . . . . . . . 5 mentators. two Englishmen has prompted time Major winner Nick Faldo, Open and the PGA Champion- win Majors recently and it just now from Europe and for Brit-
Florida. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cincinnati. . . . . . . . . 6 Since the fallout from a lu- some critics to pour scorn on the last Englishman before ship—score highest. hasn’t happened. The world ish former world number two
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . 5 Atlanta. . . .3 (11 Inns) rid sex scandal ended Tiger the system—because neither Westwood to hold the number The Major question is a sore rankings are about consist- Colin Montgomerie, American
Milwaukee. . . . . . . 5 Houston . . . . . . . . . . 0 Woods’s record-breaking 281- has won one of the four Major one spot, took to Twitter last point for Westwood, who insists ency and playing well week-in, complaints about the ranking
Baltimore . . . . . . . 10 CHI White Sox . . . . 4 week stint at the head of the championships, the holy grail week to question the ranking he has earned his place through week-out, which I tend to do.” system boil down to one thing—
Kansas City . . . . . . 4 Minnesota . . . . . . . . 3
Pittsburgh . . . . . . . 3 Colorado. . . . . . . . . . 0
rankings last year, an intriguing for any professional golfer. system. hard work and dedication, and Rising US star Dustin Johnson, frustration at no longer domi-
tussle has been under way for Kaymer has a Major under his “Nothing at all against (Don- the number one spot represents ranked 12 in the world, defended nating the game.
Gulf Times
46 Sunday, May 1, 2011


HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani (5th from left), IOC president Jacques Rogge, Pal Schmitt, president of the Republic of Hungary are seen with IOC HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani delivering his welcome
Sport and Environment Award winners at the presentation during the opening ceremony of the 9th WCSE yesterday. PICTURES: Noushad Thekkayil address at the opening ceremony.


Qatar lands special Munich 2018

bid leaders
award as WCSE begins share unique
‘Qatar has made the environmental development as one of the four pillars of the Qatar National Vision 2030’

By Suman Malla
is presented every two years to members
of the Olympic Movement (individuals,
environment,” said HH the Heir Appar-
ent. “Qatar has made the environmental
Over the next two days, participants
will discuss a range of environment-
green vision
groups or organisations) who are nomi- development as one of the four pillars of related topics, including how sport can Sports Reporter protection; sustainable sport
nated by NOCs, International Federa- the Qatar National Vision 2030, which contribute to the 2012 Rio +20 Earth Doha and regional development;

he 9th World Conference on tions or Continental Associations. This includes human, social, economic and Summit; ways to locally and globally and education and sustainable
Sport and the Environment year, 43 candidatures were submitted, environmental development areas.” implement the Olympic Movement’s development. ‘Flagship 18’ is

