F1 C3 Notes

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Science Pt3

Form 1 Chapter 3
Coordination and Responses

Homeostasis in Living Things

Homeostasis is a process of controlling physical and chemical factors in the body at a normal

1. Human
a. Body temperature

Increase in body temperature Body part Decrease in body temperature

Expand Blood vessels Constrict
 More blood flows to skin  Less blood flow to skin
surface to radiate heat. surface.
 Less heat radiated
Stimulated Sweat glands Not stimulated
 Produce more sweat.  No produce sweat.
 Heat lost to surrounding.  No heat lost to surrounding.
Lie flat Skin hairs Upright
 Warm air is not trapped.  Trap warm air to prevent
heat loss
Not stimulated Skeletal muscle Stimulated
 Not shiver  Shiver to produce heat.
b. Water content

Low water content Body part High water content

Brain cell
 stimulated
 Send signal to kidney
 More water reabsorbed Kidney  Less water reabsorbed
 Less and concentrated Urine  More and diluted

2. Plant: Transpiration

A process of water vapour is lost by evaporation through stoma.

1. Less hot or hot:

2 Excess water evaporates from
Stoma open.
stoma through transpiration.
Plant is turgid.

2. Too hot: Watered immediately

Transpiration reduced to
Stoma close. Plant wilts.
prevent dehydrated.


 Gives cooling effect

 Prevent overheating
 Absorb minerals from soil and transport to all parts of plants.

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