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This chapter is aimed at discussing the various sources and instrument employed for
gathering the relevant data for the study.
3.1 Research Design
This research study is aimed at finding the important of ATM Machine and customers
satisfaction. The Research method employed exploratory approach.
3.2 Population of the Study
The population refers to the whose or entire population under consideration from the sample
that was taken. In the case of this research work, the research population of Skye Bank that is
management and staff were Two Hundred (200) staff.
3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Technique
Sampling is the act of covering information from selected few out of the whole population
which the conclusion can be drawn relating to the whole, the researcher adopted a sampling
random sampling. Out of the research population of 200 staff, 50 staff of Skye Bank is
selected from the whole as sample size according to Roscoe Rule of Thumb method of
determining sample size which states that 10% of the entire population be chosen as the
sample size.
3.4 Sources and Method of Data Collection
The primary and secondary sources of data were used in collection of data.
The primary source was made of questionnaire which were administered to customer of Skye
Bank Kaduna branch.
The secondary sources include: text books, journals, newspaper, articles and internet were
3.5 Method of Data Analysis
The method of data collection employed by the researcher is questionnaire method. This
method is said to be valid for the research work, experts in the field of the study express
satisfactory after careful scrutiny with he quality of the format in which the method is
formed. The format of the questionnaire is one with open-ended questions.
3.6 Justification for the Method Used
The use of questionnaire method is adopted to gather data because of its advantages hence it
is free from personal bias, influence, and produces unbiased judgment. Also, questionnaire is
generally the quicker way of collecting data or information than other methods. For these
reasons, it was adopted.
exploratory research method is particularly relevant for this study, therefore, it was used to
give the analysis of the data been collected which could ultimately culminate into a logical
conclusion and recommendation.

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