got underway here yesterday with one winner selected for each of the Rogge began his inaugural speech say- Agenda 21; how to make sports events Munich 2018 Bid outlined in Munich 2018’s ex-
with Qatar Olympic Committee five continents. ing, “We have seen the hospitality and the more sustainable; how sport can help Committee delega- haustive 186-page Environ-
(QOC) winning a special award from the The three-day conference with the organisational abilities of this city before — achieve Goal 7 (environmental sus- tion is promoting the mental Concept dossier.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) theme ‘Playing for a Greener Future,’ is most notably at the highly successful 2006 tainability) of the United Nations De- Bavarian capital’s Shedding lights on some
for its commitment to the environment jointly organised by the IOC and QOC, in Asian Games — but it is always a pleasure velopment Programme’s Millennium groundbreaking environmental of the bid’s green attributes,
and sustainable technology. conjunction with the United Nations En- to experience Doha again. Development Goals; and the role of Ol- concept at the 9th World Con- Schwank said: “Our concept
HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim vironment Programme (UNEP). “I offer my congratulations on your ympians in promoting respect for the ference on Sport and the Envi- is based on the sustainable use
bin Hamad al-Thani, who is also the A total of 550 delegates, drawn from winning bid for the 2022 FIFA World environment. ronment which got underway of existing world-class venues
president of QOC and IOC member re- representatives of the world of sport, Cup, and I know we can look forward to “It is a huge honour and a proud mo- in Doha yesterday. and infrastructure that were
ceived the award from IOC president industry, sponsors, the United Nations another outstanding sporting event.” ment for the Qatar Olympic Committee Bid chair Katarina Witt, the first built for the Munich Ol-
Jacques Rogge amid a glittering ceremo- system and NGOs, are attending the Reiterating that environmental re- to be co-hosting the 9th World Sport two-time Olympic figure- ympiad in 1972.”
ny at the Sheraton Convention Centre. conference. They share their expertise sponsibility and stewardship as part of and Environment Conference,” said QOC skating champion, is leading “There will be a minimal
The IOC Sport and Environment Award on how sport is embracing the challenge IOC mission, Rogge said: “As the agenda general secretary Sheikh Saoud bin Ab- the delegation which also in- construction impact as almost
of reducing its environmental footprint for this conference suggests, our envi- dulrahman al-Thani. cludes CEO Bernhard Schwank, 99% of the sport venues is al-
for social, economic, and environmental ronmental obligations require that we Thanking the IOC and UNEP for their secretary general of the Ger- ready used for sport or will be
IOC Awards benefit. do much more than reduce the environ- trust in Qatar, Sheikh Saoud bin Ab- man Olympic Sports Confeder- temporarily converted. All ex-
Earlier, addressing the opening session mental impact of the Olympic Games.” dulrahman al-Thani, chairman of the ation Michael Vesper and Boris isting venues will be renovat-
Africa: 2010 FIFA World Cup Host City of the conference, HH the Heir Apparent Applauding the winners for their dedi- conference Organising Committee said, Schwartz, head of Environment ed to make them at least 30%
Cape Town expressed sincere appreciation to IOC cation to the environment while wish- “The IOC and UNEP have developed an and sustainability. more energy efficient,” he said.
Americas: IX South American Games president Jacques Rogge and president ing the assembled delegation a success- influential Conference over recent years Munich is in race with Annecy “Just 1% of the total sports
2010 Host City Medellin Pal Schmitt and fellow IOC members for ful three-day event, the IOC president that has stimulated real discussion and of France and PyeongChang of facility space will be con-
Asia: Japan Swimming Federation their confidence in the State of Qatar for said: “Sport is a powerful tool for posi- provided thought-leadership to the glo- South Korea to host the 2018 verted into new permanent
Europe: National Olympic Com- hosting and organising this conference, tive change. Our task is to ensure we use bal sports sector. I have no doubt that Winter Games. The Interna- sports venues – that equates to
mittee and Sports Confederation of highlighting the important links between that tool for the benefit of the planet we this will be the case at this year’s confer- tional Olympic Committee will less than the size of a football
Denmark sports and the environment. share. ence.” vote on the winning bid on July pitch.”
Oceania: National Olympic Committee “The sports community is one of the “We owe that to ourselves and to the “The motto adopted by the 9th edition 6 in Durban, South Africa. DOSB secretary general Ves-
of the Marshall Islands largest gatherings of humanity, includ- future generations who will inherit this of this conference, ‘we play for a better Talking to a group of jour- per added, “It is very important
Special Award for commitment to the ing athletes, fans and the media per- earth. The winners here tonight have environment’ reflects the close relation- nalists yesterday, bid CEO to the bid that every one of Mu-
environment and sustainable technol- sons and the community can be a driv- embraced this concept and are worthy ship between sport and the environment Schwank said the Doha confer- nich 2018’s stakeholders shares
ogy: Qatar Olympic Committee ing force in the direction of maintaining recipients of the IOC Sport and Environ- in which we conduct our sports activi- ence offers an ideal opportuni- our commitment to protecting
less polluted, safer and more sustainable ment Award.” ties,” he said. ty for Munich 2018 to share its and enhancing the natural en-
vision for staging the first ever vironment.”
carbon-neutral Olympic and Citing examples of Germa-
FOOTBALL Paralympic Winter Games. ny’s lead in sustainability, Ves-
He explained the delegation’s per, who is also the chairman of
primary focus will be on rais- the Munich 2018 Supervisory
ing awareness of Munich 2018’s Board, said “we are determined

Kalou keeps Chelsea hopes alive ‘Flagship 18’ initiative – a se-

ries of 18 pioneering projects
addressing the protection of
natural resources; climate
to build a greener future for Ba-
varia, Germany and the entire
Olympic Movement.”

DPA City and only three ahead of the striker put the ball into the Blackpool, who drew 0-0 at West Bromwich Albion, with
London sixth-placed Liverpool. net for the winner. home with Stoke City on Sat- 10 men after the sending-off
But Chelsea needed a couple Earlier, Blackburn improved urday, sit one place above the of Paul Scharner, came from Borussia crowned German champions
of massive strokes of luck to their chances of survival after bottom three on 35 points, but behind to beat Aston Villa

helsea’s Premier get the three points after San- they edged their way to a 1-0 only thanks to a superior goal 2-1, thanks to goals from Pe- BERLIN: Borussia Dortmund were crowned Bundesliga champi-
League title hopes dro had smashed Tottenham victory over Bolton Wander- difference to Wigan. ter Odemwingie and Youssouf ons yesterday with a 2-0 win at home against Nuremberg to land
are very much alive ahead in the first half with a ers. Charles N’Zogbia put Wigan Mulumbu. their first German league title since 2002.
after Salomon Kalou superb strike from long range. Martin Olsson’s 20th- ahead on 21 minutes but Ever- Sunderland have 41 points After last week’s shock defeat at relegation-threatened Borussia
scored in the 89th minute to First Lampard’s speculative minute goal proved enough to ton, who had a Mikel Arteta and may not be out of trouble Moenchengladbach, the hosts saw off Nuremberg to claim their
seal a dramatic 2-1 win over shot was spilled by Huerelho give Blackburn all three points penalty saved in the first half, yet after they were humbled seventh German title and a place in next season’s Champions
Tottenham Hotspur at Stam- Gomes as the ball squirmed and a cushion of three points equalized with 12 minutes 3-0 at home by Fulham, for League.
ford Bridge yesterday. between his legs but he looked over the bottom three, much to go when Leighton Baines whom Simon Davies scored The victory at a sold-out Dortmund’s Signal Iduna Park stadium
A controversial goal from to have retrieved the ball just to the relief of manager Steve made no mistake from the twice. in front of 80,720 fans leaves Borussia eight points clear at the
Frank Lampard gave Chelsea before it crossed the line. Kean. spot after a hand ball. top of the table. After second-placed Bayer Leverkusen lost 2-0 at
an equaliser after Sandro’s But referee Andre Marriner “It was a big win for us,” he Cologne, Dortmund were confirmed champions.
opener for Tottenham and awarded the goal after consul- said. “We knew it would be “I’m just happy,” said coach Jurgen Klopp after his side gave him
substitute Kalou, on for Fern- tation with his linesman, even tough but Bolton were off the Results & standings the traditional beer shower. “I had thought it would feel differ-
ando Torres, poked the ball though television replays sug- back of a tough schedule and ent, more euphoric, but maybe that comes later. The team has
into the net one minute from gested Gomes had got there there was a big chance for us Blackburn . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Man City 33 17 8 8 51 30 59 achieved extraordinary things, set high standards and handled
the end of normal time. just in time. to win. Blackpool. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Stoke City. . . . . . . . . . . 0 Tottenham 34 14 13 7 50 43 55 every pressure situation very well.
Chelsea are now just three Chelsea, who had gone into “We can go into the West Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tottenham. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Liverpool 34 15 7 12 51 39 52 “What these young guys have achieved is hard to put into words.
Sunderland. . . . . . . . . . 0 Fulham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Everton 35 11 15 9 48 43 48
points behind Manchester the game with a 4-4-2 for- Ham game full of confidence West Brom . . . . . . . . . . 2 Aston Villa . . . . . . . . . . . 1
“The way they have taken our direction and used it on the pitch
Bolton 35 12 10 13 48 48 46
United at the top, putting the mation with Torres alongside and hopefully put the whole Wigan Athletic . . . . . . 1 Everton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fulham 35 10 15 10 43 36 45
has been incredible.”
pressure onto the leaders go- Didier Drogba, switched to relegation thing to bed.” Playing today (GMT) Stoke 35 12 7 16 43 43 43 Paraguay striker Lucas Barrios proved his recent thigh injury is
ing into their clash with Arse- their favoured 4-3-3 at half- Wigan remain in the relega- Birmingham City v Wolves (1100) West Brom 35 11 10 14 51 65 43 behind him by opening the scoring for his 14th goal of the season
nal at the Emirates Stadium on time and they immediately tion zone as they could only Liverpool v Newcastle (1100) Newcastle 34 10 11 13 49 48 41 when he pounced on a blocked shot from Mario Goetze to fire
Arsenal v Man United (1305)
Sunday. improved. draw 1- 1 with Everton. Aston Villa 35 10 11 14 44 57 41 home on 32 minutes.
Man City v West Ham (1510) Sunderland 35 10 11 14 39 52 41
The result also puts a mas- Drogba tested Gomes from With three games apiece re- It was 2-0 at the break as Poland striker Robert Lewandowski
Standings P W D L F A Pts Blackburn 35 10 8 17 41 55 38
sive dent in Tottenham’s long range and Lampard twice maining, Blackburn have 38 beat goalkeeper Raphael Schaefer to the ball after a long pass
Man Utd 34 21 10 3 71 32 73 Birmingham 34 8 14 12 34 51 38
hopes of securing fourth spot. shot wide before a Drogba points, three better than Bir- Blackpool 35 9 8 18 48 70 35
from Germany defender Mats Hummels and tapped home on 43
The London side are now four mishit found Kalou, seeming- mingham City, who play Wol- Chelsea 35 21 7 7 66 28 70 minutes.
Arsenal 34 18 10 6 67 36 64 Wigan 35 7 14 14 35 58 35
points behind Manchester ly in an offside position, and verhampton on Sunday.
Gulf Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011 47


Jimenez, Lorenzo on pole for

Rumford tied
for lead at Portuguese GP
Ballantine’s ‘The important thing is to take points and not to crash’
Reuters the lead with Jimenez. Lisbon
Seoul “That was some tricky pins
out there today. They were

placed up on the top part of all otoGP world cham-

pain’s Miguel Angel the tiers and ridges, and it was pion Jorge Lorenzo
Jimenez and Australian pretty tricky trying to get on took his first pole
Brett Rumford were in the right tier,” he said. position of the sea-
the driving seat at the “Obviously with the weath- son in Portugal yesterday after a
Ballantine’s Championship on er and the rain, there’s a lot of late crash kept Italian Marco Si-
Saturday before rain and the growth on the front nine which moncelli off the top spot.
threat of lighting brought an made the greens really slow. The Spaniard, winner of the
early end to the third round. Speed was my biggest battle previous race in front of his
The weather forced players out there and I just have to stay home fans at Jerez, lapped the
off the Blackstone Golf Club patient and see what happens Estoril circuit with a fastest lap
course near the South Korean tomorrow.” of one minute 37.161 seconds in
capital just after the lead- Jimenez, 47, started the day the final minutes as dark clouds
ers had completed their front with consecutive birdies at gathered overhead.
“All the lap times are very
close and in theory tomorrow
the race will be close,” said the
Yamaha rider, who is chasing his
fourth successive win from pole
at the track and has now chalked
up 17 poles in MotoGP.

1. Jorge Lorenzo (ESP/
Yamaha) 1:37.161, 2. Marco Simoncel-
li (ITA/Honda) at 0.133, 3. Dani Ped-
rosa (ESP/Honda) 0.163, 4. Casey
Stoner (AUS/Honda) 0.223, 5. Ben
Spies (USA/Yamaha) 0.705, 6. And-
rea Dovizioso (ITA/Honda) 0.912, 7.
Colin Edwards (USA/Yamaha) 0.919,
8. Cal Crutchlow (GBR/Yamaha)
1.028, 9. Valentino Rossi (ITA/Duca-
ti) 1.110, 10. Hector Barbera (ESP/
Ducati) 1.202, 11. Hiroshi Aoyama
(JPN/Honda) 1.336, 12. Karel Abra- VROOMING AHEAD: Yamaha Factory Racing’s Spanish Jorge Lorenzo rides during the MotoGP free practice session of the Portugal Prix at Estoril’s
GOING STRONG: Jimenez ham (CZE/Ducati) 1.625, 13. Nicky racetrack. (AFP)
Hayden (USA/Ducati) 1.761, 14. Loris
nine, tied on 10-under. the first and second holes and Capirossi (ITA/Ducati) 1.773, 15. Al- “The important thing is to en, I lost the front and crashed. track at the right moment. I hope highly critical afterwards of the
The 33-year-old Rumford added the third with a 15-foot varo Bautista (ESP/Suzuki) 2.011, 16. take points and not to crash.” But anyway I am so happy for my we can have a normal race but marshals who appeared more
fired an even-par 36 with a bo- put on the eighth. Randy de Puniet (FRA/Ducati) 2.217, Simoncelli, the Gresini Hon- rhythm for tomorrow’s race and I’m sure it’s going to be tight.” eager to help the Italian great
gey and a birdie and witnessed “I played very well in my 17. Toni Elias (ESP/Honda) 2.733 da rider who dominated Friday for how the bike is working,” he The top 10 riders on the grid than him.
his overnight lead slip away as first nine holes. I hit it very Moto2: 1. Stefan Bradl (GER/Kalex) practice, did just that and will added. Spaniard Dani Pedrosa were separated by just 1.202 sec- The governing FIM upheld the
Jimenez holed three birdies to well and I’m happy with my 1:41.591, 2. Thomas Luthi (SUI/Suter) start Sunday’s race in second completed the front row of the onds. Lorenzo leads the cham- marshals behaviour as “safe and
make the turn at 33. three birdies,” the pony-tailed at 0.163, 3. Julian Simon (ESP/Suter) place after he fell in the final starting grid on another Honda, pionship after two races with 45 appropriate” at a review of the
Rumford, chasing his Spaniard said. 0.314, 4. Marc Marquez (ESP/Suter) minutes while lapping quicker returning after surgery on his points to Pedrosa’s 36. incident on Friday.
fourth European Tour title “Tomorrow’s a marathon 0.482, 5. Dominique Aegerter (SUI/ than Lorenzo. collarbone this month. Australian Casey Stoner, also Spain’s Alvaro Bautista re-
at the event co-sanctioned with 27 holes to play but I’m Suter) 0.552 “I am so disappointed because “It’s quite painful,” he told on a Honda, will start fourth turned for Suzuki, 42 days af-
by the European, Asian and feeling good.” Rhys Davies of 125 cc: 1. Nicolas Terol (ESP/ after practice I believed I could BBC television. “But the situa- ahead of Lorenzo’s American ter breaking his thigh bone, and
Korean Tours, parred his first Wales was in third place, two Aprilia) 1:46.556, 2. Sandro Cortese do the pole position,” said the tion is like this and I will try my team mate Ben Spies in fifth qualified 15th of the 17 riders.
six holes before he bogeyed the stokes behind with seven holes (GER/Aprilia) at 0.714, 3. Miguel Ol- Italian rider, who was leading the best tomorrow. I think the front while Italy’s nine-times world Germany’s Stefan Bradl took
seventh. remaining, while England’s iveira (POR/Aprilia) 0.849, 4. Hector race in Spain before his bike spat row is very good today with these champion Valentino Rossi will pole for the Moto2 race while
The Australian recovered world number one Lee West- Faubel (ESP/Aprilia) 1.044, 5. Alberto him off with 16 laps remaining. conditions. have to start ninth on his Ducati. Spain’s championship leader
with a birdie on the eighth that wood was tied for 11th, four Moncayo (ESP/Aprilia) 1.194. “I did a little mistake, I pushed “It’s always difficult to choose Stoner and Rossi collided in Nicolas Terol was fastest in the
brought him back for a share of strokes off the pace after 12. too hard in braking for turn sev- the right tyres and go out on the Spain and the Australian was 125cc class.


Raonic battles through to semis Germany on

roll as Mayer
econd seed Fernando

Raonic in the semi-finals

of the Estoril Open here yester-
day after the pair each finished
enters final
Verdasco will face up and
coming Canadian Milos

up rain-interrupted matches AFP the WTA tournament in Esto-

which began on Friday. Munich ril where she was beaten 6-1,
Verdasco, fighting to return to 6-2 by Spain’s Anabel Medina
the ATP Top 15, overcame South Garrigues on Saturday.

African seventh seed Kevin An- ermany’s Florian
derson 6-7 (2/7), 6-2, 6-3 while Mayer will try and Djokovic, Lopez reach
the 27th-ranked Raonic beat give his country a Serbia Open final
fourth-seeded Frenchman Gilles second tennis title in
Simon, 7-6 (7/4), 4-6, 6-3. the space of a week yesterday BELGRADE: Top seed Novak
Raonic beat Verdasco in two after reaching the final of Mu- Djokovic reached the Serbia
previous meetings this season, in nich’s ATP tournament. Open final without hitting
the San Jose final - the first title Fifth-seed Mayer advanced a ball yesterday after fellow
for Raonic - and a week later in a to the fourth final of his career Serb Janko Tipsarevic pulled
Memphis first round. by beating compatriot Philipp out of their semi-final with a
Raonic won with seven aces Petzschner 6-3, 6-4 in Satur- thigh injury.
and five breaks of the Simon day’s semi-final and will face Djokovic, who will enter
serve, taking two-and-a-half seventh-seed Nikolay Dav- Sunday’s final with a 26-0
hours to go through in his first ydenko in the final. record in 2011 after winning
ATP season on clay. “I’m obviously very happy four tournaments in a row in-
Simon lead 5-6 when play and proud, it will be difficult cluding the Australian Open in
was suspended by darkness on in the final, but I will try to January, meets Feliciano Lopez
Friday, and returned to drop the enjoy the moment,” said the after the Spaniard beat Italy’s
set in a tiebreaker, Raonic went German, who is set to break Filippo Volandri 7-6 6-2. Tip-
down two breaks in the second, into the world’s top 30 for the sarevic said after the quarter-
but recovered before Simon first time in his career. finals he was looking forward to
again took a lead to level the Mayer is bidding to claim battle with close friend Djoko-
match at a set each. Germany’s first ATP title since vic, but the injury he sustained
In the third, the Frenchman Benjamin Becker won the in a strength-sapping win over
saved two match points before S’Hertogenbosch grasscourt Somdev Devvarman will also
Raonic prevailed. RIGHT BEHIND IT: Milos Raonic of Canada returns a forehand to Gilles Simon of France during their Estoril Open tennis tournament in Oeiras, on the title in the Netherlands in force him to miss next week’s
The first semi-final will fea- outskirts of Lisbon. (AFP) 2009. German tennis is cur- Madrid Masters.
ture Pablo Cuevas of Uruguay rently enjoying a purple patch “Tipsarevic was forced to
against his good friend Juan the Estadio Nacional was also with six breaks of her 29-year- clay titles, level with leader Ve- derson (RSA x7) 6-7 (2/7), 6-2, after Julia Goerges caused an withdraw from the tourna-
Martin del Potro, the Argentine interrupted by the rain. old opponent’s serve. nus Williams among active play- 6-3; Milos Raonic (CAN x5) bt upset last Sunday by beating ment with a right leg injury
eighth seed, who is building up However, Spain’s Anabel Me- Medina Garrigues was playing ers. Gilles Simon (FRA x4) 7-6 (7/4), world number one Caroline and the world number 36 will
some form after missing much dina Garrigues came back out her first WTA final of the year, 4-6, 6-3. Wozniacki to win Stuttgart’s also skip the Madrid Masters
of 2010 recovering from wrist after the pause to round off her but 16th of her career and first Results Women Final: Anabel Medina WTA tournament. next week,” the Serbia Open
surgery. victory against German Kristina since 2009. Men Quarter-finals: Fernando Garrigues (ESP) bt Kristina Bar- Compatriot Kristina Bar- organisers said on their web-
Saturday’s women’s final at Barrois 6-1, 6-2 in 75 minutes The Spaniard now holds nine Verdasco (ESP x2) bt Kevin An- rois (GER) 6-1, 6-2. rois also reached the final of site.

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